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Employer Confidence Certificate. Regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Primorsky Territory in the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations for the implementation of labor rights of workers Declaration of the activities of an enterprise for the implementation of

on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs Chuvash Republic in the project "Declaration of the enterprise's activities for the sale labor rights workers and employers"

1. Introduction

The State Labor Inspectorate in the Chuvash Republic, with the participation of the Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chuvash Republic" and the Union "Chuvash Republican Association of Trade Union Organizations "Chuvashressovprof", is implementing the project "Declaration of the activities of the enterprise in the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers."

2. Project goals

Increasing the attractiveness of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Chuvash Republic in the labor market.

More successful promotion of goods and services using competitive advantage manufacturers as holders of a “Certificate of Trust in the Employer” (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate), who has declared their work in implementing the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Achieving a new qualitative level of protecting the health of workers, ensuring safe working conditions, with increasing productivity.

3. Project objectives

Activation of the activities of employers in the Chuvash Republic aimed at the most complete and comprehensive implementation of the labor rights of workers.

Ensuring that organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Chuvash Republic implement the principles of social partnership based on the situation of mutual loyalty of employees and employers.

Increasing the resource of organizations (entrepreneurs) by reducing the burden on the part of the supervisory authority.

4. Means of project implementation

The priority direction of efforts of organizations and individual entrepreneurs is to ensure compliance with the requirements of labor and labor protection legislation.

Information, legal and organizational support for employers from the State Labor Inspectorate in the Chuvash Republic, and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chuvash Republic.

5. Project participants

Organizations of any organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership registered on the territory of the Chuvash Republic.

Duly registered individual entrepreneurs without education legal entity, implementing entrepreneurial activity using hired labor (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs);

State Labor Inspectorate in the Chuvash Republic;

Union "Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chuvash Republic";

Union "Chuvash Republican Association of Trade Union Organizations "Chuvashressovprof"

The condition for the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of the project is that the parameters of their activities comply with certain requirements of labor legislation.

To participate in the project, an organization (individual entrepreneur) sends State inspection labor in the Chuvash Republic application-declaration in the prescribed form (attached).

The State Labor Inspectorate, within ten days from the date of receipt, reviews this application-declaration for compliance of the declared facts with the requirements of labor legislation and makes a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project.

The decision is made on the basis of the employer's "presumption of truthfulness". Non-participation in the project does not entail any consequences for the organization (individual entrepreneurs).

ABOUT the decision taken the applicant is informed in writing.

If the decision is positive, the organization (individual entrepreneur) is included in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. The specified register is formed by the State Labor Inspectorate and posted on the official website.

In an official setting, the employer is presented with the document “Certificate of Trust in the Employer” (hereinafter referred to as the Certificate), information about which is published in the publication of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chuvash Republic, magazines in other media.

The production of the document is carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Chuvash Republic at the expense of the employer - the project participant.

The State Labor Inspectorate in the Chuvash Republic guarantees in relation to organizations (individual entrepreneurs) awarded the Certificate:

Providing free of charge all forms of information and consulting services on compliance with labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards;

If you are a user of the Internet version of the GARANT system, you can open this document right now or request by Hotline in system.

“Trust, but verify” is a common expression that personnel officers use very often in their work. For example, an employee called and said that he was sick. There seems to be no reason not to believe him, but we won’t put a “B” on the report card until we see sick leave. They checked, made sure, issued according to the rules. And so on almost all issues. And why all? Because one fine day we will be checked to see how we comply with labor laws. And you need to be prepared for this... We decided that it was time to talk about the Employer Trust Certificate. Let’s figure out what it is, how you can cooperate with the state and what “ nice bonuses» rely on a law-abiding employer.

The sphere of labor relations is a living and changing phenomenon. And life offers new forms of interaction between the parties to labor relations and the state. The project launched by Rostrud, the “Employer Trust Certificate,” is becoming increasingly popular among employers.


An Employer Confidence Certificate is a document issued to an organization that is guaranteed to comply with labor laws in full ( Annex 1).

This document is the result of agreement between three parties in the world of work:

1) employers, in whose interests representatives of the business community act - the Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

2) workers on whose behalf the Federation of Trade Unions of the region acts;

3) the state, which in these conditions is represented by the State Labor Inspectorate of the region.

In this he echoes Art. 23 Labor Code RF, which names the same three sides of social partnership.

The decision to award a Certificate of Confidence to any employer is made by three parties: the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Federation of Trade Unions and the State Labor Inspectorate. Representatives of these three parties sign the Certificate and confirm with their signatures that the organization complies with labor laws:

  • wages are paid at a decent level and on time;
  • are properly documented labor Relations;
  • all benefits, guarantees and compensation provided by law are provided;
  • workplaces were certified for working conditions;
  • there are no accidents at work, etc.


Note! You will find the regulations in force in your region on the website of the regional inspectorate, which can be accessed through the official website of Rostrud http://www. rostrud. ru/, section “Territorial bodies of Rostrud”

The procedure for participating in the project “Voluntary Declaration of Enterprise Activities for the Implementation of the Labor Rights of Employees and Employers” and, accordingly, obtaining a Certificate of Trust in the Employer is regulated by regulations developed in each region by the State Labor Inspectorate. In general, the provisions of regional inspections are similar, but some features may be established.

The provisions establish the goals of the project, its tasks, means, participants, content and procedure.

For example, in the Regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of Moscow in the project “Declaration of the activities of an enterprise for the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers” it is established that the project participants are:

  • properties registered in Moscow and operating for at least five years;
  • duly registered individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, carrying out entrepreneurial activities using hired labor;
  • State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow;
  • Moscow Federation of Trade Unions;
  • Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers).

The condition for the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of the project is that the parameters of their activities comply with certain requirements labor legislation.

Personnel Dictionary

Participation in the project is entirely voluntary. And of course, reluctance to participate in the project does not mean that the employer automatically signs for violations of labor laws.

Participation in the project begins with the employer filling out an application for participation and submitting it to the State Labor Inspectorate of his region.

To participate in the project, an organization (individual entrepreneur) sends an application-declaration in the prescribed form to the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow ( appendix 2).

Such an application is considered by the State Labor Inspectorate, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Trade Unions within the period established by regional regulations (traditionally - 10-15 days).

The State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow, with the participation of the parties to the social partnership, within ten days from the date of receipt, reviews this application-declaration for compliance of the declared facts with the requirements of labor legislation (section No. 1) and makes a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project with taking into account the information in sections No. 2 and No. 3 of the declaration application. The information in sections No. 2 and No. 3 may serve as the basis for a decision to refuse to issue a “Employer Confidence Certificate”.

Note! The decision is made on the basis of the employer's “presumption of truthfulness.” Non-participation in the project does not entail any consequences for the organization (entrepreneur)

Next, the State Tax Inspectorate can inspect the enterprise in order to verify the compliance of the data specified in the application with the actual data. The key word here is examines. We emphasize that examination is not a test, since it is not carried out according to the procedure provided for by Federal Law No. 294-FZ of December 26, 2008 “On the protection of the rights of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the exercise of state control (supervision) and municipal control.” Consequently, even if the employer is found to have violations of labor laws within the framework of the project, no negative consequences it won't cause.

If all the facts specified in the application are confirmed, then a decision is made to award the Certificate of Confidence to the employer.

In case of a positive decision, the organization (entrepreneur) is included in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees, with the obligatory delivery of a Certificate of Trust to the employer, the number of which is entered in the register. The specified register is formed by the State Labor Inspectorate of Moscow and is posted on the official website of the inspectorate, the website of the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers), and the website of the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions.

When can an application to participate in a project be rejected?

Specific reasons for refusal to issue a Certificate are usually indicated in the relevant provision. As a rule, the State Labor Inspectorate rejects an application for participation in a project (indicating the reasons for the refusal) if the facts stated by the employer do not comply with the requirements of labor legislation or if there is objective evidence of gross violations of labor legislation (debt to employees for wages, industrial accident due to the fault of the employer, etc.).

Having learned about the opportunity to obtain a Certificate of Trust in the Employer, the manager decided to participate in the project. We filled out the declaration and sent it to the State Tax Inspectorate. And then (as luck would have it!) we had an accident at work, and with serious consequences. Of course, we carried out the investigation according to all the rules, the State Tax Inspectorate received information about the incident, and we were refused to issue a Certificate.
According to the current Regulations, only those employers who have not had an accident at work for at least three years can apply for a Certificate. Can we apply again?

If at the time of making the decision any facts were identified that prevent the issuance of a Certificate of Trust, then the Certificate will not be issued. But this does not mean that the employer cannot try again in the future. You can eliminate the violations and reapply if you wish.

In cases where it is necessary to comply certain conditions for some time (in our situation - three years there should be no accidents at work), then the application should be sent after this period.


All inspections reserve the right to revoke a previously awarded Certificate of Trust in their regulations, establishing the grounds, reasons and procedure for such revocation. So again we refer you to the regulations in force in your region.

Note! In case of gross violation by the employer of labor legislation and labor protection requirements, the Certificate of Trust will be revoked

Thus, the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow established in its Regulations that the revocation of the Certificate can be carried out by the State Labor Inspectorate in agreement with the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers) and the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions in connection with gross violations by the employer of the requirements of labor and labor protection legislation, resulting in damage damage to the labor rights of workers.

In this case, the Certificate may be renewed at the request of the employer no earlier than one year from the date of its revocation.

The employer, the Moscow Federation of Trade Unions and the Moscow Confederation of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (employers) are informed about the revocation of the Certificate in writing, indicating the reasons for the revocation.

Similar rules are established, for example, in the Regulations of the GIT in the Samara region and other regions.

All regions are characterized by the main reason why the Certificate is revoked - a gross violation by the employer of labor legislation and labor protection requirements, which seems very justified.


After receiving the Certificate of Confidence, the employer is included in the Register of Employers Guaranteed to Comply with Labor Rights. Such registers are available in public access on the website of any inspection.

In 2010-2012 The following organizations became holders of the Certificate of Trust within the framework of the project “Declaration of the enterprise’s activities for the implementation of the labor rights of employees and employers” in Moscow:

As you can see, you can get information from such a registry:

  • on the total number of Certificates of Trust awarded to the employer;
  • about organizations that have been awarded a Certificate of Trust;
  • about industries that are characterized by compliance with labor laws to a greater or lesser extent;
  • about the dates of delivery of Certificates.

Based on the registries of various regions, it can be concluded that the most enterprises receive Certificates of Trust various fields activities and forms of ownership. Among them there are legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, budgetary and non-budgetary organizations, representatives of the healthcare, education, agro-industrial complex, transport, communications, trade, etc. This suggests that everyone has a chance to receive such a Certificate of Trust in case of compliance with labor laws.


Of course, all employers are interested in the question: what does the Certificate of Trust provide? Why is it worth taking a risk and voluntarily attracting the attention of GIT?

First of all the presence of a Certificate of Confidence is taken into account when planning supervisory and control activities.

This means that, according to the provisions, if an employer is rewarded with a Trust Certificate, he is exempt from scheduled inspections for the period of validity of the Certificate. Usually it is five years or three years.

By the way

Another very important reason why a Certificate of Trust is important for an employer is moral. The certificate is presented to the head of the organization in a solemn atmosphere, as a rule, in the presence of a team of workers, representatives of State Labor Inspectorate, the Federation of Trade Unions of the region, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, very often with an invitation to representatives of local media to the presentation procedure, with words of gratitude, praise and congratulations. Gratitude - for conscientiousness, praise - for success in the field of work, congratulations - for encouragement with such an award. The organization is included in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. The register with the name of the organization is published on the GIT website. Information about employer incentives is posted on the websites of the three departments that signed the Certificate of Confidence.

Agree, the honor and prestige of an organization in the labor market, its reputation as a desirable employer for employees will serve you well more than once.

For example, an Employer Confidence Certificate issued in Moscow is valid for three years from the date of issue.

GIT of the Samara Region has established that the validity of the Certificate is not limited by a time frame (indefinitely, with confirmation every five years).

The countdown period begins from the day of delivery of the Certificate of Confidence - the date indicated in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees.

Is an employer who has a Certificate of Trust insured against unscheduled inspections?

Regional inspectorates promise not to conduct scheduled inspections of such employers during the validity period of the Certificate of Confidence. The employer is not exempt from unscheduled inspections in the event of, for example, employee complaints, since considering a citizen’s appeal and giving a written response to it is the direct responsibility of GIT officials. And here everything depends on the results: if, during the consideration of an employee’s appeal, gross violations of labor legislation and labor protection are revealed at the enterprise, the inspectorates reserve the right to revoke the Certificate. If the employee’s arguments are not confirmed, he will be given a written reasoned response, and the Certificate will remain with the employer.

Regional regulations may provide additional benefits.

For example, for Moscow employers who have received a Certificate of Confidence, GIT provides all forms of information and provides consulting services on compliance with labor laws and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, free of charge and within 10 days.


In numerous interviews, comments, and press conferences, the heads of the regional State Labor Inspectorate unanimously note that there is no need to check again and again those organizations where order always reigns: decent wages are paid within the period established by law; the management system has been implemented and is functioning professional risks; there is a good working atmosphere, there are no accidents at work, etc. Such enterprises can and should be freed from excessive supervision by the State Labor Inspectorate, since they do not need frequent inspections.

It is no secret that there are plenty of business entities where a completely different picture is observed. This is where the forces of government supervision and control should be directed, and not once again checking those who do not have problems. That is why it is necessary to issue Certificates of Trust to worthy enterprises, and trust them without checking them during the validity period of the document.

So evaluate your strengths and fill out an application to participate in the project!

Annex 1

Sample Certificate of Confidence for Employer, issued in Moscow

Appendix 2

Sample application form to be filled out by employers in Moscow

"Personnel officer. Labor law for personnel officers", 2010, N 4

Employer Confidence Certificate

In order to identify employers who are guaranteed to respect the rights of workers, increase their status by modern market labor, in Russia at the regional level a project is being implemented to declare the activities of enterprises to implement the labor rights of workers. Project participants are issued a certificate of trust to the employer.

The project is already in full swing in Russia. Based on agreements between state labor inspectorates and local branches of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, regulations on participation in such a project, application forms and certificates are adopted.

The first initiators can be called the State Labor Inspectorate in the Kirov Region together with the Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the declaration form they accept, employers fill out a 17-point questionnaire, where they indicate how the rights of workers are respected: whether written contracts are concluded, whether wages are paid on time and whether they are above the minimum level, whether contributions are made to extra-budgetary funds, what attention is paid to labor protection.

It is unlikely that an enterprise will risk submitting the aforementioned declaration just like that, without properly establishing personnel records, because state labor inspectorate specialists must assess the compliance of the declared information with reality. After inspection of the organization, a certificate of trust is issued (or not issued) to the Employer and the company is entered into a special “honorary” register posted on the inspection website.

If inconsistencies are detected, the state labor inspectorate, as expected, issues an order to eliminate violations of labor legislation. Thus, it turns out that the company voluntarily faces an unscheduled inspection. Although for the enterprise itself, this inspection, of course, will be perceived as planned, since they themselves initiated it and should have been properly prepared.

It is interesting that such a check is not implied in all subjects of the Russian Federation. If we look at the draft regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of Moscow in the project “Declaration of the activities of an enterprise for the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers,” we will see that the state labor inspectorate must review the application-declaration within 10 days from the date of receipt to ensure compliance of the declared facts with the requirements of labor legislation and make a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project. The decision is made on the basis of the employer's "presumption of truthfulness". Non-participation in the project does not entail any consequences for the organization (entrepreneur).


To the Regulations on the participation of organizations and individuals

Moscow entrepreneurs in the project

"Declaration of the enterprise's activities in the sale

Labor rights of workers and employers"

To the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow

Application-declaration of participation in the project

"Declaration of the enterprise's activities in the sale

Labor rights of workers and employers"

1. ____________________________________________________________________

name of the employer (enterprise) in accordance with the Unified

State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) (last name, first name,

patronymic of an individual entrepreneur)

2. ____________________________________________________________________

employer's address in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP)

3. Number of employees - _______ people

Declaration (yes/no)

Employment contracts are made in writing

All employees are subject to work books

Internal labor rules approved

A local regulatory act has been approved,
establishing the procedure for processing personal
employee data

Each employee is provided with a weekly
uninterrupted rest of at least
42 hours

The annual paid leave schedule has been approved
employees for the current year

Employees' wages are not lower than the minimum
the amount of wages in Moscow established
tripartite commission agreement

Work on weekends and non-working days holidays,
night work, heavy work and
working with hazardous and (or) dangerous conditions
labor are paid in increased size

Salaries are paid in full
established deadlines (no debt
more than 2 months)

For workers combining work with training in
educational institutions, all are provided
guarantees provided by law and

Social insurance is provided for all
workers in the manner established by federal

We have our own labor protection service (position
occupational safety specialist, for organizations with
numbering less than 50 people, imprisonment is possible
agreements with a specialized organization for
service on occupational safety issues)

All types of training and
safety briefings

Managers and specialists have passed mandatory
occupational safety training and knowledge testing
labor protection requirements

Workers engaged in heavy work and labor
with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions,
undergo obligatory work at the employer's expense
preliminary when applying for a job and
periodic medical examinations

All employees are provided with certified
means of individual and collective protection for
employer's funds account under conditions not lower
established by standards and rules. At the enterprise
work is underway to introduce new tools

Certification of workplaces is carried out according to the conditions
labor (attachment - certification schedule
workplaces, action plan for
workplace certification results)

Funding is provided for activities related to
labor protection on conditions and in amounts not lower than
established by federal legislation
(indicate the amount of financing aimed at
these goals last year, and the planned amount for
current year with a list of completed

No accidents at work in
throughout the year

Compliance with the work and rest schedule of employees

Ensuring workers are informed of conditions
and labor protection in the workplace, about risk
damage to health and those due to them
compensation and personal protective equipment

Presence of a primary trade union organization

Availability of a labor dispute commission

A collective agreement has been concluded

Availability of benefits and compensation provided
employees in addition to the provisions of the labor
legislation (for example, payment of travel,
compensation for lunches, additional medical
insurance, additional pension insurance
and so on.)

Making a decision of review bodies
individual labor disputes;
labor compliance inspections
legislation and other regulations,
containing labor law standards;
response measures based on the results of inspections in
throughout the year

No strikes

Introduction of part-time working hours,
downtime for a year

Massive layoffs of workers throughout the year
(50 or more people within 30 calendar days;
200 or more people within 60 calendar days;
500 or more people within 90 calendar days
days - according to the Agreement between the Moscow Government,
Moscow Federation of Trade Unions and MK
industrialists and entrepreneurs from December 11, 2007)

4. I hereby declare that I comply with legal requirements. Russian Federation about labor and labor protection.

Explanations and comments are attached on a separate sheet.

Head of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur)

Last name I.O., signature, date.

Declaration purposes

Is a trust certificate worth the effort? Why should an employer burden himself with filing a declaration and getting his personnel affairs in order?

The goals of the project are stated as:

Increasing the attractiveness of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the labor market;

More successful promotion of goods and services using the competitive advantage of manufacturers as holders of a certificate of trust to the employer who has declared their work to implement the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Achieving a new qualitative level of protection of workers’ labor rights.

Are these goals being achieved? Since the initiators of the project are associations, confederations of industrialists and entrepreneurs, we can say that they form a circle of organizations that have this certificate, and it is quite prestigious to enter this circle.

There is already material for analysis on the first initiators. In order to obtain a Certificate of Employer Confidence, enterprises independently began the process of workplace certification. At the same time, a positive aspect can be noted that there is no direct influence of inspector response measures on the employer’s decisions. This action is one of the most costly, so not all organizations were able to carry it out, and accordingly, not all declarants received positive decisions on inclusion in the number of project participants.

Of course, those employers who maliciously violate labor laws and use various tricks to save money will not join the project and it will not have an impact on their employees. But those of their competitors who take care of their employer image can overtake them in the market.

However, there are a considerable number of employers who recognize the need for certification of workplaces and proper control over labor protection, but they always have something urgent to do, they may start and not finish. They are afraid of the inspection, but it seems that now it won’t come, but one of these days they will finish everything. For such organizations, the project should serve as a reason for timely bringing all matters in the labor sphere into full order and obtaining a certificate.

The State Labor Inspectorate of the Kirov Region believes that efforts to implement the project under consideration, despite the short period of its implementation, have had a positive impact on the dynamics of the development of labor relations in the Kirov Region. Thus, as of June 1, 2008, compared to June 1, 2007, the wage debt of employers in the Kirov region to employees decreased by more than 5 times (from 122.139 million to 22.872 million rubles).

The project is already being implemented in almost all regions. The head of the State Labor Inspectorate of the Novosibirsk Region, Andrei Nesterenko, in a solemn ceremony presented a certificate of trust to the employer with the number "001" to the Deputy General Director - Director of the Novosibirsk branch of Sibirtelecom OJSC, Yuri Kupriyanov. The company itself believes that it has worked a lot on organizing labor protection and is proud of this certificate.

The State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory, with the participation of the Primorsky Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, implemented a project entitled “Declaration of the organization’s activities for the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers.” The airline "Vladivostok Air" became one of eight enterprises in the Primorsky Territory that received such an honorary certificate of trust (not given).

Certificate of trust in employer N 002

Not provided.

Not long ago, a corresponding agreement came into force in the Kamchatka Territory. In relation to organizations that have received a certificate of trust in the employer, the state labor inspectorate in the Kamchatka Territory guarantees: the provision of all forms of consulting services on labor law issues free of charge; Conducting scheduled inspections of compliance with labor legislation requirements at the request of the employer. Thus, having received a certificate, an enterprise experiences less pressure from the supervisory authority, while at the same time improving its image and increasing its attractiveness to current and potential employees and commercial partners.

Some employers in different regions have already been excluded from the register, on the one hand, this is not encouraging, on the other hand, it indicates that this register is not an empty formality; if a violation of labor rights is detected, the employer will not be able to remain there. This means that the very fact of being on the register of employers who are guaranteed to comply with labor rights will be valued. And it seems that employers included in the register will take respect for workers’ rights even more seriously. It’s one thing when the labor inspectorate came to an enterprise with an inspection, found violations, and issued a fine. Who will know about this if the employer himself does not share? But the exclusion from the register speaks for itself.

On the issue: What documents must be submitted to the state labor inspectorate to obtain a certificate of trust in the employer?

We inform:

The "Employer Confidence Certificate" is awarded to employers as part of joint project Rostrud, its territorial bodies and associations of employers and trade unions of labor rights of workers and employers."

The main condition for participating in the project and obtaining a certificate of trust is full compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

To participate in the project, you need to send a declaration application in the prescribed form to the state labor inspectorate of your region. The form for such a declaration can be obtained from your labor inspectorate. The State Labor Inspectorate reviews such an application, and then, together with the trade union inspectorate, conducts an inspection of the organization. If during such an inspection real compliance with the declared obligations is confirmed, the employer is included in the Register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. A similar register can be found on the official website of each regional state inspectorate.

The document “Certificate of Trust in the Employer” is signed by trade union associations, the regional chamber of commerce and industry and the regional state labor inspectorate. It is presented to the head of the organization in a ceremonial atmosphere. The certificate is valid for 5 years.

(Source: Interview: The certificate of trust confirms respect for the rights of workers ("General Ledger", 2010, No. 4) (ConsultantPlus)

To search for information on the issue, keywords were used in the “quick search” line:

"Employer Trust Certificate"

Important points are highlighted in color. The answer was prepared on October 12, 2016.

The service is provided in accordance with the regulations of the Consultation Line:

"Website "Onlineinspection.RF", 2015

Question: Explain the procedure for obtaining a certificate of trust for an employer.

Answer: To participate in the project, an organization or individual entrepreneur sends an application-declaration in the established form to the state labor inspectorate in the region at its location.

Legal basis: A certificate of trust in the employer is issued by state labor inspectorates in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of projects to declare the activities of organizations to implement the labor rights of workers.

The State Inspectorate reviews this application to determine whether the declared information complies with the requirements of labor legislation and makes a decision on whether or not to allow the employer to participate in the project.

The decision is made on the basis of the presumption of the employer's truthfulness.

Document provided by ConsultantPlus

"The Main Book", 2010, N 4


- Deputy Head of the Department for Supervision and Control of Compliance with Labor Legislation of Rostrud.

In many regions, labor inspectors issue trust certificates to employers who do not violate labor laws. A representative of Rostrud talks about what this document is and how you can get it.

- Tatyana Mikhailovna, what is this - a certificate of trust? Who is issuing it?

The official name of this document is “Certificate of Employer Confidence.” It is awarded to employers as part of the joint project of Rostrud, its territorial bodies and associations of employers and trade unions “Declaration of the enterprise’s implementation activities.

The main task of all supervisory authorities, including Rostrud, is not only to identify, but, first of all, to prevent violations of the law. For this purpose, scheduled surveys of business entities are carried out.

But it so happens that their number (more than 7 million) far exceeds the inspection staff. Therefore, in some regions, state labor inspectors can inspect enterprises for compliance with labor laws only once every 20-27 years.

On the other hand, for the successful conduct of business, receiving orders and concluding contracts, and obtaining bank loans for enterprises, it is important business reputation. And an important role here is played by how the labor rights of workers are respected, what working conditions are in the workplace, whether there are any incidents at the enterprise work injuries. In addition, it is easier for a company with a good reputation to attract the best, highly qualified employees.

And if an enterprise has been awarded a certificate of trust as an employer, the state labor inspectorate guarantees it:

Providing free of charge all forms of consulting services on labor law issues;

Carrying out scheduled inspections only at the request of the employer.

Our project is being implemented in all regions of the Russian Federation. And in each region, from 10 to 100 employers have already received the “Certificate of Employer Confidence” document.

- How can I get a certificate of trust?

The main condition for participating in our project and receiving a certificate of trust is full compliance with the requirements of labor legislation.

To participate in the project, you need to send a declaration application in the prescribed form to the state labor inspectorate of your region. The form for such a declaration can be obtained from your labor inspectorate. The State Labor Inspectorate reviews such an application, and then, together with the trade union inspectorate, conducts an inspection of the organization. If during such an inspection real compliance with the declared obligations is confirmed, the employer is included in the Register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. A similar register can be found on the official website of each regional state inspectorate.

The document “Certificate of Trust in the Employer” is signed by trade union associations, the regional chamber of commerce and industry and the regional state labor inspectorate. It is presented to the head of the organization in a ceremonial atmosphere. The certificate is valid for 5 years.

We have already analyzed the first results of our project. And they indicate that employers independently, without reminders from inspectors, fulfill their obligations and comply with all labor law standards, including certification of workplaces and in the field of remuneration. At the enterprises included in the project, the industrial injuries, there are no wage arrears.

How difficult is it to obtain a trust certificate? For example, what is the proportion of organizations that received a certificate among all those who submitted a declaration?

Out of ten organizations that submitted a declaration, one or two receive a certificate of trust for the employer. So the selection is quite tough.

- Is a certificate of trust issued free of charge?

Yes, the certificate is issued to the organization absolutely free of charge. The project is financed from budget funds, as well as funds from trade unions and regional chambers of commerce and industry.

- Are the requirements for organizations and the certificates themselves the same in different regions?

The requirements that an organization undertakes to fulfill when filling out an application-declaration are the same everywhere. And here appearance Certificates may vary slightly from region to region.

- Can a trust certificate be revoked? Have there already been similar cases in practice?

Yes, a certificate of trust in an employer can be revoked if the employer grossly violates the requirements of labor legislation and other regulatory legal acts containing labor law standards, and this entails a violation of the labor rights of employees.

The labor inspectorate can obtain similar information from employees of this organization, from the media, authorities executive power, law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, public organizations. In this case, an unscheduled inspection is carried out, and if information about violations of labor legislation is confirmed, the enterprise is removed from the Register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees and is deprived of a certificate of trust in the employer.

The labor inspectorate will inform the organization itself, trade unions and the regional chamber of commerce and industry about the decision made in writing. In addition, this information will certainly be published in the media. But so far in practice, as far as I know, there have been no such cases.



journal "General Ledger"

Signed for seal

(Thematic issue: Inspections of Rostrud () ("Economic and Legal Bulletin", 2012, N 6) (ConsultantPlus))


Since 2006, the territorial bodies of Rostrud - state labor inspectorates, in cooperation with trade unions and associations of industrialists and entrepreneurs (employers), have been gradually implementing the project "Declaration of the activities of the enterprise for the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers", the meaning of which is that the employer voluntarily confirms fulfillment of its obligations to ensure the fundamental rights of workers, the result of which is the issuance of a “Certificate of Confidence” by the state labor inspectorate. The initiator of this project and the first state labor inspectorate to implement it with the support of Rostrud is the State Labor Inspectorate in the Kirov Region.

To participate in the project, an organization (individual entrepreneur) sends an application-declaration to the state labor inspectorate in the prescribed form, where, with the participation of the parties to the social partnership, within ten days from the date of receipt, this application-declaration is reviewed for compliance of the declared facts with the requirements of labor legislation, after which the state inspectorate Labor makes a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project, taking into account the information in the application-declaration. Non-participation in the project does not entail any negative consequences for the organization (entrepreneur). The applicant is informed of the decision in writing. In case of a positive decision, the organization (entrepreneur) is included in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees, with the obligatory delivery of a “Certificate of Trust to the Employer,” the number of which is entered in the register. The specified register is formed by the state labor inspectorate and posted on the official website of the inspectorate.

For example, the State Inspectorate of the Primorsky Territory has been implementing the project “Declaration of the employer’s activities to implement the labor rights of workers” in the region since 2008. During the implementation of this project, 42 organizations of the Primorsky Territory became participants. In 2011, based on the results of consideration of applications for participation in the “Declaration...” project, a positive decision was made on nine large regional enterprises. All employers who have received a certificate are entered by the state labor inspectorate into the Register of Employers Guaranteed to Comply with the Labor Rights of Employees. The specified register is posted on the official websites of the State Labor Inspectorate and the Administration of the Primorsky Territory. The “Certificate of Trust” guarantees the employer exemption from scheduled inspections.

As a result of the work on the implementation of the project “Declaration of the employer’s activities in the implementation of the labor rights of employees,” carried out in 81 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the relevant provisions on the voluntary declaration of the activities of employers in the implementation of the labor rights of employees were approved. According to state labor inspectorates, as of January 1, 2012, in the Russian Federation as a whole, a “Certificate of Employer Confidence” was issued to 2,626 business entities.

Document provided by ConsultantPlus

"Personnel officer. Labor law for personnel officers", 2010, N 4


In order to identify employers who are guaranteed to respect the rights of workers and improve their status in the modern labor market, a project is being implemented in Russia at the regional level to declare the activities of enterprises to implement the labor rights of workers. Project participants are issued a certificate of trust to the employer.

In Russia, the project “Declaring the activities of an enterprise to implement the labor rights of workers and employers” is already in full force. Based on agreements between state labor inspectorates and local branches of the Association of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, regulations on participation in such a project, application forms and certificates are adopted.

The first initiators can be called the State Labor Inspectorate in the Kirov Region together with the Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In the declaration form they accept, employers fill out a 17-point questionnaire, where they indicate how the rights of workers are respected: whether written contracts are concluded, whether wages are paid on time and whether they are above the minimum level, whether contributions are made to extra-budgetary funds, what attention is paid to labor protection.

It is unlikely that an enterprise will risk submitting the aforementioned declaration just like that, without properly establishing personnel records, because state labor inspectorate specialists must assess the compliance of the declared information with reality. After inspection of the organization, a certificate of trust is issued (or not issued) to the Employer and the company is entered into a special “honorary” register posted on the inspection website.

If inconsistencies are detected, the state labor inspectorate, as expected, issues an order to eliminate violations of labor legislation. Thus, it turns out that the company voluntarily faces an unscheduled inspection. Although for the enterprise itself, this inspection, of course, will be perceived as planned, since they themselves initiated it and should have been properly prepared.

It is interesting that such a check is not implied in all subjects of the Russian Federation. If we look at the draft regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of Moscow in the project “Declaration of the activities of an enterprise for the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers,” we will see that the state labor inspectorate must review the application-declaration within 10 days from the date of receipt to ensure compliance of the declared facts with the requirements of labor legislation and make a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project. The decision is made on the basis of the employer's "presumption of truthfulness". Non-participation in the project does not entail any consequences for the organization (entrepreneur).


to the Regulations on the participation of organizations and individuals

Moscow entrepreneurs in the project

"Declaration of the enterprise's activities in the sale

labor rights of workers and employers"

To the State Labor Inspectorate in Moscow

Application-declaration of participation in the project

"Declaration of the enterprise's activities in the sale

labor rights of workers and employers"

1. ____________________________________________________________________

name of the employer (enterprise) in accordance with the Unified

State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) (last name, first name,

patronymic of an individual entrepreneur)

2. ____________________________________________________________________

employer's address in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP)

3. Number of employees - _______ people

Declaration (yes/no)

Employment contracts are drawn up in writing

Work records are maintained for all employees

Internal labor rules approved


establishing the procedure for processing personal

employee data

Each employee is provided with a weekly

uninterrupted rest of at least

The annual paid leave schedule has been approved

employees for the current year

Employees' wages are not lower than the minimum

the amount of wages in Moscow established

tripartite commission agreement

Work on weekends and non-working holidays,

night work, heavy work and

working in harmful and (or) dangerous conditions

labor are paid at an increased rate

Salaries are paid in full

established deadlines (no debt

more than 2 months)

For workers combining work with training in

educational institutions, all

guarantees provided by law and


Social insurance is provided for all

workers in the manner established by federal


We have our own labor protection service (position

occupational safety specialist, for organizations with

numbering less than 50 people, imprisonment is possible

agreements with a specialized organization for

service on occupational safety issues)

All types of training and

safety briefings

Managers and specialists have passed mandatory

occupational safety training and knowledge testing

labor protection requirements

Workers engaged in heavy work and labor

with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions,

undergo obligatory work at the employer's expense

preliminary when applying for a job and

periodic medical examinations

All employees are provided with certified

means of individual and collective protection for

employer's funds account under conditions not lower

established by the rules and regulations. At the enterprise

work is underway to introduce new tools

Certification of workplaces is carried out according to the conditions

labor (attachment - certification schedule

workplaces, action plan for

workplace certification results)

Funding is provided for activities related to

labor protection on conditions and in amounts not lower than

established by federal legislation

(indicate the amount of financing aimed at

these goals last year, and the planned amount for

current year with a list of completed

Availability of benefits and compensation provided

employees in addition to the provisions of the labor

legislation (for example, payment of travel,

compensation for lunches, additional medical

insurance, additional pension insurance

Making a decision of review bodies

individual labor disputes;

labor compliance inspections

legislation and other regulations,

response measures based on the results of inspections in

throughout the year

No strikes

downtime for a year

Massive layoffs of workers throughout the year

(50 or more people within 30 calendar days;

200 or more people within 60 calendar days;

500 or more people within 90 calendar days

days - according to the Agreement between the Moscow Government,

Moscow Federation of Trade Unions and MK

industrialists and entrepreneurs from 01/01/2001)

4. I hereby declare that I comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection.

Explanations and comments are attached on a separate sheet.

Head of a legal entity (individual entrepreneur)

Signature, date.

Declaration purposes

Is a trust certificate worth the effort? Why should an employer burden himself with filing a declaration and getting his personnel affairs in order?

The goals of the project are stated as:

Increasing the attractiveness of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the labor market;

More successful promotion of goods and services using the competitive advantage of manufacturers as holders of a certificate of trust to the employer who has declared their work to implement the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Achieving a new qualitative level of protection of workers’ labor rights.

Are these goals being achieved? Since the initiators of the project are associations, confederations of industrialists and entrepreneurs, we can say that they form a circle of organizations that have this certificate, and it is quite prestigious to enter this circle.

There is already material for analysis on the first initiators. In order to obtain a Certificate of Employer Confidence, enterprises independently began the process of workplace certification. At the same time, a positive aspect can be noted that there is no direct influence of inspector response measures on the employer’s decisions. This action is one of the most costly, so not all organizations were able to carry it out, and accordingly, not all declarants received positive decisions on inclusion in the number of project participants.

Of course, those employers who maliciously violate labor laws and use various tricks to save money will not join the project and it will not have an impact on their employees. But those of their competitors who take care of their employer image can overtake them in the market.

However, there are a considerable number of employers who recognize the need for certification of workplaces and proper control over labor protection, but they always have something urgent to do, they may start and not finish. They are afraid of the inspection, but it seems that now it won’t come, but one of these days they will finish everything. For such organizations, the project should serve as a reason for timely bringing all matters in the labor sphere into full order and obtaining a certificate.

The State Labor Inspectorate of the Kirov Region believes that efforts to implement the project under consideration, despite the short period of its implementation, have had a positive impact on the dynamics of the development of labor relations in the Kirov Region. Thus, as of June 1, 2008, compared to June 1, 2007, the wage debt of employers in the Kirov region to employees decreased by more than 5 times (from 122.139 million to 22.872 million rubles).

The project is already being implemented in almost all regions. The head of the State Labor Inspectorate of the Novosibirsk Region, Andrei Nesterenko, in a solemn ceremony presented a certificate of trust to the employer with the number "001" to the Deputy General Director - Director of the Novosibirsk branch of Sibirtelecom OJSC, Yuri Kupriyanov. The company itself believes that it has worked a lot on organizing labor protection and is proud of this certificate.

The State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory, with the participation of the Primorsky Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, implemented a project entitled “Declaration of the organization’s activities for the implementation of the labor rights of workers and employers.” The airline "Vladivostok Air" became one of eight enterprises in the Primorsky Territory that received such an honorary certificate of trust (not given).

Certificate of trust in employer N 002

Not provided.

Not long ago, a corresponding agreement came into force in the Kamchatka Territory. In relation to organizations that have received a certificate of trust in the employer, the state labor inspectorate in the Kamchatka Territory guarantees: the provision of all forms of consulting services on labor law issues free of charge; Conducting scheduled inspections of compliance with labor legislation requirements at the request of the employer. Thus, having received a certificate, an enterprise experiences less pressure from the supervisory authority, while at the same time improving its image and increasing its attractiveness to current and potential employees and commercial partners.

Some employers in different regions have already been excluded from the register, on the one hand, this is not encouraging, on the other hand, it indicates that this register is not an empty formality; if a violation of labor rights is detected, the employer will not be able to remain there. This means that the very fact of being on the register of employers who are guaranteed to comply with labor rights will be valued. And it seems that employers included in the register will take respect for workers’ rights even more seriously. It’s one thing when the labor inspectorate came to an enterprise with an inspection, found violations, and issued a fine. Who will know about this if the employer himself does not share? But the exclusion from the register speaks for itself.


1. Rostrud will issue a “Employer Trust Certificate” [Electronic resource]. Access mode: novosti/detail,htm?itemid=376147.

2. Draft regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the city of Moscow in the project “Declaration of the activities of an enterprise for the implementation of labor rights of workers and employers” [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

3. The first employer trust certificate in the Novosibirsk region [Electronic resource]. Access mode:

Review prepared by

V. Pustozerova

Signed for seal

Additional Information:

Information about this Certificate on the official website Federal service on labor and employment:


The State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory, together with the Primorsky Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations, is implementing the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations for the implementation of labor rights of workers” (hereinafter referred to as Declaration).


Increasing the attractiveness of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Primorsky Territory in the labor market.
More successful promotion of goods and services using the competitive advantage of manufacturers as project participants who have declared their work to implement the main provisions of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
Achieving a new qualitative level of protection of labor rights of workers in the Primorsky Territory.


Activation of the activities of employers in the Primorsky Territory aimed at the most complete and comprehensive implementation of the labor rights of workers.
Ensuring that organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Primorsky Territory implement the principles of social partnership based on the situation of mutual loyalty of employees and employers.
Increasing the resource of organizations (entrepreneurs) by reducing the burden on the part of the supervisory authority.


The priority direction of efforts of organizations and individual entrepreneurs is to ensure compliance with the requirements of labor and labor protection legislation.
Information, legal and organizational support for employers from government agency, authorized to exercise supervision and control in the field of labor and directly related relations, and the Primorsky Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.


Organizations of any organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership registered in the Primorsky Territory.
Duly registered individual entrepreneurs without forming a legal entity, carrying out entrepreneurial activities using hired labor (hereinafter referred to as individual entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs);
State Labor Inspectorate in Primorsky Krai;
Primorsky Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations.


The condition for the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs in the implementation of the project is that the parameters of their activities comply with certain requirements of labor legislation.
To participate in the project, an organization (individual entrepreneur) sends an application-declaration in the prescribed form (attached) to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory.
The State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory, within ten days from the date of receipt, reviews this application-declaration to determine whether the declared facts comply with the requirements of labor legislation and makes a decision on the admission (refusal of admission) of the employer to participate in the project.
The decision is made on the basis of the employer's “presumption of truthfulness.” Non-participation in the project does not entail any consequences for the organization (entrepreneur). The applicant is informed of the decision in writing.
If the decision is positive, the organization (entrepreneur) is included in the register of employers who are guaranteed to respect the labor rights of employees. The specified register is formed by the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory and is posted on the official website of the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory and the Administration of the Primorsky Territory.
The status of a project participant is not limited by time frames.
If the facts stated by the employer do not comply with the requirements of labor legislation or if there is objective evidence of gross violations of labor legislation (wage arrears to employees, an industrial accident due to the fault of the employer, etc.), the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory rejects the application for participation in the project indicating the reasons for refusal.
If the employer eliminates the circumstances that served as the basis for rejecting his participation in the project, he has the right again, at any time, an unlimited number of times to apply on this issue to the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory.
The list of legislative requirements contained in the appendix to this Regulation may be revised by the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory in connection with changes in legislation or changes in the priorities of supervisory activities. This circumstance does not have retroactive effect.
State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory in relation to organizations (entrepreneurs) granted the status of a project participant:
- all forms of consulting services on labor law issues are provided free of charge;
- scheduled inspections of compliance with labor legislation are carried out at the request of the employer (in this case, administrative measures are, as a rule, not applied).
Revocation of project participant status Declaration can be made by the State Labor Inspectorate in the Primorsky Territory in connection with gross violations by the employer of the requirements of labor and labor protection legislation, resulting in damage to the labor rights of employees.
In this case, the status at the request of the employer can be renewed no earlier than one year from the date of its revocation.
The employer and the Primorye Regional Tripartite Commission for the Regulation of Social and Labor Relations are informed about the revocation of status in writing, indicating the reasons for the revocation.

Head of the State Labor Inspectorate in Primorsky Krai Coordinator of the commission from the Administration of the Primorsky Territory, head of the labor department of the Primorsky Territory Employer Commission Coordinator, CEO Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (Employers) "Primorye" Coordinator of the commission from trade unions, head of the department of social and labor relations public organization"Federation of Trade Unions of Primorsky Krai"

S.V. Kozhushko

V.M. Reshetnikov

S.I. Tverdyshev

V.S. Babukhin


to the Regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of Primorsky
region in the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations for the implementation of labor
workers' rights"

To the State Inspectorate
labor in Primorsky Krai

on participation in the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations
on the implementation of labor rights of workers"



(name of the employer (organization) in accordance with the Unified State
register of legal entities (USRLE) (last name, first name, patronymic of the individual

2. ___________________________________________________________________

(address of the employer in accordance with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRIP)

3. The number of employees is ______ people.
4. I hereby declare that I comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on labor and labor protection:

No.Contents of labor legislation requirements Declaration
(Not really)
1 2 3
1 Employment contracts are drawn up in writing
2 Work records are maintained for all employees
3 Internal labor regulations approved
4 Each employee is provided with weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours
5 The schedule of annual paid leave for employees for the current year has been approved
6 Tariff rates (salaries) of employees are not lower than established federal law minimum size wages
7 Work on weekends, non-working holidays and night work is paid at an increased rate
8 Salaries are paid in full on time (no arrears)
9 Employees who combine work with studying in educational institutions are provided with all guarantees and compensation provided by law
10 Social insurance of all employees is provided in the manner established by federal laws
11 It has its own labor protection service (for employers engaged in production activities) or the position of labor protection specialist has been introduced; for organizations with less than 50 people, it is possible to conclude an agreement with a specialized organization for services on labor protection issues)
12 Employees are provided with all types of training and instructions on labor protection
13 Managers and specialists passed compulsory education on labor protection
14 Employees engaged in heavy work and work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions undergo mandatory preliminary and periodic medical examinations upon entry to work at the employer’s expense.
15 All employees are provided with certified personal and collective protective equipment at the expense of the employer under conditions not lower than those established by the norms and rules
16 Certification of workplaces for working conditions is carried out (attachment - schedule for certification of workplaces, plan for implementing activities based on the results of certification of workplaces)
17 Labor protection measures are financed on conditions and in amounts not lower than those established by federal legislation (not less than 0.2% of the amount of production costs). (Indicate the amount of funding allocated for these purposes last year and the planned amount for the current year)

Head of a legal entity
(individual entrepreneur) ___________________ acting surname

Date, M.P.


to the Regulations on the participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs of the Primorsky Territory in the project “Declaration of the activities of organizations to implement the labor rights of workers”

employers of Primorsky Krai who received participant status
project “Declaration of the activities of organizations for the implementation
labor rights of workers"

No.Employer name Address (location) Last name, first name, patronymic of the manager Date of decision on status assignment
1 2 3 4 5

Tags: Participation of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, Primorsky Krai, project, implementation of labor rights of workers
