Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Calculation of standards for wastewater discharge. Moscow State University of Printing Coefficient degree of completeness of wastewater in a reservoir


This term paper is the compilation and calculation of the scheme of treatment facilities of the enterprise.

cleaning Wastewater necessary so that the concentration of substances in the water discharged into water body from this enterprise, did not exceed the maximum allowable discharge (MPD) standards.

Wastewater from the enterprise must not be discharged contaminated, because as a result, living organisms may die in the river, pollution of river water, groundwater, soil, and atmosphere occurs; this leads to harm to human health and the environment as a whole.

Section 1. Characteristics of the enterprise

Low-pressure polyethylene ( high density) are produced in plastics factories.

Polyethylene is obtained by polymerization of ethylene in gasoline at a temperature of 80 0 C and a pressure of 3 kg * s / cm 2 in the presence of a catalyst complex of diethyl-aluminum chloride with titanium tetrachloride.

In the production of polyethylene, water is used to cool equipment and condensate. The water supply system is circulating with water cooling on the cooling tower. Water supply is carried out by three systems: circulating, fresh technical and drinking water.

Steam condensate is used for technical needs (washing polymers of equipment and communications of the polymerization shop, preparation of initiator reagents and additives for polymerization).

The characteristics of wastewater are given in table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of wastewater released into water bodies from the production of polyethylene.

Unit Wastewater
before cleaning after cleaning
Temperature - 23-28
suspended solids mg/l 40-180 20
Ether soluble mg/l Footprints -
pH - 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5
Dry residue Mg up to 2700 up to 2700
Mg up to 800 up to 800
Mg up to 1000 up to 1000
COD MgO/l 1200 80-100
700 15-20
mg/l up to 1 up to 1
mg/l Footprints Footprints
hydrocarbons mg/l to 10 Footprints
Isopropanol mg/l up to 300 -

This enterprise has I B hazard class. The sanitary protection zone is 1000 m. It is located in the Kyiv region.

For further calculations, we select a river in this area - r. Desna, we find out the data for this river for 97% security, using the conversion factor we translate these data for 95% security. The values ​​of q industrial and q household (water consumption per unit of water output in industrial and domestic wastewater, respectively) are equal to: q industrial = 21m 3, q ​​household = 2.2 m 3. indicated, then C f \u003d 0.4 MPC.

Calculation of wastewater consumption.

Q \u003d Pq, m 3 / year

P. - productivity, 7500 m 3 / year.

Q - water consumption per unit of output.

Q prom \u003d 7500 21 \u003d 1575000 m 3 / year

Q household \u003d 7500 2.2 \u003d 165000 m 3 / year

About prom, life - the consumption of industrial and domestic wastewater.

Q cm \u003d 4.315 + 452 \u003d 4767 m 3 / day.

Calculation of the concentration of substances in waste water.

C i cm \u003d (q x / b C x / b + Q pr C i pr) / Q cm

C i x / b, pr - concentration of substances in x / b and industrial wastewater, mg / dm 3.

From cm in-x centuries. \u003d (452 ​​120 + 4315 40) / 4764 \u003d 46.6 mg / dm 3

C cm min. \u003d (452 ​​500 + 4315 2700) / 4767 \u003d 2491.4 mg / dm 3

C cm Cl \u003d (452 ​​300 + 4315 800) / 4764 \u003d 752.6 mg / dm 3

C cm SO 4 \u003d (452 ​​500 + 4315 1000) / 4767 \u003d 952.6 mg / dm 3

C cm COD \u003d (452 ​​300 + 4315 1200) / 4767 \u003d 1115 mg / dm 3

C cm BODp \u003d (452 ​​150 + 4315 700) / 4767 \u003d 677.85 mg / dm 3

C cm Al \u003d (452 ​​0 + 4315 1) / 4767 \u003d 0.9 mg / dm 3

C cm isopr-l \u003d (452 ​​0 + 4315 300) / 4767 \u003d 271.55 mg / dm 3

C sm \u003d (452 ​​18 + 4315 0) / 4767 \u003d 1.7 mg / dm 3

Section 2. Calculation of standard wastewater discharge

Calculation of the multiplicity of the main dilution n o .

Y=2.5∙√n w -0.13-0.75√R(√n w -0.1)=2.5∙√0.05-0.13-0.75√3(0.05- 0.1)=0.26

n w is the roughness coefficient of the river bed.

R-hydraulic radius.

S n \u003d R y / n w \u003d 3 0.26 / 0.05 \u003d 26.6

S n -Chezy coefficient.

D \u003d g ∙ V f ∙ h f / (37 n w ∙Sh 2) \u003d 9.81 ∙ 0.02 ∙ 3 ​​/ (37 ∙ 0.05 ∙ 26.6) \u003d 0.012 m / s 2

g-free fall acceleration, m/s 2 .

D-coefficient of the required diffusion.

V f is the average speed over the cross section of the watercourse.

h f - the average depth of the river, m.

α=ζ∙φ∙√D/O st =1.5∙1.2∙√0.012/0.03=1.3

ζ-coefficient characterizing the type of wastewater outlet.

φ-coefficient characterizing the sinuosity of the riverbed.

Q st - wastewater consumption.

β= -α√ L =2.75 -1.3∙√500=0.00003

L is the distance from the point of release to the control point.

γ=(1-β)/(1+(O f / O st)β)=(1-0.00003)/(1+(0.476/0.0)∙0.00003)=0.99

γ-value of the bias coefficient.n o \u003d (Q st + γ ∙ Q f) / Q st \u003d (0.03 + 0.99 ∙ 0.476) / 0.03 \u003d 16.86

Calculation of the multiplicity of the initial dilution n n.


l is the length of the diffuser pipe, m.

B-width of the river in a low-water period, m.

B=Q f /(H f V f)=1.056/(3∙0.02)=17.6 m

l 1 \u003d h + 0.5 \u003d 3 + 0.5 \u003d 3.5 m

l 1 - the distance between the heads

0.5 - technological margin

N \u003d l / l 1 \u003d 15.84 / 3.5 \u003d 4.5 ≈ 5-number of heads d 0 \u003d √4Q st / (πV st N) \u003d √ (4 ∙ 0.05) / (3.14 ∙ 2 ∙ 5) \u003d 0.08 ≥ 0.1N \u003d 4Q st /(πV st d 0 2)=0.2/(3.14∙3∙0.1 2)=3.2≈3

V st \u003d 4Q st / (πN d 0 2) \u003d 0.2 / (3.14 ∙ 3 ∙ 0.1 2) \u003d 2.1

d 0 =√4Q st /(πV st N)= √0.2/(3.14∙2.1∙3)=0.1

d 0 - head diameter,

V st - outflow rate,

L 1 \u003d L / n \u003d 15.84 / 3 \u003d 5.2

Δv m \u003d 0.15 / (V st -V f) \u003d 0.15 / (2.1-0.02) \u003d 0.072

m \u003d V f / V st \u003d 0.02 / 2.1 \u003d 0.009-ratio of velocity pressures.

7.465/√(Δv m [Δv(1-m)+1.92m])=√7.465/(0.072)=20.86-relative pipe diameter.

d=d0 ∙ =0.1∙20.86=2.086

n n \u003d 0.2481 / (1-m) ∙ 2 \u003d [√ 0.009 2 + 8.1 ∙ (1-0.009) / 20.86-0.009] \u003d 13.83

Total dilution factor:

n=n 0 ∙n n =16.86∙1383=233.2

Table 2

suspended solids 30 46,6 30,75 - 46,66 +
Min-tion 331 2491,4 1000 - 505,9 +
17.9 752.6 300 S.-t. 75 -
25 952.6 100 S.-t. 40 -
COD 29,9 1119 15 - 15 -
1,2 677,9 3 - 117,8 +
Al 0.2 0.9 0.5 S.-t. 0.175 -
0,004 271,6 0,01 T. 0,008 -
0,2 1,7 0,5 T. 0,1 -
Neph-you 0,04 0 0,1 S.-t. 0 -
surfactant 0,04 0 0,1 T. 0 -

To carry out calculations, we determine whether the RAS corresponds.

For substances OT, units LPV

C f i /MPC i<1

for substances with od. LPV

∑ С f i /MAC i<1

I. Calculation From PDS when RAS exists.

1. Suspended solids

Concentration at the border of the zone of general dilution at the actual discharge of wastewater:

C F i k.s. =С f i +∑(С st i -С Ф i)/n

C fact c. in-in k.s. =30+(46.6-30)/233.2=30.0 7

With PDS \u003d 30 + 0.75 ∙ 233.2 \u003d 204.9

C PDS \u003d min (S PDS calc C st) \u003d minC st

2. Substances from FROM and units. LPV


C fact \u003d 331 + (2491.4-331) / 233.2 \u003d 340.3

0.75 \u003d Δ 1 ≤σ 1 \u003d 9.2

With PDS \u003d 331 + 0.75 ∙ 233.2 \u003d 505.9

With PDS \u003d min (With PDS calc C st)

C fact \u003d 1.2 + (677.9-1.2) / 233.2 + (238.9-1.2) / 200 \u003d 5.3

0.75=Δ 1 ≤σ 1 =2.9

With MPD =1.2+0.75∙233.2=176.1

II. Calculation From PDS when RAS exists.

1. Substances from FROM and units. in your LP

C MPC = min(C st; MPC)

2. Substances with the same LPV

2a -Cl -, SO 4 2-, Al 3+, oil products

∑K i =C st i /MPC i =752.6/300+952.6/100+0.9/0.5+0/0.1=13.8>1

С f /MPC≤K i ≤С st /MPC


0.25≤KCl ≤2.5C pds =0.06 300=18

0.4≤K SO 4 ≤9.5C pds =0.3 100=40

0.35≤K Al ≤1.8C pds =0.14 0.5=0.175

0≤K n-you ≤0C pds =0,-0.1=0

2b Isopropanol, ammonium nitrogen, surfactant

∑Ki =271.6/0.01+1.7/0.5+0/0.1=27163.4>1

0.8≤K out-l ≤271160C pds =0.6 0.01=0.008

0.2≤K a.m. ≤3.4C pds =0.3 0.5=0.1

0≤K SSAW ≤0C pds =0

Section 3. Calculation of mechanical treatment facilities

To remove suspended solids, mechanical treatment facilities are used.

To clean wastewater from these substances, for this enterprise, it is necessary to install gratings and sand traps.

To calculate mechanical treatment facilities, it is necessary to convert the mixture flow rate, which is measured in m 3 / year, into m 3 / day

Lattice calculation.

q sr.s = 4764/86400=0.055 (m 3 / s) 1000 = 55 l / s

According to the table from SNiPA, we determine K dep. max

x=-(45 0.1)/50=-0.09

To dep. max =1.6-(-0.09)=1.69

q max sec \u003d g sr.sec · K dep. max \u003d 0.055 1.69 \u003d 0.093 (m 3 / s)

n=(q max sec K 3)/b h V p =(0.093 1.05)/(0.016 0.5 1)=12.21≈13 pcs

B p \u003d 0.016 13 + 14 0.006 \u003d 0.292 m

We accept the RMU-1 grating with a size of 600 mm × 800 mm, in which the width between the rods is 0.016 m, the thickness of the rods is 0.006 m. The number of gaps between the rods is 21.

V p ==(q max sec K 3)/b h n=(0.093 1.05)/(0.016 0.5 21)=0.58 m/s

N pr \u003d Q average day / q water from \u003d 4767 / 0.4 \u003d 11918 people

V day \u003d (N pr W) / (1000 35) \u003d 0.26 m 3 / day \u003d V day \u003d 750 0.26 \u003d 195 kg / day

Calculation of sandboxes. Sand traps are tangential-round, because Q average day = 4764 m 3 / day, i.e.<50000 м 3 /сут

q av.sec \u003d 4767/86400 \u003d 0.055 m 3 / day

q max S \u003d K dep max q sr.sec \u003d 1.6 0.055 \u003d 0.088 m 3 / day

D \u003d (q max sec 3600) / n q S \u003d (088 3600) / 2 1 10 \u003d 1.44 m 2

H K \u003d √ D 2- H 2 \u003d 1.61 m

V k \u003d (π ∙ D 2 ∙ N k) / 3 ∙ 4 \u003d 3.14 ∙ 1.44 2 ∙ 0.72) / 12 \u003d 0.39 m 3

N pr \u003d 11918 people

V OS \u003d (11918 ∙ 0.02) / 1000 \u003d 0.24 m 3 / day

t=V k /V oc =0.39/0.24=1.625 days

Calculation of the aeration tank - mixer with regeneration

It is used to treat industrial wastewater with significant fluctuations in the composition and flow rate of wastewater with the presence of emulsified and biologically difficult to oxidize components.

Initial data:

q w \u003d 198.625 m 2 / h

Len =677.9mg/l


r max \u003d 650 BOD full / (g * h)

K h \u003d 100 BOD full / (g * h)

K o \u003d 1.5 mgO 2 / L

a i = 3.5 g/l

The recirculation coefficient is equal to:

R i \u003d 3.5 / ((1000/150) -3.5) \u003d 1.1

Average oxidation rate:

r=(650*117.8*2)/(117.8*2+100*2+1.5*117.8)*(1/(1+2*3.5))=31.26 mgBOD p/(g*h)

Total oxidation period:

T atm = (Len-Lex)/(a i (1-S)r)=(677.9-117.8)/(3.5(1-0.16)650) = 0.29h

The total volume of the aerotank and regenerator:

W atm + W r \u003d q w * t atm \u003d 198.625 * 0.29 \u003d 58.1 m 3

The total volume of the aeration tank:

Wa atm = (W atm + W r)_/(1 + (R r /1+R r)) = 58.1/(1+(0.3/1+0.3)) = 47.23 m 3

Regenerator volume:

W r \u003d 58.1-47.23 \u003d 10.87 m 3

q i = 24(Len-Lex)/a i (1-S)t atm = 750

The value of I i is taken equal to 150 (approximately close value for q i)

Dose of sludge in the aeration tank:

a i = (58.1*3.5)/(47.23+(01/1.1*2)*0.87) = 3.2 g/l

Calculation of the secondary vertical clarifier

Q average day = 4767 m 3 / day

a t = 15 mg/l

The number of sedimentation tanks is taken equal to:

q = 4.5*K set *H set 0.8 /(0.1*I i *a atn)0.5-0.01 at = 1.23 m 3

K set for vertical sedimentation tanks is equal to 0.35 (Table 31 SNiP) - volume utilization factor,

H set 3 - working depth (2.7-3.5)

F \u003d q max .h / n * q \u003d 176 m 2

Sump diameter:

D \u003d (4 * F) / p * n) \u003d 8.6 m

Selection of a secondary sump:

Model project number 902-2-168

Sediment tank secondary from prefabricated reinforced concrete

Diameter 9m

Construction height of the conical part 5.1 m

Construction height of the cylindrical part 3m

Throughput at settling time 1.5 h-111.5 m 3 / h

Calculation of the aeration tank - nitrifier

q \u003d 4767 m 3 / day

Len = 677.9 mg/l

Cnen = 1.7mg/l

Lex = 117.8 mg/l

Cnex = 0.1 mg/l

Co 2 = 2 mg/l

r max = 650 mg BOD p/g*h

K t = 65 mg/l

K o \u003d 0.625 mg / l

According to formula 58 SNiP we find m:

m \u003d 1 * 0.78 * (2/2 + 2) * 1 * 1.77 * (2/25 + 2) \u003d 0.051 days -1

The minimum age of sludge is found by the formula 61 SNiP:

1/m = 1/0.051 = 19.6 days

r = 3.7+(864*0.0417)/19.6 = 5.54 mgBOD p/g*h

We find the concentration of the ashless part of activated sludge at Lex = 117.8 mg/l

a i = 41.05 g/l

Duration of waste water aeration:

t atm = (677.9-117.8)/(41.05*5.54) = 2.46

The concentration of nitrifying sludge in the sludge mixture at a sludge age of 19.6 days is determined according to table 19 using formula 56 of SNiP:

a in = 1.2*0.055*(1.7-0.1/2.46) = 0.043 g/l

The total concentration of ashless sludge in the sludge mixture of aeration tanks is:

a i + a in = 41.05+0.043 = 41.09 g/l

Taking into account 30% ash content, the dose of sludge in terms of dry matter will be:

a = 41.09/0.7 = 58.7 g/l

The specific increase in excess sludge K 8 is determined by the formula:

K 8 \u003d 4.17 * 57.8 * 2.46 / (677.9-117.8) * 19.6 \u003d 0.054 mg /

Daily amount of excess sludge:

G = 0.054*(677.9-117.8)*4767/1000 = 144.18 kg/day

Volume of aeration tanks-nitrifiers

W \u003d 4767 * 2.46 / 24 \u003d 488.62 m 3

The supply air flow rate is calculated using the formula

1.1*(Cnen -Cnenex)*4.6 = 8.096

Aerotank selection:

Corridor width 4m

The working depth of the aeration tank is 4.5m

Number of corridors 2

Working volume of one section 864m 3

Length of one section 24m

Number of sections from 2 to 4

Type of aeration low-pressure

Model project number 902-2-215/216

Re-calculation and selection of a secondary sump

Calculation of the adsorber

Productivity q w \u003d 75000 m 3 / year or 273 m 3 / day

C en (initial nitrogen am.) = 271.6 mg / l

C ex = 0.008 mg/l

a sb min = 253*Cex 1/2 = 0.71

Y sb each = 0.9

Y sb us = 0.45

We determine the maximum sorption capacity a sb max in accordance with the isotherm, mg / g:

a sb max \u003d 253 * C en 1/2 \u003d 131.8

The total area of ​​adsorbers, m 2:

F ad \u003d q w / V \u003d 273/24 * 10 \u003d 1.14

Number of parallel and simultaneously operating adsorber lines at D = 3.5 m, pcs.

N ads b = F ads /fags = 1.14*4/3.14*3.5 2 = 0.12

We accept 1 adsorber for work at a filtration rate of 10 m/h

Maximum dose of activated carbon, g/l:

D sb max = C en -C tx / K sb *a sb max = 2.94

The dose of active carbon unloaded from the adsorber:

D sb min \u003d C en -C ex /a sb min \u003d 35.5 g / l

Approximate loading height for cleaning, m

H 2 \u003d D sb max * q w * t ads / F ads * Y sb \u003d 204

Approximate loading height unloaded from the adsorber, m

H 1 \u003d D sb min * q w * t ads / F ads * Y sb us \u003d 1.57

Htot \u003dH 1 +H 2 +H 3 \u003d 1.57 + 204 + 1.57 \u003d 208

The total number of successively installed adsorbers in the 1st line

Duration of operation of the adsorption unit before breakthrough, h

t 1ads \u003d (2 * C ex (H 3 \u003d H 2) * E * (a sb max + C en)) / V * C en 2 \u003d 0.28


Duration of operation of one adsorber until the capacity is exhausted, h

t 2ads \u003d 2 * C en * K sb * H 1 * E * (a sb max + C en) / V * C en 2 \u003d 48.6

Thus, the required degree of purification can be achieved by continuous operation of one adsorber, where 10 successively installed adsorbers operate, each adsorber operates for 48 hours, one adsorber in the series circuit is switched off for overload every 0.3 hours.

Calculation of the loading volume of one adsorber, m3

w sb =f ads *H ads =96

Calculation of the dry mass of coal in the 1st adsorber, t

P sb \u003d W sb *Y sb us \u003d 11

Coal consumption, t/h

W sb \u003d W sb p / t 2 ads \u003d 0.23, which corresponds to the dose of coal

D sb \u003d W sb / q w \u003d 0.02

Facilities for ion-exchange wastewater treatment

Ion-exchange plants should be used for deep purification of wastewater from mineral and organic ionized compounds and their desalination. Wastewater supplied to the plant must not contain: salts - over 3000 mg/l; suspended solids - over 8 mg/l; COD should not exceed 8 mg/l.

Cation exchangers: Al 2 - in = 0.9 / 20 = 0.0045 mgeq / l


Anion exchangers:

Cl - in = 752.6 / 35 = 21.5 mgeq / l


SO 4 in = 952.6 / 48 = 19.8 mgeq / l


Cation volume

W cat \u003d 24q w (SC en k -SC ex k) / n reg * E wc k \u003d 0.000063 m 3

The working volumetric capacity of the cation exchanger by the least sorbed cation

E wc k \u003d a k * E gen k -K ion * q k * SC w k \u003d 859 g * eq / m 3

Area of ​​cation exchange filters Fk, m 2

F k \u003d q w / n f \u003d 1.42

Number of cation exchange filters: working - two, reserve one.

Loading layer height 2.5 meters

Filtration speed 8m/h

Ionite grain size 0.3-0.8

Head loss in filter 5.5 m

Water supply intensity 3-4 l / (s * m 2)

Loosening time 0.25 h

Regeneration should be carried out with 7-10% acid solutions (hydrochloric, sulfuric)

Regeneration solution flow rate £ 2 m/h

The specific consumption of ionized water is 2.5-3 m per 1 m3 of filter loading

The volume of the anionite W an, m 3 is determined similarly to the volume W cat and is 5.9 m 3

Filtration area

F an \u003d 24q w / n reg * t f * n f \u003d 7.6

where tf is the duration of each filter and is

t f \u003d 24 / n reg - (t 1 + t 2 + t 3) \u003d 1.8

Regeneration of anion-exchange filters should be carried out with 4-6% solutions of caustic soda, soda ash or ammonia; the specific consumption of the reagent for regeneration is 2.5-3 mg*eq per 1 mg*eq of sorbed anions.

After water ionization, mixed action filters are provided for deep water purification and regulation of the pH value of ionized water.


In the course of this course work, I got acquainted with the wastewater of this enterprise, with their characteristics. Calculated the standards for wastewater discharge (S PDS). According to these calculations, conclusions were drawn from which substances it is necessary to purify the wastewater of this enterprise. I selected a wastewater treatment scheme that is most suitable for these waters, calculated mechanical treatment facilities to remove suspended solids. The facilities for biological and physico-chemical treatment were also calculated. After three types of treatment, the water from the enterprise meets the standards and can be discharged into a water body.


1. Enlarged norms for water consumption and sanitation for various industries - M: Stroyizdat, 1982

Waters that ensure its safe use for human health for technical water supply. Chapter III. Modern requirements for the quality of recovered water When using treated wastewater for industrial water supply, a number of completely new technological, economic, social and hygienic problems arise, among which, perhaps, the most important is the justification ...

on the calculation of the quantity and quality of wastewater and pollutants received into the sewerage systems of settlements

MDK 3-01.2001

APPROVED by order of the Gosstroy of Russia of 04/06/2001 N 75

1. General Provisions

1.1. Guidelines for calculating the quantity and quality of wastewater and pollutants received into the sewerage systems of settlements (Methodological recommendations) are an instructive and methodological document developed on the basis of the "Rules for the use of public water supply and sewerage systems in Russian Federation"approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1999 N 167) and are being introduced to replace the current "Rules for the acceptance of industrial wastewater into the sewerage systems of settlements" (Ed. 5, add., 1989).

Ensuring trouble-free operation of structures and sewerage systems of the settlement (prevention of silting, greasing, blockage of pipelines, aggressive influence on the material of pipes, wells, violations of the technological regime of cleaning), as well as their protection from the harmful effects of pollutants contained in wastewater;

Ensuring the safe operation of networks and sewerage facilities, protecting the life and health of the population and maintenance personnel of water supply and sewerage organizations (WSS);

Systematic implementation of measures to reduce the discharge of wastewater and pollutants for each subscriber connection to the sewerage systems of the settlement;

Rational use and protection of water bodies from pollution.

1.4. Wastewater admitted to the sewerage systems of settlements must comply with the established standards for wastewater disposal in terms of volume and quality.

Development and approval of local Conditions for the reception of pollutants in the wastewater of subscribers discharged into the sewerage systems of settlements (hereinafter referred to as the Conditions);

Establishing water disposal limits for subscribers of sewerage systems in settlements;

Control of the composition and properties of wastewater from subscribers discharged into the sewerage systems of settlements.

1.6. The conditions for the reception of pollutants in the wastewater of subscribers discharged into the sewerage systems of settlements are developed by the WSS organizations and / or other organizations directly operating the sewerage systems of settlements, and / or on their behalf - contractors, and approved by the authorities local government(for subjects of the Russian Federation cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg - bodies executive power).

2. Basic concepts

water body - the concentration of waters on the surface of the land in the forms of its relief or in the bowels, having boundaries, volume and features of the water regime;

maximum allowable discharge (MPD) - the maximum amount of pollutants and the general properties of wastewater permitted by the WSS organization by a specially authorized state body for managing the use and protection of the water fund for discharge into a water body;

general properties of wastewater - a set of physical, chemical, organoleptic, biochemical and other properties of wastewater;

maximum permissible concentration (MAC) - the concentration of substances above which water is not suitable for one or more types of water use GOST 27065-86;

permit for the discharge (PC) of pollutants - permit documentation approved by the WSS organization for the subscriber on the quality of wastewater accepted into the sewerage system of the settlement;

permissible concentration (DC) - the maximum amount of pollutants per unit volume of wastewater, permitted by the WSS organization as part of the PC of pollutants;

normative indicator (NP) of general properties of wastewater - a limiting indicator of the general properties of wastewater, permitted by the WSS organization to the subscriber as part of PC pollutants;

suspended solids - the bulk of water-insoluble contaminants, which, depending on the size of individual particles and their density, can precipitate, float to the surface of the water or remain in suspension;

temporarily agreed concentration (TAC) - the maximum amount of pollutants per unit volume of wastewater, temporarily allowed to the WSS organization by a specially authorized state body for managing the use and protection of the water fund for discharge into a water body;

temporary allowable concentration (TDC) - the maximum amount of pollutants per unit volume of the subscriber's wastewater, temporarily allowed by the WSS organization to be discharged into the sewerage system of a settlement as part of temporary conditions for the reception (TRP) of pollutants;

temporarily permissible indicator (TAP) - an indicator of the general properties of wastewater, temporarily permitted by the WSS organization to the subscriber as part of the TRP of pollutants;

Temporary acceptance conditions (TRP) of pollutants contain a list of temporary allowable concentrations (TDC) of pollutants and temporary allowable indicators (TDP) of general properties of subscribers' wastewater;

volley discharge - discharge of sewage with an excess of more than 100 times the DK for any type of pollution, as well as the discharge of aggressive runoff with a pH of less than 2 or more than 12;

uncoordinated discharge - discharge of pollutants by the subscriber without approval of the discharge permit (PC) by the WSS organization;

water disposal limit - the maximum volume of wastewater allowed by the subscriber to be discharged into the sewerage system.

3.1. The main goals of limiting water disposal are:

Elimination of overload of networks and structures of sewerage systems by reducing the irrational use of water by subscribers, unreasonable discharge of wastewater;

Reduction of operating costs for the maintenance of sewerage systems;

Ensuring the reliability, uninterrupted operation of sewerage systems.

3.2. Water discharge limits are set for all categories of subscribers that discharge wastewater into the sewerage systems of settlements, with the exception of subscribers exempted from charging fees for excess discharge of wastewater and pollutants in accordance with local regulations;

Note: The assignment of the subscriber to the number of those exempted from charging for excess discharge of wastewater and pollutants is made by the decision of local authorities (for the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the cities of Moscow, St. and pollutants concluded between the WSS organization and the subscriber.

3.3. If the subscribers have sub-subscribers (in accordance with the concluded agreements), the water discharge limit set for the subscriber includes the water discharge limits of sub-subscribers.

3.4. The volume of sewage of the subscriber (including sub-subscribers) is subject to the limitation of water disposal after the use of water from all sources of water supply (drinking, artesian, hot, technical water supply, steam from the heat supply organization and others) minus the actual or standard volume of waste water from the objects of subscribers (sub-subscribers), exempt from charging fees for excess discharge of wastewater and pollutants in accordance with local regulations.

3.5. Water disposal limits are set based on the conditions for the rational use by subscribers (sub-subscribers) of water from all sources of water supply (drinking, artesian, hot, technical water supply, steam from a heat supply organization, and others), taking into account:

Technical possibilities for receiving wastewater into sewerage systems;

Implementation by subscribers (sub-subscribers) of planned measures to reduce the discharge of wastewater and pollutants.

3.6. The rational use by the subscriber (sub-subscriber) of water from all sources of water supply should ensure that there is no discharge into the sewerage system:

Leaks due to malfunction of water shut-off valves, violation of technological regulations for the operation of equipment, instruments, production processes;

Wastewater suitable for use in re-circulating technological cycles, including with the installation of treatment facilities;

Wastewater, which can be excluded when transferring production technologies to low-water and non-drainage processes.

3.7. In order to establish technically justified water discharge limits for subscribers, the subscriber develops, submits and agrees with the WSS organizations the following technical documentation for water disposal:

Water management balance calculation, substantiating the rational use of water and wastewater discharge into the sewerage system of a settlement with the calculation of water disposal limits (hereinafter referred to as the water management balance calculation) according to exemplary form according to Appendix 1;

Plan of water protection measures to reduce the irrational use of water, discharge of wastewater and pollutants (hereinafter - the plan of water protection measures) in an approximate form in accordance with Appendix 2.

3.8. The documentation under clause 3.7 is developed by the subscriber independently or on behalf of the subscriber by a contracting organization that has a license to perform design work for water supply and sewerage, or special sections on environmental protection.

The WSS organization is obliged to check the water management balance together with the subscriber at the place of production and draw up an appropriate act.

3.9. The development of a water management balance calculation and a plan for water protection measures is carried out as follows:

Section I of the water management balance calculation is filled in by the subscriber if he or the sub-subscriber has facilities that are exempt from charging for excess discharge of wastewater and pollutants into the sewerage systems of settlements (see note to clause 3.2).

At the same time, section I of the water management balance calculation indicates the standard volumes of water disposal of these objects, determined according to the current norms of SNIP 2.04. the number of students working, from installed plumbing equipment, according to passports for installed technological equipment.

3.10. In the event that the sub-subscriber is completely exempt from charging fees for exceeding the limit of wastewater discharge into sewerage systems (in accordance with the terms of the contract), the water disposal limit is set only for the subscriber of sewerage systems. At the same time, in section I of the water management balance of the calculation, the subscriber makes a corresponding reference to the contract.

3.11. Section II of the water management balance calculation and section I of the plan for water protection measures are filled in by the subscriber if he has a sub-subscriber (as agreed with the latter).

3.12. Section III of the water management balance calculation is filled in by the subscriber for the use of water and the discharge of wastewater from his own needs.

3.13. The water protection plan must ensure the effectiveness of reducing the volume of water disposal of the subscriber through the introduction of water protection measures (taking into account sub-subscribers - if any), with the achievement of rational use of water in accordance with clause 3.7.

3.14. The WSS organization, having considered the presented water management balance calculations (as compared with the actual situation), as well as plans for water protection measures and determining the possibility of their coordination, agrees on the water discharge limit as part of the water management balance calculations (with a phased breakdown by years according to the timing of the implementation of water protection measures according to the plan).

3.15. If it is necessary to verify the reliability of the submitted materials (due to discrepancies with accounting data for actually discharged wastewater, previously agreed water management balances, water management passports, plans, etc.), the WSS organization conducts a survey of the subscriber's water management activities with the preparation of an appropriate survey report.

3.16. The WSS organization has the right to reject the documents under clause 3.8 from approval in the event of a discrepancy between the data of the water management balance calculation submitted by the subscriber:

Current standards of water consumption and sanitation, indications of measuring instruments, equipment;

The act of inspection of water management activities according to clause 3.15;

Inaccuracies in calculating the limits of water disposal.

3.17. The term for consideration of the submitted documentation under clause 3.8 is 15 days. The term can be extended up to 30 days in case of need for additional examination and a large amount of documentation submitted for approval to the WSS organization.

3.18. The period of validity of the approval of documents under clause 3.8 is until the change in the water management balance of the subscriber (sub-subscriber), but not more than 3 years. The subscriber must notify the WSS organization about maintaining the water management balance two weeks before the deadline for setting the limit for the subscriber.

3.19. Subscribers who have changed the actual volume of wastewater discharge have the right to apply to the WSS organization within 2 weeks before the establishment of the water discharge limit for adjustment with the submission of supporting documents and calculations.

3.20. If the subscriber fails to submit or expires the technical documentation under clause 3.18 (which predetermines the impossibility of setting technically justified water discharge limits for him), the limits are initially set at the level of 80-90% of the total volume of wastewater actually discharged by the subscriber (sub-subscriber) over the past year, from their further reduction in the event of a systematic failure by the subscriber to submit technical documentation, to the consumption of wastewater from household needs.

3.21. Control over compliance by subscribers with the established water discharge limits is carried out by the WSS organization within the established time limits by reconciliation with the total volume of wastewater actually discharged by the subscriber (including sub-subscribers).

3.22. Control over the rational water disposal of sub-subscribers and compliance by sub-subscribers with the established water discharge limits is carried out by the subscriber.

wastewater subscribers

Prevention of environmental pollution;

Ensuring trouble-free and safe operation of networks and sewerage facilities;

Ensuring the standards for the discharge of pollutants into water bodies established by the WSS organizations.

4.2. Rationing the quality of wastewater discharged by subscribers into the sewerage systems of settlements is based on the following fundamental principles:

The need to comply with the values ​​​​of permissible concentrations of pollutants and the general properties of wastewater at the outlet (s) of sewerage systems of settlements, established by a specially authorized state body for managing the use and protection of the water fund;

Accounting for the actual parameters of wastewater treatment at sewage treatment plants;

Taking into account the requirements for the protection of networks and structures of the sewerage system, based on the requirements for the regulations for their operation (prevention of silting, greasing, blockage of pipes, aggressive influence on the material of pipes, wells, equipment, as well as ensuring the technological regime of cleaning);

Accounting for the actual quality of domestic wastewater of subscribers who own or manage the housing stock (hereinafter referred to as housing stock subscribers);

Definitions of unified regulatory requirements for the quality of wastewater discharged by subscribers into the sewerage system, differentiated:

For subscribers who own or manage the housing stock;

For other subscribers.

4.3. Water disposal standards for the quality of wastewater from subscribers are developed for each settlement in accordance with approved local conditions.

4.4. The terms must contain:

Normative indicators of the general properties of wastewater accepted into the sewerage system of a settlement;

General list and standards of permissible concentrations of pollutants in wastewater received from subscribers into the sewerage system of a settlement;

List of substances prohibited for discharge into the sewerage systems of a settlement;

The procedure for issuing (approving) a permit for the discharge of pollutants.

4.5. Regulatory indicators (NP) of the general properties of wastewater accepted into the sewerage systems of settlements are set uniform for wastewater of all categories of subscribers, based on the requirements for the protection of networks and structures of sewerage systems, namely:

wastewater temperature 40°;

6,5 < pH < 8,5

dilution factor at which the color disappears

in a column of 10 cm 1: 11

COD: BOD 2.5*

COD: BOD 1.5*

* for subscribers (sub-subscribers) whose wastewater has not been subjected to preliminary biological treatment at local facilities.

total mineralization of 1000 mg/l when discharged into a water body for drinking and domestic water use;

when discharged into a water body for fishery use in accordance with the toxification of a fishery water body;

suspended solids 200-400 mg/l depending on the hydraulic regime of the network;

sulfides 1.5 mg/l - to prevent the destruction of the network.

Other general indicators of wastewater accepted into the sewerage systems of populated areas (BOD, COD) are established when designing treatment facilities.

4.6. The list and standards of permissible concentrations of pollutants in wastewater received from subscribers into the sewerage systems of settlements are established based on:

4.6.1. List of substances removed in the process of biological treatment, indicating their limiting sign of hazard (LPH), permissible concentration for biological treatment, achieved removal efficiency and MPC in the water of water bodies (Appendix 3);

4.6.2. List of pollutants not removed during biological treatment (Appendix 4);

4.6.3. The list of substances prohibited from being discharged into the sewerage system of a settlement in order to ensure trouble-free operation of networks and structures of sewerage systems (prevention of silting, greasing, blockage of pipelines, aggressive influence on the material of pipes, wells, equipment, violation of the technological cleaning regime), ensuring the health of personnel, serving the sewerage system (Appendix 5).

Along with the pollutants and materials specified in Appendix 5, it is prohibited to discharge into the sewerage systems of a settlement sewage of subscribers, characterized by an excess of more than 100 times the DC for any type of pollution and high aggressiveness (2 > pH > 12);

4.6.4. Average characteristics of the quality of domestic wastewater discharged by subscribers of the housing stock (Appendix 6);

4.6.5. Estimates of local conditions for water disposal in terms of compliance with MPD standards at outlets of sewerage systems of settlements into water bodies.

4.7. It is recommended to calculate the DK standards for pollutants in wastewater discharged by subscribers to the sewerage systems of settlements that have treatment facilities at outlets to a water body as follows:

4.7.1. As a first approximation, the DC of a pollutant for wastewater from housing stock subscribers () is taken to be the actual average concentration of a pollutant in the composition of domestic wastewater from housing stock subscribers, or


Average actual concentration of a pollutant in domestic wastewater discharged by housing stock subscribers (mg/l). It is established on the basis of average measurement data of the qualitative composition and properties of wastewater received into the sewerage system of a settlement from subscribers of the housing stock.

In the absence of measurement data on the quality of the composition of domestic wastewater, averaged data on the concentrations of pollutants in wastewater from housing stock subscribers can be taken according to those given in Appendix 6.

4.7.2. The main calculation formula for determining the standards for permissible concentrations of pollutants in wastewater from other subscribers (DKpr) is:


Estimated value of the permissible concentration of a pollutant in wastewater discharged by other subscribers to the sewerage system (mg/l);

Annual consumption of wastewater entering the treatment plant, (thousand m / year);

Annual wastewater consumption of other subscribers (including the consumption of surface and drainage wastewater (thousand m3/year) with a combined system);

Permissible concentration of a pollutant in wastewater from a settlement entering treatment facilities (mg/l);

Permissible concentration of a pollutant in wastewater, established on the basis of the condition for preventing silting and aggressive impact on public sewerage networks (mg/l). is accepted according to clause 4.5 of these methodological recommendations, according to indicators: temperature, total mineralization, suspended solids and sulfides.

The limit values ​​of other pollutants that have or may have a silting, aggressive effect on the sewer network (sulphates, chlorides, fats, etc.) are set taking into account local specifics based on data from reference literature or scientific research.

The calculation of the standard is carried out in two stages:

The first step in the calculation is to determine the value of .

The value is assigned according to the smallest value for a particular pollution compared, or:

Theoretically possible concentration of a pollutant in the composition of wastewater from a settlement, which does not adversely affect the technological mode of operation of biological treatment facilities (mg/l);

Estimated permissible concentration of a pollutant in wastewater entering the sewage treatment plant, based on the conditions for ensuring the standard quality of wastewater discharged into a water body (mg / l) (i.e. indicators approved as part of the MPD, approved by a specially authorized state body management of the use and protection of the water fund).

, (4)

The normative value of the concentration of a pollutant approved by a specially authorized state body for managing the use and protection of the water fund as part of the MPD at the outlet of the sewerage system of a settlement into a water body (mg/l);

Efficiency of purification (retention) of the pollutant removed at the treatment facilities of the settlement (%). Accepted according to Appendix 3.

For those pollutants for which MPC has not been established in a water body and there are no MPC standards in the water of reservoirs (for example, fats), but which require rationing in order to ensure the normal operation of facilities and are present in the wastewater of subscribers, the value is taken as . In the absence of data on the entry of such substances into the sewerage system of settlements is prohibited.

In cases where pollutants that are not removed are present in the wastewater of subscribers (Appendix 4), their permissible concentration () should be at the level of their MPC in the water of the water body of the corresponding type of use. In the absence of data on MPC, the entry of such pollutants into the sewerage systems of settlements is prohibited.

At the second stage of the calculation, the values ​​for each ingredient are calculated according to the formula (2).

4.7.3. In those cases when, when calculating the standards according to formula (2), the values ​​\u200b\u200bare obtained, the standards for permissible concentrations of pollutants in the wastewater of other subscribers at the discharge into the sewerage system are set at the level of the values ​​\u200b\u200bof the permissible concentrations in the wastewater of the settlement entering the treatment plant accepted in the calculations , i.e.

if this results in less than the actual maximum concentration in drinking water (), then it is taken equal to .

Accordingly, since the values ​​of , at the same time, the quality of the household runoff of subscribers of the housing stock is normalized for the same indicator at the same level as , namely:

If the WSS organization, when compiling state statistical reports in accordance with Form 2 TP-vodkhoz, takes into account the correction for background pollution of the facility, and if, when calculating the discharge standards for DKpr, it turns out that it is less than the actual maximum concentration in drinking water (Spit.) at points according to work program production control quality of drinking water (agreed by the bodies of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision), then DKpr is taken equal to Spit.

4.7.4. The values ​​of the DC standards obtained by calculation should be analyzed by the WSS organization from the point of view of assessing the compliance of the WSS organization with the established MPDs (MPCs) for discharges into water bodies. If a reserve is found between the actual discharge and the approved MPD at the outlet into the water body, the WSS organization has the right to set an increased standard for subscribers based on the actual conditions of water disposal and ensuring the protection of networks and sewerage facilities from a negative impact on their mode of operation.

4.7.5. DC values ​​are accepted with rounding at the calculated value:

4.7.6. Examples of calculations of DC standards for pollutants for subscribers are presented in Appendix 7.

4.8. In the absence of treatment facilities in the sewerage system of a settlement, the calculation of the standards for pollutants in wastewater discharged by subscribers is carried out according to formulas (1), (2) and (5), while the value is determined by the formula:


economy is carried out (by order specially authorized bodies in area environment) toxicological control of the quality of succulent waters, and the results of this control fix the toxicity of wastewater entering the treatment facilities of the municipal sewerage system (or at the outlet to a water body) of the above-established limit standards, - the standard level (category) of toxicity of wastewater from subscribers is calculated. The calculation is carried out similarly to the calculation of the pollutant standards for pollutants (with the exception of the correction for - see clause 4.7.3). The degree of reduction of wastewater toxicity at urban sewerage facilities is taken into account according to wastewater monitoring data before and after municipal facilities.

4.9. The establishment of water disposal standards for the quality of wastewater for a specific subscriber is carried out by the WSS organization as part of the permissible discharge of pollutants.

The grounds for establishing a permit for a subscriber to discharge (PC) pollutants in wastewater are:

Approved by local authorities (or executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) Conditions for the reception of pollutants in wastewater discharged by subscribers into the sewerage system of a settlement;

The act of delimitation of responsibility between the subscriber and the organization of the WSS for sewerage networks;

The results of analytical measurement of the composition and properties of the subscriber's wastewater, performed according to complete list pollutants regulated in the Terms by a specialized laboratory (organization) accredited for technical competence in the field of wastewater analysis in accordance with the rules established by the State Standard of Russia.

4.10. The subscriber's PC contaminants must contain:

Normative indicators of the general properties of wastewater discharged by the subscriber (including sub-subscribers);

The list of permissible concentrations of pollutants in wastewater discharged by the subscriber (including sub-subscribers), differentiated by sewerage basins of treatment facilities and sewerage systems;

List of substances prohibited for discharge into the sewerage system.

4.11. Draft permits for the discharge of pollutants in the wastewater of subscribers discharged into the sewerage systems of settlements are developed by the subscriber in accordance with the requirements of the Conditions in an approximate form in accordance with Appendix 8 to these Instructions and submitted to the WSS organization for approval.

4.12. The period of validity of PC pollutants is determined by the WSS organization.

4.13. WSS organizations are granted the right to establish for subscribers performing water protection measures to reduce pollutant discharges temporary conditions for receiving pollutants (TRP) based on the technical and technological feasibility of sewerage systems, as well as limits for temporarily agreed discharges (VSS) for outlets of sewerage systems of a settlement in water objects.

4.14. The procedure for the establishment of pollutants for the subscribers of the VUP is determined by the organization of the WSS.

4.15. Calculation of the excess fee established norms DC is produced in the manner prescribed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

discharged by subscribers to the sewerage systems of settlements

5.1. General provisions

5.1.1. The main purpose of monitoring the composition and properties of wastewater discharged by subscribers into the sewerage systems of settlements is the observance by subscribers of the established standards for water disposal in terms of quality, as well as temporary conditions for the reception (TRP) of pollutants.

5.1.2. Control of the composition and properties of wastewater from subscribers includes:

Waste water sampling;

Delivery of selected samples to analytical laboratories;

Analytical measurements of the composition and properties of wastewater;

Preparation of the necessary documentation.

5.2. Organization of work to control the composition and properties of wastewater from subscribers

5.2.1. The WSS organization controls the composition and properties of the subscriber's wastewater. The frequency of planned control of the composition and properties of the subscriber's wastewater is established by the WSS organization individually for each subscriber, depending on the results of the previous chemical control, the implementation of water protection construction plans, but at least once a year.

5.2.2. The list of monitored indicators of the composition and properties of the subscriber's wastewater is determined by the WSS organization in accordance with the permit approved by the WSS organization for the discharge (PC) of pollutants in the wastewater of subscribers and / or the established temporary acceptance conditions (TRP) of pollutants.

5.2.3. Unscheduled control of waste water of subscribers is carried out:

In case of emergency discharges of pollutants through the sewerage systems of settlements into water bodies;

In case of emergency (volley) discharges of pollutants into the sewerage systems of settlements registered by the operational services of the WSS organization;

In order to verify that the subscriber has eliminated the excess of water disposal standards for wastewater quality, recorded during the previous control;

When the actual quality of wastewater discharged into water bodies from sewerage systems exceeds the established, specially authorized government bodies, limits on wastewater discharge (taking into account the deviations agreed by these authorities from the average statistical values ​​of wastewater quality for discharge into water bodies);

In order to verify the accuracy of the lists of pollutants declared by the subscriber in the composition of the DS and / or VUP, as well as in other documents submitted by the subscriber;

Approval by specially authorized state bodies of additional indicators as part of the limits for discharge into water bodies and laboratory control schedules for nature management facilities of the WSS organization;

At the request of the subscriber. In this case, the work to control the composition and properties of wastewater is paid by the subscriber in full.

5.2.4. In the event of exceptional circumstances (natural disasters, ecological disasters, emergency discharges, etc.) the WSS organization conducts, if necessary, extraordinary control of the composition and properties of wastewater at any necessary control points and at any time.

5.2.5. The analysis of the subscriber's wastewater samples is carried out by the laboratory of the WSS organization or any other laboratory (organization) accredited for technical competence and independence in the field of wastewater analysis according to the rules established by the State Standard of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the analytical laboratory), which is responsible for the safety of samples (with the time of registration of the delivered sealed samples), the quality of the analytical measurements, the presentation of the results of the analysis and compliance with safety regulations.

5.2.6. Works to control the composition and properties of wastewater from subscribers are carried out in accordance with the procedure approved by local governments (for constituent entities of the Russian Federation - by executive authorities), and in the absence of the above procedure - in accordance with GOST R 51592-00, certified methods for performing measurements and other regulatory documents.

5.3. Production of sampling works

5.3.1. The place for sampling the subscriber's wastewater during planned monitoring of the composition and properties of wastewater is a control well in the sewerage system of a settlement or another place for sampling wastewater at the outlet of the subscriber, determined by agreement between the subscriber and the WSS organization and allowing to take into account the impact of wastewater from sub-subscribers.

5.3.2. Sampling of wastewater from the subscriber is carried out at any time of the day without prior notice to the subscriber.

5.3.3. If the subscriber has automatic samplers, when taking samples to control the composition and properties of wastewater, it is necessary to follow the instructions for using these samplers. Make sure that this sampler has the appropriate certificate or certificate of use for sampling wastewater for controlled contamination levels.

If the subscriber does not have automatic samplers to control the composition and properties of the subscriber's wastewater, a point (one-time) control sample is taken by taking the amount of wastewater necessary for the production of chemical analysis.

5.3.4. Vessels are used for sampling wastewater, which should ensure the safety of the chemical composition of the test water, as well as exclude additional pollution of the sampled water.

5.3.5. The volume of samples taken should be sufficient to carry out the necessary analytical measurements on controlled indicators of water pollution.

5.3.6. The sample should be taken on the straight sections of the drainage devices, from the tray of a sewer well or a falling jet.

5.3.7. Based on the results of sampling work on site, a sampling report is drawn up (Appendix 10). If it is impossible to take wastewater samples due to the discharge of pollutants prohibited from being discharged into the sewerage system of a settlement, a protocol is drawn up on site for detecting the discharge of pollutants prohibited from being discharged into the sewerage system (Appendix 9). The protocol and the act must be signed by representatives of the WSS organization and the subscriber indicating the position and surname. The second copies of the protocol and act remain with the subscriber.

If the subscriber disagrees with the content of the protocol and / or act, the subscriber is obliged to sign them indicating his objections to the claims. If the subscriber refuses to sign these documents, they come into force unilaterally with the mark "refused to sign".

5.3.8. In the case of parallel* sampling of wastewater, the fact of parallel sampling is recorded in the act. The subscriber pays in advance the costs of the WSS organization associated with parallel sampling, according to the price list approved by the WSS organization.

5.4. Production of works on storage and delivery of selected samples

5.4.1. The glassware in which the samples are stored and transported must be marked in a way that excludes the possibility of marking violations.

The fact of preparation and transfer by the laboratory of clean glassware for sampling is recorded in a special journal. The laboratory is responsible for the preparation of glassware.

Sampling and storage for measurements of BOD, COD, mercury, oil products, fats, phenols, hydrocarbons and other organic substances, dissolved gases is carried out only in glassware.

5.4.2. The sampling report must state:

Name, code of sampling site;

Date and time of the start and end of sampling;

Number (code) of the bottle (container);

List of controlled indicators of pollutants in water;

Measures taken to preserve the samples taken;

Position, surname and signature of the responsible person of the WSS organization and the subscriber who participated in the sampling;

The name of the laboratory.

5.4.3. The time of delivery of samples to the laboratory is indicated in the act of sampling or in a special register for receiving wastewater samples.

5.4.4. When storing wastewater samples, it is necessary to strictly observe the permissible storage periods * specified in the certified measurement procedures, and in the absence of such information in the procedures - specified in GOST R 51592-2000.

* Without special preservation of samples, their storage time depends on the ambient temperature and ranges from 2 hours at 20 °C to 24 hours at 4 °C. Overheating and overcooling of samples is not allowed, i.e. storage of samples for more than 0.5 hours at temperatures below -15 °C and above +30 °C.

5.4.5. In the case of parallel sampling of wastewater, the characteristics of the glassware for storing samples used by the subscriber must also be reflected.

Responsibility for the preparation and cleanliness of sample storage and delivery utensils, sample mixing container and mixing device provided by the subscriber for parallel sampling lies with the laboratory involved by the subscriber for the chemical analysis of the "parallel" sample.

5.4.6. The WSS organization and the subscriber (in the case of parallel sampling) must ensure the conditions for the safety of samples when they are delivered to the laboratory by any available method (including by sealing and/or sealing samples).

5.4.7. Delivery of wastewater samples is carried out by any permitted mode of transport that ensures the safety of samples. Delivery must be organized in such a way as to prevent overheating of the sample. It is recommended to use devices that ensure the storage of samples at a temperature of 2-5 °C.

5.5. Conducting analytical work

5.5.1. The analytical laboratory records (registers) delivered sealed samples.

From this moment on, the laboratory is responsible for the safety of samples and the quality of analytical measurements.

5.5.2. Analytical laboratory conducts necessary work in accordance with regulatory documents and methods for performing measurements (MVI) of the composition and properties of wastewater. The determination of the content of metal ions is carried out by transferring them from a natural sample into soluble forms.

5.6. Formulation of analysis results

5.6.1. The results of the analysis are issued on the letterhead of the analytical laboratory (organization) that performed analytical measurements of the composition and properties of wastewater samples signed by the head of the laboratory (organization) indicating:

Name and legal address of the laboratory (organization);

Date and time of delivery of samples and issuance of analysis results;

The name (code) of the controlled object and the number of the sampling report;

List of analyzed indicators;

The measured values ​​of these indicators.

5.6.2. When drawing up a protocol of the results of analysis of wastewater samples (Appendix 11), the laboratory rounds off the values ​​of these results in accordance with regulatory documents.

5.6.3. If the protocol of the results of the analysis by the laboratory presents data on the analyzed indicators, the values ​​of which are less than the lower limit of measurement of the applied analysis methodology (< ), при дальнейшем уведомлении абонента о результатах анализа организация ВКХ такой результат анализа принимает за "ноль" (отсутствие).

5.7. Resolution of disputes based on the results of the analysis

If the results of sample analyzes, taking into account the metrological characteristics of the analysis methods, differ, the results obtained in an independent certified and (or) accredited organization (laboratory) are taken as the true value.

If both laboratories are certified and (or) accredited, then the subscriber has the right to apply to the accreditation body, which, based on the appropriate verification of the results of the analyzes of these laboratories, makes the final decision on the issue under consideration.

Annex 1

Approximate form

N Name, Note
1 2 3


justifying rational use

water and wastewater discharges into systems

village sewerage

N Name

water consumption

Name Norm Rationale Mode The volume of water consumption,

m / year / m / working day

The volume of water disposal in the systems

Sewerage m / year / m / working day

beater and




(m) on column 4 working day, working day day/year Total drinking water industrial water Total from using

drinking water

from using


Wastewater installations, processes


measurements source cold hot steam source cold hot steam cold hot steam cold hot steam
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

SECTION I. Normative volumes of water consumption and water disposal at the subscriber's (sub-subscriber's) facilities exempted from charging for excess discharge of wastewater and pollutants into sewerage systems.

SECTION II. Water management balance calculation of a sub-subscriber


SECTION III. Water management balance calculation of the subscriber


Total for Sections II, III

SECTION IV. Calculation of water disposal limits.

for 200+.. year L = cubic meter/
for 200+.. year L = cubic meters/ (including sub-subscriber's limit cubic meter/
for _____ year L = cubic meters/ (including sub-subscriber's limit cubic meter/

Annex 2

Approximate form

Name of the subscriber, sewerage system ______________________

Sewer system subscriber address _____________________________

N Name, Note
1 2 3

water protection measures

to reduce waste

water, wastewater and pollutant discharges

N Name



Project capacity


Source Term Estimated cost of the event

in thousand rubles (at current year prices)

The effectiveness of the planned activities,

m / day / m / year





m / day Contractor About- Remainder Plan for

(implementation period)

Including Volume


water consumption





the waters cleared up to norm -

active quality



decreasing at



2000 2001 2001 2003 2003 200_ drinking technical grief V


into the body of water V


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
I. Plan of water protection measures of the sub-subscriber.
Total: for 2000
for 2001
for ___ year
II. Plan of water protection measures of the subscriber.
Total: for 2000
for 2001
for ___ year

Annex 3


pollutants removed from wastewater

at biological treatment facilities

N Substance Max. Effect-


When resetting the cleaning

wastewater into water

economic object

drinking and cultural


water use

When collecting cleaning

wastewater into water

fish farm facility


water use

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Acrylic acid - 65 s-t 0,5 tox. 0,0025 3
2. Acrolein 0,01 - s-t 0,02 1 - - -
3. allyl alcohol 3 65 org. 0,1 - - - -
4. Aluminum 5 50 s-t 0,5 2 tox. 0,04 4
5. Ammonium nitrogen (ion)** 45 30 s-t 2,0 3 tox. 0,5 4
6. Aniline 0,1 80 s-t 0,1 2 tox. 0,0001 2
7. Acetaldehyde 20 80 org. 0,2 4 org. 0,25 4
8. Acetone 40 total 2,2 3 tox. 0,05 3
9. Barium 10 40 s-t 0,1 2 org. 0,74 4
10. Benzoic acid 15 80 total 0,6 - - - -
11. Butyl acrylate - 65 org. 0,01 4 tox. 0,0005 3
12. Butyl acetate - - total 0,1 4 s-t 0,3 4
13. Butyl alcohol is normal. 10 80 s-t 0,1 2 tox. 0,03 3
14. -" - secondary 20 80 s-t 0,2 2 - - -
15. -" - tertiary 20 80 s-t 1,0 2 tox. 1,0 4
16. Vanadium 2,0 65 s-t 0,1 3 tox. 0,001 3
17. Vinyl acetate 100 30 s-t 0,2 2 tox. 0,01 4
18. Bismuth 15 65 s-t 0,1 2 - - -
19. Hydrazine 0,1 - s-t 0,1 2 tox. 0,00025 -
20. hydroquinone 15 30 org. 0,2 4 tox. 0,001
21. Glycosine 30 35 - - - dignity. 0,1 4
22. Glycerol 90 - total 0,5 4 s-t 1,0 4
23. dibutyl phthalate 0,2 30 total 0,2 3 - - -
24. Dimethylacetamide 15 80 s-t 0,4 2 s-t 1,2 4
25. Dimethylphenylcarbinol 1,0 65 s-t 0,05 2 s-t 1,0 4
26. Dimethylphenol - 50 org. 0,25 4 tox. 0,01 3
27. Adipic acid dinitrile - 30 s-t 0,1 2 - - -
28. Dicyandiamide 100 30 org. 10,0 4 - - -
29. Diethanolamide 1,0 - org. 0,8 4 tox. 0,01 3
30. diethylamine 10 30 s-t 2,0 3 tox. 0,01 3
31. Iron 5 65 org. 0,3 3 tox. 0,1 4
32. Fats (vegetable and animal) 50 60 Normalized by BOD normalized by BOD
33. Isobutyl alcohol - 50 total 1,0 4 tox. 2,4 4
34. Isopropyl alcohol - 65 org. 0,25 4 tox. 0,01 3
35. Cadmium 0,1 50 s-t 0,001 2 tox. 0,005 2
36. Caprolactam 25 80 total 1,0 4 tox. 0,01 3
37. Carbomethylcellulose By - total according to BOD - tox. 12,0 4
38. Carbomol - 60 total according to BOD 4 org. 1,0 -
39. Cobalt 1,0 40 s-t 0,1 2 tox. 0,01 3
40. o-cresol 100 40 s-t 0,004 2 tox. 0,003 -
41. Crotonaldehyde 6 - s-t 0,3 3 tox. 0,01 4
42. xylene 1,0 50 org. 0,05 3 org. 0,05 3
43. latex 10 - org. 6,0 4 tox. 001-1,6 3-4
44. Ludigol 100 60 Hopped by BOD - - -
45. Maleic acid 60 80 org. 1,0 4 - - -
46. Manganese 30 - org. 0,1 3 tox. 0,01 4
47. Butyric acid 500 85 s-t 0,01 2 - - -
48. Copper 0,5 65 org. 1,0 3 tox. 0,001 3
49. Metazine 10 30 org. 0,3 4 - - -
50. Methacrylamide - 30 s-t 0,1 2 - - -
51. Methacrylic acid - 30 s-t 1,0 3 tox. 0,005 3
52. methanol 30 80 - - - s-t 0,1 4
53. Methyl methacrylate 500 65 s-t 0,01 2 tox. 0,001 3
54. Methylstyrene 1,0 50 org. 0,1 3 - - -
55. Methyl ethyl ketone 50 65 org. 1,0 3 - - -
56. Molybdenum - 30 s-t 0,25 2 tox. 0,0012 -
57. Lactic acid - 85 total 0,9 4 normalized by BOD
58. Monoethanolamine 5 50 s-t 0,5 2 s-t 0,01 4
59. Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether - 65 total 1,0 - - - -
60. Urea (urea) according to BOD total according to BOD 4 s-t 80 4
61. Formic acid - 85 - according to BOD - tox. 1,0 -
62. Arsenic 0,1 40 s-t 0,05 2 tox. 0,05 3
63. L-naphthol - 65 org. 0,1 3 - - -
64. V-naphthol - 65 s-t 0,4 3 - - -
65. Oil and oil products in sol. and emulsifier. form 15 70 org. 0,3 3 fish. -hoz. 0,05 3
66. Nickel 0,5 40 s-t 0,1 3 tox. 0,01 3
67. Nitrobenzene - 70 s-t 0,2 3 tox. 0,01 -
68. Nitrates (by NO) - - s-t 45 3 s-t 40 -
69. - "- (by N) - - s-t 10,2 3 s-t 9 -
70. Nitrites (according to NO) - - s-t 3,3 2 tox. 0,08 -
71. - "- (by N) - - - 1,0 7 - 0,02 -
72. Octanol (octyl alcohol) - 50 org. 0,05 3 - - -
73. Tin 10 - tox. 6 4 tox. 0,66 4
74. Pyrocatechin - 80 org. 0,1 4 - - -
75. Polyacrylamide 40 - s-t 2,0 2 tox. 0,08 -
76. polyvinyl alcohol 20 - org. 0,1 4 tox. 0,3 4
77. propylene glycol - 85 total 0,6 3 - - -
78. propyl alcohol 12 - org. 0,25 4 - - -
79. Resorcinol 12 80 total 0,1 4 tox. 0,04 3
80. Mercury 0,005 50 s-t 0,0005 - tox. missing 1
81. Lead 0,1 40 s-t 0,03 2 tox. 0,1 3
82. Selenium 10 40 s-t 0,001 2 tox. 0,0016 2
83. carbon disulfide 5 - org. 1,0 4 tox. 1,0 3
84. Syntamid 60 org. 0,1 4 s-t 0,1 4
85. surfactant (anionic) 20 65 org. 0,5 - - - -
86. Styrene 10 50 org. 0,1 - org. 0,1 3
87. Strontium 26 15 s-t 7 - tox. 10,0 4
88. Sulfides (sodium) 1 50 total missing - tox. 0,01 3
89. Antimony 0,5 30 s-t 0,05 - - - -
90. thiourea 10 40 s-t 0,03 2 tox. 1,0 4
91. Titanium 0,1 65 gen.-s 0,1 3 tox. 0,06 4
92. Toluene 15 50 org. 0,5 4 org. 0,5 3
93. Tricresyl Phosphate 40 30 s-t 0,05 2 - - -
94. Triethanolamine 5 40 org. 1,0 4 tox. 0,01 3
95. Acetic acid 80 org. 1,0 3 tox. 0,01 4
96. Phenol 15 80 org. 0,001 4 fish.- 0,001 -
97. Formaldehyde 100 65 s-t 0,05 2 tox. 0,1 4
98. Phosphates** 20 30 - - - tox.


2 (according to R) -
99. Phthalic acid 0,5 60 org. 0,02 4 tox. 3,0 4
100. Fluorides (anion) - 15 s-t 1,5(1,2) 2 tox. 0,5 3
101. Chromium 2,5 65 s-t 0,5 3 tox. 0,07 3
102. Chromium 50 s-t 0,05 3 tox. 0,02 3
103. Chromolane 10 20 total 0,5 3 org. 0,5 3
104. Cyanides (anion) 1,5 60 s-t 0,1 2 tox. 0,05 3
105. Zinc 1,0 60 tox. 1,0 3 tox. 0,01 3
106. Ethanol 14 70 total - - tox. 0,01 -
107. Emukril S 10 - org. 5,0 3 tox. 1,6 4
108. Etamon DS 10 30 org. 4,0 4 dignity. 0,5 4
109. 2-ethylhexanol 6 - - - - dignity. 0,5 4
110. Ethylene glycol 1000 65 s-t 1,0 3 s-t 0,25 4
111. Ethylene chlorohydrin 5 65 s-t 0,1 2 s-t 0,1 2

* LPV - limiting indicator of harmfulness: "s-t" - sanitary-toxicological;

"tox" - toxicological; "org." - organoleptic; "gen." - general sanitary;

"fish-farm." - fishery; "san" - sanitary.

** Ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiencies are given for current conventional biological treatment technology. When using special technologies (schemes with nitrification-denitrification, reagent or biological removal of phosphates, etc.), requiring the reconstruction of treatment facilities, the removal efficiency can be increased up to 95-98%.

MPC for fishery reservoirs depends on the trophicity of reservoirs

dash means no data


1. The efficiency of pollutant removal at biological treatment facilities (column 4) is taken according to actual average annual data obtained during operation.

2. When operating biological treatment facilities with the provision of design indicators for the quality of treatment in terms of BOD and suspended solids, actual operational data on the efficiency of treatment (retention) of pollutants (average values ​​for the last 2-3 years of operation of treatment facilities) should be used as calculated values.

3. If the biological treatment facilities do not provide the qualitative indicators of wastewater treatment specified in the projects, operational data on the efficiency of cleaning (retention) of pollutants should also be applied.

4. In the absence of systematic operational data on the effectiveness of cleaning (or the impossibility of establishing it), the indicator from column 4 of this table is taken.

Appendix 4


pollutants not removed from wastewater

at biological treatment facilities

N Substance When discharged into a water body for drinking and domestic water use When discharged into a fishery water use facility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Anisole (methoxybenzene) s-t 0,05 3 - - -
2. Acetophenone -"- 0,1 4 tox. 0,04 3
3. Butylbenzene org. 0,1 3 - - -
4. Hexachloran
(hexachlorocyclohexane) org. 0,02 4 tox. missing 1
5. Hexachlorobenzene s-t 0,05 3 - - -
6. Hexachlorobutadione org. 0,01 3 - - -
7. Hexachlorobutane org. 0,01 3 - - -
8. Hexachlorocyclopentadiene org. 0,001 3 - - -
9. Hexachloroethane org. 0,01 4 - - -
10. RDX s-t 0,1 2 - - -
11. Dimethyldioxane s-t 0,005 2 - - -
12. Dimethyldithiophosphate org. 0,1 4 tox. missing 1
13. Dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate org. 1 3 tox. missing 1
14. dichloroaniline org. 0,05 3 tox. 0,001 3
15. dichlorobenzene org. 0,002 3 tox. 0,001 2
16. dichlorobutene org. 0,5 4 - - -
17. dichlorohydrin org. 1 3 - - -
18. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) s-t 0,1 2 tox. missing 1
19. Dichloronaphthoquinone s-t 0,25 - - -
20. Sodium dichloropropionate - - - tox. 3,0 4
21. dichlorvos org. 1,0 3 tox. missing 1
22. Dichloroethane s-t 0,02 2 tox. 0,12 -
23. Diethylaniline org. 0,15 3 tox. 0,0005 2
24. diethylene glycol s-t 1 3 tox. 0,05 -
25. diethyl ether org. 0,3 4 tox. 1,0 4
26. Maleic acid diethyl ester s-t 1,0 2 - - -
27. diethylmercury s-t 0,0001 1 - - -
28. Isoprene org. 0,005 4 s-t 0,01 3
29. Isopropylamine s-t 2 3 - - -
30. Captax org. 5 4 tox. 0,05 4
31. Karbofos org. 0,05 4 tox. missing 1
32. B-mercaptodiethylamine org. 0,1 4 - - -
33. Metaphos org. 0,02 4 tox. missing 1
34. Methylnitrophos org. 0,25 3 - - -
35. Nitrobenzene s-t 0,2 3 tox. 0,01 -
36. Nitrochlorobenzene s-t 0,05 3 - - -
37. Pentaerythritol s-t 0,1 2 - - -
38. Petrolaum (mixture of solid
hydrocarbons) s-t 6,5 4
39. Picric acid
(trinitrophenol) org. 0,5 3 tox. 0,01 3
40. Pyrogallol (trioxybenzene) org. 0,1 3 - - -
41. Polychloropinene - - - tox. missing 1
42. Polyethyleneimine - - - tox. 0,001 -
43. Propylbenzene org. 0,2 3 - - -
44. Tetrachlorobenzene s-t 0,01 2 - - -
45. Tetrachlorheptane org. 0,0025 4 - - -
46. Tetrachloromethane (tetrachloride
carbon) s-t 0,006 tox. missing 1
47. Tetrachlorononane org. 0,003 4 - - -
48. Tetrachloropentane org. 0,005 4 - - -
49. Tetrachloropropane org. 0,01 4 - - -
50. Tetrachlorundecane org. 0,007 4 - - -
51. Tetrachloroethane org. 0,2 4 - - -
52. Thiophene (thiofuran) org. 2 3 - - -
53. thiophos org. 0,003 4 tox. 0,005 3
51. Tributyl Phosphate org. 0,01 4 tox. 0,02 3
52. Triethylamine s-t 2 2 tox. 1,0 4
53. Phosphamide org. 0,03 4 tox. 0,01 3
54. Furfural org. 1,0 4 tox. 0,01 -
55. Chlorobenzene s-t 0,02 3 tox. 0,001 3
56. Chloroprene s-t 0,01 2 - - -
57. Chlorophos org. 0,05 4 tox. missing 1
58. Chlorocyclohexane org. 0,05 3
59. Ethylbenzene org. 0,01 4 tox. 0,001 -
60. Cyclohexane s-t 0,1 2 tox. 0,01 3
61. Cyclohexanol s-t 0,5 2 tox. 0,001 3
62. sulfates org. 500 4 tox. 100
63. chlorides org. 350 4 tox 300

Appendix 5


substances and materials prohibited for

discharge into sewerage systems of settlements

1. Substances and materials capable of clogging pipelines, wells, grids or being deposited on their walls:



Metal shavings;

Construction waste and garbage;

Solid household waste;

Industrial waste and sludge from local (local) treatment facilities;

floating substances;

Insoluble fats, oils, resins, fuel oil, etc.

Colored wastewater with an actual dilution ratio exceeding the normative indicators of the general properties of wastewater by more than 100 times;

Biologically hard surfactants (surfactants).

2. Substances that have a destructive effect on the material of pipelines, equipment and other structures of sewerage systems:


Alkalis, etc.

3. Substances that can form toxic gases, explosive, toxic and combustible gases in sewer networks and structures:

hydrogen sulfide;

carbon disulfide;

Carbon monoxide;

Hydrogen cyanide;

Vapors of volatile aromatic compounds;

Solvents (gasoline, kerosene, diethyl ether, dichloromethane, benzenes, carbon tetrachloride, etc.).

4. Concentrated and mother solutions.

5. Wastewater with a fixed category of toxicity "hypertoxic";

6. Wastewater containing microorganisms - pathogens of infectious diseases.

7. Radionuclides, the discharge, removal and neutralization of which is carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the protection of surface waters" and the current radiation safety standards.

Appendix 6

Average characteristics of the quality of domestic wastewater discharged by subscribers

housing stock of settlements

N List of contaminants Average characteristic of domestic wastewater (concentration, mg/l)
1 suspended solids 110
2 BOD full 180
3 COD 250
4 Fats 40
5 Ammonia nitrogen 18
6 chlorides 45
7 sulfates 40
8 Dry residue 300
9 Oil products 1,0
10 surfactant (anionic) 2,5
11 Phenols 0,005
12 Iron total 2,2
13 Copper 0,02
14 Nickel 0,005
15 Zinc 0,1
16 Chrome (+3) 0,003
17 Chrome (+6) 0,0003
18 Lead 0,004
19 Cadmium 0,0002
20 Mercury 0,0001
21 Aluminum 0,5
22 Manganese 0,1
23 Fluorides 0,08
24 Phosphorus phosphate 2,0

Note: If necessary, the data given in the table can be refined and corrected based on field studies.

Annex 7


DC pollutants for subscribers

I. Calculation of DC for petroleum products

Initial data:





(name of subscriber)


The contract for the supply of water, the reception of wastewater and pollutants with the organization of WSS from


Code (code) -______________________

(housing stock, others)

Validity periods:

Start -________________________________________________________________

Ending -_____________________________________________________________

1. Grounds for establishing DS

1.1. Subscriber's request.

1.2. Approved "Conditions for the reception of pollutants in wastewater discharged by subscribers into the sewerage system of a settlement".

1.3. The act of delimitation of responsibility between the subscriber and the organization of the WSS for sewerage networks.

1.4. Scheme of on-site sewerage networks of the subscriber and subscriber outlets connected to the sewerage system of the settlement.

1.5. Results of analytical measurement of the composition and properties of the subscriber's wastewater.

1.6. Draft and conclusion on the WSS organization project (for subscribers newly connected to the sewerage systems of the settlement.

2. Initial data for DS

The initial data required to establish the DS of pollutants in the subscriber's wastewater (including sub-subscribers) are given by the subscriber in Table 1.

Table 1


1. Fats and oil products are allowed to be discharged into sewage systems only in a dissolved and emulsified state.

2. Metal salts are determined by the gross content in the natural wastewater sample.

3. Other notes (depending on local specifics)

3.3. Discharge of pollutants not listed in Table 2 is allowed in concentrations not exceeding the corresponding maximum allowable concentrations (MPC) in the water of reservoirs for cultural, household, drinking and fisheries use (according to the minimum MPC value).

4. List of substances prohibited for dumping

into the sewerage system of the settlement

In order to ensure the trouble-free operation of networks and structures of sewerage systems (preventing silting, greasing, blockage of pipelines, aggressive influence on the material of pipes, wells, equipment; violations of the technological regime of cleaning), as well as protecting sewerage systems from the harmful effects of pollutants and ensuring the health of personnel, serving the sewerage system, it is prohibited to discharge into the sewerage system:

1. Standard for release into a reservoir = 0.05 mg/l
2. Permissible concentration for biological treatment = 25 mg/l
3. Retention efficiency at wastewater treatment plants = 85%
4. Concentration in domestic waste = 0.9 mg/l
5. Annual wastewater consumption for wastewater treatment plants
1 substances capable of clogging pipelines, wells, gratings or being deposited on the walls of pipelines, wells, gratings (scale, lime, sand, gypsum, metal shavings, canyga, fiber, soil, construction and household waste, industrial and household waste, sludge and sediments from local (local) treatment facilities, floating substances, etc.);
2 substances that have a destructive effect on the material of pipelines, equipment and other structures of sewerage systems (acids, alkalis, insoluble fats, oils, resins, fuel oil, etc.);
3 substances that can form toxic gases (hydrogen sulfide, carbon disulfide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, vapors of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons, etc.) and other explosive and toxic mixtures in sewer networks and structures, as well as combustible impurities, toxic and dissolved gaseous substances (in particular, solvents: gasoline, kerosene, diethyl ether, dichloromethane, benzenes, carbon tetrachloride, etc.);
4 substances in concentrations that prevent the biological treatment of wastewater, biologically difficult to oxidize organic substances and mixtures;
5 biologically hard surfactants (surfactants);
6 highly hazardous substances, including dangerous bacterial substances, virulent and pathogenic microorganisms, pathogens of infectious diseases;
7 substances for which maximum allowable concentrations (MPCs) in the water of water bodies have not been established and (or) which cannot be detained in the technological process of water purification at local and (or) municipal treatment facilities;
8 substances in the composition of concentrated mother and bottom solutions, spent electrolytes;
9 radionuclides, the discharge, removal and neutralization of which are carried out in accordance with the "Rules for the protection of surface waters and current radiation safety standards";
10 pollutants with actual concentrations exceeding the norms of the DC pollutants by more than 100 times;
11 wastewater with an active reaction of the medium pH less than 2 or more than 12;
12 colored wastewater with an actual dilution ratio exceeding the NP of the general properties of wastewater by more than 100 times.
13 Wastewater with a fixed category of toxicity "hypertoxic"

5. Special conditions: when changing the ownership of the subscriber's objects, the subscriber is obliged to notify in writing about the transfer of objects to another person within 3 days, and the latter must submit an application for a permit to discharge wastewater into the sewerage system of the settlement within 7 days.

6. In case of reconstruction, expansion, re-profiling of production, the subscriber is obliged to re-issue the existing permit within 7 days. The permit is issued only after the signing of the act by the commission on the acceptance of the facility for operation.

Appendix 9


pollutant release detection,

prohibited from being discharged into the sewerage system

(name, address)

Code: __________________________________________

Place of control

(reasons for control, short description object state, observations)





prescription: ______________________________________________________________________



Special marks: ____________________________________________________________________


Annex 10

Organization of water supply and sewerage


sampling of wastewater discharged

subscriber to the sewerage system

Subscriber _________________________________________________________________________

(name, address)


Code: ________________________________

Special marks: _________________________________________________________________________

The sealed samples were received by the laboratory and accepted for execution:

Annex 11


wastewater sample analysis results


(subscriber's name, code)

according to the Sampling Act dated "__" ________________ 200 _ N _______

Date and time of sample delivery "_ __ " _____ 200 __ ___ hour ___ minutes

Head of the laboratory (organization) ________________________ ()

signature full name

"____" _________ 200 ___

"__" ____ 200 __, ___ hour ___ min ________________________________________

(position, signature, full name of the responsible

analytical laboratory employee)

The technological cycle of one of industrial enterprises The Moscow region requires the consumption of significant amounts of water. The source is a river located near the enterprise. After passing the technological cycle, the water is almost completely returned to the river in the form of wastewater from an industrial enterprise. Depending on the profile of the enterprise, wastewater may contain a variety of chemical components that are harmful in terms of sanitary and toxicological characteristics. Their concentration, as a rule, is many times higher than the concentration of these components in the river. At some distance from the place of wastewater discharge, the water of the river is taken for the needs of local water use of a very different nature (for example, domestic, agricultural). In the task, it is necessary to calculate the concentration of the most harmful component after diluting the wastewater of the enterprise with water at the place of water use and trace the change in this concentration along the fairway of the river. And also to determine the maximum allowable runoff (MPD) for a given component in the runoff.

Characteristics of the river: flow rate - V, average depth in the area - H, distance to the place of water use - L, water flow in the river - Q1; the step with which it is necessary to trace the change in the concentration of the toxic component along the fairway of the river - LS.

Runoff characteristics: harmful component, water consumption -Q2, concentration of the harmful component - C, background concentration -Cf, maximum allowable concentration - MPC.

Options for calculating the characteristics of wastewater discharges from enterprises into water bodies:

ε=1; Lf/Lpr=1


Many factors: the condition of the river, banks and wastewater affect the speed of movement of water masses and determine the distance from the place of wastewater discharge (SW) to the point of complete mixing.

Where γ -coefficient, the degree of completeness of wastewater in the reservoir.

It is customary to evaluate the conditions for the discharge of wastewater into a reservoir, taking into account their influence at the nearest water use point, where the dilution ratio should be determined.

The calculation is carried out according to the formulas:

where is a coefficient that takes into account hydrological mixing factors.

L is the distance to the water intake.

where is a coefficient depending on the place where the runoff is released into the river. =1, when released near the shore.

Lf/Lpr - coefficient of river meandering, equal to the ratio of the distance along the fairway of the full length of the channel from the outlet of the NE to the place of the nearest water intake to the distance between these two points in a straight line.

Based on the fact that in this problem it is assumed that the rivers under study are flat, we find the D-coefficient of turbulent diffusion,

where V is the average flow velocity, m/s;

H-average depth, m

Knowing D, we find:

0.26 > 0.01, this means that this value exceeds the MPC

It is also necessary to determine how many pollutants
substances can be dumped by the enterprise so as not to exceed the standards. Calculations are carried out only for conservative substances according to the sanitary-toxicological indicator of harmfulness. The calculation is carried out according to

Conclusions: Having solved this problem, we got the real concentration of the harmful component in the reservoir at the nearest water intake, Св = 0.26, it turned out to be more than the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the reservoir, which means that the reservoir is very heavily polluted and requires immediate cleaning, and an enterprise discharging its wastewater into it must be checked for sanitary standards.

Answers on questions:

1) Sources of pollution.

The main cause of pollution of water basins is the discharge of untreated or insufficiently treated wastewater into water bodies by industrial enterprises, utilities and agriculture. Residues of fertilizers and pesticides washed out of the soil also enter water bodies and pollute them. For neutralization, even after thorough biological treatment, these waters must be diluted clean water. Dilution rates are sometimes very high. So, for the production of synthetic fibers, the dilution ratio is 1:185, for polyethylene or polystyrene - 1:29. Worldwide, 5,500 km 3 of clean water is spent annually on the disposal of wastewater - three times more than on all other needs of mankind. This value is already 30% of the sustainable flow of all the rivers of the globe. Consequently, the main threat of water shortage is generated not by irretrievable industrial consumption, but by pollution of natural waters by industrial effluents and the need to dilute them. Pollution entering wastewater can be conditionally divided into several groups. So, according to the physical state, insoluble, colloidal and dissolved impurities are distinguished. In addition, pollution is divided into mineral, organic, bacterial and biological. Mineral pollution is usually represented by sand, clay particles , particles of ore, slag, mineral salts, solutions of acids, alkalis and other substances. these are physiological excretions of people and animals, remains of animal tissues, adhesive substances, etc. Bacterial and biological pollution is characteristic mainly of domestic wastewater and the effluents of some industrial enterprises. enterprises of the microbiological industry, etc. Household wastewater includes water from kitchens, toilets, showers, baths, laundries, canteens, hospitals, household water that is formed during washing of premises, etc. They come from residential and public buildings, from household premises industrial enterprises, etc. In domestic wastewater, organic matter in pollution is 58%, mineral substances - 42% (Table. 1).

Table 1. Characteristics of domestic and industrial wastewater (S. N. Cherkinsky, 1971)
Indicators Domestic waste water Industrial waste water
Origin Formed as a result of household activities and physiological excretion of people They are formed as a result of technological processes in production, accompanied by the removal of waste, the loss of raw materials and reagents, or finished products
Quantity Limited by the limits of water consumption of the population for physiological and cultural needs Determined by the needs of technological processes and is characterized by significant fluctuations
Appearance Monotonous Extremely different
Descent mode Limited degree of non-uniformity determined by living conditions life of the population Various - respectively technological process; can be very uneven
suspended solids Detect consistency in quantity and quality Extremely varied in quantity and quality
Reaction Neutral or slightly alkaline From sharply alkaline to sharply knslayer, often changing in time
Chemical composition Monotonous, organic compounds of animal or vegetable origin predominate Variable, may be dominated by organic synthetics or mineral compounds
Toxicity and bactericidality Not peculiar Can be found to varying degrees
Typical composition and properties Noticeably pronounced, concentration fluctuations depend on the level of water consumption Expressed only for the same industries
Hygienic value Mainly epidemiological significance, always general sanitary Mainly general sanitary significance, sometimes epidemiological, often toxicological
Neutralization methods Biological at typical facilities with disinfection The most diverse, often chemical-mechanical, disinfection as an exception
2) Danger of raw sewage

Threat of infectious diseases.

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The technological cycle of one of the industrial enterprises of the Moscow region requires the consumption of significant amounts of water. The source is a river located near the enterprise. After passing the technological cycle, the water is almost completely returned to the river in the form of wastewater from an industrial enterprise. Depending on the profile of the enterprise, wastewater may contain a variety of chemical components that are harmful in terms of sanitary and toxicological characteristics. Their concentration, as a rule, is many times higher than the concentration of these components in the river. At some distance from the place of wastewater discharge, the water of the river is taken for the needs of local water use of a very different nature (for example, domestic, agricultural). In the task, it is necessary to calculate the concentration of the most harmful component after diluting the wastewater of the enterprise with water at the place of water use and trace the change in this concentration along the fairway of the river. And also to determine the maximum allowable runoff (MPD) for a given component in the runoff.

Characteristics of the river: flow rate - V, average depth in the area - H, distance to the place of water use - L, water flow in the river - Q1; the step with which it is necessary to trace the change in the concentration of the toxic component along the fairway of the river - LS.

Runoff characteristics: harmful component, water flow rate -Q2, concentration of harmful component - C, background concentration -Cf, maximum allowable concentration - MPC.

Options for calculating the characteristics of wastewater discharges from enterprises into water bodies:


1; Lf/Lpr=1


Many factors: the condition of the river, banks and wastewater affect the speed of movement of water masses and determine the distance from the place of wastewater discharge (SW) to the point of complete mixing.

where? is the coefficient, the degree of completeness of wastewater in the reservoir.

It is customary to evaluate the conditions for the discharge of wastewater into a reservoir, taking into account their influence at the nearest water use point, where the dilution ratio should be determined.

The calculation is carried out according to the formulas:

where is a coefficient that takes into account hydrological mixing factors.

L is the distance to the water intake.

where is a coefficient depending on the place where the runoff is released into the river. =1, when released near the shore.

Lf/Lpr - coefficient of river meandering, equal to the ratio of the distance along the fairway of the full length of the channel from the outlet of the NE to the place of the nearest water intake to the distance between these two points in a straight line.

Based on the fact that in this problem it is assumed that the rivers under study are flat, we find the D-coefficient of turbulent diffusion,

where V is the average flow velocity, m/s;

H-average depth, m

Knowing D, we find:

So, the real dilution factor is:

The actual concentration of the harmful component in the reservoir at the nearest water intake is calculated by the formula:

0.2 > 0.01, this means that this value exceeds the MPC

It is also necessary to determine how much pollutants can be discharged by the enterprise in order not to exceed the standards. Calculations are carried out only for conservative substances according to the sanitary-toxicological indicator of harmfulness. The calculation is carried out according to the formula:

From senior chairman \u003d K (MPC - C f) + MPC \u003d 2.428 (0.01-0.001) + 0.01 \u003d 0.032 mg / l \u003d 0.000032 mg / m 3

where C st.pred. - the maximum (limiting) concentration that can be allowed in the wastewater, or the level of wastewater treatment at which, after mixing with water in the reservoir at the first (calculated) water use point, the degree of pollution does not exceed the MPC.

The maximum permissible flow of MPD is calculated by the formula:

PDS \u003d C st. before Q2 = 0.000032 0.7 = 2.24 10 - 5 mg/s

Let us construct a graph of the distribution function of the concentration of a harmful component depending on the distance to the place of WW discharge along the river bed with a step LS = 15 m, Сv =f(L):

Conclusions: Having solved this problem, we got the real concentration of the harmful component in the reservoir at the nearest water intake, Св = 0.2, it turned out to be more than the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in the reservoir, which means that the reservoir is very heavily polluted and requires immediate cleaning, and an enterprise discharging its wastewater into it must be checked for sanitary standards.

Answers on questions:

1. Wastewater collection and treatment

The source of pollution of the hydrosphere in the production of communication equipment is mainly wastewater with mechanical and chemical harmful impurities. Straining, sedimentation, separation of mechanical particles in the field of action of centrifugal forces and filtration can be used to purify wastewater from mechanical impurities. Straining is used to isolate large insoluble impurities and small fibrous contaminants from wastewater, which prevent the normal operation of treatment equipment during wastewater treatment. Settling is based on the properties of particle settling in liquid and is designed to separate insoluble and partially colloidal mechanical contaminants from wastewater. Radial settling tanks have high productivity, the principle of operation of which is quite simple. The separation of mechanical impurities in the field of action of centrifugal forces is carried out in hydrocyclones and centrifuges. Wastewater filtration is used when it is necessary to clean it from fine mechanical impurities.

When wastewater is contaminated with oil-containing impurities, in addition to sedimentation, treatment in hydrocyclones and filtration, the flotation process is also used. Water purification by flotation consists in intensifying the process of oil products floating when their particles are enveloped by air bubbles supplied to the waste water. Depending on the method of formation of air bubbles, several types of flotation are distinguished: pressure pneumatic, foam, chemical, etc. Contaminated wastewater through the pipe of the pressure flotation unit enters the reserve, from where it is pumped to the saturator. The saturator mixes water with incoming air. From the saturator, the mixture enters the flotation chamber through nozzles. Elements “oil impurity - air particles” floating up in the chamber are removed by a foam collector, and purified water flows out through the outlet pipe.

Reagent, ion-exchange, sorption, electrochemical methods, biochemical treatment are used to treat wastewater from metals and their salts, and chemical neutralization methods are used to remove acid-base inclusions.

2. Sources of water pollution

The source of pollution of the hydrosphere during the operation of communication enterprises can be industrial, domestic and atmospheric wastewater discharged into the sewer network. Water is widely used for cooling various elements of radio equipment and household services for workers. Atmospheric waste waters are formed as a result of washing away by rain, snow and irrigation waters of pollution present on the territory of communication facilities, roofs and walls of buildings. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent pollution of sewage with harmful impurities. So, at communication enterprises, stationary batteries (acid, alkaline) are widely used as sources of guaranteed direct current supply to devices and devices, automatic start-up of diesel generators. During the operation of rechargeable batteries, periodic replacement of the electrolyte is inevitable. According to the existing rules, to prevent environmental pollution, the electrolyte to be replaced must not be drained into the sewer, but into special vessels for its subsequent disposal.

3. Wastewater discharge conditions industrial enterprises in reservoirs

Reservoirs are polluted mainly as a result of the discharge of sewage into them from industrial enterprises and settlements. As a result of wastewater discharge, the physical properties of water change (the temperature rises, transparency decreases, color, tastes, odors appear); floating substances appear on the surface of the reservoir, and sediment forms at the bottom; the chemical composition of water changes (the content of organic and inorganic substances increases, toxic substances appear, the oxygen content decreases, the active reaction of the environment changes, etc.); the qualitative and quantitative bacterial composition changes, pathogenic bacteria appear. Polluted reservoirs become unsuitable for drinking, and often for technical water supply; lose their fishery importance, etc.

The general conditions for the release of wastewater of any category into surface water bodies are determined by their national economic significance and the nature of water use. After the release of wastewater, some deterioration in the quality of water in reservoirs is allowed, however, this should not noticeably affect his life and the ability to further use reservoir as a source of water supply, for cultural and sports events, fishery purposes.

Supervision over the fulfillment of the conditions for the discharge of industrial wastewater into water bodies is carried out by sanitary and epidemiological stations and basin departments.

The water quality standards for reservoirs for domestic and domestic water use establish the quality of water for reservoirs for two types of water use: the first type includes sections of reservoirs used as a source for centralized or non-centralized domestic and drinking water supply, as well as for water supply of food industry enterprises; to the second type - sections of reservoirs used for swimming, sports and recreation of the population, as well as those located within the boundaries of settlements.

The assignment of water bodies to one or another type of water use is carried out by the bodies of the State Sanitary Supervision, taking into account the prospects for the use of water bodies.

The water quality standards for water bodies given in the rules apply to sites located on flowing water bodies 1 km upstream of the nearest water use point, and on stagnant water bodies and reservoirs 1 km on both sides of the water use point.

Much attention is paid to the prevention and elimination of pollution of the coastal areas of the seas. Sea water quality standards, which must be ensured when discharging wastewater, refer to the water use area within the allotted boundaries and to sites at a distance of 300 m away from these boundaries. When using coastal areas of the seas as a receiver of industrial wastewater, the content of harmful substances in the sea should not exceed the MPC established for sanitary-toxicological, general sanitary and organoleptic limiting indicators of harmfulness. At the same time, the requirements for the discharge of wastewater are differentiated in relation to the nature of water use. The sea is considered not as a source of water supply, but as a medical, health-improving, cultural and household factor.

Pollutants entering rivers, lakes, reservoirs and seas make significant changes to the established regime and disrupt the equilibrium state of aquatic ecological systems. As a result of the processes of transformation of substances polluting water bodies, occurring under the influence of natural factors, in water sources there is a complete or partial restoration of their original properties. In this case, secondary decomposition products of pollution can be formed that have a negative impact on water quality.

Self-purification of water in reservoirs is a set of interrelated hydrodynamic, physicochemical, microbiological and hydrobiological processes leading to the restoration of the original state of a water body.



The industrial enterprise is located in one of the regions of Russia, which is characterized by an investment coefficient - A, which determines the conditions for horizontal and vertical dispersion of impurities in the atmosphere. The terrain is characterized by slopes that determine the addition to the relief - r. The average outdoor temperature at 1 pm of the hottest month is TV. The temperature of the emissions of the gas-air mixture - Tg. The difference between these temperatures is ? T. Every second emission of gas-air mixture - VG. The most dangerous component (phenol) in the emitted gas-air mixture has a concentration at the mouth of the pipe - St. For this component, the average daily maximum permissible concentration is determined - Spdk. F- characterizes the settling rate of a given component of the gas-air mixture. In this problem, we should limit ourselves to average daily averaging. At the same time, the elongation index of the wind rose R/Ro= 2, and the averaging coefficient ? = 0.5. Pipe diameter at the mouth - D.

The task consists of two parts.

The first part needs:

Determine the maximum concentration of a given component in the surface layer Cm and compare it with the maximum allowable WITH.

Determine distance Hm from the source of the release to the point where the maximum concentration is most likely to occur.

3. Formulate conclusions.

In the second part you need:

Construct a graph of the most probable distribution of the concentration of a harmful component depending on the distance to the source.

Determine the size of the sanitary protection zone around the industrial enterprise.


Options for calculating emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere:



Initial data


Preliminary assessment of the characteristics of emissions of the gas-air mixture into the atmosphere

The conditions for meteorological dispersion of the gas-air mixture emitted by the enterprise into the atmosphere largely depend on whether the emissions are "cold" or "hot". The criterion for "hotness" of emissions is an auxiliary factor

Where? 0 - average speed of exit of the mixture from the mouth of the pipe, m/s,

Let's find f:

f > 100, means emissions into the atmosphere are "cold"


1. Meteorological dilution factor:

The coefficient n is determined depending on the auxiliary parameter V m:

V m<0.3, значит n=3

The coefficient k is calculated by the formula:

Let us determine the maximum concentration of the harmful component in the surface layer

3. When calculating the dispersion of gaseous components, the distance Xm at F<2 определяется по формуле:

where d=11.4, because Vm<2: X m = 11.4 · 60 = 684

1. Plotting the most probable distribution of the concentration of a harmful component depending on the distance to the emission source.

Let us preliminarily calculate the dimensionless coefficient S, which depends on the X/Xm ratio and is determined by the formulas:

a) if X/X m =0.2; 0.4; 0.8, then

S=3(X/Xm) 4 -8(X/Xm) 3 +6(X/Xm) 2 =3

Then Cx is determined by the formula:

For the first part:

1. Meteorological dilution factor - Cr.

2. The maximum concentration of a harmful substance in the surface layer - See

3. The distance at which the concentration of Sm is most likely - Xm.

For the second part:

Maximum allowable emission - MPE.

Maximum concentration at the mouth of the pipe - See t. " f

Graph of the function Cx \u003d F (X).

Variants for the calculation of emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere


Purification of emissions into the atmosphere from impurities.

Sources of pollution and pollution control strategy;

Acid precipitation.

Greenhouse effect.

6. Violation of the ozone layer.


The ozone content in the atmosphere is an important factor in shaping the intensity and spectral distribution of UV - solar radiation in the region B (280-320 nm). Even a relatively small change in the concentration of ozone in the atmosphere leads to significant changes in the intensity of the hard component of UV radiation near the Earth's surface. In this problem, it is necessary: ​​a) to establish the dependence of the level of UV radiation on the thickness of the ozone layer; b) calculate the allowable time for a person to stay under the influence of solar radiation.

Dividing K(L, T) by the area of ​​a sphere with a radius equal to the distance from the Sun to the Earth (Ron = 150 * 10 h m), we obtain Q(n, T) the spectral density of the solar radiant energy flux in the ultraviolet region reaching the upper layers of the atmosphere Lands:


(during calculations! = 6000 K).

Radiation with a wavelength of 280-320 nm (in medical terminology - region B) - the most important for studying the damaging effect of solar radiation, is completely determined by the ozone content in the Earth's atmosphere, without taking into account the influence of molecular and aerosol scattering. Taking into account these factors, solar radiation on the Earth's surface (ultraviolet region) will be determined from the relationship:

where ad is the ozone absorption coefficient, 1/cm;

P is the coefficient of molecular scattering;

o - coefficient of aerosol dispersion;

X is the thickness of the ozone layer, cm.< 65°, nsm = z = secy

To determine the effective energy illumination created by a broadband radiation source, compared with the action of a radiation source with a wavelength of 270 nm, which has the maximum efficiency, we use the formula:

where: Y eff - spectral energy flux density of UV - radiation (UVR) (for each wavelength); bx ~ relative spectral efficiency of radiation, dimensionless value (Table 3.1); OH. - wavelength interval,

The allowable UV exposure time can be determined by dividing 30 J/m (maximum allowable UV exposure energy dose for K = 270 nm) by the effective irradiance:

Task #1

Control questions

1. Sources of water pollution.

Pollution can be divided into several groups. According to the physical state - insoluble, colloidal and soluble. In composition - mineral, organic, bacterial and biological.

Minerals are represented by sand, clay, mineral salts, solutions of acids, alkalis, etc.

Organic - can be of plant, animal origin, and also contain oil and products derived from it, synthetic surfactants (surfactants).

Bacterial and biological pollution - effluents from food and light industry enterprises, household effluents (drainage from toilets, kitchens, showers, laundries, canteens, etc.). At many industrial enterprises, water is used as a coolant, solvent, is part of the product, is used for washing, enrichment, cleaning of raw materials and products.

In addition, synthetic surfactants (surfactants) are used in many technological processes. Currently, it is one of the most common chemical pollutants that is difficult to control. Surfactants can have a negative impact on water quality, the self-cleaning ability of water bodies, the human body, as well as enhance the adverse effects of other substances.

An important source of pollution are pesticides, which enter the reservoirs with rain and melt water from the soil surface. During aerial treatment of fields, the preparations are carried away by air currents and deposited on the surface of the reservoir.

The oil industry is a significant source of pollution of water bodies with oil and oil products. The ingress of oil into water bodies occurs when oil products spilled on the surface of the earth are washed away by rain and melt water, when oil pipelines break through, with wastewater from enterprises, etc.

Acid rain is a major hazard to water bodies.

1. Danger of raw sewage.

2. Conditions for the discharge of wastewater from industrial enterprises into water bodies.

Due to the fact that wastewater from industrial enterprises may contain specific contaminants, their discharge into the city drainage network is limited by a number of requirements. Industrial wastewater released into the drainage network should not: disrupt the operation of networks and structures; have a destructive effect on the material of pipes and elements of treatment facilities; contain more than 500 mg/l of suspended and floating substances; contain substances that can clog networks or deposit on pipe walls; contain combustible impurities and dissolved gaseous substances capable of forming explosive mixtures; contain harmful substances that prevent biological wastewater treatment or discharge into a reservoir; have a temperature above 40 C. Industrial wastewater that does not meet these requirements must be pre-treated and only then discharged into the city drainage network.

Control questions

The main substances polluting the atmosphere.

Nature of pollution

Source of pollution

Carbon dioxide

Volcanic activity

Breathing of living organisms

burning fossil fuels

carbon monoxide

Volcanic activity


Plants, bacteria

Operation of internal combustion engines

organic compounds

Chemical industry

waste incineration

Fuel combustion

Sulfur dioxide and other sulfur derivatives

Volcanic activity

sea ​​breezes


burning fossil fuels

Nitrogen derivatives


radioactive substances

Nuclear power plants

nuclear explosions

Volcanic activity, space dust

Heavy metals

Wind erosion, water dust

Mineral compounds

industrial production

Operation of internal combustion engines

Organic substances natural and synthetic

Forest fires

Chemical industry

Fuel combustion

waste incineration

Agriculture (pesticides)

1. Purification of emissions into the atmosphere from impurities.

Gas cleaning technology has a variety of methods and apparatus for removing dust and harmful gases. The choice of a method for purifying gaseous impurities is determined primarily by the chemical and physicochemical properties of this impurity. The nature of production has a great influence on the choice of method: the properties of the substances available in the production, their suitability as absorbers for gas, the possibility of recovery (capture and use of waste products) or disposal of captured products.

To purify gases from sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and methyl mercaptan, their neutralization with an alkali solution is used. The result is salt and water.

To purify gases from minor concentrations of impurities (no more than 1% by volume), direct-flow compact absorption apparatuses are used.

Along with liquid absorbents - absorbents - for cleaning, as well as for drying (dehydration) of gases, solid absorbents can be used. These include various brands of active carbons, silica gel, alumogel, zeolites.

Recently, ion exchangers have been used to remove gases with polar molecules from a gas stream. Gas purification processes with adsorbents are carried out in batch or continuous adsorbers.

Dry and wet oxidation processes, as well as catalytic conversion processes, can be used to purify the gas stream, in particular, catalytic oxidation is used to neutralize sulfur-containing gases of sulphate-cellulose production (gases from the cooking and evaporation shops, etc.). This process is carried out at a temperature of 500--600 ° C on a catalyst, which includes oxides of aluminum, copper, vanadium and other metals. Organosulfur substances and hydrogen sulfide are oxidized to a less harmful compound - sulfur dioxide (MPC for sulfur dioxide 0.5 mg / m 3, and for hydrogen sulfide 0.078 mg / m 3).

The Kiev plant "Khimvolokno" has a unique integrated system for cleaning ventilation emissions from viscose production. This is a complex set of mechanisms, compressor units, pipelines, huge absorption tanks. Every day, 6 million m 3 of exhaust air passes through the machine "lungs", and not only cleaning, but also regeneration is carried out.

Until now, a significant part of carbon disulphide has been emitted into the atmosphere in the viscose production of the plant. The cleaning system allows not only to protect the environment from pollution, but also to save valuable material.

Electrostatic precipitators are widely used to remove dust from emissions from thermal power plants. These are structures as high as a 10-15-storey building. They trap fly ash produced when solid fuels are burned. Specialists are working on improving the design of these devices, increasing their efficiency and reliability. The latest sample is designed for a capacity of more than a million cubic meters of gas per hour, which is used as a raw material for the production of building materials.

4. Acid precipitation

Rain, snow or sleet with high acidity. Acid precipitation is mainly due to emissions of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere from the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Dissolving in atmospheric moisture, these oxides form weak solutions of sulfuric and nitric acids and precipitate as acid rain.

The relative acidity of a solution is expressed by the pH index (acidity is determined by the presence of free hydrogen ions H +; pH is an indicator of the concentration of hydrogen ions). At pH = 1, the solution is a strong acid (like an electrolyte in a battery); pH = 7 means neutral (pure water) and pH = 14 is strong alkali (lye). Since pH is measured on a logarithmic scale, an aqueous environment with pH = 4 is ten times more acidic than an environment with pH = 5, and a hundred times more acidic than an environment with pH = 6.

Normal unpolluted rainwater has a pH of 5.65. Acidic rains are those with a pH less than 5.65. The main sources of sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3), which cause the formation of sulfuric acid, are thermal power plants running on oil and coal, as well as metallurgical plants. Nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2), from which nitric acid is formed, enter the atmosphere in approximately equal amounts from thermal power plants operating on oil products and coal, and with the exhaust gases of automobile engines. A relatively small amount of hydrochloric acid in atmospheric precipitation is formed as a result of the accumulation of gaseous chlorine from various natural and industrial sources. Acid rain can also occur when sulfuric acid and nitrogen-containing gases (nitrogen dioxide NO2 and ammonia NH3) enter the atmosphere from natural sources (for example, during volcanic eruptions).

Different natural environments react differently to increased acidity. Acid precipitation can change the chemical properties of soil and water. Where the water in rivers and lakes has become quite acidic (pH less than 5), for example, in the Adirondacks (New York, USA) or in the southern regions of Norway and Sweden, fish disappear. When trophic chains are disturbed, the number of aquatic animal species, algae and bacteria is reduced. In cities, acid precipitation accelerates the destruction of marble and concrete structures, monuments and sculptures.

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The purpose of this course work is the compilation and calculation of the scheme of treatment facilities of the enterprise.

Wastewater treatment is necessary so that the concentration of substances in the water discharged into the water body from this enterprise does not exceed the maximum allowable discharge (MPD) standards.

Wastewater from the enterprise must not be discharged contaminated, because as a result, living organisms may die in the river, pollution of river water, groundwater, soil, and atmosphere occurs; this leads to harm to human health and the environment as a whole.

Section 1. Characteristics of the enterprise

Low pressure polyethylene (high density) is produced in plastics factories.

Polyethylene is obtained by polymerization of ethylene in gasoline at a temperature of 80 0 C and a pressure of 3 kg * s / cm 2 in the presence of a catalyst complex of diethyl-aluminum chloride with titanium tetrachloride.

In the production of polyethylene, water is used to cool equipment and condensate. The water supply system is circulating with water cooling on the cooling tower. Water supply is carried out by three systems: circulating, fresh technical and drinking water.

Steam condensate is used for technical needs (washing polymers of equipment and communications of the polymerization shop, preparation of initiator reagents and additives for polymerization).

The characteristics of wastewater are given in table 1.

Table 1. Characteristics of wastewater released into water bodies from the production of polyethylene.

Unit Wastewater
before cleaning after cleaning
Temperature 0 С - 23-28
suspended solids mg/l 40-180 20
Ether soluble mg/l Footprints -
pH - 6,5-8,5 6,5-8,5
Dry residue Mg up to 2700 up to 2700
Cl2 Mg up to 800 up to 800
SO 4 Mg up to 1000 up to 1000
COD MgO/l 1200 80-100
BOD g mgO 2 /l 700 15-20
Al 3+ mg/l up to 1 up to 1
Ti 4+ mg/l Footprints Footprints
hydrocarbons mg/l to 10 Footprints
Isopropanol mg/l up to 300 -

This enterprise has I B hazard class. The sanitary protection zone is 1000 m. It is located in the Kyiv region.

For further calculations, we select a river in this area - r. Desna, we find out the data for this river for 97% security, using the conversion factor we translate these data for 95% security. The values ​​of q industrial and q household (water consumption per unit of water output in industrial and domestic wastewater, respectively) are equal to: q industrial = 21m 3, q ​​household = 2.2 m 3. indicated, then C f \u003d 0.4 MPC.

Calculation of wastewater consumption.

Q \u003d Pq, m 3 / year

P. - productivity, 7500 m 3 / year.

Q - water consumption per unit of output.

Q prom \u003d 7500 21 \u003d 1575000 m 3 / year

Q household \u003d 7500 2.2 \u003d 165000 m 3 / year

About prom, life - the consumption of industrial and domestic wastewater.

Q cm \u003d 4.315 + 452 \u003d 4767 m 3 / day.

Calculation of the concentration of substances in waste water.

C i cm \u003d (q x / b C x / b + Q pr C i pr) / Q cm

C i x / b, pr - concentration of substances in x / b and industrial wastewater, mg / dm 3.

From cm in-x centuries. \u003d (452 ​​120 + 4315 40) / 4764 \u003d 46.6 mg / dm 3

C cm min. \u003d (452 ​​500 + 4315 2700) / 4767 \u003d 2491.4 mg / dm 3

C cm Cl \u003d (452 ​​300 + 4315 800) / 4764 \u003d 752.6 mg / dm 3

C cm SO 4 \u003d (452 ​​500 + 4315 1000) / 4767 \u003d 952.6 mg / dm 3

C cm COD \u003d (452 ​​300 + 4315 1200) / 4767 \u003d 1115 mg / dm 3

C cm BODp \u003d (452 ​​150 + 4315 700) / 4767 \u003d 677.85 mg / dm 3

C cm Al \u003d (452 ​​0 + 4315 1) / 4767 \u003d 0.9 mg / dm 3

C cm isopr-l \u003d (452 ​​0 + 4315 300) / 4767 \u003d 271.55 mg / dm 3

C sm \u003d (452 ​​18 + 4315 0) / 4767 \u003d 1.7 mg / dm 3

Section 2. Calculation of standard wastewater discharge

Calculation of the multiplicity of the main dilution n o .

Y=2.5∙√n w -0.13-0.75√R(√n w -0.1)=2.5∙√0.05-0.13-0.75√3(0.05- 0.1)=0.26

n w is the roughness coefficient of the river bed.

R-hydraulic radius.

S n \u003d R y / n w \u003d 3 0.26 / 0.05 \u003d 26.6

S n -Chezy coefficient.

D \u003d g ∙ V f ∙ h f / (37 n w ∙Sh 2) \u003d 9.81 ∙ 0.02 ∙ 3 ​​/ (37 ∙ 0.05 ∙ 26.6) \u003d 0.012 m / s 2

g-free fall acceleration, m/s 2 .

D-coefficient of the required diffusion.

V f is the average speed over the cross section of the watercourse.

h f - the average depth of the river, m.

α=ζ∙φ∙√D/O st =1.5∙1.2∙√0.012/0.03=1.3

ζ-coefficient characterizing the type of wastewater outlet.

φ-coefficient characterizing the sinuosity of the riverbed.

Q st - wastewater consumption.

β= -α√ L =2.75 -1.3∙√500=0.00003

L is the distance from the point of release to the control point.

γ=(1-β)/(1+(O f / O st)β)=(1-0.00003)/(1+(0.476/0.0)∙0.00003)=0.99

γ-value of the bias coefficient.n o \u003d (Q st + γ ∙ Q f) / Q st \u003d (0.03 + 0.99 ∙ 0.476) / 0.03 \u003d 16.86

Calculation of the multiplicity of the initial dilution n n.


l is the length of the diffuser pipe, m.

B-width of the river in a low-water period, m.

B=Q f /(H f V f)=1.056/(3∙0.02)=17.6 m

l 1 \u003d h + 0.5 \u003d 3 + 0.5 \u003d 3.5 m

l 1 - the distance between the heads

0.5 - technological margin

N \u003d l / l 1 \u003d 15.84 / 3.5 \u003d 4.5 ≈ 5-number of heads d 0 \u003d √4Q st / (πV st N) \u003d √ (4 ∙ 0.05) / (3.14 ∙ 2 ∙ 5) \u003d 0.08 ≥ 0.1N \u003d 4Q st /(πV st d 0 2)=0.2/(3.14∙3∙0.1 2)=3.2≈3

V st \u003d 4Q st / (πNd 0 2) \u003d 0.2 / (3.14 ∙ 3 ∙ 0.1 2) \u003d 2.1

d 0 =√4Q st /(πV st N)= √0.2/(3.14∙2.1∙3)=0.1

d 0 - head diameter,

V st - outflow rate,

L 1 \u003d L / n \u003d 15.84 / 3 \u003d 5.2

Δv m \u003d 0.15 / (V st -V f) \u003d 0.15 / (2.1-0.02) \u003d 0.072

m \u003d V f / V st \u003d 0.02 / 2.1 \u003d 0.009-ratio of velocity pressures.

7.465/√(Δv m [Δv(1-m)+1.92m])=√7.465/(0.072)=20.86-relative pipe diameter.

d=d0 ∙ =0.1∙20.86=2.086

n n \u003d 0.2481 / (1-m) ∙ 2 \u003d [√ 0.009 2 + 8.1 ∙ (1-0.009) / 20.86-0.009] \u003d 13.83

Total dilution factor:

n=n 0 ∙n n =16.86∙1383=233.2

Table 2

Name C op C st 1 MPC HDL With pds 1 RAS
suspended solids 30 46,6 30,75 - 46,66 +
Min-tion 331 2491,4 1000 - 505,9 +
Cl- 17.9 752.6 300 S.-t. 75 -
SO 4 - 25 952.6 100 S.-t. 40 -
COD 29,9 1119 15 - 15 -
BOD G 1,2 677,9 3 - 117,8 +
Al 0.2 0.9 0.5 S.-t. 0.175 -
IZ OPR-L 0,004 271,6 0,01 T. 0,008 -
AZ AM. 0,2 1,7 0,5 T. 0,1 -
Neph-you 0,04 0 0,1 S.-t. 0 -
surfactant 0,04 0 0,1 T. 0 -

To carry out calculations, we determine whether the RAS corresponds.

For substances OT, units LPV

C f i /MPC i<1

for substances with od. LPV

∑ С f i /MAC i<1

I. Calculation From PDS when RAS exists.

1. Suspended solids

Concentration at the border of the zone of general dilution at the actual discharge of wastewater:

C F i k.s. =С f i +∑(С st i -С Ф i)/n

C fact c. in-in k.s. =30+(46.6-30)/233.2=30.0 7

With PDS \u003d 30 + 0.75 ∙ 233.2 \u003d 204.9

C PDS \u003d min (S PDS calc C st) \u003d minC st

2. Substances from FROM and units. LPV


C fact \u003d 331 + (2491.4-331) / 233.2 \u003d 340.3

0.75 \u003d Δ 1 ≤σ 1 \u003d 9.2

With PDS \u003d 331 + 0.75 ∙ 233.2 \u003d 505.9

With PDS \u003d min (With PDS calc C st)

C fact \u003d 1.2 + (677.9-1.2) / 233.2 + (238.9-1.2) / 200 \u003d 5.3

0.75=Δ 1 ≤σ 1 =2.9

With MPD =1.2+0.75∙233.2=176.1

II. Calculation From PDS when RAS exists.

1. Substances from FROM and units. in your LP

C MPC \u003d min (C st; MPC)

2. Substances with the same LPV

2a -Cl -, SO 4 2-, Al 3+, oil products

∑K i =C st i /MPC i =752.6/300+952.6/100+0.9/0.5+0/0.1=13.8>1

С f /MPC≤K i ≤С st /MPC


0.25≤KCl ≤2.5C pds =0.06 300=18

0.4≤K SO 4 ≤9.5C pds =0.3 100=40

0.35≤K Al ≤1.8C pds =0.14 0.5=0.175

0≤K n-you ≤0C pds =0,-0.1=0

2b Isopropanol, ammonium nitrogen, surfactant

∑Ki =271.6/0.01+1.7/0.5+0/0.1=27163.4>1

0.8≤K out-l ≤271160C pds =0.6 0.01=0.008

0.2≤K a.m. ≤3.4C pds =0.3 0.5=0.1

0≤K SSAW ≤0C pds =0

Section 3. Calculation of mechanical treatment facilities

To remove suspended solids, mechanical treatment facilities are used.

To clean wastewater from these substances, for this enterprise, it is necessary to install gratings and sand traps.

To calculate mechanical treatment facilities, it is necessary to convert the mixture flow rate, which is measured in m 3 / year, into m 3 / day

Lattice calculation.

q sr.s = 4764/86400=0.055 (m 3 / s) 1000 = 55 l / s

According to the table from SNiPA, we determine K dep. max

x=-(45 0.1)/50=-0.09

To dep. max =1.6-(-0.09)=1.69

q max sec \u003d g sr.sec · K dep. max \u003d 0.055 1.69 \u003d 0.093 (m 3 / s)

n=(q max sec K 3)/b h V p =(0.093 1.05)/(0.016 0.5 1)=12.21≈13 pcs

B p \u003d 0.016 13 + 14 0.006 \u003d 0.292 m

We accept the RMU-1 grating with a size of 600 mm × 800 mm, in which the width between the rods is 0.016 m, the thickness of the rods is 0.006 m. The number of gaps between the rods is 21.

V p ==(q max sec K 3)/b h n=(0.093 1.05)/(0.016 0.5 21)=0.58 m/s

N pr \u003d Q average day / q water from \u003d 4767 / 0.4 \u003d 11918 people

V day \u003d (N pr W) / (1000 35) \u003d 0.26 m 3 / day \u003d V day \u003d 750 0.26 \u003d 195 kg / day
