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What is success in life for you? What is success. Realization that you are not a gray mouse

In this book from AB Publishing, you will learn that success is a constant that is hidden in each of us. Success is a quality that can be developed and nurtured. We give a lot useful tips for every day, how to organize your life in such a way that success comes to you and stays with you forever. You will get answers to the most important questions - what is success, how it is connected with love, what needs to be done to become successful and loved. Don't know where to start? Believe that you are already successful and accustom yourself to success! Success does not come suddenly, and we will reveal its main secret!

A series: business man library

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by the LitRes company.

Chapter first. What's happened life success?

1.1. Moment between past and future

Divide and conquer is the secret of success state power as the ancient Romans believed. We use the same formula and divide global task to achieve success in life on a few small ones. First, let's answer the question of what is success and what is human life? It would seem that everyone knows this. And yet, what exactly do we want to achieve - how much success, in what, where and when?

Sociologists distinguish several main areas of human life. The significance of each area is different for everyone. But, as noted, most often even those who put their career first value their personal space most of all and want personal happiness as a result. That is, the natural need for comfort, procreation, nepotism for most people in the first place.

So, let's list the main areas of our life in which we strive for success. First, it is family, then friendships. Next comes the implementation in the profession. Also an important sphere of a person's life is his hobbies, hobbies, sports achievements. The aesthetic sphere is the education of a person, his ability to understand modern culture, as well as knowledge in science and art. Last but not least is social activity.

1.2. Success Criteria

For centuries, the idea of ​​a successful person has evolved. First, it is a healthy, self-confident person. He is strong both physically and spiritually, as well as morally stable. A successful person is distinguished by willpower, he deserves respect. The family is the foundation for everyone. Standardly, this is not only relatives, but also marriage, children, and their own family hearth. Success is also determined by friendships: the more friends, the more trust in a person. The next zone is work or any other activity related to social recognition and material well-being. For example, a housewife also wants recognition of her merits and material returns from work. The main thing in this area is the realization of one's vocation. A person who is satisfied with his job is happy by definition. There is also a separate area - a hobby. In addition, playing sports is an essential attribute that is important for health and maintaining a cheerful spirit. Another area of ​​success is aesthetic and cognitive. Respect and admiration is caused by a person who understands art, culture, science, politics. Education and knowledge play an important role. Social activity accepts various forms. This may be participation in charitable programs, protection of one's rights or upholding justice in the relevant authorities. For example, if you can win a case in court against housing and communal services workers who offended you and your neighbors, is that not a success?

1.3. Who revealed the secret of success?

IN Lately V in social networks it has become fashionable on the Internet to quote great people. Quotes are used as a motivational tool. Sometimes great people are credited with things that they never said and could not say. Do politicians, show business stars, billionaires reveal the secrets of their success, do they share revelations?

One of the most famous speeches ever given by speakers is that of Steve Jobs, the founder of computer company Apple, in front of the Stanford graduates. In it, he told the secrets of his success. Sadly, hardly anyone can use them with the same efficiency as he does. Because, as it turns out, the secret to the success of a genius is his whole life. The sequence of his actions and the set of qualities are unique. Because Steve Jobs stands out among the crowd of equally talented and capable computer scientists. We can only learn some useful lessons from the example of a great man, but we will still act in one way or another in different situations in our own way. In any case, it is useful to remember that Steve Jobs always paid a lot of attention to detail, used every opportunity that turned up to replenish the treasury of his knowledge. So did Napoleon, Suvorov, Lenin, who owns the aphorism "study, study and study." The continuation of this phrase reads as follows: “and develop from oneself conscious Social Democrats, “working intelligentsia”.” The value of intellect, consciousness is enormous.

Human intelligence, as practice confirms, is in constant development. Of course, everyone has different abilities: someone catches on the fly, someone needs time. But perseverance always wins. For example, some screen stars suffer from dyslexia. This is a reading disorder. Imagine how difficult it is for them to perceive scripts, and this is the basis of the foundations of film and television art. Singer Slava recognizes this feature. Because of this, it was difficult for her to study at school, and the scripts of the films in which she starred had to be recorded on a voice recorder and memorized by ear. That does not prevent the star from achieving success and improving in his profession. Outrageous Slava formulates the secret of success as follows: “Always be yourself, tell the truth and be at the right time in the right place, feel free to experiment.” Her secret of attractiveness is simple and effective at the same time: “Firstly, you need to take care of your hair, always pay attention to your hair, skin, hands ... Cleanliness and accuracy come first, and then you need to choose your own style, emphasize the good, hide the bad ". A pleasant, not repulsive appearance is also an important success factor.

Theodore Roosevelt said, "The most important formula for success is knowing how to deal with people." There are some immutable laws of life, and, as in the jungle, you need to know and study the habits of others. Despite individual characteristics of each person, if you observe carefully and for a long time, you will notice that all people in most situations react in a standard way. Laughter, tears, joy, sadness, fear, doubt, passion… To varying degrees, they visit us all in response to change. environment. The study of human psychology is a useful and interesting hobby that can be pursued for a lifetime. personal experience no one has enough to analyze all the diversity and versatility of human relations. Therefore, in the development of personality psychology, as well as social psychology, special literature will help you.

1.4. role models

Every person has people they admire. It can be celebrities or members of a close circle. I want to be like them, to some extent repeat their fate. The Bible says - do not make yourself an idol. But we are not talking about worshiping someone, depending entirely on his opinion, losing yourself, trying to be like him. In psychology, it is believed that for the formation of a person it is necessary that in his mind there is an example to follow, for inspiration.

Who it will be for you depends on your character, preferences, what business you have chosen in life, even on age, gender, habits. Men tend to choose idols among athletes, politicians. For a man, often a role model is his father, uncle, and in addition - the boss, one of his friends. Women are guided by actresses, singers, often listen to their sisters, mothers, girlfriends in everything. It happens that all aspirations of a person are connected with the desire to show oneself in the best possible way in front of the opposite sex. As Alain Delon admits: "Everything that I have achieved, I owe to women." And Marilyn Monroe - to the men who idolized her. We can also use this method. The natural desire to please is one of the powerful incentives for success. Improving your body, gaining new knowledge, becoming attractive and more wealthy, you yourself become a role model. The main thing - remember that you will never become exactly like your idol. Smiles are caused by people who resort to plastic surgery to be like your pet. A successful person is always unique. Our the main task- protect your individuality, do not let it dissolve among the influences of the outside world.

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The following excerpt from the book Laws of Success. How to Achieve More (Max Neal, 2013) provided by our book partner -

What does life success mean to you? For example, for me it consists of several components that took many years to achieve. And now I understand that what I built day after day, month after month, finally began to bear fruit. What was created by such labor began to give me true satisfaction and joy. For the sake of which I had to give up many generally accepted and fashionable trends, it has become a real value for me and for my loved ones.

But there were moments, not so rare, when it seemed that "I'm going in the wrong direction", What “you need to be with the crowd, you need to live like everyone else”, “Yes, why all this, and suddenly nothing will work out like that”.

In moments of doubt, I always turned off the phone, took a backpack, a thermos of tea and a notebook with a pen for writing, and went to those places that give me strength and tranquility.

Spending time alone with yourself, walking surrounded by trees, plunging into the chirping of birds, regardless of external circumstances and internal doubts, you begin to stop. The pace of walking slows down, and the chaotic flow of thoughts slows down, which is the cause of doubts in oneself and in one's actions. In times like these, we understand ourselves better. Such moments give us strength and confidence to move in the chosen direction.

Summing up the above, I want to say that if we consciously build our lives from day to day, from month to month, from year to year, then in the end we get something that we could not even think about. As a result, we get much more than we wanted. And first of all, it is inner peace, confidence, satisfaction with oneself and one's life.

So what is life success for you? Where do you want to see yourself and your life in a few years? At one time, I wrote down the answers to these questions in a separate notebook, and then worked for several years to implement my answers. And here's what I ended up with.

For me, success in life is:

First of all, it is inner peace. Harmony of inner and outer.

Inner peace comes when you stop participating in the general race. Most often, this is a race for certain untwisted and fashionable material goods.

Quite often, at the moment when a person does not have this or that fashionable thing that he could boast to others, he develops internal tension.

He does not think about how much effort and time it will take to earn money just to get this thing. He throws all his strength into "corresponding", "to be no worse than others, and even better - cooler than Vasya Petechkin." He does not think and does not analyze such an aspect that the same money can be invested in investments that will later give him financial freedom and independence from circumstances, in training, which will also bring professional growth and increase financial well-being.

Sometimes a person devotes all his efforts to creating an external gloss, to maintaining the invented image of “rich and successful”. But if you look deeper, quite often such people are mired in loans, in fear of being left without the income that they have now. After all, a decrease in income will directly affect the decrease in the number of fashionable and expensive toys, thanks to which a person acquires a certain ersatz of confidence.

Sometimes it’s rather sad to watch girls in fashionable branded clothes when they start listing the names of famous people in front of each other, things from which so awkwardly “sit” on them. And behind all this branding and aching pity for such girls, I just want to ask: “Honey, where are you in all this? What is your name? What are you doing? What do you like? What did you dream about as a child? What gives you strength and real, true happiness? It's like when you were a child, when you ran barefoot on the floor, and your grandmother scolded you with great love for not wearing your shoes again. Or when you and your girlfriends whispered in the evenings about your first love, about how you will grow up and how happy you will become? What have you created? What good have you yourself done in this world?”.

Refusal of branding, fashion and promotion releases a huge internal potential, adds strength and energy. And thanks to this power, we can create, develop and do what makes us truly happy and calm.

At some point, an understanding of oneself and one’s true needs comes, and here the main thing is to gain confidence and begin to build one’s life in such a way that inner peace and a sense of joy appear, which is basically impossible if a person is hyper-actively involved in the race for fashionable things and destinations and associates his success with the number of items purchased.

You need to gain courage and confidence and give up what has been planted, but which, with a detailed alignment and analysis, is not even something that is not needed, but brings a lot of problems and unnecessary fuss.

If you don’t need a car, you need to have the courage to admit it to yourself and refuse it, even though now almost the first thing people ask is “ What car do you have?. You don't have a car because you don't need it. And not just not needed, but you are well aware of how many problems will appear with its acquisition.

If you like Finland more, then there is no complex about the fact that you don’t want to fly to a popular resort, so that later you can brag about it to someone, but at the same time lose some kind of internal integrity and self-respect. You keep flying to those places that give you strength, a sense of peace and happiness. You understand that this is not a fear of something new, but you just want to.

You don't like fancy watches or fashion clothes from this and that? You don't think it's necessary to spend a lot of money on a piece of iron or a piece of cloth, which in a few years will simply decay or fall into a state of disrepair. And you have the courage to give up what doesn't make you happy. And the main thing is to understand that in fact quite often fashionable, hyped things are far from beauty and harmony. And sometimes they spoil and make people ugly.

Each person has his own “fads”, the pursuit of which makes him unhappy, takes away his last strength and energy. What kind of inner peace are we talking about here, when all thoughts are occupied with what “Now I will change the car for a newer and more fashionable one, I will go to my friends to show off. Let them see and understand how "cool" I am And, as a rule, all these efforts are not justified. Real friends don't care what car you drive. And if not all the same, then why such "friends"? And why try to bend in front of them, please and meet the standards accepted by someone incomprehensibly?

Some time ago I read an interview with a former intelligence officer. Unfortunately, I don’t remember his last name and verbatim quote, but he said something like this: “ There used to be a problem in finding information. Now the problem is to isolate something useful from the shaft of information.”

The problem is not to learn how to run, but not to run where you don't need to.

I agree that in our time it is difficult for many to resist the advertised temptations. It is not easy to resist and not deviate from one's principles under the pressure of public opinion. But this is only at the very beginning. The longer you live according to your inner needs and principles, the more independence and inner freedom you gain. The happier and calmer you become. When the outside matches the inside, that's true happiness.

After I worked in myself several parenting programs that made my husband and I family life unhappy, I took up habits that prevented me from achieving success in one area or another. One of the basic habits that I worked out and which at one time thoroughly spoiled the life of me and the people around me was the habit of constantly being offended by everyone.

I gave myself in life such a great joy as the ability to forgive and not be offended by people. I agree, it requires titanic efforts, a lot of time in order to thoroughly forgive all those whom we have been offended with since childhood. But, in fact, it will still take much less time than the rest of your life.

For two years, I sat down almost every day and practiced the forgiveness technique for 20 minutes. I started with forgiveness of my parents, then myself, life. Then I got to those men who left not very positive memories of themselves. Then she forgave friends, colleagues, just acquaintances.

To talk now about what I felt "before" and what "after", I consider it meaningless. Not because I feel sorry for the time or "paper". It just cannot be described in words. It is impossible to describe the feelings of resentment and bitterness that I have carried within myself for many years. And even more so, it is impossible to describe that feeling of lightness, flight and complete acceptance of some situations, and first of all people, that I began to feel after many months of forgiveness.

If I am asked what would you highlight one thing that has greatly changed and improved your life, I will not hesitate to answer - forgiveness.

After practicing forgiveness, my life has changed. And not just like this, “my life has changed,” but “My life has REALLY changed for the better.” It's a completely different quality of life. This is not just a stunning inner feeling of freedom and independence from people and their actions. This is also all external benefits, ranging from a change in the state of health and ending with the realization of those desires that simply could not be fulfilled for years before. The technique of forgiveness is described in detail by the author A. Sviyash, who is very respected by me. Or you can read it in my article "The power of forgiveness. How to be happy and save a family.

Thirdly, this is the periodic development of new skills or the improvement of those that already exist.

On the one hand, this point seems to be clear. But on the other hand, if you look at those who are a little over 30, you will understand that people stop learning something new, stop striving to improve their professional level. I'm not talking about isolated cases when a person falls into a certain structure in which trainings are held on a voluntary-compulsory basis. I'm talking about the bulk of the people.

How long have you been learning something new? Learned to work in Adobe Premiere?

Didn't know how to speak in front of an audience, and recently dared and took courses in public speaking?

Learned to type "blindly"?

Learned Photoshop?

Learned to dance tango and waltz?

Have you improved your professional skills by completing a series of master classes and seminars?

When we periodically learn something new, or improve ourselves in our profession, which we like, then by itself, we become more and more successful and in demand.

Fourth, it is building relationships with like-minded people.

Recently, people have become less and less social. Many of us are constantly busy, in a hurry and hurry somewhere, often there are “urgent” things that are forgotten on the second or third day. When I realized that I began to communicate less and less with those who are close and dear to me, I decided to change this course of things. And it happened like this.

Once, a good friend invited me to drop by for tea. At that moment I was upset about something, plus there was a lot of work. Referring to being busy, I declined the offer. I went up to the office and started to work. But the work did not stick, besides, there was a residue in my soul from the fact that I refused the invitation. At that moment, for some reason, I remembered my childhood. How easy it was for us to visit each other, how easy it was for us to approach and get to know each other, to make new friends. With what pleasure we gathered at one of the girlfriends and crushed all sorts of goodies.

And what happened to me? I was invited by a nice lady. It’s interesting with her, you always learn something new, we can discuss some plans for a long time and just chat “about nothing”. And what? What will happen if I allow myself to relax and spend time with a nice cup of tea? Since a person invites, it means that he wants to see us as guests. In any case, this girl is for sure, she will not communicate with those who are unpleasant to her.

Calling her, I clarified whether the invitation was still valid. She was very happy and accepted the invitation. What is surprising, after drinking tea and sharing joyful events, at work, I did much more than I had planned in the morning.

Since then, I've been trying to be more attentive to people. After all, we never know what will happen tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and even tonight. We increasingly began to refer to employment and urgent matters, more and more often we began to ignore relatives and people close to us. But what could be more valuable in this world, if not people dear to us?

And what if tomorrow they are gone, and we didn’t tell, didn’t talk to friends, didn’t hug our loved ones or just didn’t stay together, didn’t listen about their lives, about what is happening, what they aspire to, what they plan, What makes them happy and what makes them sad?

At some point, I realized that building relationships with people requires certain skills and attention. And I began to develop them, worked through and eradicated from myself that which gives people close to me some kind of discomfort, and sometimes inner pain from what I said. The main thing that I eradicated from myself is the habit of thinking that I know better how a person should live. And the habit of advising and climbing into people's lives. When I worked on myself, I thought about what kind of person would I be pleased to communicate with? And with which not very .... well, not very much.

An unpleasant person for me is one who is constantly offended, in front of which it is scary to say something. There are people who react very violently to any joke, to any event or circumstance, then get offended and pout for a long time. It’s scary to have any business with such people, because you never know what phrase or action they will be offended by and what to expect from them later. Just as unpleasant for me is the person who constantly climbs into my life with advice and teachings.

The person with whom I would be pleased to communicate was an attentive person who knew how to listen and ask questions, while not being offended and with a sense of humor. And most importantly - taking care of himself and his life, not interfering in my life. But at the same time, he is quite attentive and understanding when and what kind of help I really need.

As I wrote above, I devoted several years to getting rid of touchiness. Then for a long time I worked on and eradicated the habit of giving advice when I was not asked, and even when asked too.

I don’t know if I managed to become such a person with whom I myself would be pleased to communicate, but the number of friends, relatives and just good acquaintances began to increase exponentially. This pleases me, because for me communication with like-minded people is one of the most important and valuable things in this world.

From the fourth point, the fifth logically follows, and this is to have the opportunity to relax, spend time with your loved ones and dear people, travel and sometimes just mess around.

For example, go to a friend to drink tea and chat just like that “about nothing”, having previously bought some goodies.

Call your friends and gather everyone for a delicious, home-cooked cake. My husband and I and our friends like the honey cake the most, the recipe is at the link

Treasure those who are still alive. The grandmother I grew up with is long gone. But I still have two grandmothers, my own and my cousin. And I ask life to live as long as possible. Whenever possible, I try to visit them, although they live far away, or bring them to us.

Recently I went to visit a woman I know. We spontaneously had a bachelorette party, because a few more girls came to see her. So one of them complained about her grandmother, that she makes everyone work in the country, etc. The girl is young, and I understand her. On weekends, you want to relax and sometimes do nothing. But it is now. Perhaps, in many years, she will miss these grandmother's grumblings and instructions that she needs to work in the summer in order to eat everything useful from her garden in the winter.

When my grandmother grumbles at me, I smile and agree with all her arguments on any point. After all, she grumbles with love and care for me. And I am so glad that she cares about me, and that I still have such an opportunity - to call and listen to instructions that I should dress warmer, eat better and take care of myself.

And, of course, rest, travel and doing nothing. For me, this part of life is integral to the full concept of success in life. If I only work, I only constantly strive for something and somewhere, so why do I need such a success that does not allow me to take and properly sleep on some day. Or spend the weekend with your loved one. Or pack up and fly to St. Petersburg so beloved by us for a couple of days.

In the sixth place, it is to love your profession and be in demand as a specialist. And, if possible, be one of the best in the business.

And for this you need to love the profession that you are doing. Before I realized what I like to do most of all, I changed several professions. I always liked to work, so in any field I quickly achieved maximum results. Which, of course, always had a positive effect on financial rewards. But no matter how much a sought-after professional I became, there was no joy and a sense of flight in my soul. Therefore, at a certain point, I stopped developing my professional skills and after a while I left for another specialty. This habit of migrating at the moment when you achieve certain success did not allow me to maximize my professional skills in this or that area.

When I finally realized a few years ago what gives me the most pleasure, what I can do endlessly and not get tired, I stopped thinking about how much I could earn in my profession, I began to think about how I become one of the best.

As it turned out, this is real happiness - to do what you like, to develop in this direction, and even get money for it. It would seem, but for what money, because you are already so happy! So, having found ourselves in the professional field, we immediately improve our financial well-being. You can read about this in the article "Do what you love, and the money will come."

And in the seventh place, it is to have the opportunity, in addition to your favorite profession, to do what you love..

What can I say here, I think everything is clear here. For me it is painting and sport. I like graphics. When you write, you forget about everything. It is such magic when a tree, a stream, mountains, clouds appear on a sheet of paper from under a pencil. More recently, there was a clean slate, and after a while - a whole life.

For someone, embroidery becomes a favorite thing, for someone - growing flowers, for someone - photographing, for someone - learning a new language or singing in a choir. Yes, you never know what is interesting and exciting in our life. Don't forget about it. Do not forget about your soul, about what makes it sing and vibrate. And then the feeling of success in life will be as complete and comprehensive as possible.

If you have any questions, you can get advice from the author of the article and books A. Guy. Conditions

Sincerely, Anastasia Guy.

» Success means...

© N.B. Enkelmann

What does success mean to you?

For an opera singer, success means an invitation to sing at the Metropolitan Opera; for a person who dreams of becoming an actor, being accepted into a famous theater school; for an aspiring model, becoming famous like Claudia Schiffer; for a football player - to score a decisive goal during the world football championship; for an accountant - to become a millionaire; for the head of the department - to become the chairman of the board of the company.

Success can be considered a complete cessation of smoking, less time sitting in front of the TV, mastering the art of horseback riding, getting a higher salary than a brother, getting more contracts than best seller firms. Successes are nothing more than solved problems for me. We do not live in this world to feel like in paradise. We live in it to solve problems. And there are a great many of them, wherever you look. The problem provides an opportunity to show what kind of dough you are made of. What problems in this world can we solve? If there were no problems, there would be no responsibilities. In order to strive for success, you should determine the area of ​​​​activity in which you can solve problems, find tasks and meaning for your life. It is in this field of activity that you can become a leader, succeed and find satisfaction. But first you should ask yourself this question: “Am I a person who creates problems or who solves them?” In what area of ​​activity can I best solve problems or, in other words, succeed? Your task is not to solve different problems every day. Your task is to find a field of activity in which you would be a leader! In this field of activity, you can show your abilities, stand out from the crowd and prove your uniqueness. Success is as different as people are different. There is professional success, success in personal life, financial success, success in sports or in the arts; one can succeed as a man or as a woman. This list can be continued indefinitely. Do you really want to be successful? Then the answers to the following questions are crucial for you:

  • Do you know what kind of success you want to achieve?
  • Are you ready to act with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, making every effort to achieve success?
And one more important addition: The will to succeed must be exercised daily. Not to let the gray days overwhelm her. Questionnaire on the topic "Success"
  • What does success mean to you personally?
  • Since when did you have this idea of ​​success?
  • Who influenced you to have such an idea of ​​success?
  • Has your idea of ​​success changed over time?
  • Can you remember past successes?
  • List them!
  • What kind of people do you consider successful?
  • And why?
  • Name ten people that you associate with the concept of "success"
  • Do you have a role model in your aspirations for success?
  • When was the last time you were successful?
  • What qualities do you think distinguish successful people?
  • What is the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful one?
Now let's move on to your personal success strategy:
  • What qualities of character that contribute to success do you possess?
  • What has been holding you back from achieving notable success so far?
  • What are your goals for this month, this week, today?
  • What goals have you achieved in the last year, last month, last week, yesterday?
  • How can you reduce the impact external factors to carry out your plans?
  • What can you change to achieve your goals in a shorter time frame?
  • Do you help other people succeed? (To whom, how?)
Develop a strategy for your success. Write down your goals, keep a diary in which you record the individual steps leading to success. Try to make your success visible: draw a “success curve” that reflects your path to success. Then you will know exactly where you are on the journey. this moment and where obstacles arise. Using such a chart, outline the direction of further movement. Remember that success is contagious. Success cannot be the result of a happy coincidence, this is not the case when you can be guided by the motto: "Once you succeed, you will always achieve it." Success is what follows business. Success is the result of thoughts, aspirations and deeds. We live in the real world, so we have to build our lives and solve our problems. For me, every problem solved is a success. Only by constantly focusing your attention on your goals, working persistently, intensively and with enthusiasm, you can achieve success. No one can give you success, but no one can take it away from you. The starting point for success is only you, and it is only through you that success can take place. You and only you can set milestones for yourself and move forward from one to the next, remembering that success attracts success. Everything depends on you. Steps to help you succeed:
  • Clearly defined goals.
  • Revealing your charismatic abilities
  • Success-Oriented Thinking
  • Success strategy.

A person puts a lot into the concept of success. But what, in fact, this concept can include? In my opinion, success is not only getting a big cash profit, occupying high-ranking and highly paid positions, but first of all, it is the presence of a healthy friendly family: healthy parents, children and husband. This is certainly not the kind of success that some measure in terms of material values, and the one that is more expensive than all the money in the world.

Each person is individual, and each puts something of his own into this concept. And, unfortunately, very often people invest in the concept of success not at all family and spiritual values, but material ones. And, all because we don’t think about it, our head is filled only with everyday moments, work chores and spending Money. Equating our lives with other people who have expensive mansions, luxury cars and yachts, for some reason we believe that we are not successful, we have not succeeded as that person with a huge fortune behind his back succeeded. And this is the saddest thing, that in the world the value of the material becomes higher than the value of the spiritual.

Many parents reproach their children that they study poorly, earn bad grades at school or university, then parents tell everyone around that their child is not successful in his business, that he will not be able to realize the desire of his parents. But it turns out the opposite, those who were successful in their studies, won prizes at olympiads and scientific competitions, very often lose themselves in this life and stop in reaching new heights.

It is necessary to invest in the word “success” not only material wealth, but, first of all, spiritual success, which includes the upbringing of kind and sensitive children who are ready to help others, and most importantly, such children who, in old age, will not refuse to give a glass of water for your parents.

In my opinion, first of all, a successful person is a person who respects and loves his parents, helps others, sets goals for himself and achieves them in such a way as not to harm another.

Essay about success

Success is when achieving everything you wanted becomes possible. Success is when a task that you have been planning for a long time, very much wished to fulfill, becomes easy. People perceive the word success differently. For some, success is great amount finance, for others a good achievement in a career, but someone considers it a success to get a good night's sleep.

Each of us sets ourselves some tasks and is considered successful if this task is completed. Every person at least once in his life thought about what success is, how to achieve it, what needs to be done for this? Of course, there is no single answer to this question, and there is none because it cannot be general formula success, everyone has different plans, tasks, goals for life. People consider successful those who have a lot of money and high status, but this is not always the case, because not all people with a fat wallet are happy, they still lack something in life. It turns out that success depends on happiness, just like happiness depends on success.

But still, there is one important detail of success, without which there will definitely be no result - diligence. It is through hard work that people achieve success. So this is the most important thing that each of us should remember - this is an effort on the path to success and never give up, even in the event of frequent failures.

Sometimes success comes to us, but too late, at the moment when the result of this success becomes completely insignificant, and we no longer consider it successful at all. We want more and more new achievements and this is absolutely good, because a person should not stop at half way and rejoice in a minor victory.

Personally, I consider complete peace of mind, the health of my entire family, minor and significant victories on the path of life as success. After all, rejoicing at what we already have at the moment, we can be successful and please ourselves even in everyday affairs. I want to advise everyone not to despair and go to success no matter what!

Option 3

Success is one of the topics that is talked about a lot today. Books are devoted to this topic, various courses, trainings and seminars are organized where they teach how to become a successful person and what needs to be done for this. Today, being successful has become very fashionable, because when they say “a successful person”, this phrase immediately raises the self-esteem of the person himself and makes him higher in the eyes of others. Therefore, many people want to be classified as successful people. but in order to somehow approach this category, you need to work on yourself, develop your skills and overcome difficulties.

Very often, many people confuse the concept of "success" with the concept of "luck". Luck can strike at any moment, for example, to win a super prize in the lottery. And success is also a kind of prize, but to win it, you need to put in a lot of effort. Success does not just happen, it is created. and you need to be prepared to spend more than one day, month, and even more than one year to achieve success. For example, Henry Ford, creator well-known brand car, spent years of his life developing his idea, although many people considered it stupid, but the opinions of those around him did not stop him, and years later his idea brought him worldwide fame and fortune.

Each person has a different definition of what success is and how it should be. It can be money and fame or strong and loving family. It all depends on the values, worldview and character of the person. But first of all, success is an achieved goal, big or small, and it doesn’t matter in what area of ​​life, if it is achieved, then the person has definitely achieved success. Success comes in a variety of situations. For example, it may appear:

1. In obtaining certain skills, such as playing the guitar, dancing, drawing, cooking, studying.

2. Psychological success, manifested in changing one's character or eliminating a bad habit.

3. Career success involves achieving the desired position at work, getting career or take pride of place in the team.

4. Personal success, manifested in communication, friendship, love and family.

There is a simple algorithm how to succeed. First you need to set a goal, then plan actions to achieve it and consolidate everything with motivation.

Success plays an important role in a person's life. Achieving success, a person receives not only the desired result, but also enjoys the result achieved. There is faith in oneself and one's abilities, attitude to life becomes more positive and emotional condition a person becomes much better.

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No matter how people strive for equality in life, anyway, some have everything, others only complain about their fate and beg for the porch or simply survive, more or less make ends meet. What's the matter? Why is one - a successful person, and the second remains a loser in life?

What is success

From an early age, each of us dreams of becoming successful, rich and famous, but not everyone has this dream come true. And the point here is not in fate, as many believe, but in striving for the goal. Those who cannot get out of poverty in any way do not even think about the fact that they themselves are the creators of their own destiny. For this reason, they just sit with their sleeves down, and expect that everything will work out in their life, too, by itself. And in this they are deeply mistaken.

The same people who are successful and stand a little higher on the social ladder have come a long way to it. They set a goal for themselves and went to it, despite the difficulties, and ultimately achieved what they wanted in their lives. At the right moment, they take the reins of life into their own hands and treat it with full responsibility.

A successful man and woman will always look positively at any situation, even if it brings failure, and they take the phrase as their motto: "What is not done is always for the better." Such people are always optimistic and do not give up under any circumstances. Their favorite books and films are only with a positive plot. They eliminate all negativity from their lives.

A successful person is always calm and balanced. He does not allow his emotions to take precedence over consciousness, for this simple reason he never gets depressed. A person will be successful in everything only when she achieves everything herself, and many people know about this. Therefore, in order to succeed, it is necessary to move forward according to the dictates of the heart, and not according to someone else's advice, whether it be parents or influential members of society. For those who want to achieve their goal, there are unspoken rules for successful people.

Rules of all successful people

Most people live by the principle: built a house, raised a son, planted a tree, which means they achieved their goal in life. But in fact, everything is completely different. For a successful man, the mission does not end there. He stocks up on perseverance and determination, patience and a thirst to achieve his goal. In order for a dream to come true, a successful man adheres to rules in his life that cannot be neglected.

The rules of a successful person are as follows:

  1. First of all, a successful man must be balanced and reasonable. In no case should he lose his temper, get involved in disputes or various debates. He keeps all his emotions to himself.
  2. Anyone who dreams of achieving success will always objectively evaluate any situation related to his movements towards his cherished dream. He will never boast of success that was not achieved by his labor, nor will he become discouraged because of a failure that has befallen him. In addition, a successful person regards all achievements as a fair payment for his labors.
  3. A successful person is one who cultivates discipline and self-control. In order to become what he dreams of being, he has to sacrifice his small, less priority desires.
  4. The secrets of all successful people also lie in being able to organize a team and lead it.
  5. If you want to be successful, you should know that the firmness of the word and loyalty to it is something that causes not only respect, but also inspires confidence in such a person, thanks to which success gradually comes.
  6. Due to respect and trust in a successful man, people consider him an authority for themselves. In addition, he has knowledge that he regularly uses. Due to the respect and trust of other people in a successful man or woman, they are authorities for them. In addition, they have knowledge that they regularly use
  7. The secrets of any successful person also lie in his hard work. On the way to his cherished dream, he works tirelessly and in the end achieves success.
  8. Before becoming successful, almost every one of us is tempted to achieve wealth in a dishonest way, so the main thing is that honesty and morality prevail, and you can say with full confidence that you have achieved success only in a honest way.
  9. The rules of every successful person also consist in the fact that he is not capable of greed. In difficult times, he will help relatives and friends or do charity work. By this he again deserves authority among the people.
  10. Among other things, a successful person has a well-developed intuition, thanks to which she quickly makes decisions, analyzes the situation and, if successful, takes risks. But even in case of failure, she does not blame herself or someone else for such an event, but tries to learn a lesson from what happened.
  11. But the most basic rule of all successful people is the passion and love for what they do, as well as the enthusiasm with which they move towards the goal. And, of course, faith in success. Even when failure occurs, such people say to themselves: “I can do anything, nothing is impossible for me.”

Qualities of a successful person

A successful man and woman are distinguished by their foresight, at a time when an ordinary person can look at simple thing and not pay attention to it, the successful one will see a lot of ideas in the same subject, thanks to which you can get a huge profit. One such person is Warren Edward Buffett.

He was awarded the title of "The most successful and successful investor." Luck accompanies him from an early age. The secrets of this successful man lie in his commercial talents, which manifested themselves at an early age. In his first six years, this Edward made his first money while using less successful people. At that time, he bought a pack of bottles of Coca-Cola, and these are six cans, for twenty-five cents. And then he sold them to his friends for five cents each. Then, at the age of eleven, he began to play on the stock exchange and buy and then sell shares. And fifteen years later he earned his first ten thousand dollars. At the moment, Edward has already earned several tens of millions.

If we analyze the lives of successful people, we can note their independence in the first place. They are not burdened with any serious responsibilities, but at the same time they always take care of their relatives. In addition, such a person is always confident in himself and in his abilities and relies only on them. Because only with this arrangement of things can he achieve success and even because of any failure is he able to benefit for himself.

Persistence is also one of the positive traits of a successful person. He goes forward towards his goal, falling and rising, and falling again. But it does not deviate from the intended path. In addition, his imagination is so developed, and whatever he comes up with or brings to life, all this brings great success.

A person who has set a life goal and consciously goes towards it, at the same time always knows the value of his work and himself in particular. To achieve similar results, he goes forward with his head held high. Because a successful person is successful in everything, this must always be remembered.

Besides successful people always only think positively and exclude all negativity from your life. They work very hard to ensure that success does not leave their home. Also, a successful person has another positive trait - passion. In this case, a person should be passionate about his favorite business, which will subsequently lead only to success.

If you have all of the above character traits, then you can with full confidence take up your favorite business, which in the end will only lead to a positive result and help you achieve your cherished dream. Otherwise, you need to develop these qualities in yourself and achieve success.
