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How to make a beautiful hand letter. A letter to a beloved man. Romantic letter: how to write. What not to write

Beautiful letter design is not only about writing the text smoothly, without errors, blots and blots. It is necessary to think over the options for decorating the sheets on which the text will be written, and, if possible, the envelope. It is especially important to consider this detail if we are talking about the thematic message. There are certain features that should be taken into account in the design process, otherwise you can spoil the material and worsen further finishing.

Preparing the sheet for further processing

Initially, you should choose only high-quality thick paper that can withstand certain types of decoration. After choosing the main material, it is worth preparing it:

  • Remove unnecessary elements from the surface, such as metal staples, clips, stickers.
  • Straighten bruises or folds that have arisen under certain circumstances.
  • Before starting the design, it is worth preparing the surface for work and it is advisable to have a blotting paper so that the text or decor does not reprint.

A beautiful letter design can only be achieved if you carefully select the tools and materials to complete the work. Before applying paint, ink on a sheet, it is worth checking the preliminary effect of the substance on a specific type of cellulose.

Possible design options

Beautiful letter design can be done using several simple techniques, as well as their combination. The most popular, spectacular and easy to perform are the following options:

  • On a regular sheet of paper, make a composite picture of colored, corrugated, decorative paper.
  • The corners of the sheet can be decorated according to the principle of a snowflake for the New Year - prepare a layout from small parts and cut them out with a clerical knife.
  • Using ordinary pencils, it is easy to make a colored background-drawing on which the text will be placed.
  • To decorate paper, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, beads and stickers that are applied to the surface of the workpiece.

You can use any available materials, after considering their interpretation. It is worth showing a little imagination and making a little effort, and even the simplest pencil drawing can become a real masterpiece.

The original design of the New Year's letter

Children love to write new year letters asking for gifts, but to make this action more exciting and entertaining, you must first work on preparing the envelope and paper.

A beautiful design of a letter to Santa Claus, which can be done with a child, can be done according to this pattern:

  1. It is worth taking a sheet of A 4 format and drawing it out, forming lines to fill with text.
  2. In the lower right corner, you can make a drawing with a winter theme according to the usual standard.
  3. A more original version is the creation of colored paper palms. Invite the child to circle the palms of the child, and then cut them out.
  4. Make a Christmas tree out of the palms by gluing the elements with glue. Glue over the finished product Christmas decorations from paper on which wishes or requests are written.

This execution technique is a common application that children love so much.

How to decorate a letter that is intended for a loved one?

According to template ideas, a letter to a loved one can be decorated exclusively with hearts, kisses and cupids. In fact, it is worth considering the preferences of the second half and choosing the most appropriate option in terms of meaning.

A beautiful way to write a letter to a loved one in modern style may be a combination of miniature abstract drawings and inscriptions. It is necessary to prepare such tools and materials:

  • Feather pen and several colors of ink. Black ink required.
  • Simple pencil, eraser.
  • Acrylic paints.

The design principle consists of the following steps:

  1. The envelope and the sheet itself should be designed in the style of retro typography. It is necessary to prepare a template in a given topic, which is created on a regular sheet of paper.
  2. Place the sheet in an envelope and simple pencil transfer the drawing to the surface of the envelope.
  3. Use an ink pen to circle all the elements of the picture. It is desirable that black ink prevails.
  4. Acrylic paints paint over the hotel parts of the image. It is worth using a maximum of 3 bright colors, among which yellow will definitely be present.
  5. It is worth considering the font for creating inscriptions. It is better to write in block letters, which can be found in books.

Decorating sheets for a thematic letter

Beautiful sheets for writing letters can be obtained with minimal but suitable decoration - it is not necessary to paint the base with bright colors, filling the entire space. Initially, it is worth determining the subject of the letter, and only then choose the ways and methods of decoration.

Thematic design of the letter beautifully with your own hands can be done in this way:

  • If the letter is written in the summer, then in the upper left or right corner you can draw a small anchor that will decorate the bow of satin ribbons.
  • The message can be made pleasant and memorable if you simply paste over the inside of the envelope with gift paper with a neutral print.
  • Romantic essays can be arranged using a flower herbarium, which will be decorated with eco-style textile elements.

It is worth remembering that minimalism is also an art that requires much more talent and fine organization of the soul than any other style.

Secrets regarding the design of sheets for letters

Beautiful design of the letter does not have to take a lot of time, you can significantly reduce this process. At the same time, if artistic talent is completely absent, then it is still possible to solve the problem of decorating the envelope and sheet.

To do this, you should use ready-made or semi-ready templates for letters. You can purchase a special set for a beautiful design of a letter with any subject.

It is easy to make a blank yourself if you use ordinary transfer paper. It is enough to select a drawing and copy it onto the prepared surface. Decorative stamps and seals are also suitable.

Despite the growing popularity of minimalism, vintage typography is still in vogue. Try picking up an old book with openwork handwritten text - you can look at it for hours! So why not apply the art of typography to modern writing? Undoubtedly, it will be fresh and very original! Let's not lie to you: a beautiful design of the letter will require some time from you, and this is not 5 or 10 minutes. You will need at least 30 minutes to complete each individual envelope. Sure, it's a hassle, but just think about the expression on the recipient's face when they open their mailbox. He certainly will not hold back positive emotions! So, as you already understood, in this master class we will tell you how to beautifully design a letter with your own hands.

Materials and tools:

So that making an envelope is not such a difficult process for you, we have prepared a template for you, which you can see below. Just download it to your computer and print it in the size you want. You will also need a regular pencil and ink pen. You don't need to know how to use a calligraphy pen, and we only used it because we're more comfortable with it.

Step 1: print the template

We printed the template on a sheet of A7 paper with dimensions of 13x18 cm. If you want, but do not know how to beautifully design a letter on a non-standard size envelope, our advice is to increase or decrease the template accordingly in one of the graphic editors.

Beautiful letter design template

Step 2: transfer the template to the envelope

Place the template in the envelope with the right side facing the front of the envelope.

We know you can barely make out anything in this photo, but in "real life" you'll see enough through the envelope to be able to trace the pattern.

If you have a light box, or even better a transparent glass table, place the envelope on top of them. You can also keep it in a sunny window, or maybe your envelope is so thin that you can see the template pattern without any aids. It all depends on the envelope!

Next, using a gray pencil, carefully transfer the drawing from the template to the front of the envelope. To do this, carefully trace all the lines over the envelope with a pencil. If you feel strong enough, you can skip this step and draw directly on top of the template with an ink pen. But if this is your first time, it's best to start with a pencil, otherwise you will have to redo your work many times.

Step 3: make the inscriptions

First, write your address in the top left corner. You will see on the template a place to write the return address, which is indicated by dotted lines.

Now, you need to write the name of the recipient. Add it in vintage style by writing the initials and then the last name, as in the nineteenth century. But it's your envelope and you can do whatever you want with it! We cannot fully help you with the text of the letter, but you can write in any style you like. The calligraphy will look too cool here.

Finally, enter the recipient's address in the three lines indicated in the lower right corner. If the apartment number is present, include it on the first line.

Step 4: Ink Out

Once you're done with the gray pencil, grab your ink pen and start tracing the text. Remember that you don't really need a calligraphy pen. Use any old fine ink pen, a simple rollerball, etc.

You can also fill the envelope with the floral trinkets we included in the template. If desired, add color by filling the elements with gold and blue hues. This envelope has a gorgeous sheen!

Beautiful design of the letter with your own hands is ready!

Below you can see the envelope, which we circled in walnut ink.

Our template will give you a good basis for design, but you have the freedom to be creative and decide for yourself how to beautifully design the letter by filling it with any color you like, plus adding some of your own elements. We'd love to see what you come up with!

I hope you liked our master class and template, and now you know how to beautifully design a letter with your own hands for relatives and friends on the eve of the holidays.

You will find another option on how to beautifully design a letter in a video with a master class, which we have selected especially for our regular readers.

Our topic for today: design email. It is important that this correct design works and brings results. Design is not something that the recipient will immediately see and appreciate. For a well-written, well-designed email to pay off, the message must be delivered. target audience and should be open. Only after these two points are resolved, you can think about how to make a beautiful letter for the mailing list.

Deliverability: how to create a mailing list with minimal spam?

I'll use as an example.

The recipe here is quite simple. The service is paid and you definitely won’t have to regret the purchase. Getrik is referred to by many email marketing pioneers as "the service that guarantees the highest inbox deliverability to date." And so for many years.

The larger the base, the more the subscription costs. We buy the desired tariff, go to the technical support chat and ask how we can reduce the spam rating to zero. Support from Getresponse is fast, sensible, the issue will be resolved in 20 minutes.

  1. Do not send to a database that has not subscribed to your mailing list. Dante would have had at least one more circle of hell if he had been born in the 80s
  2. Send on behalf of a corporate mailbox (drathutee@website)
  3. DON'T DO THIS in the title
  4. Question marks, exclamation marks (and other marks too) in the title provoke a spam rating
  5. Different languages ​​in the title - provoke even more
  6. An account that regularly sends emails with high spam hits regularly increases its spam rating
  7. This is only part of the nuances, different email marketing services have their own “spam cockroaches”, so be sure to knock on support

Headline: how to create a mailing letter that will be read?

In the mail client you can see: from whom the letter, the title of the letter. Openability is influenced by two factors: the authority of the sender and what he wrote there in the title of his message.

  • Know the audience. This is 90% success. You need to know your fears, dreams, hobbies, needs, daily routine, age, hobbies, work… Well, you get the idea, you need to know the audience. From this, the headlines themselves will not be written, but it will become much easier and faster to come up with them.
  • Stand out from competing messages. Both direct and indirect. Knowing the audience, you know who else it is subscribed to. Subscribe to competitors, look at their email design and content, analyze and stand out.
  • Test and experiment. Conduct A\B tests, analyze the open rates of previous emails, match the numbers with the letters in the header, and draw conclusions.
  • Don't repeat yourself. Found a cool heading structure - use it several times, but do not take it as a basis. The same letters (here the same design of emails), albeit with different words, will simply stop opening over time.

How to write a beautiful mailing letter: 6 web tricks

Now that we are confident in the deliverability and openability of our letter, it makes sense to work hard and make sure that it is read to the end.

Contrary to the myths that email marketing is no longer a cake, does not work, is outdated, there are players who try and get results. And there are those who send dull letters on a white background and complain about the order of things. To prevent your messages from being instantly sent to the trash, use designer chips!

1. Engaging email design with rich color

Films, photos, graphics - there are works that are simply interesting to look at. Some of them are made so by chance, and some on purpose. You can and should think about how to make a beautiful letter that will be pleasant to look at.

To do this, you need to understand such a thing as the theory of color perception. Properly using this technique, you will capture the attention of readers and influence their attitude towards your business.

The white design of an e-mail has not been of interest to anyone for a long time, and inept work with color often “pulls out the eye” than intrigues. Find some of your color styles and use them in your newsletter.

2. One letter, one font, one client out of many

There are enough fonts and you don't have to use just one for the whole letter. This also does not mean that every sentence should be written in a new font. You've definitely seen examples of email newsletters with a bunch of fonts. It is not necessary to do so.

Best option: different fonts for paragraphs and headings

You are again given the opportunity to conduct a series of experiments and find that very "own" combination of fonts. Some individual words or phrases can be highlighted even with a different text color. In this case, you will get a letter that will already hold the reader’s attention several times stronger.

3. Beautiful letter design as part of your website

When the design of the letter matches the overall style of the site, this immediately increases the user's trust in the brand. Yes, you can make changes, but it is better to take the color scheme, the main font and the way the text is located from the page where the reader of the letter gets to.

Example. Mercedes-Benz creates a luxury atmosphere by using dark colors on its website. And all their mailings are made in the same way.

4. Email Design Rules: Minimalist Design

Less water, more conversation on the case and now you have already attracted attention! Especially now, when ordinary users live in a powerful information field.

Embodi this common truth in the design of emails. Down with unnecessary distractions. Is there an empty space and you don't know what to put there? Don't put anything. Use 2-3 colors, but no more. Make the design interesting, but not in such a way that it takes more attention than the essence of the letter.
Many, thinking about how to create a beautiful letter for mailing, google: "How to combine 5 colors correctly." When the secret is to use just 2 shades comfortably.

If you want to be creative, then give up simple links in the text and replace them with buttons. This is exactly the element that can be made noticeable, bold, and screaming: “Come on, click on me!”

5. Beautiful design of letters with gifs

An effective sales tool, after webinars and phone calls, is video. But not all services allow you to insert a video in the body of the letter. And putting links to videos from other resources is not very competent, because the user is lazy and you do not need to demand extra actions from him.

How to write a beautiful letter? GIFs come to the rescue, adding the effect of surprise and attractiveness to your messages. It is convenient to work with them, they are much smaller in size than the video.

Short animations are noticeable in the text, they increase reader engagement and have a positive effect on conversion. But here, too, you need to know the measure.

6. How to make a beautiful email with personalization

In the last paragraph, let's return to the first two, which are not really about design. What is the advantage of an anonymized email newsletter based on your database? Nothing.

An easy way to show your subscriber base how you treat them with respect is to personalize your messages. Thus, you show that you do not treat your database as a list of wallets, but see them as individuals.

A simple call by name in the title is enough and it becomes more difficult not to open the mailing list.

True, there is a downside. You will have to manual mode edit base. After all, when subscribing, people often write all sorts of different things in the full name line ... Bubochka, Huligan777, Vano, Tatna, Yuiy Vasilyevich, etc. How to write a beautiful letter if it starts with the words: “Torpeda, hello!” It is better to edit such "names" so that personalization does not do more harm than good.

Use these simple tricks and get cool conversions! Remember that no one knows your customers better than you. It is you who best understand how to beautifully design an email for your clients. And the task of contractors is to provide you with different options to choose from.

How is a letter formatted?

We have become very rare to receive paper letters, and even more so written by hand. Increasingly, communication with friends is reduced to the use of social networks, and with the employer, various authorities, commissions - to electronic correspondence. But handwritten letters are not just a way to convey information. They bear the imprint of a person's personality and the smell of travel.


Even before the letter is read, its design will make a certain impression on the recipient. Naturally, everyone wants it to be positive. Therefore, it is necessary to learn a few rules on how to write a letter correctly.

  1. The letter should not have blots, try to keep the lines even.
  2. Take your time when writing, your underlining will be neater.
  3. Pay attention to the fields. Both narrow and overly wide give your letter an untidy look. By the way, formatting is also important for emails.
  4. Remove extra spaces, justify the text, divide the letter into logical paragraphs. So it will look completely different.

Structure of a formal letter

Any letter consists of four parts:

Structure of a friendly letter

With a friend, love or relative, everything is a little easier. There are no clear rules here, address a person the way you used to do it in everyday life. Such letters are drawn up in any form, that is, you choose where to write the appeal, date and signature.

Colorful letter design

There are many ways to make your writing beautiful.

All tips can also be applied to the design of printed text, if for some reason you do not want to write it by hand.

Now you know how to design a letter so that it looks neat, readable and aesthetically pleasing. If you can't meet a person or want to leave him a message, write letters. It takes more time than communication in in social networks, but also causes more emotions.

Along with the development of more and more Computer techologies, and progress does not stand still, so rarely anyone today writes letters by hand. The advantages of an e-mail are obvious - it will quickly reach the addressee and it does not need to be handed over personally, which can be inconvenient. How to write a beautiful letter to impress? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

Choice of design

It is best to write a beautiful letter to a girl with a "love style" design - emoticons, a pink shade of the letter. You can attach a cute e-card. For men, this does not produce the expected effect. Therefore, for a letter that will be written to a guy, it is better to choose a simple design. If you wish, you can write a letter on a suitable postcard, for this there are various services on the Internet. Here are some decorating tips:

  • Writing a letter in a historical style will add a sense of romance. Select interesting design font in the editor of the e-mail box or similarly design the letter in Word.
  • You can also write a few lines in a playful style, embellishing the lines with something fun, if you want to tease the man a little. Beautiful design of the letter will give it piquancy and individuality.

How to write a letter

  • A beautiful letter to your girlfriend or beloved man should be saturated with romance, so you need to tune in to the right wave in advance. Perhaps there is something in your heart that you cannot dare to say to your eyes, and it is easier to convey words of love through a letter. All people love to be admired. So think about what attracts you to this person and describe it, but don't flatter. If someone who reads the letter understands that you are exaggerating or inventing, then this may backfire. Compliments are best explained in such a way that there is no doubt about their authenticity and sincerity. It will depend on whether the person believes you or not.
  • At the very beginning of the letter, an appeal is written. Always address by name, using affectionate words. For example: "Dear Anastasia" or "My dear Sergey." First words are important because they form the first impression.
  • The ability to intrigue will come in handy. State some thoughts in such a way that they are ambiguous, while putting an ellipsis at the end of the sentence. How to make a beautiful letter also interesting? Just be intrigued.
  • Of course, the text of the letter should sound the cherished "I love you." In some cases, it would be good to write even a small passage in verse form, if you can come up with something yourself. Borrowing other people's works is not worth it, since men, and women too, do not always like it.
  • When writing a letter, one should not rush, so as not to write nonsense; before sending, one should think everything over well.

What not to write

Confessing to the chosen one in love, you should not hint too openly at reciprocity so that the person does not feel obligated. Also, do not write about your big plans for him or her, such as: marriage, starting a family, having children, etc. Because of this, a feeling of light romantic ease and craving for a lover may disappear. Let the letter be saturated with warmth and romance. You can also scare a girl with sudden proposals, because no one is going to get married in a hurry.

After completing the letter, you must carefully reread it and check for errors, as illiteracy can spoil the impression of your chosen one.
