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Construction commercial proposal sample. Commercial proposal for work. Document execution without errors

Selling a product or service, expanding the circle of potential buyers, presenting a new product - all these tasks are perfectly handled by a well-structured and executed commercial proposal. This way of expressing yourself is legal and at the same time does not require virtually any tangible costs. However, writing such texts is a special art that has its own criteria and rules.

What is a commercial offer?

First of all, this is a document where the maximum amount of information about the goods or services offered by the company is presented in a concise form. Commercial offers are designed not only to create a positive impression among potential customers about the subject of the offer, but also to encourage them to make a purchase or place an order, thereby increasing the level of sales. It is worth noting that this is the most accessible and budget way to talk about new products target audience, but for it to work, you will have to put in a lot of effort. And the higher the competition in the market segment occupied by a company, the more seriously one should approach the creation of commercial offers. In this case, it is best to turn to professionals.

The CP classification involves two main types of documents:

  1. An individual commercial offer has a specific addressee; it is drawn up for a specific client, taking into account the specifics of his activity, income level, consumption volumes of the proposed product or service, and so on.
  2. A mass commercial offer is sent to several recipients, united according to certain characteristics; it is impersonal and not focused on the needs of an individual company.

How to interest the management of a construction company

The construction industry is focused on a wide range of services. This may include cargo transportation, supply of inert and finishing materials, rental of special equipment, legal and engineering services. Each of these areas involves high competition, and it is necessary to create a truly profitable commercial proposal for construction work (a sample can be easily found on the Internet) in order to be noticed in the daily flow of mailings. Especially if the construction company does not consider this moment your service as relevant.

What can you do to make yourself as visible as possible?

It is worth carefully researching the pricing policies of your competitors and offering a price slightly lower than the current price threshold. There is no need to significantly lower the price, as this may arouse suspicion among the client, and competitors will accuse you of dumping.

If possible, try to deliver the papers in person. Be sure to indicate in the document itself or voice it verbally a list of the most prestigious objects built with your direct participation.

Each product and service must be evaluated, and pricing must be as clear and transparent as possible. However, VAT can be mentioned at the end of the text, and the price tags themselves can be displayed without value added tax.

Commercial offer- this is a presentation of a service (product) for the purpose of its implementation. The successful provision of services directly depends on a well-written and sent business proposal. To create the right commercial proposal that will cause an explosion of sales, use one of the successful samples of this document.

Commercial proposal: author's creative work

The commercial proposal (CP) should ideally contribute to an explosion of sales. First of all, choose a competent author. The finished commercial proposal is assessed by the company's leading specialists. They leave their comments on the last page of the proposal. The author may have to modify the document, taking into account all the customer’s comments.

Let us list the stages of drawing up a commercial proposal for the provision of services.

  1. Preparatory work (collection of information about the service and potential customers, selection of the author).
  2. Decor.
  3. Coordination.
  4. Making possible amendments.

The selling commercial proposal is prepared by employees of the organization's marketing department. If there is no such department, then the preparation of the document will be entrusted to the leading specialist of the company. It is possible that the employee has no experience in writing sales texts. Don’t despair: a creative approach coupled with a desire to sell a service will help you write a decent business letter.

If the situation with a creative approach in a company is at zero, then you should join an advertising company. For money, of course, they will make you a wonderful commercial offer. But you will miss the chance to independently launch a project to sell enterprise services.

How to compose correctly

A sample drafting plan looks like this:

  1. Introduction. The main idea is why a business letter was sent to the customer.
  2. Main part. Offer the terms of the deal, describe all the benefits of cooperation with you.
  3. Application (if necessary). All are reflected here Additional Information, which explains the content of the sentence. A link in the text of the proposal to the availability of the application is required. The application itself indicates its affiliation with a specific commercial offer.

Think about how you can interest the client in your service. Answer the question for yourself: “Why should the customer read this commercial proposal?” Try to cover the situation as a whole, and not one-sidedly.

Information about the service for the customer

  • Briefly provide information about the selling company itself.
  • Attach assortment list and prices.
  • Describe the services.
  • List the terms and conditions of the service.
  • Duration of service provision and warranty obligations.
  • Wishes for further cooperation.
  • If possible, attach additional visual material about the service provided.

Document execution without errors

It is worth focusing on GOST R 6.30–97 (current in 2017). It lists 29 details that a selling company can use in a commercial proposal.

Do not clutter the text with unnecessary details. It'll just make you tired potential customer. It is unlikely that he will want to read your proposal to the end.

Correct form of CP

The choice of form depends on specific situations. In some cases, it may be wiser to first notify the customer verbally (via telephone or during a business meeting). Personal contact will give you an incomparable advantage in describing the characteristics of your services. Demonstration of videos, visual samples, photos, and special publications is welcome. In addition, by the customer’s behavior you can immediately see how interested you are in your service.

Even if they don’t order anything from you, this will be invaluable experience for correcting your commercial proposal.

The second version of the form is written. Shipping method: regular and Email, Fax. The two forms (written and oral) can be used in parallel and separately. In any case, it is worth calculating in advance the option of notifying the customer about your service. Collective work in this case will play the role of “brainstorming”, which will make it possible to foresee possible options for the development of events as much as possible.


Approach the issue of the structure of your commercial proposal with the utmost seriousness.

  1. Place useful information about the service offered.
  2. Interest the customer when reading the information.
  3. Encourage the counterparty to place an order for the service.

Table: how to format the structural elements of a sales letter

Name of structural elementDescription and design option
Intrigue (some kind of mystery)The whole secret is in the title. If you intrigue the client, there is a chance that the letter will be read to the end. Condition - the title must be beneficial to the client.
Example: “Dear Pyotr Petrovich! Today you can save 40% on communication fees.”
Approach to the client's problemAttention! The “I-approach” is abolished. Face the client's problem. Show how you will cope with the customer's difficulties.
Example: “Dear Ivan Nikolaevich! Your profit will increase up to 60% in 15 days of using our service for...”
Option to solve the client's problemThe approach to the client is equal. Never belittle your company personally or solicit orders.
Briefly and clearly tell the customer how you will deal with their problem.
Example: “We will responsibly carry out all office improvement work.”
Benefit for the customerA very important block in the text. Don't skip it and don't fill it with information about your service.
Example: “We are guaranteed to reduce your coolant costs.”
Your arguments about benefitsThere are plenty of enticing approaches. Choose the one that suits the topic and your personal benefit.
Example: “In winter - 25% discount”, “-50% savings in the first month of use.”
Price DescriptionThe customer must clearly understand how the price for the service is formed. Omissions and undeveloped options will play a cruel joke - the customer will not take your company seriously.
Sales secret: place a description of one service in one commercial offer. As a last resort, for the benefit of the customer, you can
add related service or goods.
Example: “When you order two air conditioners, you get free refills for a year.”
Arguments in favor of your pricesOnly specific example benefits. Mathematical calculations will only work in your favor.
Example: “1 thousand rubles saved per hour of work.”
Contacts + call to actionExample: “Call us and we will answer all your questions.” Be sure to provide real contact information (phone, email, fax, etc.). The more contact options, the better.

This is the classic form of arrangement of sentence blocks. They can be swapped and partially removed from the text. The main thing on your part is to put yourself in the client’s shoes and understand what the problem is and how to help solve it. Then the question of the correct structure of the text will disappear by itself.

As you write a sales text for your service, try to mention the benefits for the client at least three times. It would be appropriate to do this in a block about some intrigue in your offer and about the benefits for the client.

How to avoid mistakes when filling out the application form

So, you have sent a commercial proposal and are expecting a flurry of calls to order a service. After some time you realize: something went wrong. Let's deal with typical mistakes when drawing up a sales proposal.

Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of computer services.

Sample commercial proposal for rental of special equipment.

Sample commercial proposal for the development of designer products.

How to correctly draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of cargo transportation services.

Sample commercial proposal for the provision of roof snow removal services.

We write to a foreign partner

Let's start by choosing a writing language. If you are fluent in the language of the recipient’s country, then it would be logical to use it. If there are difficulties in writing text in the native language of the recipient of the letter, then it is better to use English. You will decide for yourself: you will write the proposal using your company’s efforts or contact a specialist in high-quality translation. There is one thing - the first impression. Try not to spoil it right away with a distorted presentation style. Therefore, it is not worth saving on a commercial offer.

Rules for writing text

Choose a presentation style (for example, business).

Use short to medium-length sentences without complex phrases.

Proper division into paragraphs will facilitate visual perception of the text and set a certain rhythm.

Positioning the text of the letter along the left edge of the page.

Letter header. In the top left corner, the sender's data is indicated in the following order: first name, last name, given name, office or apartment, house, street, city, zip code, country.

Destination. The name, company, and company address on a new line are indicated.

Enter the departure date in date/month/year format (for European countries) or month/date/year (for the USA). To avoid confusion, you can write the date in a more expanded form: October 10, 2016. Please note that in Russian the date is written with a dot (10/10/2016), while in English the date is written with a slash (10/10/2016).

Manner of addressing a foreign partner. Please note that after the address there is a comma, in no case an exclamation point.

Structure of the main text. When you first contact, you should introduce yourself. Subsequent letters begin with an expression of gratitude.

Please indicate the purpose for which you are applying.

If the letter is accompanied by an attachment, this should be indicated.

Sample business letter on English language is given below.

Method of sending CP

It’s worth thinking about how to send the letter before composing it. The shipping option is affected by the following conditions:

  • availability of confidential information. In this case, priority goes to regular mail;
  • letter volume. One or two pages can be sent by regular mail or fax. It is more advisable to send a volume of up to 15 sheets by e-mail.

It is better to agree on the sending option with the recipient of the offer. Perhaps some method of receipt is not available for him. Do everything for the convenience of the customer.

Attention! Do you want to know how not to make a mistake when choosing a supplier of goods (services)? Study our recommendations listed in the article ““.

Actions after sending a letter

The conditions of modern reality indicate that you should not wait for a customer’s call. The entire initiative to promote the service rests with the seller. You should gently and unobtrusively lead the client to a purchase. The first step - sending a business proposal - is done. Next, we recommend doing this:

  • Check with the client (for example, by phone) whether the commercial proposal has been received and whether everything is clear and legibly written. In the same call, agree on the next call. As a rule, it will take 1–5 days.

    Don’t forget about the 30 seconds during which you have to “hook” the client. Therefore, we carry on the conversation only on the merits. A good conversation starter is: “I can help you increase sales of your products.” This is a universal goal for businesses. Therefore, there is a chance that the customer will listen to you carefully and ask questions.

  • Call back after 3-5 days and ask what questions the client has after reading the offer. Check to see if cooperation is possible. If the client does not have any questions, they can be modeled to the service seller. For example, ask a question and answer it yourself: “Our customers were interested in what are the benefits of cooperation with our company?” In a detailed answer to your own question, you will give an additional presentation of the service.
  • If the customer is not ready to conclude a deal at the moment, agree on when you can call him back to inform him about new promotions of your company. You can send an additional commercial offer after some time. If you send offers via email, then you can update information about your services systematically (2-3 times a month).

When selling services, you should focus not only on personal profit. Only mutually beneficial interest will allow your company to reach a decent level of sales. A successful commercial proposal works on the principle of a hook, from which it is very difficult for the client to break free.

Commercial offer construction organization should convey to the potential customer the maximum useful organization, and the most important thing is the cost of the proposal and its justification.

Typically, the full cost of the work is indicated at the end of the proposal and deciphered in the main text, thus obtaining a commercial estimate. Tabular form is the most best option for its design. If the cost is indicated approximately, then the final part should indicate that the calculation was made on the basis of commercial prices, and the final cost is determined in each specific case. If the company’s activities include a system of discounts, this should also be reflected in the text.

Remember, a correctly drawn up commercial proposal for construction is the right path to long-term cooperation.

Making a commercial offer

In order for a specific proposal not to get lost among dozens of similar ones, it must, first of all, be memorable. To do this, when writing a proposal, use the following tips:

  • The first impression customers should get from the headline: it should be clearly formulated, bright and catchy, making them want to read the proposal to the end.
  • Highlighting the heading with a font or color is welcome (but it is better not to overuse color when sending by fax).
  • The text of the proposal itself should be formatted, containing lists, tables or subheadings for ease of comprehension by the reader.

Examples of commercial proposals for construction

For clarity, we will consider several types of commercial proposals for construction.

The following two types of commercial proposals use the principle of familiarizing the customer with the full costs of constructing a building:

1. Commercial proposal No. 1 In this case, the emphasis is on general architectural construction works indicating their cost.

2. Commercial proposal No. 2 This example of a commercial proposal for construction demonstrates familiarization with full list work performed without specifying specific prices.

Both options are acceptable, but the bright and colorful option may not appeal to customers who have a black-and-white fax or printer, and can be sent by regular mail or read from a monitor.

Often, when drawing up a commercial proposal, companies do not delve into the estimated cost of their services or goods, focusing on the details of the work, and the result is a cost-free commercial proposal for construction:

3. Commercial proposal No. 3 This sample commercial proposal for construction is designed to interest the client in the important details that make up the service, and visually capture his attention with examples of his work.

Alexey Naumov

Updated: 2019.09.03

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To draw up a commercial proposal for construction, you need to understand who it is being sent to. As with all examples of such documents, the drafter must have a clear understanding of the client profile. Without its preparation, the commercial proposal (CP) itself will most likely be drawn up incorrectly and the effect from it will be zero - there are no orders and no income for the enterprise.

To whom is it sent?

All potential clients of an enterprise that specializes in construction work can be conditionally classified into several categories. CP for construction services can be directed to:

  • large construction companies;
  • non-construction enterprises;
  • to private individuals.

The nature of the commercial offer depends on who the letter is sent to. As for large construction companies, it should be borne in mind that they win tenders for large projects. They cannot carry out all the work on the project on their own, so they hire smaller companies that are ready to take on a certain amount of work.

The principle is based on this successful startups small construction enterprises that start their activities from scratch. If you receive an order from such large company, at her expense you can buy everything necessary equipment and make a good profit.

In this case, the commercial proposal must take into account that a large construction company will not give away part of the work at the cost at which it itself undertook to carry it out. By transferring them to another company, the company's management plans to make money on this.

In addition, the work must not only be at a price that suits the company, but also its quality must meet the conditions of the tender. This means that the proposal must indicate the appropriate cost and quality of work, in accordance with tender documentation. These conditions can be found out during negotiations with company managers and, based on their wishes and requirements, a CP can be drawn up.

Individuals need to be offered benefits from the services provided - saving money, effort and time. If construction company It doesn’t make sense to describe why it is better to use this kind of masonry and not another, or why using aerated concrete is better than brick, then a private person needs to indicate this in the CP. It is not a specialist and is waiting for any proposals from professional builders that would allow it to complete construction work inexpensively and efficiently. In this case, the CP must indicate the advantages of a particular technology or material used, and justify the disclosed theses with numbers.

The same applies to CP for non-construction enterprises that need services construction companies. The difference between private individuals is that in this case the emphasis must be placed on what savings are expected from cooperation, and different forms of calculation must be provided. Individuals are not always looking for cost-effective solutions; they can be persuaded to cooperate based on other benefits. For example, exclusive design, individual buildings that are not found anywhere else.

How to write a commercial proposal?

After the client’s portrait has been drawn up, the first thing you need to pay attention to when drawing up a proposal is the special offer (offer).

The consumer is faced with tens and hundreds of offers that may differ in price. How to stand out in such a situation? Dumping is not the answer. The result of such a strategy is loss of profit, low quality services offered and bad reviews. The best solution seems to be to provide additional services or goods at a low price. For example, if a client orders the entire construction of a house, the foundation costs him half the price. Or can you suggest any Construction Materials at cost when ordering a large volume of work.

Private firms that specialize in road repair and construction are related to the production of asphalt. In this case, it is possible in the commercial proposal to provide for a low cost of either the work or the asphalt itself if the customer chooses this particular company for road repairs.

The CP itself needs to show the benefits of such cooperation. This is done using calculations that are provided to the customer. A detailed calculation can be made in the annex to the CP, and in the document itself only its key points can be indicated. There is no need to turn the presentation of the material into test mathematics.

The essence of this sentence must be tied to the title. Based on the examples given, this can be done as follows:

  1. How to get high-quality asphalt with a 50% discount?
  2. Strip foundation for a private house for only half the price.

In general, the structure of the CP is as follows:

  1. Title.
  2. Concept.
  3. Special offer.
  4. Spin off.
  5. Terms of cooperation.
  6. List of all services.
  7. Contacts.

Blocks can be swapped, and in some situations some items can be excluded. To facilitate the preparation of the organization’s CP, use the document form found in Appendix No. 1. By filling it out and supplementing it with other blocks, you will be able to create an effective and short proposal to potential customers.

Appendix No. 1

A sample CP can be viewed in Appendix No. 2. This example of a commercial proposal demonstrates how a real and pressing client problem was used - saving deadlines for facade work. The company is ready to solve the problem and provides the client with a 10% discount on facade work. That's what it is special offer, which is very successful.

Appendix No. 2

If materials are sold

The cases discussed above are when we're talking about about the provision of services. But the same applies to the sale of building materials. All the principles stated above are also valid for this case. Only instead of combinations of different services and discounts on them, in this case the sale of goods will be combined with additional services.

For example, a commercial proposal for the supply of building materials may include free shipping or free forklift work. After all, it’s not enough to buy building materials; they still need to be loaded into the car, delivered and unloaded. These are additional costs for the client that can be discounted or provided for free. Delivery may be carried out at the expense of the enterprise, and the client will have to pay for loading and unloading.

An offer for building materials should take into account that the client has additional difficulties when purchasing them that he needs to solve right now. This is a reason to help him, to take on some of the customer’s problems. This will be inexpensive for the enterprise, especially if it has both a loader and freight car. But as a result, the company receives a grateful and regular customer who will certainly recommend to friends and acquaintances to make a purchase only here.

Thus, a well-drafted commercial offer, a good special offer, allows you to increase the number regular customers at minimum investment into advertising. And this leads to increased profits and payback for the enterprise.

Commercial offer.

offers you inexpensive and high-quality repairs . You will like our conditions!

Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen!

Our Company offers you its services as a contractor for all types of finishing work. We also offer youflexible discount systems . We build relationships on respect, trust and compliance with agreements, promoting success and development of further cooperation!Unlike most companies providing interior finishing services, we do not sell materials, but specialize in working with them. Accordingly, we are interested in optimal rather than maximum material consumption.And also We for free We draw up a preliminary estimate. It is for these reasons and low coefficient that our prices are amonglowest on the Omsk market.

Our Company employs professionals with many years of experience. Accordingly, due to high professionalism, they decrease deadlines carrying out work and increasing quality!

We always complete our work on time and provide guarantee from 6 months to 3 years!

The range of services of our Company includes:

· Performance everyone types of finishing work.

· Stretch ceiling.

· Electric installation work.


· Sealing of interpanel seams.

· Design of residential and non-residential premises in 3D format.

· Call a specialist to the site.

· Repair of balconies and loggias.

· Preliminary departure and clear estimate (free).

· For all our services, you can get a loan from our Partner Bank on favorable terms.

(more detailed information about services is provided at the end of this Commercial Offer)

Our rates.

Types of jobs

Unit change

Price, rub.)

Finishing walls with plaster under a beacon

Plasterboard partition

1-level plasterboard ceiling

Plasterboard ceiling in 2 levels

3-level plasterboard ceiling

Armstrong ceiling

Ceiling made of plastic panels

Slatted ceiling

Ceiling putty

Ceiling leveling

Ceiling painting

Tile - floor

Tile - walls

Mosaic - walls

Porcelain tiles - floor

Pouring self-leveling floors

Partition made of expanded clay blocks

Application of decorative plaster

Slope finishing

Wall painting

Laying linoleum

Clapboard finishing

Door installation

Window sill installation

Window installation

Electric heated floor

Partition 1/2 brick

Dismantling partitions

Window dismantling

Door dismantling

Wallpaper for painting

* Depending on the object, the cost of work will be recalculated taking into account complexity, timing, possible discounts and volume!

Our designers will develop a complete design project for you, taking into account your desires and capabilities. If you have already decided what kind of repair you need, just consult Our Mater on what the work should look like.

We strive to anticipate the client by attracting modern technologies work, and develop through fruitful interaction with clients.

For long-term cooperation, we have special prices.

Please take into account that the work carried out by the SpetsDesignProekt company has been worked out over time and brought to the point of automation. And that’s why we boldly provide a Guarantee on everything!

Our company Guarantees execution of a set of works in strict accordance with Terms of reference Customer and in accordance with SNiP and other current regulatory documents of the Russian Federation.

“Are you interested in our offer? Do you have any questions? Do you need a consultation? Call us by phone and we will answer all your questions.”

Thank you for your attention! Sincerely, SpetsDesignProject Company!


Omsk, st. Lukinsky Vitaly

Tel.: +7(3812); Antonovich

Gene. director - 2-98-30

Dir. slave. : from 9:00-20:00, without. weekend.

E-mail: *****@***ru

www. SDP-omsk. *****

More detailed information about services.

· Performance everyone types of finishing work.

Repair and finishing work performed by our company is associated with the development of an individual work plan, which includes such items as the quality of materials and the cost of the work performed. This allows us to carry out office renovations, cottage finishing and turnkey apartment renovations.

The work performed is varied:

from “cosmetic” repairs to complete “overhaul”. We analyze the market for repair services and maintain reasonable prices. We carry out complex finishing and renovation of premises on a turnkey basis. Warranty for work performed is one year or more. A specialist visit to assess the scope of work and draw up estimates for work and materials is free. You set the price yourself, call us at the numbers provided.

· Stretch ceiling.

Stretch ceiling is an advanced technology for finishing premises. Below the level of the main (load-bearing) ceiling, a film is stretched, which is closely adjacent to the walls and, due to its properties, lasts much longer than other finishing materials.

The undoubted advantage of suspended ceilings is that the color and design solutions for their use are practically unlimited. The ceiling can consist of two or more canvases, which can be joined together both in the same plane and at different angles.

Advantages of suspended ceilings:

- the stretch ceiling will protect in case of leakage from above, protect the interior by taking the entire mass of water onto itself (and this is up to 100 liters per square meter).

- ventilation, alarm and fire safety systems can be hidden in the suspended ceiling.

- suspended ceilings do not require periodic repairs, which will save effort and money.

-on suspended ceilings Static electricity does not accumulate and condensation does not form, which is very important for swimming pools and bathrooms.

- suspended ceiling is environmentally friendly, fireproof and does not absorb odors.

- a stretch ceiling needs the simplest care; after a few years, when the ceiling stops shining like on the first day, it will need to be wiped with just a damp cloth.

-The strength of the material is evidenced by the fact that the canvas can withstand the impact of a cork from a champagne bottle.

· Sanitary work.

Our company is ready to carry out any bathroom renovation! Every person imagines a bathroom that is perfectly evenly tiled, with new plumbing fixtures and all sorts of accessories in their places. If you are tired of looking at old plumbing fixtures and walls, the time has come to invite a specialist from the SpetsDesignProject company. We will help you make your dreams of a beautiful and high-quality bathroom renovation come true!

· Sealing of interpanel seams.

Our company carries out work on sealing interpanel seams.

It has long been known that panel houses built in Soviet time, are not famous for keeping their apartments warm in winter. A common reason for this is poor tightness of the interpanel seams, and also over time, under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, atmospheric phenomena, especially transitions from thaw to frost, the interpanel seams begin to collapse and lose their tightness. Under the influence of moisture, interblock connections corrode, and dampness and leaks appear in the interior. The resulting drafts force increased heating costs for buildings.

· Design of residential and non-residential premises in format 3D.

A full-fledged interior design project is sketches of your future interior plus the selection of materials, electrical diagrams, water supply, ventilation, air conditioning systems, furnishings, etc. Among other things, the design project optionally includes the so-called visualization 3d interior design , that is, images (photos) of your future apartment after renovation. Photos can be taken from any angle according to your wishes. Thanks to the design project, you will be able to plan the lighting of your apartment and see it in different color schemes.

· Pre-check-out (free).

· Clear estimate (free).

With our organization, you can now save more of your time, money and, most importantly, effort. All you have to do is call Us and meet with our representative and We will carry out all preparatory work from measurements to budgeting. And all this is completely free!

By phone in contacts you can get more detailed information. The work is carried out both for organizations and individuals.

Thank you for your trust! Sincerely, SpetsDesignProject Company!
