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Kim Kardashian and Anastasia Kvitko. “Russian Kardashian” justified herself for the photo before plastic surgery. Do you photoshop your photos?

Date of Birth: November 25, 1994
Place of Birth: Kaliningrad
Height: 165 cm
Weight: 70 kg


Nastya Kvitko appeared in the late autumn of 1994 in Kaliningrad. As a child, she mastered the basics of sewing quite well. She also liked to draw. However, she never liked to talk about the years when she studied at school. The fact is that her classmates treated her more than coolly. There was only one reason - her excess weight and shape.

She even had to take up athletics to get in shape. But her appearance still remained completely unconventional. Nastya tried to get a job in one of the city modeling agencies. The management set a condition - to lose weight. But she refused and terminated the contract.

Everything changed dramatically in 2011. Her pictures were discovered on one of the social networks famous photographer Anvar Norov. He became interested in her appearance and invited Nastya to conduct a series of photo sessions. These professional photos went viral overnight. Global network, making it very popular.

In 2013, Nastya moved to the capital, where she received offers of cooperation. So, fans really liked her candid photo shoot for the famous publication “RHYME Magazine”.

Meanwhile, Kvitko decided to open her own Instagram account. It was then that they began to call her the “Russian Kardashian.” Every day, thousands of fans subscribed to her page.

In 2015, Nastya was offered to work at American company called "Kanye West Clothing". She released fashionable clothes. Note that the designer of most of the new models of this brand was Kim Kardashian's husband Kanye West.

As a result, at the very beginning of 2016, Anastasia moved to Miami. By this time, she worked not only exclusively for West's company, but also for many prestigious brands.

A little later, Anastasia began to live in Los Angeles. During this period, she took part in a popular Spanish-language television show. It was called "Un Nuevo Dia". Thanks to Kvitko, the show’s ratings have increased significantly.

After some time, famous US musicians Yande and Pitbull invited her to star in their video. It's about about the song “Ay mi Dios”.

At the end of the same year, Nastya became the face of the Eliya Cioccolato brand. This time she showed off stylish swimsuits.

In January 2017, Kvitko participated via teleconference in the popular TV show “Let Them Talk!” On air, the host of the program strongly doubted that Nastya had never resorted to plastic surgery. However, she was generally accused of this more than once. But Anastasia categorically denied such assumptions. She still claims that the success of her figure lies in regular exercise in the gym and in her genes. In a word, she managed to turn her non-standard appearance into an invaluable asset.

This is probably why Anastasia continues to enjoy great success among the stronger sex. Even at school, her spectacular classmate was not deprived of attention from her peers. And in her youth she communicated with a young man Alexei. He was able to instill in her the confidence that she lacked then. He also sincerely admired the forms of his beloved. They moved together from Kaliningrad to the capital. But, unfortunately, over time this relationship finally ended. And a year and a half ago, Anastasia met Russian millionaire Arseny Sharov. At one time, he was the husband of Alena Vodonaeva, a former participant in the reality show “Dom-2”. However, this is a completely different story...

Photo by Anastasia Kvitko

Photo by Anastasia Kvitko before and after plastic surgery

Photos before plastic surgery

Photo after plastic surgery

While the whole world is watching the events related to the robbery Kim Kardashian in Paris, an American star of Armenian origin may be deprived of the honorary title by women with the most outstanding forms. Model from Kaliningrad Anastasia Kvitko became the main competitor of the celebrity in this matter.

Journalists have already named the girl Russian Kim Kardashian. After all, even Kim herself can envy her shape. Anastasia's page Instagram already has more than four million subscribers who closely follow her life. Fans note that Kvitko has an incredible figure, and Kardashian, in their opinion, cannot hold a candle to her.

But an inseparable part of popularity is the negative attitude of the public. Anastasia could not avoid this either. Many subscribers criticize her and accuse her of being addicted to Photoshop, plastic surgery and silicone. However, the girl officially denied such gossip.

“This is what distinguishes me from other celebrities and beauties from Instagram - I don’t use Photoshop! I constantly post videos on full height, so that subscribers can make sure that I look exactly like in the pictures. I only had one operation - removal of appendicitis. I have a neutral attitude towards plastic surgery, if someone’s breasts or nose are made will make them feel happier, why not,” the model admitted.

Now Kvitko lives and works in Los Angeles, where he is filming various photo shoots. The girl said that she dreams of outshining Kim. According to her, Kardashian attracted attention only thanks to the work of plastic surgeons. “I have an athletic figure, toned hips, a beautiful butt, I don’t have a single operation on my face. And with her... Everyone knows perfectly well what she did to her butt. And now my popularity is growing at an incredible speed, so it’s a matter of time when they start recognizing me more often than Kim,” Anastasia told Grazia magazine.

Russian Kim Kardashian Anastasia Kvitko constantly insists that she did not resort to the services of a plastic surgeon. In any case, doctors don’t do miracles and maintaining an ideal body is very difficult, which turned out to be too much for the Russian model, who concentrated her activities in Miami. The star was caught on the beach and published a photo without Photoshop, the site reports.

There's nothing to envy

For a long time, 22-year-old Kvitko positioned herself as a girl with chic curves and perfect skin. However, all this turned out to be just a fiction, which was brought to life by Photoshop masters.

What does a star really look like?

Recently in Miami, photographers captured a model sunbathing in the company of friends, wearing her favorite snake swimsuit. However, the star’s figure and skin did not look as perfect as in all her pictures published on Instagram.

You can notice that Anastasia’s waist is not so thin, and a small tummy is visible in front, the model’s buttocks are not so “standing”, and her skin is not so bronze, but is all strewn with small stretch marks and “orange peel”.

Not like Kim Kardashian

Kvitko’s figure can also hardly be called athletic, but she only recently stated the opposite in an interview when they tried to compare her with Kim Kardashian. The Russian woman is sure that the TV personality is far from her, because she will never have such curvaceous, and most importantly natural, forms as hers. The girl calls her figure athletic, noting her toned thighs, calves and buttocks, while Kim, in her opinion, has only a well-promoted name that is better.

JoeInfo journalist Anna Ash recalls what Anastasia Kvitko presented from her collection. The girl found herself not only in the modeling business, but also in clothing design.

Anastasia Kvitko claimed that she got her figure from nature, but revealing pictures of her before were leaked online. plastic surgery.

21-year-old Anastasia Kvitko claims that her figure is the key to many years of training and good genetics. But some are ready to argue with her. Journalists managed to find photographs of the girl in which her forms look much more modest than they do now.

During a previous conversation with our correspondent, Kvitko said that she had never gone under a plastic surgeon’s knife in her life. And a figure that excites men’s hearts is the key to genetics and intense training in the gym.

The beauty's followers on Instagram, of which there are already more than 5 million, were divided into two camps. Some people believe Anastasia’s words, while others are convinced that such forms do not exist by nature, especially since now there are pictures online that show what nature really blessed the Russian Kim Kardashian with.

Kvitko expressed dissatisfaction with the doubts of her fans and tried to justify herself for the revealing photographs.

“I didn’t have any operations! I'm very young for this, I'm only 21 years old. In those pictures, I’m 13-14 years old, it’s normal for a teenager to look like that,” Anastasia admitted to Woman’s Day. - At such a young age, my figure is not formed, I then weighed only 40 kg, and now I weigh 60! Do you feel the difference? My figure began to take shape only at the age of 18, and from that moment I began to fanatically play sports and change my shape to other standards. I remember how I spent all day on the Internet and found all sorts of exercises, looked for information about proper nutrition, and read a lot about sports supplements. I even had a coach who helped me achieve the desired result!

Now I am completely tired of the reflection in the mirror. I don't want to change anything because I love myself the way I am. I would like to advise all girls to love themselves and their natural beauty, as I do.”

However, it must be said that the girl’s words about good genetics and generous Mother Nature did not convince her fans that Nastya did not undergo plastic surgery. Many people believe that surgical intervention is obvious, because naturally such proportions do not exist. By the way, Anastasia’s parameters are 95−62−105, such a figure is usually called an “hourglass”. The girl even began to be compared with the famous American TV personality Kim Kardashian.

The similarity is really hard to deny, but this concerns the figure, namely the butt of the girls. But Anastasia did not agree with us. The model is sure that Kim is far from having a body like hers.

“If we talk about the figure, then Kim can only dream of such curvaceous figures as mine. I have an athletic figure, toned thighs, calves, a very beautiful toned ass, but what about Kim? You know perfectly well what she did to her butt. The only thing she is superior to me in is this moment, is a more popular name, but I don't care that much. It is the matter of time. When the whole world finds out about me, they will forget about her,” Kim told Woman’s Day.

Excessive thinness, which was considered an ideal just a few years ago female beauty, gradually lost its popularity. Today, the trend is juicy girls with curves: elastic buttocks, high breasts and a wasp waist. This figure made American model Kim Kardashian famous. The beauty captivated everyone with her luxurious hips and butt, which she never tires of showing off in photos on social networks. A worthy competitor to her can be the Russian model Anastasia Kvitko, whose impressive parameters also cause admiration. The girl claims that her figure is the result of good genetics and hard work, and plastic surgery, which many suspect her of, has nothing to do with it. However, is this really so?

- Russian Kim Kardashian: how did Anastasia Kvitko deserve her popularity?

Just 2 years ago no one knew anything about this girl. Anastasia Kvitko was born and spent some time in Kaliningrad before moving to live in Moscow. In the capital, the girl tried to make a career as a model, but did not achieve much success.

They started talking about Anastasia Kvitko when she began posting her candid photos in lingerie on social networks, mainly on Instagram. The girl's fans actively commented on her posts, liked her, and the number of subscribers grew steadily. Today there are already more than 4 million, and Anastasia Kvitko’s popularity continues to grow. The girl regularly receives offers to act as an actress or model in various projects. She has already taken part in several commercials and numerous photo shoots, and recently a new Pitbull video with Anastasia appeared on the Internet.

The stunning success of the model was ensured by her parameters: chest volume is 95 cm, waist - only 63, and hips - 105. Despite her small height (162 cm), the girl’s figure looks very harmonious and feminine. Among her idols, Anastasia Kvitko mentions Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé and Kim Kardashian, with whom she is often compared. However, the model claims that, unlike the American star, her curves are natural, and the help of plastic surgeons has nothing to do with it.

- What did Anastasia Kvitko look like before plastic surgery?

It’s not easy to believe the girl’s words, since such an amazing figure with seductive curves, known as an hourglass, is extremely rare. Anastasia assures everyone that it’s all about proper nutrition, regular exercise and careful body care. In one of her interviews, she noted that as a child she attended the athletics section, and currently goes to the gym 4 times a week. She also strictly monitors her diet and does not eat meat or fast food, preferring to buy natural and healthy products in stores that specialize in selling organic food.

The Instagram star also denies using Photoshop, which is something they often try to accuse her of. It is precisely the lack of retouching in the photographs, according to the girl, that distinguishes her from all other popular beauties social network. As proof, Anastasia Kvitko invites her subscribers to watch a video where she is filmed in full body to make sure that in her photographs she is the same as in everyday life.

The girl is also very offended by comparisons with Kim Kardashian. Anastasia believes that the American model looks much worse than her, because she does not play sports, so her figure is less toned. Moreover, Kim Kardashian acquired elastic buttocks as a result of plastic surgery, but Anastasia managed to achieve a similar effect without surgery. However, the girl’s photographs cast doubt on this, since her figure was not always the same as what fans see on Instagram today.

- Photos before plastic surgery

Even if we take into account that Anastasia Kvitko leads healthy image life, it’s hard to believe that its parameters could change so dramatically. A few years ago, Anastasia looked quite normal. On old photograph For a skinny girl, you can hardly recognize the Russian Kim Kardashian. In 2010, Anastasia did not yet have protruding breasts or rounded hips, so it is not easy to believe that their appearance was done without plastic surgery.

In the gym, you can really tighten your buttocks, giving them elasticity, but it is impossible to completely change their shape. No matter how hard Anastasia works out on exercise machines, she will not be able to significantly increase muscle volume naturally. It is extremely rare to pump up the buttocks in isolation. Usually, the thigh muscles also grow along with them, which would definitely be noticeable in Anastasia Kvitko. But despite a significant increase in the size of the buttocks, this did not happen, which suggests that the girl’s figure was subjected to plastic surgery. In a photo taken in 2012, Kvitko's hips were much smaller.

Large breasts, the size of which the girl herself is silent about, although this is not important to fans, also appeared suddenly. After all, young Anastasia Kvitko was the owner of a small and neat bust, which was in great harmony with her miniature figure. Now the breasts have begun to look much more seductive, while their volume has increased significantly.

At first glance, it may seem that some metamorphosis has also occurred with the Instagram star’s waist. However, in this case, fans’ fears are most likely in vain. Anastasia Kvitko has always been slim, and the outstanding volumes of her breasts and hips only emphasized her already thin waist.

- Photos after plastic surgery: what has changed?

There are quite a few external signs, in which the intervention of plastic surgeons is clearly visible. Thus, in the latest photographs of Anastasia Kvitko it is clearly noticeable that the upper line of the buttocks has acquired a clearly defined contour.

Only African and Latin American women can boast of such curves; this is rarely observed among Slavic women. In addition, on the model’s buttocks, the gap between the upper part of the buttocks and the back is clearly visible. It occurs when implants are installed or as a result of lipolifting.

When performing such plastic surgeries, it is difficult to do without liposuction of the lower back. Most celebrities, such as Kim Kardashian, did it to get rid of fat in this area. It is quite possible that Anastasia Kvitko achieved a similar effect thanks to proper nutrition and playing sports, but then she would not have been able to maintain such voluminous buttocks. All this indicates that the model turned to plastic surgeons.

This is also proven by the perfectly round shape of the breasts. No matter what position the girl takes, the bust always looks the same. It is possible that Anastasia had to undergo several plastic surgeries to enlarge her breasts, which are currently much larger than they were several years ago. Although the girl continues to talk about the naturalness of her forms, her stunning figure and her photographs before and after plastic surgery stubbornly prove the opposite. But even if Anastasia Kvitko owes her beauty to plastic surgery, all the operations were not done in vain. After all, thanks to them, the girl received amazing forms, which quickly made her popular and brought the love of numerous fans.
