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How can you find out the weight of a bull. How to determine the approximate weight of cattle. Determination of the mass of livestock without scales

In a personal farmstead, does anyone have scales for weighing livestock, and sometimes it is necessary to determine the weight. Determine the weight of cows of any age if they are sold or they go to slaughter. And often cows and bulls are rented and sold in live weight right at home and the price is set for live weight. The receivers, of course, do not have such large scales, while how to determine the weight of a cow, bull or. It turns out that there are special ways for this case. And so that the buyer does not deceive you, you do not have to lose, you need to take only two measurements of the cow and find the weight value in the table. Then throw off 3% for the contents in the gastrointestinal tract, and if, then another 10% and you can find out almost the exact live weight of the cow. The meat productivity of livestock is determined by live weight, slaughter weight and meat yield. The slaughter weight of the carcass is calculated as a percentage of the slaughter weight to the live weight of the animal.

The slaughter yield of the carcass is approximately and on average is large cattle 40-70%. How to determine the weight of a cow or bull, calf. To do this, we make the necessary measurements. Consider an example of how to correctly calculate the weight of a cow (calf).

The calf must be placed correctly, legs straight, head at the level of the back. Take measurements with a soft centimeter tape, in the morning before the distribution of feed. In a cow (calf), it is necessary to measure the oblique length of the body, this is the distance from the anterior protrusion of the shoulder joint to the ischial tuberosity. Then measure the circumference of the chest behind the shoulder blades. We get the measurements of a cow (calf): chest girth behind the shoulder blades 202cm, oblique body length 175cm. We look at the data in the table, such dimensions correspond to the weight of a cow (calf) equal to 614 kg. If the measurement numbers are not round, we round off as in arithmetic.

Table for determining the live weight of a cow, calf, bull by measuring the girth of the chest of the animal behind the shoulder blades and along the oblique line of the body. Crossing the parameters, we get the weight of the cow.

Bust in cm Measurement data of the oblique length of the body of the cow in cm
125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195
125 164
130 180
135 196 203 213
140 216 223 231 241
145 232 240 250 259 268
150 247 256 266 277 285 296
155 264 274 285 295 306 317 328
160 282 290 301 313 324 334 347 356
165 310 323 339 347 358 370 381 394
170 342 355 368 380 396 404 417 431
175 374 390 403 417 429 443 457 470
180 414 428 443 452 471 486 500 515
185 449 464 478 494 508 524 540 552
190 492 506 522 538 555 572 585 602
195 531 549 566 582 600 615 633 648
200 580 597 614 634 649 667 684
205 626 644 662 680 699 717
2 10 678 699 716 736 754
21 5 734 751 773 792
2 20 782 804 825
22 5 843 863
2 30 905

Now, using the data of the table of weights of cows and calves, you can almost accurately determine the live weight of the animal.

Accounting for the weight of cows is necessary in the following cases:

  • determination of average daily weight gain;
  • feeding control;
  • to optimize veterinary processing;
  • formation of groups of animals;
  • when selling livestock.

Methods for determining the mass of cows

The best and most accurate way to know the weight of a cow or bull is by weighing, but not all farms, and especially small farms, have special equipment. Therefore, in practice, the determination of the weight of cows by measurement is often used. Since a cow, on average, weighs the same under the same type of housing and feeding conditions, various patterns have been identified that allow linear measurements to reveal the mass.

Weighing cattle

The most accurate method, in practice, is used twice a year:

  • when pasture to pasture, or during spring veterinary and zootechnical events;
  • when placed in a stall.

Weight determination is usually combined with other procedures - blood sampling, vaccinations. For this mass event, scales for weighing cattle are installed in the run and work is carried out with each animal. The procedure should be performed in the morning before feeding.

Trukhanovsky's technique

To find out the mass of cattle in this way, we need two measurements:

  • straight body length - measured with a measuring stick or tape from the base of the neck to the root of the tail;
  • chest girth - determined by a measuring tape directly behind the shoulder blades.

To calculate the weight, the formula is used: m=k*a*b/100. In the Trukhanovsky method:

  • a - girth chest in centimeters;
  • b - straight body length in centimeters;
  • k - coefficient equal to 2.5 when measuring beef cattle and 2 - dairy.

You should also take into account the correction for weight in case of obvious deviations in the constitution - with obesity, 5-10% should be added to the weight, and with low fatness, the final weight is reduced above this indicator.

Determining the mass by measurements is available in any farm and allows you to get reliable results.

Klüver-Strauch technique

By this method a table for determining the weight of cattle is used. To work with it, we also need two measurements:

  • chest girth in centimeters, performed similarly;
  • oblique body length in centimeters, measured with a measuring tape from the ischial tuberosity to the humerus.

The method is used only for adult animals. There are no correction factors in it, it is used for most breeds of dairy and meat productivity.

Less common ways

There are several other technologies for determining the weight of cows by measurements, but they have not received due distribution due to low accuracy or narrow specialization. So, a table for determining the weight of cattle has been developed using only one measurement - chest girth, but it suits exclusively the Swiss breed and does not allow determining good accuracy.

Another method uses the chest measurement behind the shoulder blades and the girth of the abdomen in its largest part. The weight table is used for any type of livestock, but the error reaches 50 kg or more. Also, the method is highly dependent on the physiological state of the animal.

Even less often, a special measuring tape for cattle is used. The method uses a single measurement - the girth just behind the pectoral limbs. Measurements are taken in a calm position, the tape is pulled until the hairs are slightly pressed down. Restless animals should be measured three times and find the average weight of the cow. After that, according to the developed table for measuring cattle in live weight, the mass is found, taking into account the obtained measurement and the fatness of the animal.

Determination of the mass of young animals

The weight of a calf at birth is influenced by two factors - the breed of the parents and the characteristics of the mother's body. In the future, the weight will vary depending on the conditions of detention and feeding. Frequent measurement is essential to monitor average daily weight gain, a major indicator of correct dietary choices and good health.

The first weighing of young animals is carried out 6 hours after birth., for this they use scales, there are no other ways to find out the weight of a newborn calf. The next 2 months, weight measurements are carried out every ten days to determine the intensity of growth, the correct selection of the diet and the detection of diseases and abnormalities. Up to six months, the weight gain of young cattle is monitored monthly, and after:

  • semiannually;
  • before insemination;
  • when forming groups of animals.

To find out the weight of a calf without weights, a method based on the relationship of weight and chest measurement behind the shoulder blades is used. It is better to estimate the weight of a calf at 6 months and older by measurement in two projections, since taking into account only one measurement gives a large error.

Table for measuring the weight of young cattle
Chest girth, cm Weight, kg Chest girth, cm Weight, kg Chest girth, cm Weight, kg
58 19 91 66 124 159
61 21 94 71 127 168
64 24 97 77 130 178
66 26 99 83 132 188
69 29 102 89 133 198
71 32 104 96 137 209
74 35 107 103 140 220
76 39 109 109 142 232
79 43 112 117 145 244
81 47 114 124 147 256
84 52 117 132 150 269
86 56 119 141 152 282
89 61 122 150 156 295

Calculating the weight of bulls

Sexual differences are most clearly manifested in the mass - the bulls are significantly larger. The weight difference only increases over time - if at birth heifers are 15-20% inferior to bulls in weight, then the average difference in adult animals will be 40-50% less.

There are no special methods to determine the live weight of a bull without weights. The methods described above according to Trukhanovsky or Klyuver are also applied to them.

Of great importance is the determination of the yield of meat in bulls. This is a breed indicator that is highly dependent on the type of animal productivity. The slaughter yield of dairy cattle meat does not exceed 50% - more often 40-45%, and the yield of bones is over 20%. Meat-oriented animals are characterized by a high content of muscle mass - more than 55% slaughter yield. The highest rate belongs to the Aberdeen Angus breed, which have an average of 65-70%, and the best rate is 75%.

The meat of bulls of different breeds is very different. Net slaughter output of muscle mass is good in limousines and Charolais cows. Aberdeen cattle are characterized by a high fat content, and dairy cattle contain more bones, this type has little pure meat.

Breed features

All livestock of cattle is divided into three types - meat, dairy and mixed. Animals of the first productivity are characterized by the early achievement of the highest weight, and dairy cows maintain the optimal weight value over a long distance.

The meat type of cattle is distinguished by high average daily weight gain - from 1 kg. This quality allows many breeds to have a weight of more than 500 kg relatively quickly (already by 14-15 months). Calves of milk productivity gain weight much more slowly. But there are no significant differences in the adult (more than 4-5 years old) livestock. So, Holstein cows tend to weigh over 700 kg, and bulls over 1300, which is a decent level for beef cattle. At the same time, intrabreed differences in live weight are more significant.

Thus, a significant breed influence on the mass of cows is only on young animals. There is a genetic dependence of weight during childbirth and precocity.

The size of the mass of the animal is of great importance in animal husbandry. The correct determination of this value allows you to determine the optimal ratio of the amount of feed to the increase in live weight or milk yield. Establishing the maximum weight achieved by each category of animal, based on its breed, sex and age characteristics, allows you to determine the feasibility of further fattening and determine the optimal time for slaughter.

The value of the weight of cattle varies significantly, based on breed characteristics. You can find out how much a cow weighs on average, based on the standard values ​​\u200b\u200bof a particular breed.

There are three main groups:

  • Beef cattle;
  • Lactic;
  • Meat and dairy.

Animals of meat breeds are characterized by an intensive increase in body weight and a large maximum weight. In dairy cattle, live weight increases more slowly, but is highly stable.

The weight of a newborn calf is 7-9% of the mother's weight, which corresponds to 35-45 kg, dairy breed calves are smaller, their weight starts from 20 kg. The average daily gain of newborn calves is 700 g (for dairy breeds) and 600 g (for dairy breeds).

Monthly calves can weigh up to 60 kg, depending on the intensity of fattening. By the age of one year, bulls can reach a mass of 250-400 kg. Cows reach a size of 500-600 kg, the live weight of sires is 700-1100 kg. The largest bull in the world has reached a mass of more than 1900 kg. The world's largest wild bulls live in Vietnam and China. Their average figures are more than 1500 kg. The smallest representatives of non-domesticated cattle are musk oxen. The mass of male musk ox is from 250 to 670 kg.

Determination of weight by measurements

Knowledge of the live weight of an individual is required when selling it, calculating the measure of feed and prescribing medicines. In large livestock farms special weighing devices are used, small agricultural enterprises and private owners must find other ways to calculate the weight of cattle.

You can find out how much a cow weighs in different ways. The most common and accurate methods are the determination of weight by measurements using special tables and the calculation using the Trukhanovsky formula.

Measurement method

Determination of weight from measurements is called the Klüver-Strauch method. It is based on the proportionality of this value to the volume of the body.

You can find out how much a bull weighs, armed with a tape measure and several assistants. Measurements are carried out with the correct position of the animal (parallel setting of the limbs and the horizontal line of the head and body) using a special measuring tape or stick.

To calculate this value, measure:

  • Chest circumference behind the shoulder blades;
  • Oblique torso length - the distance from the extreme anterior point of the protrusion of the humerus to the protrusion of the ischial tuberosity.

Based on these indicators, according to special tables (initially, the Frowijn table), the massiveness of the individual is determined.

For adults and young different breeds separate tables have been developed, which must be taken into account to reduce the error. This method gives an inaccuracy within 20-30 kg, which varies based on the correctness of the measurement and the physiological characteristics of the animal itself.

Trukhanovsky method

Determining the weight of a bull without weights and in the absence of special tables can be made using the formula. To calculate it, it is necessary to set the value of the straight body length (along the spine from the shoulder blades to the sacrum) and the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades.

The obtained values ​​​​are multiplied by each other, the result is reduced by 100. To obtain a more accurate value of body weight, the value is adjusted based on the fatness of the cattle:

  • With a category above the average, the calculated value is increased by 5-10%;
  • If the fatness is below average or average, the resulting figure is reduced by 5-10%.

When calculating live weight, based on the breed of cattle, a correction factor is used - 2 (for breeds of the dairy direction and 2.5 for breeds of the meat direction).

In addition, the average weight of a cow can be assumed based on her age and breed.

Measures of fatness of young animals and adults

When selling livestock in live weight, in addition to body weight, the fatness of the animal is taken into account. The assessment of the fatness of dairy cows is made by the development of muscle tissue and the size of the fat layer by probing. In cattle, fat deposition occurs from the back of the body to the head.

  • Higher - animals are distinguished by high muscle mass, rounded body lines with barely noticeable protruding shoulder blades and a smoothed line of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, ischial tuberosities and maklaks; clear deposits of fat are determined up to the last 2 ribs;
  • Medium - characterized by a satisfactory development of muscles, slightly angular body contours with prominent shoulder blades, spinous processes of the vertebrae, ischial tuberosities and maklaki; the fat layer is developed only at the root of the tail and on the ischial tubercles;
  • Below average - characterized by weak development of the muscles of cows, an angular body shape with tightened hips and pronounced protrusions of the bones of the skeleton; the fat layer is not palpable.

Young cattle, which include animals of both sexes from the age of 3 months to 3 years, are characterized by the following measures of fatness:

  • Higher - calves are distinguished by roundness of forms, developed muscles, and a smoothed line of the spine; fat is palpable in the region of the tail and ischial tubercles, in castrated animals - in the area of ​​the scrotum;
  • Medium - characterized by satisfactory development of muscles, less rounded shapes, noticeable processes of the vertebrae of the lumbar and dorsal spine;
  • Fat can be determined in the tail area;
  • Below average - manifested by weak development of muscles, angular lines of the body, strong protrusion of the processes of the vertebrae, shoulder blades, maklaks and ischial tuberosities.

Fatness of animals affects their value in the implementation, as it determines the yield of meat.

Thus, the live weight of an animal is a fundamental indicator for breeding, the value of which determines the net yield of meat. The mass of an adult or young animal can be determined using several methods without resorting to weighing.

I know what you will tell me - the mass of cattle is determined by scales. And rightly so, they do it on farms where the livestock is large. But in villages where there is one or two cows, a bull or a calf, it is not always possible to weigh the animal. Therefore, they use the old and not cunning methods.

In books, these methods are called "smart" words, which you may be learning for the first time. You do not need to memorize the names of these methods of measuring mass, the main thing is to know the essence. There will not be much text in the article, there will mainly be tables and formulas. But this information will be useful and important to you if you decide to seriously engage in animal husbandry. Therefore, let's start studying various ways to measure cows.

So, 7 options to find out the weight of a cow and other cattle.

Trukhanov method, by which the mass of adult cattle is measured:

If this method is taken to measure the mass of livestock, it is necessary that you intend to add another certain percentage for fatness: 5-10% with above average fatness, and if below average, then reduce by 5-10%.

Klüver-Strauch method, like the first option, is used to determine the mass of an already adult horned animal. This is done like this: they measure the girth of the chest and the length of the body, but not straight, but obliquely (see Fig. 2).

Next, we take a table (there are two options - Table 1 and Table 2, you can use any) and compare the data, so we find out the weight of a cow, a bull, etc.

Table #1 Table number 2

Frowijn's way are used to determine the live weight of young animals, measurements are taken in the same way as adult animals, and the weight is recognized from the following table:

Table #3

How to find out the weight of a cow on the belly? Very simple. To measure cattle in this way, you need to take the following measurements: the girth of the belly in its largest part and the girth of the chest. Well, then, take a specially designed table No. 4 and compare the data and get the live body weight of cattle.

Table No. 4

This method involves determining the weight by the size of the girth of the chest. The table with calculations was created by its author after processing huge amount biometric data to determine the live weight of cattle of the Kostroma and Swiss breeds. Tables 5 and 6 are shown below:

Table number 5
Table No. 6

To find out the weight of a cow by this method, a regression equation is used. To do this, you need to measure the circumference of the chest in the following way: we take a measuring tape and circle it around the body so that it lies under the chest at a palm-width distance from the elbow. The following equations apply:

An important point. The first formula is used if the chest girth of the cow is 170-180 cm, the second is used - at 181-191, and the third - at 192 cm or more.

We have already learned 6 ways to measure cattle, the last one remains. It consists in the fact that a tape specially designed for these cases is used to measure the animal. To take the indicators, you need to make the cattle stand still with its head straight. Of course, this is not easy to do. In this case, we make several measurements and take the average.

For measurements, we take the narrowest middle of the body, this is immediately behind the front legs. The tape must be pulled tight to compress the existing hairs. Then, live weight indicators are taken on a tape scale, the fatness of the animal must also be taken into account (Table 7).

Table number 7

Honestly, now very few people use all sorts of tables and tapes to determine the live weight of their animals. To find out the weight of a cow, bull or calf, they use special scales, which are either at home or (as in our village) on the farm. But those who keep a large number of livestock prefer to have their own weights than to trust the weighing to third parties. Be also careful when the buyer offers to weigh the animal on their scales, because they often twist them tightly and can deceive them by several kilograms.

Most people who raise cattle find that it makes more sense to sell the young as well as the cows to grocers and businesses. And let me tell you, this is the right decision. Of course, initially it is worth working hard to find such a buyer, but in further cooperation he will be invaluable. Naturally, before the delivery of the carcass, one must be able to determine the live weight of cattle. Sometimes you have to do it without weights. How to correctly carry out these measurements, as well as how to convert centimeters to kilograms, we will describe later in our article.

You need to know what affects the purchase price of cattle. There are several important factors that can cause the price to rise or, on the contrary, fall.

The cost of livestock is influenced by indicators such as live weight and fatness of the animal. Last moment determined by external examination, probing of muscle tissue, and areas of fat deposition. The appearance of cattle can tell a lot.

After a thorough examination, one can draw conclusions about the state of health of the animal, and, accordingly, learn about the level of taste of meat. After all, the healthier the cow, the better the products that can be obtained from it.

In order to determine the fatness of the animal, you need to know where the subcutaneous fat is located. And be able to feel it. This moment is the main factor indicating the degree of fattening of animals.

In livestock, fat is first deposited on the back of the body: at the root of the tail, on the buttock hills, wings, probe, then on the maklaks, loin, ribs, and, last of all, on the shoulder blades and neck.


In order to be able to correctly determine the degree of fatness of cattle, you need to know that there are three types. Namely:

  • The highest degree;
  • Medium;
  • Below average.

Animals belong to the highest category of fatness, appearance which are well developed. The strongly developed musculature of the body especially attracts attention. In such individuals, the shape of the body is noticeably rounded. It can also be attributed to this degree of animals in which the shoulder blades do not stand out much, and the maklaki and gluteal humps are rounded. The thighs of cattle of this fatness should be quite large and fleshy, and the spinous processes of the dorsal and transverse ridges are not visible. All this is hidden under good beautiful skin. Even in animals of this degree of fatness, subcutaneous fat is located at the base of the tail, on the gluteal hills, maklaks, the last two ribs, and this can be verified by carefully probing it with your hand. The appearance of these cattle is very good, they are beautiful, the skin is shiny, with soft bristles. At first glance, you can see that the cattle are quite well-fed, and they did not save on feeding them.

Average fatness is when the cattle has a body with well-developed muscles. In appearance, the first claims are already appearing. The animal looks, in principle, satisfactory, but not too perfect, and not terribly thin. Upon examination, we can say that it would not hurt to feed him. But, such individuals, nevertheless, are accepted by buyers of meat. In this category, it will be a decisive factor how much the cattle will weigh. Animals that have the following appearance just belong to the average fatness.

In moderately fattened cattle, the shape of the body is slightly angular, while the shoulder blades stand out very well, and the hips are slender. Also in this animal, the spinous processes of the dorsal and transverse ridges, as well as the gluteal hills and maklaks, protrude significantly, but at the same time, not too sharply, are slightly hidden by subcutaneous fat. Nevertheless, there is a certain roundness of forms, which is not characteristic of the next degree. Animals in which fat deposits are palpable at the base of the tail and on the gluteal hills are also classified as medium fatness, and the probe is not very full.

Below average fatness differs from the previous one in more significant angular forms of the body. In general, the animal should look more or less satisfactory. Although, it is immediately clear that there was a clear underfeeding of the stingray. Characteristic points for this degree of fatness include:

  • Lack of rounded shapes;
  • The angularity of the body, while the shoulder blades protrude thoroughly;
  • The thighs are flat and tucked up;
  • The spinous processes of the dorsal and transverse ridges, as well as maklaki and gluteal hills, protrude noticeably;
  • Subcutaneous fat deposits are not palpable.

Animals that belong to the last degree of fatness will have a significantly lower cost than representatives of the first category.

Therefore, it is necessary not to forget to create comfortable living conditions for cattle. Namely, proper nutrition, Firstly. You also need to monitor the health of the animal, and at the first sign of disease, contact the veterinarian, and not let everything take its course. And create good conditions indoors for keeping cows. It should be dry, warm and without drafts. Be sure to put a litter on the floor, and monitor its cleanliness. Because if a cow's udder freezes, serious diseases can begin that not only affect overall health, but sometimes life in general.

How to determine the live weight of cattle?

There are several ways to determine the exact weight of animals.

The first, and most accurate, is the determination with the help of weights. In this case, you can accurately determine the number of kilograms of the animal being sold.

But, there are times when there are no scales available, or they are broken, and sometimes, a cow or bull is so large that it will not fit on any measuring surface. In this case, you can measure the live weight by measurements. How to do it? And what equipment is needed for this procedure?

So, we need a tape to measure the animal. It is with its help that we will establish the live weight of cattle.

To find out the exact weight, you need to correctly measure the animal.

To do this, measure with a tape the girth of the chest behind the shoulder blades, along a line that runs vertically from the rear edge of the shoulder blade. This is the first important indicator. And you also need to measure the oblique length of the body - from the front edge of the shoulder-scapular joint and to the protrusion of the gluteal hills. This is the second indicator.

Below is a table for determining the live weight of cattle. It has two measurement indicators: the first is the girth of the chest, and the second is the length of the torso. By choosing two measurements that you have obtained, you can find out what weight your animal has.

This table, in the future, you may need if you are going to continue or start breeding cattle. And even more so if you plan to increase the livestock of your farm. After all, very often you need to be able to calculate the exact yield of meat so as not to suffer in financial matter. In general, raising cattle for the purpose of selling meat will quickly become profitable. Because beef is a very tasty and healthy meat. It can be eaten by both children and people on a diet. And for those who have a lack of iron in the body, beef is generally a must-have product. Yes, and the cost is quite high.
