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Shortened working hours for teachers. New rules for calculating the teaching load of teachers. Name of the institution provided for by the List

Good day!

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (Article 47) and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 333), a reduced working week is established for teaching staff - 36 hours.

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 22, 2014 N 1601 “On the duration of working hours (norms of hours of pedagogical work for the rate wages) teaching staff and on the procedure for determining study load pedagogical workers, stipulated in the employment contract”:

clause 2. Depending on the position and (or) specialty, teaching staff
the following working hours or hours are set
pedagogical work for the wage rate.

clause 2.3. The norm of hours of pedagogical work of 20 hours per week for the wage rate is established, including for teachers-defectologists.


1. Depending on the position held v work time teaching staff includes educational (teaching) work ( normalized part) , educational work, individual work with students, scientific, creative and research, as well as other pedagogical work provided for by labor (official) duties and (or) an individual plan - methodological, preparatory, organizational, diagnostic, monitoring work, work, planned educational, health-improving, sports, creative and other events held with students.

In accordance with the REGULATIONS ON THE FEATURES OF THE WORKING TIME AND REST TIME OF PEDAGOGICAL AND OTHER EMPLOYEES OF EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated March 27, 2006 N 69,
clause 2.1.
Performance of pedagogical work by teachers, teachers,
trainers, educators additional education(hereinafter referred to as pedagogical workers conducting teaching work)
the presence of established norms of time only for the implementation of pedagogical
work related to teaching
The performance of another part of the pedagogical work by pedagogical workers conducting teaching work is carried out during working hours, which is not specified by the number of hours.
2.3. Another part of the pedagogical work of employees conducting teaching
work that requires labor time,
which is not specified in
number of hours
, follows from their official duties, provided for
the charter of the educational institution, the internal labor regulations of the educational institution, tariff and qualification (qualification) characteristics, and is regulated by schedules and work plans, incl. personal plans teacher, and includes, among other things:
fulfillment of duties related to participation in the work of pedagogical, methodological councils, with work on holding parent meetings, consultations, health-improving, educational and other activities provided for by the educational program;
organizing and conducting methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance to parents (legal representatives), families educating children at home in accordance with a medical report;
time spent directly on preparing for work on the education and upbringing of students, pupils, the study of their individual abilities, interests and inclinations, as well as their family circumstances and living conditions;
fulfillment of duties additionally assigned to pedagogical workers, directly related to the educational process, with the corresponding additional remuneration of labor (classroom management, checking written works, classroom management, etc.).
Days of the week (time periods during which the educational institution carries out its activities), free for teaching staff conducting teaching work, from holding training sessions according to the schedule, from the performance of other duties regulated by
schedules and work plans
teacher can use
advanced training, self-education, preparation for classes, etc.
. It is not necessary to do this at the workplace, if it is more convenient for the teacher..

Does the head teacher have the right to demand that I work another 16 hours (36 hours a week) in my office?

Thus, the head teacher does not have the right to demand that you spend another 16 hours at the workplace.

L. V. Kurevina

Editor of the magazine "Personnel Department of the state (municipal) institution"

The working time of teachers and teachers has many features. And one of the main ones is that their working time consists of a normalized and non-standardized part. Such a system in practice causes certain difficulties (taking into account working hours, overtime pay, work on weekends, etc.). There are many nuances and questions, respectively, arise often. What are the best working hours for teachers? Should a teacher go to work if he has no classes? How many hours can the non-standardized part of the teaching load be? What if employees think they are overworking? Let's try to figure it out.

First of all, we note the documents that regulate the issues of working time of teachers:

– Labor Code (ch. 52);

– Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation» (hereinafter - Law No. 273-FZ);

- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 No. 1601 "On the duration of working hours (norms of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers and on the procedure for determining the teaching load of pedagogical workers, stipulated in the employment contract" (hereinafter - Order No. 1601);

- Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 27, 2006 No. 69 “On the features of the working hours and rest time of pedagogical and other employees educational institutions"(hereinafter - Features).

Working hours

In accordance with Art. 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation for teachers, a reduced working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week. At the same time, according to Order No. 1601, depending on the position and (or) specialty of a pedagogical worker, he can be set either the length of working hours per week, or the norm of hours of pedagogical work for a salary rate.

Thus, teachers referred to the teaching staff, educational psychologists, social pedagogues, senior educators preschool institutions and other employees listed in paragraph 2.1 of Appendix 1 to Order No. 1601, the working hours are 36 hours per week. Senior educators of other institutions - 30 hours a week.

For other positions and (or) specialties, the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate is established. For example, the norm of 20 hours a week is set for speech pathologists and speech pathologists, and for music directors and accompanists it is 24 hours a week.

For teachers of organizations implementing educational activities for basic general education programs, teachers of organizations engaged in educational activities for additional general education programs, and for other teachers and teachers listed in clause 2.8.1 of Appendix 1 to Order No. 1061, the norm of hours is not pedagogical, but educational (teaching) work - 18 hours a week.

For some positions, there is an annual rate of hours per wager. Thus, the norm of educational (teaching) work of 720 hours per year for the wage rate is set for teachers of organizations operating in educational programs of secondary education. vocational education and major vocational training programs.


The performance of pedagogical work by teachers, lecturers, trainers-teachers, teachers of additional education (that is, pedagogical workers conducting teaching work) is characterized by the presence of established time standards only for the performance of pedagogical work related to teaching. The performance of another part of the pedagogical work is carried out during working hours, which is not specified by the number of hours (clause 2.1 of the Features).

By virtue of clause 2.3 of the Features, the non-standardized part of pedagogical work, which requires the expenditure of working time, follows from the duties of teachers provided for by the charter of the educational institution, the internal labor regulations of the educational institution, tariff-qualification (qualification) characteristics, and is regulated by schedules and work plans, in including the personal plans of the teacher.

Such work, in particular, includes participation in the activities of pedagogical, methodological councils and parent meetings, preparation for the training and education of students, pupils, periodic short-term duty during the period educational process, duties related to classroom management, checking written work.


The working hours of teachers who cannot be provided with a full teaching load are determined taking into account their additional workload up to established norm hours of other pedagogical work, without additional payment, in particular, classes in an extended day group, circle work, conducting individual lessons at home with students (clause 2.5 of Features).

Working hours for teachers are also the periods of autumn, winter, spring and summer vacations established for students, pupils of educational institutions and not coinciding with the annual paid basic and additional holidays of employees. During this period, teachers carry out pedagogical, methodological, as well as organizational work related to the implementation of the educational program, within the normalized part of their working time, determined before the start of the holidays, and non-standardized, necessary to perform the work provided for in clause 2.3 of the Features, with the preservation of wages fees in the prescribed manner (clauses 4.1, 4.2 of the Features).

Also, the working time of teachers includes periods of cancellation of training sessions for sanitary-epidemiological, climatic and other reasons. During these periods, teachers and other employees of educational institutions are involved in educational, methodological and organizational work in the same manner that is established for working on holidays.

The volume of the pedagogical load for teachers and teachers is determined annually at the beginning of the academic year (training period, sports season) and is established by the local regulatory act of the institution, and for teachers - by an employment contract. At the same time, it cannot change downwards in the current year at the initiative of the employer. An exception is established for teachers and teachers in the event of a decrease in the number of hours according to curricula, study schedules, a reduction in the number of students, students, groups, classes (clause 1.3 - 1.5 of Appendix 2 to Order No. 1601).

Working hours of teachers

In accordance with clause 1.2 of the Features and Art. 47 of Law No. 273-FZ, the mode of working time and rest time for teachers, including the provision of days off, is determined taking into account the mode of activity of the educational institution (round-the-clock stay of students, pupils, their stay for a certain time, season, shifts of training sessions and other features of the work of the institution ) and is established by a collective agreement, internal labor regulations, other local regulations of an organization engaged in educational activities, an employment contract, work schedules and class schedules in accordance with the requirements labor law and taking into account the features.


If the mode of working time and rest time for a particular employee differs from general rules operating with the employer, a condition for this must be included in the employment contract (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Recall that Ch. 16 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following working hours:

1. Duration of the week:

- 5 day work week with 2 days off

- six-day work week with one day off;

– working week with the provision of days off on a staggered schedule;

- part-time work week;

- shift work.

2. Working hours:

- irregular working hours (for certain categories of workers);

- part-time work (shift);

- flexible schedule (the beginning, end or total duration of the working day (shift) is determined by agreement of the parties);

- division of the working day into parts.

Teachers, and especially those working in institutions with around-the-clock stay of students, pupils (boarding schools, orphanages, boarding schools at general educational institutions), can be set any working hours, both five days, and shift or flexible schedule. At the same time, according to clause 3.3 of the Features, in exceptional cases in these institutions, when educational and educational activity during the day within the established norm of hours, the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body or in agreement with it, may introduce for educators who carry out pedagogical work in groups of pupils school age, the mode of the working day with its division into parts with a break of two or more hours in a row, with appropriate compensation for such an inconvenient mode of work in the manner and amount provided for by the collective agreement.

However, as noted in the Features, in order to save the time of educators, it is advisable to provide, instead of such a mode, a mode of work with different daily working hours in the morning before the start of classes and in the hours after they end, bearing in mind the establishment of a summarized accounting of working time so that the total its duration per week (month, quarter) did not exceed the average monthly norm of hours for the accounting period.

As for teachers and educators, they usually work a five- or six-day work week.

Time tracking

According to Art. 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee. How to do this in educational institutions and what time to put down in the report card? And it is necessary to put down in it the time worked during the established duration of the working week of 30 or 36 hours or within the norm of pedagogical (educational) hours for the wage rate.

Form of the time sheet 0504421 and guidelines for its completion for state and municipal institutions approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 30, 2015 No. 52n.

The time sheet is maintained by persons appointed by order for the institution, monthly for the whole institution or in the context structural divisions. It opens monthly two to three days before the start of the billing period on the basis of the timesheet for the last month, is used to record the use of working time or register various cases of deviations from its normal use. The choice of how to fill out the time sheet is determined by the act of the institution as part of the formation of accounting policies.

In case of registration of deviations in the upper half of the line for each employee who had deviations from the normal use of working time, the hours of deviations are recorded, and in the lower half - conventions deviations. At the bottom of the line, hours of operation during the night are also recorded. If one employee of the institution has two types of deviations on the same day (period), the lower part of the line is written as a fraction, the numerator of which is the symbol for the type of deviations, and the denominator is the hours of work. If there are more than two deviations in one day, the name of the employee in the report card is repeated. Within the time limits established by the document flow procedure of the institution, the employee responsible for maintaining the time sheet reflects the number of days (hours) of absenteeism (attendance), as well as the number of hours by type of processing (substitution, work in holidays, work at night, etc.) with their entry in the appropriate columns. The time sheet is signed by the person entrusted with its maintenance, and submitted to the accounting department for settlements within the established time limits.

If the person responsible for compiling the time sheet discovers the fact of non-reflection of deviations or incompleteness of the submitted information on recording working hours (submission by the employee of a certificate of incapacity for work, an order (instruction) to send the employee on a business trip, an order (instruction) to grant leave to the employee and other documents, including including late submission of documents), it is necessary to submit a corrective time sheet.

When filling out the time sheet, the following conventions are used:

Name of indicator

Weekends and non-working holidays

Work at night

Fulfillment of public duties

Regular and additional holidays

Temporary disability, disability due to pregnancy and childbirth

Holiday to care for the child

Overtime hours

Absences for unexplained reasons (until the circumstances are clarified)

Absences with the permission of the administration

Study days off

Training additional leave

Substitution in 1st - 3rd grades

Substitution in extended day groups

Substitution in 4th - 11th grades

Work on weekends and non-working holidays

Actual hours worked

Business trips

An educational institution has the right to independently supplement the applied symbols as part of the formation of its accounting policy.

Working hours

There are no particular difficulties with teachers whose working hours are directly established in the regulations. And, as already noted, they arise for teachers and lecturers, that is, employees holding positions whose pedagogical work consists of standardized and non-standardized parts.

In practice, the procedure for performing official duties outside the norm of the teaching load, that is, the non-standardized part of the work, is not always clearly prescribed in local acts, schedules or plans. Therefore, disputes often arise between employees and the employer over payment for hours worked: employees believe that they work more than they are supposed to.

At the moment, only cases of processing or shortcomings of the normalized part of the work are regulated by law. In particular, according to paragraph 4 of Appendix 1 to Order No. 1601, for pedagogical or educational (teaching) work performed by an employee with his written consent in excess or below the established norm of hours for the wage rate, payment is made based on the established wage rate in proportion to the actual a certain amount of pedagogical or educational (teaching) work. The exception is cases of payment of wage rates in full, when the full teaching load cannot be provided, listed in paragraph 2.2 of Appendix 2 to Order No. 1601.


The upper limit of the teaching load is indicated only for certain categories of teachers who have an annual norm of hours of study (teaching) work for the wage rate (clauses 7.1, 7.2 of Appendix 2 to Order No. 1601).

As for the non-standardized part of pedagogical work, it, unlike the normalized part of the workload, is not limited by law. However (by virtue of Article 333 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), in total with the normalized part, it should not be more than 36 hours a week, which employers must take into account when drawing up work schedules and plans.

To the question of whether overtime work is considered if the teacher remains at work beyond this time, we answer - no. First of all, because only the employer can involve in overtime work by issuing a written notice and order. Secondly, the non-standardized part of pedagogical work is not paid in itself and, accordingly, cannot be considered as overtime hours.

But if a teacher needs to work on a weekend or non-working holiday, for example, to participate in an event, the employer must involve him to work on such a day in accordance with Art. 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and make payment in accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


If a summarized accounting of working time is established for employees of an educational institution or if the organization works continuously (for example, institutions with round-the-clock stay of students, pupils (boarding schools, orphanages, boarding schools at general educational institutions)), special rules apply, determined by the Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee, the Presidium All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 08.08.1966 No. 465 / P-21 “On approval of Explanation No. 13 / P-21 “On compensation for work on holidays”. In these cases, work on holidays is included in the monthly norm of working time.

Engagement to work on a weekend or holiday is carried out by sending a notification to the employee. If he agrees, an appropriate order is issued. Moreover, if the employee initially agreed to such work, and then did not leave, he can be held disciplinary liable.

The teacher’s going to work on a weekend or non-working holiday on his own initiative is not considered to be involved in such work and, accordingly, should not be paid - unless the court subsequently takes the side of the employee. Therefore, employers should not let everything take its course. It is better, if necessary, to draw up in advance the attraction to work on a weekend or non-working holiday.

And here we note that in addition to the days off established by the Labor Code, depending on the working hours, teachers may have days of the week (periods of time during which the educational institution carries out its activities) free from conducting training sessions according to the schedule, from performing other duties regulated by schedules and work plans that a teacher can use for advanced training, self-education, preparation for classes, etc. (clause 2.4 of the Features). Such days are called methodical. The procedure for their provision should be established by the internal labor regulations, the collective agreement, schedules and work plans.

In this regard, the question arises: is the methodical day off? No, because such days are provided not for rest, but for a certain “working” purpose. Even if the teacher may not go to work at all on this day, he cannot be considered a day off with all the ensuing consequences: it cannot be transferred if it suddenly coincides with a non-working holiday, in accordance with Art. 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and is also not subject to double payment if the employer calls the employee to work that day.

If the methodical day local acts the institution is not established, but according to the schedules and timetables, the teacher is free all day, he can be involved in educational, methodological or organizational work within the normalized part of the working time.

It remains to be noted that so far no changes or additions have been made to regulations regulating the accounting of the working time of teachers in terms of non-standardized pedagogical work, questions will arise. The specifics of the work of teachers and teachers is such that they often have to work beyond the established duration of the working week. And format it like overtime work Not sure it's going to happen. And of course, the employer should try to minimize such overtime - strictly taking into account working hours, drawing up schedules and work schedules with a minimum number of “windows”, distributing the normalized part so that employees have free days. If scheduling is not possible in a more rational way, you can set up a different work schedule, such as a flexible schedule.

As for working on weekends or holidays, there should be no questions here. The employer is obliged not only to formalize the involvement in it if necessary, but also to pay in accordance with Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

"On approval of forms of primary accounting documents and registers accounting applied by authorities state power (government bodies), organs local government, management bodies of state non-budgetary funds, state (municipal) institutions, and Methodological guidelines for their application.

1. For teachers, a reduced working time is provided, which should not exceed 36 hours a week, which is associated with the special nature of their work, which requires significant intellectual and nervous tension.

2. The upper limit of the teaching load is established for teaching staff by the relevant standard provisions. The teaching load for the academic year for teachers of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education, stipulated in the employment contract, should not exceed 1440 academic hours; teaching staff of educational institutions of higher professional education - 900 hours per academic year; teaching staff in an educational institution for advanced training - 800 hours.

The upper limit of the teaching load of teaching staff of educational institutions of other types and types is not provided for in the relevant standard provisions.

3. The duration of working hours (the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers is determined in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 N 191 (SZ RF. 2003. N 14. Art. 1289), according to which the duration of working hours ( the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) for teachers is established on the basis of a reduced working time of not more than 36 hours per week and includes teaching (educational) work, educational work, as well as other pedagogical work provided for official duties and working hours, approved in the prescribed manner.

Pedagogical workers, depending on the position and (or) specialty, taking into account the characteristics of their work, are established:

  • 1) working hours:

    • 36 hours a week - to employees from among the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher professional education and educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists;
    • 30 hours a week - for senior educators of educational institutions (except for preschool educational institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children);

    36 hours a week:

    • senior educators of preschool educational institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children;
    • pedagogues-psychologists, methodologists (senior methodologists), social pedagogues, pedagogues-organizers, masters industrial training, senior counselors, labor instructors of educational institutions;
    • heads of physical education of educational institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;
    • teachers-organizers (basics of life safety, pre-conscription training) of general educational institutions, institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education;
    • instructors-methodologists (senior instructors-methodologists) of educational institutions of additional education for children of a sports profile;
  • 2) the norm of hours of teaching work for the wage rate (normalized part of pedagogical work):

    18 hours a week:

    • teachers of grades 5 - 11 (12) of general educational institutions (including cadet schools), general education boarding schools (including cadet boarding schools), educational institutions for orphans and children left without parental care, special (correctional) educational institutions for students (pupils) with disabilities, health-improving educational institutions of a sanatorium type for children in need of long-term treatment, special educational and educational institutions of an open and closed type, educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age, educational institutions for children in need of psychological and pedagogical and medical and social assistance, interschool educational complexes, training and production workshops;
    • teachers of pedagogical schools and pedagogical colleges;
    • teachers of special disciplines 1 - 11 (12) classes of musical, artistic educational institutions;
    • teachers of grades 3 - 5 of schools of general musical, artistic, choreographic education with a 5-year term of study, 5 - 7 classes of art schools with a 7-year term of study (children's music, art, choreographic and other schools), 1 - 4 classes of children art schools and schools of general art education with a 4-year term of study;
    • teachers of additional education;
    • trainers-teachers (senior trainers-teachers) of educational institutions of additional education for children of a sports profile;
    • teachers foreign language preschool educational institutions;
    • 20 hours a week - for teachers of grades 1 - 4 of general educational institutions;
    • 24 hours a week - teachers of grades 1 - 2 of schools of general musical, artistic, choreographic education with a 5-year term of study, grades 1 - 4 of children's music, art, choreographic schools and art schools with a 7-year term of study;
    • 720 hours per year - for teachers of primary and secondary vocational education institutions;
  • 3) the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate:

    • 20 hours a week - teachers-defectologists and teachers-speech therapists;
    • 24 hours a week - music directors and accompanists;
    • 25 hours a week - for educators of educational institutions working directly in groups with students (pupils) with disabilities;
    • 30 hours a week - for physical education instructors, educators in boarding schools, orphanages, extended day groups of educational institutions, in school boarding schools;
    • 36 hours a week - for teachers of preschool educational institutions, preschool groups of general educational institutions and educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age, institutions of additional education for children and institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education.

For teaching work performed with the consent of teaching staff in excess of the established norm of hours for the wage rate, an additional payment is made in accordance with the received wage rate in a single amount in the manner determined by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The rate of hours of pedagogical and (or) teaching work for the wage rate of pedagogical workers is set in astronomical hours.

For teachers, professors, teachers of additional education of educational institutions, the norm of hours of teaching work includes the lessons (classes) they conduct, regardless of their duration, and short breaks (changes) between them.

Teachers who cannot be provided with a full teaching load are guaranteed the payment of the wage rate in full, provided that they are supplemented to the established norm of hours by other pedagogical work in the following cases:

  • teachers of grades 1 - 4 when transferring the teaching of foreign language lessons, music, visual arts and physical education specialist teachers;
  • teachers of grades 1 - 4 of rural general educational institutions with a non-Russian language of instruction, who do not have sufficient training to conduct Russian language lessons;
  • teachers of the Russian language in rural primary schools with a non-Russian language of instruction;
  • teachers of physical culture of rural general educational institutions, teachers of a foreign language of general educational institutions located in the villages of logging and rafting enterprises and chemical forestry enterprises.

Teachers of general educational institutions and teachers of pedagogical schools and pedagogical colleges, for whom, for reasons beyond their control, the workload decreases during the academic year compared to installed load until the end of the academic year:

  • wages for the actual number of hours, if the remaining workload is higher than the established norm for the rate;
  • wages in the amount of the rate, if the remaining workload is below the established norm for the rate and if it is impossible to load them with other pedagogical work;
  • the salary established before the decrease in the teaching load, if it was set below the norm for the rate and if it is impossible to load them with other pedagogical work.

Teachers of institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education who, for reasons beyond their control, during the academic year, the teaching load decreases compared to the established workload, until the end of the academic year are paid wages in the amount established during the billing at the beginning of the academic year.

Pedagogical workers must be informed about the decrease in the teaching load during the year and about the additional workload with other pedagogical work no later than 2 months in advance.

4. The regulations that determine the rate of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate of speech therapists and educational psychologists are explained in the letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated January 22, 1998 N 20-58-07in / 20-4 "On speech therapists and teachers -psychologists of educational institutions". Thus, the salary rate of speech therapists of all educational institutions, regardless of their departmental subordination, is paid for 20 hours of pedagogical work per week. At the same time, it does not matter in which class the teacher-speech therapist carries out pedagogical activities. Teachers-speech therapists and pedagogues-psychologists of psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations, which are independent institutions, are paid the wage rate for 36 hours of pedagogical work per week.

5. For certain categories of pedagogical workers working in positions, the occupation of which is associated with the risk of infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a 30-hour working week is established. Among these workers, according to the List, approved. Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia, the Ministry of Defense of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the Ministry of Education of Russia, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the FPS of Russia dated May 30, 2003 N 225/194/363/126/2330/777/292 (BNA RF. 2003. N 37) , include teachers, educators and teachers of additional education of health-improving educational institutions of a sanatorium type for children infected with tuberculosis, teachers, educators and teachers of additional education of the Russian Sanatorium and Rehabilitation Center for orphans and children left without parental care, suffering various forms tuberculosis infection, teachers and teachers of additional education of educational institutions working in hospitals for children suffering from various forms of tuberculosis infection.

6. Features of the regime of working time and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions are provided for in the Regulation of the same name, approved. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 27, 2006 N 69 (BNA RF. 2006. N 32). The mode of work and rest of teachers is determined taking into account the specifics of the activities and mode of operation of educational institutions of various types and types. These can be educational institutions with a round-the-clock stay of students or pupils, their stay for a certain time, season, etc.

The mode of working time and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions is established by the internal labor regulations of the educational institution, work schedules, a collective agreement developed in accordance with the Labor Code, federal laws, other regulatory legal acts and the said regulation.

7. Features of part-time work of pedagogical workers are defined in the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated June 30, 2003 N 41 "On the features of part-time work of pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical workers and workers of culture" (Bulletin of the Ministry of Labor of Russia. 2003. N 8), issued in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2003 N 197 "On the features of part-time work of pedagogical, medical, pharmaceutical workers and cultural workers" (SZ RF. 2003. N 15. St. 1368).

According to the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of June 30, 2003 N 41, pedagogical workers have the right to work part-time, i.e. perform other regular paid work on the terms employment contract in their free time from their main work at the place of their main work or in other organizations, incl. for a similar position, specialty, profession, including cases where a reduced working time is established (with the exception of work for which sanitary and hygienic restrictions are established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation).

The duration of part-time work of pedagogical workers (including trainers, teachers, trainers) within a month is established by agreement between the employee and the employer, and for each employment contract it cannot exceed half the monthly norm of working time, calculated from the established duration of the working week . Therefore, based on the fact that the duration of the working time of pedagogical workers should not exceed 36 hours per week, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed 18 hours per week.

For pedagogical workers (including trainers-teachers, trainers) whose half of the monthly norm of working time for their main work is less than 16 hours per week, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed 16 hours of work per week. For cultural workers involved as teachers of additional education, concertmasters, choreographers, choirmasters, accompanists, artistic directors, the duration of part-time work cannot exceed the monthly norm of working time, calculated from the established duration of the working week.

Pedagogical work of highly qualified specialists on a part-time basis, with the consent of the employer, can be carried out in educational institutions for advanced training and retraining of personnel during regular working hours with the preservation of wages at the main place of work.

For teaching staff, they are not considered part-time jobs and do not require the conclusion (execution) of an employment contract the following types works:

  • a) literary work, incl. work on editing, translating and reviewing individual works, scientific and other creative activities without holding a full-time position;
  • b) carrying out technical, accounting and other expertise with a one-time payment;
  • c) pedagogical work on conditions hourly pay no more than 300 hours per year;
  • d) consulting by highly qualified specialists in institutions and other organizations in the amount of not more than 300 hours per year;
  • e) implementation by employees who are not on the staff of the institution (organization), the management of graduate and doctoral students, as well as the head of the department, the management of the faculty of an educational institution with additional payment by agreement between the employee and the employer;
  • f) pedagogical work in the same institution of primary or secondary vocational education, in a preschool educational institution, in an educational institution of general education, in an institution of additional education for children and in another children's institution with additional payment;
  • g) work without holding a regular position in the same institution and other organization, incl. fulfillment by pedagogical workers of educational institutions of the duties of managing classrooms, laboratories and departments, teaching work of managers and other employees of educational institutions, leadership of subject and cycle commissions, work on the management of industrial training and practice of students and other students, etc .;
  • h) the work of pedagogical workers in the same educational institution or in another children's institution in excess of the established norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate;
  • i) work on organizing and conducting excursions on an hourly or piece-rate basis without holding a regular position.

Carrying out the work specified in sub. "b" - "g", is allowed during the main working hours with the consent of the employer.

8. Professional qualification groups for positions of educators are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 5, 2008 N 216n (RG. 2008. N 113).

Professional qualification groups for positions of employees of higher and additional professional education are approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated May 5, 2008 N 217n (RG. 2008. N 113).

According to Article 333 Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2006, No. 27, Art. 2878; 2008, No. 30, Art. 3616) and clause 5.2.78 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2010 N 337 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2010, N 21, Art. 2603; N 26, Art. 3350), I order:

1. Establish for pedagogical workers, depending on the position and (or) specialty, taking into account the characteristics of their work, the duration of working hours (the norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) in accordance with the appendix to this order.

2. This order enters into force from the date of entry into force of the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on recognizing as invalid the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 3, 2003 N 191 "On the duration of working hours (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2003, N 14, item 1289; 2005, N 7, item 560; 2007, N 24, item 2928; 2008, N 34, item 3926).

Minister A. Fursenko


Working hours (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers

The length of working time (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) for teaching staff is established on the basis of a reduced working time of no more than 36 hours per week.

Pedagogical workers, depending on the position and (or) specialty, taking into account the characteristics of their work, are established:

1. Working hours:

36 hours a week:

employees from among the teaching staff of educational institutions of higher professional education and educational institutions of additional professional education (advanced training) of specialists;

senior educators of preschool educational institutions, educational institutions of additional education for children and orphanages;

teachers-psychologists, social teachers, teachers-organizers, masters of industrial training, senior counselors, labor instructors;

methodologists, senior methodologists of educational institutions;

tutors of educational institutions (with the exception of tutors employed in the field of higher and additional professional education);

heads of physical education of educational institutions implementing educational programs primary vocational and secondary vocational education;

teachers-organizers of the basics of life safety, pre-conscription training;

instructors-methodologists, senior instructors-methodologists of educational institutions of additional education for children of a sports profile;

30 hours a week - for senior educators of educational institutions (except for preschool educational institutions and educational institutions of additional education for children).

2. Norm of hours of teaching work for the wage rate (normalized part of pedagogical work):

18 hours a week:

teachers of grades 1-11 (12) of educational institutions implementing general educational programs (including special (correctional) educational programs for students, pupils with disabilities);

teachers of educational institutions that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education of a pedagogical orientation (with the exception of teachers of such educational institutions who have a norm of teaching hours for a salary rate of 720 hours per year);

teachers of special disciplines 1-11 (12) classes of musical, artistic educational institutions;

teachers of grades 3-5 of schools of general musical, artistic, choreographic education with a 5-year period of study, grades 5-7 of art schools with a 7-year period of study (children's music, art, choreography and other schools), grades 1-4 of children's art schools and schools of general art education with a 4-year term of study;

teachers of additional education, senior teachers of additional education;

trainers-teachers, senior trainers-teachers of educational institutions of additional education for children of a sports profile;

foreign language teachers of preschool educational institutions;

speech therapists of health and social care institutions;

24 hours a week - teachers of grades 1-2 of schools of general musical, artistic, choreographic education with a 5-year term of study, grades 1-4 of children's music, art, choreographic schools and art schools with a 7-year term of study;

720 hours per year - for teachers of educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education.

3. The norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate:

20 hours a week - teachers-defectologists, teachers-speech therapists, speech therapists;

24 hours a week - music directors and accompanists;

25 hours a week - for educators working directly in groups with students (pupils, children) with disabilities;

30 hours a week:

physical education instructors;

educators in boarding schools, orphanages, after-school groups, boarding schools at general educational institutions (school boarding schools), special educational institutions for children and adolescents with deviant behavior, preschool educational institutions (groups) for children with tuberculosis intoxication, health care institutions and social services;

36 hours a week - to educators in preschool educational institutions, preschool groups of general educational institutions and educational institutions for children of preschool and primary school age, in educational institutions of additional education for children, in dormitories of educational institutions implementing educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, other institutions and organizations.


1. The duration of working hours of pedagogical workers includes teaching (educational) work, educational, as well as other pedagogical work provided for qualifications by positions and features of the regime of working time and rest time of pedagogical and other employees of educational institutions, approved in the prescribed manner.

2. The norm of hours of pedagogical and (or) teaching work for the wage rate of pedagogical workers is established in astronomical hours. For teachers, professors, teachers of additional education, senior teachers of additional education, trainers-teachers, senior trainers-teachers, the norm of hours of teaching work for the wage rate includes the lessons (classes) they conduct, regardless of their duration, and short breaks (changes) between them.

3. For teaching (pedagogical) work performed with the consent of pedagogical workers in excess of the established norm of hours for the wage rate, additional payment is made in accordance with the received wage rate in a single amount.

4. Teachers who cannot be provided with an academic load in the amount corresponding to the norm of teaching hours for the wage rate per week are guaranteed payment of the wage rate in full, provided that they are supplemented to the established norm of hours by other pedagogical work in the following cases:

teachers of grades 1-4 when transferring the teaching of foreign language, music, fine arts and physical education lessons to specialist teachers;

teachers of grades 1-4 of rural general educational institutions with their native (non-Russian) language of instruction, who do not have sufficient training to conduct Russian language lessons;

teachers of the Russian language in rural primary general education schools with their native (non-Russian) language of instruction;

teachers of physical culture of rural general educational institutions, teachers of a foreign language of general educational institutions located in the villages of logging and rafting enterprises and chemical forestry enterprises.

5. Teachers, as well as teachers of educational institutions that implement educational programs of secondary vocational education of a pedagogical orientation (with the exception of teachers of such educational institutions who have a norm of teaching hours for a salary rate of 720 hours per year), who, for reasons beyond their control, during the academic year, the study load is reduced in comparison with the study load established at the beginning of the school year, until the end of the school year, and also during vacation time that does not coincide with the annual main extended paid leave, the following is paid:

wages for the actual remaining number of teaching hours, if it exceeds the norm of teaching hours per week, established for the wage rate;

salary in the amount of the monthly rate, if the volume of the teaching load before its reduction corresponded to the norm of teaching hours per week, established for the wage rate, and if they cannot be loaded with other pedagogical work;

the salary established before the decrease in the teaching load, if it was established below the norm of hours of teaching work per week, established for the wage rate, and if they cannot be supplemented with other pedagogical work.

The specified pedagogical workers must be informed about the decrease in the teaching load during the academic year and about the additional workload with other pedagogical work no later than two months in advance.

6. Teachers of educational institutions that implement educational programs of primary vocational and secondary vocational education, for whom, for reasons beyond their control, during the academic year, the teaching load decreases compared to the teaching load established at the beginning of the academic year until the end of the academic year, as well as in vacation time that does not coincide with the annual main extended paid leave, wages are paid in the amount established during the billing at the beginning of the academic year.

    Annex N 1. Duration of working hours (norms of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 N 1601
"On the duration of working time (norms of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers and on the procedure for determining the teaching load of pedagogical workers, stipulated in the employment contract"

With changes and additions from:

3. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 2010 N 2075 "On the duration of working hours (norm of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate) of pedagogical workers" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 4, 2011, registration N 19709).

D.V. Livanov

The duration of the working hours of teachers has been revised (norms of hours of pedagogical work for the wage rate). The provisions of the new Law on Education and the changes made to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation were taken into account.

As before, reduced working hours are provided for no more than 36 hours per week.

The specific duration of working time (norm of hours for the salary rate) depends on the position and (or) specialty of the teacher.

So, the norm of 20 hours a week is set for teachers-defectologists and speech therapists, 24 hours - for music directors and accompanists, 25 hours - for educators directly involved in training, education, supervision and care for students (pupils) with disabilities , 30 hours - for physical education instructors, etc. For school teachers, the norm has not changed and is 18 hours a week.
