Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Business ideas from scratch in a small town for women. What kind of business can a woman open at no extra cost? Original gift - creative slippers

We are used to seeing men as entrepreneurs. However, women are not inferior, and sometimes even surpass the stronger sex in business acumen and the pursuit of financial well-being. Because, along with the general areas of business, women can engage in specific women's business. What, in fact, we now know: simple and complex ideas women's business .

The areas of women's business, traditionally, are cosmetology, fashion, lingerie, children's products and many others, in which women are trusted much more readily than men. Well, you see, in the lingerie department, the seller is a man, this is the path to unsuccessful trading. Again, women have such qualities as coquetry, charm, seduction, flirting. These qualities are great helpers in business and they are not available to men.

So, what are the traditional ideas of women's business?

1. Beauty salon

Of course, anyone can own a beauty salon, regardless of gender. But to own is not to own. Only the hostess, a true woman, can reliably assess the level and quality of her business. Timely find original solutions, come up with marketing moves, introduce a new procedure, recruit good staff. No matter what kind of beauty salon it is - an economy hairdressing salon or a premium level spa. The female hostess is a cut above any man in this business.

See also:

2. Beauty parlor
3. Dance studio

Among men, there are a lot of dance professionals who have their own dance studios. However, if you look at how many dance studios women have, it becomes clear that the dance studio is a women's business. There are a lot of directions for the dance studio - from tango to zumba. You can open a studio of one direction, or you can provide training services for all available dances. The choice is yours. Entrance to such a business is not so expensive - a separate room and musical accompaniment. In addition to this business, you can open a yoga class or another direction in fitness. Separately, I would like to note children's directions, this is truly a gold mine. If you can and love working with children, this is the direction for you. Many parents are willing to pay well for their children's education and traditionally trust women more than men in terms of education.

See also:

4. Making culinary products to order, confectionery, cafe, restaurant

This is the real kingdom of a real woman. Cooking, making culinary products to order, a cafe or a restaurant - all this is available to a woman. Someone will say that men cook better. Well, let them cook for themselves as a chef. But, only a woman can make this service cozy or homely. Properly arrange the packaging on the confectionery product, make the interior of the cafe pleasing to the eye. All this can only be done by a real woman.

Popular directions in the custom-made confectionery business are cakes, cookies, homemade cakes, desserts.

See also:

5. Nanny or private caregiver, professional housewife, cleaning services

Having a medical or pedagogical education, you can try your hand at raising other people's children. By performing your services with high quality, conscientiously and with all your heart, you will quickly find yourself a permanent job in caring for and raising children. This may be a service in the form of an hourly babysitter, or tutoring. You choose.

Also, without having the necessary education, it is possible to provide housekeeping or cleaning services. Any woman can handle this business.

See also:

6. Needlework, sewing workshop, hand-made business

A business area in which it is difficult to find equals for women. Since ancient times, women sewed, needlework and were engaged in the fashionable for today, hand-made business. In this business great amount directions - individual tailoring, knitting, repair and alteration of clothes. In addition to clothing items, you can make toys or interior elements. If you do not like working with fabrics, you can try yourself in the hand-made business with different material- plastic, glass or wood. Or maybe you can paint pictures?

Business for girls: how to choose a field of activity + detailed overview 8 directions + non-standard ideas + franchise business.

Business does not distinguish between gender differences - whoever really wants to earn money will do it. It doesn't matter if it's a boy or a girl.

But still there are a number of areas to which the fair sex is more inclined than men.

What kind of business ideas for girls are more relevant in 2017? We will talk about them in the article.

A little theory about the world of business for girls ...

Three out of four readers will want to flip through this section, but don't rush!

Introductory information is a base that will allow you to analyze specific business ideas given below + generate your own.

The first thing you want to start with is a diagram that shows all the stages of building your business from scratch.

It is not so important what field of activity we are talking about, what idea is being implemented ... any business project should have the following elements:

Based on this scheme, you can build the implementation of any of your ideas. But in what area is it better for a girl to look?

There are studies that claim that the majority of the fair sex are employed in sales and services:

If we are talking about home business ideas (namely, this category is especially in demand by girls on maternity leave), then today the following areas are relevant here:

  1. Sphere of information technologies.
  2. Small-scale production at home, needlework.
  3. Services in the field of beauty and health.
  4. Educational direction.
  5. branch of network marketing.
  6. Renting business.

Direction 1. Business ideas for girls in the field of IT

IT includes everything related to the development, design, maintenance and sales of any digital product - from website development to computer games and CRM systems.

A detailed review of all specialties requires a separate article, therefore, within the framework of the topic “business for girls”, a general review is sufficient. But first, some statistics.

Today, 30% of all IT professionals work remotely:

All a girl or woman needs for such a business is a sufficiently powerful computer, uninterrupted Internet access and a thirst for self-education, as well as creativity - the ability to generate new ideas for customers.

If you have all this, let's move on to specific actions: choosing an area for employment.

Today, IT is an “idea factory”, so you can always find a direction where you can apply your existing skills:

  • If a girl draws well and can master professional image processing programs, then it is quite possible to become a web designer, illustrator,.
  • If, however, he is “friendly” with mathematics and has a good memory, then it would be a good idea to master HTML and become a website layout designer.
  • More complex level - programming languages ​​JAVA, PHP, etc. So you can become a website developer, and in the future, more complex software.

The demand for these professions in the world is great, therefore, having mastered the programs and learned how to do quality work, you can create an account on major exchanges freelancers (for example, UpWork) and earn $10-70 per hour.

According to generally accepted statistics, female freelancers are the most in the field of design (50-60%), but less in software development (up to 25%), therefore we will consider designers as an example of business ideas for girls in IT.

Yes, it looks more like a job than an independent business for girls, but this is only at first glance.

Firstly, successful specialists sooner or later register themselves as individual entrepreneurs in order to have official status and the opportunity to work with more serious customers.

Secondly, a really talented designer receives many orders that he cannot fulfill on his own. So, you will have to hire other employees to help you.

And this will be nothing more than a remote design studio, a startup.

* An office in IT is not always needed

In IT, related professions for girls, such as, for example, HR, are also in great demand. Many of these specialists work remotely, at home, via the same Internet.

If you gain enough experience in this matter, then most likely you will have to connect other employees. So we again get an idea for a business - a small outsourcing company to support someone else's business.

*Fields where freelancers are employed in the Russian Federation

As you can see, it all sounds pretty simple. But what if the direction of IT is a dark forest for you, and you think that a rare girl will be able to figure out “these technical things”?

Then we should move on to the next idea, a very "girly" direction - needlework.

Direction 2. Handmade as a business idea for girls

Nowadays, there is nothing easier than learning how to make something beautiful with your own hands, and converting this idea into a home-based business for girls with sales on the Internet.

What ideas for hand-made can become the basis of a business for a girl:

  1. Production of souvenir goods (funny gifts, magnets, things with national symbols).
  2. Manufacture of various jewelry / bijouterie.
  3. Tailoring of children's products (dresses for dolls, Stuffed Toys).
  4. Tailoring of clothes and underwear.
  5. Manufacture of goods for the home (potholders, flower pots, decor items).
  6. Writing portraits to order.
  7. Art molding.

Most of these crafts are sold as gifts, which in the West is a whole independent business industry.

In fact, business for girls can be done literally on everything, if they are really good at it - ideas are everywhere. It is only necessary to think over distribution channels and advertising.

Girls can sell their business products on special websites:

  • those who speak English)

What about those who do not want to be content with just producing for sale?

If a girl knows how to sew well and she has a sewing machine, then it is quite possible to open a mini-studio for tailoring clothes to order. Sewing has been a traditional business for girls since ancient times.

If your imagination is also developed, then you can become a fashion designer - a fresh look and new ideas are important here.
How much income can you expect by organizing a needlework business?

Becoming a millionaire in such a case, of course, is unlikely to succeed. But a skillful girl may well reach the level of $500-1000 per month, if it offers really high-quality and unique products.

Direction 3. Business for girls in the field of beauty and health

A service business is often based less on an idea than on simple human laziness. Not yours, of course, but those who have "extra" money.

You just need to convert it into your business.

For example, a girl came home from work - she was tired, her legs did not go after heels, and she also broke her nail so inopportunely! What to do? Go to the salon, gathering the last of your strength?

Of course it's better instead call a familiar craftswoman to the house, which, for a reasonable fee, will fix the breakage, putty, paint, and this nail will be better than the previous one.

Such business ideas are visited by many girls, therefore in social networks there is a real dominance of manicure, pedicure and similar masters.

But you should not be afraid of competition - not everyone does the declared services well. Therefore, if you are confident in your abilities, then you can safely strive to take your place in the market.

Another good idea is to provide services that are still rare in our country.

In India, for example, it is popular decorating hands and feet with beautiful patterns using henna.

But if they do it there as a tribute to traditions and culture, then in other countries it is done exclusively as a decoration.

Now this idea is quite popular in Europe and the USA, and is also gradually “gaining momentum” in Russia. Don't miss the wave!

At home, as their mini-business, girls can provide the following services:

  1. Mani Pedi.
  2. Massage.
  3. Haircut / styling.
  4. Eyelash extensions and eyebrow shaping.
  5. Waxing and sugaring.
  6. Nurse services (injections, treatment procedures).
  7. Personal trainer services.
  8. Stylist's advice.

These ideas for girls are in demand today, but they require a certain professionalism and knowledge, otherwise you can “spoil the beauty” of some unfortunate girl, or even worse, cause irreparable harm to the health of another person.

Therefore, you should start your journey with specialized courses, but also constantly work on improving your skills in the future.

The second mandatory attribute for a start is the acquisition of high-quality (read - expensive) materials and tools for work.

If you are not ready to invest a lot of money in your business, as a result, you will end up with just a hobby or a side job that will bring little income.

Direction 4. Business ideas for girls in the field of education

Education includes all kinds of courses and lessons, which may well become extra income for girls.

It is not uncommon for teachers foreign languages they started working for themselves alone, but over time they organized their own translation agencies or author's schools.

The most common ideas for such a business among girls today are the following services:

  1. Computer skills courses (from basic to programming).
  2. Design courses, sewing.
  3. Cooking lessons.
  4. Lectures on style and fashion.

In fact, you can learn anything - from artistic tying of shoelaces and cooking, to Latin and cross-stitching. You need to build on what you are a specialist in, as well as on the demand for a particular service.

Great advantage- such amusement does not require mandatory personal presence. For example, it is very popular in this moment format when a girl teaches a foreign language course via Skype.

Thanks to this, not only the teacher herself, but also her students receive more mobility and convenience.

Plus, you don’t have to spend money on renting a meeting room. But you can, of course, personally visit the students - of course, for a fee.

And where can a girl look for them - clients for her business?

    Give good result sites free ads in the Internet.

    To distinguish your service from competitors, use various built-in promotion tools (which are available on any such site).

    With their help, for a moderate fee, you can bring information about yourself to the top or highlight the ad with a frame / color.

    Notice boards near residential buildings and poles is already an ineffective method of advertising, but still it still gives its result.

    You will only have to spend money on printing flyers and glue.

    Learn interestingly and qualitatively, do not hesitate to talk about yourself - then the result will not keep you waiting.

Direction 5. Network marketing - a valuable idea for girls or a "scam"?

Speaking about the business for girls, one cannot completely ignore such an industry as network marketing. IN Lately he lost his popularity, but still remains in sight.

The essence of network marketing comes down to the sale of various goods according to the pyramid scheme. Almost everything is sold today - from automobile oils to contraception.

But still, the basic segments are the sale of cosmetics, kitchen utensils and nutritional supplements.

For this reason, network marketing is considered to be a business exclusively for girls.

The pyramid principle boils down to the following structure:

  • The first level - "Peak": backbone of a business, a manufacturing company that sells its product to downstream sales representatives.
  • The second level - sales representatives: interact directly with the parent structure. They buy goods with their own money and sell them at a premium to those below them.
  • The third level - "thousanders": regional representatives who sell the purchased goods in their region to “thousanders” (those sales representatives who have 1,000 ordinary sellers under their control).
  • The fourth and fifth levels - "hundreds" and "foremen": whose business is built on mediation between regional representatives and end sellers.
  • The sixth level - "The Bottom of the Pyramid": it's the least status members"Pyramids" who are trying to sell the purchased goods to the end user, and get their percentage from this.

For the upper levels, the essence of this business idea is win-win, because they are guaranteed to sell the goods, but what to do with all this to the lower links is not their headache.

If a girl has the skill of suggestion, stress resistance and she is ready to take risks, then network marketing as a business idea can be very profitable.

Despite the general censure, such schemes are in most cases quite legal - everyone has heard of such brands as Oriflame, Mary Kay, Amway.

But it is also worth understanding that working according to this scheme is only an illusion of your own business.

Whatever team you have under your control, you still work for the benefit of the top of the pyramid. Whether it's worth it is up to you to decide for yourself.

Direction 6. Great business for a girl - rent things out

Although such an idea is not very popular, especially among girls, it should not be discounted.

For example, you have a large family, there are bicycles that children grew up with. This "transport" can be rented out!

It is unprofitable for many to buy them in a crisis, especially considering how quickly children grow up. But renting for the weekend is a good idea.

quote You can also rent roller skates, skateboards. All this can be purchased cheaper at the same commission, if the idea of ​​a business interests you, and material assets for this no.

For those girls who want to put this business on stream, there is always the opportunity to raise the stakes.

Nowadays, gyroscooters and electric mopeds are extremely popular. If you buy two or three hoverboards and offer them to rent in some amusement park with high traffic, then the earnings will be very good.

According to the participants of this market, in Moscow a hoverboard can pay off in a couple of days.

In this case, it is better to choose parks with a closed area so that the client does not “accidentally” leave on your scooter in an unknown direction. Likewise with bicycles.

Serious offices install GPS beacons on their property, but keep in mind that this requires additional investments for business implementation.

If you are looking for an idea that would be more suitable for girls, you can consider renting out dresses, accessories, suits.

This option is especially successful for those who have an extensive branded wardrobe or are simply fond of making various interesting gizmos (carnival masks, fans, veils, feather "crowns" of Indians and the like).

Direction 7. Non-standard home business ideas for girls

Above we have listed six main areas. But the world does not stand still. Periodically, such business formats appear that no one had previously taken into account.

For example, such a business idea (mainly for girls) is still not very common, such as "cafe at home".

This means that you are willing to feed a stranger in your kitchen for a fee.

Websites for publishing such ads are a separate business idea. In the CIS, this is still perceived with humor, but this is how we treated fitness until recently!

Another idea (already better known to us) - dog/cat hairdresser. Similar services are also provided in Russian cities, but so far they have not become widespread.

Business development was hindered by the economic crisis, because these services are not of paramount importance, and the population had little “extra” money.

Note that only a business that opens a new niche in your region can be truly successful.

So, dear girls, analyze what you like and try to sell these services/products.

Direction 8. Is a franchise suitable as an option for a business idea for girls?

If no original business ideas for girls have ever visited your head, then you can use strangers. And quite legally, without plagiarism.

To do this, just go to any site where franchises are collected and choose a business to your liking:


A franchise is a ready-made business format under a foreign brand.

You buy the right to use this brand, deduct part of the profits, and in return receive almost ready business with all permissions and production chains, and most importantly, an experienced mentor who is vitally interested in your success.

Why? Because his income is royalties from your business. If you burn out, he won't get anything.

So a real franchisor will do everything to make your business for girls successful and prosperous.

Huge: purely Russian business models and international, expensive and relatively cheap.

The main disadvantage is the cost of buying a franchise and royalties. But if your business idea is successful, then this will not be a problem.

Summing up the topic of our business for girls, we will post the following statistics:

Traditionally, men earn more than women, although it is girls who are the most “fertile” target audience for any sale.

You can put up with this situation, or you can start a business for girls that will break the pattern, give good income and the possibility of self-realization in your favorite business.

An interview with a successful business lady will inspire you to great deeds!

Lena Dmitrieva, at the age of 24, has 4 companies, there is a lot to learn:

The format of the company "woman for woman" was not invented yesterday, but for some reason it is not being implemented very actively in the post-Soviet space. This means that the competition here will be lower than in the "male" segments.

So why not use the situation to your advantage, and not run your own business for girls?

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There is a stereotype in our society that doing business is the prerogative of men. But girls and women successfully destroy this standard of thinking and prove that they can organize and run a business just as well as the stronger sex. Having your own business for a girl is not so much a fashion trend as a requirement of reality.

In our difficult time, more and more young women are striving to acquire their own profitable business in order to firmly stand on their feet and gain financial independence from men.

The question of what kind of business to open for a girl worries many of the fair sex. Contrary to the belief that starting a business requires considerable experience and a large amount of money, young women manage to earn money without much capital investment, without having financial education and office.

Network Marketing - business for start-up entrepreneurs

A young woman who has never been in business can start making money through network marketing. Despite the fact that the network market in our country has existed for several years and there is strong competition in it, with the right approach to this type of activity, you can start earning decent money regularly and gradually build your own income-generating branch. Marketing sales are ideal for purposeful and sociable girls who like to be in the center of attention and have many acquaintances. Students and young mothers who are on maternity leave can try to do network business. If you belong to the latter category and are serious about marketing, then this type of income may be ideal for you, as it does not require much time and does not distract from raising a child.

Choosing network companies, girls need to pay attention to companies that sell cosmetics, household chemicals, dishes and other popular goods. It is important to consider the presence of competitors. If among the acquaintances there are already several distributors of the products of one company, it makes no sense to replenish their ranks. You need to choose a company in such a way that at first you will be its only representative in your environment. Do not forget about the cost of goods. With an average wages in a city of 20 thousand rubles, few buyers want to order perfume from the catalog at the price of their average monthly income. But among wealthy acquaintances, you can try to sell expensive products. The convenience of network business lies in the fact that it does not require large investments and at first, newcomers are supported by those who brought them to the company.

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Small kindergarten at home

A young woman trained as an educator or psychologist might be advised to open a small kindergarten. With absence start-up capital for renting a room, you can establish a kindergarten in your own apartment. Considering that state preschool institutions are overcrowded and it is necessary to enroll children in them almost from birth, the popularity of private home-type kindergartens is growing more and more every year. To be engaged in educational business, it is necessary to have a spacious apartment in which there is a place for sleeping and leisure of children. You do not need to recruit a large group of kids, it is desirable that their number does not exceed 10 people. You should think about how the children will eat in advance. You can cook their own food in the kitchen or order elsewhere.

Small children make a lot of noise, so get the consent of the neighbors before starting a kindergarten at home. Since the license to open a private nursery preschool is not issued in the apartment, the young woman will have to limit herself to services for organizing the educational process and leisure of children. It is important to remember that the teacher is responsible for each child, so you need to competently approach the organization of the kindergarten. Babies must be supervised by at least 2 people. It would not be superfluous to agree with a familiar pediatrician so that, if necessary, he could come and examine the children. Babies need to be fed with high-quality and fresh food, they need to be played with, exercised, walked, put to bed in the afternoon and do everything that they do in public kindergartens.

The educational business will appeal only to those young women who love children. You should not expect huge profits from a kindergarten at home. If you charge a huge bill for your services, parents will stop taking their children to you and find an institution cheaper. However, with proper bookkeeping, it is realistic to get a constant profit from such a home business. Gradually unwinding, you can rent a room for a kindergarten and organize it according to all the rules. To do this, you will need to collect a huge folder permits from different authorities and choose a room in which there is a place for a first-aid post, a catering unit, spacious playrooms and bedrooms for children. It will be necessary to create several jobs and select qualified workers for them. , be prepared for the fact that your work will be constantly checked by various regulatory authorities.

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Hobby-based business - profitable and promising

Many young women create their own business from their favorite pastime. Girls like to do creative things: knit, embroider, sew clothes and soft toys, weave beaded jewelry, create flower arrangements. The cost of things made by hand is low, and the price for them is always high. A hobby can be turned into a profitable business and earn good money from it. In order to start such a business, neither large funds nor an office are needed. You can also take orders for making jewelry from beads, sewing or knitting exclusive things at home. The first clients can be neighbors or girlfriends, who, in turn, will also bring acquaintances. Some girls are very successful in doing business using the Internet, posting information about themselves and their own business in in social networks and in various forums.

Photographing can become an equally successful type of business. Mastering the art of photography is not difficult at all. Modern technologies give simply inexhaustible possibilities for creating any compositions. Photographers are in demand everywhere today, they can’t do without them either at morning performances in kindergartens, or at graduations in educational institutions or at weddings. To print high-quality photos, there is no need, as before, to deal with all kinds of developers and fixers. It is enough just to get quality camera, computer and printer. The markup on the cost of a finished photo can reach 500% or more. The easiest way to start a photography business is for a young woman who has children attending kindergarten or school. It is enough to offer your services in a group or class of a child in order to be able to earn and gradually expand your client base.

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Types of women's business that require investment

A financially secure girl can try beauty. Personal care and everything connected with it is a purely feminine kind of business. With more modest Money you can start with a small hairdresser or nail salon and gradually expand to the scale of the salon. To lead successful business, you need to study the state of the market for the services provided in the area where you plan to open an institution. If there are already several beauty salons, hairdressers or tanning studios on the same street, it makes no sense to open another one there. You need to choose a place for doing your business where there are no serious competitors. If there is a lot of competition, you can offer services that are not provided in other salons or introduce a system of discounts for regular customers.

It is very important to study the client base and take into account the average income of potential visitors to the future salon. It is unprofitable to open a beauty salon for wealthy clients in a town where the average monthly income per capita does not exceed 25 thousand rubles. But a decent establishment, where they provide quality services at affordable prices, will always be popular with the residents of such a town. The situation in large cities is significantly different; here you can safely open a beauty salon specializing in the provision of expensive services. A well-written business plan will help you to successfully run your own business, which will take into account everything: from equipment and skill levels of craftsmen to prices for services provided and salaries to employees. Such a plan will help a young girl effectively calculate future income from the salon business.

Business ideas for women with minimum investment- this is an opportunity to do business without having serious savings. This format allows you to work in absolutely different niches - from the beauty industry to organizing your own cleaning company. You need to start from your own feelings and desires.

If a woman has not previously been engaged in entrepreneurship, then she must remember that she has several important advantages that men often lack:

  • Patience. Girls are ready to wait for the result, they do not require lightning-fast big profits. Even the lack of income will not force a woman to stop working at the limit of her abilities.
  • Intuition. She can tell you what to do, how to act in this situation.
  • Flexibility. It will allow you to easily make changes in the planned plan to achieve an excellent result.
  • Charm. It often allows you to avoid sharp corners, attract reliable partners and interested customers.

If a woman seriously decided to do own business, then it must act in accordance with the following rules:

  1. it is better to start with ideas that do not need serious financial investments;
  2. it is worth actively using Internet promotion, this niche is in demand today more than ever;
  3. you need to choose a business that you really like, and it will be easier to work;
  4. you should not buy professional equipment immediately and in full, it is better to start small, and when a profit appears, purchase everything you need.

Women treat their own business a little differently than men. For example, network marketing is considered a niche more suitable for girls. This is confirmed by statistics. Only one in five in this area is a man.

The ability to perceive incoming information, increased attention and responsibility are qualities that can help a woman promote her own business.

Home business for women is considered a priority form of entrepreneurship. Many of them are on maternity leave, helping children, doing housework. For some, a business becomes an opportunity to earn additional income by fulfilling their own dreams. Most often, women choose the following niches for themselves:

  • sales;
  • beauty industry;
  • handmade;
  • cooking;
  • provision of services.

Let us consider in detail the ideas of home business for women, the most relevant today.

Sales area

This idea is close to women, if only because they themselves are active buyers. It is better to work with those goods that are most familiar. It is quite logical that a woman who is well versed in cosmetics or clothing will not open a hardware store in which she does not understand at all.

Trading through one-page sites

This format of doing business is one of the most popular today. This idea does not require a significant initial investment. You can get by with a capital of several tens of rubles.

The bottom line is to sell a particular product over the Internet. It can be a massage cream, a weight loss product, t-shirts with photographs and much more. In this case, you need to act like this:

  1. choose a product;
  2. create a one-page website (it must have detailed information about products, customer benefits, delivery data);
  3. purchase a small batch of goods;
  4. launch an advertising campaign.

After that, it will remain to work with incoming applications. Initially, you will have to do the shipment of products yourself. Delivery by Russian Post is the most budget option.

It is not necessary to take payment in advance. You can send the order cash on delivery. But in this case, there is a risk that the client will change his mind about buying the goods, then all shipping costs will be borne by the entrepreneur. Therefore, such a risk should be included in the cost of production.

Opening a full-fledged online store

This option differs from the previous one in that more than one product is offered to the client. Having a large selection will attract more visitors. But such a store will require more impressive investments. It will take at least 100,000 rubles to purchase products and create a website. The final initial costs will depend on the value of the goods offered. If it is inexpensive cosmetics, then the starting capital of 100,000 rubles will be enough, but for the sale of clothes, investments will be needed 3-5 times more.

The idea of ​​opening an online store is interesting because the number of Internet users is constantly growing. Moreover, many people today prefer to order goods remotely, rather than spending time going to the store.

If a woman is not going to engage in customer service on her own, but only wants to manage the process, then she will need an administrator. True, at the very beginning it is better to do without it, since the profit received can be equal to zero or become negative, because the employee will need to pay wages on a monthly basis.

It is worth considering the idea of ​​dropshipping (products are bought from the manufacturer only after receiving payment from the client, this trading format is also called direct delivery). In this case, the risks of the entrepreneur will be minimal, he will not have to look for warehouse space to store goods. But even here there are downsides. For example, the delivery of goods will take a little longer.

Selling daily products in the amount of 5,000 rubles or more, you can count on a profit of 60,000 - 75,000 rubles per month.

Clothing store at home

If a woman is interested in fashion, actively follows the latest trends, has good taste and knows how to choose really high-quality, beautiful and fashionable clothes, then she should consider the idea of ​​opening her own showroom right at home. No need to look for a place to work will significantly reduce the amount of required start-up capital and operating costs.

To open such a store, 200,000 rubles will be more than enough. But it is important that the apartment has a lot of space. It is best to equip a separate room for fitting and displaying goods.

You can sell branded or Chinese clothes. But it is important that she good quality. To attract customers, you can use not only personal connections, but also promotion on the Internet. Here you can limit yourself to creating a page on a social network. It is important to exhibit photos, information about products, available sizes, cost. Promotions, discounts regular customers All this will help build customer loyalty.

The level of profit received will depend on the demand for products, sales volumes. A woman can choose for herself one or more of the following areas:

  • women's clothing;
  • outerwear;
  • underwear;
  • clothes for pregnant women and newborns (it is better to use as a related product);
  • wedding clothes and all necessary accessories.

It is not necessary to sell clothes. There are other interesting options to consider. For example, selling shoes, accessories, bags, cosmetics can also become a profitable business.

Sale of elite tea and coffee

This is a rather specific format of entrepreneurship, since finding customers can be difficult. Such a business can be started at home, but after receiving an income of at least 300,000 - 400,000 rubles, you should think about opening a stationary outlet.

  • lack of seasonality;
  • simple storage conditions;
  • long shelf life of goods;
  • no specialized equipment is required.

The main cost item will be the purchase of raw materials. It will be necessary to provide a variety of products. It is better to buy coffee and tea from foreign manufacturers, famous for their excellent quality.

Handicraft store

This idea will also seem very interesting to many women. There are few such specialized stores today, so the demand for goods will be quite large. It is not necessary to open a stationary point. You can also trade right at home. Although, in order to make a big profit, you will have to rent a room, provide a large assortment of goods.

Goods for needlework are mostly inexpensive, so large expenses are not required. To open a full-fledged store, 300,000 rubles is enough. They will go to the purchase of racks, goods, promotion. At first, you can sell products on your own, and when you reach a high profit, you can hire a seller and open another outlet. The profitability of such a store can reach 30%, which is pretty good.

Additionally, you can display in your trading floor finished products of their own customers, receiving a percentage of the sale for this.

Ideas in the beauty industry

A true woman not only follows the latest trends, but also actively takes care of herself. Not surprisingly, many of them have the skills to work in this area. An active lady can easily organize a fitness club for the residents of her house at home, do hairstyles or manicures - this list is endless. We will consider the most popular ideas today in more detail.

Home Fitness Instructor

Women who are in good physical shape should open their own mini-fitness club. You will also need knowledge in this area, special equipment. To conduct classes in the apartment, you will need to allocate a separate room. From there it is better to remove all unnecessary furniture. It will not be possible without a small repair - light walls, parquet, lighting. You don’t need to buy a large amount of inventory at once, otherwise it will take a long time to recoup your costs. To work, you may need:

  • rugs;
  • balls;
  • dumbbells;
  • steppers;
  • weighting agents;
  • ropes;
  • hoops.

To avoid problems with neighbors, it is better if the apartment is located on the 1st floor. If you conduct classes with 1-2 groups 3-4 times a week (up to 10 people), then you can earn about 20,000 - 25,000 rubles per month. The rest of the time will be free.

If the number of clients increases, then it will be necessary to think about renting a hall and opening an official business.

It is not necessary to do strength training. You can organize a dance club. For example, now Zumba is especially popular - an incendiary dance that helps to effectively burn calories.


Hairdressing services are in demand today more than ever. If a person has the necessary skills and has extensive work experience, then he can quickly reach a high level of income.

Start-up costs will be small. You can meet the 50,000 rubles. And if there is necessary equipment and tools, then you will need to spend money on workplace equipment and advertising.

It is not necessary to provide only hairdressing services. Often such specialists are engaged in additional plucking and coloring of eyebrows.

In order to attract as many customers as possible, you can not only invite those who want to have their hair cut to your home, but also travel to the addresses on your own. Additional charges may apply for this service.

At first, it will be difficult to find clients if the master does not have his own base. For promotion, you can get by with your own group on a social network. It will be necessary to draw up a price list, post photos of the work (it is better to take them in the “before and after” format), having previously obtained permission from your clients. You can launch contextual advertising and even create your own website if the income reaches a tangible level.

The list of services provided may include the following works:

  • a haircut;
  • styling;
  • staining;
  • highlighting;
  • toning;
  • lamination;
  • eyebrow coloring;
  • wedding hairstyles;
  • braiding.

The more skills the master has, the more clients he will be able to attract. With a large load, you can make a profit in the amount of 60,000 - 100,000 rubles per month.

Nail salon

Providing manicure services at home is another one of the most popular and sought after ideas for women. It can bring in impressive profits. Sometimes it turns out to be even higher than 100,000 rubles a month.

But here training and experience will not be enough. Of course, a novice specialist who has undergone appropriate training can also engage in the provision of services. But then the quality of the manicure will not be so high. But even here there is a way out - to offer a lower price than the market average.

The work will require special equipment - an ultraviolet lamp, for example, will be needed to solidify the gel. You can not do without consumables - gel, tips, varnishes, sparkles and other decorations. You will also need money for continuing education. In the field of manicure constantly invent something new. You won’t surprise anyone with ordinary nails. People want variety, so you have to learn all the new techniques and use them in practice.

A newly minted entrepreneur will also need to think about ways to promote own services. If she previously worked in a salon, then she probably already has her own customer base. Additionally, you can attract people with the help of contextual advertising, your website, social networks. You can try posting ads in your area. If the master has already become famous, then you should think about promoting your own brand.

Depilation at home

Depilation does not require a license. Even the presence medical education here optional. But accuracy, tact and skill are the qualities that a specialist should possess. Depilation is a rather delicate procedure. Therefore, you immediately need to establish contact with the client, help him relax.

There are several depilation methods actively used by masters today. These include the following varieties:

  • wax;
  • sugaring;
  • enzyme;
  • laser;
  • photoepilation;
  • elos;
  • Cool;

Not all of them can be used at home. Sugaring is the most popular among clients. This type of depilation allows you to safely remove excess hair even in delicate areas using a special sugar paste.

To work, you will need consumables, namely: a special paste, various additives, a scrub, an antiseptic, talcum powder, disposable gloves, a tool that allows you to slow down hair growth. To purchase these goods, investments in the amount of 25,000 - 30,000 rubles will be required. Additionally, you will need to buy a comfortable chair for customers. It can take from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.

Being engaged in depilation at home, it is quite realistic to receive about 30,000 - 40,000 rubles per month. The main thing is to offer your services correctly. A group on social networks with constant activity will help bring in the most customers.


Many women love massage, wraps, procedures with aroma oils. But not everyone has enough money to go to an elite SPA-salon. It is for this category of customers that this business idea is designed. But services for therapeutic and anti-cellulite massage are subject to licensing. If you plan to provide them, then you will have to not only confirm the availability of the appropriate education, but also obtain a license, officially register your activities, find and prepare the premises.

If you do not want to do this, then you can limit yourself to a relaxing massage and various types wraps that do not violate the integrity of the skin. For example, today many people want to feel the effect of chocolate and coffee wraps.

Setting up a business does not require large investments. About 70,000 - 100,000 rubles will be spent on the following cost items:

  • a massage table;
  • jars for massage;
  • towels;
  • baths;
  • scented candles and oils;
  • cream;
  • scrubs;
  • mixtures for wraps;
  • lotions.

The income from the work of a home SPA-salon can reach 80,000 - 120,000 rubles per month with a heavy load. At the same time, the quality of the services provided will be very important, because if the client does not like the massage, then he is unlikely to return here again.

Additionally, you can buy a solarium and provide the appropriate service to your customers. True, these costs will pay off not earlier than in 3-4 months.

Start your own beauty blog

This is perhaps one of the most unusual and interesting ideas for women. It does not require any major investment. But here without original ideas will not do, because the competition in this area is high. A woman should be creative, active, liberated. You can not do without knowledge in the field of beauty. What can a blog be about? It can cover the following questions:

  • weight loss secrets;
  • proper nutrition;
  • sports;
  • makeup;
  • hairstyles;
  • manicure;
  • advice on choosing clothes or an overview of modern brands, current trends.

In a word, the scope for ideas is simply huge. It is important to be able to present your thoughts lively, interesting, perhaps with a bit of humor.

Among the few costs will include the purchase of a quality webcam and microphone, the promotion of your blog. Consumables will also be needed. For example, if we are talking about the correct application of makeup, then cosmetics will be required.

This idea is also attractive because it allows you to make big profits if successful. Well-known bloggers earn from several tens of thousands per month. The upper limit is not at all limited and can even reach several hundred thousand or million rubles.


This is perhaps the most creative business area that allows you to realize your fantasies. It needs people with certain skills and abilities to work in it. Drawing skills are highly encouraged. Here is a selection of the most interesting and sought-after ideas in the field of hand-made for modern woman who wants to start their own business:

  • Knitting. Products crocheted and knitted are in demand. You can make clothes for children and adults, toys, jewelry, blankets, napkins, tablecloths, towels. Accuracy and perseverance - such features should be in a woman to work in this area. Starting costs are minimal - from 10,000 rubles. You can start knitting for friends, and then create a page for selling products in your city.
  • Production of photophones. This idea is related to creating backgrounds for social media photos. The competition in this area is small, but the cost of services is negligible. But a woman will be able to show all her imagination, and special skills and abilities are not required here.
  • Handmade dolls. You can make themed items (for example, gothic dolls) or create clones real people by order. For work, you will need skills in sewing, knitting. Artistic ability will be a plus. The cost of one doll starts from 1,500 - 2,000 rubles. And if the author already has a well-known and promoted name, then for one such toy he can help out ten times more.
  • Felting wool. From this material, you can make not only felt boots, but also clothes, shoes (slippers, for example), jewelry, accessories, toys.
  • Making jewelry from foamiran. This is a relatively new trend. Foamiran is foamed rubber, which makes excellent decorations, toys, artificial flowers. The last direction is called fomfloristics.

These are just a few of the current hand-made ideas. Still popular is the manufacture of soap, products from polymer clay developing children's toys.


Cooking is an area that all women touch. But someone cooks so professionally that eventually they think about selling their own dishes. Most actual idea- production confectionery: unusual cakes, pastries, buns, puffs. Many people love fresh baked goods. It is better to make it to order, because the shelf life of such products is short.

The greatest demand now is for beautiful author's cakes with mastic figures or drawings on special edible photo paper. No less often people order cupcakes, muffins. Usually such services are used on special holidays - birthday, wedding anniversary, anniversary, other important events in life.

In order to attract as many consumers as possible, the culinary specialist must not only bake deliciously, but also decorate their products beautifully. The presence of imagination will allow to realize the most extraordinary products. But the individuality of each batch of baking is something that people are willing to pay well for.

The organization of such a business does not require serious investments. It will be enough and 20,000 rubles. They will be required to purchase inventory - whisks, bowls, a baker's sleeve, confectionery syringes and much more. Current costs will be summed up from the purchase of raw materials and promotion. True, if the culinary specialist becomes famous in his city, he will not have to spend money on advertising. Photos of products, information about the composition, promotions and sweepstakes in social networks - all this will certainly attract new thread clients.


The service industry includes many ideas suitable for women. Such a business often allows you to save on initial investments and make a profit due to the presence of special knowledge and skills. Here are the most requested ideas for today:

  • Private kindergarten. You can organize a group right at your home if you independently look for mothers who need to attach their children somewhere. It is better if they are acquaintances, because then trust will arise between the client and the entrepreneur. You will have to equip a game room, a sleeping area. It is not necessary to take many children. You can provide services to several mothers. This option is especially suitable for women on maternity leave. While caring for their own child, they will be able to look after other people's children for an additional fee. There is also an alternative option - the provision of babysitting services, when you need to take care of a child on the territory of the client.
  • Your own event management agency. This format is suitable for creative people. What will the entrepreneur do? Creation of scenarios, preparation of holidays. It will be necessary to take over the work with the invited artists, the decoration of the hall, the development of the concept.
  • Providing design services. The presence of a specialized education in the field of design or architecture, knowledge of programs for interior modeling on a computer - all this will be required to implement the idea. You can work with individuals and companies. What will need to be done? Develop a concept for the interior decoration of apartments, houses, offices, halls for celebrations. Creativity and taste is what will help to achieve even greater success.
  • Tutoring. This option is suitable for people with a pedagogical education. Today, tutors are required to prepare for the Unified State Examination, entrance exams. You can make a career in private lessons in music, acting, singing, drawing, foreign languages. It is important to know perfectly what is to be taught. Moreover, it is not necessary to work with clients live, you can conduct lessons via Skype. You can study with one person or a whole group at once - the cost of the lesson will depend on this.
  • cleaning company. You can also earn money by cleaning apartments, and very well. The main thing is to find several wealthy families and provide services to them on permanent basis few times a week. Duties may include wet cleaning, window washing, laundry, ironing. Additionally, you can cook and sit with the child.

Summing up

A woman, wanting to start her own business, has a large number of options for implementing her ideas. You just need to have perseverance and a desire to work, and then everything will work out. And the presence of a large start-up capital is not at all necessary.

Young girls and women on maternity leave often think about starting their own business. There are many niches where ladies could find application for their experience and talent - the creation of exclusive products, the beauty industry, consulting centers.

In some areas, the fair sex is easier to succeed than men. This is explained by the fact that in these areas a woman becomes an expert faster and easier, intuitively understands the dynamics of demand. In this article, we will tell you what kind of business you can open with a minimum investment for a girl.

The specifics of women's entrepreneurship

A successful business lady is not uncommon. They also efficiently conclude deals, participate in financial auctions, organize business trips. There is a large percentage of the fair sex among our clients. They easily adapt to new circumstances, are more loyal in negotiations, using natural data - intuition, attentiveness to human factor, girls quickly achieve high results in sports betting.

The conditions of the modern market put men and women on the same level, throw equally tough challenges that require the mobilization of internal resources, self-discipline and determination. How, working in this mode, the lady does not lose herself and her face? What kind of business can a girl do?

The difficulties of starting for a young businessman in a skirt are obvious, but there are a number of strengths, which a lady can rely on when opening her company:

  • The target audience. It is easier for a woman to produce goods and services for a woman, because they understand the preferences of the buyer, the decision-making mechanism and the degree of suggestibility.
  • Personal interest. If a girl is interested in the field of fashion or beauty, she will constantly improve in this direction, improving her product. Her working day will end when everyone leaves the office, she will flip through fashion magazines, read blogs, and on the weekends instead of a series, he will go to a fashion weekend.
  • Psychology business communication. It will not be difficult for a loyal and understanding leader to establish contacts within the company.

Women's business from scratch is based not only on the analysis of their personal and professional qualities, it is necessary to draw up economic calculations and profitability of the enterprise.

Suitable spheres to start

With the development of consumer culture, people are increasingly abandoning the mass market in favor of handmade products. This gives a wide scope for the activities of craftswomen of various profiles. Home business without investments for young girls and women with a regular income - this is not only possible, but also very good profit.

If you have not yet decided what your soul lies in, study the industries where you will be interested in working:

  • Cooking. All family and friends are crazy about your gastronomic masterpieces, then you need to immediately equip a small bakery. Homemade food is a brand that has become the antipode of everything factory and store-bought. Many people simply do not trust the composition written on the label of beautiful cakes that are in supermarket windows.
  • Beauty sphere. Beauty salons make a high percentage of margins, so services are many times more expensive. Every master now has the opportunity to order professional cosmetics via the Internet. Therefore, the services of a specialist in building, eyebrow correction or manicure at home have become safe and of high quality. The main advantage is low cost, and all the time and space is devoted to one client.
  • Soap making. Fashion for organic products will never go away. There are still a lot of packages on the shelves of stores, on the back of which the name of hard alkaline solutions and harmful parabens flaunts. These substances dry the skin and cause irritation. Therefore relevant home production cleansers.
  • Fashion. The most favorite female pastime - trying on outfits and flipping through glossy magazines, can give advice on what kind of business a girl can do. Mini-studio or exclusive shop designer clothes will become really in demand if you are burning with this idea.
  • Blogosphere. Many online platforms allow you to quickly find your reader. By becoming popular online, you can place costly advertisements for your followers.
  • Psychology and pedagogy. There are as many ideas for women's business as there are girlish interests. If you studied languages ​​at the university, you can easily organize a language center. To test the waters and find out the level of consumer demand, you can start with small forms - do tutoring.
  • Entertainment and holidays. Large-scale anniversaries, weddings, corporate parties require complex and thoughtful organization. Guests must be satisfied with everything from the table to the room program. Event agencies come to the rescue in such cases.

It’s not scary if you make a mistake with the chosen area, the main thing is to analyze your experience and benefit from it. Each of these industries has a fairly large number of competitors, so it is important to work on the distinctive features and advantages of the business.

Business ideas with minimal investment for girls and ladies

Before you open your business, you need to assess the availability of resources. The minimum capital is needed, if not for a start, then for the promotion of the company for sure. You can open your own business from scratch for a girl and a woman with the help of ready ideas. Organization of the company requires careful preparation, so it will be useful for you to study the experience of your predecessors.

Option number 1 Organization of the sale of goods from China

This type of activity practically does not require investments, since such forms of mediation as dropshipping are developing. You make a deal with the buyer and only then purchase the goods from the manufacturer without the practice of pre-orders. On the Internet, you can find ready-made wireframes for one-page sites and work a little on their content. Also, trading can be established through social networks. A few tips to help keep you afloat:

  • Choose the category of products in which you understand yourself - cosmetics, clothing, dishes, toys or accessories. This will make it easier to evaluate the quality and functionality of the samples.
  • Do not deceive the buyer. Make extremely honest advertising, your reputation depends on it.
  • Collaborate only with trusted companies, since you will be responsible for the money spent as an intermediary.

The main mistake is to approach the implementation of orders with disdain. Remember, a good profit will not come immediately, besides, no one has canceled the competition. In this segment, it is palpable.

Attention block: One of our most successful clients, now the owner of a chain of coffee shops, invested in dropshipping unsuccessfully. The printed T-shirts she chose to sell weren't in demand. To get out of the crisis, she turned to RespectBet for help. The woman multiplied a small contribution by 7.5 times, these finances were enough to open the first cafe.

Option number 2 Opening a home confectionery

Lovers of sweets do not spare money for their passion. Therefore, the bakery is small profitable business For a girl. You don't need much capital to get started, as you only need to purchase the ingredients for the first few orders. This can be done on a prepaid basis.

Pay great attention to informing the client online - create a colorful profile, list the main advantages of your baking. Constantly improve your professional quality and follow the fashion in this area. The latest innovations are cakes in glossy glaze or with velor coating.

Option number 3 Registration of a cleaning company

A woman knows everything about cleaning. But it is not necessary to pick up a broom yourself. Organize a small team. Your task as a leader is to find clients, and employees can be paid salaries at the end of the month. The service sector is still one of the most profitable industries with a minimum entry threshold.

Option number 4 Beauty salon at home

If you strive to make yourself and those around you even a little more beautiful, then the beauty industry is for you. To be successful in this segment, you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse and cooperate with cosmetics stores.

You can provide services:

  • make-up artist
  • nail artist;
  • masseur;
  • hairdresser;
  • tattoo master.

The client will show his trust in you if the skills are backed up by certificates of completion of courses, master classes, forums.

Option number 5 Tailoring or stylist services

Our grandmothers also sewed things on their own, so that on modern market your offer was relevant, it is necessary to think over tactics for rebuilding from competitors.

Exists great idea a family atelier where the designer designs the same sets of clothes for mother and daughter or son. Young girls so want to decorate the period of motherhood that they are happy to buy these unusual outfits.

Option #6 Investment

If you already have a basic income, then you will be interested in learning about ways to create additional income. Investing in sports betting will also help to increase capital, which will then become a starting springboard for business.

Girls who are fond of watching championships or competitions can monetize their hobby by betting on their favorites.

Block of attention: Marina Yuryevna invested 15,000 rubles in the RespectBet fund at the beginning of last year. Given that the monthly profit is 15%, by the end of last year, our client received 207,000 rubles. This amount was enough for her to open an ice cream parlor, where she, together with her husband, brews delicious coffee and treats her guests to desserts.

Drawing up a business plan for a project for girls

After you have decided which business to open for a woman, you need to draw up a detailed estimate and sequence of actions. Important steps will be:

  • Analysis of own resources.
  • Market research.
  • Assessment of competitors.
  • Consumer research.

Even if you are creating a small business at home, not counting on high turnover, reading professional literature and viewing social media profiles of professionals in this field (leading confectioners, hairdressers, makeup artists and stylists) will help you grow faster and keep your business profitable.

As a conclusion

There are many ways and options for a girl to start a business. Internet platforms help to maintain reporting, analytics and control over the execution of work. remember, that creative idea sells itself, but after its novelty dries up, it is necessary to look for other sources to fuel interest in the enterprise.
