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Scenario of the holiday “Paper boom. Ecological project "paper boom" Separate waste collection is the future, but distant

Olga trubaeva
Scenario of the holiday "Paper Boom"

Today we are here to have some fun and relax. I hope that you have not forgotten to bring many smiles and applause to this hall with you for our today's participants in the competition program.

Note, newspaper, letter, book - these are not just sheets paper It is also a wonderful occasion to arrange moments of relaxation and fun.

Our contest is called « paper boom» , which means that all competitions are associated with paper.

Participating teams: "serpentine".

« Kite» .

1. competition "Postman"- the participant moves two newspapers forward, walking on it. The winner is the team in which all participants reach the finish line.

2. competition "Application"- The whole team is involved. Each participant runs up to the table and sticks one piece on whatman paper, appliqué "flower". (whoever is faster wins)

3. competition "One Left"- competition of captains. Team captains take a sheet in their left hand paper, without the help of the right hand, you need to crush this sheet. The one who crushes it the fastest wins.

4. competition "Building a House"- from the same strips paper blindfolded participants must "build a house". Whoever is faster wins "built a house".

5. competition « paper balls» - one team member participates, you need to collect paper balls with two sticks in the basket.

6. competition "Basketball"- in the left basket (right) you need to throw a lump with your hand paper.

7. competition "Arrows of Robin Hood"- one participant as quickly as possible must make from the sheet paper plane and launch it.

8. competition "Suddenly it works"- one team member will try to fold the newspaper sheet 10 times.

9. competition "Mummy"- a couple of boys are called to participate, and in the role "mummies" will be a girl. (you need to wrap the girl using a roll paper) .

At the end of the competition, the results are summed up. The winners are awarded prizes.

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GKU "Social and rehabilitation center for minors Sharangsky district"

I approve:

Director of GKU "SRTSN

Sharangsky district"

T.A. Fokina

Cognitive game program

"Paper Boom"

Compiled by: teacher

Shorokhova T.V.

d. Tumanka



The event contains moments of environmental orientation, therefore it is very important for holding the GKU "SRTSN Sharangsky district" with minors. 2017 - YEAR OF ECOLOGY

It is no secret that today's children rarely read newspapers and are not familiar with the old pioneer pastimes, such as "collecting waste paper or scrap metal." When organizing leisure time for children in their free time, for a change, you can arrange for them a nostalgic excursion into the past: tell a little about the history of the invention of paper and the traditions of the pioneer organization and offer to feel like pioneers of past years. To do this, prepare for all participants symbolic "pioneer" ties, stacks of old newspapers and steelyards for weighing.

For game program children divide into equal teams, distribute ties and an equal number of newspapers, and arrange a "paper boom" with "waste paper collection" in the final of the competition. Whether to take all competitions or only some of them and the number of participants in each also remains at the discretion of the organizers.

Target: create an atmosphere psychological comfort and prevention of student fatigue.


    Increasing the level of ecological culture of minors,drawing their attention to security issues environment;

    To acquaint children with the history of the invention of paper;

    Promote the idea of ​​recycling paper;

    Develop Creative skills and fantasy of children;

    Formation of the ability to take an active part in conversation, games.

Event progress:

opening talk


Today our planet is on the threshold ecological disaster, and its most formidable harbinger is the greenhouse effect. There is a process of gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. This is due to the increase in the atmosphere of carbon dioxide, which is formed in large quantities when burning fuel. Plants are the only ones capable of converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. In this regard, the issues of resource conservation are becoming increasingly important, namely the protection of forests from destruction for the sake of the ever-increasing needs of mankind in paper, wood, etc.

At present, measures must be taken to prevent an ecological catastrophe. But for this it is necessary to change people's consumer attitude to resources and energy.We all need to prepare for a different energy experience that will inevitably await us in the future. This perception needs to be learned, because our families are still accustomed to the existing order of things: not to notice the walking drafts, uselessly burning lights, dripping water from taps, garbage dumps advancing on us or mountains of paper, simply thrown into a landfill where it will decompose, polluting the environment..

We are with you every daywe throw away piles of garbage, most of it is paper waste obtained as a result of children's and adult activities (paper scraps, candy wrappers, various drafts, etc.). But why do this if paper can be given a second life! Previously, in not very distant times, there was a pioneer organization, which was joined by guys the same age as you are now. They were doing different useful deeds, for example, they collected waste paper, scrap metal.waste paper - production, processing and consumption waste of all types and suitable for further use.

Where did paper come from?

The recipe for making paper was invented in China. All countries admired the curiosity, but the Chinese kept a secret a wonderful way of making paper. It wasn't until centuries later that Europe learned how to do this miracle.

We will go to a paper factory and find out how paper is made. And the trip we will have a video (watching a video clip about paper production) . So you have seen how paper is made.

BUThow many things are made of paper. Therefore, a lot of paper is needed, its production is growing and growing. Paper, as you already know, is made from wood and therefore forest areas are rapidly declining. In order not to cut down forests anymore, they try to make paper from stone, glass, and synthetic fibers. You can also recycle used paper, which is why waste paper collection is very important.. Let me give you an interesting fact : 54 kg recycled newsprint saves one tree.

Guys, now the tradition of collecting waste paper is gaining popularity among the younger generation.

And now, let's have a little rest and play "paper boom". And at the end of our game program, we will try to try on the image of the pioneers and take part in the waste paper collection competition. So go ahead! We divide into teams.

List of possible "newspaper" contests:

1. From the proposed newspapers, cut out and make a presentation of your team (short story) on a piece of paper, limit the time to 5 minutes so that there is time to cut out and come up with a coherent story;

2. speed competition: an unfolded newspaper sheet must be crumpled with one hand.

3. you need to list the names of all famous newspapers. Who is last is the winner

4. fold a boat out of a newspaper at speed

5 . now we add airplanes from sheets of newspaper, and then we launch them into the air. The one whose plane flies the farthest wins.

6. we arrange a “fanball”: we fold the newspapers with a fan and try to throw them with their help Balloon into enemy territory. He, in turn, with the help of a fan, tries to prevent getting into his field.

7. you need to make shoulder straps from a newspaper and, putting them on your shoulders, march for one minute.

8. Count for speed how many letters, commas and dots are in a paragraph.

9. arrange a newspaper crossing! you need to reach the finish line with the help of 2 newspapers: standing on one sheet, lay the second one, step over it and so on. The one who reaches the chair the fastest wins.

10. You can also play the “island”: spread out a newspaper - it should fit as many children as possible

11. Make a dress or suit out of several sheets of newspaper and tape.

12. crumple the balls and try to knock them down a tower of cubes or an empty plastic bottle.

13. you need to figuratively tear the newspaper to make an asterisk or a flower.

14. Quickly fold the jumbled pages of the newspaper in order.

15. "Disco on the newspaper"

A newspaper is taken and placed on the floor in the form of several islands. The host calls several pairs and places each pair on its own island. The task of the players is to dance on a piece of newspaper while the music is playing, never stepping in for it, if they step in, then this couple is eliminated. After 30-60 seconds of dancing, the music stops and the newspaper folds in half, i.e. each time a piece of newspaper should be reduced by 2 times. The game continues until there is only one dancing couple left.

16. race to find a hidden word on a piece of newspaper.

17. Collection of waste paper. The essence of the last competition is not announced in advance so that the guys cannot prepare and organize it better at the end, as it can be a good final point in the thematic competition and help clean up the territory. The guys are given a common large bag in which they must collect the garbage generated during the competition and all the paper rubbish that they find nearby. Time to limit (it would be nice to mark the end with the sound of a pioneer bugle) - at the end of the team they hand over the collected paper to the “waste paper collection point”. Weigh the steelyard, whoever has more, he won.

320 city schools participate in the waste paper collection project

People of the middle and older generation remember well how in their school years it was necessary to carry waste paper to school every academic quarter. Since the event was a regular event, families prepared for this event ahead of time: unnecessary newspapers were not thrown away, boxes of sweets and other household paper were added to the cherished pile. There was an element of competition in the conduct of such actions: which school, which class, which student will pass the most. The winners were awarded certificates, souvenirs, or even coupons for the purchase of scarce books (for one such coupon, which implies the delivery of 20 kilograms of waste paper, who remembers, you could buy a book). Then there was a big break, and now this movement is being revived: waste paper is collected in the city's schools throughout the year.

320 schools of the city participate in the action "Paper Boom". This action is carried out by two companies involved in the collection and processing of secondary resources. A number of schools participate in promotions offered by other companies. So now we can safely say: in most schools in St. Petersburg, waste paper is collected: somewhere once a year, somewhere several times a year. Slowly, kindergartens and higher educational institutions are added to the number of participants.

640 kilograms of waste paper - a record for a second grader

One of the active participants in the Paper Boom campaign is Lyceum No. 144 of the Kalininsky District. He has been participating in the action for more than five years.

... Everything, as it was in Soviet times. Schoolchildren rush to class, holding treasured piles of waste paper in their hands. But now - modernity: cars drive up to the school en masse, from which the parents of the students unload the waste paper. Therefore, one should not be surprised when a schoolchild (together with his parents) hands over waste paper - hundreds of kilograms!

Here, for example, the 2nd "b" class. Ruslan Gasanov handed over 640 kilograms of waste paper, Roman Kornev - 264 kilograms. And in total, the class passed 1661 kilograms!

“We know that by participating in the collection of waste paper, we are saving trees from cutting down. Let there be more green forests on the planet, the guys say in unison. And they add that they still really want to receive prizes.

Children receive different prizes: original green mugs, key rings, pens (made from recycled materials) and so on. And the winning classes are also a collective gift, for everyone. For example, the 2nd "b" last year received an exciting game - hockey.

There are also more tangible gifts: last year, several students of the lyceum went to Finland, to a factory that produces newsprint and magazine paper from waste paper. So the guys were able to see for themselves: the waste paper they handed over does not disappear anywhere, it is recycled, releasing beautiful and necessary paper. This program is also financed by the organizers of the action.

- We usually hold waste paper collection campaigns three times a year. But last year we staged an extra spring. Because the parents of the students began to turn to us with such a request. We saved up waste paper at home and didn’t want to leave it for the summer,” says Elena Kuzmina, supply manager of the lyceum.

By the way, as practice shows, parents widely use waste paper collection days in schools in order to get rid of unnecessary paper at work. Bring cardboard packaging, stacks of reports, special magazines. Rent out books that have become unnecessary. You can find outdated technical literature, very weighty reference books, magazines of all times and peoples, school textbooks. Rent and fiction, even comes across one for the possession of which in Soviet time I had to hand over 20 kg of waste paper.

Be sure to tell schoolchildren before holding actions why it is so important to collect waste paper. And there is hope that today's schoolchildren in the future, in their adult life, will also try to save nature.

... When we were already leaving the school, we saw how a woman approached the truck, into which the workers loaded the waste paper collected by schoolchildren, with two stacks of paper.

“I don’t have anyone in this school. But I saw that waste paper was being brought here, and I immediately remembered that there were unnecessary magazines and books at home that I didn’t want to just throw in the trash. I do not know where else you can take waste paper near the house. It used to be everywhere recycling points where you could buy books, washing powder, - the woman explained, passing neat stacks to the workers.

Boxes one way, books the other

In a large hangar, waste paper is sorted, plastic bags and folders. Next comes the pressing of raw materials. The output is large cubes of waste paper. Moreover, cardboard containers are packed separately and everything else (paper, books, magazines) is packed separately.

Then the cubes are loaded onto trucks. As Ivan Matveev, the commercial director of the company, explained, further the ways of waste paper are separated. The cardboard is sent to the Tver region, to the Kamensk paper and cardboard factory, where new cardboard packaging will be made from recycled materials.

Books, paper, newspapers, magazines will be sent to Finland, to a factory in Kaipol.

Let's talk about the stages of the technological process.

1. Waste paper is sorted and cleaned of debris (passes through a system of dirt collectors to remove pieces of plastic, metal clips, etc.).

2. The waste paper is fed through the conveyor into a special container - a pulper. Here paper is mixed with water, everything is mixed. Cellulose fibers gradually split, and the paper turns into a homogeneous liquid mass.

3. The resulting paper pulp is cleaned of ink (with the help of air bubbles, particles of printing ink are collected on the surface of the paper pulp and removed). That is, the paper pulp becomes white.

4. The cleaned pulp enters the paper machine. At this stage, the pulp is 99% water. In the paper machine, water is first removed on a special wire table. The resulting web then passes through many heated rollers where it is pressed and dried. This is necessary in order for the cellulose fibers to adhere tightly to each other again.

6. The printing house will print the circulation of the newspaper, which will be read and sent to waste paper. The cycle will repeat over again.

Separate waste collection is the future, but distant

Have you ever thought about how many potentially useful recyclables you throw into the trash can in your own apartment? Experts have calculated that up to 40% of the content is paper and cardboard.

AT European countries, as everyone has heard, garbage collection is separate. Moreover, in some countries they can even be fined for throwing everything away together. Is it any wonder that countries Western Europe 50 - 60% of waste paper products are recycled? We have up to 30% maximum. In Japan, this figure is close to 90%.

Various firms, retail chains enter into contracts for the export of waste paper. It is rather problematic for an ordinary consumer to hand over paper. There are few reception points left, and you won’t be dragging a heavy load anywhere. The people don't drag. It is thrown into the puhto along with potato peels, sausage packaging and other garbage.

From time to time companies or public organizations they are trying to install containers specifically for waste paper on separate waste sites, but globally this does not solve the problem. It is necessary to install everywhere, and even teach people to use it. Not to mention the fact that waste paper containers must be vandal-proof.

As experts explained to us, it is theoretically possible to completely recycle such types of waste paper as paper, books, magazines, newspapers. But this requires extremely expensive equipment. So far, it is still easier to send a semi-finished product to neighboring Finland.

The company plans to install special bright houses in St. Petersburg courtyards - just for waste paper. So that residents of nearby houses do not throw out old newspapers, magazines and advertising leaflets in the trash, but put them in such a house closed from the rain.

Help "VP"

  • In just two years, as part of the Paper Boom campaign, St. Petersburg schoolchildren handed over more than 4,000 tons of waste paper.
  • The volume of waste paper is up to 40% in the municipal waste of cities.
  • One person throws away up to 150 kg of paper per year (on average).
  • It takes 10-17 trees, 25,000 liters of water, plus energy and human resources to produce one ton of paper.
  • 100 kg of waste paper can save one tree from being cut down.

Direct speech

Dmitry Krutoy, head of the sector for ensuring the ecological well-being of the territories of the committee for nature management, environmental protection and environmental safety:
— Paper is a valuable product, the production of which uses considerable natural resources. Paper collection campaigns are useful and important for preserving the ecological well-being of the territories. Paper is recyclable, and this is its great advantage. We do not burn it, do not bury it in landfills, but give it a second life and thus protect nature.

Social initiative "PAPER BOOM"

Kursova Natalia Alexandrovna

Consultant: teacher-organizer Yu.A. Kiselnikova

Social initiative - an initiative aimed at changing (improving) the lives of people and their relations in society.

This is exactly what the Paper Boom environmental initiative is.

The waste paper collection campaign, which took place on February 15, 2014 in MBOU secondary school No. 42, was so liked by students in grades 5-9 that it was decided to develop social project with the same name and hold it annually.

Every day, from offices and homes throughout our vast country, great amount paper.

With proper handling and some effort on the part of each of us, this paper can be reused many times, saving thousands of trees.

After all, recycling one ton of waste paper saves 10 trees, saves 20,000 liters of water, 1,000 kW of electricity and prevents the emission of 1,700 kg of CO2.

To implement the social and environmental initiative "Paper Boom", we propose the following algorithm of actions:

1 . Stock “Where is the waste paper collection point located in Krasnodar?”

2 .Stock "World Waste Paper Day".

3 . Literary and creative competition "Environmental leaflet".

4 . Poster and drawing competition "World around us".

5 . New Year's competition carnival costumes made from recycled materials.

6 . District environmental round table "What can I do for the planet?"

7 . Socio-ecological action "Paper Boom"

  • The initial stage of interest in environmental problems.
  • Environmental education of the population, drawing the attention of residents to the environmental problems of respect for nature, as well as the conservation of Russian forests.
  • Involvement of the population (primarily children and adolescents) in the study of the nature of their native land.

  • Development of a humane attitude, motivation of interest in nature protection.
  • Formation of the population's responsibility for the state of the environment;
  • Promoting the education of an active life position action participants.
  • Understanding environmental issues and finding ways to solve them.
  • Increasing the level of environmental responsibility
  • Collection of waste paper and transfer to the partner of the action.

During the implementation of this initiative, we plan to cooperate with the following social partners:

  • Municipal collection points for waste paper.
  • Holding "Kubanprint".

"Paper BOOM" is an environmental education project for the collection of waste paper in schools and other educational institutions. permanent basis within a year The project has been successfully implemented in St. Petersburg for 5 years. Today, more than half of the city's schools participate in it. 2 Introduction

In March 2015, the project started in Moscow. To date, about 60 educational institutions (schools, kindergartens, universities) are participating in it. The project was officially supported by the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection of Moscow (letter /15 of the year). 3 Paper BOOM in Moscow

Teaches children a responsible, careful attitude to the environment and natural resources, in particular to such an important and valuable resource as waste paper. Reduces the amount of waste that ends up in overcrowded landfills in the Moscow region. According to statistics, paper waste makes up more than 40% of the municipal waste of the city! Increases the level of waste recycling. Waste paper recycling saves valuable natural resources (trees, water, air, electricity) Saves forests and forest natural communities. 4 Social significance of the project

In a competitive game form, involve children and adolescents in socially significant work aimed at preserving Russia's forests, conserving natural resources and cleaning the city from paper waste environmental education and education of children, drawing their attention to environmental problems and the need to reuse natural resources Development of educational work on the problem of waste in educational institutions in Moscow. 5 Project objectives

We provide each project participant with a package of educational materials for independent class hour about paper recycling We conduct off-site eco-lessons for participants on the processing and recycling of paper We organize excursions to enterprises of waste paper processors and processors for the most active project participants. 6 Educational part of the project

What the organizers of the action provide Valuable thematic prizes for the project record holders every six months A package of educational materials on the topic of paper recycling and an outdoor eco-lesson on the topic of paper recycling and recycling. 8 With us, collecting waste paper will become a useful game for children, an exciting competition and a colorful action!

Reward system Each school receives following the results of the action in the school: certificates; certificate for the purchase of stationery in a large online store of office supplies; educational comics about paper recycling; sweets from the project partner Active classes receive separate prizes: recycled pens; sweet table; books; wall clock, etc. According to the results of the half-year, the record holders among schools are excursions to the enterprises of waste paper processors and processors and other valuable thematic prizes. 9

What the school provides Organizing a campaign to collect waste paper inside the school and rewarding students based on its results Possibility of holding an eco-lesson for students educational institution Data on the results of the collection of waste paper and a photo report on the results of the action and the awarding of active participants. ten

Participation rules 1. You submit an application for participation to the project coordinator (at any time during the year) by phone or by mail: (Marina Asadcheva) 2. You receive a package of educational and information materials 3. On the agreed date, you will be provided vehicle for the export of waste paper 4. At the end of the collection of waste paper, we carry out weighing, issuance of certificates and prizes 5. On the website of the Yuvi St. Petersburg () and in the corresponding VKontakte group, a monthly rating of participants by tonnage and activity is maintained. Based on the results of six months, several of the most active participants are determined, who are additionally awarded with valuable thematic prizes. eleven

How to join To join the campaign in Moscow, please contact the campaign coordinator: Asadcheva Marina, 12 We hope for mutually beneficial and long-term cooperation with you!

SFT Group is Russia's largest manufacturer of paper, cardboard and waste paper packaging. Yuvi SPb is a major supplier of waste paper in the Northwestern Federal District and is part of the vertically integrated holding SFT Group. A lot of experience has been gained with educational institutions, cooperation lasts more than 10 years. UPM is one of the world leaders in the forestry industry, the world's largest recycler of newspaper and magazine waste paper Project Organizers
