Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Practical presentation on management. Organisation management. Modern management models


1. Introduce listeners to the basic concepts, principles and
problems of organization management.
2. Help listeners form a holistic vision of problems and
organizational management trends.
3. Help students identify control system problems
Expected results:
1. Understanding the essence and methods of managing an organization.
2. Understanding the process of forming a management system
3. Understanding the goals and objectives of improving the system
management of the organization.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Course content:
1. Management as a type professional activity …. 4
2. Control functions…………………………………………..….. 21
3. Management infrastructure. System elements
management………………………………………………………... 32
4. Organizational structure as an element of the system
management…………………………………………………………... 42
5. Factors influencing people's behavior in
organizations………………….……………………………………………………… 89
6. Organization of the communication process…………….… 127
7. Conflict management………………………… 141
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Topic 1. Management as a type
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Components of an organization
The main components of any organization:
People included in the organization
The purposes for which it was created are
Management that forms, mobilizes and sets in motion the organization's potential to solve its problems.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Joint and organized action
people should give greater results than
it would be done by each individual
(1+1 > 2) – SYNERGY EFFECT
Organization is a systematic, conscious
of people,
achieving certain goals
If there are established boundaries of the organization, its
place in society, then the organization acts as a social
If the organization is not institutionalized, then
organizing the process (meeting, performance).
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Organization – open system, built into
external world.
At the input it receives resources from external environment,
at the exit he gives her the product created in the organization.
Life activity
fundamental processes:
consists of
obtaining resources from the external environment,
product manufacturing,
transfer of the product to the external environment.
Key role in organizing these processes and maintaining
the balance between them belongs to management.
It is to solve these problems that management exists and
This is precisely its key role.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Management is a type of professional activity,
which is aimed at achieving the goals of the organization
through the coordination of people's activities and
information resources of the organization.
Managing an organization is special kind activities
for targeted coordination of employee actions.
It is responsible for what and how is done in the organization, as well as
resolves issues regarding the relationship between management and the system
relations in the organization, external environment and issues
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Purpose of management:
coordination of actions of participants in the joint process
labor activity (what and how is done in management)
interaction of the organization with the external environment
the relationship between management and the system of relations in the organization
maintaining a balance of opinions, interests and needs of people
(if everyone did what they wanted, there would be chaos)
motivation of people's actions
It is necessary to organize work in such a way, to balance opinions,
interests and needs of people, so that everyone involved in
we worked together in the process and would be happy with it. The very same
the organization must be useful to society, and its result
work - necessary for a specific target group.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Management process - cyclically repeating
Circle of Control
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Manager Roles
According to Mintzberg, this is a set of behavioral rules
its job descriptions, but that's all
can be reduced to three categories:
Related to decision making
Interpersonal roles are associated with power and status.
leader. They cover the area of ​​interaction with people. Connection
with people makes the leader a point of concentration and processing
information – informational role. With information and
conscious decisions on resource allocation, settlement
searching for opportunities
and negotiations.
According to P. Drucker
- supervisor
unorganized crowd into an effective one
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

What is considered management success?
Organizations are created and exist to implement
certain goals.
achieves success,
if she controls:
achieves its goals.
Practical implementation
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Survival is the ability of an organization to exist as long as possible
longer is the primary management task. To stay strong
Over the years, organizations have had to change their goals in
in accordance with the needs of the external environment, create new types
products and services, change the type of activity, technology, structure, etc.
Efficiency and efficiency - the right thing
doing the right things. The organization must produce a product
which is in demand. To be successful, she must
do it better than your competitor.
Productivity is relative efficiency.
The ratio of the number of units at the output to the number of units at the input
(profitability). Large sales volume from the productive
organization allows it to receive more money to invest in
development of production, which leads to even greater growth
Less productive organizations gradually fail. High
productivity allows for higher exports,
than imports.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Quality is the ability of an organization's product to satisfy demand.
A consumer who has freedom of choice will prefer products over
productive organization, because it has great value.
Practical implementation - management goal - execution
real work real people. The most good solutions Total
just ideas and thoughts. For them to be successful they need
practical implementation of decisions, turning them into actions.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Levels of Management
responsible for accepting
solutions for the entire organization
(type of activity, vision, mission, strategy, structure, corporate culture,
type of production, etc.)
Middle (managerial)
transforms top management decisions into tasks understandable to technical level managers
Grassroots (technical)
responsible for completing tasks and using resources
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Organization management system
includes 2 complementary types of guidance:
directed to
future development
company potential
profit potential
In market conditions for successful existence and
development organizations need to create such
a structure that will allow you to combine both types of management
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Strategic level of management
development trends in the external environment of the organization
dangers and opportunities arising from the external environment
the company's position in competition
In his actions and decisions, the leader of this
level strives:
to change
to anticipate dangers and opportunities
to develop and search for many alternative solutions, choosing from them
to create a flexible organizational structure that can change
adequate to external conditions
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

The desire for a continuous chain of changes is this
effectiveness and success of strategic management
there is no assumption that the future can be studied and
predict by extrapolation methods that it will certainly be better
The main tasks of the manager:
ensure the organization's continued profitability potential
identify needs and implement strategic changes
create a structure capable of strategic change
select and train personnel capable of carrying out such changes
Strategic management is aimed at achieving a position
which will ensure the long-term viability of the company in
changing conditions
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Operational level of management
Decisions are made on:
profit optimization
creating stable structures
conducting work in accordance with the progress of the technological process
saving resources
Head in charge of operational management
opposes changes
not inclined to take risks
competent in analyzing, coordinating and controlling complex activities
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Manager's tasks:
turn the company's potential into profit
define overall operational objectives
exercise motivation, coordination and control
managers and performers
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Topic 2. Management functions.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Management - working to achieve goals with the help of
The management process is a series of continuous interrelated
actions, each of which is also a process.
Control processes (functions) include:
planning, organization, motivation and control, the connection between which
carried out through connecting processes of decision making and exchange
information - communication
Management process
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Planning - deciding what the goals should be
organization and what members of the organization should do to
achieve these goals
This is the answer to 3 questions:
Where are we currently?
Assessment of strengths and weaknesses organizations in the field of finance,
marketing, production, personnel management, research and
The goal is to determine what can actually be achieved
Where do we want to go?
Selection of goals taking into account opportunities and threats emanating from the external
How to achieve this?
The actions of the organization, its divisions and individuals in relation to
achieving goals. Planning provides unified direction
efforts of all members of the organization.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Planning must be carried out continuously
two reasons:
many organizations, after achieving the goals for which
they were created, strive to prolong their existence,
setting new goals for yourself;
constant uncertainty of the future due to
changes in the external environment of the organization and errors in
judgments, force us to reconsider plans, linking them
with reality
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Includes 2 aspects:
Creation of structures, structuring of individual elements,
components of the organization (work, tasks, performers and
etc.) to implement plans and achieve goals.
Start industrial revolution associated with the awareness that organizing work in a certain way allows workers
achieve greater results than without proper organization
Determining who should perform each specific task
assignment, including management work.
A manager selects people for a specific job, delegating to them tasks and authority or rights to use resources. These
people accept responsibility for the successful performance of their duties and agree to consider themselves subordinates
in relation to the leader.
Delegation is a means of getting work done with the help of others.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Motivation is the consciousness of an internal urge to act.
- the result of a complex set of needs that
are constantly changing.
To motivate employees, the manager must determine what
their needs and provide a way for workers to meet these
needs through good work.
A purely economic approach turns out to be untenable for
labor motivation.
Even perfectly laid out plans and the most
perfect structure has no meaning unless someone
does the actual work.
Motivation task:
performance of work by members of the organization in accordance with
responsibilities delegated to them and in accordance with the plan.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Control is the process of ensuring the goals of the organization.
Everything a manager does is focused on the future (planned goals
are in the future) may occur during the implementation of plans
many changes:
- workers may refuse to perform their duties
- laws may change
- a strong competitor may appear
- people can make mistakes when performing duties, etc.
Unforeseen circumstances may force an organization
change original course
If management proves unable to identify changes and
make the necessary changes in a timely manner, the organization can
serious damage may occur.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Three aspects of control:
Setting standards - precise definition of goals,
which must be achieved within a certain period
time (based on plans developed during
Measuring what needs to be achieved and
comparing it with reality. Proper execution
these components allows you to identify problems and
establish the source of their occurrence. This information
necessary for successful completion of the third phase
Carrying out the necessary correction of deviations from
original plan. It is possible to revise the goals for
increasing their realism and relevance to the situation.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Communication is a process of exchange
The strength and quality of relationships between people depend on
clarity and honesty in interpersonal relationships. Exchange
information allows you to make sound decisions and
carry them out
For example, plans cannot be carried out if they are not
performers were introduced
Communication by management to subordinates
justifying your decisions increases your chances
their successful implementation.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Decision making is choosing how and what to plan,
organize, motivate and control.
Management work is like trying to put together a complex mosaic
a pattern of individual pieces belonging to five different subjects.
Managers have to go through numerous combinations
potential actions to find the right one for a given
organization at a given time and place.
For the smooth operation of the organization, the manager must make a series of
correct choices from several alternative possibilities.
The choice of one alternative is the decision.
This is precisely the main content of managerial work.
The basic requirement for taking correct and effective
solutions, understanding the true scale of the problem - the presence
adequate information.
The only way to get it is through communication.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Features of the management process
It is a mistake to think that the routine work of a manager is not much different.
from the work of subordinates, although they constantly interact and receive
almost equal remuneration for work. Boss's job
division has more in common with the work of the president of the company,
than with the work of subordinates. Any work requires concentration and
Features of managerial work -
short duration, variety and
fragmentation of activity.
While the performer's work is rational,
repeats, is not interrupted, is executed in
steady and unchanging rhythm.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Topic 3. Management infrastructure.
Control system elements.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Management infrastructure
Internal variables - situational factors
Organizations requiring management attention:
Relationship between internal variables
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

An organization is a group of people with conscious common goals,
a means to achieve goals that allows people
collectively accomplish what they cannot achieve
Goals are specific end states,
desired result sought
achieve group working together
Goals are developed by management during planning.
They are then communicated to members of the organization. This process is a powerful coordination mechanism. It gives an opportunity
members of the organization know what they should strive for.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Organizations have many different goals: level
costs, profits, services, etc.
Divisions included in the organization, and
which are also an organization, but more
small ones have their own goals that differ from the goals of others
finance - reduction in credit losses by 1%,
marketing - reduction by 20% in the number of complaints from consumers.
For successful work coordination is required
goals of individuals and departments. Key
moment in this process belongs to common goals
organizations. Coordination presupposes the absence
conflicting goals.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Strategic Goals
Goals of individual CoEs
Goals of functional units
Personnel goals
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

The goals should be:
clear and understandable
realistic and achievable
specific and measurable
coordinated and mutually supportive
logically constructed
Goals should include:
content (what do I want to achieve?)
volume (how much do I want to achieve?)
time (when do I want to achieve?)
reflect the level to which it is necessary
bring the enterprise's activities to
customer service
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Tasks - assigned work
a series of work or part of a job to be completed
in a certain way at a certain time.
Both are determined in advance.
Tasks are prescribed not to the employee, but to his position. According to the structure of the organization, each position includes a number of tasks,
ensuring the achievement of the organization's goals.
Characteristics of tasks: (three categories)
work with people,
working with objects
working with information.
The work of people on a conveyor belt is working with objects, the work of a foreman is working with people, the work of an accountant is working with information.
Execution time and repetition frequency are characteristics of tasks. As management work moves from lower to higher levels
the time it takes to complete the work increases, monotony and repetition decreases. The machine turning operation is repeated dozens of times per
day, and the work of developing a new organizational structure takes several hours or days.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Technology is a means of converting raw materials into desired products
or services
Tasks and technology are interconnected. Completing the task includes
the use of a specific technology as a means of transforming the material,
information received at the input into the form obtained at the output. Most
the significant component is the process by which the initial
materials are converted into the desired output product, not machines,
equipment or raw materials.
Technology is the way to make this transformation possible.
The content and nature of the work changed in accordance with the development of specialization. Specialization of tasks leads to increased profits, as labor productivity increases and,
therefore, costs are reduced. Therefore, there is a tendency to expand specialization and fragment the work into smaller and smaller operations.
Without division of labor, a worker would hardly make more than one pin a day. At
corresponding division of labor at workplaces there are 18 separate
operations: pulling, straightening, cutting wire, sharpening ends, curling
heads, even putting pins on paper. Ten people working together
They produce 48 thousand pins per day, 4800 per worker.
If they did all this independently of each other, without corresponding
division of labor, they would produce only 10 pins in total.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

unskilled and semi-skilled labor,
on which mass production of goods and
Even in customized products
order, use standard components.
Conveyor assembly lines proposed by G. Ford in
1913, allowed to significantly reduce assembly time
and total costs. Model car on Ford assembly line
“T” now costs $290 at retail price, instead of $2100 at
the wholesale price of a car from a competitor, the assembly of which
was carried out on a stationary basis.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Technology classification:
Single, small-scale and individual production, one or a small series of identical
products for a specific customer or as an experienced
Mass or large-scale production is carried out
a large number of identical or very similar products. For him
characterized by mechanization, standardization and conveyor method
Continuous production - uses automated
equipment operating around the clock for continuous
manufacturing in large volumes with identical characteristics
product (oil refining, steel and copper smelting
production, operation of power plants).
Each of the above types of technologies has its own advantages and is best suited to perform certain tasks and
achieving goals.
The Ferrari car, produced to individual orders, is superior in its
characteristics of any mass-produced car. However, the latter are worth
much cheaper and more suitable for the average driver and average roads. Such
machines satisfy the needs of many people.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky
The consumer determines the final suitability of a particular technology

Topic 4. Organizational structure as
control system element
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Arises from the division of labor

technological process by functions (types of activity) and
assigning these functions to specific specialists. It
ensures an increase in labor productivity, a reduction in labor intensity,
standard performance of work at the appropriate workplace, growth
professionalism and quality of work at every workplace.
Vertical division of labor - separation of work according to
work management from the direct execution of tasks. It
identifies management work as an independent activity,
creates an opportunity to train people in this type of activity,
improves the quality and productivity of managerial work.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Organizational structure - logical relationships
management levels and functional areas built in
form that allows you to effectively achieve the goals of the organization.
(Functional area - division).
The structure of the organization implies
specialized division of labor and sphere
Specialized division of labor - consolidation
work is left to specialists who can do it better
everyone from the point of view of the organization as a whole.
Example: division of managerial labor between specialists
marketing, finance, production, etc., specific division
labor for car assembly operations: installation of headlights, cab,
wheels It existed even among primitive tribes: hunters, warriors,
manufacturers of hunting tools, labor tools, etc.
The specific division of labor in an organization is one of the most
significant management issues and determines how much
the organization will be productive.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Sphere of control (scope of management) - number of persons subordinate
one leader.
The main characteristics of the division of labor:
number of tasks (subordinates) assigned to one
workplace (sphere of control)
hierarchy of management levels (formal
subordination at every level), which permeates
organization down to the level of non-managerial personnel.
Flat control structure:
reports to one manager
many faces
the scope of control is wide,
few levels of management.
Multi-level structure
the manager is subordinate
few performers
the scope of control is narrow.
There is no ideal sphere of control for all situations.
It depends on external factors and internal environment
organization and how the number of management levels does not depend on
size of organization (Church and military unit)
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

The need for coordination becomes truly urgent
with a clear division of work horizontally and vertically
If this is not the case, then people cannot do work together. Separate
people, functional areas, management levels in this case are easy
focus on their own problems rather than interests
A leader should always ask himself the question:
“What are the obligations for coordination and what is needed for this
do? “
Each control function plays a specific role in coordination
divided labor.
There are no uniform standards for the scope of control, since it depends on
complexity of work, its importance, training of managers and subordinates.
Recommended values ​​for the scope of control:
Highest level
- 7 subordinates
- up to 30 subordinates
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Pros and cons of narrow and wide span of control
Narrow span of control
Minimum number of subordinates, simplification of control over
their work, improving the quality of control, quick exchange
information with a small number of subordinates.
Increasing number of levels in the hierarchy, bulky, long and
expensive communication links, distortion and delay
information, rising management costs, desire
interference of the manager in the affairs of direct
Wide scope of control
Delegation of authority to a large number of subordinates,
strong and qualified team of assistants, availability of
manager time to make important decisions, little
number of control levels – fast and undistorted
passing information.
Manager overload and loss of control, high
requirements for managerial competence.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Selecting the sphere of control and the number of levels
management (centralization and decentralization of power)
depends on many factors:
level of work specialization,
organization size,
the importance of the decisions made,
employees' readiness
powers and responsibilities,
organizational culture
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Organization design
Existing approaches to grouping and organizational
isolation of specialized work can be divided into 4 types in
depending on the orientation of grouping work around resources or
- by function
- by process
- by technology
- projects
- innovation
- by number
- by time
- by territory
- by product
- by consumer
- by market
works around
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

1. LINEAR ORGANIZATION - when grouping work there is no bright
expressed preference for their specialization.
Approaches based on simple principles of linear
division of the organization by number, time, territory.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

This approach to grouping jobs and people is used when
the organization produces a standard product for the production of which
of the same type
workers. Often in medium and large organizations linear division
applied at the group and brigade level. As soon as workers start
to specialize, it is necessary to move on to other types of organizations.
Characteristics of the organizational structure:
simple one-dimensional connections (vertical);
the possibility of autonomous self-government (harvesting, working in a brigade, soldiers on the battlefield);
in any situation, a standard course of action is defined;
work according to strict rules and methods;
it is indicated who is connected with whom;
each workplace receives instructions from a strictly defined place;
there is an unambiguous directive-reporting connection from bottom to top;
the general task is the goal of all activities;
there is nothing that is not provided.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

- does not allow any flexibility;
- market and client positions are not taken into account;
- informal organization is not considered;
- the employee’s personality, his motives, goals, needs and expectations
remain out of sight.
small organizations creates visible and clear boundaries, in
large - practically unacceptable, because communication routes and
information becomes too long.
The organization does not answer the following questions:
How to reinforce the employee’s personal interest?
how to cause employee identification with the organization and its
What are the opportunities for personal variability in behavior on
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

2. EXECUTIVE OR FUNCTIONAL ORGANIZATION specialization of work around the acquisition and distribution of resources
Grew out of a linear organization as a reaction to the increasing complexity of production
Grouping specialized work around core fields
activities of the enterprise: research and development; supply;
production; sales, etc.
Types of functional specialization: grouping of work
by process (piece, mass, pilot); by type of production; By
technologies (casting, welding, assembly).
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

The resources of the main activities are:
technology, supplies, production equipment, products, personnel,
finance, etc.
Types of functional specialization:
grouping of work: by function;
by type of production (piece, mass, pilot);
by technology (casting, welding, assembly).
3 principles of performing organization:
1. Execution principle - similar operations are combined into
organizational unity (workplaces engaged only in sales,
only installation and, accordingly, sales departments, installation departments, etc.).
2. Single-line system - each subordinate place receives
instructions from only one higher place.
- provide consultations
managers. Headquarters do not have administrative powers.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

concept of technically and economically efficient operation
Founder: Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915). Developed by
methodology scientific management for effective formation
work in production.
The work was dissected and studied down to the smallest element in order
find the best way to accomplish it. The result is the invention of the conveyor belt.
The main principles on which the concept was built:
Concentration of economic efficiency is the focus of all efforts.
A worker is a creature driven by fear, hunger, thirst for profit,
incapable, unmotivated, lazy, lacking initiative. Lives
proprietary interests and the growth of their income. His personal goals
basically contradict the goals of the organization.
All responsibility rests with the management of the organization and
Efficiency is maximized if standards and procedures are developed
in accordance with technical logic and contain a control mechanism.
The individuality of the employee is ignored.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Thanks to the simplification of work, the progress of work is well programmed;
carried out in the most effective way;
Qualified service to other parts of the organization;
Resources are used efficiently, because duplication of efforts reduced
and works;
Separation of functional services immediately below the highest level
management gives weight to these divisions, strengthens vertical
communication and strengthens control;
Reduced need for qualified labor force and costs
for personnel;
High vertical efficiency is achieved.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Attempts to solve strategic problems are drowned in routine;
Possibility of growth for staff is low (only a narrow circle
employees have personal responsibility);
High level of division of labor and standardization of production
processes makes it difficult to identify the employee and the enterprise;
Functionalism - over-specialization creates impenetrable
partitions between departments;
The overall organizational goal is blurred, it is pulled apart
functional divisions.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

This type of organization developed successfully until the 20s
last century.
Organizations successfully carried out their technical and
financial development, satisfied the needs
mass consumer in quantity, quality and cost
Combined with a mechanistic approach, performance
the organization played a decisive role in the transition from
agricultural to industrial society.
These schemes made it possible to move from patriarchal relations
craft workshop "master - slave" to industrial
"boss - subordinate." This relationship is more
defined, predictable and civilized.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

By importing everything from abroad, including technology, we, in
Russia, we often wonder “why the enterprise doesn’t
produces competitive products?
The outcome cannot be determined by technology alone.
Much of it depends on organizational
relationships. If a boss does not respect a subordinate, but
he is the boss if their relationship is not built on
calculation, then there is nowhere to appear competitive
Organizations passing through the development stage through
performing organization is necessary
“Jumping over” it deprives the opportunity
work out the boss-subordinate relationship.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

At the beginning of the 20th century, performing arts organizations
developed into giant corporations that dealt
production from raw materials to finished products.
The increase in the scale of controllability has led to
unmanageability of organizations.
Vertical growth has limited the development of efficient
horizontal connections.
Attempts to adapt to changes in the external environment
led to the closure of production and the dismissal of workers.
Solving problems that arose if necessary
growth of the organization and its changes, it was found
divisional (object) structure.
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

Passenger cars
Topic A
Topic B
V. G. Rozhdestvensky

The company is divided into:
products, product groups, customers or groups
clients, geographical orientation.
The purpose of this division of work is to provide
responsibility for profit to the management of the relevant
divisions - “profit center”.
In product department management
performing organizations predominate.
Specialized departments (financial,
accounting, human resources, research and development),

Presentation on the topic "Management" in economics in powerpoint format. This presentation for schoolchildren tells about what management and a manager are, about the main functions of management and effective organization of work. Author of the presentation: Savka N.V., teacher of history and social studies.

Fragments from the presentation

Factors of production - resources needed to produce goods and services

  • labor resources, or labor;
  • investment resources, or capital (the totality of goods created by human past labor. Factors of production include not all capital, but only real capital - buildings, structures, machines, machinery and equipment, tools, etc. - that is, everything that is used for production and transportation of goods and services.Financial capital (stocks, bonds, bank deposits and money) is not considered a factor of production, since it is not associated with real production, but acts as a tool for obtaining real capital);
  • natural resources, or land (all agricultural land and urban land that is allocated for residential or industrial development, as well as the totality of natural conditions necessary for the production of goods and services);
  • raw materials;
  • entrepreneurial talent, or entrepreneurial abilities;
  • information; a specific form of information is technology;
  • knowledge or management abilities.

Factors of production can be combined different ways, the decision on the connection method is made by the manager


  • Activities for managing and coordinating the work of the enterprise and its divisions
  • The Science of Organization Management
  • "Team" of enterprise managers

Manager- A person who holds a certain position in an enterprise and has the power and right to make decisions

Management levels
  • Highest – Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO, the head of the company
  • Middle – deputy managers: “Marketing Director”, “HR Director”, shop managers, department heads.
  • Grassroots - heads of primary, grassroots units - heads of sections, laboratories, sectors, foremen

Basic functions of management


The process of creating an enterprise structure and performing its functions by its employees:

  1. Determine the structure and subordination of departments
  2. Determine the place, time of production of products, routes of their movement in the enterprise.

The process of studying and solving problems of the future: determining the goals of the organization and how to implement them.

  1. Strategic – determining the main directions of development for 10-15 years.
  2. Medium-term for 3-5 years (specification of tasks strategic plans).
  3. Current planning for a period of up to 1 year (broken down by quarters), covering all aspects of activity)

Effective labor organization

  • Organizational methods represent the establishment of connections and relationships between positions of workers. These methods are passive in nature. They ensure staff development and streamline management.
  • Administrative methods– this is the management and regulation of personnel activities on the basis of orders, instructions, and specific tasks. These methods may be accompanied by rewards and penalties for successful or unsuccessful performance. There are three possible forms of manifestation of these methods: Mandatory order, conciliation (consultation, compromise), recommendations (advice, order).
  • Economic methods– indirect impact on the control object. These methods do not work automatically; it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the result. With their help, material incentives are provided; they can act as planning, analysis, pricing, financing, and providing economic independence.
  • Psychological methods – encouraging employees to effective activities through psychological impact. Aimed at creating a favorable climate in the team.

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Strategic planning

Planning the activities of an organization is a systematic, information-processed PROCESS of qualitative, quantitative and temporal determination of future goals, means and methods of managing an organization for its development

A plan is a complex socio-economic model of the future state of the organization

Levels of planning in an organization Operational planning– about the definition of everyday short-term tactics Tactical planning– determination of intermediate goals Strategic planning – determination of long-term prospects

Principles of planning completeness accuracy clarity continuity Economy

Principles of drawing up plans Completeness - taking into account all events and situations Accuracy - the use of methods, tools, procedures that ensure the accuracy of forecasts Clarity - simplicity and ease of formulating plans Continuity - planning - a continuous process Economy - proportionality of planning costs with effectiveness

Strategic planning defines the main goals of the organization and outlines the final results, covers a period of 10-15 years and has long-term consequences, provides the basis for all management decisions

Process strategic planning Goals of the organization Analysis of the external environment Analysis of the internal environment Assessing the implementation of the strategy Implementation of the strategy Selecting a strategy Analysis of strategic alternatives Mission of the organization

Mission of the organization Philosophy, purpose of the existence of the organization A statement that reveals the meaning of the existence of the organization, which reveals the difference between this organization and similar ones

Mission of the organization Philosophy, purpose, raison d'être of the organization (broad meaning) - philosophy - values, beliefs and principles in accordance with which the organization intends to carry out its activities (rarely changes) - purpose - definition of the actions and role of the organization in the life of society (changes depending on from conditions) a statement that reveals the meaning of the organization’s existence, in which the difference between this organization and similar ones is manifested

The mission must be realistic and specific based on the specific characteristics of the organization

The mission must be realistic - practical, actually existing, specific - clearly defined (formulated) based on the specific characteristics of the organization

The mission of the college is to satisfy the individual’s needs in obtaining an average vocational education spheres of culture and art, and effective training of competent people who meet high professional and ethical requirements specialists in demand on the labor market Perm region

Mission of MBUK "City Palace of Culture" Creation of favorable and comfortable living conditions, development and realization of the cultural and spiritual potential of citizens as the basis for the integrity, sustainable and dynamic development of the city of N.

Why is the mission formulated?

Goals are the specific state of individual characteristics of an organization, the achievement of which is desirable for it and towards which its activities are aimed.

Criteria for setting goals: specificity, measurability, achievability, consistency with each other

Criteria for setting goals: Specificity The goal must clearly state what needs to be achieved as a result of the activity, in what time frame it should be achieved and who should achieve the goal Measurability This means that the goals must be formulated in such a way that they can be quantified or can be measured was some other objective way to assess whether the goal was achieved. Achievability; they should not be unrealistic, beyond the maximum permissible capabilities of the performers. A goal that is unrealistic to achieve leads to demotivation of employees and their loss of direction consistency with each other Compatibility assumes that long-term goals correspond to the mission, and short-term goals correspond to long-term goals

Tree of goals Mission of the organization Key goals by subsystems of the organization Production Marketing Finance Personnel Subgoals by subsystems of the organization

The mission of the MBUK "City Palace of Culture" is to create favorable and comfortable living conditions, develop and realize the cultural and spiritual potential of citizens as the basis for the integrity, sustainable and dynamic development of the city N expanding the range of cultural services in order to preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the city N ensuring accessibility cultural services for citizens with disabilities. Artistic and entertainment activities Formation of a unified cultural space of the city N, creation of conditions for equal access of citizens to cultural values ​​and services Information and educational activities Recreational and health activities

Mission-. Artistic and entertainment activities Information and educational activities Recreational and health activities

Strategic planning process Organizational goals Analysis of the external environment Analysis of the internal environment Assessing the implementation of the strategy Implementation of the strategy Selecting a strategy Analysis of strategic alternatives Mission of the organization

No organization can function in isolation, regardless of external reference points. Internal environment External environment


External environment of indirect impact: Politics Economics Social Policy Legal Regulation External environment of direct impact: Buyers competitors Suppliers Social partners Market Workers Market Internal Environment


SWOT S - Strengths 1. 2. 3. W- Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. O - Opportunities 1. 2. 3. T - Threats 1. 2. 3. .

SWOT Strengths 1. 2. 3. Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. Opportunities 1. 2. 3. Activities or programs that use the strengths of an organization (or service) to address each opportunity. С1 +В2 Threats 1. 2. 3. .

SWOT Strengths 1. 2. 3. Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. Opportunities 1. 2. 3. Activities or programs aimed at improving, changing or overcoming “weaknesses” to take advantage of the identified opportunities SL2 + B 2 Threats 1. 2. 3. .

SWOT Strengths 1. 2. 3. Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. Opportunities 1. 2. 3. Threats 1. 2. 3. Strategies for protecting against external threats by using the organization’s strengths C5 + U 4.

SWOT Strengths 1. 2. 3. Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. Opportunities 1. 2. 3. Threats 1. 2. 3. Strategies for protecting against external threats by strengthening the organization’s weaknesses SL 1 + U 1.

SWOT Strengths 1. 2. 3. Weaknesses 1. 2. 3. Opportunities 1. 2. 3. Activities or programs that use the strengths of an organization (or service) to address each opportunity. С1 + В2 Activities or programs aimed at improving, changing or overcoming “weaknesses” to use the found opportunities СL2 + В 2 Threats 1. 2. 3. Strategies for protecting against external threats by using the organization’s strengths С5 + У 4 Protection strategies from external threats by strengthening the weaknesses of the organization SL 1 + U 1.

Strengths There is an accessible education system. There is a license and certificate of accreditation of basic professional and additional educational programs. A positive image of the college has been formed in the educational services market and the labor market of the Perm Territory A positive image of the college has been formed in the educational services market and the labor market of the Perm Territory 6. Developed social partnership college, a database of social partners has been formed in all areas of the college’s activities. Weaknesses: Insufficient funding for the college on the part of the Founder, and as a result, insufficient opportunity to update the material and technical base of the college with modern equipment, ensuring the possibility of effective implementation of educational programs. Imperfections in the structure of continuous art education in the Perm region according to the “Children's Music School, Children's Art School - College-University” system. Opportunities Opportunity for the development of extra-budgetary activities of the college. Strengthening the role of the college staff in the system of continuous art education of the Perm region Improving the quality of educational services in connection with the requirements of consumers СВ С 6 + В 1. Organization project activities SLiV SL2 + B2. Organization of work of KMO educational institutions cultural spheres of the Perm region Threats High competition in the educational services market Insufficient material and technical base for the development of practical training for students. Reduction of the network of cultural institutions and additional education PC SiU S 3 + U 1 activation of the PR Service SLiU SL 2 + U1. Material incentives for teachers

Strategic planning process Organizational goals Analysis of the external environment Analysis of the internal environment Assessing the implementation of the strategy Implementation of the strategy Selecting a strategy Analysis of strategic alternatives Mission of the organization

Organizational reference strategies

CONCENTRATED GROWTH STRATEGY strategy for strengthening market position, market development strategy, product (service) development strategy

CONCENTRATED GROWTH STRATEGY is a strategy for strengthening its position in the market, in which the company does everything to achieve success with a given product. this market win better positions. This type of strategy requires a lot of marketing effort to implement. market development strategy, which consists in finding new markets for an already produced product; a product development strategy that involves solving the problem of growth through the production of a new product that will be sold on a market already developed by the company.

STRATEGY FOR DIVERSIFIED GROWTH New technologies in production Consolidation of production facilities

DIVERSIFIED GROWTH STRATEGY Although they require significant funding, they must be implemented when a product (or service) loses its successful position in the industry. The market is saturated with this product. It is impossible to develop in this market with this product (service) in this industry Involves searching for growth opportunities in the existing market through products that require new technology, different from the one used (for example, new form for KMM),

INTEGRATED GROWTH STRATEGY acquisition of new property, expansion of the organization from within,

INTEGRATED GROWTH STRATEGY Integration can be carried out both through the acquisition of new property and through expansion from within, which in both cases invariably leads to a change in the organization’s position within the industry

REDUCTION STRATEGY cost reduction strategy, harvest strategy, reduction strategy, liquidity strategy,

REDUCTION STRATEGY: cost reduction, cost reduction and implementation of appropriate cost reduction measures. Harvest strategy, which involves abandoning a long-term view of the business in favor of maximizing profits in the short term; contraction strategy, which involves a firm closing or selling one of its divisions in order to reduce the long-term scope of business. Often this strategy is used by diversified firms when one of the industries does not fit well with others; liquidity strategy, which is an extreme case of the contraction strategy and is implemented when the firm cannot conduct further business;

Key factors selection and strategy of the organization strengths of the industry and strengths of the organization goals of the organization interests and attitude to the strategy of top management financial resources of the organization qualifications of the organization's employees degree of dependence of the organization on the external environment time factor

Action plan Event, program Implementation period Required resources Expected result Artistic and entertainment activities GOAL: Information and educational activities GOAL: Recreational and health-improving Cultural and creative Service activities

Strategic planning process Organizational goals Analysis of the external environment Analysis of the internal environment Assessing the implementation of the strategy Implementation of the strategy Selecting a strategy Analysis of strategic alternatives Mission of the organization

Assessing the implementation of the strategy, collecting information and processing information, analyzing information on the actual results of the organization’s activities, comparing the results obtained with planned indicators, identifying deviations and analyzing these deviations, making adjustments and developing measures necessary to achieve the intended goals.

Strategic planning process Organizational goals Analysis of the external environment Analysis of the internal environment Assessing the implementation of the strategy Implementation of the strategy Selecting a strategy Analysis of strategic alternatives Mission of the organization


assessment of functional areas, identification of strengths and weaknesses: marketing finance operations (production) human resources culture and image of the organization Management survey of the internal strengths and weaknesses of the organization -

STRATEGY (Greek strategos - “the art of the general”) a detailed comprehensive comprehensive plan that ensures the implementation of the organization’s mission and the achievement of its goals; a long-term, qualitatively defined direction for the development of the organization, relating to the scope of the organization’s activities, means and forms of activity, the system of relationships within the organization, as well as position organizations in environment leading the organization to its goals

Strategy planning process 1. Defining the mission 2. Analysis of the internal environment 3. Formulation of goals 4. Planning strategy 9. Operational management 8. Formation of budgets 7. Carrying out structural changes 6. Development of plans 5. Setting objectives 10. Evaluation, control and formation new strategy or Adjustment of strategic objectives

The process of developing and implementing a strategy Analysis, forecasting and monitoring of the external environment Definition of a mission Analysis of the internal environment Formulation of goals Research and use of opportunities and threats facing the enterprise Formulation of a strategic guideline, taking into account opportunities and threats Identification of strengths and weaknesses that contribute to or hinder the effective achievement of a strategic guideline Expression of a general strategic guideline in the form of a specific goal, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise Development of a strategy and management of the main ways to achieve it Planning, implementation and control of strategies ACTION RESULT

STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVES Growth internal external 2 Limited growth 1 Combination of strategies 4 Reduction elimination cutting off excess reduction and reorientation 3

Areas of strategy development (according to M. Porter) Leadership strategy in the fight to reduce costs Differentiation strategies Focused strategies Reducing production costs Specialization in the production of goods/services Concentration on a market segment

REFERENCE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES Concentrated growth strategies strategy for strengthening market position market development strategy (search for new markets) product development strategy Integrated growth strategies reverse vertical integration strategy forward vertical integration strategy Diversified growth strategies centered diversification strategy horizontal diversification strategy conglomerate diversification strategy Reduction strategies liquidation strategy harvesting strategy cutting strategy cost cutting strategy

Steps in defining a strategy Understanding the current strategy Conducting a product portfolio analysis Choosing a company strategy Evaluating the chosen strategy

Thompson and Strickland matrix position IV quadrant of strategies Centered diversification Conglomerate diversification Joint venture in a new area market growth Fast II quadrant of strategies Revision of concentration strategy Horizontal integration or merger Reduction Liquidation Weak competitive position III quadrant of strategies Cost reduction Diversification Reduction Liquidation Slow market growth I quadrant of strategies Concentration Vertical integration Centered diversification Strong competitiveness

Assessment of the chosen strategy Directions of assessment compliance with the state and requirements of the environment compliance with the potential and capabilities of the company acceptability of the risk inherent in the strategy Reality of the risk realistic prerequisites underlying the choice of strategy negative consequences for the company in case of failure of the strategy correlation of a possible positive result and the risk of losses from failure to implement the strategy

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Factors of production - resources necessary for the production of goods and services; labor resources, or labor; investment resources, or capital (the totality of goods created by human past labor. Factors of production include not all capital, but only real capital - buildings, structures, machines, machinery and equipment, tools, etc. - that is, everything that is used for production and transportation of goods and services.Financial capital (stocks, bonds, bank deposits and money) is not considered a factor of production, since it is not associated with real production, but acts as a tool for obtaining real capital); natural resources, or land (all agricultural land and urban land that is allocated for residential or industrial development, as well as the totality of natural conditions necessary for the production of goods and services); raw materials; entrepreneurial talent, or entrepreneurial abilities; information; a specific form of information is technology; knowledge or management abilities. Factors of production can be connected in various ways; the decision on the method of connection is made by the manager

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Activities for managing and coordinating the work of an enterprise and its divisions The science of managing an organization “Team” of enterprise managers A person holding a certain position in an enterprise and having the power and right to make decisions

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Management levels Higher - Chairman of the Board of Directors, General Director, President of the company Middle - Deputy Managers: “Marketing Director”, “HR Director”, shop managers, department heads. Grassroots - heads of primary, grassroots units - heads of sections, laboratories, sectors, foremen

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The main functions of management The process of creating the structure of an enterprise and the performance by its employees of their functions: Determine the structure and subordination of divisions 2. Determine the place, time of production of products, routes for their movement in the enterprise. The process of studying and solving problems of the future: determining the goals of the organization and how to implement them. Strategic – determining the main directions of development for 10-15 years. 2. Medium-term for 3-5 years (specification of objectives of strategic plans). 3. Current planning for a period of up to 1 year (broken down by quarters), covering all aspects of activity)

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Effective organization Labor Organizational methods represent the establishment of connections and relationships between positions of workers. These methods are passive in nature. They ensure staff development and streamline management. Administrative methods are the management and regulation of personnel activities on the basis of orders, instructions, and specific tasks. These methods may be accompanied by rewards and penalties for successful or unsuccessful performance. There are three possible forms of manifestation of these methods: Mandatory order, conciliation (consultation, compromise), recommendations (advice, order). Economic methods – indirect impact on the object of management. These methods do not work automatically; it is difficult to determine the strength of their influence on the result. With their help, material incentives are provided; they can act as planning, analysis, pricing, financing, and providing economic independence. Psychological methods – encouraging employees to perform effectively through psychological influence. Aimed at creating a favorable climate in the team.

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goals of the organization; organization structure; objectives of the organization; technology; people (personnel). environment of direct influence consumers; competitors; leavers; laws and government bodies; trade unions environment of indirect influence of politics; economy; social factors; technology; international relationships

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exchanging information with other people In the process of exchanging information, four can be distinguished: basic elements: sender (addressee) – a person generating ideas or collecting information and transmitting it; message – actual information encoded using symbols; channel – a means of transmitting information; recipient (addressee) – the person to whom the information is intended. The most effective communications are through personal contacts.

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McGregor's Theory X: people initially do not like to work and avoid work whenever possible; they have no ambition and try to get rid of responsibility, preferring to be led by others; What people want most is security, and to get them to work, you need... what? Use coercion, control and threat of punishment. Theory U: work is a natural process, and if conditions are favorable, people are ready to take responsibility; employees are interested in the goals of the organization, a significant part of them have the ability to creatively solve problems. Managers following this theory use...what? The ability of staff to discuss, accept and propose decisions, goals and objectives of the enterprise.

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A system for monitoring the activities of the company (control of quantity, quality, safety of products, consumption of resources, compliance with legal norms, instructions, contracts, etc.). A) preliminary control (at the planning stage); B) current control (at the stage of implementation of plans); C) final control (when assessing results) Comprehensive inspection of all or individual aspects of the company’s activities Modern form management, aimed at maximizing profits and ensuring stable operation of the company, is a comprehensive system of synchronous analysis, planning and control - Controlling