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Good new script for March 8


You are a woman,

and you're right about that!


Presenters: Belokhon Maxim (41 group)

Short Christina (32 group)

Nikita Filipenko (41 group)

Video Parable about a woman (Maxim and Christina read behind the scenes)

(then the presenters come out)

Presenter 1:

You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up sealed scroll,
There is an abundance of thoughts and words in his lines,
Every moment in his pages is insane.
You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it enters your mouth;
But the flame drinker suppresses his scream.

And he praises madly in the midst of torture.
You are a woman, and you are right.
From time immemorial she has been adorned with a crown of stars,
You are in our abysses - the image of a deity!..

Presenter 2: Good afternoon dear friends!

Presenter 3: We started today's meeting with a hymn to women, as the main culprit not only of Women's Day, but of human life in general. And, as Maxim Gorky said: “The smartest thing a person has achieved is the ability to love a woman - to worship her beauty; From love for a woman everything beautiful on earth was born.” And now we announce the first dance, and you men will gently invite the lady to dance.

A slow composition plays, everyone dances

Presenter 3: The floor is given to the director of our college, Inna Alekseevna Shpakova.(flowers are presented after the performance)

Presenter 1: We give only to the most beautiful female names: Universe, Earth, Motherland, Mother - female names. Since ancient times, peoples have worshiped Woman. Love for a woman, in my opinion, is the main engine of life and history. Wars broke out because of her, heroic deeds were performed for her sake, and men made history with her name. Just as the planets of our system revolve around the Sun, so everything in this life revolves around a Woman.

Presenter 2: How many beautiful poems have been written in praise of Woman. How many great deeds have been consecrated in her name! Love for a woman is a noble and beautiful human feeling. It elevates the soul of men, makes them better, stronger, fills their lives with meaning.

Presenter 3: We bow to all women, mothers, sisters, friends for your selfless love, kindness, for your hands, which create goodness and justice on earth, decorate life, fill it with meaning, make it happy.

Presenter 2: Has it always been like this? Has a woman always been a deity for a man?

Presenter 3:

I won’t get tired of the wrong shadow theater
Seek perfection until the end of your days.
I affirm: your face is brighter than the sun.

I affirm: your figure is slimmer than a cypress tree.
Because of your eyes that melt ice
Because of your speeches that waste honey,
Because of your hair that entwined my soul,
I am your humble slave now and in the future.
Oh woman, beauty of the earth,
Relatives along a straight line.

The first one expelled from paradise,
You carry heaven within yourself...

The hosts leave, tango is performed

Presenter 1: And remember from Pushkin: “What smaller woman we love, the more easily she likes us and the more surely we destroy her among the seductive networks...” How everything has changed, Alexander Sergeevich! Now the fair sex themselves have succeeded in weaving “nets”. The main thing for modern woman- convince a man that her “nets” are not destructive, but healing. Everything else, she believes, will come by itself, and it’s true!

Presenter 2:

How much tenderness
What a hassle
In every house,
Behind every door!
Everywhere a woman is like a stronghold,
Like a challenge to anyone's disbelief!
Cooks food, washes clothes,
Stores pickles for the winter,
And like shadows they pass by
All my golden insights!
But dinner is smoking on the table,
And the child babbles carelessly,
Starting to walk on earth...
How clear all this is!
How eternal!

Presenter 3: Nowadays, a woman has sharply gone ahead. Often she can even give a man a head start.

Presenter 1: It is best to send a woman on a responsible business trip: even if she does not meet the “shortage”, at least she will acquire the necessary thing.

Presenter 2: It is best for a woman to work in the confectionery industry: only she can make candy out of unusable products.

Presenter 3: It is best for a woman to stand in line: she will not only stand up for herself, but will also protect the reputation of her beloved husband, who is sitting in a chair watching football on TV, from attacks.

Presenter 1: It is best for a woman to have her head in the clouds, as she looks more like an angel.

Presenter 2: It is best for a woman to write memoirs: she willingly remembers what did not happen. But what is a man capable of?

Presenter 3: Raise children: after all, a woman should still have time to raise her husband.

Presenter 2: Go mountain climbing: maybe this way he will learn to conquer women too.

Presenter 1: And, finally: to love a woman - he must ignite in her a reciprocal fire of love, inspiring her, the one and only, to do things that she is capable of only for the sake of him, a man.

Presenter 3: Tatyana Filimonenko sings for you

Presenter 3:

Love - it comes in different forms,
There is a reflection on the ice.
It can be a persistent pain,
There is an apple tree in the garden.
It happens like a whirlwind and a flight.
There are chains and prison...
We give her peace and work,
And we sacrifice our own lives!
But there is still such love,
What will fit unnoticed
And, lifting, helping,
It will lead you through the years.
And it will be until last days
Your soul and conscience.

Presenter 1: When honoring and glorifying a woman, one cannot help but talk about love. Woman and love, love and spring are inseparable. Love is a great happiness that befalls people. Happiness is if through the life of each of us such love has passed, is passing or will pass, for which to accomplish any feat is a joy.

Presenter 3: And in these spring days, let's talk about love. Now is not the time for her, someone will say, to feed herself. But, mercilessly divided into men and women, we suffer from its absence no less than from a lack of food. If we erase love from ourselves, then the suit will fit crookedly, and there will be no interest in life.

Presenter 2: That's itIs Don Juan conquering women? By cunning, luck, natural talent? Of the millions of men who seduced women, humanity remembers only Don Juan. He had the gift of making a woman happy. This gift is love and understanding.

Presenter 3: Viktor Merezhko, film playwright, wrote: “If we talk about human happiness, then we don’t have to look far for it - it’s in the family. A woman makes a family, a wife makes a husband. In fact, the ideal union of a man and a woman can be when they say only pleasant words to each other.”

Presenter 1: Dear women! Today everything is for you - poetry, music, and our love.Anastasia Mamchenko sings for you

Presenter 2: Women have an important and responsible duty - to be the soul of the family, to bring light and warmth.

Presenter 3: Any trouble will fade away and disappear,
Like roaring thunder in spring,
If she is with you, if she is always near

Presenter 1: She might be thirty-three or seventy-three -
No matter how old she is, age has nothing to do with it:
In anxiety, in business from dawn to dawn
The person who holds the house together.

Presenter 2: Her husband is a general, cosmonaut or poet
Maybe he is a minister, a miner, a doctor -
She is the most important of all, there is no doubt about that, -
The person who holds the house together.

Presenter 3: Very rarely, but still sometimes sick,
And then everything around is topsy-turvy, upside down,
Because she, because she -
The person who holds the house together.

Presenter 1: The rapid age is taking us somewhere.
In the bustle, we sometimes forget that
That she is not a foundation, she is a person,
The person who holds the house together.
Presenter 2: So that there is light in both the heart and the house,
Reciprocate her kindness with kindness.
May you always feel love and warmth
The person who holds the house together.

Presenter 3: Mother…. This is the first word the baby pronounces. And no wonder. After all, mother and child are a single whole, not from the hands, but from the mother’s breast, we feed the first months of our life, being completely dependent on the one who gave birth to us. No matter how old, strong, smart, beautiful we become, no matter how far life takes us from our parents’ shelter, mother always remains a mother for us, and we are her children, whose weaknesses and shortcomings no one knows better than she. And no one, of course, will be able to pity and scold us the way my mother does. By reprimanding us, she does not want to offend us, but to correct us.

Presenter 1: All in this world,

Everything from mothers -

Baby crying

And the song of our days.

Flight to a star

Into the sky-high space

Her open gaze showed us.

Presenter 2: On the crests of the waves

We can see from afar

Isn't our mother gray?

Isn't it kindness

Mother's words

Do we feel in the glow of flowers?

All from worries

Everything comes from wise deeds,

From an honest heart,

From kind hands her.

Presenter 1: Maxim reads by heart

There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature.

Brightly marked for centuries!

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

Conjuring from any misfortune

She really doesn't have much to do!

No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

Proud, exalted mother.

The light of love from ancient times was bequeathed to her,

So it stands for centuries

The most beautiful of women -

A woman with a child in her arms.

Everything in the world is marked by traces

No matter how many paths you walk,

Apple tree - decorated with fruits,

A woman is the fate of her children.

May the sun forever applaud her,

This is how she will live for centuries.

The most beautiful of women

A woman with a child in her arms.

Presenter 3: The writer Boris Vasiliev said amazing words about his mother. Listen here.

“I bow low to you because you are women. It is your suffering that produces new lives. It is your sleepless nights that grow diligent girls and fearless boys out of helpless screamers. It is your great patience, your hands and your hearts that make beautiful girls and noble young men out of boys and girls. And it is your worries and your work, your love blesses them for exploits in the name of life on earth. The chain of times is forged from the hearts of grandmothers, mothers and daughters and there is no sword in the world that can cut this endless yarn of humanity... Peace and happiness to the Earth on which you walk, Woman! After all, the earth itself rotates only because you walk on it..."

The presenters leave, the lights go out, the music of F. Schubert is barely audible

« Aue Maria "(Robertino Loretti)

“Mother’s Prayer” Anastasia Lakeenko

Presenter 3: Victoria Afonina sings for you

Presenter 1: “There are no ugly women!” -
I declare to other skeptics,

In a woman, a man opens

Something that is not noticeable to others.

Time is gaining momentum,

Like a motor on the runway:

There are no ugly women

It's a pity, not everyone is happy.

In the overflow of rainbows and dewdrops,

On the ground, under the blue sky

There are no ugly women

Among those who love and are loved!

Years! You have no power over a woman,

And of course it's no secret

All mothers are wonderful for children,

This means there are no ugly women!

Let the rains ring on the sidewalks,

Let the snowflakes swirl, teasing, -

I know: there are no old women,

If there are friends from their youth.

A woman forgets even in grief

Draw a line for love:

There are no ugly women

You just need to see the beauty.

Presenter 3:

You are all so beautiful today
So charming and gentle!
If you look, it will immediately become clear:
The breath of spring is all around!
In this difficult job,
Among computers, papers
You are blooming brighter than ever,
It’s like there’s a good magician nearby,
who gave you a miracle
To be young, to live lovingly,
And laundry, kitchen and dishes
I definitely took it upon myself!
So be happy, healthy,
Take on everything ardently,
And we are ready to set you up
Your reliable shoulder.
We wish you good luck in your business,
Love is beautiful and big!
You smile, which means

Everything in life will be fine!
Presenter 2: Why do we love spring days so much?

Why are we waiting for them with hope and joy?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warmth...

Presenter 1: Attention lady! On March 8th it is customary to give flowers to women. And women themselves bloom like roses! But few people know that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will find out which of us is which, and we will get a gorgeous bouquet...

Presenter 2: Who was born in January! You are orchids!

Presenter 3: But in February we have mimosa!

Presenter 1: The well-known lady Lily - March.

Presenter 2: April - Our beautiful Dahlia is a purebred nobleman!

Presenter 3: May is a lily of the valley woman.

Presenter 1: June funny bell!

Presenter 2: July - overseas tulip!

Presenter 3: Look at the Sunflower: Lovely, no matter what you say! August.

Presenter 1: September – carnation women.

Presenter 2: October is a shy daisy!

Presenter 3: November is a secret rose.

Presenter 1: And our motley and extremely beautiful group-bouquet of Lotus completes!

Presenter 2: Once again, Happy Women’s Day to all of you, our dear flowers! As nature blooms in spring, let your beauty bloom in the same way! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, goodness.

Presenter 1: Dear teachers, let me congratulate you on the holiday of March 8th.

Video Eduard Asadov “You are beautiful” (gift presentation)

Presenter 2: Ekaterina Korolkova sings for you

Presenter 3:

In this world tiny and shaky,
While the sun will shine for us,

The woman will remain a mystery

That no one can figure out.
Presenter 1:

I wish that your dreams come true
The most cherished dreams.

So that you smile all the time.

After all, a smile is a sign of beauty.
Presenter 3:

I want troubles and sorrows
Never visited you.

So that you don't forget your friends,

And your friends did not forget you.
Presenter 1:

Let men lie at your feet,
Lend a strong shoulder!

Be happy, beautiful and loved!

Is anything else needed???

Presenter 2: Let your faces get tired only from smiles, and your hands from bouquets of flowers. May your children be obedient and your husbands attentive! Let your home always be decorated with comfort, prosperity, and love. Good luck to you, dear ones.See you again!

“Mother’s Prayer” Lakeenko Anastasia

Intercessor, give me a big soul,

Kind heart

The never-sleeping eye

Hands are strong, kind, -

It's very difficult to be a mother!

I won’t forgive you with power,

I don't stand for money.

Breathe into my chest, compassionate one.

So much love and strength

To the grave

For the whole family -

For my husband, for my son, for my daughter, -

There was enough for every character,

For all doubts

And confusion

To stumbles and quirks,

On the swirls

And hobbies

To misconceptions and coldness.

Only love opens hearts

Only before her does grief recede.

I need a lot of love.

You are the mother

You understand me…..

March 8 is a holiday that in our country traditionally symbolizes feminine beauty and the charm, value and significance of the fair half of humanity. That is why, when drawing up, it is advisable to take into account the emotional mood of the female team; at such a holiday there should be no losers and, in no case, should there be any need to single out anyone in particular: for example, organize a beauty contest with one winner. Every woman is beautiful, and it doesn’t matter how old she is.

Scenario “And in the distant kingdom - women in power” immerses all guests (of course, very conditionally) in the “fairytale-historical” atmosphere of the 19th century, while organizing such a holiday is not at all difficult - musical accompaniment and author’s tips are included. The script is presented as the author Elizaveta Dranichkova saw it, and is designed for lovers of original and unexpected plots when holding a holiday.

Scenario for the festive evening on March 8

Before starting the evening and greeting the guests, the host needs to give poems to one or two men in advance. After the words of greeting, the presenter gives a sign to the men, and they leave.


Good evening, dear guests! On this delightful spring holiday, we are glad to see you in this hall! Track 1 . Today is an unusual day - March 8th! This day has the secret power of magic. It is today that men all over the world are becoming beyond their control. They are unable to control their mind, their mood, behavior and even their body. Moreover, this state has been observed in them somewhere since March 6, and on the morning of March 9 they come to their senses and absolutely do not remember what happened. Track 2 - men come out. Read the verse:

How scary we ladies are!

To us, fearless men.

We don’t understand what happened,

We're behaving strangely.

Eyes seem to be on fire

Infected with love

And, blinded by the light

From female beauty.

And the body doesn’t listen to us!

My feet run and get tangled,

Going astray

Afraid of not having time.

Either wine or floral

In household, in dairy

Someone's not a joke

They bring to the country “I need a fur coat”

And the mind is not subject to

He buys everything.

But these are still flowers,

Chamomiles, cornflowers -

About sometime during the day

We're going to the kitchen.

Let's cook. Let's fry. Let's soar.

We cook with a smile.

Let's wash it. Let's clean up

Let's wait for my beloved.

We give gifts to everyone

Flowers and foreign cars.

And to be healthy -

We need to not forget our mother-in-law!

Track 3 (applause). The men leave. Musical pause - Track 4.5.

During a musical break, the presenter takes another man (or the same one) and gives him the imperial details: crown, cape, scroll. If you don’t have a cape and a crown, then you can simply print out a sheet with the inscription: “EMPEROR” and a drawing of a crown at the bottom. And make it in the form of a sign.


They tried to unravel the mystery of such strange male behavior on March 8 greatest minds all over the world: scientists, sages, astrologers and clairvoyants. Even the great French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte found himself under the rule of International Women's Day in 1812. His beloved Josephine asked for the whole world as a gift. But when Napoleon almost fulfilled her wish, Josephine changed her mind. And, in order not to continue the series of attacks on Mother Rus', from women’s whims, Russian Emperor Alexander I issued a decree. Sounds Track 6. The emperor comes out. Reads out the decree


“From now on, all the beautiful half of humanity will be limited in their rights, desires and cosmetics. And the most disobedient, and those who do not agree to live by these laws, will be sent into exile to the Far Far Away Kingdom, ruled by the immortal Koschey.”

Sounds Track 7. The Emperor leaves.


The first who found themselves in the distant kingdom was the team ………… ( name of the team, organization who ordered the holiday). And what do you think? ( the presenter takes a short pause). As a result, Koschey was overthrown, and the lovely ladies took the bonds of ruling the kingdom into their gentle female hands.

Musical pause. Track 8.9.


Emperor Alexander heard about the successful reign of the fair sex and about their stable increase in financial development. He decided to visit the glorious noblewomen, queens, queens, princesses... basically everyone.

Table competition "Tell me the password"


At the entrance, Alexander encountered his first difficulty. Ladies of the team………( Name) set up a checkpoint. No one is allowed in without a password. To get to the territory of the distant kingdom, the emperor turned to his male comrades for help.

Conditions of the competition:

Men are given a piece of paper with a list of trial passwords. One of which is correct. Then, you need to ask the men to close their eyes and at this moment the women are shown a sign with the correct password.

sounds in the background Track 10. The men begin to say the passwords one by one, and the women react.

Passwords for men: charming, charming, wise, cute, drop-dead, special, melodic, fashionable, alluring, mischievous, brave, dazzling, responsive, beloved.

When the password is guessed it sounds Track 3 (applause).


Well done! The Emperor's desire to be in the company of successful and most beautiful ladies came true! He found himself in the distant kingdom. And in the kingdom there is fun and celebration everywhere!!! And the men had to blend in with the dancers so as not to attract attention to themselves! Everybody dance!

Sounds loud Track 12, 13, 14 (dance music). At this time, the presenter is already preparing for another competition. She needs to choose three queens from among the guests. You can come up with some cardboard crowns and cover them with foil.


The Emperor's excursion started off quite well! What awaits him next? Despite the fear and risk of being noticed, Alexander I went to the palace. And there…… Track 15 is playing. Three queens come out and sit down on three chairs with a businesslike look.

The music fades out.


Three maidens by the window. We rested in the evening.

In defiance of women's friendship, a dispute suddenly arose between them.

“Something dear queens,” says the first sister.

Our palace needs to be renovated. The interior should be changed.

Again, endless repairs, says the middle sister.

We wanted to fly to Paris. We're tired of our dresses!

Every year there is a Fashion Week fair in Milan.

Tchotchkes, ceilings and glues! You queens have become insolent!

We have no reason to rest! It's time for us to have children!

Their stupid argument went on for a long time. It could be heard throughout the entire yard.

And then these Queens are just like little children!

They decided to prove to everyone whose quirks they should follow.

If you prove your skill, then your desire!

Competition "Three Wishes"

Conditions of the competition: Each queen is given a task according to her interests and desires. They are given attributes and given exactly 1 minute to complete the task. If the queen has completely completed the task, she wins.

Required attributes:

The first queen - painting and interior elements (see example) .

The second queen - beads, bracelets, hats, pieces of fabric, satin ribbons, hairpins, clothespins.

The third queen - baby doll, diaper, diaper, baby clothes.

The first queen must put together a picture of the interior. The second queen chooses a participant from the audience and comes up with a fashionable outfit for her. Well, the third queen must show a master class on dressing and swaddling children.

The competition is held under Track 16. At the end of the competition, the audience determines the winners with the help of applause.


Everyone tried. Well done!

But they didn’t make it, alas.

It is difficult to make repairs to them ( points to queens).

And fly to Paris and London.

Have kids.

Raise, feed, teach.

Here, desires are not important,

They all need men.

Musical pause Track 17, 18, 19.


Admiring the beauty of the distant kingdom, the emperor went to relax in the world-famous “Garden of Eden.” This garden was ruled by three queens: Queen Rosetta, Rosana and Rosette.

The emperor was amazed at the beauty and asked the Flower Queens to collect the best bouquet for his empress. To put together the most beautiful bouquet, queens need to choose the best flowers. After all, it is the flower that symbolizes all the beauty of the female soul. And a magical flower melody flew to their aid.

Competition "Look out, Flower, I'll pick you into a bouquet"

Conditions of the competition: The presenter selects three queens from the audience - Rosetta, Rosana and Rosette. Then he takes about 6-7 more people. These will be candidates for the bouquet. Each participant wears a mask of a certain flower on his head. When the music starts playing, the scattered flowers begin to dance. As soon as the queens recognize the flower melody, they immediately run up to the flower about whom the song was played. They take it and a bouquet is formed. When all the melodies are guessed. The queens pack a bouquet and take a selfie.

Music for the competition: folder "Bouquet".

Musical pause. Track 20, 21, 22 plays.


All is cool! But everything would have been fine, only the young ladies recognized him as a companion of the Russian Emperor Alexander I. The head of Mother Rus' carried off his feet. The brave man now had to secretly move through the third and ninth kingdom. On the way he met a young lady alone. The presenter approaches absolutely any woman (girl). He takes her hand and leads her to the center of the hall to the music - Track 23. The girl makes a couple more circles - a defile - and stands in the center. The music fades out.


Look! What a wonderful beauty! Let us greet with thunderous applause the Queen of Secrets, owner of the book “Compliments and Suggestions.” She knows all the secrets in this kingdom. The queen promised to help Alexander, but in return he must tell her his secret. Of course not the state one.

It starts to sound in a quiet background Track 24.


Well, there's nothing to do. The emperor had one secret. On Knight's Day, he loved to dress up in women's clothes and pretend to be a lady.

Competition "Who are you, honey?"

Conditions of the competition: This is held among men. Men compete and women determine the winners. Each participant is given the task of depicting the behavior of a certain woman. And the task of women is to guess who the man is portraying. Each man does not have the right to talk about his role, he must use only gestures and movements.

1 man - female fairy. Exit - Track 25.

2 man - woman mother of 5 children or mother heroine. Exit - Track 26.

3 man - woman director. Exit - Track 27.

4 man - woman of easy virtue. Exit - Track 28.

5 man - woman on a diet or losing weight. Exit - Track 29.

If there are more than 5 men in the hall and the participants “get the taste,” then you can come up with a couple more female roles. After the women have guessed all the heroines, there is a musical pause. Track 30, 31, 32, 34.


The Queen of Secrets not only wrote down the emperor's secret in her magic book, but completely captured his performance. Well, since she promised to help, she hid Alexander I and his entire retinue. Where to? There - where it’s cozy, and where you don’t want to leave - to the wine cellar. The royal personalities became intoxicated. They became completely fearless. They plucked up courage and, beaming with a beautiful smile and demonstrating all their gallantry, invited the ladies to a slow dance.

A slow dance Track 35.


The inhabitants of the Far Away Kingdom were captivated by the charm of the emperor and his entire male retinue. They lack male attention. And no matter how independent, wealthy and courageous a woman is, her soul yearns for male warmth and attention. Our travelers realized this and decided, as they say, to “finish off” the beautiful queens. They went to the local, most prestigious bazaar, which was located on the street “Without Logic”, building “without logic at all 1”. And there, the goods are apparently invisible. And the sellers are so active in offering all sorts of unknown things, foreign oddities.

Table competition "Women's things, got into the wrong hands"

Required attributes: rolling pin, onion packed in tights, eyelash curler, folding mirror, depilatory strip, perfume sampler, frying pan, chocolate, box of weight loss products (tea, syrup), lip gloss, wet wipes, large lollipop, glamorous soft toy or keychain, curlers.

Conditions of the competition: When everyone present is sitting at the table, to the accompaniment of cheerful music, the presenter approaches each person selectively with a small pink box. Each participant, without looking, takes one “female thing” out of the box. The participant’s (seller’s) task is to advertise this item to guests in order to sell it to a potential buyer. The main condition: the thing should not be called by its own name and used for its intended purpose.

For example: the man pulled a rolling pin out of the box. He begins to advertise it, including all his imagination. “Dear customers! There is an amazing thing in front of you. This is a weapon of mass destruction. With its help, women solve family and culinary problems. This thing can also be used as a lie detector device. Buy! Today, when you purchase two items, you will be given a helmet as a gift.”

This competition can be held either between all guests or only with men. If the participant completed the task, then he receives this item as a gift. The competition is held under Track 36.

Musical break Track 37-40.

Presenter (Track 41 plays in the background)

- No woman can resist so much male attention. Of course, the women’s team can live…….(n name of the team) it’s good in the Far Far Away Kingdom. There is glamor everywhere, beauty everywhere, everything is feminine, but dear women, we want to be beautiful not only for ourselves. After all, we don’t prepare various delicacies every day for ourselves. It’s not for ourselves that we sit in beauty salons for 6 hours. Each of us in our souls expects a compliment from the man we love, melts and blushes slightly at the close attention of men, when they are simply blinded by our beauty. Each of us deliberately breaks our ladies' car so that real, strong people can repair it. man's hands, and we watched this fascinating process. After all, every woman deliberately breaks the rules traffic so that a nice traffic police inspector would find out your name, look up the age on your license and invite you on a date to your car. Of course, the emperor realized his mistake, saw how talented the woman was, and issued a new decree. “From now on, I set a day when all power passes into women’s, caring hands - and this will be the eighth day of spring - March 8th! Happy holiday dear women! And let your beloved men carry you in their arms and give you flowers all year round, and you remain as sweet, wise and joyful. After all happy woman- always attracts the look of the best man!

After the host’s words, guests are invited to the center of the hall. They stand in a circle. The presenter suggests throwing a magic flower of wishes around. When the music plays, everyone passes it to each other. When the music stops, whoever has a flower in his hands congratulates everyone and wishes everything, everything most floral and sweet. All action takes place under Track 42. The flower can be anything: real, made from balloons, paper. The main thing is that it is big.

MUSIC FOR COMPETITIONS (archive folder):

MUSIC FOR THE SCRIPT (archive folders):

One of the employees acts as a leader. Everyone is invited to the tables.

Music is playing

Presenter: Dear ladies! On the eve of a wonderful holiday, we have gathered with you for a bachelorette party. As, indeed, on all other days, because our close-knit women’s team simply cannot be spilled with water! This is not the first time we are going to such gatherings and I think that we will celebrate the upcoming holiday no more boring than in the company of men! Because only a woman knows and understands a woman best.

Let's have fun, talk about our little weaknesses, gossip about men and share women's tricks and secrets! As the song says: “Bachelorette party, bachelorette party, the man is superfluous here!”

Presenter: And right now we will sing with you!

Song “Today is a holiday for girls” (to the tune of the song "Girls" from the repertoire of Larisa Dolina).

The text must be printed and distributed in advance.

Today is a girls' holiday,

Today we are on a roll!

And let them look enviously

Men or boys

Having collected the strength,

Standing aside

They fiddle with bouquets in their hands,

Because today the girls

They want to have a blast!

We'll sing and dance

Walk and have fun

Don't notice men at all

And their sad faces!

Let the boys

Standing aside

We don't need them now

Because you and I, girls,

On the threshold of a wonderful spring!


Today the sun shines more joyfully,

Anticipating the breath of spring,

And all the beautiful dreams in the world

Today should easily come true!

Let's raise this glass to a new spring! In spring you can always breathe more freely and your heart is happier. In spring, not only nature wakes up, but also feelings, hopes, and good mood. Happy Women's Day and Happy New Spring!

Stas Mikhailov

After the toast: Do you know, girls, that if you look around more carefully, you will notice that the arrival of spring foreshadows many other life changes! There are many funny signs of spring, for example...

Spring signs

Swallows fly in pairs - this is for matchmakers!

The snow is melting quickly - time for shopping!

Bubbles on puddles - to a rich groom!

Sneezing on the first day of spring means a fun life!

Wind from the south - to happy changes!

Presenter: So pay attention, dear ladies! But there is another essential sign of spring. On the eve of March 8, literally a day or two before, the shops are simply crowded. All because men choose gifts for us, as always, at the most last moment! And quite often, if not regularly, they give us something completely wrong! What does a woman need? Everything that will make her even more beautiful and irresistible.

And today we have just such gifts in store for you - the most necessary and practical in the world!

Music is playing. Gifts are distributed


I see everyone is happy with their gifts! And now I remember my distant childhood, when for the holiday of March 8 we lovingly prepared surprises and gifts for our mothers...

The sun is shining clearly

On these spring days,

Gives warmth and affection,

Like from mom's hand!

Let's fill and raise the next glass for mothers, may they live and healthy for a long time!

Song about mom


Presenter (after the toast): Girls, speaking of mothers, on this day we cannot help but talk about our common second mother! I'm talking about our beloved boss! Without exaggeration, only good things can be said about her. She leads and guides us all, takes full responsibility and, so to speak, rushes into the breach, protecting our interests. We spent so long choosing the words to express our gratitude and admiration to her that we ended up with a whole song!

Song about the boss (to the tune of a children's song "Smile").

From the smile of our boss lady

Even the laziest one will wake up

And no one will hang their nose,

If our Tanya will smile!


And then for sure

The clouds are flying away

And errors in reports are corrected!

From the blue stream

The river begins

And management starts with a smile!

From the smile of our boss lady

It always makes your soul feel better!

Despite vitamin deficiency,

We get to work singing!


Congratulations to the boss on March 8:

You are one of those good people,

Who just by presence alone

Makes every day nice

And the world is cheerful and colorful!

Let your success be the result

All beginnings and undertakings,

You have many dreams in your soul,

May they come true soon!

Toast. Musical pause

Presenter(after the toast):

Let happiness and love smile

Long-awaited spring times

Let the sweetest, dearest, most desirable

Surrounds us with care again and again!

So we started talking about the sweetest and dearest, our beloved and sometimes hated - about men! It often happens in life that we, the weaker sex, take on too much and carry it on our fragile shoulders... There is one folk wisdom: Men should be allowed to be men. How much do we allow them to do this?

Let's check!

Test joke “Are you independent?”

Presenter: I have a short test for you. Answer “yes” or “no”, if you want - mentally, if you want - out loud! So, let's start!

At least once in your life...

1) did you drive?

2) did you hammer in a nail?

3) did you give anyone a compliment?

4) lifted luggage heavier than a handbag?

5) did you change the car wheel?

6) did you argue with the salespeople in the store?

7) did you buy gold for yourself?

8) and finally, do you know what the word “pliers” means?

Now let's decipher the results:

- for those who do not have a single “yes” answer: a man is absolutely necessary to maintain at least the minimum ability to survive in this complex world;

- those who answered “yes” to half and less than half of the questions still have a chance to become independent and independent;

— who answered “yes” to more than half of the questions: these are real Russian women who will stop a horse and enter a hut!

Presenter: Of course, this test is a joke, but, as they say, every joke is only part of the joke...

But now we’ll try to find out what men think about us women.

Musical hat

Presenter: Now let's drink to men... They are who they are - not ideal, just like us. And let's mentally send them our greetings and a kiss! Or maybe not mentally: did you know that by the shape of the lipstick mark when kissing you can judge intentions and feelings? Let's check it on napkins! If the print is round, this means a serious, stable relationship. If with the heart - passionate love. “Bow” - frivolity and meaningless flirting. And a square-shaped print means disgust and hidden hostility!

Presenter: Well, we have “washed the bones” of men. It's good that they can't hear us now. But in fact, of course, without men there would not be the most important happiness on earth - our children!

A toast is raised to the health and success of the children of all women present. Music Pause.


Why do we love spring days so much?

Why are we waiting for them with hope and joy?

Because only they are filled

Unusual, special happiness, warmth...

Attention lady! On March 8th it is customary to give flowers to women. And women themselves bloom like roses! But few people know that there is a special flower horoscope. Now we will find out which of us is which, and we will get a gorgeous bouquet...

I ask those born in January to stand up! You are orchids! Please, orchids, fill your glasses and listen to yourself (and so on for all the months):


Who dared to dream of an Orchid,

He knows it’s a difficult undertaking:

She'll break your heart

And proudly walks away!


Mimosa is always fresh and cheerful,

Don't waste your tears!

Mimosa is a surprise girl

“You only live once” is her motto!


Everyone knows: Lady Lily

Impregnable, like the Bastille!

But among her friends

There are no more fun party girls!


Pureblood noble

Our beautiful Dahlia!

Nobility is in the blood here...

But Dahlias dream

About simple earthly love!

Lily of the valley(May)

The Lily of the Valley woman is modest and courteous,

Very neat and very beautiful!

She is not too lazy to work,

And bring beauty all day long!


The bell is the funniest of all,

Having fun like a child!

He remembers the most important things:

You can't be a pessimist!


From which overseas countries?

Has Tulip come to us?

Exotic, eccentric,

But at the same time cute!


Look at the Sunflower:

Lovely, whatever you say!

There are so many ideas and plans in it,

How many seeds are inside!


All Carnations are no coincidence

It's amazing how good they are:

Only Carnations know the secret

Eternal youth of the soul!


Chamomile is a little shy,

But don’t mind flirting!

She's the last shirt

Will give to help others!


Rose hides many secrets

But there is one secret in it:

In this look, in this pose

All the greatness of victories!


Lotus knows how to convince,


He only dreams of peace,

And Lotus has something to be proud of!

Presenter: Let's raise a toast to our colorful and extremely wonderful team-bouquet! All the flowers in it are so matched to each other that if you replace even one, it won’t be the same at all!..

And once again, Happy Women’s Day to all of you, my dear flowers! As nature blooms in spring, let your beauty bloom in the same way! Let's wish each other happiness, spring, love, goodness!

With the most heartfelt words,

Full of spring warmth,

Congratulations on the first rays,

Happy holiday of love and beauty!

Make yourself happy, dream, believe,

Smile wider, like now,

May your heart be at any time of the year

It's feeling like spring here!

And now I invite everyone to dance!

(Scenarios March 8 for school)

A fragment of the overture from I. Kalman's operetta "Silva" is played.

Leading: Today is our holiday. And we called it "Woman. Spring. Love."
Choir (performs a song from the movie "Spring", music by I. Dunaevsky):
Streams gurgle, rays blind
And the ice melts, and the heart melts.
And even a tree stump on a spring day
He dreams of becoming a birch tree again.
A cheerful bumblebee sounds the spring alarm.
Perky cheerful starlings scream.
The starlings are screaming in all directions:
"Spring is coming! Make way for spring!"
Leading : Spring! And the first spring holiday is a holiday of lovely ladies, sorceresses, enchantresses, to whom men at all times sang or dedicated serenades.

Men's entrance-dance to the music from I. Kalman's operetta "Silva": "You can't live in the world without women! No!.." (in formal clothes, a top hat on her head, in one hand - a heart with the name of the girl participating in the competition , in the other hand - a flower on which the name of the mother - a participant in the competition, on the boys' costumes there are also emblems with the name. If the names match, then the number and letter of the class are put).

I'm ready to follow you,
And the notoriety will not bother you at all...
But where can I get my own heads?
To “lose” them left and right?!.

I confess - I won't lie,
I tell you the whole truth:
As soon as I see Yulia,
I feel it in my heart, I’m burning!

How can I say to Raya,
Moving his shoulder towards her,
About the weather, about football,
And what is there to talk about?!

Olga is there - the soul will perk up,
Olga is gone - she looks sad!..
I'm so drawn to Olga
Feelings sensitive magnet!

Everything is very helpful with Katya,
I don’t need others Katya:
Both in essence and in fact
You couldn't find Katya better.

I look at everything as if it were an icon,
I can't take my eyes off the lovers...
Dasha, Dasha, Dasha!
I love you.

You are God's gift, beautiful goddess,
Madam of my soul and heart!
I kneel before you
I get up, burning and trembling.
All men take a knee.

Leading: There is no end to declarations of love. Go and give women flowers!

The music of I. Kalman sounds, the men give the ladies participating in the competition “hearts” and flowers, which are pinned on their chests for ease of communication.
Presenter: Serenades are sung for the ladies. The floor, ladies and gentlemen, is yours. But before announcing the first competition, I will introduce the jury (the jury is being introduced) and the participants competitive program: mothers, daughters and their fans (fathers, brothers, boys from the class can participate).
So, the first competition is “Moms are dancing!”
This task can be prepared with mothers in advance, and only played out at the holiday. The assistants bring out a stand on which a bouquet is made of flowers.
In front of you is a magical bouquet, it contains as many flowers as there are contestants, and on the flower is the name of the dance that the contestant must perform. I invite mothers to choose a flower, and therefore a dance. (After the so-called draw, the assistants take away the stand.) Behind the scenes, dear mothers, a surprise awaits you (costumes).
Moms leave. (Criteria for this competition: the ability to move to the music according to the rhythm and nature of the dance.)

Leading : While the mothers are preparing for the dance program, we have the next competition. And it's called "I'm getting older - I'll be a mother too." I invite our young ladies to take part in this competition.

The girls come out.

Leading: Here are your favorite toys-girlfriends - dolls and their outfits. Task: dress the doll. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account. When the doll is dressed, raise it higher so that everyone can see that you have completed the task. So please.

The girls are doing the task.

Leading: The jury is asked to evaluate the girls' work. And we return to the first competition. Let's support our mothers with applause.

The presenter announces the speakers one by one, and the mothers perform dances.
The dance competition program is completed, the jury sums up the results.

And we have our third competition - “Sewing Experts”. I invite our girls again and ask them questions. For each answer - 1 point. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account. Signal cards will help you. Whoever knows the answer raises the signal card.

Steel spout,
Flax tail,
Passes through the canvas
He finds his end.
(Needle and thread)

Along the river back and forth
The steamer wanders and wanders.
Stop it - woe!
The sea will be perforated!

I dance around the upper room with my work,
The more I twirl, the fatter I get.

I'm sitting astride, I don't know who,
I'll meet a friend, I'll drop off and bring him.
(A cap)

If I put it on, it will bring the rim together,
Soimu - will fall like a snake,
Doesn't give warmth
It's cold without him.

The pebbles were hidden in shaggy bags:
Four together, one on a pole.

Will curl up with a cat,
It will stretch out like a path.

No arms, no legs, jump under the bench.

Two ends, two rings,
There are carnations in the middle.

Leading: Well done! I ask the jury to sum up the results of the three competitions.

The jury announces the results.

Leading: The next competition in our program is called “My Mom Can Do Anything.” Mothers are invited to act as hairdressers and makeup artists, and daughters - as fashion models. The originality of the work performed, the originality of the name and presentation of the image are taken into account. Everything necessary for the competition is prepared on the tables. Good luck to you!
This is our fifth competition. And men will participate in it. I ask you to the barrier!

The assistants bring out a stand with bows, the number of which corresponds to the number of participants.
Your task is to show the girls how to iron a ribbon without an iron. Speed ​​and accuracy are taken into account. (The guys must take the bow, untie it and roll it up.) Attention, start!

Leading: Before announcing the next competition, I will tell you one secret: boys also love to play with dolls, but they are shy and hide it. Many of them don’t have dolls, but they are such masters of invention that they invent them themselves. And the next competition will be like this: in front of you is an inflatable ball, a spool of thread, a marker, a bow. Try creating a doll. Ready? Go for it!

The jury sums up the results of the previous and this competition, the assistants attach the finished dolls to the stage. The men take their places.

Leading: Attention! Are mothers and daughters ready? (If you are not ready, you can invite the audience to watch the creative process accompanied by instrumental music). We return to the fourth competition, where mothers act as hairdressers and makeup artists, and daughters act as fashion models. I ask the gentlemen to escort our models to the stage.

"Polonaise" by P.I. sounds Tchaikovsky from the ballet "Swan Lake". The boys stand up, bow to the girls, the girls stand up and curtsy, then the boys give the girls their hand, the girls put their hand on top. To the sounds of the polonaise, one by one, at a distance, couples solemnly march onto the stage along the carpet.

Leading : Over to you, young ladies.

The contestants present their completed image one by one, and the jury takes into account the originality of the presentation, makeup, and hairstyle.

Leading: The jury will have to decide the difficult question of who to give preference to in this competition, and sum up the results of the entire program. And for you "Waltz" performed by a dance group.

So, the jury announces the results of our competition program.
Fanfare sounds. The jury announces its decision. Awarding of all participants of the competition program.

Leading: Charming, attractive, charming, infinitely tender, happy holiday to you! May people and flowers smile at you with the rays of spring on this day. And may Love, health, happiness and dreams always go with you through life.

Before and after the program, it is advisable that songs about spring, women, love or romantic instrumental music be played in the hall. During the preparation of the fourth competition, you can perform a song.

Sl. Kukso, music L. Afanasyeva

I can catch a falling star
Sing songs with a guitar...
And under no circumstances can I
Call her mama's daughter.

Chorus: I can’t imagine living a day without friends,
Without them, I’m like without hands, I’ll admit it straight out.
I have a lot of good friends
But my best friend is my mother.

Like two drops, we are alike,
And when we leave the yard,
I know, passers-by often think,
What does she tell me elder sister.

Joy and sadness for sure
I hasten to share with her again and again,
Because a daughter is for every mother -
Faith, and hope, and love.

Corporate March 8

March 8 scenarios for adults

For the event you will need:
Gifts for women
Props for competitions
Musical accompaniment

Congratulations, presentation of gifts

The holiday begins with the presentation of gifts and congratulations to women. It is advisable that the congratulations are not too drawn out and formal. It is better to perform it in poetic or song form. Be sure to mention each woman in your congratulations, give her a compliment and say a few special words. Also, this holiday cannot be done without presenting flowers.

After congratulations and presentation of gifts, all participants sit down at the table. It is advisable that on this day the participants are spared both the preparation of food and the cleaning of the table after the end of the banquet.

Competition test “Real women”

As a festive entertainment, you can offer a competition for real women. The competition will be funnier and more interesting if several men dressed up as women take part in it. In this case, the outfit can be quite conventional (a hat, an apron or a paper fan covering the beard), the main thing is that the participants in this performance try to copy female behavior.
After the appearance of men (2-3 people are enough) claiming that they are women, several participants are selected, and various competitions are held between them. Despite the hackneyed plot of dressing a man as a woman, this idea will be popular with the public.

Who is bigger
The presenter sets some feminine topic (for example, “flowers”, “cosmetic companies”, “clothing items”, “jewelry”). The participants’ task is to name words related to this topic in random order. The participant who says the last word receives a prize point.

Women's logic
The presenter names several items. Participants must name the item that is missing from this list and explain their decision. For each correct answer, the participant receives a prize point.
Examples of tasks “What’s extra?”:
Hair coloring with henna, basma, Vella dye. (Coloring “Velloy”, since henna and basma are natural dyes)
Vanilla crackers, bread crumbs, raisin crackers. (Breadcrumbs as they are not a ready-to-eat product)
Viscose, cotton, polyester. (Polyester, since viscose and cotton are natural materials)
Eau de toilette, lotion, perfume. (Excess lotion, since it is used for hygiene purposes, and eau de toilette and perfume are used as perfumes)
Basting, machine stitching, overlock. (Basting, since it is done by hand, the rest is on sewing machine)

Cosmetic bag
The competition requires a large selection of various cosmetics. All of them are laid out on the table. The presenter gives each participant a task, according to which she must choose the right item from the “beauty bag”. Time to select a subject is limited. For the correct answer, the participant receives a bonus point.
Examples of items:
Nail polish
Neutral lipstick
Bright lipstick
Lip pencil
Cream contour for eyelids
Nail polish remover
Eyelash brush
Cosmetic milk
Powder compact
Face tonic
Foot cream

Examples of tasks:
Touch up your lips for a business meeting
Wash off makeup
Tint eyebrows
Touch up your eyes (choose at least two items)
Hide freckles
Prepare your face for applying cosmetics
Paint your nails
Remove nail polish
Separate clumped eyelashes

The game involves pairs (a man and a woman). In addition, a bottle (glass or plastic) and a flower (real or artificial) are required for each couple.
Women clutch bottles under their arms, and men take flowers in their teeth. The task of each pair is to put the flower into the bottle as quickly as possible without using their hands.
The couple that completed the task faster than others receives a prize.

The best way to end the holiday is with dancing.

Ward No. 6. Comic congratulations for women

Comic scenarios March 8

Under a bravura march, the patients of Ward No. 6 march onto the stage in marching steps - all of them in straitjackets. Ahead is the head doctor (also sick).

Main: Stop! .. One-two! (addresses the idiots): Dear gentlemen, comrades, scientists, Napoleons, Stakhanovites, Shostakovichs, physicists and schizos! Today, in our mental health facility, we must work through the main question: who should we send as a congratulatory bouncer to our, unfortunately, already discharged friends? Who will have worthy candidates?
Engels: I protest!!! (shakes his beard)
Main: A comrade with tag No. 18 asks for the floor!
Engels: I’m not your comrade tag, but Mr. Engels! Comrades! Before we go to congratulate someone, we need to work through many unresolved problems... This includes the fight against dystrophies, a chronic lack of straitjackets and cockroaches in the soup... Some things, of course, are being solved. Let's say the toilets, sorry, we don't have them on the street - we don't stick to the boards. Yes, and protein, salts and sugar in tests are already given in person instead of wages. But this is not enough, comrades!
Friday: Shut his mouth! We are here on another issue!
Main : Introduce youreself!
Friday : Friday, MP from the 108th Desert Island. Nominated by Robinson Crusoe unanimously! I propose, as an alternative, my candidacy for the position of tempter-congratulator, but I ask you to recuse yourself, because for religious reasons and considerations I do not work on Saturdays! And on other days too!..
Main: Do you have everything?!
Friday: No, not everything!
G great: I'm leaving you speechless!
Friday: That's it now!
Engels (excitedly): Don't you dare shut my mouth!!! I am Engels, after all! Marx didn’t even shut my mouth, he only tied me up!
Main: Go ahead!
Engels: I want to talk about further improving the quality of our hallucinations! We have to admit that in our hallucinations we see only the dark past. Only personal pensioners, State Deputies see a bright future. Dumas and heroes of the Civil War of 1812!
Friday: Yes, gag him in the mouth! We are here on another issue!
Engels: (squeals) You don't have quorum! You have no right! I, as a mentally damaged individual, demand quorum, issue, alternative and default! (crying)
Friday: Give the floor to Mr. Napoleon! Bonaparte asks to speak!
Main: We listen to you, Comrade Napoleon!
Napoleon: Hello gentlemen, comrades, physicists and crazy people! So here it is. Last night I left the room for a minor emergency. But at the door with two zeros...
Main : (interrupting) I would like to remind you, Mr. French, that we do not have “small” needs, but only “small” needs! Carry on!
Napoleon : And so I left the room for a “small” need, in order to quietly work out the issue of congratulating our dear women. But at the door with two zeros, Catherine the Second rudely pushed me away and shouted: “Wait, Chuchundra is shady! I am there because of numerous needs!” Gentlemen nuts! In my opinion, all our needs are equal, they are common, and they need to be met by the whole world!
Catherine II: He keeps lying and lying!!! Please speak!
Main: Introduce youreself!
Catherine II : (proudly) The right hand of the unforgettable Semyon Mikhailovich Budyonny, Catherine the Second! Comrades! On behalf of all the veterans of the First Cavalry, I assure you! He didn’t compose congratulations for our women, but spied on me through the hole! Old goat!!!
Napoleon: Lies, comrades! These are vile insinuations and lies! Dirty lie!
Catherine II: (takes out a wooden saber from her skirt) Sabers drawn! Beat the French counter! Hurray!!! (waves his saber, then fights with Napoleon)
(Noise, din, whistle, hooting)
Main: Quiet, comrades, quiet! (separates the fighting) Mentally crippled comrades! I think we are all stunned and want a break! There are two proposals: Comrade Bonaparte offers 3 minutes, and Citizen Catherine the Second - an hour!
All: Three minutes!!! Long live Bonaparte! Long live the Iranian revolution!
Main: Gentlemen nuts! I propose to sing the anthem of our spiritually healthy madness... excuse me, institutions! And then we’ll all go together to congratulate our lovely ladies! Let's start by praying!
(A comic song is performed)

Scenario March 8 (corporate event)

Presenter 1: Hello, dear women! On this wonderful holiday, which is called International Women's Day, we will talk about you today.
Presenter 2: Well, we will start our program with a musical gift from all the men present in this room! So, dear ladies, accept as a gift the song “Girls” performed by the ensemble “Men’s Answer”
song “The girls are standing, standing aside...”

Today is a girls' holiday,
Their eyes sparkle with brilliance,
And the girls' cheeks are burning,
They're glowing in the morning!

Chorus: The girls have come,
Things are all to the side,
They fiddle with bouquets in their hands,
Because today the girls
Compliments are expected from the guys!

And the men are a good choice -
Attentive, kind,
And the local yard is full of happiness,
On March day everywhere!

Chorus: The girls have come,
Things are all to the side,
They fiddle with bouquets in their hands,
Because today the girls
Compliments are expected from the guys!

Presenter 1: The ensemble “Male Response” performed in front of you. Well, we move on. Everyone knows that every woman has a unique highlight, and today we will try to make sure of this again.
Presenter 2: So let's lift the veil today by learning something new about our unique women.
Actor 6 : On March 8, a guy gave a girl with an allergy to flowers dumplings for the same amount
Actor 5: Women are strange creatures! They cover up dark circles under their eyes... and draw them above their eyes!
Mamai : A new service “Women’s Taxi” has appeared in Odessa. Female drivers come exclusively to women... But traditions are traditions - they still grab you by the knees.
Actor 5: Milkmaid Vaselina, after a severe hangover, immediately milks butter from a cow.
Presenter 1: I propose to talk about the image of the fair half of humanity, because it is no secret to anyone that every woman is an individual image that contains millions of secrets and mysteries.
Presenter 2: And this wonderful image tree will help us with this, each petal of which will tell about the distinctive features of a certain female image.

They take out the image tree

Presenter 1: But this will wait, since we literally just received urgent news on March 8th for the holiday.
Actor 1: On the eve of March 8th flower shops In Odessa, new price tags have appeared: “these are 20”, “the ones to the left of these 50” and “give me something of your choice” -100 hryvnia.
Actor 4: One man cheated on his wife on March 8th. What a surprise.
Actor 2: On March 8th, every man should come home and tell his beloved the most important words in the world, Motherland, Mother, Bread!
Presenter 1: On March 8, men buy themselves a bottle of vodka for ugly girls.
Actor 2: There was no sex in the USSR, so March 8 ended 10-15 minutes earlier
Actor 5: Ryazan sellers are perplexed why flowers go up in price on March 8, but wallpaper doesn’t go up on builder’s day?
Actor 6 : You can’t see on March 8th, said Adam, breaking the last rib.
Actor 4: And lastly: Girls, remember, there are no ex-boyfriends on March 8th.
Presenter 1: The time has come to tear off the first petals from our tree. The first petal has the interesting name “business lady”. Who are we talking about?
Presenter 2: A businesswoman is a purposeful and energetic woman who loves the word “risk.” The main desire of such a beauty is to lead everyone around her. The business lady is sociable, courageous, self-possessed, punctual and critical.
Presenter 1 : Let's applaud everyone who can safely be called a Lady Boss!

They bring out a gift

Presenter 2: (tears off the next petal): Well, the next petal is dedicated to all the ladies in business. These women are used to keeping everything under control not only at work, but also in the family! The main credo is to obey only yourself!

They bring out a gift

Presenter 1: It is to you, confident women, that our next number of the concert program is dedicated. Meet the "3 miniatures" theater.
1)Actor 1 - Artyom gave his girlfriend a baby on March 8th!
Actor 2 - We still don’t understand why?
Actor 1 - The neighbor’s child also didn’t understand where they were taking him...

2) Actor 1 Mine gave me perfume from March 8th new collection Armani...
Actor 3 - And my blouse with rhinestones from D&G...
Actor 2 - Perfume from Armani, blouse from D&G... well, what is this?!.. SMS!!! This is the best gift for a woman! (They take out a 1x1m cardboard phone with the inscription “From March 8th”)

3) Actor 3 - Dear girls, on the eve of March 8, we want to give you Ivanov I.I. (you need to give it to someone who stands out from the team).
Actor 2 - Well, are you giving us anything unnecessary on February 23rd? Here we are for you too.

Presenter 2: The slogan of the theater “3 miniatures”: “We are short, We cannot be found.” Thanks to them for their performance, and we continue.
Are you ladies interested in who we will get to know better now? Our spring tree gives us a petal with a wonderful name - a gorgeous woman.
Presenter 1: I’m sure everyone can envy this type of image! Such a woman knows her worth. She is smart, beautiful and well-mannered, but no one knows about the shortcomings of a gorgeous woman. There are such ladies in our hall.

They bring out a gift

Presenter 2: I had no doubt that only ideal women were present in our hall! No less interesting is the next image, which is called the femme fatale. She is beautiful, impressive, sometimes cold and very calculating. Such ladies are not used to wasting their time on trifles!

They bring out a gift

Presenter 1: Yes, such beautiful ladies deserve the loudest applause! Today is the day of gifts from men, so the stunning THEART of “3 MINIATURES” is performing in our hall again!!!

1) Miniature of a car and a man.
Actor 3 - (A man is on his knees crying): - Oooh, you’re my dear, I feel sorry for you, what will happen now...
Actor 2 -(A neighbor approaches.) What are you selling?
Actor 3 -No-no. The wife got the right...

2) Actor 1 - Dear, what do you love more about me: beauty or my modesty?
Actor 2 - Most of all I love your sense of humor!

3) Gorgeous lady at the plastic surgeon
Actor 1 : Doctor, can you make my lips thinner?!
Actor 3: For what? You have great perfect lips!
Actor 1: don't ask why! Can you?
Actor 3: Can
Actor 1: Can you do a nose with a hump? and that he had a snub nose. Protrude your ears, add squint!
Actor 3: I don't understand...
Actor 1: You don't need to understand anything! Will you do it?
Actor 3 : OK! What else
Actor 1: Can you remove your breasts to size zero? Can you?!!!
Actor 3 : (creaking my heart) I can
Actor 1: And add cellulite!
Actor 3 : For what?
Actor 1 : (in feelings) This scoundrel gave me a yellow Citroen!!!
Actor 3: .Man???
Actor 1: Man? Man!!! I wanted red!

Presenter 1: The theater "3 miniatures" performed before you. Their motto is invincible: make us laugh and run away!!!
Presenter 2: Our beautiful women! Your holiday is once again proof of our respect for you! Meet the ensemble "Men's Answer" with the song "A Million Scarlet Roses"

Song to the music of the composition “A Million Scarlet Roses”

Once upon a time there was only one office,
Women ruled there
Today it's the men's turn
Celebrate the beautiful ladies!

March is just around the corner
Which means there are plans for a buffet
And they bring all the gifts -
Postcards, wine and bouquet...


A million - a million - a million scarlet roses
There is no money, there is no money, there is no money for you to buy,
Lots of lovely, lovely tulips
We are ready to give it to you now!

Presenter 1: And finally, I would like to say: Dear girls, it is not in vain that International Women’s Day is celebrated on the eighth of March, because a rotated figure eight is a sign of infinity. So let's drink to this endless day for the male half of humanity.

The curtain opens, men stand on the stage, each busy with their own business.

The 2 presenters take off their aprons and start singing.…
During the song there are extras in the background

Dear readers, for happy holiday In addition to the script, recipes for the holiday may be useful.

To the tune of "Lilies of the Valley".

All men have no time for sleep,
My head is spinning:
How can we surprise our women?
There are many offers, but...
On a spring day it’s all the same
We will give flowers to the ladies.

Chorus. Women, women,
You are our joy and light!
Women for the holiday
We give a bouquet!

Dear readers, do not forget to order and give a bouquet to your women. Flower delivery in Yekaterinburg.

And let life move forward
Brings change to us
You are still just as sweet and gentle.
Our women are no secret,
There is nothing better in the whole world -
We need your smiles so much!

Chorus. To a woman, to a woman
We are singing hymns now!
Dear women,
Happy holiday to you!

Vedas 1. Well, what interesting things can we come up with for our women this time!?
Ved 2. Well, congratulations are not difficult. Let’s take last year’s text for Power Engineer’s Day, change the appeal, and at the end add a choral recitation: “Congratulations, congratulations, happiness, joy, hurray, hurray.” But what surprise should we prepare for them and how to start the holiday...!? (thinks)
Vedas 1. Since the women who are present in this room today are extraordinary, we need to make an extraordinary surprise! While you and I are preparing a surprise
Vedas 2. What do you think, without what the holiday will not begin?
Vedas 1. Well….. Well………. Well I do not know……
Ved 2. Without a song, of course! And only today (now) for you, dear women, our extraordinary songs.
They go backstage, talking to each other.
Block of concert numbers
After the concert number, the presenters go on stage talking to each other. Magic music begins to play, there is smoke on the stage, and 3 Santa Clauses appear through the smoke.
Vedas 1. (Addresses Santa Claus) Have you accidentally confused the holiday?
Vedas 2. It’s already spring outside!
Grandfather (together). How is spring!?
Vedas 2. Who are you anyway?
Grandfather 1. December
Grandfather 2. January
Grandfather 3. February
Vedas 1. Do you even know what holiday you went to today?
Grandfathers wave their heads that no
Vedas 2. Today is March 8th. Day of our extraordinary women.
Grandfather 1. How's the eighth?
Grandfather 2. The year has just begun.
Grandfather 3. And it’s already March 8th.
Vedas 1. Well, since you appeared in this hall on this beautiful day. Maybe you have prepared something for our women!?
Grandfathers talking to each other
Grandfather 1. So I suggest just giving a book. From an aesthetic point of view, books are irreplaceable. There is simply an amazing publication: “How to quickly and efficiently repair a washing machine.”
Grandfather 2. From a practical point of view, I personally suggest giving women a Zepter saucepan. And what! Both profitable and practical! Anything left in the refrigerator can be cooked in one pan, even without salt.
Grandfather 3. No, that won't work. Women should be the center of attention. I offer flowers. And what!? Both beautiful and aesthetically pleasing!
Ved 1. This is the right decision!
Ved 2. Only there is a problem. Although spring has come, there is still snow outside and the flowers have not yet bloomed.
Music is playing. Smoke. The frosts begin to dance and cast a spell on the flowers.
At this time, flowers are brought out in vases and placed on the front stage.
Vedas 1. What a surprise for our women!!!
Vedas 2. We already have flowers……….
Grandfather 1. Well, it’s time for us, friends!
There is smoke on the stage. Grandfather leaves.
The presenters announce the next number
Block of concert numbers
The presenters go on stage and talk to each other. Suddenly a phonogram from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus” begins to play. Coward, Dunce and Experienced are walking through the hall, in their hands is a sleeping bag, and in the sleeping bag is Shurik.
The presenters address them.
Ved 1. Here are some more guests.
Vedas 2. Why did you come?
Coward. Yes, we passed by.
Vedas 1. Sooooo, What do you have there? (points to the sleeping bag)
Coward, Dunce and Experienced begin to say something and stutter.
Goonie: Aaaaah - this is like rock...
Vedas 1. Well, show me your gift quickly.
Experienced: Ahhhhh, we’ll show you later.
Ved 2. Yes, show that the women present are waiting for your gift.
Coward: Yes, we will do it next time.
Ved 1. (says 2 presenter) They seem suspicious
Vedas 2. Does that mean we are engaged in theft?
Ved 1. (Addresses presenter 2) Call the police.
Coward, Stupid and Experienced - no, no, don't need the police.
Vedas 2. Then open the bag!
Coward, Dunce and Experienced open the bag, Shurik will come out
The presenter addresses Shurik
Ved 1. Are you okay?
Shurik. Shaking myself off. Seems okay. He shakes his finger at the Coward, the Dunce and the Experienced.
Coward, Stupid and Experienced. We won’t do this again and we will certainly fix everything now.

If I were a sultan

Today we came to congratulate women
And we are ready to wash, dry, wash for you,
Stand by the stove, run to the store.
However, fortunately, there is only one day a year.

All men without you seem to have no hands,
You are the source of victories and love pains.
And without you we have no life
Everything on earth is made for ladies.

And we are ready to love you all year round,
If you will bake for us, wash, cook.
We want to confess our love to you as soon as possible
We congratulate wives, mothers and daughters.

Ved 1. (Addresses Shurik and the audience). Maybe we can forgive them???

Shurik. After such a song, of course we will forgive. And I also have a surprise for the women present... At this time, the guys come on stage, they carry champagne in their hands... During the toast, the guys bring champagne into the hall.

Far away in the mountains lived warring tribes
giant eagles and golden eagles.
And they had a talisman - a necklace of fabulous beauty,
for which they constantly fought.
And then during one battle the necklace broke,
the beads scattered all over the world,
and from them came the feminine gender.
So let's drink to the pearls,
who have gathered in this hall!

Ved 2. Our concert program continues.

Block of concert numbers

1st Hussar: Squadron! Come on! Smeer!
Addresses the public: Have you called the hussars? No? It’s okay, we galloped up ourselves!
Addresses the hussars: To congratulate you on Women's Day on March 8, come and drink!
The phonogram sounds. Hussars sing to the tune of the song
“Once upon a time” from the film “Hussar Ballad”
1. We did not come to you in vain
And it’s not in vain that we sing a cheerful song:
We congratulate the beautiful ladies
Have a wonderful day,
Have a wonderful day, have a wonderful day!
2. We are ready to wander around the world,
Ready to throw all the treasures at your feet,
Get the moon and all the planets
For our ladies, For our ladies, For our ladies!
3. You will certainly be surprised:
Our generosity is on an unprecedented scale,
But you'll see it soon
Not in words, Not in words,
Not in words!
They bring out bouquets of flowers and give them to each woman, while the music continues to play.

Vedas 1. March 8 is a holiday of love, beauty, spring and, of course, women, and the whole world knows about it. Today everything is for our lovely ladies, everything is only in their honor! And congratulations, and compliments, and other signs of attention.

Ved 2. Our dear and lovely girls, girls and women! Congratulations on International Women's Day on March 8! Today, each of you is more beautiful than ever, each of you is like a beauty queen! Let love, joy and only the warmest feelings fill your soul, as now!

Vedas 1: Dear women, only for you on this day all our congratulations, all our warm words sound and our love for you will never fade away!! For you!!! (maybe a toast)

Vedas 2. I wish you happiness, health, love and smiles. May your life be bright and joyful like spring!

Together: Happy Holidays!

Fireworks, balloon launch. The curtain closes.
