Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Top 5 professions of the future. Five professions of the future. Experts in Ecosystem Restoration and Environmental Disaster Prevention


In 2016, the British edition of The Independent published a study of the situation on the labor market from Microsoft and The Future Laboratory. Then the authors determined that 65% of students in schools and universities will occupy positions in the future that do not yet exist. They also concluded that the labor market is changing faster than before due to the spread of artificial intelligence and active development modern technologies. IT is getting into all areas where no one expected them before: from medicine and pedagogy to construction and Agriculture. Under these conditions, it is important that people acquire a range of new knowledge and skills and move away from the traditional model of education with a narrow specialization.


It's time to forget about the warm cradle of one profession for life. Not only are professions relevant 5 years ago now becoming unnecessary, but one profession may not be enough. In the future, we will need to increasingly replenish our stock of personal competencies and acquire new skills. Forget about the banal "sociability" in the resume! Skills such as cross-industry communication, multiculturalism and working under conditions of uncertainty are now entering the arena.

"It's becoming increasingly important to have skills from multiple areas at once," says Steve Rose, editor of The Future Laboratory. – So, a designer of a virtual environment needs to have the competencies of an editor, a game developer, an architect, and even a psychologist. Have you ever wondered why people like to sit under trees? And how to transfer it to virtual reality?


Futurologists generate lists of cutting edge jobs roughly every three years. Some of these specialties remain in the relatively distant future. For example, the police on Mars or the inhabitants of floating cities. We have chosen from the whole variety of 5 areas, the development of which will be relevant now or in the near future.


Being first is an art. Seeing the future is technology. In a frantic competitive race, overlooking an emerging trend is like losing the race for a company. Already, trendwatchers are being sought out and hired by global corporations in various industries.

WHO IS IT. A trendwatcher is a person "in the know". The one who follows the slightest change in a certain area, analyzes processes and offers solutions that help make business more efficient and, if not ahead of the rest, then at least on an equal footing.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. It is good to know the industry in which you work and to constantly develop. Be able to make decisions and calculate the probability of their success or failure. To have the ability to look at things from a different angle.


By 2026, millions of people are predicted to be spending hours in virtual reality: work there, study and relax.

WHO IS IT. A VR habitat designer will design virtual worlds, create suitable environments for business meetings, or even VR museums. The first steps in this area have already been taken: Deakin University in Australia, together with software developers, has been training certified designers in the field of virtual and augmented reality since September 2016.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. It will take the skills of an architect, programmer, editor, psychologist and, a little bit, a rebel. Virtuality will allow architects to "tear" the universe and create projects that violate the physics of real space.


The Internet of Things is already part of our daily lives. In the future, according to a study by The Future Laboratory, Big Data and IoT analytics will create 182,000 jobs in the UK alone.

WHO IS IT. A person who studies a large amount of data generated by home appliances, devices from the office or car. An analyst of this data will be able to understand what all this information says about us, and how, based on it, the Internet of Things can be improved.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Engineering, business processes, the ability to understand people's communications. Behavior pattern recognition skills, the ability to ask precise questions and tell stories will come in handy.


Oil companies are slowly but surely dying. Scientists are increasingly and insistently turning their gaze to the sun, whose energy is eternal and free. Microsoft researchers believe that humanity will switch to sustainable energy by the mid-2020s.

WHO IS IT. Development engineers for engines that run on renewable energy. This includes not only the sun, but also wind, thermonuclear fusion and others. natural processes. home modern problem of these specialists today: where to get energy when natural sources are not available. The engineers of the future will have to develop a new generation of batteries that are powerful and reliable.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Specialists strong in chemistry, physics, engineering and materials science. Demand for them is already forming: the innovative HyperLoop project opened a set last year.


There are already 7.4 billion people on our planet. How to apply the abilities of each, or at least find the specialist you need? Each of us has his own unique talents, but not everyone manages to discover them in a lifetime. It's time to speed up this process.

WHO IS IT. A talent specialist looks for people who are gifted in a certain field like a geologist looking for minerals. The evolution of modern HR hunters. These people will purposefully study millions and billions of social profiles (most likely using machine algorithms) and identify talents at different stages of development. Having found a candidate, recruiters will launch recruitment tools - hook people to topics of interest to them and grow ideal specialists for their companies.

WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Correlate areas of activity and human qualities that fit perfectly. Often these combinations will not lie on the surface. You also need to have a good understanding of people's psychology, understand data analysis and easily juggle Big Data.


Do not be alarmed if the professions of the future (and the future itself) seem too complex, fast-paced and technologically advanced to you. You will get used to it. Moreover, you already get used to it. All over the world and in Russia, the number of people receiving postgraduate education is increasing every year. Even now it is difficult to imagine the life of a successful specialist without constant participation in conferences, webinars, additional training courses and the development of new skills. Google no longer asks candidates for a diploma of higher education: only practice, only hardcore.

If you have the courage, you can not puzzle over the choice of a profession for yourself and your children. Jean Philippe Michel, a Canadian career coach, does not use the word "profession" when working with schoolchildren. He says that it is time for humanity to abandon thinking about work, and start thinking about challenges and problems. The coach prophesies to the younger generation a labor consisting of numerous jobs or workplace where several different competencies need to be applied.

Jeanne Meister, author of The Future of Jobs, says the same thing: Instead of defining your role or job description, you will continually learn the skills that will make you effective and problem-solving in that job.

The main requirement of today and the future is not to hang on to one thing. Otherwise, people have more freedom in choosing activities, more opportunities to experience different experiences in their lives and more chances to really find themselves and show their talent.

Change with the world. Show what you are capable of!

Internet, after all?

Can you imagine the need to look up the translation of a word in a regular paper dictionary? Or going to the library for the latest edition Harry Potter?

Probably not.

Most of your life is filled with all kinds of technology, but the truth is that most of the tools used are not even fifteen years old!

Yes, you heard right. There were no iPhones 15 years ago. Want to know something even more shocking?

By 2025, we will lose more than five million jobs, as they will be automated, and the need for human participation will disappear, if not completely, then almost completely.

The profession of the future will be different even before you graduate from university!

But worries aside! There is also good news. What we will be doing in the future is much more interesting than the work that was offered in the past and what the majority of the population is doing today.

The days of factory workers and physical production are over. Let's just let the machines handle all that.

And what in return? New knowledge and innovation. In a sense, the machines are even doing us a favor. They free up time for research, experimentation and the opportunity to find interesting solutions to complex problems such as pollution. environment.

Just take a look at what the student engineers on the Northwestern University Solar Vehicles Team (USA) are up to. They got the opportunity to design and build environmentally friendly racing cars!

Say goodbye to table work and hello to the world of creation!

Skills for future professions

No one can say for sure what a highly paid and in-demand profession will look like in the future. However, there is 7 Must-Have Skills You Need to Master to Succeed in the Future.

1 Flexibilitymind and complete solution tasks / problems:

The future will present problems that you have not encountered before, for which there are no ready-made solutions. In order to cope with them, you will have to be flexible in your mind, go “beyond”, step back a bit to see the whole picture and reorganize everything. Such a search is highly effective. It's great that this skill is easy to develop and easy to practice. With each new, more difficult problem, your brain will be pumped.

2 Critical thinking:

Thanks to technology, much of the work that exists today will be automated, but you probably won't trust it to shape your critical thinking. You must have this skill, be able to analyze different situations, consider several possible decisions at once and make them on the fly, “passing” through logic and reasoning.

3 Ingenuity:

Worried about robots stealing your job and profession? The more creative you are, the less likely you are to lose your job to machines. Yes, it is possible that artificial intelligence will surpass you in the field of calculations and diagnostics, but it is not so good in that it requires the creation of original content, going beyond the usual. Robots can't think abstract. For now…

4 Ability to work with other people:

Eventually, machines will take over and technology will become much more advanced, so we humans will have to stick together! If you want to succeed in the future job market, you need to learn how to manage people (and robots), as well as empathize with them, listen to what they have to say! You will have to work with them, which means being emotionally involved.

5 STEM education

The components of STEM are science, technology, engineering and mathematics (* STEM is an abbreviation for English words: science, technology, engineering, maths), are now mega in demand as areas of development, and they will not lose their demand in the future. This is definitely not to be hoped for. As technology progresses, you need to hone your craft (the foundation of future success) by developing yourself in these four areas. Also, programming! Learn to Program!


You already understand the meaning of the word STEM, but you probably don't know what this abbreviation stands for. Translated from English, SMAC sounds like: social, mobile, analytics, cloud. Learning all of these skills/platforms will allow you to stand out in the future job market!

7 Interdisciplinary knowledge / multidisciplinary:

A future career will require "pulling" information from many fields. This will be necessary to find creative solutions to the problems that arise on the way to a successful life. Great news: such a skill is easily “pumped”. To do this, you need to start reading as much as you can master, and about everything that interests you. When you go to study at a technical school, university, think about a double specialization or two in completely different areas. Believe me, in the long run it will pay off 100%.

Now you know everything you need to know about the skills that would be good to acquire or develop in order to at least make good money in the near future. Now let's look at the professions of the future.

A small warning-proviso: there are no such professions now, it may happen that there won’t be, so don’t be angry if your parents, having heard from you that you want to become, for example, a garbage technologist, laugh in your face.

Waste technologist

This is probably the most unusual work but it is vital! Think about her.

People produce about 1.2 million tons of garbage a year, and what should we do with this amount of it?

Throw it in a landfill? This is an unsustainable practice, you need to find another way to dispose of it.

Unfortunately, Wally's robot-style tamping will not reduce the amount of garbage, and therefore will not solve the problem.

You can learn how to turn garbage into pure gas or, for example, turn it into the most durable building material! The possibilities are truly endless, but it's up to you to come up with winning ideas.

Required Skills: strong STEM skills, critical thinking and a flexible mind.

(master's programs): Civil Engineer, Chemical Technologist, Waste Processing Specialist.

(information about the educational opportunities of the West, if you are ambitious and stubborn, it’s real to do)

MIT is the best educational institution in the world for structural and chemical engineering. And although they do not yet have a program on waste recycling technologies, he will be the first to launch it. This institution can be described as the most "cool". Rating: 1st place in construction and chemical engineering.

University of Cambridge: Cambridge, England

Cambridge is less likely to "pioneer" a waste management program (the school is sort of #traditional), but you can definitely get a great engineering background at this university, and then start your own business for recycling! Rating: 2nd place in construction and 4th in chemical engineering.

Stanford University: Stanford, California.

As long as MIT continues to implement the Garbage Disposal program (and perhaps even start the movement as a whole), Stanford will move it to the west coast. Rating: 2nd place in chemical and 5th - in structural engineering.

Alternative Energy Consultant

Humans cannot survive relying solely on fossil fuels, so alternative energy sources are the only hope.

You have most likely heard of hydroelectric, wind and solar energy. The question is, which of these sources is right for your home, community, city?

Say hello to your new dream job: Alternative Energy Consultant.

If you become an expert in everything related to this topic, you will be able to move from city to city, visit all civilized countries, evaluating the best sustainable sustainable energy source for each place.

You will not have time to look back, as you will become mega in demand!

Required Skills: strong STEM foundation, flexible mind, people skills.

Best Educational Foundation(master's programs): Chemical Engineering, Chemistry, Renewable Energy, Ecology, Physics, Mechanical Engineering.

Top 3 international schools UN:

Oregon Institute of Technology: Klamath Falls, Oregon

The Oregon Institute of Technology is one of the few institutions in the United States that offers a bachelor's degree in Renewable Energy!

texasUniversity, Austin: Austin, Texas

As an engineering student at the University of Texas, you have the opportunity to participate in major energy systems and renewable energy programs. Thanks to them, you will learn everything you need to know about traditional and renewable energy resources. This knowledge will be critical to your consulting career. Ranking: 34th in Environmental Science, 44th in Engineering and Technology.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT)

The Massachusetts Institute offers small energy research. Understanding the importance of energy in so many different areas, MIT has made it one of the most important parts of its curriculum. The Institute also offers to participate in the study of the possibilities of alternative energy in the summer. Rating: 1st place in Engineering and Technology, 3rd place - in Environmental Science.

seismic forecaster

This profession is, without exaggeration, unrealistic today and even in this century, however, the same thing people said about ordinary meteorologists less than a hundred years ago!

However, due to the increasing frequency of earthquakes, someone still has to come up with a way to display the earth's core. This will help to figure out how to predict such disasters, so that there is time to repeatedly warn society and prepare for possible consequences.

All hope is on you!

Required Skills: Strong STEM background, critical thinking, complex problem solving skills.

Best Educational Foundation: Geology, Physics, Geophysics, Mathematics, Computer Science (Informatics).

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Caltech: Pasadena, California (CTI)

KTI's undergraduate programs in Geology and Planetary Sciences will give you a deep understanding of all things related, combined with a strong background in chemistry, physics, mathematics and biology, as well as a lot of practice in the field that interests you the most. Ideal if you want to become a seismic forecaster! Position: 7th in Physics and Astronomy, 12th in Mathematics and 27th in Computer Science.

University of Colorado, Boulder: Boulder, Colorado.

With the word for "rock" in its name, this school is bound to have a strong geology program! And she has.

In general, the university has two bachelor's programs in geology, one of which is related to the broader aspect of geoscience, and the other focuses on geophysics, more specifically on the structure and processes that occur in the interior of the Earth. Position: 51–100 in Physics and Astronomy, 101–150 in Mathematics, 201–205 in Computer Science.

Federal Institute of Technology Zurich: Zurich, Switzerland

The Swiss program combined two main ones, namely geology and geophysics. You will graduate with a powerful knowledge base in geology, mineralogy, geochemistry and geophysics. There is also a bachelor's degree in geosciences, but this is only available in German. Position: 8th in Mathematics, 9th in Computer Science, 10th in Physics and Astronomy.

Medical Mentor

As machines and robots take over the field of diagnostics in medicine and “learn” even to perform operations, in the medical field an important role will be played by:

Medical mentor!

As a medical mentor, you will be in charge of patients after they have been given appointments, surgeries, or any medical procedures.

You'll be watching them, making sure they're following the doctor's (or robot's) advice, and helping them deal with negative factors that prevent them from becoming (and staying) healthy.

Imagine yourself as a dietitian, therapist, exercise consultant and friend all rolled into one.

Required Skills: Strong STEM foundation, critical thinking, social and interdisciplinary skills.

Psychology, Dietology, Sociology, Biology.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

No wonder Harvard is the #1 psychology program in the world. Any of the psychological Harvard courses will be useful to achieve success in such a profession as a nurse. Pay attention to the following options: Diet and Exercise, Evolutionary genetics of complex human features, Fighting cancer with the power of thought. Position: 1st place in Psychology and Sociology.

New York University (NYU): New York

NYU has the perfect combination of specialties for a successful career in the future: Nutrition, Dietetics, Research food products, health protection. In fact, NYU encourages you to combine these majors to create what will one day be called medical mentoring! Position: 10th in Psychology, 15th in Sociology.

Stanford University: Stanford, California

Stanford is always at the forefront of new technologies and developments in any field. Proximity to Silicon Valley encourages research and ensures that new ideas (for example, about medical mentors) will be developed, even if they are completely crazy at first glance. The Stanford Biology Program will help you become the best medical mentor you can ever be! Position: 2nd place in Psychology, 5th - in Sociology.

Creator of organs/body parts

Have you ever heard of the black market for organs?

Well, it does exist, it's illegal, and it's a huge problem.


Because people around the world spend years waiting for a miracle to happen and they will be selected from the list for an eye, kidney or heart transplant.

In the end, such people simply get tired of waiting (and for some, waiting a long time means dying) and find help on the black market in organ donors, where they can buy everything they need ... for a certain price.

Every 12 minutes, another name is added to the already truly gigantic waiting list, and every day, approximately 21 people die because they did not receive the organ they needed to live in a timely manner.

In this situation, it is not at all surprising why the black market still exists (it is in demand)!

However, in a few years, it will be possible to create new organs and body parts from the patient's stem cells or other materials that we do not yet know about.

Be ready: such a mega-demanded profession will soon become available for development (as well as career in this region). And that time is closer than you think!

Required Skills: strong STEM foundation, critical thinking, mental flexibility, complex problem solving and creative inclinations.

Best Educational Foundation: Biology, Genetics, Biomedical Engineering.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Harvard University: Cambridge, Massachusetts

While I don't want to turn this list into a Harvard show, it's hard not to include Harvard's Molecular and Cellular Biology program. Course work for the international school of the United Nations on such a topic - still “the bar is not raised”. So if you master it, do not miss the opportunity to study and do research at Harvard. Ranking: 1st in Biosciences.

Johns Hopkins University: Baltimore, Maryland (Hopkins)

Hopkins has one of the best medical schools in the world and one of the best undergraduate medical engineering programs in the world due to its access to medical school facilities. Ranking: 22nd in Biosciences.

Duke University: Durham, North Carolina

Duke's biomedical engineering program will make you a great organ maker because you will learn biomolecular and tissue engineering! Sounds like the perfect start to develop your skills. Ranking: 33rd in Biosciences.

memory surgeon

This is where things start to take on a sci-fi “tinge”.

What if there was a way to remove bad memories from memory, if a surgeon could get rid of mental illness or destructive behavior through his intervention?

Is it possible? If so, would such a method be ethical? Will he rid the world of terrorism?

Only you can unlock access to the answers to these burning questions if you become a memory surgeon yourself.

Your future career will certainly cause controversy, but if you do not quit this business, it will change our world beyond recognition.

The only thing is that you will have to be careful and 100% sure that you are deleting from the memory of a person exactly those memories, “diseases”, a model of behavior that really require it. And when your friend asks you if you can delete the memories of the failed last night, you were able to refuse him with all categoricalness.

Required Skills: strong STEM foundation, critical thinking, mental flexibility, complex problem solving and creativity.

Best Educational Foundation: Biology, Chemistry, Neurobiology.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Columbia University: New York

Columbia has two Nobel Prize-winning professors of neuroscience, so if you want to learn from the best of the best, this is the place to be. Position: 16th in Biological Sciences and 40th in Chemistry.

University of California: Los Angeles, California

UCLA is a leader when it comes to education. His neuroscience program can help you become a memory pro (in 30 years). Position: 9th in Biological Sciences and 9th in Chemistry.

University College London: London, England (UCL)

If you are truly interested in studying according to European standards, this college is your path to success. While most European programs are three years long, the UCL Neuroscience program provides one additional year for research. Position: 25th in Biological Sciences and 43rd in Chemistry.

Personal productivity specialist

In order for people to compete with robots and the impending total automation of almost all work, it is necessary to maximize their efficiency.

But easier said than done.

Think about the things that are keeping you from reaching your highest level of self-fulfillment:

  1. Facebook (other social networks).
  2. Instagram.
  3. Snapchat.
  4. Netflix or YouTube.
  5. Hulu (and any other website that acts as an online movie theater).
  6. 24-hour news broadcast.
  7. … many other similar things.

Technologies continue to develop, and with them the number of different “distractions” is increasing. So if we don't maintain and maximize our efficiency, machines could actually take our jobs. Help raise your level will help!

Your job as a personal effectiveness specialist will be to analyze people's daily lives and educate them. They will have to show how to make their day more productive, how and which time destructors (chronophages) should be immediately eliminated, how not to procrastinate, and how to train themselves to work more assertively and with greater intelligence.

P.S. Work on the name of this profession of the future has not yet been completed. Suggest your options.

Required Skills Keywords: critical thinking, creativity, public relations skills, mental flexibility, SMAC skills, multidisciplinary.

Best Educational Foundation: Media and communications, Psychology, Sociology.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

University of Southern California: Los Angeles, California (USC)

As the #1 communications program in the world, USC will give you an understanding of how new media and technologies interact, which will form the basis of your personal productivity “correction” business. Ranking: 1st in Communication and Media Studies, and 11th in Sociology.

University of California: Berkeley, California

The media education program at Berkeley will reveal all the cards on the influence of the media on the world through an anthropological, sociological and political perspective; help you acquire the skills you need to be successful. Ranking: 6th in Communication and Media Education, 2nd in Sociology.

University of Wisconsin, Madison: Madison, Wisconsin.

This university has an excellent program called “The Science of Interaction and Rhetoric”. It will teach you how the media influences human behavior. If you want to be the best SLP, you have to keep up with modern media technologies and understand their impact on people. Ranking: 5th in Communication and Media Education, 6th in Sociology.

Personal Internet of Things Security Specialist

We are used to calling a plumber or a repairman (or doing it ourselves) if something breaks in the house, but who do you call if your smart refrigerator is hacked and it starts “honking” the coffee maker to make 100,500 servings of coffee, and lighting “Order” to turn on and off every 5 minutes?

Your personal smart device recovery and security specialist! (Long name, if you have ideas, suggest a shorter one 🙂

The attackable smart device is just one of the many challenges the world will face as the devices we use become smart, communicate wirelessly with each other, be controlled by a smartphone, and so on.

As an expert in this field, you will be responsible for a hack before it causes any damage, i.e. for the very fact that the criminal managed to hack the device.

And you know, a coffee maker cracker will be the least of your problems. But how much will you earn if you acquire such a profession!

Required Skills: STEM, critical thinking, people skills, mental flexibility, SMAC skills, the ability to approach problem solving in a complex way.

Best Educational Foundation: computer science, computer engineering, mechanical engineering.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Cambridge, Massachusetts (MIT)

MIT has one of the best (if not the best) Computer Science program in the world. While you are acquiring an excellent education at MIT, you are free to explore new avenues and opportunities to land your dream job. In addition, there will be many smart and intelligent people around you who will want to help you start building a career. Position: 1st in Computer Science, 1st in Mechanical Engineering.

Boston University: Boston, Massaussets (BU)

As one of the few universities in the US with a bachelor's degree in cryptography and data security, BU is a great school to go to if you're serious about becoming an IoT security restorer. Plus, you'll be able to collaborate with MIT students since they're in Boston too! Position: 51st-100th in Computer Science, 151st-200th in Mechanical Engineering.

Carnegie Mellon University: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (CMU)

The CMU believes that computer science is an interdisciplinary skill. The UN advocates lessons in other areas and their application to their computer science knowledge. The more interdisciplinary knowledge you have, the better you will be at solving complex problems and, ultimately, succeed in your field. future career! Position: 3rd in Computer Science, 46th in Mechanical Engineering.

pilot instructor

You probably wondered what kind of flight instructor? Does this job already exist?

Of course, you are right, but we are talking about a flying human instructor.

Flying cars (not about airplanes) will exist sooner or later, but how do you like the idea of ​​a self-flying person?

It is not a fact that people will learn to fly by 2030, but it is only a matter of time and nothing more. Someday, a device will be built that allows people to fly on their own.

Perhaps at first it will be very short distances, but eventually people will be able to fly from one city to another, even if they are in different parts of the country!

Once this flight revolution happens, everyone will want to learn, but why are you worse than others?

And if you become one of the first, you can earn cool money.

Required Skills: STEM, critical thinking, creativity, mental flexibility, versatility, the ability to approach problem solving in a complex way.

Best Educational Foundation: Communications, Astrology, Physics, Computer Science, Enterprise.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Northwestern University: Evanston, Illinois

The university is good in everything it teaches, especially with regard to communications. To become the world's best "pilot-instructor", you will have to acquire good communication skills. Illinois SZU will teach everything you need to develop in this direction. All you need is perseverance and a love of adventure. Position: 17th in Communications and Media, 101st-150th in Computer Science.

Elon University: Elon, North Carolina

The best way to prepare people for solo flying around the world is, of course, practice - flying around the world constantly! Elon University has one of the best overseas study programs with over 100 options to choose from. Ideal option for travelers!

Babson College: Wellesley, Massachusetts

Babson has the best entrepreneurship program in the US (and possibly even the world). As a top flight instructor, you need to have business acumen, creativity, a basic understanding of how to interact with people, and the ability to persuade (to make people believe they can actually fly).

Commercial space pilot

Elon Musk and Richard Branson will soon go into space, which means that its public development will become a reality.

However, there is one small problem... who will fly with us?

We cannot become astronauts before we explore the Moon (or Mars); it would take too long, plus not at all practical.

We need someone who has experience as an astronaut but is also trained to handle huge rockets with lots of people on board.

It sounds like an unrealistically difficult job, but if you become an expert in space, always dreamed of becoming an astronaut, it's time to start thinking bigger!

You can become the best space pilot the world has ever seen!

Required Skills: STEM, critical thinking, communication skills, creativity, mental flexibility, multidisciplinary, the ability to approach problem solving in a complex way.

Best Educational Foundation: Astrospace engineering, Astrology, Physics, Computer science.

Top 3 UN International Schools:

Caltech: Pasadena, California (Caltech)

When it comes to space, KTI is by far the leader in the list of the best universities. Students there have the opportunity to take engineering, astronomical, aerospace programs, as well as study at the Institute of Space Research. Keka. It focuses on space missions and technology. An excellent option for the beginning commercial space pilot. Position: 7th in Physics and Astronomy, 27th in Computer Science.

Princeton University: Princeton, New Jersey

Because the astrophysics department at Princeton is small (with between 15 and 20 students), your education will be very practical and closely aligned with your personal interests. Plus, as a bonus, you'll have access to the world's best astrophysical objects and technologies! Position: 8th in physics and astronomy, 8th in computer science.

University of Chicago: Chicago, Illinois

CU is always ahead of the curve when it comes to research, especially in the field of physics, and its astrophysics program is able to take you to the highest academic level, set the bar high and, most importantly, help you achieve it!

The University of Chicago will make you fall in love with space! For the most ambitious individuals. Position: 13th in Physics and Astronomy, 51st-100th in Computer Science.

Summing up

Despite the fact that most of the professions that exist today will be automated by 2030, you can take care of your future, and not be afraid of it, but admire the opportunities that are opening up.

Robots will take over all the most boring and routine work, which will free up time for learning something interesting, creating new important jobs and creative professions, such as described in the article.

In any case, you should not limit yourself to professions from the above list. Dream big, think, think over your list of future professions along with the skills required for them, move in this direction, it is not necessary to enter some American university, by the way, and who knows, maybe your idea will become a million dollar idea!

Little postscript tip:

Analyze the activities of the world's most innovative companies.

And remember, in the future, anything is possible!

Hello dear readers! I am very glad to you!

In previous articles, we started talking about alternative education, especially in IT professions and new professions that are not yet taught in universities (article), about the most popular and highly paid professions today (article). In this article, you will learn how choose the right professions of the future new and promising in our rapidly changing information, digital world. To be in demand by specialists in the next decade.

What profession do you need to master today in order to be a sought-after specialist in the future?

Now every schoolchild, but not every adult, knows that humanity has stepped over from the industrial era to the post-industrial (or digital, informational) one. A new technological revolution has taken place. High technologies are changing the needs of mankind at an ultra-fast pace. Therefore, many professions of the industrial age have become unclaimed.

They were replaced by new professions that no one had heard of 5 or 10 years ago, for example, trend hunter, life coach, QA engineer, SMM manager and many others.

If so many new professions have already appeared today, what will happen in 10-20 years? Whom to study today to be a sought-after specialist in the future, to be in a trend?

What skills will the professions of the future require from specialists?

We will answer this question with ease, noticing the trend of shortage in the labor market of specialists at the intersection of specialties. Analysts of recruitment companies speak about the lack of such universal specialists.

Examples from my experience: in an IT company, a business analyst and a system analyst work together, on TV - a video designer and editor, in the field of Internet marketing - a web site designer and layout designer. There are many examples of the work of specialists at the intersection of professions. So, more and more often, the labor market requires professionals who can cover both professions.

We see that IT-, bio- and other technologies have rapidly entered our lives, so analysts, researchers, futurologists predict the emergence of many professions at the intersection of sciences: molecular nutritionist, bioengineer, energy auditor, city farmer, etc.

The trends are such that the professions of the future will require such skills from specialists:
  • Cross-functionality, work at the intersection of professions
  • Ability to think creatively
  • Willingness to retrain for life
  • Willingness to change profession every 10 years
  • Knowledge of several languages
  • Readiness for cross-cultural movement (willingness to work in different countries due to globalization)
  • Basic knowledge of IT technologies
  • Ability to work remotely
  • Be a big date professional (collect and work with a large amount of information)
  • Be able to self-study, tk. technology development will be rapid
  • Possess soft skills (think softly, positively, patiently, benevolently achieve goals)

What professions will be needed in the next decade according to "Sparks & Honey" - an American research company

The findings from this research company's report have made many parents wonder if they are giving their kids the right knowledge. Over 60% of the most in-demand jobs of the coming decade don't exist yet!

So, in the next 10 years there will be demand for:
  • productivity consultants
  • Corporate disruptors
  • Traders of alternative currencies
  • Managers of social media accounts after death
  • Personal digital curators
  • Specialists in the treatment of network and gadget addiction
  • virtual reality architects
  • Drone managers (delivery service)
  • 3D printing template designers
  • 3D Printers

Interested in learning more about each of these professions? You can read in this article .

Amazingly, many of these jobs of the future have already become our reality. In the video, watch the story about 5 such super new professions.

What 25 professions will be in demand in the next 15-20 years according to Forbs magazine?

25 new and promising professions of the future - according to Forbs - these are professions at the junction of different fields of knowledge.

  1. Composite engineer. Has knowledge in the field of composite materials for production, which are used, among other things, in 3D printing, in robotic technological complexes
  2. IT geneticist. Engaged in genome programming for the treatment of diseases that are inherited.
  3. Urbanist-ecologist. Engaged in the design of new environmentally friendly cities.
  4. Smart road builder. It is engaged in the construction of roads using new technologies, installs a "smart" road surface using sensors to monitor the condition of roads, installs "smart" signs and markings, and video surveillance systems.
  5. Intellectual property appraiser. Engaged in evaluating the cost of ideas, inventions, etc.
  6. Manager of crowdinvesting and crowdfunding platforms. Coordinates the interaction between contributors and project authors.
  7. Space tourism manager. Engaged in the development of tourism programs.
  8. Molecular Nutritionist. He is engaged in the development of individual nutrition schemes in accordance with the molecular composition of food and the results of the human genotype.
  9. genetic consultant. Engaged in genetic analysis for the conclusion and recommendations for the treatment regimen.
  10. city ​​farmer. Engaged in growing vegetables and fruits on the walls and roofs of houses and skyscrapers.
  11. Virtual world designer. Engaged in the creation of virtual worlds with individual culture, architecture, nature, laws.
  12. healthy aging consultant. Creates for the elderly optimal complexes of physical activity, recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition system.
  13. Foreman watcher. Construction consultant, evaluates and corrects the construction progress with the help of digital projects buildings.
  14. eco-preacher. Teaches children and adults an environmentally conscious lifestyle.
  15. Environmental Catastrophe Specialist. He is engaged in the prevention of disasters that can be gradually realized by people: pollution of nature around large industrial centers, melting glaciers, radiation dumps.
  16. IT medic. Engaged in the design of software for diagnostic and medical equipment, creates a database of physiological parameters of patients.
  17. Cosmobiologist and Cosmogeologist. Cosmobiologist studies the behavior of organisms in space, creates ecosystems for lunar bases and orbital stations. A space geologist is engaged in mining on asteroids and the Moon.
  18. Smart environment designer. Generates and implements ideas for technological solutions, thanks to which homes and offices respond to user requests.
  19. Network Lawyer. Engaged in the development of legislation for networks and the virtual world, solves issues of protecting virtual property.
  20. Multicurrency exchanger. Engaged in mutual settlements of traditional and alternative electronic currencies.
  21. Medical robot designer. Engaged in the design of robots for medicine: surgical robots, diagnostic robots, cyber prostheses.
  22. Electric tanker. Engaged in the maintenance of refueling electric vehicles.
  23. 3D printing designer in construction. Engaged in the design of layouts, structures, selects the optimal components for their printing.
  24. Mining system engineer. Fully controls the development of deposits, from prospecting and exploration to the closure of the deposit.
  25. Linguist digital. Engaged in the development of new interfaces for communication between a computer and a person, the processing of textual information (semantic search on the Internet).

Where can you get knowledge on these professions of the future today?

Do you want to know where you can already get knowledge (basic) in these professions in Russia today? The authors of Forbs magazine, Russia analyzed modern educational institutions where you can get knowledge for these professions of the future. You will find a list of educational institutions for each of the 25 professions of the future in this Forbs magazine article, Russia.

What 20 professions will be in demand by 2030 according to the British research company "Fast Future"

"Fast Future" presented a report on scientific work with sensational data about the professions of the future:

  1. nano medic
  2. Specialist in the creation of artificial organs
  3. Farmer working with gene technology
  4. memory augmentation surgeon
  5. Senior Citizens Consultant
  6. Scientific Ethics Expert
  7. space pilot, space guide
  8. Vertical Farm Specialist
  9. Climate Change Specialist
  10. weather police
  11. quarantine specialist
  12. Virtual lawyer
  13. Avatar manager and virtual teacher
  14. Developer of alternative transport
  15. broadcasting specialist
  16. Utilizer of data, information
  17. virtual space manager
  18. Trader, time bank broker
  19. Social social worker networks
  20. Personal brand manager

Curious about each of these mysterious jobs of the future? Can you find out from this article.

So, an unimaginable future awaits us all, which we now already see in science fiction films. The main thing to understand is that there will no longer be a profession for life and you will need to be prepared to constantly retrain. In no era there are no professions with a great future, but only professionals with a great future. And one more thing: at all times one should choose a profession according to one's soul and vocation. Then the whole life will be bright and full and work will not be a burden, but a joy!

Read about how to choose a profession according to your talents and inclinations in this article.

See you soon!

Choose a profession to your liking!

I wish you courage and inspiration when choosing!

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P.S.3 Subscribe to the blog - there is a subscription form below - there will be many more articles on this topic. Be aware of the latest trends in the labor market for yourself and for your children!

While we are mastering the professions of lawyers, economists, locksmiths and cooks Elon Musk dreams of flying to Mars, 3D printers are beginning to print human organs, and the UK is investing millions of pounds in training assistants and helpers for robots.

Be prepared for the fact that in the near future machines will take up to 75% of jobs. Perhaps the robotics boom in Russia will happen a little later, but it will definitely happen. Let's talk about the professions of the future - new and promising. Because it is worth thinking about them now.

In what areas will robots not replace humans?

Robotics is advancing faster than experts thought. In Japan, machines no longer only perform ordinary operations in factories, cook and do home cleaning - they dance well, play chess, and most importantly, they study. It is trained artificial intelligence that becomes the main competitor of man in the struggle for a job.

Why would an employer hire a CNC operator if the machine does not need to be paid a salary and there is no need to supervise it - robots will hardly try to steal anything, hardly be negligent.

As part of a lecture on human capital after the 4th industrial revolution, Christopher Pissarides (Nobel Laureate in Economics) outlined only 6 industries in which robots cannot completely replace humans.

For at least the next 20-30 years, this is:

  1. The medicine.
  2. Education.
  3. Real estate.
  4. The household.
  5. Hospitality.
  6. Personal services.

With medicine, education and real estate, everything is clear. A household is understood not only as household chores, but also planning the family budget, making decisions when creating the comfort of an apartment or house, choosing the best place to live, and so on. Hospitality is understood as hotel, restaurant and tourism management, as well as the entertainment industry.

Personal services include, for example, the services of a psychologist, a nanny, a nurse and other professionals that robots cannot replace for practical and ethical reasons. This also includes several areas, which in part are also professions. A striking example- the clergy. It is difficult to imagine a robot in the person of a church minister, unless it will be a separate new cult, a new religion.

It is also the realm of art - presumably a value human labor here will not disappear and, on the contrary, will continue to grow.

Professions of the future: TOP-20 specialties

Among the assumptions of the futurists, there are many specialties that may seem like a utopia or outright nonsense. When forecasting, it is especially important to rely on trends in science. If we know that robotics and IT are rapidly developing, then the position of a lawyer in robotics no longer looks so unrealistic.

Let us draw your attention to the list of professions published by American, European and Russian researchers.

New professions of the future - TOP-10 Microsoft and The Future Laboratory

virtual reality designer

Experts predict a significant growth in the VR device market. In the next 7-8 years, it should exceed $45 billion. Millions of people will spend most of their free time in virtual reality, which will be designed by the next generation of designers. They will create virtual offices for remote negotiations, museums, municipal institutions and much more.

Robotics Developers

Or robotics lawyers. They will act as intermediaries between man and artificial intelligence. The tasks of specialists will include the development ethical standards, according to which robots can exist among living people. The need for a profession is due to the possible appearance of "bad" machines that can intentionally harm people.

Virtual tour guides and digital commentators

Do you experience catharsis when you come into contact with works of art in museums, in art galleries? Experts believe that very soon virtual tours will displace up to 80% of the real premises of cultural objects. This is where digital commentators and guides who own VR technologies come in handy.


In fact, these are amateurs who conduct their own research in the field of molecular biology, using open data from the scientific community. It is assumed that biohackers will soon reach a new level and, in freelance mode, will be able to help scientists in finding ways to treat the most complex diseases.

Analysts of the Internet of Things

Household appliances and electronics are increasingly equipped with their own software, so that devices can exchange data with each other. The Internet of Things (IoT) will require modernization in 5-8 years: in developed countries, specialists will be in demand who can analyze data and look for, say, new methods for integrating household appliances into unified systems for smart homes.

space guide

Scientists say that by the beginning of the 2030s, space tourism will no longer be a rarity and will become quite affordable for wealthy people. In this regard, guides who will accompany travelers on flights to the stars will become in demand. And if at the initial stage they can become cosmonauts, then in the future the specialty may appear even in ordinary universities.

Personal data curator

Neural interfaces that combine the human brain with a computer will become the most common in 3-4 years. We will be able to "record" memories, plans and thoughts, as well as distribute them on social networks - to share with friends and even strangers. The task of the personal data curator is to combine information into a common information flow and adapt it.

Ecosystem Restoration Specialist

Around 2030, the planet's resources may be seriously depleted due to a significant increase in population. It's about not only about irreplaceable oil, but also about animals and plants. In this situation, engineers will be required to restore the environment. In particular, they will be able to "revive" extinct species of animals and plants using previously collected genetic material.

DC Power Supply Engineer

In the next 5-10 years, the transition to sustainable energy can be completed - solar and wind energy will be used as the main source of power throughout the planet. The only problem is the inability to operate the devices in cloudy and calm weather. Therefore, developers of constant power devices will become especially in demand.

Body designer

Bioengineering should make a breakthrough by the mid-2020s. In the future, a person will be able to easily change tissues and even organs. The possibilities of medicine and plastic surgery will help people become what they would like to see themselves. And body designers will be able to translate the desires of a particular person into layouts that will guide surgeons in the course of work.

Promising professions of the future - TOP-10 according to Skolkovo

This list was presented by Skolkovo experts in the form of an atlas of specialties that will be in demand in the future. Among them there are excellent options for both girls and boys.

The most realistic professions were recognized as:

  1. city ​​farmer . He will be engaged in useful gardening of megacities. It is quite possible that in the future large cities will be able to independently provide themselves with vegetables and fruits - they will be grown directly on the roofs and facades of skyscrapers.
  2. Molecular Nutritionist . The “Larisa Dolina Diet” may not help, not only because of the anti-scientific basis, but also because individual characteristics your body. In the near future, we will be able to lose weight at the molecular level - nutritionists will explore the individuality of our structure in great detail and will be able to create unique programs for losing weight, gaining or maintaining weight.
  3. Online Doctor . A number of laws on online consultations have already been passed, so the profession does not seem futuristic, much less utopian. In 4-5 years, an online doctor will be able to replace most doctors who practice classic face-to-face patient care.
  4. space tourism manager . If American researchers mark space guides, then Skolkovo focuses on specialists who will organize flights to the stars. Managers in this industry, according to forecasts, will be in demand in 15-20 years.
  5. Digital linguist . The task of a specialist is to adapt the language of machines for a person, to make it more understandable and “alive”. Digital linguists will work with online translators, search engines, and other robotic devices that “speak” to humans.
  6. reenactors . Most iconic buildings, monuments of history and architecture, will soon become emergency. The task of the specialists in the restructuring of these objects is to create a project, according to which the building will cease to pose a danger and at the same time preserve the value of the monument.
  7. 3D printing designer . This profession will be especially in demand in construction, where 3D technologies are already widely used today. And if now only individual elements and building materials are printed, then in the future, with the help of special printers, it will be possible to create full-fledged buildings.
  8. home robot developer . The specialty exists today and will continue to gain popularity in the future. Experts believe that by 2030, a person will be able to completely get rid of household chores by transferring all domestic work to machines.
  9. financial trajectory designer . He will help you not to make mistakes when building a career by developing an individual plan for achieving success. In fact, this is an expert who can create an algorithm for moving up the career ladder for each person.
  10. mind fitness trainer . They will be as charismatic as the leaders of today's useless trainings, and at the same time help you get closer to intellectual perfection. You will be able to master speed reading, develop phenomenal memory etc.

List of professions in demand in 2020-2025

Modern business is increasingly moving away from classical formations towards remote work and hiring freelance employees. Specialists are looking for either permanent work or design work for specific tasks. The gig-economy is growing every year, gradually all professions related to intellectual work go “to a distance”.

In the period from 2020 to 2025 will be in demand Internet-related professions. Below is our TOP of professions, having mastered which you will not be left without money and will be able to to work remotely from anywhere in the world with stable internet.

Internet Marketer

We spend most of the day “online” reading news on websites, updating our Instagram feed or chatting with friends in instant messengers. Businesses have to rebuild and convey information to the consumer through modern communication channels. To do this, every business needs an Internet marketer.

A person who is well versed in various types Internet advertising, knows how to build a sales funnel, automate processes and build communication with a client online will always be in demand!

Salary- from 80,000 rubles at the start to 300,000 for experienced specialists.

Internet advertising specialist

If an Internet marketer is engaged in the general direction of advertising, then someone needs to “work with their hands” and engage in direct setup advertising campaigns. This falls within the realm of the online advertising specialist. Having learned to work with one of the traffic sources, be it targeted, contextual or any other advertising you will always find work in the office or be able to provide freelance services.

Salary– from 60,000 rubles to the office, from 10,000 rubles for one freelance client.

Web developer

Before setting up advertising, you need to prepare a platform to which the buyer will be led. In most cases, this site is Web site. It is developed by a web designer. This direction is a fusion of creative and technical skills. You can only develop interfaces (frontend), or program the technical component (backend) or create websites on constructors. In the 21st century, every business will need a website, so you definitely won’t be left without work.

Salary– from 80,000 rubles in the office, from 25,000 rubles for one freelance project.


The ability to work with code is a skill for which the world's largest companies are willing to pay a lot of money. There is a real hunt for experienced programmers, and salaries often reach seven figures! In the next 10 years, there is a strong demand for mobile app developers for iOS and Android, this is one of the most in-demand professions by 2025.

Plans to conquer Mars. The UK is investing millions in robotization. Scientists around the world are starting to print human organs. And the majority is still mastering the professions of accountants, lawyers, economists, salespeople, drivers...


If you believe the world edition, then in just a couple of years these specialists will turn out to be unnecessary to anyone. And their place will be taken by robots and innovative activities. If you want to keep up with the times and remain a sought-after specialist in the future, then this TOP profession of the future is definitely for you.

1. Specialists in Ecosystem Restoration and Environmental Disaster Prevention

Tsunamis... tornadoes... forest fires... Every day the planet is shaken by global catastrophes, taking thousands of lives around the world with them. The resources of the earth are becoming less and less every day, and according to the forecast of scientists, by 2020 they will be seriously depleted. It's not just about oil. Animal species began to disappear at a tremendous rate. Plants due to bad weather conditions and devastated lands become weaker, bring less and less crops.

Already today the world needs engineers to restore and clean up the environment. Their responsibilities will also include the preservation and renewal of extinct and endangered species from previously collected genetic material. In the near future, there will be specialists in weather regulation.

Where is it taught?

The profession "specialist in ecosystem restoration" can be mastered in Canadian Niagara College. This educational institution is located an hour from Toronto, near Niagara Falls. Training lasts only a year, but exclusively on English language. Therefore, good language skills are essential. Upon admission, you will be asked for a TOEFL or IELTS test certificate.

At the end of your studies, you will receive an Ontario College Graduate Certificate, which will give you the right to work in 6 areas: Ecological Restoration Specialist, Environmental Manager, Habitat Biologist, Natural Heritage Specialist, Watershed Management Coordinator, Endangered Species and Control Specialist spread of weeds.

In addition, students who graduate from one of Niagara College's degree programs can continue their education at partner universities in the US and Australia. If there is no desire to continue studying, then students will be offered employment options. This great option for those who dream of living on another continent.

2. Medical workers

What's new here, you ask? is one of the most ancient. But the methods and tools with which these specialists will soon work are definitely from the future. Already today there are specialists who grow artificial organs, tissues and bones. This will make it possible to refuse transplantation of foreign organs to patients or the placement of prostheses.

Artificial microscopic assistants - nanorobots - will come to the rescue. They will be introduced to find and eliminate complex diseases. Such robots will be able to “remove” bad habits, negative qualities, or, on the contrary, “grow” some kind of skill or knowledge. For example, to write a foreign language into the human brain, which he will be able to use as his native language in a few minutes.

Scientists are sure that over time the brain can be filled or cleared of unnecessary information, like a hard drive in a computer. And neural interfaces that connect a person with a computer will tightly enter our lives in five years. We will be able to "record" memories, plans and thoughts, as well as distribute them on social networks with the power of thought. Bioengineering will make a breakthrough by the mid-2020s. Plastic surgeons of the future will be in demand, who, with the help of new technologies, will be able to “sculpt” exactly the appearance that the client wants.

Where is it taught?

Tyumen State University offers several innovative professions in this area: a developer of cyberprostheses and implants, a research biologist, a specialist in the creation of artificial organs, a specialist in computer engineering, and a biotechnologist. No knowledge required here foreign languages, all programs in Russian. But only you will have to study not for a year, but for five.

3. Space workers

If yesterday we watched Marvel production films as fiction, then by 2030 these scenarios will become a reality. Scientists predict that in a couple of decades it will become as common as flying to the Maldives. Life on other planets will also soon cease to be a fantasy. The Dutch organization Mars One plans to colonize Mars by 2023.

A team of specialists has been working on the project for more than a year. More than 200 thousand people from all over the world voluntarily wanted to get a one-way ticket and stay on the red planet. In connection with space exploration, in the coming years there will be a number of space professions, the existence of which is still hard to believe.

Where is it taught?

If you dream of creating spaceships, rockets and flying vehicles of the future, feel free to enter the specialized faculties of the Moscow State Technical University. Bauman. Students are provided with practice at enterprises - at the Baikonur complex, RSC Energia named after. S. P. Koroleva, FSUE NPO Tekhnomash, Boeing. Cosmonauts, leading rocket engineers and scientists take part in the educational process. There are initially high requirements for knowledge of physics and mathematics. And at the end of the training, you will receive a diploma "engineer-designer".

If you believe that life exists on other planets and want to find it, then you are right in Kazan Federal University Lomonosov. Here you will receive a diploma in space biology. And you will study the functioning of living organisms in outer space, as well as ways to build life support systems for astronauts.

4. Designer or architect of virtual reality

The name of these professions has been used by science fiction directors and video toy makers for many years. With the advent of the Internet and social networks, every day more and more people plunge headlong into a non-existent world of possibilities and emotions. Virtual offices, museums, municipal institutions and more will soon emerge.

Staying a lot of time in a non-existent virtual reality will have a bad effect on mental health, so there will be specialists who are able to provide professional psychological assistance in a timely manner. At the same time, experts predict a significant growth in the market for VR devices (virtual reality). After all, in the next 7-8 years it should exceed $45 billion. The popularity of specialists who will be able to improve such devices in the coming years will grow steadily.

Where is it taught?

Today, more than 100 educational institutions around the world offer to study this profession. There is no point in listing them. These educational institutions are issued by any search system. If you do not want to spend time on full-time multi-year training, then you have found your ideal profession. You can earn your Virtual Reality Architecture Diploma in as little as four months by studying online.

Such an educational platform is After receiving a diploma, everyone is offered employment programs. This is an ideal option for those who dream and work lying on a deck chair with a computer on their knees, drinking a mint mojito under the rays of the scorching sun.

5. Developers of robotics and new types of robotic transport

Robots so tightly and quickly began to enter our everyday life that began to force out of it ... people. Yes, people! There are 366 professions in total. Most of them will disappear within 20 years. The more mechanical the profession and the actions in it are repeated in a circle, the faster it will be replaced by robots. For example, China already has factories that are completely robotic. And just like that, in one fell swoop, 750 people lost their jobs in just a couple of hours.

In the near future, robots will replace salespeople, drivers, and even journalists. Therefore, now those who create these same robots will be in demand. Underwater tunnels, flying cars, non-standard types of fuel - this is already a reality, the development of which also requires its own specialists. To master these professions, you will have to understand automated systems, programming, not to mention fundamental knowledge in the field of physics, mechanics and electronics.

Where is it taught?

Technical University of Munich offers a master's program in Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence. Training is based on the principle that when developing robotic technology, first of all, the participation of the machine in human life is taken into account. For admission, you must have a good command of German and provide DSH certificates. The shortest course of study is 4.5 months.


Ukrainian educational institutions have not yet updated the list of offered professions. Scrolling through almost all the websites of educational institutions, it became clear: we are in no hurry to bring the future closer, we live in the present. The only progressive area is . This profession is taught in 9 Ukrainian ZVOs (Pledge of higher education - I WANT)! At the same time, if you want to master this specialty, it is not necessary to wait until graduation. Private educational courses already offer many training programs in the field of robotics. And children from 6 years old are taken for training. The rest of the "professions of the future", unfortunately, promise to wait for better times.
