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What is a copywriter and rewriter. What is the difference between rewriting and copywriting? How to make a deep rewrite - examples, basic methods, life hacks

Hello, regular and new readers of my site about earnings! Surely, you already know that there are many different resources for part-time work online. Many of them require absolutely no knowledge or skills. However, there is a type of work for which you need to at least know the rules of the Russian language -. There are several varieties of such activities, and in this article I will tell you about the two most popular. You will learn the main differences between copywriting and rewriting, as well as understand how to create quality content. I will tell you which type of article writing is more beneficial for beginners and professionals. You can apply the knowledge gained in practice, and the information will be useful to expand your horizons.

The main differences between rewriting and copywriting

To understand what the key differences between these two concepts are, you first need to understand what each of these types means.

So, this is an easier way to write articles. If to speak in simple terms, then this is the usual rewriting of the text in your own words. At the same time, the meaning of information, its structure is completely preserved. The author's job here is to paraphrase the text, replacing the words with synonyms.

An important requirement when writing a rewrite is to create an absolutely unique article. In some cases, it is required to enter several keywords or phrases. The result is an original text with a new set of phrases, but at the same time it contains the same content as the original version of the article.

is a more complex type of content writing that requires the performer to be able to search necessary information in the network, analyze it and process it according to customer requirements.

When creating copywriting, more than three useful source articles are used, the author's experience and his ability to choose the most important, useful and interesting information from a variety of articles on a given topic are added. Thus, absolutely unique content is created with its own structure, unique content.

The task of a copywriter is to carefully select information, analyze it, and fully immerse yourself in the topic. This is the only way to create a high-quality text and satisfy all the wishes of the customer. When writing such a text, it may also be required to enter key queries. If their number is impressive and you need to comply with certain indicators of spamming, and other things, then this will already be called SEO copywriting.

These two concepts have one thing in common: the content created must be absolutely unique in technical terms. Some customers allow a level of uniqueness in the region of 80-90%, but this is more the exception than the rule.

A distinctive feature of copywriting from rewriting is also semantic uniqueness. If rewriting involves maintaining the same meaning as in the original article, then copywriting requires the creation of author's content with absolutely original semantic content and a unique structure.

What is easier and more profitable to write?

It is not entirely correct to say that writing a high-quality rewrite is easier than creating a text from scratch. In some cases, this task is even more difficult, since the author cannot use his own knowledge in any subject.

When writing a rewrite, the author is placed within a certain framework and can only paraphrase the information that is provided in the source article. A copywriter, on the other hand, can describe his own experience, share his knowledge, which in some cases is easier to put into practice.

It is worth saying that rewriting is an easier way to create content for beginners. It is with him that you should start your journey in this area, especially if you do not have enough knowledge in any area.

Today, rewriting, unlike copywriting, is paid a little lower. This is often due to the fact that customers themselves offer articles for rewriting and put forward minimum requirements. Writing copywriting often comes with additional requirements that take the artist much longer to complete.

Therefore, we can say that writing copywriting will be more profitable for professionals. Since they are already aware of various features creating high-quality text, understand the essence of SEO optimization and are able to find an approach to different customers. If you are new to this field, then it is more profitable for you to financial plan there will be rewriting.

However, in any case, you will need the ability to write texts without errors, correctly operate with terminology, write meaningful and readable sentences. If you have these skills, then this area may well become your main activity.

At the same time, the level of income will depend solely on the amount of time that you are willing to devote to work. The more you work, the more impressive income you can expect.

I hope that the article was useful for you, and you were able to understand what are the main differences between the two types of content creation. You can choose a more preferable type of work for yourself and start earning income right now! If you have any questions, write them in the comments. I wish you success!

My name is Diana. I'm new to freelancing - new to copywriting and rewriting articles. How to start writing copyright and how to start writing rewrite? I will try to explain some of the nuances of working as a freelancer, based on my little experience. Perhaps my shortcomings in working as a freelancer will help someone avoid mistakes. So, let's go directly to how to start writing copyright and how to start writing rewrite. What is the difference between copywriting and rewriting?

Getting started as a copywriter and rewriter

It's been a year since I've been freelancing. Many are interested in how much you can earn writing texts. I will answer: "You can earn decently." A decent salary of a copywriter or rewriter is a thousand and a half a day. If you have regular customers, you can earn much more, of course. And if the customers are a more or less large office, then you can safely leave your main job in real life. For example, I had a “record” of about 40 thousand a month - last spring, though I had to work from 10-11 am and 6 pm. Those. full-fledged full-time work, only via the Internet. Now, I think I can do more (because the price tag has almost doubled in a year), but summer is a lull - there are not particularly new orders on freelance sites (so that the price suits me), and I don’t want to work for a penny.

Programming and website development is another story. As well as professional photography and design. There you can make unrealistic (and especially for a provincial city) money, but at the same time you need to have a cool portfolio and be able to present yourself “tasty”.

Rewrite or copywrite?

To begin with, I recommend to decide what is more interesting for you - rewriting or copyright. Yes, yes, it’s more interesting, because if you are going to do it only for the purpose of getting money, you won’t work with customers, you won’t get moral satisfaction from work. And this work is still the same! Copyright is writing unique content from 0, for example, as I am writing this article now. It should have its own structure, author's thought, logical presentation, etc. Rewriting is a “retelling” of existing articles in your own words. Very often, rewriting is compared with a school presentation, and copyright is compared with an essay. Just don’t think that there are “collected essays for grades 5-11” in copyright, as it was at school. Despite the fact that copyright is valued higher, for beginners, I would advise beginners to start with rewriting. It is simpler, and more suitable for “hand stuffing”.

How to start writing copyright, how to write rewrite?

The field of activity is chosen, the question arises, what to do next? The first thing to do is build a portfolio. Let it consist of 2,3,5 works - this will already favorably distinguish you among beginners who do not have it (and most of them are). I was building a portfolio while helping a friend. Just like that, on a non-commercial basis. True, the person shared and shares his experience with me, so I think my debt to him is much greater. You can simply take any article for 1.5-2 thousand characters and write a rewrite. This will take about an evening out of habit. In the future, you will learn how to work with large amounts of text. At the same time, see if you like to write rewrite, copyright. I do not advise cheating or cheating. The portfolio is your “face”, I don’t think that if it looks like after a good drink, one of the customers will be interested in you. Theft of ready-made foreign articles very easily breaks through the Internet. Therefore, work on portfolio articles to the maximum, and then they will work for you..

I have a portfolio, it's time to register account. There are a lot of freelance sites. I do not recommend to you. Despite the fact that most of the serious customers live there, it is incredibly difficult for a newcomer to join the team. And, in order to be noticed, you need to spend money by buying a PRO account. Do you need it? I think no. For myself, I chose the site There are much fewer “tasty” orders there, but they don’t shine for a beginner anyway.

I recommend to start a separate E-mail, Skype, ICQ for freelancing. Moreover, the login and avatar are very desirable to be the same everywhere - in the profile on any freelance sites, in messengers, wherever you could meet a new client.

From the "little things" - indicate that you are a beginner, be positive and polite, cheerful, and the first customer will not keep you waiting. You can complete multiple jobs per review. If at least 2-3 reviews are added to your portfolio of 5 works, that you are a very responsible performer who does quality work, believe me, this will add much to your competitiveness. Sometimes you can ask people you already work with to leave a review on your profile. If there is a warm relationship with the customer and he has an account on the resource, he will most likely not refuse. You can also add your contacts to your profile. That's how my first client found me. To be honest, I was dumbfounded that a newcomer who registered just a day ago was noticed and offered to cooperate with him. Let not for a lot of money, but remember what I said - the main thing is that writing articles is a pleasure.

The portfolio is full, there are reviews, what to do next?

Work if there are orders. If not, don't be afraid to offer yourself. On the home page freelance sites have a huge stream of orders. Look for those in which payment is offered upon completion of the work. More than once a week or a month (take care of your nerves, suddenly you will spend a month on a "scammer"), namely, according to the scheme "issued an order - made and sent - received money." Moreover, the volume of orders from new customers should not exceed 1-2 articles. Paid? Great, I'm looking forward to working on it. This best option. The customer does not risk anything, but you risk one article. Agree, it's not as insulting as writing 20 thousand characters and realizing that you've been scammed. I propose to look for the cost at 17-20 rubles / 1000 characters. You can unsubscribe in more expensive orders, but until you have experience, take them ... I would be scared.

Be sure to check your work before sending it through Advego Plagiatus (in the settings, set the shingle to 4, the phrase size to 5), if the uniqueness of the article is less than 90%, edit it. Don't ruin your reputation! Speaking of reputation… Always submit articles on time! Everyone will understand perfectly well that your excuse “the Internet went down” is just an excuse. You will lose both respect and a good attitude. It is better to refuse the order if you are not sure that you will have time to complete it.

I think I explained a little what copyright is and what rewriting is, how to start writing copyright and how to start writing rewriting. And I hope you have decided what is closer to you: rewriting or copyright.

At the age of 15 I got acquainted with rewriting. This discovery influenced my life: I plunged headlong into the world of texts and making money on the Internet, and even at the age of 21 I continue to do this. This is both a hobby and a good way to make money!

I have prepared an extensive article for you, from which you will learn:

  • What is rewriting, rewriting;
  • What types of rewriting exist;
  • How to become a rewriter from scratch;
  • How much can you earn on rewriting;
  • What ways of earning will open for you if you become a rewriter.

I will also give examples of work, introduce you to various rewriting techniques and arrange a “tour” to the content exchange, where you can find a job after reading the article!

Rewriting(from English rewrite, which means “rewrite” in translation) is the study and analysis of information from one or more sources with the aim of further processing and creating a text on a given topic. Roughly speaking, you need to rewrite the news, article or any other text in your own words. Reminds me of the presentation we encountered in school.

Respectively, rewriter- a person who is able to perform rewriting. He is required to read the material, "catch" the main idea and convey it in a new text.

Unlike a school presentation, rewriting has its own techniques, rules, laws, the failure to comply with which is punishable by refusal to cooperate, and, accordingly, the loss of money.

There are various orders for rewriting, among which are popular:

  • Rewriting of the 1st source;
  • Rewriting of several sources (from 2 or more);
  • Rewriting of the source provided by the customer;
  • Independent search for the source.

Who pays for the rewriter's work?

The main customers of rewriting are the owners of various sites and online stores. How more articles will be on the site, the more people will visit it and, accordingly, will bring more to the site owner.

When a webmaster (site owner) orders an article for his site, the application usually indicates what type of text he needs. Usually choose:

What is the difference?

Copywriting- this is when the customer needs a unique author's experience transferred to the text. For example, I recently wrote an article about . This article outlines my personal experience: how did I get to this service, what reviews did I write, how much did I earn, what difficulties did I encounter, etc.

If the customer needed a rewrite on the topic of the Otzovik service, then this article could be written by any person, even one who has never worked on this service. He would simply open the existing reviews on the Internet and rewrite them in his own words, explaining in a new article what kind of service it is and how you can make money on it.

Translation- this is when the performer must make a translation from foreign language articles on a specific topic. It can be a translation of a specific article, or several articles compiled into one.

SEO copywriting- it's like regular copywriting, only in addition to the article you need to organically enter the given keywords and phrases.

Rewriting in the above list is the cheapest service as it can be done by a large number of people. And where it is very high, prices tend to zero. In the struggle for a client, performers are ready to reduce the cost of their services to a minimum.

It remains to find articles about millionaires on the Internet and rewrite them in other words so that a new unique article on a given topic is obtained. This is the rewriting for which you will be paid money.

The rewriting of the source material is performed in order to obtain the same text in meaning, but with 100% uniqueness.

Note: the uniqueness of the text is an indicator that determines whether there is the same text on the Internet. 100% uniqueness means that the text is not available anywhere and is written by the author himself. 50% uniqueness - there are copied inserts from other sources in the work. 0% uniqueness - the material is completely taken from another resource.

If a person publishes non-unique, copied from somewhere material on his blog or website, search system will block this resource in the issuance list. Therefore, webmasters, when ordering articles for their site, often indicate a uniqueness threshold of at least 90%.

It is difficult to rewrite with 100% uniqueness, especially for some highly competitive requests for which thousands of almost identical articles have already been written.

Sometimes, rewriting is performed for another purpose - to simplify the source material. Sometimes it turns out to be unreadable / difficult to understand, and it needs to be rewritten in order to simplify.

For example, if you take some textbook on economics, then after reading the first two or three paragraphs, you will most likely begin to feel sleepy, since the text is presented there in an official, dry, tedious language.

Our site also has a lot of economic information about finance, banks, loans, earnings on the Internet. We try to present it as intelligibly and interestingly as possible. We explain all the same things as in economics textbooks, but in simple and accessible language.

And it's not even that our site is visited by students of economic faculties. Economic terms and tools today, any person must skillfully operate in order to profitably use, cashback, etc. Therefore, among all the articles there is both copywriting and rewriting. But we do not use translations and seo-copywriting.


This article is copywriting because it reflects the experience real person, Basova Anastasia, who refinanced her mortgage in Sberbank and described her experience. And here is an example of rewriting:

To become a rewriter, you do not need to take special courses, get an education, it is enough to be literate and remember school rules in the Russian language. Meanwhile, rewriting is not such a simple thing, and I analyze all the main aspects, mistakes and subtleties below. They will help you quickly master the profession and avoid difficulties!

Differences between simple rewriting and deep rewriting

There are two types of rewriting:

  • Simple (surface). The structure of the original text is preserved (paragraphs, sentence order), you only change the sentences so that the uniqueness tends to 90-100%;
  • Deep. The main idea of ​​the original is retained, but the structure, narrative style, and other details are completely different.

For me, a simple rewrite takes a lot of time - you need to read each sentence and think about how to change it in the proper way. It's tedious and boring. Besides, payment for simple rewriting is from 5 to 15 rubles / 1000 characters, and this is very little.

Note: payment in rewriting is measured in characters without spaces. Usually there is a fixed price for 1000 characters without spaces (zbp). I check this indicator in Microsoft Word(you need to click on the "Number of words" in the lower left corner) or in the online editor Google Docs ("Tools" - "Statistics").

Another thing is deep rewriting, which "gives freedom to the author." After reading the text once and finding important facts, you can write as you wish, the main thing is to keep the thought. E it’s more interesting, and the payment is higher and starts from 20 rubles / 1000 characters.

Basic requirements for a rewriter

The rewriter must be:

  • Literate - write the text without errors. If you have trouble with literacy, then you can use special services that will check your text and tell you what needs to be corrected, for example Spelling;
  • Punctual - to hand over the work on time;
  • Responsible - to fulfill the order, if taken on it, and not to merge in the process of execution;
  • Attentive - be able to highlight important facts from the text.

And the text of the rewriter must meet the following requirements:

  • The absence of conjectures of the author;
  • Lack of personal opinion and comments of the rewriter, and other unnecessary information (water) that is not in the original source;
  • No factual errors.

This will help you make the right rewriting, for which customers will gladly pay money and offer long-term cooperation.

A source:

Correct rewrite: “August 23 was the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk. All Russia remembers this date. Hundreds of residents of Yakutsk visited Victory Square to honor the memory of the fallen soldiers.

Wrong rewrite:“The Battle of Kursk ended on August 23, 1943, the troops of the USSR and Germany took part in it. Today, 75 years after this date, Russia remembers the fallen soldiers. The Russians gathered in the squares of their city.

The first sentence on the topic, but this is water: there are no details about the Battle of Kursk in the original source. The fact is distorted - the author misunderstood the news and thought that all Russians gathered in the squares of their cities to honor the memory, although the source is dedicated to the news of Yakutsk.

How to make a simple (superficial) rewrite - examples, basic methods, life hacks

As I already mentioned, shallow rewriting is rewriting every sentence in the text. Let's look at the main methods by which this can be done.

1 Replacing verbs with nouns

At school, the teacher told us about verbal nouns - nouns formed directly from verbs. For example, run (from the word run), eating (from eat). By replacing verbs in a sentence, you can easily recreate a new unique text.

Original:“Vasya ran all morning, and then he came home and immediately began to clean up at the request of his mother.”

Rewrite:"Having made a morning jog, Vasily went home to start cleaning at the request of his mother."

2 Use of synonymizers and synonyms

Synonyms are words that are close in meaning but different in spelling. For example, beautiful-cute, excellent-great. Services on the Internet are synonymizers, which automatically pick up dozens of synonyms. Examples are:

Everything is clear with the dictionary - enter a word, you get a dozen synonyms:

Let's try to transform the sentence using synonyms:

Original:"Sergey's fatigue is visible in all his movements - he became slow, clumsy.".

Rewrite:"Sergey's fatigue is noticeable in all his actions - the guy has become slow, clumsy."

Synonymizers work differently - they are able to transform your sentence:

It turned out not perfect and not bad - only a couple of words confuse. Replacing them manually, we get a readable sentence. In synonymizers, you can drive the entire text as a whole! But be sure to proofread it for mistakes and nonsense.

A warning: some customers prohibit the use of synonymizers. Obviously, this is "cheating". Use synonymizers when your imagination has completely dried up and any ideas for replacements do not come to mind.

3 Working with sentences - splitting, combining

At school, I was taught to use participles and gerunds to turn two simple sentences into one beautiful one. You can do the reverse process - turn complex sentences into simple ones. This is another working technique in rewriting, which I often use myself.

Original:“Having finished digging a hole, Petya went to his grandmother’s house, looking forward to a delicious dinner.”

Rewrite:“Petya has finished digging the hole. After that, he went to his grandmother's house, where a delicious dinner awaited him.

4 Converting direct speech

Surely you have a question: “What to do with direct speech, quotes, statements?”. And if not, then sooner or later you would have faced this problem. Yes, direct speech, statements, quotes cannot be changed explicitly, because these are well-established phrases of people.

But you can convey the meaning of what was said in indirect speech.

Original:“- Raskolnikov, a student, was with you a month ago,” the young man hastened to mutter from half-bows, remembering that he had to be more kind.

Rewrite:“The young man, after giving a half-bow as a sign of politeness, said that the student Raskolnikov had been with her a month ago.”

Note: use the information from the previous sentences to transform direct speech. In the example we are talking about the old woman, but the original does not say this.

Original:"After enjoying the rising sun, Eugene began to get ready for a boring job."

Rewrite:“Having enjoyed the first rays of the sun, Eugene, unwillingly, began to collect for work.”

6 Replacing digits with numerals

A simple method that will not work for all offers. If there are numbers in the text, they can be replaced with numerals.

Original:“Nikolay visited 3 parks and 2 shopping centers.».

Rewrite:"Nikolay visited three parks and two shopping centers today."

It will not be possible to greatly increase uniqueness in this way, so I recommend using other methods. I would make such a rewrite: "Today, Nikolai managed to visit two shopping centers and three parks."

7 Word order changes

Another simple trick that I often use in practice. Suitable where there are enumerations. I have already used the technique in the Nikolai example above, swapping "two malls" and "three parks". The meaning has not changed.

Pay attention to what the offer says. If this is a simple enumeration of facts, the technique is suitable, but if the sequence of actions, for example, in the sentence “Petya first washed and brushed his teeth, and then went to get dressed”, you cannot force the hero to get dressed first and then do the washing, because this violates the chronology of events.

8 Passive voice

Let's say that in a sentence a person performs an action. Using the passive voice allows you to remake it so that the person/object will not perform an action, but will experience someone else's action from the outside (become an object).

The explanation is difficult to understand, but the example is much simpler:

Original:"He often asks about homework"

Rewrite:“He is often asked about his homework”

If you google the passive voice, you will see a bunch of links to lessons in English. But it also has a place in rewriting and is often used by authors. I, too, sometimes turn to this technique.

These were the basic techniques that are used when creating a simple rewriting. There are also a couple of chips that will help you in your work:

  • Usually, services for checking for uniqueness do not highlight words, but phrases of 3-4 words. If you replace the third or fourth word in a sentence, the service will think it's unique text.
  • If the paragraphs are not related in meaning, try rearranging them. This method is guaranteed to increase uniqueness.

How to make a deep rewrite - examples, basic methods, life hacks

Deep rewriting requires more time, it is technically more difficult, but the pay is higher. Don't be scared - I'm sure it's not difficult.

So, to make a deep rewrite, you will need to create a new unique text, the structure of which is different from the original, but the idea remains the same. Sometimes you will have to look for other sources if the original lacks information.

Deep rewriting is done by a combination of the above methods. The following techniques are also common:

1 Permutation of sentences, paragraphs, semantic parts. That is, we change the narrative of the text from the general to the particular, or from the particular to the general, while maintaining the meaning;

2 Change the text style. From school lessons, I remember that there are the following book styles: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic. By changing the style, you will not only achieve high uniqueness, but also improve the text.

Let's try to rewrite business text and change its style to journalistic (for example, we will present it as news for the media) (company names are fictitious):

Rewrite:“The TextZa5Minut company can go to court because of the failure to fulfill the obligations of the KrutyeOkna company, with which they had an agreement for the manufacture and installation plastic windows for the amount of 593,000 rubles. The contractor failed to meet the deadline, which was set for September 1.

Employees of "TextZa5Minut" reported that only a third of the work was completed, despite full payment. They require the work to be completed in the shortest time(maximum - until November 1). Otherwise must be returned cash for work not done…. etc.

3 Clarification of information, adding examples. Sometimes there are innuendos in the source, which are a "loophole" for rewriters. In addition, uninformative text causes distrust of readers. We can rewrite such a text, improve its quality and, compared to the original competitor, be in a winning situation.

Note: you should not spread your thoughts along the tree and pour water, customers may not approve of this!

Let's look at an example. It's not bad, but you can dig on the Internet and find Additional information, which will make the text even more interesting.

Rewrite:“Scientists received data from the Indian probe Chandrayaan-1 and came to the conclusion that there is ice on the lunar surface. True, it is located in cold and dark areas. The discovery became known from a statement that was published on the NASA website ... "and so on.

How to make a quality rewrite

Above, we looked at three cool methods that will allow you to do deep rewriting. Now I want to show step by step how to make a high-quality rewrite based on the material that I talked about in the previous paragraphs. Let's take news as an example:


Step 1. From each paragraph, you need to “pull out” the main facts that cannot be omitted and distorted. On their basis will be built new text. Facts can be memorized or written in a notebook.

header– Former President, South Korea, new term.

1 paragraph– Seoul High Court, 1 year extension, fine. In 1 paragraph, the “result” is visible, in the rest its details are revealed.

2 paragraph– First sentence in April, 24 years, 18 billion won, intentions of the prosecutor's office, result.

3 paragraph- Details of the conflict, money fraud, Samsung, the president's girlfriend.

Step 2 We use any tricks, combine them and write the text. It is not necessary to get 3 paragraphs - you can shorten it. I got this option:

“South Korea is not ready to release the ex-president from prison

On August 24, a trial was held in the South Korean capital, during which the judge amended the sentence of the former president. Park Geun Hye is now imprisoned for another 1 year and will also have to pay an increased $17.8 million (20 billion won) fine.

In April 2018, Park Geun-hye was caught in a corruption scandal involving Choi Sung-sil, her friend. Together, the women helped large South Korean companies in exchange for cash rewards. For what he did, the former president must serve 24 years in prison and also pay a fine of 18 billion won. So the court decided in April 2018, but as a result of the second meeting, the punishment became tougher.”

I changed the structure, combined the paragraphs. It turned out not perfect, the text needs to be improved, but I hope I conveyed the general essence. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this - try to rewrite the news yourself and share what you got :).

Okay, we figured out the theory. Now you need to apply the knowledge gained in practice, that is, to find real job for rewriting, for which we will be given money. The first place I would advise beginners to go is content exchanges.

Content exchanges

Content exchanges- sites where customers and performers gather. The former place orders for writing texts, and the authors submit applications for their implementation.

List of such sites:

Registration is simple - specify the login, password, email. On some resources, such as Copylancer, you will need to run test(like an exam) to become a performer. If you have no experience - register on Etxt or Advego, these exchanges are friendly to beginners.

And here are examples of tasks that you will meet on these sites:

Exchange Etxt(Click to enlarge image)

Advego Exchange (Click to enlarge image)

How to complete such a task from start to finish, I will tell below! In the meantime, consider the following option for searching for orders.

Freelance exchanges

If a content exchange is a highly specialized place where you can find orders only related to text, then freelance exchanges are a highly specialized place where you can find remote work for the most different types(video, programming, design, etc.).

Freelance exchanges also have tasks related to texts. There are fewer of them than on content exchanges.

Note: freelance - telework a freelancer is a freelance worker.

List of freelance exchanges:

Order example:

There are significant downsides to these sites.- difficult for beginners to break through. Usually, customers publish the work and expect applications from the performers (that is, they arrange a tender), and then they compare them and select the best ones. Portfolio, rating and application content play a key role.

But it's worth talking about virtues:

Websites with vacancies

These are classic job search sites.

Site examples:

Jobs related to rewriting directly can not be found here. If you score in the search "Rewriting", we will see a sad picture:

In fact, don't pay too much attention to it. The fact is that the concept of "Rewriter" is practically not used when it comes to finding a specialized specialist. "Copywriter" is a general term that is used in RuNet to call all people working with texts. Therefore, even if you are only engaged in rewriting, you will still be called a copywriter or author of texts.

Rewriter tools

Before work, I want to introduce you to the main rewriter tools that I use myself every day.

Text uniqueness

The first and most important. As I wrote above, the uniqueness of the text is an indicator that determines whether there is the same text on the Internet. This can be done for free with the following online services:

If we have been selected or not selected, a corresponding message will come. Did the client choose you? Then the work will go into the status "In progress", and we can safely proceed to rewriting. Don't miss the deadline!

It took me about 20-30 minutes to write the text, the first check of uniqueness showed: etxt 94%, 100%. Having subtracted the text again, I open the exchange website and go to take the order. To do this, I look for it (I poke on the status "In progress" in the previous image) and upload the file:

Ready! Now the work has moved to the status “In Review”, and we can take on other orders or take a break.

Three outcomes are possible:

  • The customer will not like the work at all and he will refuse it, and your rating will be removed (if you did the work in good faith, then this should not be);
  • The customer was satisfied with the work, but improvements / corrections are required. In this case, he will return it to you and write the appropriate comments;
  • The customer is satisfied, accepts the work, the money goes to our account.

My work has never been rejected, even in the early stages! And I started working as a schoolboy.

How much does a rewriter earn?

At the first stages, get ready for low prices - from 5 to 30 rubles / symbols. Beginners will have to work for such a price in order to complete the portfolio and increase the rating. Over time, you will begin to grow - 20, 30, 40 rubles per 1000 characters! This will be a good income. I have not yet seen prices higher, but some customers offer 70 rubles for 1000.

Let's estimate how much a novice rewriter will receive. We take a bet of 15 rubles. I think an acceptable volume for beginners is 10,000 characters per day. We get 150 rubles a day. How much you can handle depends on the speed of printing, motivation. For example, I will write such a volume in an hour and a half, without being distracted.

You can write more, for example 15000-20000 characters, but this is the limit. Further, the rewriter will work for wear and tear and will probably “burn out”.

That is, it is quite possible for a beginner to earn 300 rubles per day.And with the growth of rates, your profit will increase to 500-1000 rubles per day. Not bad numbers for a part-time job, huh? At the same time, you do not need to spend time on transport, a suit, lunches in a cafe - working at home does not include daily expenses.

Pros and cons of earning on rewriting. Other types of work for a rewriter


I also recommend reading our other hashtag articles to improve your writing skills. There we give advice on how to prepare the structure of the article, how best to start the article to captivate the reader, how to provide “meat” to the material, how to clean up debris and water. And after you pump and fill your hand, you can try.


Rewriting provides an excellent opportunity for beginners to make money on the Internet and build a virtual career. I also started with rewriting, but even after a few years I did not give up this occupation and I am rewriting news for a gaming site. I am sure you will succeed and you will discover many new things!

I hope this article will help you get comfortable in rewriting and provide good start in this case. Like, comment and share with your friends!

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about the author

I love playing games and now this is one of my sources of income. I devote my free time to earning money on the Internet, copywriting. My goal is to achieve success in the field of virtual business.

A person who is far from writing does not see the difference between rewriting and copywriting. Both words come from English word"write" to write, but rewriters and copywriters write differently. Do you want to understand? Then the article is for you.

What is rewriting

Rewriting is rewriting someone else's textin your own words with meaning. Remember how we used to write text summaries in school. Rewriting is the presentation. Feel free to use rewriting in informational texts, where there is no place for emotions, but facts, figures and statistics are important. Rewriting is not suitable for reputational, selling, motivating and viral texts. Such texts are written for specific people and with a clear goal. Read more about this in the section “What is copywriting”.

In order for the rewriting of the text not to be perceived as plagiarism, follow the rules:

1. Rephrase the sentences, and do not change the words in places.

2. Thin out the text colorful illustrations, quotes, facts and add a pinch of your opinion.

3. Check the text for uniquenesswith the help of services And Uniqueness must be 100%.

Here is an example of strong and weak rewriting

Rewriting is good to start writing, but text like a dress from a chain store. It is for everyone, there is no individuality in it. They pay a little for rewriting. Do you want to grow in the profession and write copyright texts with a unique style and handwriting, then learn copywriting.

What is copywriting

Copywriting — writing and placement of informational, advertising, presentation and other texts. If rewriting is like writing, then copywriting is like writing.

Copywriting is like a suit from a designer, tailored to your individual wishes and features of your figure. In this costume you feel unique.

Copywriting is a text that is written for a specific category of people. After reading, there is no feeling of understatement. Textreveals needs, the desires of the reader and closes objections. Quality copywriting is impossible withoutmarketing research target audience and deep understanding of the topic.

For copywriting to succeed, study your reader:

1. Age

2. Gender

3. Marital status

4. Wealth

5. Social status

6. What does he work for?

7. Where is resting

8. What loves

9. What worries him

10. What does he dream about

Don't know where to look for information? Find the right person, or rather a group of people, talk to them, find out their pains. Read more about this in the article.

For text to respond toreader questions, you need to fully open the topic. To do this, you will have to process a large amount of information from books and articles. Choose a topic that you are well versed in so that the reader does not feel deceived.

Copywriting is the creation of a unique text, completely ready for publication. Sometimes the duties of a copywriter also include layout and selection of illustrations.

Why do you need copywriting?

Articles, posts, advertising slogans constantly flash before my eyes. But only a few of them we are ready to read to the end and think about the content. What is the secret of viral texts that are read by thousands of people?

If we discard romance, lyrics and other tinsel, then viral texts, as a rule, are extremely sincere and the reader sees themselves in them - their problems, joys and dreams. In addition, they have specific goals:, customer acquisition, selling an idea, product or service.

Do you want to attract clients? Then write about the client. Your text should solve the problems of the reader. Write not about the product, but about the benefits of the product. Want to build a reputation as an expert? Give the reader step by step instructions, guidelines. A person is ready to buy when he trusts!

Example. Free guides, checklists, workshops available at #FreePublicitySchool

Use the three principles of Dmitry Kot, bestselling author of Copywriting: How Not to Eat the Dog. We create texts that sell ":

1. Respect

“Write what you would not be ashamed to show to your loved ones. What you would like them to read. Your customers who will read your texts are exactly the same as you. They are far from being stupid. They, like you, are bombarded with tons of annoying, standard, flashy ads every day. They, like you, crack through many tricks on the fly. Just treat your customers with respect and they'll pay you back in cash."

2. Honesty

“To endow the product with mythical properties is the last thing. Yes, this is not required. Just look at your proposal from the right angle, and you will find a lot of compelling facts. They just have to be presented beautifully.”

3. Work for sales

“Evaluate the text in terms of its effectiveness for sales. Does this sentence or this paragraph help the reader make a purchase decision? Yes or no? If not, then you know what to do about it.


So what is the difference between copywriting and rewriting? For a better understanding, we have prepared a comparison table:

Rewriting is the first step towards strong, truly unique texts. And copywriting is a profession that needs to be learned, not an easy way to earn money.

Write interestingstrong lyrics, use material from other articles and books. Quote experts, and do not rewrite other people's thoughts, passing them off as your own. The main thing is that the text is for the reader and inspires confidence in the author.

Do you think that only certified journalists publish in the media? This is not true. Learn how to write compelling texts and learn how to publish an article in a popular publication at the webinar "How to write a strong article and publish it in the media without a budget" by Ekaterina Inozemtseva.

If you decide to become an online writer, you are probably familiar with the words "rewriting" and "copywriting". For some reason, many put an equal sign between these two concepts, although they are fundamentally different. To put it simply, rewriting is rewriting other people's articles in your own words, and copywriting is creating unique content according to the laws of marketing.

Both areas have the right to life. Someone likes the routine, and someone strives for self-expression. But pay attention to the fact that all eminent authors, including the best authors on popular copywriting exchanges, unanimously oppose rewriting and do not advise beginners to engage in it even at first. Let's figure out why.

Copyright vs. Rewrite

Metaphorically, a rewriter can be compared to a cashier at Pyaterochka. A supermarket worker does the same type of work all day long, receives a small salary and has not hoped for a promotion for a long time. Copywriting is a creative activity comparable to directing, professional photography or creating branded clothing. It has its own rules, but there is also space for self-expression.

Differences between copywriting and rewriting

If you put the average copywriter and rewriter side by side, you will notice a huge difference not only in skills and income, but also in personal well-being. Not surprising. The first has an exciting job, and the second has a boring one. People engaged in monotonous work gradually lose their taste for life. Especially if this work takes 10-12 hours a day and a person has nothing left but plowing, which, moreover, is also poorly paid.

This is not a sweeping criticism of rewriting, but the bitter experience of many freelancers. Based on it, we formulated five arguments in favor of copywriting. So, why do you need to switch directly to author's texts, bypassing fakes:

1. Copywriting teaches you to draw your own conclusions.

The rewriter works according to the following algorithm: he takes several articles from the first page of Google, composes ready-made paragraphs, rewrites sentences and replaces words with synonyms. A copywriter, of course, does not reinvent the wheel: he also has to shovel through dozens of articles and books before taking up the keyboard. The difference is that it passes information through itself and can express your opinion on the topic. This approach is much closer to creative activity and creation.

2. Copywriting increases erudition.

Meaningful study of materials is not in vain. Over time, you will notice that you have become quite good at understanding the areas you work with. You write legal articles for several months - you begin to navigate the laws. When you create content about cosmetics, you already know which shampoo is suitable for oily hair and which one is suitable for brittle hair. Rewriters, as a rule, focus on volume, and they have no time to delve deeply into the topic.

3. Being engaged in copywriting, you get a real profession.

Grow in copywriting from humble writer to network text expert. If you read specialized literature, apply the advice from it in practice, devote several hours a day to work, communicate with colleagues and maintain a good reputation, success will not be long in coming. There have been cases when simple copywriters, after a few years, went international, became the faces of digital agencies or editors of popular magazines.

Rewriter will never go offline. He has a ceiling above which you can not jump. Alas, a person copying other people's texts will not be taken seriously. He will not be offered expensive orders and will not be entrusted with complex tasks.

4. Copywriting motivates to develop.

They say that the key to success is to become better every day than you were yesterday. In big copywriting, you won't stagnate. Reading fiction and professional literature, mastering new genres of writing, regular rate increases - this is a small part of what awaits you. The rewriter has nowhere to move. He does not need specific skills. He can only develop the speed of printing and increase his working day by a couple of hours.

5. Through copywriting, you can know yourself.

Working on your own schedule in a comfortable environment and getting decent money for it is the dream of any worker. A diligent copywriter will come to this sooner or later. At first it will be hard to fill your hand, but then, when your monthly income exceeds the average, you will understand what you want from the profession. You will have your favorite topics, you will determine a convenient writing pace for yourself, you will be able to charge based on the time spent on the text, and not on the number of characters. Financial stability allows you to sort out clients: you will forever say goodbye to boors, greedy people and tyrants. The rewriter does not have this luxury. He is well aware that his skills are not unique, so he has to adjust his whole life to work. He will never be treated like a pro. He is an easily replaceable contractor. And this knowledge, whatever one may say, puts pressure on the psyche.


Which way to go is up to you. We cannot control your life. But we really do not want you to waste your time and energy on something that in the end will not bring either profit or pleasure. Do not engage in obviously losing activities. Since you have come to the Internet, use its capabilities to the maximum.
