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Cash analysis: how to choose the right cash register? How not to make a mistake when choosing an online cash register? Main characteristics and prices of new cash registers Which cash registers are best to use

The history of online cash registers began back in 2014, when, during an experiment, the Federal Tax Service introduced new generation cash registers connected to the Internet in Moscow and the region, in Tatarstan and Kaluga regions.

The experiment was considered successful, so on June 14, 2016, the State Duma adopted changes to the law on cash registers No. 54-FZ, which significantly tightened the requirements for cash registers. From this article you will learn which cash registers in 2019 for individual entrepreneurs should be used when making payments to customers.

Who is required to use the new cash registers?

In 2019, more and more entrepreneurs are required to use cash registers, but the changes will be gradual. Do I need a cash register for individual entrepreneurs working on PSN and in the new year? Until what date do you need to connect? Who from USN payers and OSNO in 2019 can still work without a cash register?

In this table, we have collected information on the timing and categories of taxpayers required to install new cash registers.

The new law not only established a cash register, but also a list of organizations and individual entrepreneurs who still have the right not to use a cash register when paying in cash and by card (Article 2 of Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003):

  • sale of newspapers, magazines and related products in kiosks, provided that at least half of the turnover is made up of newspapers and magazines (revenue accounting for this group of goods must be kept separately);
  • implementation valuable papers;
  • catering services for employees and students educational institutions, if they happen to be during training sessions;
  • trade on retail markets, fairs, exhibition complexes (with the exception of such retail places as shops, pavilions, kiosks, tents, auto shops, containers and others that ensure the safety of goods), except for sales non-food products, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • sale of ice cream and soft drinks on tap at kiosks;
  • trade in kvass, milk, vegetable oil, live fish, kerosene from tank trucks;
  • seasonal sale of vegetables, fruits, melons;
  • peddling trade in food and non-food products, except those required certain conditions storage and sales;
  • acceptance of glassware and waste materials from the population (except for scrap metal, precious metals and precious stones);
  • sales of folk art products by the manufacturer themselves;
  • shoe repair and painting;
  • production and repair of metal haberdashery and keys;
  • plowing gardens and sawing firewood;
  • services for the supervision and care of children, the sick, the elderly and the disabled;
  • porter services at train stations and ports;
  • change individual entrepreneur housing for rent, if it is his property;
  • pharmacy organizations located in rural areas;
  • IP on PSN for some.

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs conducting payments in remote or hard-to-reach areas (except for cities, regional centers, urban-type settlements) may also not use cash register equipment, if these settlements are indicated in the list approved by regional authorities. In addition, Order No. 616 of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia dated December 5, 2016 allows the use of old cash register models in settlements with a population of up to 10,000 people instead of online cash registers.

But even when the activities of an entrepreneur fit into these relaxations, they do not apply if excisable goods are traded or when automatic payment devices are used (vending machines). Without any reservations, cash payments without a cash register are provided only for the sale of religious objects (religious literature) and the provision of services for religious rites and ceremonies.

We received an individual entrepreneur without employees if they provide services or sell products own production. This category of entrepreneurs has the right to work without a cash register until July 1, 2021. However, if the individual entrepreneur hires an employee before this date, then within 30 days after the conclusion employment contract you need to register and start using the cash register.

How do online cash registers work?

An additional difficulty in implementing the new procedure is due to the fact that online cash registers operate on a completely different principle than cash registers with a fiscal drive. Cash registers with data transfer to the tax office send information about each purchase made in real time to the Federal Tax Service server. Moreover, first this information from the online cash register is transferred to an intermediary - the fiscal data operator (FDO).

After receiving them, the intermediary sends confirmation that the sales data has been accepted and the check has been assigned a fiscal tag. Without operator confirmation, a check will not be generated. Next, the OFD transmits information about the payments made to the Federal Tax Service, where it is accumulated and systematized in a special data storage system.

In addition, at the request of the buyer who leaves his data, the seller is obliged to send him an electronic check. If the buyer, having compared the details of the paper check and the electronic one, finds a discrepancy between them, he can report this to tax office, and this fact will be verified.

New cash registers with Internet connection have been operating since July 2017 in many retail outlets, and quite successfully. But, as practice has shown, it paralyzes the work of millions of sellers at once. But after all payers of UTII and PSN begin to use cash registers, the number of online cash registers will be almost 3.5 million units.

Here we must also add those who are currently providing services to the population, issuing them printed strict reporting forms (SSR). From July 2019, to issue a BSO you will need to use a new automated system, which is also recognized cash register equipment. Whether cash register manufacturers and fiscal data operators will be able to ensure uninterrupted operation of these devices is a big question.

In total, online cash registers in 2019 must:

  • transmit purchase information in real time to your fiscal data operator;
  • generate checks in in electronic format;
  • provide printing of fiscal documents.

How much will it cost to install new equipment?

Of course, entrepreneurs are concerned about the question - how much does the online cash register itself and its maintenance cost for individual entrepreneurs? What will matter here is how much the existing cash register corresponds to the ability to install a new one software and fiscal device. If the cash register model allows it, then you can simply upgrade it, spending from 10 to 15 thousand rubles. The cost of purchasing new equipment ranges from 25,000 rubles and more.

Please note: you must buy new devices only from the list of models approved by the Federal Tax Service. Cash register sellers are interested in its implementation, so you should not trust their word that a specific model is included in the list of the Federal Tax Service. See for yourself.

However, the matter will not be limited to the costs of purchasing or modernizing cash registers. The entrepreneur will need to pay for high-quality Internet communication services at the rates of his provider, as well as the services of a fiscal data operator.

Please note that the OFD must also be selected only from the official list. The lowest operator tariffs for the first year of service are 3,000 rubles, in subsequent years the price will be higher - up to 12,000 rubles per device. Accordingly, the total cost will depend on how many cash registers the operator will connect to. In addition, the new cash register must be registered with the Federal Tax Service. This can be done through the OFD (2,000-3,000 rubles) or free of charge on the website tax service, if you already have an electronic signature.

*(free if you already have an electronic signature or from 3 thousand if you want to order an electronic signature)

In total, the minimum cost for one year of operation of new cash registers will be from 25 thousand rubles for one device, provided that you do not buy it, but upgrade the existing one.

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Fines for violating legal requirements

In addition to all these tightening technical specifications KKM and a significant expansion of the categories of entrepreneurs required to issue cash receipt, the law increased the amount of fines for individual entrepreneurs under Article 14.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation:

  • non-use of cash registers - from ¼ to ½ of the purchase amount, but not less than 10,000 rubles;
  • repeated violation, if it is proven that the cash register was not used in calculations for purchases exceeding 1 million rubles - administrative suspension of the activities of the individual entrepreneur for up to 90 days;
  • using old-style cash registers or violating the procedure for their registration/re-registration - a warning or a fine of 1,500 - 3,000 rubles;
  • refusal to issue a paper check to the buyer or send it electronically - a warning or a fine of 2,000 rubles.

Let's summarize - is a cash register needed for an individual entrepreneur and in what situations:

  1. For individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system, OSNO, and unified agricultural tax, the requirement to work only with a new type of cash register came into force on July 1, 2017.
  2. Individual entrepreneurs working in the field of trade and catering on PSN and on UTII and without employees must use CCP from July 1, 2019.
  3. The same transition period - July 1, 2019 - is set for those individual entrepreneurs that provide services to the population and at the same time have employees.
  4. The right to a temporary deferment from cash registers (until July 1, 2021) is enjoyed only by individual entrepreneurs without employees who provide services to the public or sell products of their own production.
  5. Before purchasing or upgrading a device, make sure that the model is included in the list of the Federal Tax Service.
  6. Enter into an agreement for the provision of services only with those fiscal data operators that are listed on the official website of the tax service.
  7. List of taxpayer categories for which new order does not apply, specified in Article 2 of the Law “On CCP” No. 54-FZ.

The topic of control selection cash register equipment sooner or later worries everyone who decides to take up own business. How to choose a cash register for an individual entrepreneur? and Is it needed at all? These are questions to which it is better to know the answers in advance. As you know, ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility, and before you set off on a “big voyage”, you should learn about all the pitfalls that could harm your business activities.

Does an individual entrepreneur need a cash register?

Federal Tax Service Russian Federation strongly recommends the use of cash registers for all types of entrepreneurial activity, since it simplifies financial accounting for business owners, and also facilitates the procedure for drawing up reporting documents for regulatory authorities. However, there are situations in which the use of cash register equipment is not a prerequisite and it is permissible to use one that does not require strict control by government services.

Doesn't matter how registered entity– Individual entrepreneur or LLC, the form of taxation on which the structure is located, as well as the type of activity and location, is important. If an enterprise is registered as an individual entrepreneur who pays taxes according to the simplified tax system and makes sales in cash, then using a cash register is simply necessary. There are exceptions for certain types of activities, which are described in federal law No. 54-F3 “On the use of cash register equipment.”

Which cash register to choose for an individual entrepreneur so as not to make a mistake?

When choosing for individual entrepreneurial activity, you should be guided by the following criteria:

  • Price.
  • Functionality.
  • Size.

For someone whose business has already been established, the cost of a cash register may not be particularly important, but for someone who has every penny in their account, it’s worth taking a closer look at more budget-friendly options. Oddly enough, for little money you can choose quite high-quality and quite functional equipment. The most popular models in this category are cash registers from the Mercury line:

If you need to install a cash register in a pavilion or office space, you should take note of the cash registers of the Shtrikh-M company, such as Shtrikh-MINI-K and Elwes-MK.

Entrepreneurs who need a cash drawer should pay attention to the AMS-100K cash register.

The company is an authorized representative of well-known brands, so when you purchase cash register machines on the official website, you are guaranteed to receive high-quality and certified products. All cash registers are included in the state register and are acceptable for use on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility for non-use of cash registers

You should not put off the purchase of a cash register, as this is fraught with consequences and, in accordance with the law, for the absence of a cash register at an individual entrepreneur’s point of sale, administrative liability and a fine of several thousand rubles are provided.

Check printing machines for individual entrepreneurs

Individual entrepreneurs who are legally allowed to work without a cash register can use a check printing machine for their activities, which will allow them to keep internal records of sales and provide customers with a receipt document. Even though such a machine does not need to be registered with the tax authorities, the check it issues may still have legal force. Naturally, provided that it contains all the necessary information. This applies to entrepreneurs who are on the UTII system.

All of the above-mentioned Mercury cash register models have similar check printing devices. The only difference is the absence of the EKLZ block and the letter “K” in the model name:

  • "Mercury 180".
  • "Mercury 130".
  • "Mercury 115".

Receipt printing machines are an order of magnitude cheaper than their more official counterparts and, of course, do not require regular replacement of ECLZ. Servicing the CMM also does not incur large costs and is carried out solely at the request of the owner of the device.

What should I buy for an individual entrepreneur – private enterprise or cash register? The choice is determined, first of all, by the taxation system. Remember one thing, only specialized enterprises can guarantee the quality of the purchased goods.

When buying a new cash register, it is important to evaluate the number of products in the company’s assortment, the number of transactions per day, the mobility of activities, and the method of connecting to the Internet. There are 3 types of cash registers on sale: stand-alone cash registers, POS terminals, and fiscal recorders. Depending on the scale and operating characteristics of the business, you can choose a cash register in the price range from 9,000 to 80,000 rubles.

The transition to new rules of cash discipline requires business entities to purchase a modern cash register that will meet the new conditions for interaction with tax authorities. In particular, such devices must be capable of transmitting information to fiscal data operators (FDO), who will subsequently forward it to the tax authorities.

There are a number of criteria for choosing this device.

  • Firstly, the main requirement for a cash register is that it must be included in the register of online cash registers of the Federal Tax Service, which is regularly updated with new models.
Note: As of July 3, 2017, the register included 81 online cash registers from several Russian manufacturers– “Atol” “Shtrikh-M”, “NTsT-izmeritel”, “Evotor”, “Iskra”, etc. Source: Official website of the Federal Tax Service
  • Secondly, the technical parameters of the device must correspond to the specifics of the company’s activities (volume of turnover, number of operations per shift, etc.).

When starting to choose an online cash register, it is important to take into account the tax regime used and the organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, LLC, JSC), since not all companies will switch to the new one cash discipline from July 1, 2017.

  1. Organizations engaged in the sale of securities, tickets in public transport, ice cream and soft drinks, seasonal vegetables, as well as shoe repair and recycling - may not burden themselves with this issue.
  2. Companies operating under a patent or on UTII terms can postpone the purchase of an online cash register until July 1, 2018.
Material on topic: .

At the same time, all business entities will have to acquire new devices by July 2021.

Considering different kinds online cash registers, it is necessary to take into account the main indicators of the company’s functioning:

  • number of products in the assortment;
  • the presence of excisable products among them;
  • throughput of goods or the number of transactions per work shift;
  • Internet access option.

After clarifying the above items, you can begin to select a suitable online cash register.

Online cash register – what to look for when choosing?

Entrepreneurs, when choosing a new cash register for their business, should know six basic parameters of an online cash register that are worth paying attention to.

Device Bandwidth

It shows how many receipts a cash register machine prints per minute. The most expensive devices have the maximum output, the purchase of which is pointless for a small business.

Device mobility

If the company plans courier delivery or works outside a stationary point, then she should choose equipment that is battery-powered rather than powered from the mains.

Internet access option

All cash registers from the Federal Tax Service register can be divided into three groups: those connecting to the Internet via an Ethernet cable, Wi-Fi or a built-in modem (SIM card).


This parameter is relevant for stand-alone registrars (they are capable of storing no more than 10,000 transactions), and those cash registers that work through a computer use its memory.

Ease of management

Touch-screen cash register devices are rightfully considered the easiest to operate - they display prompts for the user. Some devices display the error number (Atol-90F) or even provide comments on them (Pioneer-114F)

EGAIS support

This option is important for companies selling alcohol - the presence in the cash register of a special UTM module that supports EGAIS. An example of such a device is the Mercury cash register model 180 F.

Main types of online cash registers – how to make the right choice?

The list of new cash registers currently on the market is extremely wide. However, they can be divided into three groups - autonomous cash registers, POS terminals and fiscal registrars.

Autonomous cash registers They are devices that have their own power supply and built-in memory. They can work independently of a computer. The structure of such CCPs includes:

  • small processor and memory card;
  • small display;
  • panel with buttons;
  • mini-printer with the ability to print receipts on a narrow ribbon.

Examples of autonomous cash registers included in the register of the Federal Tax Service are Dreamkas-F, Atol-90F, Mercury-115F, Elwes-MF, etc.

Fig. 2 Cash register Atol 90F is a typical representative of the class of autonomous cash registers. Source: Website "Spb-Kassa"

POS terminals- These are cash registers that are also capable of functioning without connecting to a PC. However, unlike stand-alone cash registers, they have the following characteristics:

  • more powerful processor and built-in memory;
  • color touch display;
  • printer for printing receipts;
  • device for reading magnetic cards.

Convenient and functional POS terminals are Viki Mini F, Evator Standard-MF, Viki Tower F 10, etc.

Fiscal registrars are stationary cash register devices. They can only work in conjunction with a computer, since they do not have a processor, memory or display. Their job is to print checks.

Examples of high-quality fiscal registrars are Viki Print 57 Plus F, Atol-55F, Shtrikh-Light-01-F, etc.

When opening your own small clothing store or boutique, an entrepreneur must remember that using cash register equipment will help develop the business.

We will tell you which cash register is suitable for a small or medium-sized retail outlet, determine how to choose it and what parameters to pay attention to.

You can familiarize yourself with the technical documentation of each model by going to the cash register page or by calling the center Maintenance"Meta".

Our specialists will be happy to advise you, help you choose the cash register model you really need, and tell you how an online cash register model may differ from a regular cash register.

How to choose the right online cash register for a small store or boutique - expert advice

To choose the ideal online cash register for a small or medium-sized business (in particular a small store or boutique), follow the advice of the technical service center specialists.

Look at:

1. Functional and technical capabilities of the cash register

Cash register equipment may vary in type.

For example, an online cash register could be:

  • Cash machine.
  • A smart terminal is a more modern and versatile device.
  • Software and hardware complex.

The most common mobile, portable models - such as: you will find in our online store.

Various models are presented, differing in configuration and capabilities. For example, with a built-in fiscal drive and installed Evotor POS software, and a 1-D barcode scanner is added to the model, and a 2-D scanner is added to the model.

There is a unique model of a smart terminal for a store selling alcoholic products, entitled . It combines a fiscal drive, a 2D barcode scanner, and a UTM module for EGAIS.

Any other equipment can be connected to the smart terminal via the port. Through it you can access the Internet, it has an Android system that allows you to install additional applications for work. Great for a small boutique or store.

This equipment is improved, modern and unique. You do not need to assemble such a complex. PTK is a POS terminal equipped with important equipment necessary for trading. For example, the technical kit contains a printer for printing receipts, a keyboard, a magnetic card reader, and a cashier display. It copes well with the average intensity of customer flow. In addition, it can be connected to a PC and access the Internet through it. It can work remotely, power is taken from the built-in battery. In essence, this is a ready-made online cash register that can be used immediately after registration with the Federal Tax Service.

Let us give as an example another model of a software and hardware complex -. This is a mobile cash register with a built-in printer, battery and fiscal storage. The device can be connected to a PC, smartphone, and has Internet access. The device is perfect for a small store or boutique operating with outdoor sales or as an online store.

If you pay attention to the functional and technical parameters of the device in advance, then problems in operation should not arise later.

Main - determine what you would like to purchase: a whole complex that operates smoothly from the first days of purchase, or a separate cash register, for which you will need to purchase additional equipment for the full functioning of the cash register.

2. Appearance

On appearance Many also pay attention, since the more presentable the equipment looks, the more customers the store will attract. Remember, the equipment must be compact, even if it is a stationary model.

3. Size and portability

Small in size with a nice touch keyboard, no cash drawer– ideal equipment for a small store or boutique. Such models can be used anywhere. They are comfortable and handle small to medium customer traffic. As a rule, mobile, portable cash registers can operate without recharging, from a built-in battery, for example, such as.

If you are not going to use the cash register for outbound trade, then you can consider a stationary model, but it will take up more space.

4. Manufacturer and quality of the cash register

We cooperate only with reliable suppliers and manufacturers of cash register equipment. Each model has appropriate documentation. The models are certified and there is no need to worry about the quality of the equipment. In general, we can come to the conclusion that domestic technology is not losing popularity. More and more clients from Russia prefer to use our Russian models, which can last for decades.

5. Possibility of connecting additional equipment

All equipment that you purchase for the cash register must interact with each other, smoothly and without errors. That is why many people choose POS equipment, which comes with all the necessary devices.

If you want to buy only a cash register, then make sure that there are the necessary ports for connecting additional equipment. For example, a printer or barcode scanner.

Remember, the cashier will not be able to operate the online checkout without all the equipment. We wrote about which one.

6. Modernity of the device

Look for a cash register that does not require modernization. Modern cash registers must have a port to connect to the Internet. This is an important requirement.

7. Cost

You should also pay attention to the price of the cash register.

If you have no financial restrictions, then it is better to purchase equipment in a comprehensive package. The approximate price for the PTC is 25-30 thousand rubles.

If you want to buy equipment cheaper, you can find a cash register for 8-9 thousand rubles. But you will need to purchase additional equipment for it.

Another solution is to purchase. Each used model has been tested and is in working condition. Such a used cash register will cost 1.5-3 thousand rubles.

You may want to consider other cash register models. We have only suggested some of the most common and popular online cash register for your business. Use the comparison table and rely on the advice of professionals when choosing equipment for a small store or boutique. Do you still have questions or are you still having trouble making a choice? Call us! Our specialists will give you answers and also help you with your choice.

As of 2018, cash register equipment (CCT) was registered in the Federal Tax Service register more than 100 models. How to choose a suitable CCP? What criteria need to be taken into account?

To select the optimal model, determine the necessary requirements for the CCP. Obviously they will be different for retail store with high traffic, outbound trade or service firms.

CCP selection criteria

Conventionally, all cash registers can be classified into three categories: autonomous cash registers, smart terminals and fiscal registrars.

1. Autonomous cash registers (push-button online cash registers)- this is an analogue of the “old” cash registers, put into circulation even before the adoption of amendments to 54-FZ. Currently, they are modernized - supplemented with a fiscal storage device and a communication module.


A budget option online cash registers for small businesses: small shops without selling alcohol, outdoor trade and delivery services. Prices from 9,000 rubles without the cost of a fiscal drive (another plus 6,000 rubles).

  • to enter product names connection to a computer is required;
  • It is not possible to enter data directly into the cash register, which is very inconvenient;
  • there is no way to control the scales- the cash register does not automatically enter the cost of the goods into the receipt based on weight;
  • there is no function to search for a product by name;
  • It is not possible to work with selected products, and this can be very convenient when you can quickly select popular products (bread, milk, etc.) on the cash register panel and thereby increase the speed of customer service;
  • not suitable for the sale of alcohol;
  • there is no possibility of automating the business as a whole, and, as a consequence, extracting additional profit from this.
If you have a question: “Which online cash register to buy for individual entrepreneurs,” then you should consider this option.

Shop owner's comments stationery, Svetlana Igorevna:

"The store has a large number of product names and the first inconvenience of work is associated with entering the names of goods into the cash register. Firstly, the cash register needs to be connected to a computer; secondly, the entry process is complicated by the fact that each product must be assigned an individual code and match it with the name , barcode, price, taxation system, tax rate... And this is all in manual mode. As the product range expanded, a problem arose with limiting the number of introduced product items. Although in general, the cash register operates in accordance with 54-FZ, the inconvenience of its use encourages you to choose a more modern model, for example, a smart terminal."

"Currently, the quality and speed of customer service are important to increase their loyalty. Competition is high and customers choose convenience. In addition, growth is shown by those enterprises that automate business processes, optimize inventory accounting and effectively manage the assortment, analyze key trade indicators, and implement loyalty systems for customers. Autonomous cash registers are not designed for this, so it will not be surprising that they will not be on the market soon."

2. Smart terminal (“smart” cash register, smart cash register)- this is a new generation cash register. Represents tablet-based terminal, with a built-in printer for printing receipts and installed cash register software. Some smart terminals support autonomous operation without recharging from 10 to 48 hours (depending on the model).

Additional retail equipment can be connected to smart cash registers. For example, a barcode scanner, checkout scales, an acquiring terminal (a device for accepting payment by payment cards). But there are also models with a built-in barcode scanner and acquiring terminal, that is, they print receipts, scan the barcode, and accept payments bank cards.

Smart terminals suitable for maintaining full inventory records and, in general, for automating trade processes. Due to their ease of use, ease of use and reasonable price, smart cash registers very quickly gained popularity among entrepreneurs.

Comments from a specialist in the trade automation company under 54-FZ in Ulyanovsk “Simbirsk-service” - Sergey Petrovich K.:

“The functionality of smart terminals is largely determined by the software that is installed on it. Let's look at Lightbox smart terminals:

  1. To the Lightbox smart terminal It’s easy to add products to the product range. The cashier just needs to scan the barcode of a new product and the cash register instantly finds it in its global directory (Lightbox’s own development, includes more than 200 items of goods) and adds it to the product range with “one click.”
  2. With such a cash register it is easy and quick to serve customers. For example, in order to sell a popular item, you just need to click on its icon in the favorites panel.
  3. The cash desk accepts mixed payments. Buyers can pay for purchases with both cards and cash at the same time.
  4. With the Lightbox checkout, you can sell both at a fixed price and assign an individual price for the product to each buyer. Just like you can provide discounts both for a general purchase and for a specific product in the receipt.
  5. The cash register supports the sale of weighted goods. Connect the cash register to the scales, and it will automatically calculate the price of the goods being weighed and automatically enter it into the receipt.
  6. The following functions are available at the cash desk: “deferred check” and “carrying out returns.”
The price for the terminal varies from 19,000 rubles. (with FN 15 months).

Pros and cons of smart terminals


  • Unlimited Memory for the number of introduced product items. In KKM - restrictions depend on fiscal memory the device and the model itself.
  • There is no need to purchase additional commercial equipment. For example, the “Lightbox 5” and “Lightbox 7 with acquiring” cash desks already have a built-in barcode scanner, a receipt printer and an acquiring terminal.
  • Convenience visual control information, stamped by the cashier on the check, which eliminates any errors in the check.
  • Sale of goods excluded, out of stock. You just need to scan the barcode, and information about goods in stock, sold or placed in the warehouse will be displayed on the monitor. KKM does not provide such information.
  • Payments to customers are fully automated, so they pass quickly, reducing the likelihood of a queue forming.
  • It is possible to maintain inventory records, loyalty programs, automate purchasing processes and document generation, etc.
  • Adding new product items and updating the database is possible throughout the working day. Cash registers do not have these capabilities.
By cost of smart terminals more expensive than stand-alone cash registers- the difference is about 3000 rubles. However, the existing advantages make “smart cash registers” the most popular.

3. Fiscal registrar can be used in trade and service enterprises of various sizes. Its main function is to print receipts. It only works when connected to a control device: computer, laptop, tablet or phone. The higher technical indicators fiscal registrar, the more expensive it is.

If you have small store, you can choose an inexpensive fiscal recorder - for example, LitePrint 57 F. Fiscal recorder + phone or tablet as a control device (the fiscal recorder is compact, fits in the palm of your hand), and for any small trade and service enterprises.

It has the same advantages as smart terminals.

It is more expensive than previous cash register models, since it requires the purchase of an additional control device and commercial equipment.

Additional selection criteria:

4. The number of receipts issued by the cash register per minute. Receipt printing speed can be high, medium or low.

High speed printing - over 150 mm/sec.
Average print speed is from 90 to 150 mm/sec.
Low printing speed - up to 90 mm/sec.
High speed of receipt printing is important in high-traffic retail outlets - the supermarket category. In retail outlets with average traffic, cash registers with a printing speed of up to 90 mm/s are sufficient. Various equipment options can be viewed Typically, CCP sales are carried out in conjunction with software. If you take a more global approach to the issue of choosing a cash register, then you should pay attention to the functionality of cash register programs and choose the option that meets the requirements of the enterprise in terms of trade automation. In addition, if the enterprise maintains accounting and tax records in 1C or Kontur programs, then consider the possibilities of their integration with the supplied cash register software.

One of the most inexpensive on the market today is a ready-made solution
