Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Goals and content of business communication. Business communication goals tasks. Goals and objectives of communication

Business conversation is the basis for the successful development of not only the enterprise as a whole, but also the individual. This is an important type of relationship between people, supported by norms and rules.

Communication is divided into:

  • communicative, implying the exchange of information;
  • interactive, consisting in interaction between participants;
  • perceptual, meaning the establishment of a relationship between partners.

All three types are based on a system of ethical values, where the most important criteria are evil, good, good, justice, duty, responsibility, etc. Business relationships should lead to harmonization and coordination of interests.

The tasks of business communication ethics are to formulate principles of communication that would be aimed not only at full-fledged and non-conflict interaction between the parties, but also would not contradict the moral behavior of people. The goal is subordinate to a specific production, scientific or commercial task. A the main task of business communication consists of productive cooperation and improving relations with partners, interaction with which is determined by the exchange of information and is of an informational or disciplinary nature, aimed at achieving a joint result.

Such joint activities imply adherence to common goals, motives, and relationships between participants labor process, as well as the distribution of individual functions between them. The basic rule of communication is: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Interaction imposes some specific requirements on participants:

  1. Compliance with social and legal norms, instructions, internal regulations, etc.
  2. Compliance with the ethics of business communication in accordance with job roles, rights and responsibilities.
  3. Contact between participants, regardless of likes and dislikes. Same measurements for all employees.
  4. Written recording of decisions, instructions, orders and their execution to increase the efficiency of interaction.
  5. Encouragement and motivation in achieving the final result without allowing conflict, both intrapersonal and interpersonal.
  6. The compatibility of the team for joint activities also allows us to solve a wide range of problems.
  7. Criticism of actions, not of people.
  8. The principle works well - greater rewards for greater merit.

The ability and ability to find the right relationship is the art of business communication, which every enterprise that values ​​its reputation strives for. Values ethical behavior today are declining, which is reflected in the behavior of firms and managers who, violating ethical standards, offer or extort bribes, gifts and other illegal payments. According to statistics, our country lost about 70% of profitable deals due to cultural blindness in the business world, therefore the goals and objectives of business communication also manifest themselves in improving the culture of modern society.

The purpose of people's communication became the object of scrutiny psychological research only in the last century. It turned out that communication, as well as the desire for self-improvement, is a fundamental need of homo. It was then that communicans, that is, communicating, was added to the scientific definitions of man - sapiens (intelligent) and habilis (skillful).

Communication between people is not just an exchange of various types of information. This is the basis of human existence. Establishing interpersonal contacts helps individuals fully develop, reach the heights of personal growth, maintain physical and mental health, know themselves, understand others, influence others and interact with them.

The information transmitted during the communication process - it is its content - is divided into several types:

  • material - products and tools;
  • cognitive – scientific and empirical information;
  • active – manipulations, skills and abilities;
  • conditioning – physical and mental states;
  • incentive – interests, needs, motives.

The goals of human communication are very diverse, as they depend on one or another human need. Among them are:

  • social – strengthening connections between members of a group or society;
  • cultural – mutual enrichment with cultural achievements;
  • epistemological – exchange of scientific knowledge;
  • creative – transfer of original, qualitatively new developments;
  • aesthetic – interaction of means, forms and techniques of art;
  • ethical – mutual exchange of moral values;
  • intellectual – familiarization with experience that helps to achieve a new level of consciousness;
  • biological – acquiring access to means of survival: food, housing, medicine;
  • personal – mutual exchange of experiences, thoughts and feelings with an interesting interlocutor, receiving pleasure from contact with him.

The goals of human communication as a unique biostimulator of their spiritual and productive activity are inextricably linked with communicative tasks. Let's name the main ones:

Affective– regulation of the emotional sphere of communication participants: mutual reinforcement emotional states or weakening, convergence or polarization.

Information– formation of the image of feelings and thoughts of interlocutors.

Regulatory– coordination and correction of motives, interests and actions of interacting people, their mutual stimulation.

Number of people whose professional career directly depends on the ability to establish contacts and is constantly growing. The first dollar millionaire, John Rockefeller, who well understood the goals and objectives of communication in modern world, expressed a willingness to pay a higher price for communication skills than for any product.

Goals of business communication

Streamlining and improving activities - commercial, scientific, social, industrial - achieving a beneficial result for all its participants is the main goal of business communication. The content can be disciplinary or informative.

Each negotiator sets himself the following tasks:

  • strengthening cooperation with partners, smoothing out or preventing disagreements between them;
  • increasing trust and mutual understanding;
  • achieving full interaction, its coordination and harmonization;
  • distribution of work fronts or spheres of influence;
  • compliance with the “code of honor,” that is, the norms of behavior accepted in a given environment.

Productive business communication is not only a condition effective development enterprises. It is also the basis for the success of an individual. In the process of business communication, the following valuable personal qualities are formed:

  • the ability to speak convincingly and listen carefully to the interlocutor;
  • persistence and delicacy;
  • the ability to subordinate and yield for the sake of the interests of the company.

To achieve the goal of business communication, its participants must fulfill a number of specific requirements:

  • observe necessary instructions, internal regulations, legal and social norms;
  • not to deviate from the ethics of business contacts within the framework of job roles that provide for a regulated range of responsibilities and rights;
  • interact equally with partners, regardless of your own preferences;
  • record in writing or by means of a recording device important information during the meeting;
  • motivate and encourage participants in the negotiation process to achieve a productive result;
  • avoid conflicts both between the parties to the negotiations and intrapersonal ones;
  • condemn actions, not their performers;
  • assess the compatibility of partners to solve the range of tasks;
  • work not so much for your reputation as for the image of the organization.

It is not easy to master all these competencies. Therefore, many enterprises value employees who have mastered the wisdom of business communication.

Today they are especially in demand in those areas where the culture of communication is reduced, where norms of ethical behavior are violated, where profits are extorted in the form of gifts, bribes, and “left-handed” payments. Such incidents are unacceptable in a business world based on mutually beneficial transactions.

Each person, even entering into the closest contacts, retains his originality and spiritual autonomy. Therefore, achieving the goals of communication is impossible without overcoming disagreements and other difficulties that arise when people interact. But it is in such difficult communications that there is a real chance to achieve success in personal growth and self-development.

Business conversation


Goals of business communication

Business Communication Values

People have been named in various ways: homo sapiens (reasonable man), homo fuber (producing man), and homo ludens (playing man). It seems that with no less reason can he be called homo communicans - a person communicating.

The Russian thinker Pyotr Chaadaev (1794-1856) wittily remarked: “Deprived of communication with other creatures, we would pluck grass rather than reflect on our nature.” And he was right, since the natural way of a person’s existence is his connection with other people, and a person himself becomes a person only in communication.

The need for communication, according to psychologists, is one of the basic (basic) human needs. The importance of communication as a basic need is determined by the fact that “it dictates the behavior of people with no less power than, for example, the so-called vital needs.” Communication is a necessary condition for the normal development of a person as a member of society and as an individual, a condition for his spiritual and physical health.

Acting as a powerful consumer of human energy, communication is at the same time an invaluable biostimulator of human life and spiritual aspirations.

In psychology, communication is defined as the interaction of two or more people, consisting in the exchange of information between them of a cognitive or emotional-evaluative nature. Depending on the communication technique used and its goals, the following types can be distinguished:

H “Contact of masks”, that is, formal communication in which there is no desire to understand and take into account the personality characteristics of the interlocutor.

Ch Formal-role communication, in which both the content and means of communication are regulated by social roles and communication.

Ch Social communication is formal, and its participants say what is supposed to be said in such cases.

Ch Manipulative communication. It is aimed at obtaining one-sided benefits from an interview using a manipulative technique of influencing the communication opponent depending on his characteristics as a person.

Material, i.e. exchange of products or objects of activity;

Cognitive, i.e. knowledge Exchange;

Active, i.e. exchange of actions, skills, abilities.

Cognitive and active communication occurs, for example, in the learning process.

Conditioned, i.e. exchange of mental or physiological states (with a smile to cheer you up, with a grimace to make you angry);

Motivational, i.e. exchange of motives, goals, needs, attitudes (come on, come on!).

Business communications are used to organize and optimize one or another type of activity (professional, industrial, scientific, commercial, political, etc.). And since communication is a subject-oriented activity, the content of each communicative form (lecture, report, discussion, conversation) depends on the communicative intention and the expected result. So, if the purpose of communication is to clarify something, then the content and form of presenting information will be instructive (instruction), narrative (consultation) or reasoning (commentary). If it is necessary to refute someone’s arguments, then evidence and critical remarks will be used.

In addition, the content of business communication can be influenced by the characteristics of the current situation and the personal qualities of the partner. For example, to convey information you wanted to use the deduction method (from general to specific), but during communication you were convinced that for this business partner the induction method is more appropriate (from particular cases, examples to generalization and conclusions).

Business Communications

By means business communications are methods of encoding, transmitting and decoding (deciphering) information.

Coding is a way of transmitting information from one person to another. Coding occurs using symbols and signs (letters, diagrams, sounds, gestures).

The transmission of encoded information occurs through channels. The channels can be air, wires, paper.

Tasks of business communication

Business communication is the basis for the successful development of not only the enterprise as a whole, but also the individual. This is an important type of relationship between people, supported by norms and rules.

Communication is divided into:

  • communicative, implying the exchange of information;
  • interactive, consisting in interaction between participants;
  • perceptual, meaning the establishment of a relationship between partners.

All three types are based on a system of ethical values, where the most important criteria are evil, good, good, justice, duty, responsibility, etc. Business relationships should lead to harmonization and coordination of interests.

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The tasks of business communication ethics are to formulate principles of communication that would be aimed not only at full-fledged and non-conflict interaction between the parties, but also would not contradict the moral behavior of people. The goal is subordinate to a specific production, scientific or commercial task. A the main task of business communication consists of productive cooperation and improving relations with partners, interaction with which is determined by the exchange of information and is of an informational or disciplinary nature, aimed at achieving a joint result.

Such joint activity implies adherence to common goals, motives, relationships between participants in the labor process, as well as the distribution of individual functions between them. The basic rule of communication is: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated.” Interaction imposes some specific requirements on participants:

  1. Compliance with social and legal norms, instructions, internal regulations, etc.
  2. Compliance with the ethics of business communication in accordance with job roles, rights and responsibilities.
  3. Contact between participants, regardless of likes and dislikes. Same measurements for all employees.
  4. Written recording of decisions, instructions, orders and their execution to increase the efficiency of interaction.
  5. Encouragement and motivation in achieving the final result without allowing conflict, both intrapersonal and interpersonal.
  6. The compatibility of the team for joint activities also allows us to solve a wide range of problems.
  7. Criticism of actions, not of people.
  8. The principle works well - greater rewards for greater merit.

The ability and ability to find the right relationship is the art of business communication, which every enterprise that values ​​its reputation strives for. The values ​​of ethical behavior are declining today, which is reflected in the behavior of firms and managers who, violating ethical standards, offer or extort bribes, gifts and other illegal payments. According to statistics, our country lost about 70% of profitable deals due to cultural blindness in the business world, therefore the goals and objectives of business communication also manifest themselves in improving the culture of modern society.

1.2. Business communication, its types and structure

Business communication occupies a significant place in the lives of many people, because... We constantly have to discuss issues related to the organization of production and life labor collective, performing official and official duties, concluding various types of transactions, contracts, making decisions, preparing documents, etc. It acquires particular significance for people involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, 80% of the working time of managers at all levels is spent on communication.

Business conversation is a process of interconnection and interaction in which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience that involve achieving a certain result, solving a specific problem or realizing a certain goal [ 13 , c. 118]. Business communication must have a specific result - a product of joint activity, information, career, power, as well as the accompanying intellectual analysis and emotional experiences.

Business communication can be divided into direct(direct contact) and indirect(there is a spatio-temporal distance between partners). Direct business communication has greater effectiveness, power of emotional impact and suggestion than indirect one.

In general, business communication differs from ordinary (informal) communication in that in its process goals and specific tasks are set that require solutions. In business communication, we cannot stop interacting with a partner (at least without losses for both parties). In ordinary friendly communication, specific tasks are most often not set, specific goals are not pursued. Such communication can be stopped (at the request of the participants) at any time.

There are two types of business communication: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication (from the Latin “verbalis” - verbal) is carried out using words. At non-verbal communication means of transmitting information are postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, glances, territorial location, etc.

The subject of business communication is a common cause. Content of business communication constitutes a socially significant joint activity of people, which presupposes coordination of actions, understanding and acceptance by each participant of the goals, objectives and specifics of this activity, their role and their capabilities for its implementation.

Purpose business communication is the organization and optimization of a certain type of joint substantive activity. In addition to the general goal of business communication, it is possible to highlight personal goals realized by the participants in communication:

1) the desire for personal safety in the process of social activity, which often manifests itself in avoidance of responsibility;

2) the desire to improve one’s standard of living;

3) the desire for power, i.e. the desire to expand the circle of one’s powers, move up the career ladder, and get rid of the burden of hierarchical control;

4) the desire to increase one’s prestige, which is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the organization itself [ 11 , c. eleven].

Business communication, in addition to its main goals, also has psychological functions:

Binding - Me and You. For example, we are writing a scientific article together.

Formative - I am like YOU. For example, I am learning from you how to write a scientific article.

Confirming - I am like that. For example, I realized that I could write a scientific article.

The emotional organizer is We. For example, how nice it is to work together.

Distinctive features of business communication circumstances:

1. Commonality of goals, or motives, or activities.

2. The presence of a common social space-time: organization, group, team.

3. Interconnectedness of participants - system social roles and hierarchy of communication.

4. Regulation of forms of communication.

The concept of “business communication” emphasizes the expediency and possibility of separating subjective desires and objective conditions in the process of personal interaction.

In the case of business communication, the desire to communicate is secondary to the need. Coercion – main feature, distinguishing business communication from ritual and interpersonal.

The formal context of business communication is the organization.

Organization– a form of association of people that has the functions and structure specified external environment, existing independently of the specific people interacting in it.

Considering socio-psychological structure of business communication, we highlight:

1) system of social roles– bosses, colleagues, subordinates, partners, clients, in which the subjects of business communication act.

Boss– a person who has the right to control in a given socio-professional space-time due to external circumstances and the presence of special properties. The role of a boss requires the ability to decide, organize, command, control, reward and punish.

Colleague- a person who is with another in the same professional community and similar social and professional status. This role involves relationships of equality, professional interaction, professional loyalty and ethics.

Subordinate– This role requires the ability to perform, follow rules and obey. The boss and the subordinate must maintain a distance between themselves.

Partnerships- these are relationships in which there is 1) awareness of the mutual benefit of cooperation, 2) the presence of a common gender of activity in a certain space - time (“we cannot live without each other”), 3) development of a behavioral strategy that allows us to preserve the relationship and the “face” of each partner .

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Relationship "Company - Client" emphasize the need and interest of one subject in maintaining relations with another.

2) system of psychological roles of different levels and content - creators and performers, leaders and conformists, choleric and melancholic people, which determine the characteristics of the psychological reactions and behavioral style of the participants in communication;

3) system of conditions for the implementation of business communication:

chronotope of communication – from the first contact to the end of communication,

social space of communication,

barriers and communication disorders.

Motives of participants in business communication come down to three main groups:

1) achieving a specific result;

2) obtaining socio-psychological advantages - money, power, fame;

3) implementation in the process of joint activity of personal relationships - friendship, love, envy, revenge.

Roles, in combination with the motivation of participants in business communication, make it possible to determine and consolidate the languages ​​and forms in which the relationships between them are realized.

Business communication takes place in a certain communication space, the limits or boundaries of which can be represented as follows:

I communicate with you only for the sake of business or I communicate with you because I like you. At one pole, communication is determined by its purpose, at the other - by the pleasure received from communication, regardless of the specific goal.

I do this with you because I like you or because it’s impossible otherwise.. In some situations of business communication we have the opportunity to choose a partner, in others we are doomed to work with him. As a rule, we choose an activity or place of work, not bosses, colleagues and subordinates.

We follow generally accepted norms of behavior, or the norms of our circle, or our personal forms of communication.

Communication barriers in business communication:

1. Inferiority complex: professional, psychological, administrative. (“I can’t” or “I can’t do this”) They are not obvious to the partner. They can hide through aggression, isolation, and shyness.

2. Compulsory communication, that is, the need to communicate with unpleasant people.

3. The complexity and hiddenness of the goals and motives of the participants.

4. Specificity of the organizational context - availability corporate culture and corporate ethics [ 7 , With. 17-23].

Exist special rituals of business communication. These are business conversations of different types, business correspondence, business etiquette, attributes of business communication, verbal and non-verbal signs and symbols of relationships, barriers, defenses and conflicts. For example, in business conversation It is customary to address each other formally, regardless of the nature of the partners’ relationship outside of work. In addition, there may be forms of greeting or seats occupied at the table that are characteristic of this particular work group and symbolize the nature and hierarchy of relationships in it. With the help of ritual forms: addresses, greetings, compliments, we can strengthen or weaken the effectiveness of activities. But in general, in business communication the goal and motivation is joint activity, and therefore it cannot be reduced to external forms. Business communication includes the ritual level, but is not limited to it.

Thus, business communication is one of the types of communication in which there is a role-based, interpersonal and ritual aspect. Business communication is different in that it is determined by external goals. Business communication is communication for the sake of something that lies beyond the boundaries of communication itself. Business communication is forced. Business communication is communication according to strict rules, knowledge of which is mandatory. Business communication is formally impersonal, therefore, in business communication, the interests and motives of participants may be hidden and need to be deciphered.

In business communication, the possibilities for choosing and changing one’s role, forms of communication and partner are significantly narrower compared to interpersonal or ritual communication. Business communication takes place in a certain social space-time. Business communication is realized in given forms: conversation, conversation, negotiations, joint activities. Problems of business communication: difficulties, violations, barriers, conflicts, have their own specifics and their own methods of resolution.

Goals of business communication

Return to Business Communication

Business communication becomes of paramount importance for people who are involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, according to average data, about 80-90% of the working time of managers at all known levels is spent on communication and communication.

Business communication plays an important role in various types professional activity, determines their success. It acquires particular significance for people involved in management. Thus, executives and managers spend 80% of their working time on communication. And this is no coincidence: after all, the goal of business communication is to organize fruitful cooperation.

In the scientific and methodological literature, many definitions of the concept “business communication” are given. Here is one that highlights the purpose. Business conversation- this is interpersonal communication for the purpose of organizing and optimizing one or another type of objective activity: production, scientific, commercial, managerial, etc.

Business communication is a complex phenomenon. Its character is influenced by both vertical and horizontal connections in the interaction process. Business people constantly have to communicate with people at different levels of the hierarchical ladder (vertically), as well as with colleagues and employees of the same level (horizontally). In the first case, these are subordinate relationships, in the second - partnerships.

Subordination relations are determined by the social status of the interlocutors and administrative and legal norms (for example, a manager - a subordinate).

These relationships are characterized by strict subordination of juniors in rank or position to seniors, and compliance with the rules of official discipline. The manager makes decisions that are binding on the subordinate. Just as often a leader who prefers a subordinate type of relationship adheres to an authoritarian style in communication, he chooses a closed monologue strategy. For him, the interlocutor is an object that can be manipulated. The main thing for him is not to listen to the interlocutor, but to speak himself. He expresses his opinion sharply and categorically. It is characterized by phrases like: I am interested in this and that; I believe that; even though you don’t know it; no, you're wrong.

Such relationships cannot contribute to the success of the business. They fetter initiative, suppress feedback, kill interest in the matter.

Partnership relations are of a different nature. They are guided by a strategy of cooperation and mutual understanding, taking into account the common interests and needs of the participants. Such relationships correspond to the Russian rhetorical ideal of the Socratic type, Platonic dialogues.

“It is no coincidence that in business life there is a movement away from strict subordination relationships to partnerships, to the establishment of subordination-partnership relations along the vertical. This increases people’s business and creative activity and is an important factor technological process production"(5, 40).

What is typical for business communication? We will examine this question in the next paragraph.

A characteristic feature of business communication is that the content and goals are aimed at solving production and social problems. However, business communication, like communication in general, is usually viewed as a complex and multifaceted process that can act at the same time as a process of interaction between individuals and as information process, and as the attitude of people towards each other, and as a process of interaction with each other, and as a process of empathy and mutual understanding of each other. Consequently, business communication includes the whole variety of communication functions: communicative, emotive, emotional, cognitive (cognitive), conative (learning), voluntary (influence), phatic (establishing contact between people). If there is no mutual understanding in business communication, then the communication cannot be considered successful. Business and personal communication are intertwined with each other and can transform into one another. Whatever forms of communication appear, it is business if its defining content is socially significant joint activity.

Both individuals and entire groups can act as subjects of communication. The content of business communication is determined by the needs for joint activities, which presuppose coordination of actions, understanding and acceptance by each participant of the goals, objectives and specifics of this activity, their role and their capabilities for its implementation.

Business communication in management activities allows the manager to analyze the relationships between people, forms of contacts and means of establishing them, methods of inclusion in the team, factors that determine the behavior of employees in joint activities. Thus, the manager gets the opportunity to objectively assess the state of the system’s functioning and, if necessary, take adequate management decision to transfer the system from one state to another, higher one. This is what it's all about the main point management activities.

Thus, the content of business communication is socially significant joint activity. At the same time, the interlocutor is faced with the task of not only exchanging business information, but also achieving its adequate understanding. In the process of business communication, communication barriers often arise, that is, psychological obstacles to the transfer and reception of information between communication partners. Communication barriers are divided into understanding barriers, socio-cultural differences barriers and attitude barriers.

The first type of barriers is usually associated with phonetic, semantic meaning. Socio-cultural barriers in business communication can be generated by ethnic differences in understanding the issues under discussion, differences in age, gender or professional orientation. Barriers to relationships are a purely psychological phenomenon; such obstacles to contact arise when a feeling of mistrust appears between interlocutors, which affects the level of acceptance of the information being discussed. The ability to communicate largely depends on the character and psychological properties of the individual. A sociable person easily makes contact, quickly organizes communication, and wins over his interlocutor.

The goals of business communication include:

  • - conclusion of a contract;
  • - problem solving;
  • - an agreement about something;
  • - changing the interlocutor’s point of view;
  • - correction of incorrect information;
  • - increase in income;
  • - growth of personal influence;
  • - career growth;
  • - acquisition of new information.

Business communication is a real process, a process of interconnection and mutual influence of people solving problems as a result of joint activities.

Joint activity is a set of group-wide tasks in which the community participates.

The variety of factors that ensure the productivity of business communication requires compliance with norms and rules business etiquette, knowledge and compliance with the psychological laws of communication.

Goals of business communication

Business communication becomes of paramount importance for people who are involved in management. As studies in the field of management show, according to average data, about 80-90% of the working time of managers at all known levels is spent on communication and communication.

The main goal of business communication is to organize fruitful cooperation, as well as to create optimal conditions for successfully solving problems facing the organization and its individual employees.

In other words, the purpose of business communication can be called the organization and optimization of a certain type of joint activity.

However, in addition to the general goal, it is also possible to highlight personal goals, which are realized to one degree or another by the direct participants in the communication:

    the desire for personal safety in the process of social activity, in the course of fulfilling one’s professional duties, which often manifests itself in avoiding the responsibility assigned to the employee;

    the desire to improve one’s standard of living and improve one’s financial situation;

    the desire for power, that is, the desire to expand the range of available powers, to move only up the career ladder, to get rid of the burden of hierarchical control;

    the desire to increase one’s prestige, which is often combined with the desire to strengthen the prestige of the position held and the organization itself.

But in order for the goal of business communication to be successfully realized, modern psychological science identifies two main ethical and psychological principles of business communication, which include:

    the principle of creating conditions for identifying the creative potential and professional knowledge of an individual, on the basis of which it is possible to reconcile the employee’s personal goals with the general goals of the organization;

    the principle of authority and responsibility that regulates business communication within the framework of official rights and responsibilities in accordance with the official status of the employee, the assessment of his business qualities and the use of his direct qualifications and experience gained.

Business Communication Values

Studying any form of business communication, we are faced with its general laws. Let us present a diagram of the relationship between interaction and development. The main elements of this scheme: the system of mutual influence and the person. The ideal of a person is what a person is and what he does, i.e. the embodiment of what he can become. These are the best tendencies, which, embodied in a model, become a stimulus and regulator of its development. The system of mutual influence contributes to the development of a conscious personality.

In the process of business communication, the uniqueness of the operation of the laws of interpersonal relations is studied, and specific patterns are revealed. Business communication involves the regulation of production and non-production relations in working conditions.

In business communication, mutual development of the subjects of communication takes place. The essence of such a process is expressed in the degree of consciousness and activity of the individual participating in it. The purpose of business communication is to develop cooperation. Business communication is a condition for the development of thinking and behavior techniques, helping those who own it to come to the right conclusions.

The dependence on coordination and mutual influence is much broader than is usually implied when talking about communication. If there were no effective procedures and techniques, we would not be able to enjoy any of the fruits of civilization.

The behavior of participants in business communication should be imbued with purity and nobility. The development of business communication consists in the improvement of its subjects, in the superiority of their soul and heart, in inner beauty and a high degree of morality. In communication, it is important to use reasoning, correct and comprehensive commentary on information received from the press, radio, television and other sources, selection and generalization of the necessary facts and events, creation and formulation of one’s own information that interests the interlocutor. In business communication, a competition of minds, programs, projects, and provisions is realized.

Knowledge, its breadth and depth, horizons, and erudition provide flexibility and independent thinking. Business communication determines the organization of mental activity, forces its participants to reflect on a particular problem, form their views and relationships, and determine their place and purpose in production activities. The system of mutual influence encourages subjects of business communication to perform that set of interrelated actions, as a result of which goods and services necessary for society are produced. As a result, the mechanism of positive cooperation and coordination in the workforce is developing and improving.

In business communication, participants take those actions that, in their opinion, will bring them the greatest benefit (that is, benefit minus any possible costs or losses associated with these actions). Everyone acts following their personal interests, in accordance with the formulated rules, depending on the interaction in business communication. Highly developed people experience great satisfaction in helping others. Unfortunately, there are also those - probably not many of them - who get satisfaction from harming their employees. However, a developed personality is able to correctly predict the actions of complete strangers. This turns out to be useful in cases where you want to influence the behavior of other people.

By acting in their own interests, participants in business communication create opportunities for their opponents to choose. Mutual influence is the process of continuous mutual adjustment to changes in benefits arising from their interaction with each other. These actions change the relative costs and benefits associated with the opportunities available to other people. Changes in costs and benefits can motivate participants to change their behavior so that it is more consistent with the actions of other people. This is the main mechanism of cooperation between participants in business communication, which allows them to ensure that their needs are met using available means. Thus, in the interaction of personal and non-personal interests and needs, rational choice is made in business communication.

Having previously weighed the expected pros and cons of the available options, a person learns from his mistakes and, therefore, tries not to repeat them. People, pursuing their interests, adapt to each other’s behavior, although they comply with the norms and rules accepted in society. This combines the personal and public interests of participants in business communication. An important part of the rules governing these interactions are property rights, which delimit what belongs to whom. Property rights and other rules and regulations ultimately determine exactly what choices business entities will make in pursuit of their interests.

If participation in the discussion and solution of production problems is formal, then it is not the social qualities of the manager’s personality that dominate, but the qualities of the subject-performer, i.e. the rational natural essence of man. In this case, the rules of business communication are only an external requirement, and not the internal essence of its subjects.

Business communication allows you to better understand what market and new socio-economic relations require, and to see a wide range of complex social relationships. It is able to explain the processes of coordination in society and identify the prerequisites that allow them to develop successfully.
