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How to open a food delivery service. Schemes of earnings in the field of nutrition. How to introduce diabetic products into the assortment of a health food store

Solving his own overweight problem, Vadim Glukhov found a promising business idea

Nizhny Novgorod resident Vadim Glukhov launched the Eat "n" Fit service, which is unusual for his city - the delivery of grocery sets with ready-made meals for the whole day. In the morning, a courier brings a thermal bag to the client, in which there are containers with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between. And it all started, as it often happens, with the fact that the entrepreneur tried to solve a certain problem for himself, and then scaled its solution to others.

Vadim Glukhov, 26 years old, Nizhny Novgorod businessman. Education: Faculty of State and municipal government RANEPA and the automotive department of the NNSTU. Alekseev. Since 2011 he has worked in automotive business, in 2013 he founded the network car rental company Carlson, in 2014 - a car service under the same brand. In 2015, he founded the food delivery companies "I will eat", Eat"n"Fit and GreenBoxDelivery; also in 2015 launched the companies CARlock Systems and Isee, which are engaged in the security and monitoring of objects. Married. Hobbies: cars, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, theater, literature, mathematics, chess, playing musical instruments.

How Eat "n" Fit appeared

The idea of ​​creating a healthy food delivery service was suggested to Vadim by life itself. “I have a weight problem. When I start to eat wrong, I start to get fat dramatically. In addition, I have a sedentary lifestyle, - says businessman Vadim Glukhov. - I have a nutritionist sister who said a year ago: “Vadim, it hurts me to look at you. Let me develop an individual diet for you.

The sister not only developed a personal balanced menu for her brother, taking into account Vadim's personal taste preferences, but also began to cook everything herself. “It was very tasty, healthy, and I really began to feel better and lost weight - seven kilograms in the first month,” recalls Vadim. Every morning he took a thermal bag with him, in which containers were packed with lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Although Vadim considers himself a disciplined person, after a month he got tired of carrying containers with him and began to alternate healthy food with regular food ... But he liked the idea itself, and the entrepreneur began to think about how to implement it on a city scale.

This is how the Eat "n" Fit daily healthy food delivery service was born.

What is the essence of the service

On the site eight nutrition programs are presented, compiled by a nutritionist based on the needs of most clients: for effective weight loss, with increased physical exertion, for weight recovery after pregnancy, etc. Each diet includes several dishes for a full 5 meals a day and costs from 850 rubles to 3000 rubles. You can choose one of the standard programs, or you can consult a nutritionist who will draw up an individual nutrition program.

After that, every morning the courier will bring a cooler bag, which will contain 7-10 ready-made meals of healthy and tasty food. In addition, there will be enclosed instructions that must be followed in order to achieve the desired results. The client only needs to heat the food in the microwave at the right time.

As it often happens, some friends and partners of Vadim Glukhov became the first clients of the new service. “The audience of Eat "n" Fit is the middle class and above. As a rule, these are people under 40 years old. Young, purposeful, ambitious, businesslike, busy… Who have little time, but enough money and an understanding that it is necessary to take care of their health and nutrition,” says the entrepreneur. Most of the first customers continue to use the service to this day.

“Now our main efforts are aimed at educational work, so that people know that there is such an opportunity to eat right. Moreover, the food is made for you on a turnkey basis and you don’t have to think: what to eat, where to eat, and how many calories it is ... At the same time, only products are used for cooking High Quality”, Vadim notes.

Plans and prospects

The Eat "n" Fit project is not even a year old. But during this time, several hundred people used the service, and another one appeared on the Nizhny Novgorod market. similar project. « Competitive environment- This is good. When there is competition, you better see the strong and weak sides project, you see in which direction you need to develop,” Vadim Glukhov notes.

Eat "n" Fit is not the first "food" project of an entrepreneur from Nizhny Novgorod. Earlier, Vadim Glukhov set up targeted delivery of natural farm products under the GreenBoxDelivery brand and implemented the “I Will Eat” project for the delivery of restaurant dishes and business lunches. Thanks to the presence of our own kitchen and delivery service, we managed to significantly save on the first stage of investment. “In total, investments in the project amounted to about 1.5 million rubles. This is mainly the development of standard nutrition programs and menus, marketing, food packaging and special equipment,” continues Glukhov. Now, apart from operating expenses, the main expenses are the promotion of the service.

“The Nizhny Novgorod market is rather inert and it is difficult to accept everything that concerns the unusual, non-standard. I am an optimist by nature, but I put pessimistic coefficients into the business plan. My expectations roughly coincided with the numbers that the project is showing now.”

According to the entrepreneur, the profitability of Eat "n" Fit is about 20%; this is significantly lower than the profitability of the same traditional lunch delivery services. But, nevertheless, Vadim Glukhov believes in the success of the young project “This, of course, is not McDonalds. But in five years, everyone will know about such a service as the delivery of healthy complex nutrition. Another thing is that not everyone will be customers. This is not a product of mass consumption, ”says the entrepreneur, who plans to develop the Eat "n" Fit franchise by the end of 2016 and replicate successful experience in other regions.

Delivery of proper nutrition. Sports nutrition on request.

Nowadays, the delivery of proper nutrition has become very popular business in big cities. People are tired of eating junk food, and those who play sports are tired of cooking the right food themselves. sports nutrition. There is simply no time for this. Previously, I already published an article "" with a similar topic, but now I will offer something new. Exactly delivery proper nutrition and personal selection this nutrition is at the heart of this idea!

Types of proper nutrition - Menu.

Under proper nutrition different people understand completely different types of food. Here are some types of healthy nutrition that you should provide to your clients:

  • high protein diet food- this type of nutrition is used by athletes to gain muscle mass and reduce body fat. This type it is advisable to select nutrition personally, taking into account the mass of the athlete and his priority tasks. For example, a 100kg bodybuilder and a 40kg fitness girl will eat differently, but the message of high protein food remains.
  • gastro diet food- This is a therapeutic diet for people with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The most important thing here is the absence of spicy, fatty, fried and smoked foods. Mainly used for steaming and boiling.
  • Vegetarian food This is a food that does not contain animal products. The main thing here is to show the diversity of plant foods.

These were the most basic areas of correct, sports and diet food. You will define a finer gradation for your business yourself.

Online store, online service and mobile application.

There are several ways to showcase your business, publish your menu, and the sales process itself. Since your business is only for delivery, you don’t need a room for customers, which greatly reduces the cost of implementing this idea. This is how I would build this business and start selling:

  1. For starters, I would created an online store with a list of ready-made nutrition solutions in several categories, taking into account what we have analyzed above. Each set would be divided into 2 types by weight (for large and small). Read about how you can independently and without cost create your own online store in my articles "" and "".
  2. The next step would be adding a personalized catering service at the request of the client. Up to the services of a personal nutritionist.
  3. The last step is to create mobile application for the convenience of using the right food delivery service.

Design and packaging.

Delivering proper nutrition is not a difficult business to run, which can create strong competition. In order to attract and not lose your customers, you need to keep the brand. Do beautiful packaging for food with promotional information, add to order present, write wish "Have a nice day" or print fresh on the package joke. There are many ways to win the hearts of your customers. It is also desirable to add to the order information on nutritional value provided food. Delivering healthy meals can become a very popular business in a dynamic city where people don't have much free time.

Thanks for reading and stay tuned for new ideas! In the meantime, I am typing the text for a new article, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with earlier publications.

To date, the market for trade food products In Russia, the situation is not very favorable for the average consumer. Unscrupulous supermarket owners deliberately offer substandard and life-threatening goods. These are not only expired goods that are “reanimated” and sold in various ways. Often products Agriculture contain pesticides, nitrates and other similar substances in concentrations exceeding the permissible sanitary and hygienic standards. Therefore, the food business will be profitable. This is especially true for the cultivation and sale of healthy food.

A large number of middle- and high-income consumers are in constant search of a quality and useful product.

That is why the idea of ​​creating a healthy food business is very relevant now, and the business brings a good and stable profit. We offer you several options for a food business.

Opening a health food store

The principle of the health food store is only high-quality natural and fresh products that meet all sanitary and hygienic standards.

The grocery store business plan assumes that the assortment will be presented by 1-2 categories (for example, or a fruit and vegetable store), or a complete list of healthy food products. The assortment necessarily includes organic products, mainly vegetables, fruits, eggs, meat, cheese and cottage cheese.

The composition should not contain modified ingredients, various preservatives, flavors, flavorings, etc. All natural and grown without the use of unhealthy technologies.

How the biomarket works

The list of documents for registering a health food store:

  • IP registration certificate;
  • certificate of registration in tax office and assignment of OKVED codes;
  • certificate of registration in the medical, pension and social insurance fund;
  • bank details and company seal.

You also need to get consumables: cling film and bags, preferably with the logo of your health food store.

The working staff of the grocery store consists of at least three sellers and a loader, as well as a director, accountant, marketer and merchandiser.

Healthy food store monthly revenue - 200-350 thousand rubles.

When forecasting the monthly revenue of a grocery store, the cost of unsold goods is taken into account, the share of which is from 15%. To minimize waste, it is necessary to offer products that are about to expire at a discount of 50-70%.

The markup is from 30 to 250%.

With proper management of the business, a 35-40% profitability is ensured!

Options for developing this type of business on a healthy diet:

  • opening additional points of sale in shopping centers;
  • development and maintenance of online orders;
  • chain of stores;

Delivery of food kits

The idea of ​​making food kits for quick preparation of healthy and tasty food is new for Russia. Therefore, the level of competition of this business in the field of food is quite low. The business of delivering products for the preparation of delicious and dietary food is practiced in Russia by Elementaree.

The scheme of the company for the delivery of products:

  1. Personal compilation of a dietary menu and preparation of recipes for dishes.
  2. Purchase of high-quality and useful products.
  3. Primary processing of the ingredients of the dish - cleaning, cutting, weighing, etc.
  4. Packing in special containers and packages.
  5. Delivery by courier of a product constructor to a customer who, following simple instructions prepares a delicious and healthy meal in just 30 minutes. It is also possible to have ready meals delivered.

Nutrition frees the consumer from tiresome shopping trips. To prepare more tasty and healthy dishes, you need free time and sufficient skill. That's why this business will be more successful in metropolitan areas where there are many busy business people with high income levels. Often they care about the quality of their food.

How Elementaree Works

Instilling a love for healthy eating

The food business can be expanded to include those who want to lose weight. Thus, the Elementaree low-calorie diet leads to the loss of 5 kg of excess weight without additional effort on the part of the consumer. The daily diet menu is designed for 5 meals. Getting used to proper nutrition, ease of ordering and cooking - all this attracts customers, which positively affects income.

So, the practice of Elementaree has shown that with the right approach to business, you can:

  • in just a month to get 120 customers of the diet program and, accordingly, income of 1.2 million rubles;
  • to deliver 100 dinners of single orders or by subscription every day - about 14 thousand rubles of profit.

Elementaree Price List

How to start a grocery delivery business?

It is most rational to start a food business with a small audience and conduct an express survey and testing for consumer taste preferences. Then it will be possible to deal with single orders and long-term diets.

Live and vegetarian restaurant

The basic principle of live cooking or raw food is the absence of heat treatment of products. IN Lately the number of vegetarians is growing.

An example of a raw food business is Nebo’s live cuisine bar in Kiev from its own confectionery production. You can calculate the profitability of a bar from the sale of confectionery using the example of a “chocolate” cake without chocolate:

  • the cost of a treat is about 24 rubles;
  • retail price - 80 rubles;
  • profit - 56 rubles.
  • the average check of Nebo's is 200 rubles.

Although the institution opened not so long ago, there are already enough regular visitors. The reason is not only in the specific menu, but also in the ongoing creative workshops.

Raw food bar Nebo's financials:

If the menu of the institution is diversified with products for vegetarians, then in the first month you can reach the break-even point of the business. The average check will increase by 60%.

As you can see, it is also possible to successfully create and develop on the basis of healthy and wholesome food.

Recently, not only in the central and large regional cities, the number of counters with diabetic products has noticeably increased - they have appeared in remote settlements of our country.

In addition to many supermarkets and department stores, small convenience stores have taken the initiative. This can be explained by two factors:

  • activation of the work of manufacturers with outlets;
  • the desire of store owners to attract new categories of customers.

To date, the domestic manufacturer offers about three-quarters of the range of dietary products, while a quarter - imported products. So it can be argued that in the Russian market the number of buyers who pay close attention to their health, albeit slowly, is growing. However, one should not forget that the prevalence of such a disease as diabetes mellitus is increasing from year to year. The World Health Organization predicts an increase in the number of patients diagnosed with diabetes in the world by 122% over the next 20 years (from 135 to 300 million). This is due to progressive aging, obesity and physical inactivity of the population. In recent years, there has been a significant "rejuvenation" of diabetes and the spread of the disease among children.

From this we can draw the following conclusions. The presence of diabetic products in the range:

  • increases the social significance of the store;
  • says that the store keeps up with the times and meets the trends of consumer preferences related to healthy eating, which forms its image;
  • serves as an additional tool to attract customers.

Health food store assortment

Products of the diabetic group stand out among others with the following properties:

  • do not cause a significant increase in blood sugar levels.
  • do not harm the body;
  • do not affect weight gain;
  • contribute to maintaining good health.

However, they are subject to certain requirements:

  • low content of fats and carbohydrates;
  • high content of fiber, vitamins and minerals;
  • lack of sugar in the composition.

They can be made using sweeteners:

  • sorbitol;
  • xylitol;
  • saccharin;
  • cyclomate;
  • isomalt;
  • maltitol;
  • lactitol;
  • stevioside, etc.

The product does not require special conditions storage, the terms of its storage - on average from 6 months to a year.

  • How to increase store profits and increase customer loyalty
  • l>

    How to introduce diabetic products into the assortment of a health food store

    To correctly form the assortment, you should study the taste preferences of buyers. They vary by region. At the same time, the analysis of the consumer market shows that, until now, the supply of assortment for the most part comes not from consumer demand, but from the proposals of manufacturers and distributors. In turn, many store owners determine a test period for a new range. This method is one of the most effective. And that's why. The manufacturer creates an offer for the store based on well-selling positions. The store owner allows you to test the assortment offered by the manufacturer for six months. Based on the results of sales, a decision is made on further work with the positions in question.

    I will list the most popular, according to the experience of our company, diabetic products.

    1. Oatmeal fructose and sorbitol cookies: classic, as well as with pieces of chocolate and delicate raisins.

    2. Tea cookies on fructose and sorbitol. Cookies contain natural ingredients: sesame, flax and sunflower seeds. Buyers appreciate it for its beneficial properties and good taste.

    3. Fructose creamy chocolate cookies. Recipes and technologies for making butter biscuits have long been known, while two-color fructose biscuits today have no analogues on the healthy food market.

    4. Cookies "Fitness" with cereals and low fat, designed and prepared especially for people who are actively involved in sports. Cookies replenish the expended energy, support good mood, as well as slim figure.

    5. Jams.

    6. Marmalade group. Marmalade dessert on fructose. The thickening agent is carrageenan, a natural polysaccharide extracted from sea crimson algae, and the sugar in this product is replaced by fructose. As part of marmalade dessert - pieces of natural fruits and berries.

    7. Syrups. Thanks to modern technologies and recipes, the product retains the taste and aroma of ripe sunny fruits, fresh wild berries and all vitamins. In the production process, only natural, environmentally friendly raw materials are used. Sweeteners and structure-forming pectins make the product refined and healthy, reduce calories, enhance fruit flavor and aroma.

    Like any other, the diabetic goods market is segmented by price.

  1. Traditionally, mass consumption products include classic biscuits, dryers, and oatmeal.
  2. To the premium class - marmalade dessert, sweets, cakes, etc.

With regard to the seasonality of demand, diabetic products are included in the group confectionery, whose popularity in the summer is significantly reduced. At the end of summer, there is an increase in fructose sales: people are preparing for the winter (closing jams, compotes). In the spring, syrups and jams are in demand - buyers take them to make up for the lack of vitamins in the body.

  • Opening a Store and Avoiding Mistakes: Some Valuable Tips

Rules for a successful healthy food business

If you decide to introduce diabetic confectionery into the assortment of the store, I recommend that you follow three rules.

Rule number 1. Don't buy a pig in a poke

A number of manufacturers of dietary products use raw materials with a high content of glucose (molasses, icing on sugar), flavor enhancers, and many other artificial ingredients. Therefore, when purchasing goods, I advise you to carefully monitor the composition of the products that you choose for your store. The main thing is the health of customers and their loyalty to the store that cares about them.

Rule number 2. Do not hide useful goods from the buyer

In networks of different formats, the number of diabetic products varies greatly from 30 to 200 SKUs. In supermarkets up to 200 m2 - about 100-150 positions, in discounters and counter-type stores - a maximum of 50, in hypermarkets you can find an assortment of 200 items and more.

The department of diabetic products is usually placed next to the confectionery and bread departments, where, along with consumer products, the buyer may be interested in healthly food. Less commonly, this group of goods is found near the grocery department. At the same time, it is necessary to help the end consumer to see diabetic products. I advise you to make a big sign "Healthy Eating" next to it.

Rule number 3. Tell your customers about useful properties dietary products

Instruct your salespeople to communicate the following information to buyers. Goods on the dietary shelf:

  • help improve health
  • necessary for customers who want to lose weight, suffering from diabetes, gastritis, seeking to eliminate sugar from the diet without a hard rejection of their favorite treats.

It will not be superfluous to sometimes remind buyers of moderation. Harmless natural sweeteners such as fructose, sorbitol, xylitol should also be consumed within reasonable limits. For example, a large dose of sorbitol can cause intestinal upset.

Functional food stores

It is becoming popular to open narrow format stores - only functional products, health products. The basis of the assortment of such stores is mainly cereal products and dietary supplements. I would recommend not excluding a healthy confectionery trend in order to increase buying activity and make a profit on impulse purchases. It's no secret that all our customers drink tea with some kind of treat.

  1. The basis of the assortment, of course, is the flour group: "oatmeal", classic and shortbread biscuits.
  2. Next comes the fruit and berry group and jams: syrups, marmalade.
  3. And the chocolate group successfully completes all this: sweets, chocolate, pasta.
  4. As related products you can offer customers diabetic waffles in various flavors and cakes, as well as a group of sweeteners and chicory.
  • Formation of the product range of the store from A to Z

Expert opinion

Anna Chepurnova,

Head of Assortment Management Department, Express Retail LLC, Moscow

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disease characterized by various metabolic disorders. It is not easy to cure it - most often the treatment comes down to preventing the further development of the disease in the body. Although there are currently many medicines that reduce blood sugar, diabetes and diet are inseparable concepts. And it is dietary nutrition that puts up barriers to curb the development of the disease.

Since patients with diabetes are prohibited from eating foods such as sweets, chocolate, muffins, jam, honey, ice cream and other sweets, as well as fatty, spicy, spicy, smoked, salty dishes and much more, grocery stores must provide a decent selection of specialized products - diabetic and dietary nutrition. In general, this is a specific and very wide segment, the full placement of which is available, rather, to supermarkets and hypermarkets with sufficient space, or to highly specialized stores.

In our chains - "Perekrestok Express" and "Kopeyka" format "at home", suggesting the presence retail space up to 300 m 2 - we can only allow you to place diabetic food "essential":

  • sugar substitutes;
  • fructose;
  • fiber;
  • cereal bars with sweetener;
  • sweets, marmalade on fructose.

For buyers suffering from diabetes, the following products are also suitable, which are present in the assortment of the Perekrestok Express and Kopeyka chains:

  • cereals;
  • nuts;
  • skimmed and low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • beef and chicken fillet.

It is important to understand that in convenience stores that target residents of nearby houses, it is necessary to assess the need of buyers to purchase food products of this category. We must not only offer these products, but also successfully sell them, and this is impossible without an analysis of demand and sales. That is why an expanded specialized assortment will be in demand only in certain chain stores located next to a clinic or hospital. And in such cases, we allocate more shelf space for products.

Many shoppers who, fortunately, do not suffer from chronic diseases, but monitor their diet, also prefer products with a low sugar content.

Information about the company

LLC "EXPRESS RETAIL". Year of establishment: 2008. Number of chain stores: more than 100. Store area: from 100 to 400 m 2 . Staff: 900. Turnover and profit: not disclosed.

Let's Zakam.rf is an online service for ordering and delivering ready-made meals from restaurants and cafes that do not have their own delivery service.

The main goal of the project is to provide a high-quality and fast service for ordering food from restaurants and cafes anywhere in the city.

Let's Zakam.rf company provides exclusively intermediary services between establishments Catering and clients. That is, the launch of the project does not imply the creation of production.

The high pace of life, as well as an irregular schedule, forces the average city dweller to reduce the time spent on eating. This is the main reason for the skyrocketing demand for food delivery services. Moreover, an hour of working time is often much more expensive than lunch or dinner delivery services.

Food delivery is currently the fastest growing segment restaurant business. According to the statistics of the current Delivery Club service, as well as data from the analytical agency RBC.Research:

  • 150,000 orders with home delivery are placed daily by Russians;
  • 76.6% of Russians at least once used the food delivery service at home;
  • 59% of Russians order food at home via the Internet;
  • $1.5 billion - volume Russian market food delivery.

Based on these data, we can conclude that the demand market for ready-made food delivery is growing at a rapid pace. This leads to the emergence of demand, which remains unsatisfied both in terms of the quantity and quality of the services provided. The current situation creates objective external prerequisites for creating such a business as a delivery service.

The internal prerequisites for the implementation of the project are the low level of investment in the project, the absence of commercial risks, the simplicity of organizing and doing business.

Since the delivery service works with many establishments in the city, the client gets the opportunity to order dishes from several restaurants at the same time.

The main advantages of starting a business according to the “Let's order” company model are:

  • Uniqueness. Such unified services exist only in large cities with a high level of demand;
  • Low competition. The service has dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes for every taste;
  • Absence of market and financial risks. Even in a crisis situation, people do not refuse prepared food;
  • Ease of doing business. All business processes are debugged and registered.

Investments in the project - 354,900 thousand rubles.

The payback period of the project is 4 months.

Profit after tax, starting from 4 months of operation is 130,312 rubles.

2. Description of the business, product or service

3. Description of the market

The target audience

Since the company provides a huge selection of dishes from various restaurants and cafes in the city, the audience of the project is very wide.

The target audience can be represented in the form of several categories:

Men of working age from 23 to 45 years. They order lunches and dinners, as there is not enough time for self-cooking. Order frequency - from 3 to 7 times a week.

Women of working age from 23 to 35 years. Mostly unmarried. They order lunches and dinners, as they prefer to devote most of their time to work and meetings with friends. Order frequency - from 2 to 5 times a week.

Companies ordering a corporate lunch. Order frequency - 5 times a week.

Families with / without children who want to please themselves with something new on the weekend. Order frequency - from 1 to 3 times a week.

Schoolchildren and students having a party. Order frequency - once a week.

The share of the total number of orders that falls on each category of consumer is displayed in the form of a diagram.

According to the results marketing research the total volume of the public catering market in city N with a population of 1 million people is 17.4 million rubles. for 2015. The revenue potential of the delivery service in the city of N ranges from 12 million rubles. up to 20 million rubles in year.

It should be noted that the revenue potential depends on the dynamics of demand for services of restaurants and cafes, as well as on changes in the city's population and per capita income.

The advantage of running this type of business is the lack of seasonal sales.

Competitor analysis

Competitors for the Let's Zakam.rf company are similar delivery services operating in the field of catering. In many cities, such a business is not developed at all, and there are no competitors. But even in the conditions of current competition, the Let's Zakam.rf company is distinguished by unique offers that allow you to quickly take a leading position in the market:

  • three detailed systems of cooperation with restaurants and cafes;
  • convenient Internet site with the calculation of the cost of delivery and a personal account;
  • bonus program of work with clients;
  • possibility of cashless payment;
  • mobile application for Android and iOS;
  • specially designed CRM;
  • excellent level of service.

In addition, the market capacity of this type of service is so large that it implies the presence of demand even with existing competitors.

At the disposal of the service are dozens of cuisines and thousands of dishes for every taste. This is a unique service, because food suppliers are restaurants and cafes of the city, which are many times more than individual delivery services.

SWOT analysis

Strengths of the project

Vulnerabilities of the project

  • Unique characteristics of the service (order from different establishments);
  • Huge selection of dishes (from 100 - 300 restaurants and cafes);
  • High quality of services provided (our own staff of couriers and call - center);
  • Convenient website and mobile application;
  • Bonus customer service program
  • The cost of delivery varies depending on the distance of the institution to the client;
  • Possibility of delayed delivery with a large number of orders.

Opportunities and prospects

Threats of the external environment

  • Expansion of the branch network throughout the country;
  • Organization additional services(flowers, goods, etc.);
  • attraction corporate clients(lunches in the office);
  • Great value of potential market capacity.
  • None.

4. Sales and Marketing

When entering the market, "Let's Zakam.rf" uses the strategy of an innovator. The company has a first-mover advantage and strives to maintain a leading competitive position as it develops. The main objective of the strategy is to provide quality services and pay close attention to quality control. It is strategically important for a company to have the resources to expand quickly as the market grows. For this, reserve funds are created.

Current Marketing

Cooperation with catering establishments

Sales plan

The sales plan is focused on the number of orders per day. The average check is 1000 rubles. Delivery price varies from 150 to 300 rubles depending on the distance of the client. A one-time order from two restaurants is accompanied by an addition of 150 rubles. to the shipping amount. On average, delivery costs 225 rubles per client. The following is a sales plan for the first 5 months of the organization with a minimum staff, which includes two couriers.

When forming a sales plan, it is assumed that the maximum number of orders per day for one courier is 15.

5. Production plan

Starting a ready-to-eat food delivery service business involves several steps.


The first thing to do when starting your business is registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The main part of Let's Zakam.rf franchisees operate as individual entrepreneurs. The chosen system of taxation is USN 6% (income).

Site creation

The site of the Let's Zakam.rf company includes the ability to create personal account for each client, online ordering, participation in bonus program, as well as the calculation of the cost of delivery depending on the location of the client. Website setup is included in the company's franchise package. Content is uploaded to the site as contracts are concluded with restaurants and cafes.

Search for customers from restaurants and cafes

At this stage, you, as the owner of the business, have a very painstaking work to do. The volume of demand that you can satisfy depends on how many establishments of the city will become your partners. First of all, it is necessary to collect a database of all cafes and restaurants in the city where the online service is being created. Then arrange a personal meeting with the managers of the establishments to describe all the benefits of your cooperation and conclude an agreement. The next stage can begin when at least 10 establishments of the city have become your partners.

Office rent

Suitable room with an area of ​​10 - 15 sq.m. in any part of the city. In the room you will need to put a table, a chair, as well as a computer.


At the initial stage, 4 couriers and 2 dispatchers will be required in the state. 2 couriers and 1 dispatcher work simultaneously per shift. The courier is hired with his car.

Starting a business

This step is extremely important for verifying the customer service sequence. The manager must monitor whether the team is working smoothly, at what stage there are delays in the execution of the order. It also monitors the strict adherence to job descriptions.

Service delivery process

6. Organizational structure

At the start-up stage, you can get by with a minimum number of personnel:

  1. Manager;
  2. Dispatcher - 2 people;
  3. Courier - 4 people.

The manager's responsibilities include:

  • Conclusion of contracts;
  • Working with the site - laying out the menu, monitoring and ensuring the smooth operation of the site, processing feedback through monitoring customer reviews, website promotion;
  • Financial management, salary payment;
  • Formation of a development strategy, search for business expansion opportunities, search for new partners.

Wage- 40,000 rubles.

The responsibilities of the dispatcher include:

  • Processing orders from the site and communicating with customers;
  • Coordinating the work of couriers;
  • Transferring the order to the manager of the restaurant / cafe;
  • Eliminate conflicts with clients.

The dispatcher works alone on shift. Schedule - two working days / two days off. Salary - 15,000 rubles. KPI for the dispatcher - revenue of 35,000 rubles / shift. Upon reaching the premium of 2,000 rubles. at the end of the month.
