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The agricultural business is always relevant and in demand in the history of man. Business ideas from Europe

Ideas for your business agriculture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, etc.

In the 20th century, new technologies were mainly aimed at transcending nature or separating humanity from nature. But in the last couple of decades, most discoveries and innovations, on the contrary, are based on the use of natural natural processes and combining advanced technology and nature to create environmentally friendly and aesthetically attractive novelties in various fields. A group of students from the University of Maribor (Slovenia), led by Professor Dušan Zidar, developed a project called Tiskaj zeleno. It combines art, design and landscape architecture, combining it all with 3D printing technology. main idea project - a "green" seal that creates a biological product that will grow.

New technologies have long allowed humanity to make objects familiar to us in unusual ways. 3D printing alone, with its infinitely progressive possibilities, is worth something. What can we say about growing furniture? This idea certainly sounds like science fiction, but not with the company from the UK Full Grown, which in the truest sense of the word grows furniture.

If in developed countries sms has already faded into the background, and they are resorted to in rare cases (when all other options are not available), things are different in developing countries. The number of phone owners and the coverage area in these regions is rapidly expanding, and SMS messages are becoming a popular tool for communication and sharing valuable advice for residents countryside. This prompted the creation of a commercial social organization iShamba, which provides SMS advice to farmers all over Kenya.

The title of this article alone will undoubtedly make the hearts of all beekeepers beat faster, since it is difficult for the mind to believe that something like this is possible in principle. And finally, in the field of beekeeping, which has not undergone any special changes since 1852, a beehive will appear that independently collects honey. Scientists from Australia helped the progress and even created a whole trademark called Flow.

What types of businesses are popular in Europe? The answer to this question depends on the goal. From the point of view of a tourist, it is profitable to engage in agriculture, restaurants and hotels, and the manufacture of luxury goods; It is also known that Europe is a trendsetter in clothes, shoes, bags, cars. From an investor's point of view, it is not easy to find a truly profitable niche in the European Union.

European business: pros and cons

  1. Business in Europe is based on centuries-old traditions. The most demanded and popular types of commerce are family businesses. For example, the German hotel concern Hotel Pilgrim Haus is already 700 years old, 20 years younger - the French papermaker Richard de Bas, and the Italian wine company Barone Ricasole will soon celebrate its thousandth birthday. According to experts, the share of family business in the most popular destinations is high, it is difficult for an outsider to “squeeze” into this company.
  2. The Eurozone has high taxes, there are restrictions on the opening of enterprises by non-residents. From this position, old Europe is not the most profitable place for investment, but it is reliable: the traditions of protecting private property here are as old as the wineries.
  3. Small business enjoys respect and honor here. Loyal conditions for granting loans and interest rates in banks, corruption is tolerant, there is no press from the inspection bodies. Small businesses feel comfortable and protected here.

In terms of areas, popular types of small business in Europe can be divided into 4 blocks:

  • food business
  • on comfort
  • on healthy way life
  • handicrafts.

Food trade and catering

You can make money on food in any country in the world - Europe is no exception. Mobile hot spots, vending machines, lunch delivery, small breweries - all these small business areas are in demand. Europeans are busy with other pleasant things and feel less and less desire to "stand at the stove."

food truck

Opening a full-fledged restaurant in Germany or France is expensive and risky, and a standard diner will bring profit to the owner. Europeans love to travel, organize festivals, various sports events. Hot sandwiches, pizza, pancakes, potatoes - everything is in demand in crowded places.

Buying a van on wheels will cost 10,000 €. Additional expenses (products, disposable tableware, salary, advertising) - about 5,000 €. This startup with minimal investment can be mastered without knowing the language, the main thing is to cook delicious food and serve customers quickly.

Handmade chocolate

Hot chocolate, coffee, sweets have long been in demand in Europe. Interestingly, "handmade" sweets do not have to be molded by hand - European manufacturers produce convenient machines for making sweets and a variety of "templates". The main secret of commerce is to make sweets tasty. To do this, you need high-quality products and an original recipe.

Pheasant farm is new business an idea that can bring tangible income to a small farm. The initial investment for starting this business is small, about 400 euros, provided that you have your own land. Also in this matter, those who are familiar with the breeding of poultry have a great advantage, because pheasants are a rather demanding species. Implement […]

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    Belgian blue cow is the most beef breed of large cattle(KRS). It has been bred through selective breeding over the years. It has a two-layer structure of muscles. It has its indisputable advantages and some disadvantages, which we will consider in more detail.

    Mini cows are just starting to gain popularity in home and small farms. They are attractive for their unpretentious care and inexpensive maintenance. They give less milk than ordinary cows. But in terms of the efficiency of the use of feed for the production of 1 l. milk - surpass them.

    Breeding chinchillas at home can be a highly profitable business. We share the secrets of home breeding chinchillas and consider the initial investment. We define business performance in detail.

    Breeding these birds at home for the purpose of subsequent sale - great idea for a business that will allow you to achieve considerable profit in the short term.

    Pork production in a home pigsty is a profitable small business with small investment. It is important to choose the right breed and take into account the peculiarities of the technology of growing this breed. Meat fast-growing breeds of pigs allow you to grow a piglet up to 100 kg in just 6 months. And with this weight, the product is ready for sale. You should also follow simple rules, which will allow you to organize a reliable business for raising pigs.

    The idea of ​​rearing layers is characterized by high productivity and liquidity. After all, you can sell not only eggs, but also meat, fluff. The main advantages of the business idea: the production of always in demand products with high demand, minimum investment for starting a business, high potential rapid development from a household to an entire farm.

    Breeding indoutok at home with minimal investment gives rise to a fast-growing business. This fact is due to the advantage of nutmeg ducks, the main of which is high survival and a good increase in lean meat. The business of breeding and subsequent sale of indoutas, their meat and eggs is one of the most profitable areas of activity in the household. As one farmer said: "This duck made me a wealthy man"!

    Idea for small broiler breeding. Broiler business with minimal investment brings maximum results in the shortest possible time. The essence of the business idea of ​​​​breeding broilers at home is the purchase of chickens (eggs), the cultivation and sale of chickens. What equipment do you need for your business? How to properly care for birds. Income expenses in figures and broiler breeding technology.

    A new idea for growing crayfish. The path from a small farm for growing crayfish to a large fish farm with minimal investment. The business idea - growing crayfish on your own is quite affordable for home conditions. Consider the ways of organizing activities and the necessary resources. How quickly will the investment pay off? We will choose the best breeds for a successful start of a crayfish farm.

    Turkeys attract with their high rates of meat growth. They lead a calm lifestyle, spend little energy, and their weight can reach up to 20 kg. Turkey meat is in high demand in the market. After the age of 1 month, these large birds are not at all whimsical in content. They can be freely kept in aviaries or pens. Some enterprises even use cage technologies to grow light turkey breeds. If you follow simple rules, it is not difficult to create a business for growing turkey meat at home.

    Modern beekeeping has become different from traditional honey production in favor of business efficiency and profitability. Today, beekeeping has become much more interesting and profitable. This business idea describes efficient technologies for a new apiary. Also given are several useful tips, which allow you to get 3 times more honey from one standard hive.

    Guinea fowl - ideal for home breeding in all climatic conditions. This bird was brought from Africa and it is not afraid of either heat or frost. This royal bird has strong immunity and a high survival rate. Guinea fowl eggs are slightly smaller than chicken eggs, but they are the most useful, dietary and hypoallergenic. Guinea fowls eat everything and do not require special components for the diet. They love greens, grains, Colorado beetles and worms.

    Geese are just beginning to gain popularity while still in small farms. These voracious birds consume a lot of greens and root crops in their diet, which allows them to significantly save on feed. But the main plus is that they gain 4 kg of live weight in 2.5 months and are ready for slaughter if they are grown using intensive feeding technology (without additives and chemicals). In addition, geese have expensive feathers and down valuable for bedding. Learn more about the benefits of raising geese for meat and feathers business idea.

    Extruded feed in modern agriculture today plays the role of a natural growth stimulator. From ordinary cereal crops, the feed extruder produces a combined feed with a bready aroma and a sweet aftertaste of a porous structure. This type feed has high rates of palatability, digestibility (up to 95%), nutritional value. By its nature, the food resembles sweet cereal sticks, since the production principle is identical. The technology for the production of extruded feed allows you to sterilize grain, break down starch into sugar, and change the structure to a more digestible one. The price of a feed extruder is affordable for everyone. The article describes the additional benefits of extruded feed. As well as ways to control the effectiveness of feed on pigs, weighing them without scales, simply measuring them in accordance with the table.

    An interesting concept for organizing a sheep farm is considered. Main conditions: 1 minimum investment. 2 short terms, both for profit and business expansion. The advantages and features in breeding sheep of the Romanov breed are considered. A list of popular products that the farm can give is given.

    The new financial year promises to be difficult for the entire economy, business in particular. It is hard to deny that in 2015 business will face a whole host of new and previously unknown challenges. Now it is difficult to predict how the situation will develop, experts and specialists talk about very bad and simply bad options. If only six months ago only independent economists and financiers spoke about the negative trend (with the exception of the head of Sberbank), today they are echoed by the state ones. But no matter how it was, life continues in any case, and current needs and desires do not disappear. From my point of view, on the contrary, it is now more than ever worth thinking about creating own business, Truth external factors significantly narrowed the direction for creating their own business.

    Why is it worth considering starting your own business in 2015?

    The answer is quite simple, there are no other options, stable, high incomes for the population have sunk into oblivion, this fact is recognized even by officials. That same fall in the dollar has just begun to spread to price tags in stores, and most importantly, this is not the limit. You can talk a lot about whether or not the dollar is needed, but imports make up a huge part of consumer goods, so inflation is inevitable. The second factor that has not yet reached the price tags is the fall in oil and gas prices. Their prices have fallen, but there is no foreign exchange earnings for the country yet, and with a fall in earnings, there may again be fluctuations in the exchange rate. Thus, the state's ability to index income to the level of real inflation (real consumer basket) is very small, as a conclusion, in order to ensure at least the same standard of living, it is necessary to look for new sources of income, which can be your own small business.

    High technologies and actual business for 2015

    If you think that I will start talking about the Internet business, then you are deeply mistaken, alas, the relevance of such a business in 2015 has sharply decreased. Runet works according to the laws of the Russian economy, and if the latter is not very good, then the Russian part of the Internet space will be tight. I strongly do not recommend starting such projects, you should pay attention to others startup ideas - mobile applications.

    Today, there are a number of designers that allow you to develop and implement a variety of mobile applications, and special knowledge from the developer is no longer needed. At one time, this is how simple "teapots" began to create sites (as your humble servant actually). Actually, all that is needed is interesting idea, and there are a lot of ways to monetize the development.

    Actual business ideas - land and money in 2015

    Next promising direction is shallow farms, or rather. Why is it beneficial?

    • - fall of the ruble. Great amount food products were imported, the Russians themselves are accustomed to eating apples, garlic from Poland, tomatoes, cucumbers from Israel, cheeses from Holland, and so on. Of course, we can recall the sanctions, but by and large they only raised prices, but did not cause a real shortage (remember the Belarusian shrimp). Another thing is the depreciation, in fact, all imported goods have become twice as expensive. Such a devaluation small business, because it is she who actualizes the implementation and launch of those very projects on small farming. The most interesting thing is that it makes almost all types of cultivation profitable, and, up to garlic with (just imagine how much a fur coat made of such fur will cost).
    • - Ukrainian question. No matter how the issues of relations with Ukraine are politicized, it has always been a great channel for the supply of agricultural products, alas, today the situation is changing. It is impossible to talk about a complete stop of such supplies, but an even deeper devaluation of the hryvnia makes Ukrainian products attractive for foreign markets(Asia, EU). Plus, let's not forget the issue of Crimea, which has de facto turned from an agricultural region into a consumer of products (which is almost 2.5 million people).

    This is not about a shortage, but about the growth of profitability, the prospects in this segment can be safely declared.

    Production for 2015

    Significant rise in price imported goods, including Chinese ones, will have a rather good effect on the prospects of small mini-shops. First of all we are talking O:

    • - casting of metal products (door handles, jewelry, locks, plaques, etc.) such directions were discussed.
    • - tailoring. Sewing workshops, workshops will get a second wind, and with them everything related to leather goods, about other accessories, has already been told.
    • - molding plastic. Given the rising cost of Chinese goods and the wide opportunities for the use of recycled materials in the production of plastic products this area looks very attractive.

    At least these directions will again come out in a big plus.

    Topical trading ideas in 2015.

    Forecasts for retail are quite pessimistic, stores will have a hard time, perhaps the only ones who can earn and develop successfully will be online stores selling Chinese goods. The main secret of success will be direct deliveries with the ability to negotiate discounts. This will require at least a trip to China and look for business partners there. It is troublesome, difficult, but the use of old proven schemes of work through their online stores ceases to be profitable, the Chinese are also learning, successfully Russifying their resources.

    Video presentations and blogs

    A separate line is worth mentioning about the video. The market is becoming more competitive for the buyer and as a result, the need for advertising, and non-standard, is growing. The latest trend is the development of viral ones, but along with the fall in revenue, advertising budgets also fall, so it is small amateur videos that become in demand. For 200-300 dollars a serious studio will not work, but for a private trader it’s quite acceptable price. Additionally, it is worth mentioning video blogs of an educational nature, with a correct approach, video content has no boundaries, and its monetization on the Internet brings a very large income.

    On this we draw a line, the article turned out to be large. In the next issues we will talk about those areas of our business where money is not worth investing yet, do not forget to subscribe. And now a little video on how you can use plastic bottles for complete illumination

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