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How to fill out a work book and keep it. Instructions for filling out work books Rules for maintaining work books for children's schools

The work book reflects the entire work biography of a person. Making entries in it, as well as storing and issuing it to an employee upon dismissal, is strictly regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation in 2016, and it is necessary to follow these rules for maintaining work books.

Legislative regulation of issues of work books

A novice personnel officer or accountant, who first encountered work books of employees, certainly needs to know what norms of the law govern their handling.

The work book is a form of the form established by the Rules with the appropriate degrees of protection indicating the series and number of 20 spreads, the pages of which are numbered and have sections where entries of the appropriate type are entered (information about the employee (the so-called title page), information about work, information about awards).

If the sections "Information about work" or "Information about awards" are over, then an insert is made in the work book. Its form, form and maintenance are subject to requirements similar to the requirements for the work book itself.

The employer is obliged to have a constant supply of the required number of forms of work books and inserts in them (clause 44 of the Rules).

Forms of work books and inserts must be purchased by the employer centrally from official distributors authorized by GOZNAK (their list is published on the GOZNAK website).

Similar forms can be found in stationery stores and kiosks selling printed matter to the public, but such a sale is not legal. Since there are no guarantees of their authenticity and compliance with the requirements of regulatory enactments, the employer does not have the right to require a newly hired employee to have a form purchased at a kiosk. Moreover, it is illegal to accept it from an employee for further filling, and we do not recommend doing this in order to avoid further problems.

The form of the work book can be checked for authenticity by comparing the correspondence of the series and number to the year of issue, as well as the form established by the same Government Decree that approved the Rules.

Employment book - strict reporting form

Both work books received from employees and their blank forms and inserts are subject to strict accounting when stored with the employer (this is indicated by section six of the Rules).

For these purposes, accounting journals must be kept according to the established forms:

  • income and expense book for accounting forms of the work book and an insert in it;
  • book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them.

Both of these books must be necessarily laced and numbered, certified by the signature of the head of the organization and sealed with a wax seal (sealed) - this is stated in paragraph 41 of the Rules.

The income and expense book for accounting for forms is maintained by the accounting department of the organization, and it reflects all operations for receiving and spending forms of the work book (insert in it) indicating the series and number of the form.

The book of accounting for the movement of work books is maintained by personnel officers. It records information on the acceptance and issuance upon dismissal of all work books of employees and inserts in them, both accepted from employees upon admission to work, and issued to employees again. At the same time, their series and number must be indicated in the accounting book, and the employee’s signature is affixed to receive the work book in his hands upon dismissal.

The official of the organization responsible for work books

The law directly obliges the employer to properly organize work with work books.

Strict accounting of these documents in the organization requires the presence of a specially authorized official - the person responsible for maintaining, storing, recording and issuing work books.

Such a person is appointed by order or order of the employer. Usually, such responsibility is assigned to a specific employee of the personnel service or an accountant who is directly involved in work books.

The order is issued in an arbitrary form, its wording may look, for example, as follows: "To appoint the inspector of the personnel department Anna Nikolaevna Petrova as the person responsible for maintaining, storing, accounting and issuing work books." The order number, date, as well as full name, position and, of course, the signature of the head are affixed.

The procedure for maintaining work books

The procedure for making entries in the work books of employees is of great importance, so they must be made strictly according to the established rules.

The above-mentioned Instruction containing the norms for maintaining work books is devoted to the procedure for maintaining work books.

The Instructions regulate all possible stages of filling out this document, starting with how to correctly enter information about the employee (on title page), records of work and transfers, awards and promotions, dismissal, recognition of the record as invalid, and ending with the issues of issuing a duplicate.

It should be noted that no fundamental changes have been made to it since the publication of the Instruction. Therefore, the Instruction for maintaining work books in 2015-2016 does not differ in any features compared to previous periods.

How to keep a work book

Since the form of the work book is a document of strict accountability, and the completed work book also contains the employee's personal data, the law imposes on the employer the obligation to store it correctly.

We talked about accounting for work books in special books above, now let's talk, in fact, about their storage.

Neither the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, nor the Rules, nor the Instructions contain rules on where work books should be stored. That is, there are no special storage rules for work books.

Therefore, one should refer to the norms on document circulation (see Regulations on documents and document circulation in accounting, approved by the USSR Ministry of Finance on 07/29/1983 N 105).

It stipulates that strict reporting forms should be stored in safes, metal cabinets or special rooms to ensure their safety (clause 6.2). It is silent about whether such a safe should be fireproof and whether grilles should be installed on the windows of the room.

Thus, the storage of work books should be carried out in a way that ensures their safety and prevents unauthorized persons from accessing them.

Shelf life of work books

The employer constantly keeps work books of all full-time employees, except for part-time workers.

They are handed out only upon dismissal of an employee (termination of an employment contract with him for any reason), or for a while for submission to social insurance (security) bodies in accordance with Art. 62 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation at the written request of the employee.

There may be situations when the work books of deceased employees remain with the employer.

According to paragraph 37 of the Rules, in the event of the death of an employee, a work book (with an entry made in it about the termination of the employment contract under paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is issued into the hands of one of his relatives against receipt in the book of accounting for the movement of work books or sent by mail at the written request of one of the relatives.

That is, the employer should notify the relatives of such an employee about the need to obtain his work book or agree to send it by mail.

If for some reason the work book of the deceased employee remained with the employer, then it must be kept in the organization permanently until it can be demanded by relatives.

The shelf life of work books that were not in demand is 75 years (clause 664 of the List of typical managerial archival documents generated in the course of activities government agencies, bodies local government and organizations, indicating the terms of storage, approved. Order of the Ministry of Culture of Russia dated August 25, 2010 N 558).

A reasoned controversy around the issue of the need to abolish work books has been going on for a long time. Nevertheless, things are still there: the book is still the main document on production activities and the length of service of the employee. The article contains instructions for filling out work books 2020 with examples.

Employer's obligations

All employers (except individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs), in accordance with article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, are required to conduct for each employee who has worked for them for more than five days, if this activity is the main one for the employee.

Where to buy a form

The employee does not need to independently purchase the form. The employer, in accordance with paragraph 44, must always have the required number of forms available and. When issuing the appropriate form, the employer charges the employee an appropriate fee, the amount of which is determined by the amount of the cost of acquiring these forms, which is established by paragraph 47.

Instructions for maintaining work books (2020): legislative framework

Explain and regulate the administration of the Rules approved. They spelled out general issues of the procedure for maintaining, storing, amending, correcting, issuing, including books.

The rules are divided into eight sections:

  1. General provisions.
  2. Keeping work books.
  3. Making changes and corrections. Duplicate work book.
  4. Issuance of a work book upon dismissal.
  5. Insert.
  6. Accounting and storage.
  7. Responsible for compliance with the procedure for maintaining work books.
  8. Production of work book forms and providing employers with them.

Each of the sections of the instructions for filling out the work book 2020 contains relevant instructions for each of the areas. The procedure for making entries in work books is established, which contains seven sections.

General provisions

Entries must be neat, in black, blue or purple ink, without any abbreviations. For example, the surname, first name and patronymic must be written in full, writing the surname with initials is not allowed. Arabic numerals are used. Columns are filled in capital letters. There is only one exception: when an employee signs on the title page, you can write the full name in block letters to avoid confusion and possible questions.

Filling out employee information

When filling out a work book for the first time, the following data should be indicated on the title page:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • full date of birth;
  • data on education received;
  • specialist diploma (if any).

The section contains information on the basis of which documents and in what order information about the owner is entered, including when making changes to personal data.

Features of filling in information about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) and admission (appointment) to work in connection with the transfer of the employee to another permanent job to another employer (to another organization) or his transfer to elective work (position)

When an employee moves from one position to another, the corresponding mark must be entered in the work book. It is important to note that the transfer is considered legal only if there is the consent of the employee himself.

There are two types of transfers from one position to another:

  • internal, while the employer remains the same;
  • external, the contract with the current employer is terminated and a new employment contract is concluded.

Also, the transfer can be permanent or temporary, for example, when replacing a temporarily absent employee. In this case, in the third column:

  • for an external transfer, indicate the date and number of the order for dismissal from one organization (full name), the date and number of the order for enrollment in another organization (full name). Positions are required in both cases;
  • with an internal transfer, they write it like this: “transferred to a position” indicating it, the name of the department, if necessary.

Features of filling out a duplicate work book

In fact, the provisions of this section are divided into two subparagraphs: filling out a duplicate with the previous employer and filling out a duplicate if the employee worked for another employer before joining the organization.

The instruction for filling out work books 2020 also contains a form of an income and expense book for accounting for forms of a work book and inserts in it and a form for the Book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them.

Who enters information into labor

Sample entry in the labor when transferring

Sample entry in the labor upon dismissal

Example of a job entry with a job function "greening" listed as a specific type of work

Variant of the employment record with the labor function "greening" without indicating the structural unit

An example of an entry when applying for a job in the personnel department for the position of a specialist in personnel records management in a branch of an organization

Option 1, when the branch is indicated in the job description.

Option 2, the name of the branch is indicated in the name of the organization.

An example of a record of appointment (election) as a CEO

Sample 1. Only the minutes of the meeting are indicated as the document on the basis of which the hiring takes place.

Sample 2. The minutes of the meeting and the order are indicated as the document on the basis of which the hiring takes place.

Is information about disciplinary sanctions entered?

If an employee has lost his employment

If the book is lost, it can be restored by applying to the employer at the last place of work, which, according to paragraph 31, is obliged to issue a duplicate no later than 15 days from the date of submission of the corresponding application.

If the bank asks for a copy of the labor

How to deal with collaborators

The instruction for filling out the work book states that for all part-time workers, the corresponding entries in the book are made at their request. For external part-time workers on the basis of a document confirming part-time work (certified copy of the order for employment).

If the part-time worker brought his book

If the external part-time worker is not dismissed from his main place of work and asks you to make a record of part-time work, he should politely refuse, referring to, according to the requirements of which all entries are made at the main place of work.

And if the part-time worker is fired from the main place of work

From the point of view of legislation, any entry is made at the main place of business, this provision cannot be bypassed.

External combination, according to and 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is the performance of other regularly paid work on the terms of an employment contract in free time from the main job. does not oblige the employer to check whether the external part-time worker has a main place of work, nor does it oblige him to change the terms of the contract when the external part-time worker leaves the main place of activity. According to article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, change certain parties terms of the contract is allowed only by agreement of the parties.

Thus, if the employer does not want to accept an external part-time worker for the main job, the entry will be made only after the external part-time worker takes another permanent job.

If the employer decides to change the terms of the contract of the external part-time job and draws up a contract with him at the main place of work, the entry is made as usual.

Insert design

If all blank pages of the labor are filled out, the subsequent information is entered on the insert form. As a rule, it is sewn into the end of the document. And on the title page of the main book there is a stamp on the issuance of the insert indicating its number and series. The cost of the insert is paid by the employee. The filling rules are the same as for the main labor:

  1. The insert is filled in by the employer.
  2. The date is stamped on the title.
  3. Up-to-date information regarding the worker is added.
  4. The entry is certified by the personal signature of the person who filled it out and the seal.

If the employer's organization has been renamed

Changing the name of the organization does not entail a change in the working conditions of the employee. But in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of the Instructions, this information must be entered in the work book. The order of filling is as follows:

  • column 1 and column 2 are not filled in;
  • column 3 - information is entered on the change in the name of the organization, the former and present names are indicated in full and abbreviated forms;
  • column 4 - the date and details of the basis document are indicated.

According to ab. 3 art. 65 of the Labor Code of Russia, the 1st of the documents that is presented upon admission to the place of work is considered a work book (hereinafter - TRKN). The obligation to present it exists in all cases, except for employment for the first time or when drawing up an employment contract containing a part-time condition.

Regulatory regulation

The agency implementing in the Russian Federation executive power, authorized by the Government of Russia, determines the procedure for registration, storage periods and nuances for filling out the TRKN (paragraph 2 of article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), as well as a single form of the document.

The relevant regulation is carried out by Decree No. 225 of April 16, 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the Decree).

The ruling consists of:

  • two Annexes (TRKN form and TRKN insert form);
  • and the Rules of Conduct ... (hereinafter referred to as the Rules).

The Rules consist of 8 Sections, including the procedure for amending the TRKN, insert form, liability for non-compliance with legal requirements and other provisions.

About what exactly to write in certain columns (hereinafter - GR) of TRKN, it is said in another legal act– Decree of the Ministry of Labor No. 69 of October 10, 2003 “On the approval of instructions ...”. This regulatory document contains 3 Annexes, the main of which is Annex No. 1 (hereinafter referred to as the Instruction).

Briefly about the main points

Here is a list of the main regulatory provisions specified in the 2018 Rules (briefly):

  • all legal entities, as well as individual entrepreneurs, are required to keep a TRKN for each worker who, in fact, has worked for more than 5 days (clause 3 of the Rules);
  • employers (hereinafter also referred to as employers) who are not registered as individual entrepreneurs do not have the right to draw up and maintain TRKN (paragraph 3 of clause 3 of the Rules);
  • entries (hereinafter referred to as RFP) in TRKN on disciplinary sanctions imposed are not made (except when such a penalty is termination of employment) (clause 5 of the Rules);
  • in the event that the worker does not have a TRKN by the time he starts work, the employer is obliged to issue it no later than 1 week later (clause 8 of the Rules);
  • all RFPs on transfer, awarding, changing the name of the position, etc., are also carried out within a week after the issuance of the relevant administrative act of the head (clause 10 of the Rules);
  • if a citizen simultaneously works both at the main place of work and part-time, data on part-time work are subject to entry into the TRKN only at the will of the employee (clause 20 of the Rules).

Briefly about the form of TRKN

The TRKN form is approved by the Decree.

The board consists of:

  • titular, in which data on the full name, birthday, level of education of the worker, his profession, qualification and specialty are entered;
  • "Job Information"(hereinafter - Section 1 TRKN), which contains information on the day of admission to each employer, the day of dismissal, transfer, amendments made to qualification guides and etc.;
  • "Award Information"(hereinafter - Section 2 TRKN), which contains data on the awards received by the employee during the period of operation (with reference to the administrative act of the employer).

General rules for filling out TRKN

The main provisions are regulated by Section 1 of the Instruction. Here is an excerpt from the regulations:

  • on all sheets of TRKN, dates are written in this format - DD. MM. YYYY;
  • implementation of the RFP is allowed with a fountain or gel pen;
  • possible colors of pen pastes - black, blue, purple;
  • abbreviations in TRKN are strictly prohibited;
  • in Section 1 of the TRKN and Section 2 of the TRKN, it is not allowed to strike out the RFP - this can only be done on the title page.

The procedure for filling out the title page of TRKN

As stated in clause 8 of the Rules, the employer is obliged to issue TRKN within a week after the employee arrives at the place of work and fill out the title page in his presence.

To enter data on the title page, the personnel officer will have to take the relevant information:

  • about the full name and date of birth of the employee - from the passport or other document identifying the person (clause "a" clause 9 of the Rules);
  • on education and on the current specialty - from diplomas or documents on passing vocational training(attestation), as well as from documents issued by the employer himself and confirming the presence of special knowledge.

A RFP on incomplete education can also be included in TRKN- for this, it is enough for the worker to present a student card, a record book or a certificate from educational organization, certified in a regulated manner (paragraph 4, clause 2.1. “Instructions for filling out work books”).

The initial filling of the title page is completed in the following way:

  • the personnel officer puts the date of filling;
  • the worker puts his signature, indicating familiarization;
  • the personnel officer puts his signature in the field “Signature of the person responsible ...”, and in the field “M.P.” the seal of the enterprise (IP) is affixed - if available.

How to change (supplement) an entry on the TRKN title page

If a citizen has changed his surname or first name, or if there is updated information about the date of birth, clarifications are made on the title page in the order presented in ab. 2 p. 2.3. Instructions from the Ministry of Labor, namely:

  • the previously valid surname (given name, date of birth) shall be crossed out with one line;
  • a new surname (first name, date of birth) is written next to it;
  • the changes made are confirmed by reference to the relevant certifying document (certificate of birth, new passport, etc.) on the cover of TRKN (see sample) and certified by the signature of the authorized person of the personnel department.

How to fill out Section 1 of the TRKN

Section 1 of the TRKN contains 4 GRs:

GR How to fill it out
1 The ordinal No. ЗП is put here. For example, when hiring for the first time in life, the RFP on hiring will be the 1st, the next RFP (on transfer, dismissal, etc.) will be the 2nd, and so on
2 The date of admission to the employer, the date of transfer, departure from work, etc.
3 In the case of registration of an employment contract, a PO is made containing the name of the position for which they were hired individual, specialty, profession, name of the structural department. Upon dismissal, a reference is made to the relevant paragraph, part, article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (see sample below)
4 Here are the details of the director's order (date, number), regulating, respectively, hiring, transfer, dismissal, etc.

How to change an entry in Section 1 of the TRKN

As it was said earlier, in Section 1 of the TRKN it is not allowed to strike through. Therefore, if it is necessary to change something, the RFP is invalidated.

Here is an example of canceling a RFP on employment:

  • in GR 1 the serial number of the “correcting” RFP is put (after the “correctable” RFP there may be some others, therefore the “correcting” one will have the number N + 1, where N is the number of the last existing RFP in Section 1 of the TRKN);
  • in GR 2 the date of making the “correcting” RFP is put;
  • in GR 3 the wording is entered: “The entry under the number such and such is invalid. Text”, where Text is the appropriate correct wording (for example, “Employed as an electric and gas welder in the structural subdivision “Shop workers”);
  • in GR 4, the details of the order are written, by virtue of the terms of which amendments are made.

When employed by a new employer in GR 3, the full and abbreviated name of the employer is entered as a heading in accordance with the constituent documentation (clause 3.1. Instructions).

Completing Section 2 of the TRKN

According to Section 4 of the Instructions (in latest edition No. 2 of October 31, 2016), Section 2 of the TRKN is filled out in almost the same order as Section 1 of the TRKN, that is:

The procedure for changing the RFP in the presented section is similar to the procedure that is fair for applying to Section 1 of the TRKN.

In what cases is a duplicate TRKN issued and how is it filled out

A duplicate TRKN is subject to issue in the following legally established cases:

  • if there is a written request from the employee who wants to receive a duplicate due to the presence of a court verdict of not guilty (in order that there is no RFP in the TRKN, indicating illegal dismissal) (paragraph 22 of the Rules);
  • in case of loss of the original TRKN - in the presented case, a duplicate is provided at the written request of the worker within 15 days (clause 31 of the Rules);
  • in other cases of damage to the TRKN (for example, if it was burned, torn, soiled, etc.) (paragraph 3, clause 33 of the Rules).

See Section 7 of the Instructions for how to fill out a duplicate.

  • the title page is marked “Duplicate” in the upper right corner;
  • information about the date and the reason that led to the need to issue a duplicate is written on the cover;

  • in GR 3, information on the total insurance experience(without indicating how long the employee worked in each organization, etc.), the rest of the GRs in this line are left empty.
  • GR 2 indicates DD. MM. YYYY registration of an employment contract;
  • in GR 3 - the name of the employer, the structural department where the employee was previously accepted, position, profession, etc.;
  • in GR 4 - details of the local document, by virtue of which the corresponding RFP was made as a duplicate;
  • line below, in GR 2 - the day of dismissal from the enterprise, in GR 3 - the reason for leaving with reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • and so on, line below, in GR 2 - the day of admission to the next employer, in GR 3 - the name of this employer, etc.

Section 7 of the Instructions for keeping books says that the name of the employer is written in GR 3, however, in the samples for filling out a duplicate TRKN presented in open Internet sources, it can be seen that the name of the employer is recorded in GR 3 as a separate heading.




In accordance with the Government Decree Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2003, N 16, art. 1539) Ministry of Labor and social development Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve: Instructions for filling out work books in accordance with Appendix No. 1; the form of the income and expense book for accounting for the forms of the work book and the insert in it in accordance with Appendix No. 2; the form of the book of accounting for the movement of work books and inserts in them in accordance with Appendix No. 3.
2. Recognize as not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation: Decree of the State Labor Committee of June 20, 1974 N 162 "On approval of the Instruction on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations"; Decree of the USSR State Committee of Labor of August 2, 1985 N 252 " On the introduction of amendments and additions to the Instruction on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions and organizations, approved by the Decree of the State Labor Committee of June 20, 1974 N 162 "; Decree of the USSR State Labor Committee of March 31, 1987 N 201" on the procedure for maintaining work books at enterprises, institutions, organizations "; paragraph 2 of the Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of August 15, 1990 N 332 "On recognizing as invalid and amending the resolutions of the State Labor Committee on issues of part-time employment"; Resolution of the USSR State Labor Committee of October 19, 1990 N 412 "On Amendments to the Instruction on the Procedure for Maintaining Labor Books at Enterprises, Institutions and Organizations, approved by the Decree of the State Labor Committee of June 20, 1974 N 162 (as amended by the Decree of the USSR State Committee of Labor of August 2, 1985 N 252)" .

Minister of Labor
and social development
Russian Federation



(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 31, 2016 N 588n)

This Instruction, in accordance with paragraph 13 of the Rules for maintaining and storing work books, preparing blank work books and providing employers with them (hereinafter referred to as the Rules for maintaining work books), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 N 225 "On work books", establishes the procedure for filling out work books, inserts in them, duplicates of work books (hereinafter referred to as work books).

1.1. Entries of dates in all sections of work books are made in Arabic numerals (day and month - two-digit, year - four-digit). For example, if an employee was hired on September 5, 2003, an entry is made in the work book: "09/05/2003". Entries are made carefully, with a fountain or gel pen, rollerball pen (including ballpoint), light-resistant ink (paste, gel) black, blue or purple and without any abbreviations. For example, it is not allowed to write "pr." instead of "order", "disp." instead of "instruction", "trans." instead of "translated", etc.
1.2. In the sections "Information about work" and "Information about the award" of the work book, it is not allowed to cross out previously entered inaccurate, incorrect or other invalid entries. in this section of the entry, the subsequent serial number, the date of the entry is indicated, in column 3 the entry is made: "The entry for the number such and such is invalid." After that, the correct entry is made: "Accepted by such and such a profession (position)" and column 4 repeats the date and number of the order (order) or other decision of the employer, the entry from which was incorrectly entered in the work book, or the date and number of the order are indicated ( order) or another decision of the employer, on the basis of which a correct entry is made. In the same manner, an entry on dismissal, transfer to another permanent job is invalidated if the dismissal or transfer is recognized as illegal by the employer, the control and supervisory authority, the review body labor disputes or by the court and reinstatement in the previous job or change the wording of the reason for dismissal. For example: "The entry for the number such and such is invalid, restored to the previous job." When the wording of the reason for dismissal is changed, an entry is made: "The entry for the number such and such is invalid, dismissed (the new wording is indicated)". In column 4, a reference is made to the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer to reinstate at work or change the wording of the reason for dismissal. book without making an entry in it, recognized as invalid. At the same time, in the upper right corner of the first page of the duplicate work book, an inscription is made: "Duplicate". On the first page (title page) of the previous work book, it is written: "A duplicate was issued instead" indicating its series and number.

2. Filling in information about the employee

2.1. The information about the employee provided for by the Rules for maintaining work books, indicated on the first page (title page) of work books, is filled in as follows: the last name, first name and patronymic are indicated in full, without abbreviation or replacement of the first name and patronymic with initials, the date of birth is recorded in full (day, month, year) on the basis of a passport or other identity document (for example, a military ID, a foreign passport, a driver's license, etc.); a record of education (basic general, secondary general, primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher professional and postgraduate professional) is carried out only on the basis of properly certified documents (certificate, certificate, diploma, etc.); an entry on incomplete education of the appropriate level can be made on the basis of the submitted properly certified documents (student card, record book, certificate of an educational institution, etc.) ;profession and / or specialty are indicated on the basis of documents on education, qualifications or the availability of special knowledge (when applying for a job requiring special knowledge or special training) or other properly executed documents.
2.2. After indicating the date of filling out the work book, the employee certifies with his signature on the first page (title page) of the work book that the information entered is correct. ) (if there is a seal), in which the work book was filled out for the first time.
2.3. Changes in records in work books about last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth are made on the basis of a passport, birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, changes in last name, first name, patronymic and other documents and with reference to their number and date. changes are made to the first page (title page) of the work book. The former surname or first name, patronymic, date of birth is crossed out with one line and new data is recorded. Links to the relevant documents are made on the inside cover of the work book and are certified by the signature of the employer or a person specially authorized by him and the seal of the organization (or the seal of the personnel service) (if there is a seal).
2.4. Change (addition) on the first page (title page) of the work book of records on new education, profession, specialty received is carried out by supplementing existing records (if they already exist) or filling in the corresponding lines without crossing out previously made records.

3. Filling in job details

3.1. In column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book, the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any) are indicated in the form of a heading. Under this heading, in column 1, the serial number of the entry being made is placed, in column 2, the date of employment is indicated .In column 3, an entry is made about acceptance or appointment to a structural unit of the organization indicating its specific name (if the condition for working in a specific structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential), the name of the position (job), specialty, profession, indicating qualifications, and column 4 shall contain the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, according to which the employee was hired. Records about the title of the position (job), specialty, profession, indicating qualifications are made, as a rule, in accordance with the organization's staffing table. If, in accordance with federal laws, the provision of benefits or restrictions is associated with the performance of work in certain positions, specialties or professions, then the name of these positions, specialties or professions and qualification requirements they must comply with the names and requirements provided for by the relevant qualification reference books. Changes and additions made in the prescribed manner to the qualification reference books, staffing organizations are brought to the attention of employees, after which appropriate changes and additions are made to their work books on the basis of an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer. If an employee is assigned a new category (class, category, etc.) during the period of work, then about in this case, an appropriate entry is made in the prescribed manner. The establishment of a second and subsequent profession, specialty or other qualification for an employee is noted in the work book indicating the categories, classes or other categories of these professions, specialties or skill levels. For example, the second profession "Electric and gas welder" was assigned to a repairman with the assignment of 3rd category. In this case, in the workbook in column 1 of the section "Information about work" the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 the date of establishment of the second profession is indicated, in column 3 the entry is made: "The second profession "Electric and gas welder" was established with the assignment of 3 categories", in column 4, the corresponding certificate, its number and date are indicated. At the request of the employee, information about part-time work is recorded in the work book at the place of the main job on the basis of a document confirming part-time work. In column 1 of the section "Information about work" of the work book, the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 the date of employment as a part-time worker is indicated, in column 3 an entry is made about the acceptance or appointment as a part-time worker in the structural unit of the organization indicating its specific name ( if the condition of working in a particular structural unit is included in the employment contract as an essential one), the name of the position, specialty, profession, indicating qualifications, column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number. In the same order, a record of dismissal from this job is made.
3.2. If during the work of the employee the name of the organization changes, then a separate line in column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book is written about this: "Organization such and such from such and such date was renamed to such and such", and in column 4 it is affixed the basis for renaming is an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number.
3.3. In the work books of persons who have served their sentence in the form of correctional labor, an entry on the non-inclusion of the time of work during the period of serving the sentence in the continuous length of service is made as follows. In the "Information about work" section of the work book in column 1, the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 - the date the entry was made, in column 3 the entry is made: "Working time from such and such a date (date, month, year) to such and such date (day, month, year) is not counted in the continuous length of service. Column 4 indicates the basis for making an entry in the work book - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer (issued in accordance with the verdict (determination) of the court), its date and number.
3.4. When restoring the continuous work experience in accordance with the established procedure, an entry is made in the work book of the employee at the last place of work in column 3 of the section "Information about work": "The continuous work experience was restored from such and such a date, month, year", in column 4 a reference is made to the corresponding name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

4. Filling in information about the award

The procedure for entering information about the award is as follows: in column 3 of the section "Information about the award" of the work book, the full name of the organization, as well as the abbreviated name of the organization (if any) are indicated in the form of a heading; in column 1 below, the serial number of the entry is put (numbering that grows throughout the entire period labor activity employee); column 2 indicates the date of the award; column 3 records who awarded the employee, for what achievements and what award; column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made, with reference to its date and number.

5. Filling in information about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract)

5.1. An entry on dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in the employee's work book is made in the following order: in column 1, the serial number of the entry is put; column 2 indicates the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract); in column 3, an entry is made about the reason for dismissal (termination of the employment contract); column 4 indicates the name of the document on the basis of which the entry was made - an order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, its date and number. an agreement between an employer and an employee. For example, when an employment contract with an employee is terminated due to a reduction in the staff, October 10, 2003 is determined as the last day of his work. The following entry must be made in the work book of the employee: in column 1 of the section "Information about work" the serial number of the entry is put, in column 2 the date of dismissal is indicated (10.10.2003), in column 3 the entry is made: article 81, paragraph 2 Labor Code Russian Federation", column 4 indicates the date and number of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer on dismissal.
5.2. Upon termination of an employment contract on the grounds provided for in Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (with the exception of cases of termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the employer and due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties (paragraphs 4 and 10 of this article), an entry on dismissal is made in the work book ( termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of this article. For example: "Fired by agreement of the parties, paragraph 1 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Dismissed by own will, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".
5.3. When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of the employer, an entry is made in the work book about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other grounds for terminating the employment contract at the initiative of the employer provided for by law. For example: "Dismissed due to liquidation of the organization, paragraph 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Fired due to termination of access to state secrets, paragraph 12 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".
5.4. Upon termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, an entry is made in the work book on the grounds for termination of the employment contract with reference to the relevant paragraph of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. For example: "Fired due to non-election to the position, paragraph 3 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "The employment contract was terminated due to the death of the employee, paragraph 6 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".
5.5. Upon termination of an employment contract on additional grounds provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal laws, entries on dismissal (termination of the employment contract) are made in the work book with reference to the relevant article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation or other federal law. For example: "Fired due to with a repeated gross violation of the charter of the educational institution, paragraph 1 of Article 336 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation during the year "or" Dismissed due to the achievement age limit established for filling a public office public service, Article 25 para. 2 (1) federal law dated 31.07.1995 N 119-FZ "On the fundamentals of the public service of the Russian Federation".
5.6. When terminating an employment contract at the initiative of an employee for reasons to which the law relates the provision of certain benefits and benefits, an entry on dismissal (termination of the employment contract) is made in the work book indicating these reasons. For example: "Fired of her own free will in connection with the transfer of her husband to work in another locality, paragraph 3 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation" or "Fired of her own free will in connection with the need to care for a child under the age of 14, paragraph 3 of the article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation".

6. Features of filling in information about the dismissal (termination of the employment contract) and admission (appointment) to work in connection with the transfer of the employee to another permanent job to another employer (to another organization) or his transfer to elective work (position)

6.1. Upon dismissal (termination of the employment contract) in connection with the transfer of the employee to another permanent job to another employer (to another organization), column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book indicates in what order the transfer is carried out: at the request of the employee or with his consent .When hiring for a new place of work in the employee's work book in column 3 of the "Information about work" section, an entry is made as provided for in clause 3.1 of this Instruction, indicating that the employee was accepted (appointed) in the order of transfer.
6.2. Upon dismissal (termination of an employment contract) in connection with the transfer of an employee to an elective job (position) to another employer (to another organization), an entry is made in the work book: "Dismissed in connection with the transfer to an elective job (position) in (the name of the organization is indicated) , paragraph 5 of Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. "At the new place of work, after indicating the full name of the elected body, as well as the abbreviated name of the elected body (if any), in column 3 of the section "Information about work" of the work book, an entry is made on what job (position) the employee was elected, and column 4 indicates the decision of the elected body, the date and number of its adoption.

7. Features of filling out a duplicate work book

7.1. A duplicate of the work book is filled in in accordance with sections 1 - 6 of this Instruction.
7.2. If an employee before entering this organization(to this employer) has already worked, then when filling out a duplicate work book in the section "Information about work" in column 3, first of all, an entry is made about the total and / or continuous work experience as an employee before entering this organization (to this employer), confirmed by the relevant documents. The total length of service is recorded in total, that is, the total number of years, months, days of work is indicated without specifying which employer, in what periods of time and in what positions the owner of the work book worked in the past. After that, the general and /or continuous work experience, confirmed by properly executed documents, is recorded for individual periods of work in the following order: column 2 indicates the date of employment; in column 3, the name of the organization (employer) where the employee worked, as well as the structural unit and work (position), specialty, profession indicating the qualification for which the employee was hired is recorded. If the submitted documents confirm that the employee was transferred to another permanent job in the same organization (with the same employer), then a corresponding entry is also made about this. Then, column 2 indicates the date of dismissal (termination of the employment contract), and column 3 - the reason (reason) for dismissal, if the document submitted by the employee contains such data .In the event that the documents do not fully contain the above information about work in the past, only the information available in the documents is entered in the duplicate of the work book. Column 4 indicates the name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the corresponding entries were made in the duplicate. Original documents confirming the length of service, after making copies of them and duly certifying them by the employer, or personnel service returned to their owner. The employer is obliged to assist the employee in obtaining documents confirming the length of service of his work prior to employment with this employer.



From whom received or to whom released

Reason (document name, N and date)







Amount (rub.)


Amount (rub.)

inserts (series and number)

work books (series and number)

inserts (series and number)

Date of employment, filling out a work book or an insert in it

Surname, name and patronymic of the owner of the work book

Series and number of the work book or insert in it

Position, profession, specialty of the employee who has submitted a work book or for whom a work book or an insert into it is filled out

Name of place of work (indicating structural unit) where the employee is admitted

Date and N of the order (instruction) or other decision of the employer, on the basis of which the employee was hired

Receipt of the responsible person who accepted or filled out the work book

Received for completed work books or inserts in them (rub.)

Date of issuance of the work book upon dismissal (termination of the employment contract)

Receipt of the employee in obtaining a work book




In case of changes in the official activities of the employee, appropriate entries must be made in the document confirming the length of service. The rules for filling out a work book by an employer are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, and for 2015-2016 the samples remained unchanged.

Proper filling of the work book: why is it needed and who makes the entries?

A work book is a document containing all information about professional activity worker. Upon reaching the legal age, it is used to draw up and calculate a pension. The employer, on the other hand, needs books of subordinates to calculate various payments, so it is very important to fill out everything correctly.

Regardless of what actions are performed in relation to an employee, in a company with an individual entrepreneur or in an enterprise, a specialist in the personnel department, accounting department, or the director himself makes changes. Rules for filling out a work book in 2015-2016 and samples for individual entrepreneurs And legal entities are the same.

It is worth noting that an individual entrepreneur or LLC represented by a director should not start this document for themselves: in Art. 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is established that only employees can have a book, tk. the experience of an entrepreneur is counted from the moment of registration with the Tax Office and thanks to cash receipts in Pension Fund.

The book must be issued no later than a week from the first day of employment, and only if the employee has worked for 5 days or more, and this is his main job. If he plans only to combine, then the entries are made at his request and on the basis of a document that is an official confirmation of his activities in another company.

What should be included in the book:

  • Information about hiring.
  • Receiving a transfer to another company or to another position.
  • Change of full name in connection with certain events.
  • Passing service in the ranks of the Army of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Drug Control Service and other government agencies.
  • Upgrading qualifications or receiving awards.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 16.04. 2005 No. 225 established individual rules for making changes to books:

  • Any entries are made in black or blue ink in great detail, abbreviations are not allowed. Information is assigned a specific serial number according to the section.
  • Passport details of the employee are indicated exclusively on the title page.
  • Further changes in the process of activity must be reflected no later than seven days from the date of issuance of the Director's Order. If the employee quits, then the information is entered on the same day, taking into account the text of the Order, and also referring to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

You cannot indicate in the document data on regular bonuses, which are usually paid every month.

Employment book: a sample of filling out when applying for a job

The title page must be completed first and upon presentation of the passport.

According to the model, filling out the title page of the work book is very simple. To do this, you need to enter certain data:

  • Full Name. They can be viewed in a passport or other identity document.
  • Date of birth is indicated by numbers: for example, 10/02/1990.
  • Education. To confirm its presence, a diploma, certificate, or a certificate of incomplete education is provided if the employee is still a student.
  • Speciality. This refers to a profession acquired in educational institution.
  • Date of completion. It can be indicated both in full in numbers, and separately for a month - in words.
  • Signatures: they are put by the employed specialist and the employee who draws up the book.
  • In conclusion, the specialist of the company or the individual entrepreneur himself puts a seal.

Extract from the labor: a sample of filling out a book

The column "Information about the work" - this is the extract. Most often, employees ask to make a photocopy of several pages from it, and the following information is indicated in it:

  • Date and number of entry in digits.
  • Information about hiring, dismissal, etc. For example: Mercury LLC, accepted into the planning department for the position of an economist.
  • What is the reason for such an entry: they usually serve as the publication of the Order of the head. Example: Order No. 762 of 10/11/2015.

Filling out the work book upon dismissal: sample 2015-2016

If the specialist decided to quit, then this is also recorded on the lines following immediately after the previous information:

  • As before, the number is indicated in order, and the date of the last working day is indicated in Arabic numerals.
  • Reasons for dismissal: for example, if he leaves at his own request, you must refer to paragraph 3 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Seal of the organization: it must be put by the director or specialist of the company authorized to use it. It is also necessary to put your signatures to the one who filled out, and to the resigning himself.

Filling out work books when transferring to another position in examples

In a very necessary document for a specialist, adjustments are also written when he was transferred to another position:

  • Mandatory entry number in sequence.
  • Date of official transfer in simple numbers.
  • In the third column, designated as "Information ...", the data is entered, where the transfer was made and to which specific position.
  • Reasons for transfer. This is where order details are entered.

Entering information about awards

Information about the awards received is displayed in a number of cases: when an employee was thanked, a one-time bonus was issued, he was presented to the rank, awarded a valuable gift or diploma.

How to fill in the following data:

  • The record is assigned a serial number, followed by the date of its entry.
  • Under the line with the name of the company and the title of the position, a record with the following content is entered: “thank you for developing an effective economic plan for the enterprise.”
  • Next, the Order and information about it are indicated: date and number.

Instructions for filling out work books when changing a surname

If the employee got married or there were other reasons for changing the surname, then all information is entered on the basis of the passport or other official documents she brought.

How is the adjustment done:

  • On the title page, the former surname is crossed out with a solid line, and the new one is entered in the same place in the free space.
  • Reasons are indicated on the inside of the cover. Example: the surname was changed to the surname Nesterenko on the basis of the Marriage Certificate dated 10.10.2015 No. I-PK

Duplicate work book: sample filling in 2015-2016

In case of loss or loss of his book, the employee has the full right to apply with a written application to the employer or to the personnel department from the last place of employment for the issuance of a duplicate, it is issued within 15 days. If the company is to blame for the loss, then all responsibilities for restoration fall on it. To be able to make a duplicate, the following documents are required:

  • Orders or their copies certified by management on hiring, dismissal, promotion, transfer.
  • Certificates from the State Archive in case the former enterprise was liquidated.
  • Employment contracts and certificates of length of service from old jobs.
  • Pay slips.
  • Personal accounts a specialist in a company where it is necessary to confirm his work activities.
  • When the seniority was restored in court, an appropriate decision is needed.