Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Organization of reception of visitors and documentation. Organization of reception of visitors. Algorithm for business communication between a secretary and a visitor Stage “contact”: a beautiful professional greeting; friendly. Reception of visitors rules



Organizing and conducting reception of visitors


Regulatory requirements for organizing and conducting reception of visitors

General questions regarding reception organization

Reception of organization employees

1 Reception of employees on current issues

2 Reception of employees on work matters

3 Reception of employees on personal matters

Reception of employees from other organizations

Reception of posted workers...

Reception of citizens on personal matters

Organizing the reception of visitors at the State Educational Institution "SKSiS"





The relevance of this topic is determined by the need to build high-quality work with visitors and ensure the proper level of service.

The subject of the study of this work is the improvement and organization of the secretary’s work when receiving visitors.

Object of study thesis is the organization of the secretary's activities when receiving visitors.

Purpose of the study: to study the organization and management of reception of visitors.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are set:

Study the regulatory documents governing the organization of reception of visitors;

Consider general issues of preparing to receive visitors;

Study each category of visitors in detail;

Show the procedure for receiving visitors depending on the category;

Consider the organization of work with citizens' appeals.

To achieve the above goals and objectives, the following methods were used:

the theoretical method was used in the study and analysis of regulatory requirements for the organization and conduct of reception of visitors, methodological sources, specially found material, periodicals and Internet resources;

the description method was applied when considering general issues of organizing a reception;

The classification method was used to characterize the main categories of visitors.

The methodological basis for writing the thesis is the works of domestic scientists and specialists, such as Yu.M. Mikhailov, M.I. Basakov, N.V. Vorzhaeva, E. Ishutina, Yu.M. Demin, V.V. Galakhov, etc.

When writing a thesis, educational, scientific, methodological literature, materials from periodicals and specialized Internet sites also serve as sources of information.

Chapter 1. Regulatory requirements for organizing and conducting reception of visitors

When organizing the reception of visitors, the secretary is guided by:

Federal law"On the procedure for considering citizens' appeals Russian Federation"No. 59-FZot May 2, 2006, which regulates legal relations related to the sale by a citizen

RF of the constitutional right to appeal assigned to him

to state bodies and local self-government bodies, and also establishes the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals by state bodies, bodies local government and officials

in particular, the right to appeal from citizens (Article 2), legal regulation of legal relations related to the consideration of citizens’ appeals (Article 3), the rights of a citizen when considering an appeal (Article 5), guarantees of the safety of a citizen in connection with his appeal (Article 6) , requirements

to a written appeal (Article 7), sending and registering a written appeal (Article 8), mandatory acceptance of the appeal for consideration

(Article 9), procedure for consideration of appeals (Article 10), procedure for consideration of individual appeals (Article 11), deadlines for consideration of written appeals (Article 12), organization of personal reception of citizens (Article 13), organization of control over compliance with the procedure consideration of appeals (Article 14), the procedure for compensation of losses caused and recovery of expenses incurred when considering appeals (Article 16);

Law of the Komi Republic "On the implementation of the right of citizens to appeal in the Komi Republic" No. 47-RZ of May 11, 2010, regulating legal relations related to the implementation of the right of citizens to appeal

to state institutions of the Komi Republic and state unitary enterprises of the Komi Republic, establishing additional guarantees of the right of citizens to appeal to state bodies of the Komi Republic and local government bodies, and extending to all types of appeals from citizens received in writing or orally at a personal reception, by mail, telefax, telegraph, public information systems.

When organizing paperwork based on citizens' requests, the secretary uses:

Standard instructions for office work in the executive authorities of the Komi Republic, state bodies of the Komi Republic, formed by the head of the Komi Republic or the government of the Komi Republic, which establishes General requirements to documenting management activities and organizing work with documents in the executive authorities of the Komi Republic, state bodies of the Komi Republic formed by the Head of the Komi Republic or the Government of the Komi Republic, namely the procedure for preparing and issuing official letters in the form of responses to requests from various organizations; responses to requests from citizens on issues within the competence of government agencies; as letters emanating from a government agency containing requests, proposals, appeals (clause 7.2, clause 7.4);

Rules for office work in federal executive authorities (approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2009.

No. 477), which establish a uniform procedure for office work

in federal executive authorities, in particular the organization of paperwork based on citizens’ appeals;

Model regulations on the conduct of office work on proposals, applications and complaints of citizens in government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations (approved by the Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Science and Technology, the USSR State Committee on Standards and the Main Archival Directorate under the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 30 1981 N 463/162/298), regulating the organization and conduct of office work on proposals and applications

and complaints from citizens in government agencies, enterprises,

in institutions and organizations and establishing the form of the registration and control card and instructions for filling it out;

Time standards for work on documentation support of management structures of federal executive authorities (approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation of March 26

No. 23), which regulate the time norms for issuing travel certificates (clause 5.8), the time norms for entering a reference card index (clause 5.10), the time norms for searching for current information (clause 5.11), the time norms for issuing certificates (clause 5.12) , time standards for working with citizens’ appeals (clause 6.5), time norms for secretarial work (clause 7.1).

For all other questions related to the organization

and conducting reception of visitors, the author advises to follow local acts organization (regulations, rules, instructions regulating the reception of visitors), relevant literature, experience and recommendations of already experienced specialists

and analyze and use your own experience of hosting visitors.

Chapter 2. General issues of organizing a reception

A visitor is a person who contacts an organization to resolve business or personal issues with the manager or employees of the organization.

Receiving visitors is one of the key activities of the daily activities of the head of the company. Unlike a meeting, a reception is a form of individual business communication the head of the company, both with the organization’s employees and with other people who arrived at the reception. The secretary of a company (small institution) is responsible for organizing the reception of all those who apply to it. The manager's secretary organizes the reception of visitors by management. Receiving visitors is one of the most important functions of a secretary.

Properly organized reception of visitors at the enterprise is a guarantee of successful resolution of a wide variety of issues of an industrial, commercial and personal nature. It is important to keep in mind that the responsibilities for receiving visitors vary significantly from one organization to another. IN large companies There are special employees who, for security purposes, meet and accompany visitors around the building, or employees of the so-called reception (entrance area), who meet visitors and direct them to the appropriate departments.

In accordance with the law, reception of citizens on personal matters is carried out by the heads of organizations, their deputies or responsible employees. The official conducting the reception must be extremely attentive to the visitor, his needs and requests, and direct the conversation to identify the essence of the appeal and the circumstances conducive to making the right decision.

The reception of citizens must be carefully organized. Announcements about the reception of citizens indicating the names of officials receiving visitors, the time and place of reception are posted in accessible places in the serviced territory and on the premises of the organization. (picture 1)

Figure 1 - example of a posted advertisement for the reception of citizens

The reception of citizens at their place of work and residence must be announced no later than five days before the reception; these announcements can also be found in the media or on the organization’s website.

At the same time, evening time free from work is also determined. It is most convenient to hold weekly receptions of visitors.

The manager receives visitors in accordance with the manager’s work regulations and the internal labor regulations of the enterprise on one of the established days of the week (for example, Monday), at strictly defined, usually afternoon hours.

The duration of the reception time is set based on the average number of visitors and taking into account the average duration of individual communication between the visitor and the manager.

In addition to current issues in any company, there are issues that are not particularly urgent, but at the same time important and requiring detailed discussion.

In addition to pre-registration, reception can be organized as follows. For each employee, a certain time is set once a week, when he can discuss all the serious issues that have accumulated in him. To consolidate this order, a reception schedule is developed. (Figure 2)

Figure 2 - schedule for personal reception of citizens

In addition to workers, employees also have personal questions, although this happens, of course, quite rarely.

In some large organizations, managers set aside special days to address personal issues of employees. Depending on the size of the organization and the flow of requests, this could be, for example, the first Friday of the month from 16.00 to 20.00 or every even Thursday from 18.00 to 20.00. In each organization, the specific time and day of the week are set according to the situation. In most cases, if a special time is allocated for personal issues, it is in the evening hours, partly after the end of the working day. This is convenient for the manager, as it allows him not to interrupt current affairs during working hours, and employees who are interested in resolving a personal issue usually do not mind staying late.

Reception of visitors from other organizations must be prepared in advance by the secretary. The appointment time must be agreed upon and convenient for both the visitor and the manager.

Preparing to receive visitors. The process of preparing for receiving visitors should be carried out in advance.

To do this, the secretary must know:

) date and time (hours) of the next reception of visitors;

) quantitative and qualitative composition of visitors;

) motives (reasons) for visiting;

When preparing to receive visitors, first of all, you should take care of the reception area, which should make a favorable impression on the visitor, since the reception area is the place of first contact with the company (organization, institution). Comfort and coziness in the reception area are not superfluous conditions for visitors, which can significantly affect the fruitfulness of their further conversations with the manager. And every secretary can create a business-like and inviting atmosphere in the reception area. If there is no wardrobe at the entrance to your office, you should consider a coat rack for guests in the reception area. It would be nice to place a mirror next to the hanger. The visitor area must be within sight of the secretary.

Often the reliability of an organization is judged by the equipment and design of the reception area. It is no longer uncommon to have paintings hanging in the reception area, exotic plants, flowers or aquariums. All this brightens up the expectations of visitors and creates a positive mood.

To achieve a high aesthetic level of the interior, it is necessary to carry out strict zoning, correct architectural and planning solutions, create a favorable microclimate, and constantly maintain cleanliness and order. A special area should be allocated to serve visitors. (Figure 3)

Figure 3 - dedicated area for serving visitors

Its equipment depends on the reception area. In a small reception area there are 2-3 chairs or light armchairs. If the space allows, you can purchase a set of upholstered furniture. The reception area should be quite spacious, with a well-organized interior, waiting areas with the necessary announcements and, if possible, products characterizing the direction of the company's activities; usually the organization's advertising brochures, newspapers, and magazines are laid out on the coffee table.

To prepare for the next appointment, the secretary must do the following.

Inquire from the manager 2-3 days before the appointment about his work plans for this time.

Clarify whether the manager intends to invite anyone to the reception, write down the name of the organization, position and surname of the invitee, as well as the reason why the manager is interested in meeting with the specified person, the exact time of the meeting.

Report the approximate number of visitors who have expressed a desire to meet with the manager on the next reception day.

Submit written materials of potential visitors (applications, requests, complaints, suggestions, etc.) to the manager for review.

Request additional instructions on the preparation and organization of the upcoming reception, clarify the time of the report on readiness for the reception.

Based on the instructions of the manager, the temporary indicators of reception and the contingent of visitors who have made an appointment with the manager, the secretary creates a list of visitors, which is formed upon pre-registration in the pre-registration log. This could be a list of employees on personal matters or a list of citizens receiving. His secretary shows it to the manager. In order to determine who to refer the visitor to, the secretary must know the structure of the company, the functional responsibilities of department heads and specialists of the enterprise, etc.

At the next stage, the secretary takes into account the written materials received by the manager, which are supplied with a legend certificate reflecting the status of the issue addressed by the visitor.

If the number of visitors exceeds the manager’s capabilities, the secretary determines the procedure for receiving visitors or selects candidates for visiting. Thus, the main and reserve lists of visitors are formed.

After the lists are reported to the manager, changes are made to them.

On the morning of the reception day, the secretary:

) provides the manager with the main and reserve lists of visitors, if necessary, clarifies them;

) provides the manager with additional materials related to this technique;

) receives additional instructions from the manager to ensure reception, and, if necessary, invites specialists to participate in the reception;

) according to the final list, invites visitors to the reception, indicating the exact time for the reception and reminding them to bring the necessary materials.

If the manager cannot immediately resolve the question posed by the visitor, he must give recommendations on who to contact. The results of the reception are recorded in a journal. If the manager is forced to refuse a request, then this must be done without offending the person.

A visitor to the reception may turn out to be a client of the company, and the impression of the company depends on how he is received, so greet each visitor kindly and kindly.

The secretary is the first to greet the visitor and take him business card, thanks, gets acquainted with the contents of the card. (Figure 4)

Figure 4 - example of business cards

Having received the business card, the secretary places it in a business card holder or file cabinet. The business card is not returned to the visitor, as this is tantamount to a refusal of admission. If the visitor does not have a business card, write down his last name, first name, patronymic, position and place of work in an organizer or work notebook; ask him about the purpose of the visit.

If you are talking on the phone or talking with one of the visitors, greet the new visitor with a friendly smile and with a slight nod of your head indicate where he should sit. If you cannot pay attention to him for some more time, you can invite the visitor to familiarize himself with the company’s brochures, catalogues, price lists, which, first of all, demonstrates your attention to the visitor, and in addition, provides him with the opportunity to get acquainted with the activities of the company and range of its services.

When receiving a visitor, smile and look into his eyes, but not too closely.

If the manager is ready to receive the visitor, then the secretary invites the visitor to enter. You can report to the boss about the visitor’s arrival via communication and, having received consent to receive him, invite the visitor to go into the office.

In every organization there is a circle of people who have access to the manager at any time; you must know them and freely let them through to the boss.

If a visitor comes without a prior agreement, the secretary has the right to independently decide whether to report him to the manager immediately or make an appointment. If the manager cannot receive the visitor at the moment, he should be informed of the date and time when he will be received.

If the organization has strict access control, the secretary orders passes for visitors in advance, meets the most important guests in the hall, and then, inviting them to follow him, escorts them to the manager’s office. (Figure 5)

Figure 5 - example of a temporary pass

If guests arrive in the middle of the day, having previously visited other sites, you need to show them where they can clean up. If an important visitor comes to the manager, the secretary should greet him standing and personally report him to the boss, then open the door and invite the visitor to enter.

During a reception on personal matters, the secretary keeps a journal where the date of reception, surname, first name, patronymic, essence of the issue, surname of the receptionist, and the results of the consideration are recorded.

A professional secretary will do everything to ensure a calm environment for their communication, because he performs the duties of a generous and hospitable hostess. You need to prepare in advance for the upcoming meeting. The manager decides what to treat the guest to. Tea or coffee is prepared in the buffet or reception area and brought into the office on a tray. The cup should be on a plate with a napkin, the spoon should be on the saucer with the handle facing to the right. The cup is served to the guest from the right, with the right hand; if approaching from the right is difficult, then with the left hand. A glass of juice should also be served on a small plate with a napkin. When saying goodbye, say a few words with a smile.

Sometimes conflict situations arise when receiving visitors. The reasons for this may be neglect of the visitor’s interests, humiliation of his personal dignity, rude behavior, long waits for an appointment, etc. in the best possible way is the visitor’s attitude toward agreement, the search for common ground in reasoning and arguments.

It can be very difficult to end a conversation. You can enlist the help of a secretary to interrupt the conversation and remind you of the next visitor.

The organization of the reception depends on the category of visitors:

employees of your organization;

a) reception of employees on current issues;

b) receiving employees for a conversation on work issues;

c) reception of employees on personal matters

Employees of other organizations:

a) by prior agreement;

b) arriving suddenly;

Reception of business travelers;

Visitors face-to-face questions.

Chapter 3. Reception of employees of the organization

Since the secretary helps the manager in implementing the plan of his working day, he is often given the right to determine with whom the manager needs to meet himself and who can be referred to other officials; what issues need urgent, priority resolution and managerial attention.

When organizing a reception for the manager, the secretary must know and freely let through persons who have access to him at any time. Employees who come to the reception must be addressed by name and patronymic, for which the secretary must have a surname (with first and patronymic) list of all employees of the organization.

1 Reception of employees on current issues

When organizing a reception for employees of his enterprise on current issues, the secretary must know very well the structure of the organization, have an idea of ​​​​its activities, and know the distribution of responsibilities and issues between management employees.

The secretary must inform all employees of the organization about the opening hours on current issues. He must know well those employees who have access to the manager at any time.

Every day in any company a lot of work issues arise that require quick solutions. These issues can be resolved within a few minutes, and if the subordinate does not have the opportunity to coordinate them with the manager, then his work may slow down. Brief operational questions include:

● obtaining verbal permission for something (for example, an employee wants to know if he can use a company car);

● coordination of any actions (for example, an employee is tasked with organizing a meeting with suppliers, and it is important for him to agree on the time of the meeting, the list of participants and the list of necessary documents).

● obtaining brief information (for example, to complete an assignment, an employee needs to receive the coordinates of an organization and brief information about it, which the manager has);

● providing brief information (for example, an employee has held important negotiations and wants to immediately report to the manager about their results);

● signing documents (payment orders, orders, instructions, contracts, etc.). But we must not forget that signing documents is not always a quick process. For example, an employee assures that he “has something to do for a couple of minutes, just sign an agreement,” and then it turns out that the manager is seeing this agreement for the first time and needs to study it thoroughly before signing.

There are issues that, from the point of view of subordinates, require urgent solutions in any organization. However, if each employee turns to the manager as such questions arise, then all work time the manager will go to their decision. That is why it is important to properly organize the flow of visitors with urgent issues. Each company must find its own solution, optimal for it, but, to summarize, you can do the following: all issues are grouped, and work with each group is organized in a certain way.

The secretary collects draft documents that the manager must first study before making any decision (draft orders, instructions, letters, contracts, advertising and information materials, memos) in the “For Consideration” folder. (Figure 6)

Figure 6 - example of a “For Consideration” folder

During the day, these documents accumulate with the secretary, and the manager views them all at once at the end of the working day or at the beginning of the next.

The manager can inform the secretary that a document is waiting for urgent consideration - when the executor brings the document, the secretary will immediately transfer it to the manager. If the company uses e-mail to exchange information, executors send documents to the secretary by e-mail.

Sometimes employees send letters directly to the manager - such messages distract the manager just as much as visits. If the company is large, this leads to the manager being overloaded and working in fire brigade mode. In addition, most managers prefer to study documents on paper, immediately marking questions and making comments.

Documents that the manager has already seen and approved, ready for signing, are placed by the secretary in the “For Signature” folder. The manager can sign these documents all at once, allocating 10-15 minutes for this either in the middle of the day (for unloading), or at the beginning and end of the day (period of working out or fatigue).

Really urgent matters can be resolved over the phone (if you do not need to study or sign documents). This allows you to save significant time. The secretary asks the employee what question he has and reports to the manager by phone, and the manager decides whether he will talk to the employee or not. If the manager decides not to talk, he can either forward the question to someone (for example, his deputy), or ask the employee to put the question in writing and put it in the “For Review” folder, or ask the employee to contact him at another time.

All of the above groups usually make up about 80% of all urgent issues. After sorting, 20% of issues remain that really require an urgent meeting to be resolved.

In addition, through the joint efforts of the secretary and the manager, employees can gradually train employees to accumulate questions to be resolved and to come to the manager at most once a day with a list of questions to be resolved. If such an innovation can be implemented, it will significantly relieve the manager’s workload. In this case, you can allocate 10-15 minutes for each subordinate at the end or beginning of the working day to resolve all current issues. You can create a schedule for this.

Another option for reception on current work issues is to set a certain time for each day when any employee (in the order of priority, which is regulated by the secretary) can come to the manager and resolve all their issues. For example, very popular time- from 13.00 to 14.00 (after the lunch break), since it has been proven that after lunch it is more effective to engage in light intellectual activity, and solving current short questions belongs to them. Also, the time from 9.00 to 10.00 is good for these purposes, since at the very beginning of the day employees usually need solutions to urgent issues.

These are just a few examples of how such short techniques can be organized. Depending on the specifics of the organization, the time and duration of the reception, the availability of a record of questions and resolutions, the composition of employees and their distribution at the reception, and other parameters may vary. In each specific case, the secretary can apply his creativity and develop an algorithm that will not only be technologically advanced and time-efficient, but also convenient for all members of the process.

2 Reception of employees on work matters

In the course of the activities of any company, issues also arise that are not particularly urgent, but at the same time important and requiring detailed discussion. These issues cannot be resolved on the go, in a couple of minutes, or over the phone. These questions include:

● provision feedback to an employee based on the results of some large-scale work, for example, upon completion of a project or lengthy negotiations;

● making a decision on a global issue, for example, discussing with an employee several offers from large suppliers and choosing the optimal one;

● discussion of plans and reports (monthly, quarterly, annual) of the employee;

● performance appraisal conversation, discussion of the employee’s performance over a long period (six months, a year);

● discussion of employee proposals and ideas for improving work, reorganization, changing strategy and other global issues.

To discuss such issues, the manager needs to communicate with the subordinate for at least 20-30 minutes, although most often such conversations last about an hour. Therefore, such issues are usually not resolved in a quick response mode. To discuss everything calmly, the manager must be sure that he has an hour left. That is why the admission process on issues not related to current issues must be organized in a special way. If the company is large and the manager regularly communicates on important issues with a large number of subordinates (more than 10), then it is best to keep an appointment log.

After the manager has appointed a specific time, it is necessary to inform the employee. In order not to forget who has been notified and who has not, you can make notes directly in the journal.

The manager can set a date for the reception, or he can indicate a specific time: it all depends on how the organization usually plans his working day. He can choose the hours for his appointment himself, or the secretary, based on his work schedule, schedules an appointment for his free time.

It may happen that the employee will be busy at the time for which the meeting is scheduled (for example, he has negotiations with a client) and he will not be able to get to the meeting with the manager. To prevent such situations from arising, employees can indicate in the “Note” column when it is convenient for them to meet or when they will be busy. In any case, after setting a date, the secretary needs to find out whether this time is suitable for the employee and, if necessary, reschedule the meeting.

In addition to pre-registration, in small companies a certain time can be set for each employee - once a week - when he can discuss all the serious issues that have accumulated in him. To consolidate this order, a reception schedule is developed.

3 Reception of employees on personal matters

Reception on personal matters is organized according to rules largely similar to those described above, but with certain features observed. Questions brought to the reception should be of a purely personal nature, and their solution should be within the competence of the head of the company.

Pre-registration for an appointment for personal matters is carried out by the secretary in the period between the previous and next appointment based on:

direct (oral) requests from citizens for admission;

conclusions on the preliminary consideration of written requests previously received by the manager, from which it follows that the applicant must be personally received by the head of the company;

written requests containing a citizen’s request for admission on a personal issue.

Then the secretary creates a preliminary appointment schedule for personal matters and reports it to the manager. The schedule is formed based on the total duration of administration of no more than 3.5-4 hours.

After the schedule is approved, visitors are notified of the date, time and duration of the reception.

When organizing a reception for employees of your organization on personal matters, you need to show more attention and tact. Typically, meetings on personal matters are scheduled for the end of the week. On this day, the heads of departments that the head of the organization may need during the reception should be at their workplaces to help him if necessary.

Personal issues include:

request for leave, including without pay wages;

discussion of maternity leave;

discussing the possibility of combining work and study;

requests to change the work schedule due to any personal/family circumstances;

discussion of the possibility career growth or transfer to another unit;

discussion of the possibility of increasing wages;

Discussion of dismissal.

Such issues are unlikely to be resolved on the fly, since the manager will in any case want to find out the reasons for the employee’s request and decide how best to fulfill it (if at all possible). It will be better for both the employee and the manager if these issues are resolved in a calm environment. Therefore, in this case, the meeting must be agreed upon in advance. However, personal issues differ from work issues in that employees (and sometimes managers) do not want the content of the conversation to be known to anyone else, including the secretary. Appointments for personal matters can be made in the same journal as for work matters. However, in the “Question” column only “personal” is indicated, without specifying details. When the manager decides on the date of the meeting, he can contact the employee and directly find out the essence of the issue from him (it is usually not customary to entrust clarification of such issues to secretaries).

In some large organizations, managers designate special days to address personal issues of employees. Depending on the size of the organization and the flow of requests, this could be, for example, the first Friday of the month from 16:00 to 20:00 or every even Thursday from 18:00 to 20:00. The specific time and day of the week are set according to the situation, in most cases it is in the evening hours, partly after the end of the working day. This is convenient for the manager, since current affairs during working hours are not interrupted, and employees who are interested in resolving a personal issue usually do not mind staying late.

Chapter 4. Reception of employees from other organizations

Visitors from other organizations can be divided into two main types: business partners (clients, suppliers, contractors, media representatives and other organizations with which the company cooperates or intends to establish business relations) and “sellers” (representatives of any organizations that are interested in establishing business relationship with your company). Inspection bodies can also join the organization; they cannot be classified either in the first or second group. However, this does not happen so often and requires a separate discussion. How should a secretary behave if representatives of regulatory authorities come to inspect an enterprise:

Having received information from the security guard about the arrival of inspectors, inform the manager about this.

Upon receiving permission from the manager, lead the inspectors from the security post to the reception area if the guard cannot do this.

Ask the inspectors to make an entry in the inspection log. Moreover, they must fill out all the fields personally.

Check the details of the directions for verification and certificates with those indicated in the journal.

If the inspectors refuse to fill out the log or if it is not filled out completely, do not allow the inspectors to see the manager and/or conduct the inspection by escorting the inspectors to the security post (by calling a security guard for this), after agreement with the manager.

Avoid situations where inspectors walk around the building and grounds on their own or are alone in someone else’s office.

Inform the manager about the registration in the audit log. In any case, if you have unexpected guests, the first thing you need to do is notify the manager and not provide absolutely any information until the appropriate orders.

Organization of reception business partners companies, as a rule, is not particularly difficult. Usually the manager or someone on his behalf agrees on the date and time of the meeting, and the partners arrive at the appointed time. In a business environment, it is not customary to arrive without prior agreement. If this happens, then this is a “bell” for both the secretary and the manager. In this situation, you need to report the visitor, and the manager himself will decide what to do next.

The tasks of the secretary in organizing the reception of business partners are to fix the date and time of the meeting, prepare the necessary materials on behalf of the manager, meet and see off the guests.

You need to clearly explain to visitors how to find your organization. It is also important to ask guests in advance about their names, the names of their companies, positions and contact numbers. This information is necessary to order a pass and confirm a meeting on the eve of the negotiations, as well as so that you can contact them in the event that they are suddenly delayed and do not get in touch themselves.

In a good manner It is considered to meet guests at the entrance to the building, at the security point or at the reception and escort them to the reception area. So that the guest does not have to wait at the entrance, the secretary (or another employee at the secretary’s request) must already meet the guests at the entrance at the appointed time. When you meet, you need to clarify whether this is the person you are waiting for: “Ivan Ivanovich? Hello". The secretary's task is to meet and escort the guest, but not to entertain him at all. After the greeting, you need to introduce yourself (“I am Ekaterina, Ivan Ivanovich’s secretary”) and offer to follow you (“Come on, I’ll accompany you”). This is where the first part of the meeting practically ends - there is no need to annoy the guest with conversations and questions. The only other thing you can tell the guest on the way to the reception is the location of the toilets (“We have toilets there. Now I will show you the way to the reception, you can take off your coat there”).

After the guest’s conversation with the director has ended, the secretary invites the guest to accompany him (“Shall I escort you?”).

Things are more complicated with a group of visitors conventionally called “sellers.” Secretaries of companies where there is no security or reception service, which can significantly reduce the flow of such visitors, especially suffer from them. We want to set the secretaries up right away: you shouldn’t consider “salespeople” as absolute evil (with the appropriate facial expression and remarks). In any case, your behavior is the image of the company, even in the eyes of a random visitor. Therefore, remain friendly and calm no matter what. In addition, some “salespeople” can really be useful to your company, if not today, then in the future.

If a visitor comes without a prior arrangement, the secretary has the right to decide for himself: to report him to the manager immediately or make an appointment. If, after reporting to the manager about the visitor, a refusal to receive him is received, the secretary must invite the visitor to talk with the deputy managers or other competent employee of the enterprise. If the visitor is not satisfied with such an offer, the secretary informs him of the exact date and time when the manager will accept him.

If the visitor insists on an appointment at another time convenient for him, the secretary must find out whether the manager can reschedule this appointment at the time desired by the visitor, and inform the visitor about the date and time of the appointment.

If a delegation arrives at the reception, care should be taken in advance to allocate an employee of the organization who will accompany the delegation. If a foreign delegation arrives, care should be taken to provide an interpreter and souvenirs for members of the delegation. The cost estimate is drawn up by the receiving party, taking into account at whose expense the delegation is traveling. If members of the delegation are invited as guests, the receiving party bears the costs of their stay, including hotel accommodation, meals, and vehicles; ensures registration of passports, receipt and transportation of luggage, work of translators, etc. If at the same time the head of a foreign delegation is invited with his wife, then the financial conditions of her invitation are specially agreed upon.

In the case when a delegation comes at its own expense, the receiving party pays the costs associated with the protocol part of the program. The remaining expenses (hotel accommodation, food, vehicles, etc.) are provided by the sending party. All financial conditions of the visit must be worked out and recorded in a written document - letter, fax. It is also necessary to decide and think through the issue of presenting souvenirs or gifts to guests - branded or purchased, etc.

In the work of a secretary, conflict situations may arise when a visitor, without listening to the secretary’s objections and arguments, persistently tries to enter the manager’s office. For such cases, the enterprise security service provides a button to call security. (Figure 7)

Calling security is the absolute last resort.

The secretary must use all his professional skill to prevent this from happening. In such cases, some experts advise occasionally resorting to “white lies,” which is very controversial and, according to others, can lead to a deepening of the conflict in the future. The visitor should always feel that the secretary has done everything possible to help him and would do even more if it were in his power.

The main indicator of the high professionalism of a secretary when receiving visitors is politeness and correctness. An ironic smile, a menacing look, and an expression of superiority have a negative impact on visitors. It is necessary to learn to control yourself in any situation.

If the manager to whom the visitor was invited is absent, it is necessary for the visitor to be received by another competent employee. In such a situation, the secretary must apologize for the absence of the manager and explain the reason for his absence. It should be remembered that calling a visitor again is actually a manifestation of inattention and disrespect towards him.

Working in the reception area, the secretary can make access to the manager easier or, conversely, difficult. If the secretary considers that the situation can be manipulated to his advantage, this may end in failure. The secretary does not have the right to transfer the manager’s attitude towards them onto people - you must be equally polite and attentive to all visitors.

Chapter 5. Reception of posted workers

When organizing the reception of posted workers, the secretary must find out whether this visit has been agreed upon in advance; meet a delegation or business traveler at the airport/train station; find out the issue for which the visitor arrived, note the travel certificate, find out whether the seconded specialist is provided with a hotel, if not, then help him in resolving this issue, explain the most convenient transport route from the hotel to the institution. "Table 1"

reception visitor personal worker

Table 1 - Sample of filling out the logbook for employees who arrived at the organization to which they are sent

Open Joint-Stock Company"EnergosetProekt" (name of organization)

Last name, first name and patronymic of the posted worker

Name of the organization that issued the travel certificate

Arrival date

Disposal date

Yusupov Albert Alexandrovich

JSC "Electronic devices"

Kononenko Vladislav Stanislavovich

IP Andreichenko S.S.

Podoprigora Nikolay Vladimirovich

LLC "TorgKomplekt"

Admission of seconded workers (visitors) is carried out using temporary (one-time passes) at the established hours indicated in the pass.

The travel certificate is issued in one copy and certifies the time spent on a business trip. It records and verifies the time of arrival at the destination and the time of departure from it with the signature of the responsible official and the seal. Based on the travel certificate, the accounting department pays the employee daily allowance. If an employee is sent to organizations located in different localities, notes on the travel certificate about the date of arrival and date of departure are made in each of the companies to which he is sent.

Chapter 6. Reception of citizens on personal matters

The procedure for receiving citizens on personal matters is somewhat different.

Personal reception in accordance with the law is carried out by heads of organizations, their deputies or responsible employees.

The reception of citizens must be carefully organized. First of all, the place and time of the reception is established. There must be designated days and hours during which citizens will always be received. Information about the admission procedure will be posted in a visible place. At the same time, evening time free from work is also provided. It is most convenient to hold weekly receptions of visitors. (Figure 8)

Figure 8 - Information on the reception of citizens on personal matters

The reception takes place in a room with free access. If necessary, visits of managers to the place of reception of the population are organized.

The reception area must be well equipped, with chairs and a table at which the request can be made in writing. There must be paper and pens. It is recommended to widely use “silent certificates” with sample applications, addresses and telephone numbers of those institutions and organizations where citizens are most often sent.

During a personal reception, the manager is assisted by a secretary who greets visitors and registers them.

The friendliness, attention, courtesy and helpfulness of the secretary largely determine the atmosphere of the reception room.

During a personal reception of citizens, a reception log (book) is kept, which records: the date of reception, the surname, first name and patronymic of the person who came to the reception, his address, the essence of the issue, the surname of the receptionist and the results of consideration of the application. If the volume of work is large, such registration is carried out on registration and control cards. If an application or complaint cannot be resolved by the manager during the reception, they are stated in writing and dealt with as written requests.

Written appeals from citizens should be considered as an important means of exercising and protecting individual rights. Appeals are divided into proposals, statements and complaints. A written appeal accepted during a personal reception is subject to mandatory registration in the manner established by Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

An instruction given by an official at the request of a citizen, where the issue does not require additional verification, and the applicant requests written confirmation, must be executed within a period not exceeding 5 days from the date of the personal reception.

In exceptional cases, if required additional checks The official has the right to extend the period for consideration of the application based on an official note from the executor with justification for the reason for extending the period for consideration of the application, but not more than 30 days, notifying the applicant of the reasons for extending the period for consideration of the application.

Information about the extension of the period for consideration of an appeal is recorded in the personal reception card of citizens by specialists responsible for working with citizens’ appeals. Information about the extension of deadlines is recorded in the personal reception cards of citizens. The contractor prepares a response to the applicant.

The response to the appeal is signed by the official who received citizens on personal matters.

The appeal is removed from control by the official who received the citizens if:

The issue was resolved positively;

A justified refusal was given;

An explanation was given to all the questions raised by the applicant.

A note about the fulfillment is made on the personal reception card:

“Resolved positively”, “Explanation given”, “Refused”, execution date.

The official conducting the reception must be extremely attentive to the visitor, his needs and requests, and direct the conversation to identify the essence of the appeal and the circumstances conducive to making the right decision.

At the end of the reception, the citizen must be informed about the decision made on the appeal or, if the resolution of the issue falls within the competence of another body, assistance in identifying this body, its location, telephone numbers, etc.

Chapter 7. Organization of reception of visitors at the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications”

Reception of visitors of any category at the State Educational Institution "Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications" is carried out as usual. Specific days and hours of reception have not been established. There is no pre-registration. Office work on citizens' appeals is carried out within the framework of general office work and is not separated into a separate system.

Representatives of the administration (deputy directors, heads of departments, chiefs structural divisions) have direct access to the head of the college. Ordinary employees get to the manager after the secretary's report. The reception of employees on personal matters is mainly decided by the deputy director, but if it is necessary to meet personally with the head of the college, the director himself sets the date and time of the reception.

The state professional educational institution "Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications" conducts its work on the basis of the Charter of the State Educational Institution "SKSiS". On April 1, 2014, the college passed state accreditation of educational activities for a period of six years.

Selection committee - collegial body, created to organize the recruitment of students, accept documents entering the State Educational Institution "Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications", conduct entrance tests and enroll in the college students those who have passed the entrance tests and passed the competition. It considers issues the resolution of which falls within the competence of the selection committee by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations higher organizations. The exclusive competence of the admissions committee includes resolving issues related to the recruitment of students to the college that are not regulated by current legislative and regulatory acts.

To organize the work of the college admissions committee, the following has been developed:

“Regulations on the admissions committee of the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” (GPOU “SKSiS”) dated February 24, 2014. This Regulation defines the main tasks, procedure and organization of the admissions committee of the state professional educational institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications”. The Regulations say that the main task of the admissions committee of the State Pedagogical Educational Institution “SKSiS” is to ensure compliance with the rights of citizens to education established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, transparency and openness of all admission procedures (clause 1.3.), in its work the admissions office the commission is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; Charter of GPOU "SKSiS"; Rules for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” in 2014, as well as these Regulations. (clause 1.4.);

Order on the composition of the selection committee dated December 30, 2013 No. 01-19/289;

Application for training in a profession;

Application for training in a specialty;

Rules for admission to secondary educational programs vocational education at the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” in 2014. These Rules regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad (hereinafter referred to as citizens, applicants), for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions, specialties of secondary vocational education at the State Pedagogical Educational Institution "Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications", which carries out educational activities for educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of budgetary allocations of the budget of the Komi Republic, under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities, and also determines the features of conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities. (clause 1.2).

The personal composition of the selection committee is approved by order of the director, who is its chairman. The following may be appointed to the selection committee:

heads of departments,


head master,

head of industrial training,

social teacher,

chairmen of subject-cycle commissions,

teachers of general education disciplines.

The executive secretary of the admissions committee is appointed by order of the director from among the teaching staff of the college.

To conduct entrance examinations and timely preparation for them, by order of the college director, subject examination committees are created from the most experienced college teachers and their chairmen are appointed. An order approving the composition of subject examination commissions is issued one month before the start of entrance examinations.

At the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” the admissions committee includes:

Chairman of the selection committee - Ryabova L.I. It is the chairman who approves the composition of the admissions committee, the regulations on the admissions committee, the program of entrance examinations, appoints the technical staff of the admissions committee, approves the annual work plan of the college admissions committee and the logistics of admission, manages all the activities of the admissions committee and is responsible for meeting the established admission targets , compliance with legislative acts, determines the work schedule of the admissions committee, conducts meetings of the admissions committee, and receives citizens on issues of admission to the college.

Deputy Chairman of the Admissions Committee - Lochkareva M.V., Kuzmina V.P. organize the selection and submit to the director for approval the composition of the admissions and subject examination committee, control career guidance work, organize and participate in the activities of the admissions committee, control the preparation and conduct of entrance examinations, and also participate in interviews with applicants, receive citizens, and promptly respond to written requests from citizens regarding admission issues.

Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee - Dyatleva S.V. prepares for publication prospectuses and other advertising and information materials of the college admissions committee, its activities also include information work college, provides applicants and their legal representatives with advice on all issues related to admission to college, organizes the preparation of admissions committee documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases and its proper storage, monitors the correct execution of incoming documents and the maintenance of registration journals, keeps minutes of admissions committee meetings, prepares materials for college admissions.

Technical secretaries: Popova T.B., Krasnova L.N., Kuznetsova N.B., Smetanina T.V., Chegesova L.N., Utkina I.V., Pykhalova O.V., Kholopova A.M. prepare documents for the work of the admissions committee in accordance with the approved nomenclature of cases, design information stands, accept documents in accordance with the approved admission rules, maintain registration logs of applicants by profession and specialty, encode and decode applicants’ work in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 18 December 2000 No. 16-51-331 in/16-13., prepare examination sheets for entrance tests and summary sheets based on the results of entrance tests, issue examination sheets, form personal files of applicants for training, and also store personal files.

The term of office of the selection committee is one year. The work of the admissions committee ends with a report on the results of admission to the College's Pedagogical Council. The composition of the selection committee, subject examination committees, and technical secretaries is partially updated annually. Chairmen of subject examination commissions may serve for no more than three years.

The admissions office of the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” is located in the educational and production complex No. 2. In front of the entrance to the reception in the college corridor there is an information stand with the necessary information for applicants, next to the stand there is a table for filling out applications for admission of documents. The admissions office is a small room with an area of ​​about 2x5 m, the reception area is bright and cozy. The room has one spacious window with flowers, it creates a favorable atmosphere. There is a work schedule on the reception door. The reception office is equipped with the necessary furniture and equipment. In the reception area there are 4 desks and chairs for members of the admissions committee, as well as for applicants and their parents. All workplaces are equipped with the necessary stationery, forms and sample applications, as well as office equipment. The work area has a computer, a telephone for receiving calls, a photocopier and a printer. In the corner of the reception area there is a large safe, which is used to store personal files, submitted documents of future students, as well as to store registration books and other important things. Before accepting documents, the admissions committee prepares information stands on which the following are placed:

a list of specialties and professions for which the college announces the acceptance of documents in accordance with the license;

the number of places for admission to the first year (first year of study) in accordance with the approved target figures financed from the republican budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan for each specialty and profession;

the number of additional places for admission to the first year (first year of study) in each specialty with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis;

announcement of the deadlines for submitting documents and the timing of entrance examinations;

list of entrance tests for specialties: 100116 Hairdressing, 100124 Stylistics and makeup art, 262019 Design and technology sewing products, their programs, as well as the system for assessing the knowledge of applicants;

conditions of competition for places financed from the republican budget;

conditions of competition for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees;

the procedure and timing for reviewing documents submitted by foreign citizens;

rules for accepting applications from applicants to the college;

sample application, list of documents to be submitted;

college admission procedures;

rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations;

a copy of the license for the right to conduct educational activities;

certificate of state accreditation.

You can also find this information on the college website in the “Applicants” section.

For admissions officers, there is also a small dressing area in the room, which contains a mirror and a standing hanger.

The process of work of the selection committee begins with the preparation of documentation, namely:

College Application Forms;

Log books;

Folders for creating personal files with files for original documents;

Forms for receipt of documents;

Forms of certificates of admission of applicants to entrance examinations;

Examination forms;

Examination forms;

Forms of agreements with payment of tuition fees;

Enrollment certificate forms.

All forms contain the name of the college and the signatures of the responsible admissions officers. The Admissions Committee has a round seal with the details of the college and the inscription in the center “Admissions Committee”, stamps with the details of the college and the inscription “Admissions Committee”, a stamp for the details “mark for registration of incoming documentation”. Documents issued to applicants are sealed by the admissions committee. Acceptance of documents begins on June 16. The applicant submits an application for training in the chosen specialty, provides a photocopy of his passport, certificate or previously received diploma, references from his former educational institution, and the applicant can also bring a copy of the insurance policy, TIN, a referral from the employment center, if the applicant is an orphan, then a death certificate of parents or one parent, a decree establishing guardianship, a decision on deprivation of parental rights, etc.

All documents submitted by applicants are recorded in journals. The following information is recorded in the registration log:

last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant;

home address and contact telephone number;

date of receipt of the application and documents;

a list of accepted documents and their details, the applicant’s signature on the transfer of documents;

the need to provide hostel accommodation;

information about enrollment or refusal of enrollment and return of documents.

When an applicant transfers to another specialty/profession, a note is made in the registration journal about the receipt of documents (date, signature of the applicant on receipt of documents), after which the applicant is recorded in the registration journal allocated for the newly chosen specialty/profession, and the applicant fills out a new form statements. Cross-throughs in the registration log are not allowed.

When receiving documents by mail, the completeness of the documents is checked, the last name, first name and patronymic and other data are recorded in the registration journal and the date of receipt of the documents by mail is noted. If any documents are missing or if they do not meet the requirements, the applicant is indicated in the letter what needs to be submitted and within what time frame. When sending a letter, when returning documents by mail, the receipt number and the date of sending are indicated in the registration journal, and a letter indicating the reasons for the return is inserted into the envelope with the documents. The receipt is saved until the report.

Applicants for training are issued a “Receipt for Acceptance of Documents”. It contains full list documents received from the applicant (including documents that are not mandatory for admission and submitted by the applicant on his own initiative).

Applicants admitted to the entrance examination are given an examination sheet. He contains:

reference information about the college,

last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant,

photograph of the applicant,

college seal,

signature of the executive secretary,

exam sheet number,

name of specialty,

examination group number,

a table for filling out information about passing the entrance test, containing the following details of the entrance test - name of the subject, form of the entrance test, date of the entrance test, score, signature of the examiner.

Entrance tests are carried out within the time limits established by the Admission Rules.

Working applicants for training are issued a certificate of admission to entrance examinations for registration of leave at the place of work. The certificate must indicate the place and period of the entrance examination. The schedule of entrance examinations is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee 5 days before their start. The schedule states:

name of the item;

form of the entrance test;

date, time and place of consultation;

date, time and place of the entrance test;

date, time and place of announcement of the results of the entrance test.

The names of the chairmen of subject commissions and examiners are not indicated in the schedule of entrance examinations. Entrance test materials are compiled at the college based on curricula basic general education annually, signed by the chairman of the relevant subject commission and approved by the deputy chairman of the admissions committee. Each set is sealed and stored as a strict accountability document.

For applicants, consultations are provided on entrance examination programs, assessment criteria, requirements, and the procedure for competitive admission.

When entering the classroom where the tests are being conducted, the applicant presents an examination sheet. The presence of unauthorized persons (including inspection bodies) at the entrance examinations is not permitted without the permission of the chairman of the admissions committee.

Examination works are carried out on a sheet of the established format, on which no conventional marks revealing the authorship of the work are allowed. The applicant prepares a title page for the work. Sheets for examination work are encrypted, for which a digital or other conventional code is affixed.

At the end of the entrance test, all work is transferred to the responsible secretary of the selection committee. Title pages with codes are stored in a safe with the executive secretary, and the drawings are submitted for verification.

Testing of written work is carried out on the premises of the college and only by examiners - members of the approved subject examination committee. The chairman of the subject examination committee additionally checks written works rated by the examiner as “unsatisfactory” and the highest score, as well as 5% of the remaining work and certifies the correctness of the assessments with his signature.

The results are entered into the examination sheets, the checked written works are deciphered and the examination sheets are filled out, the assessment is put in a number (in points) in the examination sheet and on the applicant’s examination sheet. An appeal by applicants regarding the assessment is submitted on the day the assessment for the entrance test is announced. If an applicant fails to appear for the entrance test, “failure to appear” is indicated in the column intended for recording the grade. After they are completed by the examiners, they are closed and signed by the executive secretary. Examination sheets are kept for a year. Applicants who do not appear for entrance examinations for a valid reason, confirmed by documents, are allowed to take the missed entrance examinations. Upon written application, applicants have the right to pick up the original education document and other documents submitted by the applicant. Documents must be returned by the college within the next business day after submitting the application. Applicants for training who have received documents from at will after the end of the entrance examinations until the results of the competition are summed up, they do not participate in the competition. Examination papers of those enrolled in the college are stored in their personal files, and those not enrolled in the college are destroyed 6 months after the end of the entrance examinations.

The enrollment materials are prepared by the executive secretary. The decision of the admissions committee on enrollment as a student is documented in a protocol indicating the grounds for enrollment; lists of persons who can be enrolled as students are formed at a meeting of the admissions committee and are drawn up as an appendix to the protocol.

After the deadline for submitting the original state-issued documents on education has expired, the director of the college issues an order for the enrollment of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment and who have submitted the originals of the relevant documents. A certificate of enrollment as a college student is confirmation of enrollment in the college and contains background information about the college, the name of the specialty/profession, and the form of study. Nonresident students enrolled in distance learning are sent a written notice.

As a result, a personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all the documents submitted and materials for passing the entrance examinations are stored. A student's personal file is kept for 75 years.

The work of the admissions committee ends with a report on the results of admission at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications. Acceptance of documents at the admissions committee ends on August 25.


Among the many duties that a secretary performs, receiving visitors is the most responsible. The ability to prepare and help the manager conduct a reception largely determines the professionalism of the secretary. Receiving visitors takes up most of the manager's time. Visitors come to the heads of enterprises on a variety of issues, often not directly related to the activities of the enterprise. The secretary is the first person who needs to greet visitors who come to see the manager or employees of your company. The first impression of a company (institution) is formed precisely from the level of organization of the reception. The secretary must be able to greet visitors, be courteous and friendly in order to ensure the effectiveness of the meeting or smooth out difficult situations. The ability to communicate with people tactfully and kindly is one of the conditions for establishing contact with visitors. In turn, this is the basis for the successful development of the company. It happens that due to an inappropriate word, accidentally spoken at a crucial moment, connections and agreements collapse, and, consequently, the company suffers losses, and, no less important, damage to its reputation. The secretary's behavior, clarity and completeness of answers to questions give an idea of ​​the company as a whole. In order to avoid undesirable consequences of violating the rules of reception and communication with visitors, the secretary should clearly understand the main aspects of the process of receiving visitors.

Annex 1

An example of a form for registering employees for work and personal matters

Position, last name, first name, patronymic (in full)

Additional Information

06/20/2014 (Friday)

Sales Manager I.I. Sokolova

Violation of the terms of the contract for the supply of Kolbasy LLC

Agreement dated 00.00.000 No. 00, letter of claim dated 00.00.000 No. 00

Head of the canteen V.O. Ozhegova

Coordinate a menu for a corporate party on the occasion of an anniversary

Guest list

Deputy for AChC A.G. Mishkin

Agree on a corporate party program to mark the anniversary

Project program

Security guard I.R.Trebunov

Backup line

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3

Appendix No. 4

Registration and control card of citizens' appeals

Registration and control card of citizens' appeals

Last name, first name, patronymic Tynchuk Vladimir Petrovich

Address of residence and (or) work, contact phone number Odintsova str., 50, apt. 45, 220000, Minsk, tel. 236 00 00

Date of admission 04/20/2008

Number of sheets 2

Dates, indexes* of repeated requests

Correspondent, date and index cover letter Ministry of Labor and social protection Republic of Belarus, 04/18/2008 No. 8-5/1224

Topic: pension provision

Resolution To organize a search for personnel documents necessary to assign a pension. Deputy general director A.E. Zabolotsky 04/20/2008

Executor: Head of Archive P.M. Lipnitsky The document is sent for execution

Deadline: 05/19/2008

Execution date: 05/18/2008

Reverse side

We will tell you how to properly receive visitors in accordance with the requirements of business etiquette. We will explain how to prepare for the visit of guests and how to take visitors into account.

How to prepare for receiving visitors

The company may set certain hours and days of reception, in accordance with the work regulations of the manager. Visitors make an appointment in advance, each at a designated time. Before the guest enters the manager’s office, the secretary contacts the boss by phone, states the position, last name, first name and patronymic of the visitor, and the main essence of the issue.

Outside office hours, it is possible to prepare for receiving visitors in advance only if the visit has been agreed upon with the manager, and the secretary knows for sure:

  • on what day and at what time is the meeting scheduled;
  • how many visitors there will be and what their status is;
  • what is the purpose of the visit and what issues will be discussed.

Depending on the status and purpose of the guests’ visit, in agreement with the manager, distribute additional materials and souvenirs to visitors. Offer soft drinks, tea or coffee.

Types of visitors in the company

What are the basic rules for receiving visitors established by business etiquette?

First of all, remember: the secretary has no right to Bad mood. He must demonstrate a positive attitude and smile. Try to remain patient, even when dealing with difficult or aggressive visitors.

Use ready-made greeting forms. It should sound so that the visitor feels important and that you are ready to help him quickly. Consider how the company has formed. Each industry and each office has its own rules for receiving visitors. Some offices require formal communication with guests, while others allow a more casual form of speech etiquette.


In a large financial company It is customary for the secretary to get up from the table and greet visitors with the phrase: “ Good morning! (until 12:00), “Good afternoon!” (until 17:00) or “Good evening!” (after 17:00). If the visitor has not agreed on his visit in advance, he is politely asked to introduce himself and tell about the purpose of the visit. In an advertising and PR company, the secretary may greet visitors with the phrase: “Hello! My name is Lyudmila, how can I help you?”

If a guest comes to the reception while you are on the phone, nod and motion for them to come in and sit down. Take a break from the conversation if possible and ask the guest to wait a moment. To a visitor you cannot immediately pay attention to, offer to familiarize yourself with the company's activities - give him brochures, catalogs.

Invite the visitor who remains waiting to take off his coat and hang it on the coat rack in the reception area. Buy a special umbrella stand so that guests don't have to hold them during the reception.

The secretary greets an important visitor standing and immediately reports his visit to the manager. If at this moment the leader does not have other visitors, the guest is immediately invited to enter. In the event that he has to wait, offer him tea or coffee.

How to choose dishes and treats for different types of coffee: a reminder

A visitor who contacts the company for the first time must show the secretary his business card or fully introduce himself and tell about the purpose of the visit. The secretary records the visitor's data in the organizer. If the issue can be resolved immediately, refer the visitor to a specialist who will help him. To do this, the secretary needs to know well organizational structure company: what each department does, which department heads or employees can help in this matter.

Invite the visitor to make an appointment if he wants to discuss his issue with a supervisor. If the matter is urgent, ask your boss if he can accommodate the guest. If the boss is ready to talk, ask the visitor to come into the office.

What skills does a secretary need to follow the rules for receiving visitors?

There is probably not a single organization or company that does not have to interact with visitors. You can contact the reception in person:

  • representatives of other legal entities, partners and clients;
  • company employees;
  • advertising agents;
  • citizens;
  • couriers;
  • inspectors from control and supervisory authorities;
  • representatives executive bodies authorities.

The first representative of the company with whom all these visitors will communicate is the secretary. Of course, knowledge of the basic rules for receiving visitors is included in the list of his qualification requirements. But only knowledge general rules not enough. To fully implement them, a modern secretary must have certain skills.

Basic skills required for a secretary

The competencies that a secretary or assistant manager needs to strictly follow the basic rules for receiving visitors include:

1. Organizational skills. The secretary is the face of the company. It is to him that visitors turn for information and inquiries. He is often tasked with organizing meetings, receptions and negotiations. In order to cope with several tasks at the same time and not confuse anything, the secretary must be able to organize his work in multitasking mode. These skills will help you plan your work time independently, taking into account the priority of the tasks at hand, without waiting for someone to guide you or tell you how to do something.

Scheme. Interaction with external and internal visitors of the company

2. Knowledge of modern technologies. You must be able to use the telephone exchange, both individual buttons and connected lines. To strictly follow the basic rules for receiving visitors, learn to plan your work day using an electronic organizer and a computer, use text editors and spreadsheets, automated systems electronic document management, specialized software.

3. Punctuality and commitment. The secretary should always be in touch. The image of the company will be negatively affected by the situation when the receptionist does not answer the phone or there is always a queue of visitors.

4. The ability to listen to the visitor. Listening will make you more effective. You will find a solution to the problem faster when you understand what the person is asking about and quickly determine which employee can help the visitor resolve the issue.

5. Ability to communicate on the phone. Answer to phone call You need to do it right away: it’s impolite to keep people waiting for more than a minute. If the desired subscriber is busy or talking on the phone, you need to say: “ Sorry, (name of employee or manager) is currently on the phone. Do you want to wait or do you want to leave him a voicemail?» Thank them politely and direct the call to voicemail.

When to connect the caller to the manager

6. Recording all incoming information. Record all necessary information- this is a great way not to forget or miss a single small detail. Keep your notes in a notebook and keep them with you at all times. You'll be surprised how useful they are, especially if you try to remember what the person who called five hours ago wanted.

7. Knowledge. Exactly business etiquette The rules for receiving visitors are also determined. By adhering to the requirements established by business etiquette, you can always find the right way out in any non-standard situation. The dress code or business etiquette adopted by the company also determines the requirements for appearance secretary.

Algorithm for business communication between a secretary and a visitor Stage “orientation”: open questions, which encourage a person to provide information about himself. You should not ask more than 5-7 questions to avoid the “interrogation effect”; checking the establishment of contact by summarizing: “So...”; soft intonation in the “good doctor” style;

Tea and coffee Visitors usually take cups from the tray themselves. If the secretary arranges the cups himself, then he should start with women, and with the oldest ones. You can arrange the cups according to the number of visitors on the table before they arrive; in this case, coffee and tea are brought into the office in coffee pots after the visitors arrive and are poured in their presence.

Reception of employees of the organization on brief current work issues. Brief work questions include: obtaining verbal permission for something; coordination of any actions; obtaining brief information; providing brief information; signing documents.

Draft documents that a manager must study before making a decision: These are draft orders, instructions, letters, contracts, advertising and information materials, memos. The secretary collects it in the “For Review” folder. During the day, these documents accumulate with the secretary, and the manager views them all at once at the end of the working day or at the beginning of the next.

The Secretary places the documents that the manager has already seen and approved, ready for signing, in the “For Signature” folder. The manager can sign these documents all at once, setting aside 10–15 minutes for this either in the middle of the day (for unloading) or at the beginning and end of the day (period of working out or fatigue).

The optimal time to resolve current brief issues is from 9:00 to 10:00, since employees usually need to resolve urgent issues at the beginning of the working day. From before (after the lunch break), since it has been proven that after lunch it is better to engage in light intellectual activity.

Reception of employees of the organization for a detailed conversation on work issues. These issues include: providing feedback to the employee on the results of any large-scale work; making a decision on a global issue; discussion of employee plans and reports; certification conversation, discussion of the employee’s work results over a long period (six months, a year); discussion of employee proposals and ideas for improving work, reorganization, changing strategy and other global issues.

Conversations on work issues After the manager has appointed a specific time, it is necessary to inform the employee. In smaller companies, specific times may be set for each employee to discuss serious issues. To consolidate this order, a reception schedule is developed.

Reception of employees of the organization on personal issues These issues include: a request for leave, including without pay; discussion of maternity leave; discussing the possibility of combining work and study; requests to change the work schedule due to any personal/family circumstances; discussing the possibility of career growth or transfer to another department; discussion of the possibility of increasing wages; Discussion of dismissal.

Appointments with employees of the organization regarding personal matters. Appointments regarding personal matters can be made in the same journal as for work matters. In the “Question” column, only “personal” is indicated, without specifying details. When the manager decides on the date of the meeting, he can contact the employee and directly find out the essence of the issue from him (it is usually not customary to entrust clarification of such issues to secretaries).

There is a special time for personal questions of employees. In most cases, these are evening hours, partly after the end of the working day. This is convenient for the manager, since current affairs during working hours are not interrupted, and employees who are interested in resolving a personal issue usually do not mind staying late.

Reception of employees of an organization on personal issues If a reception on personal issues is conducted by the manager once a week, then 5 to 10 people can be registered for it; if twice a month, then people; if the reception is held once a month, then You can register up to 25 people.

Organizing the reception of the company's business partners The manager or someone on his behalf agrees on the date and time of the meeting, and the partners arrive at the appointed time. In a business environment, it is not customary to arrive without prior agreement.

Organizing the reception of the company's business partners It is important to check with the guests in advance their names, the names of their companies, positions and contact numbers. This information is necessary to order a pass and confirm a meeting on the eve of the negotiations, as well as so that you can contact them in the event that they are suddenly delayed and do not get in touch themselves.

Meeting the company's business partners It is considered good manners to meet guests at the appointed time at the entrance to the building, at the security point or at the reception and escort them to the reception. When you meet, you need to clarify whether this is the person you are waiting for. After the greeting, you need to introduce yourself and invite them to follow you. There is no need to annoy the guest with conversations and questions. The only other thing that can be communicated to the guest on the way to the reception is the location of the toilets.

Organizing the reception of “sellers” Greet and clarify the name of the visitor and the purpose of his visit. After hearing the name of the company and the purpose of the visit, politely interrupt the visitor if he immediately begins to praise his product, and try to end the conversation. If the “seller” tries to continue the conversation, you need to end the conversation again, but more firmly.

Reception of citizens on personal matters During a personal reception of citizens, a reception journal (book) is kept, which records the date, surname, first name and patronymic of the person who came to the reception, his address, the essence of the issue, the surname of the receptionist and the results of consideration of the appeal. If the volume of work is large, such registration is carried out on registration and control cards.

Registration and control card PERSONAL RECEPTION CARD OF CITIZENS N _______ "__" ___________ 200_ Full name __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Address, profession, place of work (service), position and other information about the visitor ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Type of appeal and its summary _____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Document on ___ sheets was accepted, registered under N ___ dated _____ Who accepted (last name), signature _____________________________________________ What decision was made

Reception of citizens on personal issues If an application or complaint cannot be resolved by the manager during the reception, they are presented in writing and dealt with as written appeals. At the end of the reception, it is necessary to inform the citizen about the decision made on the appeal or, if the resolution of the issue falls within the competence of another body, help identify this body, its location, contact numbers, etc.

Reception of posted workers to find out whether this visit was agreed upon in advance, as well as the issue for which the visitor arrived; mark the travel certificate; help in selection necessary materials; find out whether the seconded specialist is provided with a hotel; if not, then help in resolving this issue, explain the most convenient transport route from the hotel to the institution.

Rules of conduct for visitors Do not eat in the workplace. Don't be led by strangers telephone conversations Avoid doing anything unrelated to work, even during lunchtime. Keep your work area tidy. When receiving visitors, remember to maintain confidentiality.


Algorithm of behavior in the event of a visitor making a complaint; in the case of a justified complaint, an apology must be made. If the complaint is not justified, one must express regret about the current situation; it is necessary to offer options for solving the problem and agree on them with the client; what has been planned must be carried out or personally monitored.

Reception on personal matters is organized according to rules largely similar to those described above, but with certain features observed. Questions brought to the reception should be of a purely personal nature, and their solution should be within the competence of the head of the company.

Pre-registration for an appointment for personal matters is carried out by the secretary in the period between the previous and next appointment based on:

direct (oral) requests from citizens for admission;

conclusions on the preliminary consideration of written requests previously received by the manager, from which it follows that the applicant must be personally received by the head of the company;

written requests containing a citizen’s request for admission on a personal issue.

Then the secretary creates a preliminary appointment schedule for personal matters and reports it to the manager. The schedule is formed based on the total duration of administration of no more than 3.5-4 hours.

After the schedule is approved, visitors are notified of the date, time and duration of the reception.

When organizing a reception for employees of your organization on personal matters, you need to show more attention and tact. Typically, meetings on personal matters are scheduled for the end of the week. On this day, the heads of departments that the head of the organization may need during the reception should be at their workplaces to help him if necessary.

Personal issues include:

Request for leave, including without pay;

Discussion of maternity leave;

Discussion of the possibility of combining work and study;

Requests to change the work schedule due to any personal/family circumstances;

Discussion of the possibility of career growth or transfer to another department;

Discussion of the possibility of increasing wages;

Discussion of dismissal.

Such issues are unlikely to be resolved on the fly, since the manager will in any case want to find out the reasons for the employee’s request and decide how best to fulfill it (if at all possible). It will be better for both the employee and the manager if these issues are resolved in a calm environment. Therefore, in this case, the meeting must be agreed upon in advance. However, personal issues differ from work issues in that employees (and sometimes managers) do not want the content of the conversation to be known to anyone else, including the secretary. Appointments for personal matters can be made in the same journal as for work matters. However, in the “Question” column only “personal” is indicated, without specifying details. When the manager decides on the date of the meeting, he can contact the employee and directly find out the essence of the issue from him (it is usually not customary to entrust clarification of such issues to secretaries).

In some large organizations, managers designate special days to address personal issues of employees. Depending on the size of the organization and the flow of requests, this could be, for example, the first Friday of the month from 16:00 to 20:00 or every even Thursday from 18:00 to 20:00. The specific time and day of the week are set according to the situation, in most cases it is in the evening hours, partly after the end of the working day. This is convenient for the manager, since current affairs during working hours are not interrupted, and employees who are interested in resolving a personal issue usually do not mind staying late.

Chapter 4. Reception of employees from other organizations

Visitors from other organizations can be divided into two main types: business partners (clients, suppliers, contractors, media representatives and other organizations with which the company cooperates or intends to establish business relations) and “sellers” (representatives of any organizations that are interested in establishing business relationship with your company). Inspection bodies can also join the organization; they cannot be classified either in the first or second group. However, this does not happen so often and requires a separate discussion. How should a secretary behave if representatives of regulatory authorities come to inspect an enterprise:

1. Having received information from the security guard about the arrival of inspectors, inform the manager about this.

2. Upon receiving permission from the manager, lead the inspectors from the security post to the reception area if the guard cannot do this.

3. Ask the inspectors to make an entry in the inspection log. Moreover, they must fill out all the fields personally.

Check the details of the directions for verification and certificates with those indicated in the journal.

If the inspectors refuse to fill out the log or if it is not filled out completely, do not allow the inspectors to see the manager and/or conduct the inspection by escorting the inspectors to the security post (by calling a security guard for this), after agreement with the manager.

6. Avoid situations where inspectors walk around the building and grounds on their own or are alone in someone else’s office.

7. Inform the manager about the registration in the audit log. In any case, if you have unexpected guests, the first thing you need to do is notify the manager and not provide absolutely any information until the appropriate orders.

Organizing a reception for a company's business partners, as a rule, is not particularly difficult. Usually the manager or someone on his behalf agrees on the date and time of the meeting, and the partners arrive at the appointed time. In a business environment, it is not customary to arrive without prior agreement. If this happens, then this is a “bell” for both the secretary and the manager. In this situation, you need to report the visitor, and the manager himself will decide what to do next.

The tasks of the secretary in organizing the reception of business partners are to fix the date and time of the meeting, prepare the necessary materials on behalf of the manager, meet and see off the guests.

You need to clearly explain to visitors how to find your organization. It is also important to ask guests in advance about their names, the names of their companies, positions and contact numbers. This information is necessary to order a pass and confirm a meeting on the eve of the negotiations, as well as so that you can contact them in the event that they are suddenly delayed and do not get in touch themselves.

It is considered good form to meet guests at the entrance to the building, at the security point or at the reception and escort them to the reception area. So that the guest does not have to wait at the entrance, the secretary (or another employee at the secretary’s request) must already meet the guests at the entrance at the appointed time. When you meet, you need to clarify whether this is the person you are waiting for: “Ivan Ivanovich? Hello". The secretary's task is to meet and escort the guest, but not to entertain him at all. After the greeting, you need to introduce yourself (“I am Ekaterina, Ivan Ivanovich’s secretary”) and offer to follow you (“Come on, I’ll accompany you”). This is where the first part of the meeting practically ends - there is no need to annoy the guest with conversations and questions. The only other thing you can tell the guest on the way to the reception is the location of the toilets (“We have toilets there. Now I will show you the way to the reception, you can take off your coat there”).

After the guest’s conversation with the director has ended, the secretary invites the guest to accompany him (“Shall I escort you?”).

Things are more complicated with a group of visitors conventionally called “sellers.” Secretaries of companies where there is no security or reception service, which can significantly reduce the flow of such visitors, especially suffer from them. We want to set the secretaries up right away: you shouldn’t consider “salespeople” as absolute evil (with the appropriate facial expression and remarks). In any case, your behavior is the image of the company, even in the eyes of a random visitor. Therefore, remain friendly and calm no matter what. In addition, some “salespeople” can really be useful to your company, if not today, then in the future.

If a visitor comes without a prior arrangement, the secretary has the right to decide for himself: to report him to the manager immediately or make an appointment. If, after reporting to the manager about the visitor, a refusal to receive him is received, the secretary must invite the visitor to talk with the deputy managers or other competent employee of the enterprise. If the visitor is not satisfied with such an offer, the secretary informs him of the exact date and time when the manager will accept him.

If the visitor insists on an appointment at another time convenient for him, the secretary must find out whether the manager can reschedule this appointment at the time desired by the visitor, and inform the visitor about the date and time of the appointment.

If a delegation arrives at the reception, care should be taken in advance to allocate an employee of the organization who will accompany the delegation. If a foreign delegation arrives, care should be taken to provide an interpreter and souvenirs for members of the delegation. The cost estimate is drawn up by the receiving party, taking into account at whose expense the delegation is traveling. If members of the delegation are invited as guests, the receiving party bears the costs of their stay, including hotel accommodation, meals, and vehicles; ensures registration of passports, receipt and transportation of luggage, work of translators, etc. If at the same time the head of a foreign delegation is invited with his wife, then the financial conditions of her invitation are specially agreed upon.

In the case when a delegation comes at its own expense, the receiving party pays the costs associated with the protocol part of the program. The remaining expenses (hotel accommodation, food, vehicles, etc.) are provided by the sending party. All financial conditions of the visit must be worked out and recorded in a written document - letter, fax. It is also necessary to decide and think through the issue of presenting souvenirs or gifts to guests - branded or purchased, etc.

In the work of a secretary, conflict situations may arise when a visitor, without listening to the secretary’s objections and arguments, persistently tries to enter the manager’s office. For such cases, the enterprise security service provides a button to call security. (Figure 7)

Figure 7 - example of a security call button

Calling security is the absolute last resort.

The secretary must use all his professional skill to prevent this from happening. In such cases, some experts advise occasionally resorting to “white lies,” which is very controversial and, according to others, can lead to a deepening of the conflict in the future. The visitor should always feel that the secretary has done everything possible to help him and would do even more if it were in his power.

The main indicator of the high professionalism of a secretary when receiving visitors is politeness and correctness. An ironic smile, a menacing look, and an expression of superiority have a negative impact on visitors. It is necessary to learn to control yourself in any situation.

If the manager to whom the visitor was invited is absent, it is necessary for the visitor to be received by another competent employee. In such a situation, the secretary must apologize for the absence of the manager and explain the reason for his absence. It should be remembered that calling a visitor again is actually a manifestation of inattention and disrespect towards him.

Working in the reception area, the secretary can make access to the manager easier or, conversely, difficult. If the secretary considers that the situation can be manipulated to his advantage, this may end in failure. The secretary does not have the right to transfer the manager’s attitude towards them onto people - you must be equally polite and attentive to all visitors.

Chapter 5. Reception of posted workers

When organizing the reception of posted workers, the secretary must find out whether this visit has been agreed upon in advance; meet a delegation or business traveler at the airport/train station; find out the issue for which the visitor arrived, note the travel certificate, find out whether the seconded specialist is provided with a hotel, if not, then help him in resolving this issue, explain the most convenient transport route from the hotel to the institution. "Table 1"

reception visitor personal worker

Table 1 - Sample of filling out the logbook for employees who arrived at the organization to which they are sent

Admission of seconded workers (visitors) is carried out using temporary (one-time passes) at the established hours indicated in the pass.

The travel certificate is issued in one copy and certifies the time spent on a business trip. It records and verifies the time of arrival at the destination and the time of departure from it with the signature of the responsible official and the seal. Based on the travel certificate, the accounting department pays the employee daily allowance. If an employee is sent to organizations located in different localities, notes on the travel certificate about the date of arrival and date of departure are made in each of the companies to which he is sent.

Chapter 6. Reception of citizens on personal matters

The procedure for receiving citizens on personal matters is somewhat different.

Personal reception in accordance with the law is carried out by heads of organizations, their deputies or responsible employees.

The reception of citizens must be carefully organized. First of all, the place and time of the reception is established. There must be designated days and hours during which citizens will always be received. Information about the admission procedure will be posted in a visible place. At the same time, evening time free from work is also provided. It is most convenient to hold weekly receptions of visitors. (Figure 8)

Figure 8 - Information on the reception of citizens on personal matters

The reception takes place in a room with free access. If necessary, visits of managers to the place of reception of the population are organized.

The reception area must be well equipped, with chairs and a table at which the request can be made in writing. There must be paper and pens. It is recommended to widely use “silent certificates” with sample applications, addresses and telephone numbers of those institutions and organizations where citizens are most often sent.

During a personal reception, the manager is assisted by a secretary who greets visitors and registers them.

The friendliness, attention, courtesy and helpfulness of the secretary largely determine the atmosphere of the reception room.

During a personal reception of citizens, a reception log (book) is kept, which records: the date of reception, the surname, first name and patronymic of the person who came to the reception, his address, the essence of the issue, the surname of the receptionist and the results of consideration of the application. If the volume of work is large, such registration is carried out on registration and control cards. If an application or complaint cannot be resolved by the manager during the reception, they are stated in writing and dealt with as written requests.

Written appeals from citizens should be considered as an important means of exercising and protecting individual rights. Appeals are divided into proposals, statements and complaints. A written appeal accepted during a personal reception is subject to mandatory registration in the manner established by Federal Law No. 59-FZ dated May 2, 2006 “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation.”

An instruction given by an official at the request of a citizen, where the issue does not require additional verification, and the applicant requests written confirmation, must be executed within a period not exceeding 5 days from the date of the personal reception.

In exceptional cases, if additional checks are required, the official has the right to extend the period for consideration of the application based on an official note from the executor with justification for the reason for extending the period for consideration of the application, but not more than 30 days, notifying the applicant of the reasons for extending the period for consideration of the application.

Information about the extension of the period for consideration of an appeal is recorded in the personal reception card of citizens by specialists responsible for working with citizens’ appeals. Information about the extension of deadlines is recorded in the personal reception cards of citizens. The contractor prepares a response to the applicant.

The response to the appeal is signed by the official who received citizens on personal matters.

The appeal is removed from control by the official who received the citizens if:

The issue was resolved positively;

A justified refusal was given;

An explanation was given to all the questions raised by the applicant.

A note about the fulfillment is made on the personal reception card:

“Resolved positively”, “Explanation given”, “Refused”, execution date.

The official conducting the reception must be extremely attentive to the visitor, his needs and requests, and direct the conversation to identify the essence of the appeal and the circumstances conducive to making the right decision.

At the end of the reception, the citizen must be informed about the decision made on the appeal or, if the resolution of the issue falls within the competence of another body, assistance in identifying this body, its location, telephone numbers, etc.

Chapter 7. Organization of reception of visitors at the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications”

Reception of visitors of any category at the State Educational Institution "Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications" is carried out as usual. Specific days and hours of reception have not been established. There is no pre-registration. Office work on citizens' appeals is carried out within the framework of general office work and is not separated into a separate system.

Representatives of the administration (deputy directors, heads of departments, heads of structural divisions) have direct access to the head of the college. Ordinary employees get to the manager after the secretary's report. The reception of employees on personal matters is mainly decided by the deputy director, but if it is necessary to meet personally with the head of the college, the director himself sets the date and time of the reception.

The state professional educational institution "Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications" conducts its work on the basis of the Charter of the State Educational Institution "SKSiS". On April 1, 2014, the college passed state accreditation of educational activities for a period of six years.

The admissions committee is a collegial body created to organize the recruitment of students, accept documents entering the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications”, conduct entrance tests and enroll in the college students those who have passed the entrance tests and passed the competition. It considers issues the resolution of which falls within the competence of the selection committee by the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations of higher organizations. The exclusive competence of the admissions committee includes resolving issues related to the recruitment of students to the college that are not regulated by current legislative and regulatory acts.

To organize the work of the college admissions committee, the following has been developed:

- “Regulations on the admissions committee of the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” (GPOU “SKSiS”) dated February 24, 2014. This Regulation defines the main tasks, procedure and organization of the work of the selection committee of the state professional educational institution"Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications." The Regulations say that the main task of the admissions committee of the State Pedagogical Educational Institution “SKSiS” is to ensure compliance with the rights of citizens to education established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation, transparency and openness of all admission procedures (clause 1.3.), in its work the admissions office the commission is guided by the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; Charter of GPOU "SKSiS"; Rules for admission of citizens of the Russian Federation to the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” in 2014, as well as these Regulations. (clause 1.4.);

Order on the composition of the selection committee dated December 30, 2013 No. 01-19/289;

Application for training in a profession;

Application for training in a specialty;

Rules for admission to educational programs of secondary vocational education at the Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications in 2014. These Rules regulate the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, including compatriots living abroad (hereinafter referred to as citizens, applicants), for training in educational programs of secondary vocational education in professions, specialties of secondary vocational education at the State Pedagogical Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications”, which carries out educational activities in educational programs of secondary vocational education at the expense of budgetary allocations from the budget of the Komi Republic, under educational agreements concluded upon admission to study at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities, and also determines the features conducting entrance tests for persons with disabilities. (clause 1.2).

The personal composition of the selection committee is approved by order of the director, who is its chairman. The following may be appointed to the selection committee:

Deputy directors (who are deputy chairmen of the selection committee),

Heads of departments,


Head master,

Head of Industrial Training,

Social teacher,

Chairmen of subject-cycle commissions,

Teachers of general education disciplines.

The executive secretary of the admissions committee is appointed by order of the director from among the teaching staff of the college.

To conduct entrance examinations and timely preparation for them, by order of the college director, subject examination committees are created from the most experienced college teachers and their chairmen are appointed. An order approving the composition of subject examination commissions is issued one month before the start of entrance examinations.

At the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” the admissions committee includes:

Chairman of the selection committee - Ryabova L.I. It is the chairman who approves the composition of the admissions committee, the regulations on the admissions committee, the program of entrance examinations, appoints the technical staff of the admissions committee, approves the annual work plan of the college admissions committee and the logistics of admission, manages all the activities of the admissions committee and is responsible for meeting the established admission targets , compliance with legislative acts, determines the work schedule of the admissions committee, conducts meetings of the admissions committee, and receives citizens on issues of admission to the college.

Deputy Chairman of the Admissions Committee - Lochkareva M.V., Kuzmina V.P. organize the selection and submit to the director for approval the composition of the admissions and subject examination committee, control career guidance work, organize and participate in the activities of the admissions committee, control the preparation and conduct of entrance tests, and also participate in interviews with applicants, conduct admissions of citizens, provide timely answers to written requests from citizens regarding admission issues.

Responsible Secretary of the Admissions Committee - Dyatleva S.V. prepares for publication prospectuses and other advertising and information materials of the college admissions committee, its activities also include information work of the college, provides applicants and their legal representatives with advice on all issues related to admission to the college, organizes the preparation of documentation for the admissions committee in accordance with the nomenclature of affairs and its proper storage, monitors the correct execution of incoming documents and the maintenance of registration journals, keeps minutes of meetings of the admissions committee, and prepares materials for enrollment in the college.

Technical secretaries: Popova T.B., Krasnova L.N., Kuznetsova N.B., Smetanina T.V., Chegesova L.N., Utkina I.V., Pykhalova O.V., Kholopova A.M. prepare documents for the work of the admissions committee in accordance with the approved nomenclature of cases, design information stands, accept documents in accordance with the approved admission rules, maintain registration logs of applicants by profession and specialty, encode and decode applicants’ work in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated 18 December 2000 No. 16-51-331 in/16-13., prepare examination sheets for entrance tests and summary sheets based on the results of entrance tests, issue examination sheets, form personal files of applicants for training, and also store personal files.

The term of office of the selection committee is one year. The work of the admissions committee ends with a report on the results of admission to the College's Pedagogical Council. The composition of the selection committee, subject examination committees, and technical secretaries is partially updated annually. Chairmen of subject examination commissions may serve for no more than three years.

The admissions office of the State Educational Institution “Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications” is located in the educational and production complex No. 2. In front of the entrance to the reception office in the college corridor there is an information stand with necessary information For applicants, there is a table next to the stand for filling out applications for accepting documents. The admissions office is a small room with an area of ​​about 2x5 m, the reception area is bright and cozy. The room has one spacious window with flowers, it creates a favorable atmosphere. There is a work schedule on the reception door. The reception office is equipped with the necessary furniture and equipment. In the reception area there are 4 desks and chairs for members of the admissions committee, as well as for applicants and their parents. All workplaces are equipped with the necessary stationery, forms and sample applications, as well as office equipment. The work area has a computer, a telephone for receiving calls, a photocopier and a printer. In the corner of the reception area there is a large safe, which is used to store personal files, submitted documents of future students, as well as to store registration books and other important things. Before accepting documents, the admissions committee prepares information stands on which the following are placed:

List of specialties and professions for which the college announces the acceptance of documents in accordance with the license;

The number of places for admission to the first year (first year of study) in accordance with the approved target figures financed from the republican budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan for each specialty and profession;

The number of additional places for admission to the first year (first year of study) in each specialty with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis;

Announcement on the deadlines for submitting documents and the timing of entrance examinations;

List of entrance examinations by specialty: 100116 Hairdressing, 100124 Stylistics and make-up art, 262019 Design and technology of garments, their programs, as well as a system for assessing the knowledge of applicants;

Conditions of competition for places financed from the republican budget;

Conditions of competition for places under contracts with payment of tuition fees;

The procedure and timing for reviewing documents submitted by foreign citizens;

Rules for accepting applications from applicants to the college;

Sample application, list of documents to be submitted;

Procedure for admission to college;

Rules for filing and considering appeals based on the results of entrance examinations;

A copy of the license for the right to conduct educational activities;

Certificate of state accreditation.

You can also find this information on the college website in the “Applicants” section.

For admissions officers, there is also a small dressing area in the room, which contains a mirror and a standing hanger.

The process of work of the selection committee begins with the preparation of documentation, namely:

College Application Forms;

Log books;

Folders for creating personal files with files for original documents;

Forms for receipt of documents;

Forms of certificates of admission of applicants to entrance examinations;

Examination forms;

Examination forms;

Forms of agreements with payment of tuition fees;

Enrollment certificate forms.

All forms contain the name of the college and the signatures of the responsible admissions officers. The Admissions Committee has a round seal with the details of the college and the inscription in the center “Admissions Committee”, stamps with the details of the college and the inscription “Admissions Committee”, a stamp for the details “mark for registration of incoming documentation”. Documents issued to applicants are sealed by the admissions committee. Acceptance of documents begins on June 16. The applicant submits an application for training in the chosen specialty, provides a photocopy of the passport, certificate or previously received diploma, references from the former educational institution, and the applicant can also bring a copy of the insurance policy, TIN, a referral from the employment center, if the applicant is an orphan, then a certificate of death of parents or one parent, decree establishing guardianship, decision to deprive parental rights, etc.

All documents submitted by applicants are recorded in journals. The following information is recorded in the registration log:

Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant;

Home address and contact phone number;

Date of receipt of the application and documents;

List of accepted documents and their details, signature of the applicant on the transfer of documents;

The need to provide hostel accommodation;

Information about enrollment or refusal of enrollment and return of documents.

When an applicant transfers to another specialty/profession, a note is made in the registration journal about the receipt of documents (date, signature of the applicant on receipt of documents), after which the applicant is recorded in the registration journal allocated for the newly chosen specialty/profession, and the applicant fills out a new form statements. Cross-throughs in the registration log are not allowed.

When receiving documents by mail, the completeness of the documents is checked, the last name, first name and patronymic and other data are recorded in the registration journal and the date of receipt of the documents by mail is noted. If any documents are missing or if they do not meet the requirements, the applicant is indicated in the letter what needs to be submitted and within what time frame. When sending a letter, when returning documents by mail, the receipt number and the date of sending are indicated in the registration journal, and a letter indicating the reasons for the return is inserted into the envelope with the documents. The receipt is saved until the report.

Applicants for training are issued a “Receipt for Acceptance of Documents”. It contains a complete list of documents received from the applicant (including documents that are not mandatory for admission and submitted by the applicant on his own initiative).

Applicants admitted to the entrance examination are given an examination sheet. He contains:

Reference information about the college,

Last name, first name, patronymic of the applicant,

Photo of the applicant,

College stamp,

Signature of the executive secretary,

Examination sheet number,

Name of specialty,

Examination group number,

A table for filling out information about passing the entrance test, containing the following details of the entrance test - name of the subject, form of the entrance test, date of the entrance test, score, signature of the examiner.

Entrance tests are carried out within the time limits established by the Admission Rules.

Working applicants for training are issued a certificate of admission to entrance examinations for registration of leave at the place of work. The certificate must indicate the place and period of the entrance examination. The schedule of entrance examinations is approved by the chairman of the admissions committee 5 days before their start. The schedule states:

Name of the item;

Entrance test form;

Date, time and place of consultation;

Date, time and place of the entrance test;

Date, time and place of announcement of the results of the entrance test.

Before the start of the tests, the deputy chairman of the admissions committee issues to the chairmen of the subject examination commissions the required number of sets of materials for entrance tests and assigns examiners to groups. Examination groups are formed in the order of registration of documents received in a number of no more than 20 people.

The names of the chairmen of subject commissions and examiners are not indicated in the schedule of entrance examinations. Materials for entrance examinations are compiled at the college on the basis of the curricula of basic general education annually, signed by the chairman of the relevant subject commission and approved by the deputy chairman of the admissions committee. Each set is sealed and stored as a strict accountability document.

For applicants, consultations are provided on entrance examination programs, assessment criteria, requirements, and the procedure for competitive admission.

When entering the classroom where the tests are being conducted, the applicant presents an examination sheet. The presence of unauthorized persons (including inspection bodies) at the entrance examinations is not permitted without the permission of the chairman of the admissions committee.

Examination works are carried out on a sheet of the established format, on which no conventional marks revealing the authorship of the work are allowed. The applicant prepares a title page for the work. Sheets for examination work are encrypted, for which a digital or other conventional code is affixed.

At the end of the entrance test, all work is transferred to the responsible secretary of the selection committee. Cover pages with codes are stored in a safe with the executive secretary, and the drawings are submitted for verification.

Testing of written work is carried out on the premises of the college and only by examiners - members of the approved subject examination committee. The chairman of the subject examination commission additionally checks written works rated by the examiner as “unsatisfactory” and the highest score, as well as 5% of the remaining works and certifies the correctness of the assessments with his signature.

The results are entered into the examination sheets, the checked written works are deciphered and the examination sheets are filled out, the assessment is put in a number (in points) in the examination sheet and on the applicant’s examination sheet. An appeal by applicants regarding the assessment is submitted on the day the assessment for the entrance test is announced. If an applicant fails to appear for the entrance test, “failure to appear” is indicated in the column intended for recording the grade. After they are completed by the examiners, they are closed and signed by the executive secretary. Examination sheets are kept for a year. Applicants who do not appear for entrance examinations for a valid reason, confirmed by documents, are allowed to take the missed entrance examinations. Upon written application, applicants have the right to pick up the original education document and other documents submitted by the applicant. Documents must be returned by the college within the next business day after submitting the application. Applicants who have withdrawn their documents of their own free will after the end of the entrance examinations before the results of the competition are summed up do not participate in the competition. Examination papers of those enrolled in the college are stored in their personal files, and those not enrolled in the college are destroyed 6 months after the end of the entrance examinations.

The enrollment materials are prepared by the executive secretary. The decision of the admissions committee on enrollment as a student is documented in a protocol indicating the grounds for enrollment; lists of persons who can be enrolled as students are formed at a meeting of the admissions committee and are drawn up as an appendix to the protocol.

After the deadline for submitting the original state-issued documents on education has expired, the director of the college issues an order for the enrollment of persons recommended by the admissions committee for enrollment and who have submitted the originals of the relevant documents. A certificate of enrollment as a college student is confirmation of enrollment in the college and contains background information about the college, the name of the specialty/profession, and the form of study. Nonresident students enrolled in distance learning are sent a written notice.

As a result, a personal file is opened for each applicant, in which all the documents submitted and materials for passing the entrance examinations are stored. A student's personal file is kept for 75 years.

The work of the admissions committee ends with a report on the results of admission at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council of the Syktyvkar College of Service and Communications. Acceptance of documents at the admissions committee ends on August 25.

7. The role of the secretary in organizing the reception of visitors

Reception of visitors can be divided into three types: reception of employees of your institution on current affairs; reception of representatives of other organizations, including delegations; receiving visitors on personal matters.

The secretary is obliged to ensure that a sign is posted on the doors of the reception area indicating the days and times of reception of visitors; keep records of visitors and monitor the implementation of decisions made during reception; monitor the appointment order and conversation time.

It is better to make an appointment in advance by making appropriate entries in the visitor reception log.

The secretary must remember that a visitor of any rank, without exception, can enter the manager’s office only after the secretary’s report. The secretary reports personally on representatives of higher organizations. Having asked the visitor to wait, he enters the manager’s office and reports the visitor waiting to be seen. In this case, it is advisable to state the last name, first name, patronymic, position of the visitor and the issue for which he arrived. The secretary can report to the manager about the visitor using an intercom and, having received consent to receive him, invites the visitor to go into the office. It is unacceptable to invite a visitor to the manager’s office wearing outerwear.

If a visitor comes without a prior agreement, the secretary has the right to independently decide whether to report him to the manager immediately or make an appointment.

In case of refusal, the secretary tells the visitor the exact date and time when he will be received.

When organizing a reception for employees of his institution on current issues, the secretary is obliged to:

know the circle of people who have access to the manager at any time and let them through without hindrance;

inform all employees of the institution about reception hours on current issues;

determine the duration of the visit and warn the visitor about it;

inform the manager about the visitor using an intercom or telephone.

Often, visitors go to see the manager with a question that can be resolved by another employee. The secretary must know the distribution of responsibilities between the management staff of the institution in order to direct the visitor to the employee competent in resolving a particular issue.

When organizing the reception of workers sent to the enterprise, the secretary is obliged to:

find out the issue for which the visitor arrived;

mark the travel certificate;

provide assistance in selecting the necessary materials;

find out whether the seconded specialist is provided with a hotel; if not, then help in resolving this issue, explain the most convenient transport route from the hotel to the place of work.

If a delegation arrives at the reception, care should be taken in advance to allocate an employee of the organization who will accompany the delegation. If a foreign delegation arrives, care should be taken to provide an interpreter and souvenirs for members of the delegation.

If necessary, at the request of the leader, the secretary must be able to prepare and serve tea or coffee to the leader and the visitor (members of the delegation).

You must not allow your appointment to be interrupted for unjustifiable reasons. If the manager to whom the visitor was invited is absent, it is necessary for the visitor to be received by another competent employee. In such a situation, the secretary must apologize for the absence of the manager and explain the reason for his absence.

Special attention The secretary must be involved in organizing the manager's reception of visitors on personal matters. The manager usually sets aside certain days for this type of reception.

During all types of receptions, the secretary himself receives all telephone calls and forwards issues that require immediate resolution to the deputy managers. Employees who are not related to the reception on personal matters should not be allowed into the manager’s office during the reception.

At the end of the conversation and after making a decision, the manager writes down himself or instructs the secretary to record the results of the conversation in the appropriate accounting forms. The secretary monitors the implementation of decisions made by the manager.


1. Basakov M.I. Office work and correspondence in questions and answers: Tutorial for students of economic universities and colleges. 5th ed., revised. and additional - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007.

2. Broido V.L. Office equipment for office work and management. - M.: Information and Publishing House "Filin", 2007.

3. GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and definitions - M.: Standards Publishing House, 1998.

4. GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. - M.: Standards Publishing House, 2003.

5. Office work (organization and technology of documentation support for management): Textbook for universities. M.: UNITY-DANA, 2008.

6. Basic rules for the operation of archives of organizations. – M.: Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD, 2006.

In the manager's reception area, in the office and help in obtaining support. The appearance of the secretary-assistant should always be neat, and the ability to dress taking into account the business situation. The personal qualities of the assistant secretary include his desire to constantly replenish and improve both the general and professional knowledge of the assistant. Business and personal qualities, when performing...

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