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CEO and cfo position transcript. C-level or what is hidden under a combination of three letters. Terms of Reference of the CIO

Any leader must not only know English, but also be able to use it. Now less and less often in the signature to the letter you will meet "director" and more and more often an unfamiliar CEO appears there.

So that you don't have any problems understanding the titles in English, your friend MPORT decided to create a small guide. Add this page to your browser favorites so you don't get lost among the English job titles.

: CEO (Chief Executive Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: CEO


The highest official of the company who manages the entire process. The CEO is the lead top manager.

Position title in English:CFO (Chief Financial Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: CFO

The person who is fully responsible for financial activity enterprises. This is how the name Finance Director is common.

Job Title in English: CTO (Chief Technical/Technology Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: Technical Director


This manager is responsible for the technical and technological parts production process. In the area of ​​its activity, the choice and use of technologies, software and hardware.

Job Title in English: CIO (Chief Information Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: Information Technology Director

A person also associated with technology and information systems, however, his area of ​​​​responsibility extends more to the business, while the service station monitors the technical side.

Job Title in English: COO (Chief Operating Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: Executive Director

Top manager responsible for the day-to-day operations of the company. Routine position with good compensation.

Job Title in English: CCO (Chief Compliance Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: Director for conciliation and executive procedures

A senior manager who monitors the company's compliance with regulations, contracts and obligations to partners.

Job Title in English: CSO (Chief Security Officer)

Position analogue in Russian: Head of Security

Specialist in developing an overall strategy for ensuring security and reducing various risks. He also sometimes checks employees when hiring (he has connections in the SBU, the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

Hello, dear readers of To date, the SEO specialist is one of the key links in Internet marketing. He solves important tasks, so he must have certain knowledge and skills. Of course, for 1 time to study everything related to website promotion in search engines ah, impossible, but if you are determined to get this position, you will have to do it. Plus, you will need to develop certain qualities in yourself, which we will talk about later.

So who is a SEO specialist, why is he so in demand today, and how to start working in this position? Let's figure it out.

Briefly about the profession

First you need to understand what an SEO specialist is. This will help, at least approximately, to understand what he does, as well as what important functions he performs on the Internet.

An SEO specialist is a person who promotes websites and optimizes them for search engine queries. The word SEO is a slang equivalent of the term SEO optimizer. The concept of SEO is translated from English as "search engine optimization".

SEO optimization of a website is a very responsible job that requires a lot of effort and takes a lot of time. Therefore, if you are not confident in your capabilities, then in this case you will have to refuse this position. If you know for sure that your perseverance is enough to master the necessary skills, then it will be useful for you to find out what tasks you will have to solve as an SEO specialist.

Knowledge and required skills

Having dealt with who this SEO specialist is, it is necessary to study in detail the requirements put forward to what he should know. Without this, you will not be trusted with this position, even if you are excellent at operating with various platforms and systems necessary for website promotion.

So, what should a real SEO specialist be able to do?

  1. Proficiency in the basics of Internet marketing, as well as the ability to use its tools to promote websites in a quality manner. Read more about internet marketing here.
  2. Proficiency in web programming and understanding of CMS-systems of Internet resources.
  3. Know how to design website interfaces.
  4. Fill the resource with unique and useful content for visitors.
  5. Have knowledge in the field of SMM.
  6. To be a subtle psychologist who understands the needs of Internet users.

As you can see, the CEO position is a big responsibility, but it requires less knowledge and skills than, for example, or.

Pros and cons of the profession

The position of an SEO specialist in website promotion has its pros and cons. Among its strengths are:

  • great demand;
  • high wages;
  • the opportunity to develop and learn something new;
  • creative work and the opportunity to develop a creative streak.

The disadvantages of the profession of a specialist in promoting websites on the Internet include:

  • uniformity of work;
  • the need in most cases to perform all actions according to a given template;
  • great competition;
  • the need to constantly study analytical and statistical data in the SEO promotion market;
  • huge responsibility for the project;
  • full immersion in work;
  • the need to spend a large amount of time in a sitting position and in one place.

Among other things, distant work An SEO specialist requires constant overcoming of difficulties, strong endurance and strong willpower. If you, at least once, give up the slack, and do not bring the work you have begun to the end, then in the future you will no longer be able to tune in the right way.

Personal qualities of a SEO specialist and his workplace

So, who are SEO specialists is not difficult to figure out. However, the knowledge and skills of such an employee is only part of the information that needs to be known. In addition to it, you should be aware of those personal qualities that you will have to develop in yourself to get a position. So, SEO-optimizer should be:

  • purposeful;
  • assiduous;
  • self-organized;
  • responsible;
  • a psychologist who can find mutual language with CA.

In addition, the SEO specialist must be able to think logically and control the development of the resource led by him.

The job of an SEO specialist involves being online all the time. Fulfill your functions this specialist maybe:

  • in special offices involved in the development and promotion of Internet resources;
  • in companies where such a position is essential (IT companies, for example);
  • at home.

SEO specialist has certain responsibilities which he must fulfill to the fullest. Otherwise, there will be no effect from his work.

What does an SEO optimizer do?

Let's take a closer look at what an SEO specialist does. First of all, he should be engaged in the promotion of resources and their removal / retention in the first positions of the most popular search engines - Yandex and Google. Moreover, the duties of an SEO specialist include the implementation of all these tasks as much as possible. short time and with little financial outlay. However, this is not all. SEOs have other functions that they are required to perform. Here are the most basic ones:

  1. Finding an employer (if the SEO works as a freelancer).
  2. Conducting a comprehensive audit of the Internet resource.
  3. Planning affairs aimed at the promotion and promotion of the site.
  4. Careful analysis of sites of other owners, determination of their strengths and weaknesses. For this task will be indispensable, having everything necessary tools.
  5. Resource optimization - internal and external.
  6. Promotion of a resource through groups in in social networks.
  7. Increasing the traffic of the resource by increasing the level of reference mass.

But this is not all that an SEO specialist does, as he has other responsibilities, namely:

  1. Creating or ordering content to improve the attendance of the Internet portal.
  2. Development of a user-friendly interface.
  3. Carefully tracking changes in search engine algorithms and adjusting the site for them. Since search engine algorithms undergo changes every year, and not all site owners have time to optimize their resource for innovation, they often fail. This, in turn, leads to large financial losses on the part of the owners.
  4. Compiling and sending reports on the work done to the site owner.
  5. Monitoring compliance with site rules by users.
  6. Creation of technical specifications for copywriters and rewriters who create content for the site. Checking ready-made texts and placing them on the resource pages. These tasks can be delegated.

So, now you know what an SEO specialist does, what functions he performs, and what significance he has in the field of virtual business.

Where to learn the basics of the profession?

How to become an SEO specialist, and is it possible to do this without the appropriate education? It is possible, but it is much easier and better to pass. In addition to the necessary knowledge, you can also do a little practice to gain real experience and fully understand who an SEO specialist is, in what areas he works and what he strives for. This will elevate you in the future in the eyes of potential employers, and will also give you the opportunity to work not only as an Internet freelancer, but also as a full-time employee of a company that needs a qualified SEO specialist.

So where can I get necessary knowledge, and what directions should be mastered? Training is provided through:

  • taking short courses on the GeekBrains virtual portal;
  • master classes, which for a certain amount (or even for free) are provided by competent SEOs.

They provide all the necessary information regarding SEO copywriting, SEO optimization and SEO rewriting. You can get through them with:

  • special SEO portals;
  • forums;
  • watching video blogs or reading professional literature on SEO promotion created by experts in this field of Internet business;
  • professional online or face-to-face conferences.

You can also try to personally contact experienced SEO specialists, although their advice may cost you a certain amount of money. For this reason, many novice SEOs are self-taught. To understand the whole essence of the above, you should consider in more detail the question of how to become a SEO specialist, relying on your own strengths.

Is it possible to learn SEO on your own?

How to become an SEO specialist on your own, and is it even possible? This is within the power of every purposeful person who has a penchant for self-education. But it will be very difficult for you to master the necessary skills without outside help. Free will have to collect all the information literally bit by bit from different sources.

First, get familiar with the theory. Once you understand what you have to work with, you can go directly to practice. To do this, try yourself in the promotion of a few simple sites, or even landing pages. If you are afraid to take on an order, and train on it.

Remember that you won't be able to master the theory if you don't try to put it into practice. As soon as something starts to work out for you, you can safely put forward your candidacy for consideration. potential customers, providing his first projects as a portfolio.

Cooperation between foreign companies plays a crucial role in business development. When addressing a particular person in an organization, it is important to know the title of the positions in English.

Managers today are required not only to understand English at a high level, but also to be able to use it in various business communication situations. Deciphering the position of CEO, CBO, CAE, CAO and other similar abbreviations is necessary to contact the right representatives of the company. Consider leadership positions foreign companies and their correspondence to Russian realities.

Main positions in the company in English

CEO at English language sounds like a CEO. He is the main person in any organization, usually elected by the Board of Directors, especially in large companies. The activities of the CEO can be fully controlled by the board of directors headed by the chairman (Chairman of the Board) or be more independent.

The chief executive officer makes the most important corporate decisions in the company and manages the entire process, determines the business development strategy. This person reports to top managers of the company, heads of departments. In Russian companies, the highest official can be called the president, chairman of the board, or head.

Position in British companies CEO in English it sounds like Managing Director (MD). He performs the same range of duties as the CEO. The following are the top managers of the company:


The acronym refers to the chief financial officer in an organization. He is the top manager, is responsible for the movement of financial flows. This person also oversees planning and reporting.

The financial director is responsible for the business policy of the company, which ensures the stability of the organization, its financial well-being. In his work, he takes into account strategic goals, scheduled Gen. director or board of directors and is often a member of the Board of Directors.

In some Russian companies, a person who performs such duties holds the post of Deputy Director for Financial Affairs. He reports directly to the chairman of the board or the president.


The acronym CVO usually refers to a chief executive officer in a company. It monitors the day-to-day activities of the organization. This person oversees the day-to-day operations that need to be reported to the CEO. In the standard scheme of government, the person with such responsibilities is vice president.


The abbreviation COO refers to one of the top executives of a company, literally translated as "chief operating officer". This person controls the day-to-day activities of the organization. Similar position in Russian business- Executive Director.


The chief information officer is engaged in the introduction of new technologies in the production process, manages information resources. In Russian, a person with such responsibilities corresponds to the positions: IT director, deputy general director for IT.


The commercial director in English sounds like CMO. He also belongs to the category of top management, manages the marketing service in the company, determines the strategy for the development of the enterprise. Similar positions in Russian: marketing director.


CTO or Technical Director applies to leadership positions. He is responsible for the development of the enterprise, the development of new products. This person monitors the entire technological part of the production process. In Russian companies, such a position may be called " Chief Engineer».


The CSO is the head of the enterprise security department. In Russian companies, this position is also called "security director" or "head of security."


The person holding the position of CISO is responsible for the IT security of the company, reports to the head of the security service.


The CAO is responsible for accounting and reporting in the company. The individual reports directly to the CFO. For Russian companies similar position - chief accountant.

Difficulties in translating Russian positions into English

A leader translated into English can sound like Director, Manager, Head, Chief Officer. It depends on what exactly he does in the enterprise. For senior managers, the words Director, Head or Chief Officer are more suitable, for example, Finance Director - head of the finance department Director Design Engineering - head of the design department. For heads of departments at universities, the word Head is usually used, for example, Head of Criminal Law Department (head of the department of criminal law).

When translating middle and junior positions, the English word Manager is used. For example, the head of a department is a Task Manager in a foreign company.

Graduation of engineering workers

in engineering or construction companies There is a clear hierarchy of managers. In addition to senior managers (Executive Managers or top managers), who determine the strategy for the development of the business as a whole. The companies also have the position of Senior Manager. This person is responsible for planning and supervising the work of employees.

AT Russian organizations similar job responsibilities are held by senior specialists, chief managers. As a rule, a Senior Manager has 4 to 6 years of real work experience in a certain area. Such specialists work in the main departments of the company and report directly to the heads of departments. For example, a Senior account manager works in the marketing department of a company and has a group of employees involved in project preparation under his supervision. Senior Engineer (Chief Engineer), Senior System Architect (Lead Developer) work in other departments.

Middle Managers (Middle Managers) are subordinate to higher-level employees (Senior Managers). They guide the work of Junior employees, inspire them to better cope with their duties. They report on the performance indicators of the project teams to the leading specialists.

A number of companies employ managers who oversee a specific project or task. They are also called Team Leaders (team leaders). They report the performance of Team Members to middle managers. Their job responsibilities include developing work schedules, completing assigned tasks, ensuring necessary training employees.

Junior Managers work with client base are implementing various projects. They also supervise the work of employees, supervise projects and report the results to senior managers.

Knowing the hierarchy of engineering employees will help when compiling a resume.

Dictionary of official abbreviations

In English-speaking countries, it is customary to abbreviate job titles. This knowledge will help in working abroad. At the end of this article, consider the main abbreviations:


Job Title in English

Russian correspondence

chief financial officer

financial director

chief technical / technology officer

chief engineer of the company (technical director)

chief commercial officer

Commercial Director

chief compliance officer

Head of Corporate Regulation and Control Department

chief business development officer

Director of Business Development

chief business officer

business management director

chief information officer

IT director

chief product officer / chief procurement officer

supervisor production department/ Purchasing Director

chief marketing officer

marketing director

chief audit executive

senior auditor

chief administrative officer

director of administration

chief human resources officer

Leading HR Expert

chief security officer

Director of security

chief software architect

head of software development department

Often, publications indicate such reductions in positions as CEO, CFO, CIO and other CxOs.

Let's take a closer look at these positions. (CxO):

CEO (Chief Executive Officer) literally - chief executive officer - the highest official of the company (general director, chairman of the board, president, head). Defines overall strategy enterprises, makes decisions at the highest level, performs representative duties.

CFO (Chief Financial Officer)- financial director. Responsible for managing the financial flows of the business, for financial planning and reporting. Defines financial policy organization, develops and implements measures to ensure its financial stability based on the strategic goals and development prospects of the organization, determines the sources of funding. In the management scheme of the company, he holds the position of vice president of finance and is accountable to the president of the company or the general director. Often a member of the board of directors.

СVO (Chief Visionary Officer)- Executive Director. In a typical company management scheme, he holds the position of vice president and reports to the company president or general manager. Often a member of the board of directors.

COO (Chief Operating Officer)- Chief operating officer; one of the heads of the institution, responsible for day-to-day operations, for current activities. In Russian and business, this concept corresponds to the position of "executive director".

CBDO (Chief Business Development Officer)- Director of Business Development. This position has broad and comprehensive knowledge related to the activities of the organization, which it needs to create a vision aimed at identifying new markets, to manage the growth of the company and to form the requirements for the development of new products.

CIO (Chief Information Officer)- informatization manager (chief), director of information technology (employee of the corporation, executive of the highest rank, responsible for the acquisition and implementation of new technologies, management of information resources). most accurate this concept in Russian correspond to "IT Director", "Director of the Department information technologies”, “Deputy General Director for IT”.

CSO (Chief Security Officer)- head of the security department, (chief) security director of the organization.

CISO (Chief Information Security Officer)- Head of IT Security Department, (Chief) Director of IT Security. The CISO may report to either the CIO or the CSO.

CMO (Chief Marketing Officer)- marketing director / commercial director, head belonging to the category of top management, top management of the enterprise. Defines marketing strategy enterprise, makes decisions at the highest level, manages the work of the marketing service of the enterprise.

CAO (Chief Accounting Officer)- Chief Accountant. The head belonging to the category of top management, top management of the enterprise. Responsible for all aspects of accounting work.

CTO (Chief technical officer or Chief technology officer)- Technical Director - managerial position in Western companies, corresponds to the Russian "chief engineer". One of the leaders of the corporation, responsible for its development and development of new products; he is usually in charge of the entire technological part of production.

With the development of information technology, new professions began to appear, many of which are still not clear to everyone. Everyone knows what a teacher, translator, doctor, businessman does, while the professions of a motion designer, copywriter, marketer, SEO specialist raise many questions. It is even more difficult for those who are not aware of the modern names of the usual names of professions. This article provides information about the CEO. Deciphering the position of CEO will help you better understand the type of activity.

Who is a CEO?

Now the position of CEO is highly valued. Transcription in English will reveal the functional duties of a specialist in this field for those who do not speak foreign languages.

So, CEO - Chief Executive Officer - is translated into Russian as "Chief Executive Officer". The CEO is the head of the organization, the CEO.

Abbreviation use

Many are interested in what is the point of calling the boss with some incomprehensible abbreviation, also foreign, when there is a familiar Russian word.

It makes sense, because CEO is the international name for the CEO profession, and in practice it only applies to owners or managers of large forms of business. In other words, the head of the trading stall is not the CEO, but the head of the trading stall.

The abbreviation is used not only for the position of CEO. Deciphering the position of CEO in English gives an understanding that since there are other Officers, they are probably also called somehow in the international sense.


What are the main responsibilities of a CEO?

First of all, the CEO is not necessarily the direct owner of the business. He can be both the owner and the hired manager, but this does not reduce the degree of his responsibility (at least legally).

The CEO is fully responsible for everything that happens in the company. He is obliged to control the work of all its departments, competently delegate tasks, distribute responsibilities between employees, manage labor and material resources. And this is only a small part of his tasks.

Of course, such a list of duties is normal for a boss. large firm, however, listed on paper, they look much more serious, more complex and even intimidating.

Is the Chief Executive Officer seriously pulling so much work on his own?

Chief SEO Assistant

Of course it doesn't pull. That's why we are talking about competent delegation of certain tasks.

First of all, the general director is assisted by his first deputy. According to international terminology, his position is called Deputy CEO. The position, the decoding of which is more than simple: deputy in translation from English is “deputy”.

As a rule, the deputy clearly outlines his scope of work, therefore deviation from the given plan rarely occurs.

Who else is there?

As in a huge mechanism, every cog and every detail play a significant role, so in large corporations, the contribution of each employee of the company is important. In fact, any firm is the same mechanism. How well it is adjusted depends on many factors.

Most of the tasks are already distributed in advance due to the fact that there are departments and sub-departments in any big company, and the job description of the employees of each department is prepared in advance. These departments are the building blocks of the organization.

It is worth learning more about the assistant CEOs who lead the various departments.

Many people confuse CEO and CFO position. Deciphering again will help to understand the difference.

CFO - Chief Financial Officer (Chief Financial Officer). With this position, everything is clear: this is a person who is engaged in financial matters companies. He is on the staff; The CEO is his immediate supervisor.

CIO - Chief Information Officer (chief information director). He is in charge of automating company processes. Monitors the work of information technology within the organization. Do not confuse him with a programmer.

CTO - Chief Technology Officer (Chief Technology Officer). Engaged in the development of new technical products and solutions.

CMO - Chief Marketing Officer (Chief Marketing Officer). Its task is to carry out marketing research, developing a strategy for promoting the company's goods or services, as well as increasing the level of sales.

This is not the whole list of all managing departments. Some specialists may not be in the company, because they are not needed due to the specifics of the business or due to a limited budget.

And, of course, it is impossible to specify in job description absolutely all the duties of a particular specialist. Therefore, the delegation of the scope of work still remains on the shoulders of the CEO, but this does not imply the removal of responsibility: in the end, it is still necessary to control the execution of the task and make sure that it is done correctly.

It should be noted that all of the above positions are managerial. These people lead the relevant department, in which they also need to control the work process of employees in the state. As a rule, specialists do not interfere in the work of other departments and deal directly with their tasks. Discussions between employees, mainly heads of different departments, occur only when it is necessary to coordinate their actions to achieve a common goal, when it is impossible to do without discussion. This process is usually led by the CEO.


In general, CEO is a fairly simple and understandable position for a Russian-speaking person who knows who works in large corporations. It is only important to know the decoding of an incomprehensible abbreviation and translation English words into Russian.
