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Arguments and Facts federal issue. Analysis of the newspaper "arguments and facts". "AiF" newspaper - awards and achievements

Weekly newspaper "Arguments and Facts" is one of the most famous publications in Russia and neighboring countries. For nearly 40 years, readers have received more than 2 million copies four times a month. This newspaper pleases readers with fresh news and educational news not only in different parts of Russia, such as Belgorod, Chelyabinsk or Crimea. It is popular in 60 countries of the world, and especially nearby ones, such as Ukraine and Belarus.

Release forms

The weekly is published not only in printed form.

On the official website, you can study the latest issue even before it appears on the newspaper shelves. Everyone with access to the Internet has the opportunity to read all published materials online for free in fresh form.

In addition, the publication is presented in all in social networks, such as Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter.

The network has an official AiF store, which sells PDF versions of the newspaper and all its applications. Their price is lower than that of printed versions and therefore more accessible to a wide range of people. It also provides for a subscription for several months or a year. After payment, the newspaper will be delivered to the customer's mail regularly.

Read for free latest release newspaper "Arguments and Facts" on the official website online:

Mobile app AiF:

Publishing house "AiF"

The AiF Publishing House has been in the information and advertising market for a long time. During this time, it has developed into one of the largest in the industry. It consists of:

  • 3 newspapers reporting on breaking news, care for health and life outside the city;
  • 3 magazines telling readers about fashion, health, culinary delights;
  • constantly updated official website.

The enterprise is the initiator of a number of social projects helping low-income citizens and the younger generation. For this purpose, a permanent fund Kind Heart has been created.

According to recent research, each fresh issue publications are read by over 6 million people from the Yugra region to the city of Rostov.

The main newspaper "AiF" contains the following sections relating to:

  • politics and social life;
  • incidents that happened during the week;
  • news of culture and sports;
  • taking care of your own health;
  • housing, food;
  • automotive news;
  • entertainment.

Section "Society"

In this section, the journalists of the publication publish topical articles informing readers about the news:

  • the scientific community of the state of Russia and other countries;
  • spheres of education, education;
  • bodies ensuring the security of the country, the army, as well as liquidating emergency situations;
  • agriculture, social sphere;
  • about improvements and problems in the lives of ordinary citizens.

Residents of large cities of St. Petersburg, Volgograd and other localities of the country will always find the latest news regarding their region here.

Politics news

One of the most read sections of the newspaper is "Politics". The news of Russia and the world posted in it tells about:

  • the lives of the first persons of states;
  • the decisions they make and their consequences;
  • peace processes and hostilities;
  • electoral processes in different countries;
  • activities political parties inside the country and outside it.

IN Lately each week is filled with data on the fight against terrorism and related political processes.

financial news

The section on global financial processes is of constant interest to specialists and ordinary citizens.

Everyone is interested in the question of how external economic problems affect the lives of ordinary citizens. This applies not only to the capital, but also regional centers such as Yaroslavl, Kazan or Krasnoyarsk.

In addition, the readers are presented with the latest interstate agreements aimed at the development of trade and industry.

Incident Information

In this part of the newspaper you can always find articles about the problems of fighting crime in Russia and abroad, resonant crimes and their disclosure.

Journalists of the publication also talk about man-made accidents and natural disasters.

The interest of readers is attracted to the fight against the consequences of disasters, emergencies. They are also warned about the dangers that exist in different countries and regions. Citizens of the country, living not only in the capital regions, but also in cities such as Kirov or Omsk, follow with interest the work of law enforcement agencies and rescuers.

Articles about real estate

Many readers are interested in the real estate market in the country and abroad. The growth or decline in prices for it largely regulates the level of development of the economy as a whole. Now the dacha is becoming not only a place of rest, but also a source of food. There are practically no people who are indifferent to the questions:

  • housing arrangement;
  • landscape design and growing vegetables in the country;
  • sales, rental of houses and apartments;
  • compliance with the law during construction and repairs;
  • registration of rights to houses and land;
  • protection of monuments.

The problems of establishing tariffs for housing and communal services and energy savings are also topical. Increasingly, not only the Urals, but also residents of the capital are asking to write about this.

Healthy lifestyle issues

The health and nutrition sections are inextricably linked. Readers put their health at the top of their list of personal priorities.

Therefore, the journalists of the publication publish on the pages of the newspaper:

  • interviews with leading doctors of the country and abroad;
  • general recommendations for maintaining and improving health and using all kinds of diets;
  • recommendations of specialists in the preservation of physical and nervous health;
  • articles about dangerous and useful products, recipes for their preparation.

The publication reflects the issues of the content and influence on the state of the body of pets, positive and dangerous aspects.

Cultural Development

Not a single issue of the newspaper is complete without information about the life of theater, film and pop stars.

The publication's employees try to meet interesting actors and pop figures. Their interview describes not only the story of their success, but life advice, plans for the future. It does not do here without describing the scandalous incidents with the stars, their weddings and divorces.

On the pages of the publication, readers will be the first to learn about new cinema and theater projects, the results of music and film festivals.


Newspaper editoring:


  • PSRN: 1027700459379;
  • TIN: 7701103751;
  • Gearbox: 770101001.

Analysis of the newspaper “Arguments and Facts”

"Arguments and Facts"- the leading Russian weekly newspaper and the absolute leader among the Russian press abroad. The publication is published on 32 - 64 pages (depending on the region) in Russian, has regional supplements, a wide correspondent network and representations abroad. The readership of "AiF" includes representatives of the most different ages, social groups and professions. Among them are workers, creative and technical intelligentsia, business people, politicians and management workers. AiF is a laureate of many Russian and international awards. In 1990, the AiF weekly, with a record circulation of 33.4 million copies, was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most circulated weekly in the world. Among the Russian publications "AiF" - the leader in foreign markets. The newspaper is widely known in all CIS countries, USA, Canada, Australia, Israel, Europe. Advertising in the AiF newspaper can be both independent and interacting with other media.

Circulation 33534500 copies. This newspaper occupies a leading position among periodicals countries. The subject of the newspaper is coverage of events in Russia and abroad, analytics and comments; review of business and economic issues, events of cultural and sports life. The life of a newspaper is relatively short compared to magazines. Studies conducted in our country and abroad show that the reader spends 10-15 minutes reading a daily newspaper. Therefore, publishers try to place burning news as efficiently as possible by placing them on the front pages, while analytical materials and reviews on other newspapers are mainly focused on the middle-aged contingent belonging to the middle social class. This is not an opposition press and its political preferences are close to the ruling coalition, although it is stated that "AiF" professes the basic principles of editorial independence and business transparency.

Also "AiF" has many applications:

  • AiF Moscow
  • · AiF In the country
  • · AiF History
  • AIF "Teen's"
  • AiF Health
  • AiF Petersburg
  • · AIF Superstars
  • AiF Daughters-Mothers
  • AiF Long-liver
  • AiF Family Council
  • · AiF I want to know everything!
  • AiF Children's Encyclopedia

As the newspaper's role in disseminating information increased, the public found itself increasingly dependent on everyday information. This was due to a number of reasons. First, there were few competing voices left other than commercial newspapers and books. Second, even these competing news sources could not compete in speed and consistency. Thirdly, newspapers made no secret from the very beginning that they were not going to be politically neutral and appealed to the prejudices of their readers. Fourth, the principles of the Democratic Political System required that the electorate be kept up to date on the functioning of this system, and initially only newspapers could provide this. Fifth, the average citizen had neither enough time nor own organization, to keep up with the development of political events, and because of this was forced to rely on newspaper information. Finally, sixthly, newspapers offered not only political and economic information. By publishing entertainment and local news, they taught ordinary people to see themselves as part of a larger world that was responding to events.

Although in the XX century. The readership of newspapers has declined somewhat, they still continue to be an important source of information. Despite the spread of radio and television (TV), newspapers today continue to be a source of more detailed and deeper information.

The advertising and reference function in "Arguments and Facts" is not very popular, because. this is a serious newspaper, which is why it has few materials on entertainment and advertising topics; the communicative function is used noticeably more often in the materials, since the journalist more often seeks to establish contact with the mass audience; directly organizational, due to the fact that articles of critical content are published more often in the journal; and, finally, cultural and educational - is most often present in the materials due to the fact that after all this heading called "culture", journalists strive to familiarize the audience with art.

The newspaper "Arguments and Facts" has the following main headings: news, society, money, culture, sports. Thus, the newspaper seeks to cover almost all the most significant areas of life.

Almost every issue contains articles with political propaganda.

The closeness of the newspaper "Arguments and Facts" to the ruling coalition can also be seen in interviews with current politicians in our country.

Propaganda can be informative communication when the propagandist and the audience share certain common ideas and when something is explained. The information transmitted by the propagandist can be completely indisputable and absolutely correct. However, the propagandist knows that his task is not to achieve mutual understanding, but to achieve his own goals. The propagandist will seek to control information and guide public opinion by shaping perceptions through an information communication strategy. Similarly, the inspirer shares ideas with the audience, explains, instructs in order to achieve interdependence. In fact, the suggester effectively uses data to educate the potential audience rather than to convince them. Information in itself does not convince, but only provides confidence in the inspirer. However, suggestion is not always informational communication. It makes its purpose very clear if it really wants to change audience attitudes.

Advertising is a series of appeals, symbols, and statements deliberately designed to influence the receiver of the information in such a way that he accepts the point of view desired by the communicator and acts in some specific way as a result of the received signal, urging him to buy, vote, hold positive or negative views, or simply remember. What distinguishes advertising from other forms of suggestive communication is the deliberateness and carefully constructed nature of the appeals and symbols.

"Arguments and Facts" combines two main components of a serious respectable publication - the general highly professional level of editorial texts and articles by the so-called "golden feathers", well-known journalists.

Almost every issue contains interviews (“public relations”) with various famous people.

"Arguments and Facts" in all types of mass communication tries to be relevant and serious newspaper.

AIF arguments and facts newspaper

"Arguments and Facts" is a weekly newspaper published in 32 pages in Russian. This is a popular newspaper that is in unprecedented demand abroad and in Russia. This is not surprising, the AiF newspaper has the largest circulation on a global scale. So in 1990, this edition was included in the Guinness Book of Records for a fabulous circulation, which totaled 33.5 million copies.

According to sociologists, at least 10 million people hold the latest issue of the AiF newspaper today. These are not only entrepreneurs and workers, but also technical and creative intelligentsia, managers and politicians. "Arguments and Facts" is a newspaper whose positions are characterized by its name. Even if some citizens do not support the position of the newspaper in some way, they are still forced to read it, because only in it you can find the most interesting, fresh news and facts.

The newspaper "Arguments and Facts", despite all its popularity, is a relatively young publication in the field of periodicals. It began its existence in 1978, when the All-Russian Society "3nanie" began to produce Toolkit who helped lecturers-propagandists. This publication published various information, statistics, all kinds of figures that could not be found in the official press.

In 1980, AiF was already published once a week. True, through retail sale it was not distributed, the subscription to the newspaper was also very limited. After all, this weekly semi-closed publication performed its main function - to provide assistance to political informants. Of course, that all materials were subjected to the strictest selection and strict censorship.

"AiF" newspaper - awards and achievements

With the beginning of perestroika, the newspaper began to work according to the principles of publicity. True, this led to the dismissal of the editor-in-chief of AiF, Vladislav Starkov. Then, for the first time in the history of the press, the editorial staff stood up against a higher ideological body and spoke out for their editor. A year later, the weekly was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. In 1995 Arguments and Facts was recognized as the "Best Newspaper of the Year" at the second international press festival "Gong-95". The following year, the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation awards the newspaper and its editor-in-chief the prize "Best Editor and Newspaper of the Year". This year brought the weekly an international award and the title of "The best non-English publication in the world."

In the year of its 20th anniversary, the newspaper became the winner of a professional competition held by the Guild of Periodical Press Publishers in the nomination "The Best Russian Weekly in 1998". And the following year, a stone was laid, on which the AiF logo was embossed, in Moscow on Stary Arbat.

"AiF" newspaper - a course for success

Argumenty i Fakty, the last issue of the newspaper, as well as other issues of the publication, not only cover the life of society on their pages, but also carry a whole storehouse of useful and necessary information for modern man. The editors are an active participant in various social projects. In addition, she herself provides assistance to individuals and many organizations.

These significant successes of the newspaper during this short time testify to its grandiose potential. All this is due to excellent creativity and opportunities for editorial journalists, as well as a stable and friendly team. Fresh newspaper“Arguments and Facts” is always timely and actual information about events in Russia and abroad: culture, politics, social problems, ecology.

"AiF" newspaper - regional projects

The newspaper is widely known and distributed on the territory of Russia and other CIS countries, in the countries Western Europe, Canada, USA, Israel, Australia. The AiF Publishing House also presents to its readers a number of regional applications and projects:

"AiF Health",
"AiF in Belarus",
"AiF in the country",
AiF Europe,
AiF Petersburg,
“AiF I want to know everything!”,
"AiF Tbilisi",
"AiF Children's Encyclopedia",
«AiF Long-Liver»
"AiF Superstars"
«AiF Pro Health».

In 65 Russian regions there are free apps weekly "Arguments and Facts". Among them: AiF-Moscow, AiF-Petersburg, AiF-South, AiF-Kuban, AiF-Ural.

Newspaper "Arguments and Facts": always the first.
