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Wedding photo book: what is it? An impressive gift for parents in the form of a photo book Photo book for 25 years of marriage

A wedding photo book is an opportunity to forever preserve the aroma of the happiest day of your life. Your wedding day is filled with wonderful moments and happy moments that you want to capture. The Wedding Photobook is becoming more and more popular, replacing the standard wedding albums with film pages. The photobook has a lot of advantages. This is an unusually stylish and modern thing, in the creation of which the customers themselves are directly involved. It looks beautiful and expensive, like a glossy magazine, while the cost is often no more than a standard album.


For many years, people have been printing their photos not on photo paper, but on special paper for digital printing machines, making them into practical photo books. You will be surprised, but the first photo books appeared long before the advent of photo printing in its current sense and digital printing, respectively. More than a century and a half ago, the first photo book of the famous researcher Anna Atkins saw the light of day. This illustrated edition was dedicated to the marine organisms of the British Isles. But the illustrated book by Alfred Tennyson called “Royal Idylls and Other Poems”, published in 1874, became a real work of art “in the name of the portrait”. Photos for this edition were prepared by Julia Cameron. It was a gallery of photographic portraits of significant personalities of that era: Thomas Carlyle, Alfred Tennyson, John Herschel, Henry Longfellow and others. So, the founders of photobooks were women!

wedding photo book

A wedding photo book is an opportunity to forever preserve the aroma of the happiest day of your life. Your wedding day is filled with wonderful moments and happy moments that you want to capture. The wedding photo book becomes more and more popular.

Why do you need a photobook

There was a merry wedding. The photographer diligently captured hundreds of happy moments. There are hugs, and kisses, and happy faces, and shining eyes, beautiful outfits and rings ... Fireworks of emotions, joy and beauty. All this is carefully selected, processed and copied to disk. Question: what's next? There are several solutions:

    Simple- “leave everything as it is” and let this whole bunch of fabulous photos be covered with invisible megabyte dust.

    Labour intensive- select the most successful, print, buy a couple of albums and insert these photos. Let them now be covered with real dust, standing on a shelf.

    The most labor intensive- Scrapbooking - album. These albums have their pros and cons. Hand maid is a definite plus. Here, each spread is a work of arts and crafts. Lace, designer paper, other charming features - all this, and much more, turn such an album into a very expensive exclusive item. But this album also has its downsides. As a rule, very few photos are placed in it. It takes a lot of time and effort to make it. It is bulky and unformatted in size. It is difficult to store and transport it, as it is stuffed with many fragile elements ... And the price, if you order such a thing from a master, will be quite big.

    Most modern- make (or order) a Wedding Photobook.
    Her virtues:

Her virtues:

Firstly, the Wedding Photobook is STYLISH - here you will find a unique design, the possibility of independent creativity, and an ultra-modern lubok. You can use various ready-made templates or "torment" a familiar designer with questions and asking for advice.

In addition, with the help of an editor program or a professional designer, you can create separate copies of the Wedding Photobook, different from yours. For example, for parents, friends and relatives. Thus, you will give them great pleasure and present a non-trivial gift. And if this is not important, then you can make the required number of copies of one book for all the elect.

Secondly, it is ECONOMY. How many photos can you print for the amount you spend on a photo book? About 120 pieces. Throw in the cost of a few high-quality expensive photo albums to accommodate all the photos. It turns out not cheap. On such a celebration as a wedding, you will not save money, right?

Thirdly, it is MODERN AND PRACTICAL. Photos are printed digitally printing machine Xerox with the highest possible resolution for quality prints. Automatic control color reproduction ensures the fidelity of the image from the file. Then all this is assembled on modern equipment into a whole book of the format you need. And here we come to the “practical” argument. Photo albums are rarely the same size. Often, they are chaotically and in disarray nested "random" photos, which tend to get enough sleep. On the shelves, such albums sometimes look sloppy. In the history of photobooks, all these incidents are simply excluded: photobooks have standard sizes, and once ordered, you can repeat the same format. Now they have presented an impeccable “shelf geometry” filled with photo books?

Fourth, it's INTERESTING. You start your family story with a Wedding Photobook. This is the beginning of the chronicle of your life together. Then the books Honeymoon Journey, Expecting a Baby, Our Baby and so on can follow ...

Fifthly, it is always QUALITATIVE. Photobooks are made from modern, durable materials. Lamination, metal corners, covers with an elegant fine texture, coated paper, all these attributes make a photo book a high-quality and expensive thing. The image reproduced on matte paper is not subject to glare and color distortion, looks elegant and spectacular. Subject to temperature regime and humidity readings photobooks are stored for decades, without yellowing and smoldering.

Stages of creation

Option 1.

Step one - talking on the phone
The very first conversation is designed to establish initial contact with the designer. Clients often have a lot of questions. Most of them are impossible to answer by phone. For example, the question about the cost of the design of the spreads of a wedding photo book cannot be solved without viewing the original photos. The thing is that the amount of work very much depends on the quality of the final pictures. The less retouching is required to process frames, the cheaper they are, of course. You can also determine how many reversals will turn out only in the process of viewing photos. Accordingly, answering a seemingly simple question over the phone - how much a wedding photo book will cost - is not always possible. To resolve such issues, clients are usually invited to the office. Prior to this, the stage of selecting photographs is necessary.

Stage two - selection of photos
Size wedding photography often exceeds a thousand shots. It is desirable that all photos for the Wedding Photobook be taken by a professional. Interfering with amateur and professional shots is not recommended, so as not to violate the style of the book. It is also worth remembering that the quality of photos depends on their size in pixels. Not all of the photos will end up in the photobook. First of all, first of all, you need to remove from the wedding photography those frames that you don’t like and should not be included in the photo book. Further, the designers advise to make 2 folders with the conditional names "Favorite" and "Required". The first folder will contain those photos that you like the most. They will be the basis for collages. In the second folder - those photos that must be included in the photo book. The rest of the photos will become design elements.

Stage three - first meeting

At the first meeting, selected wedding photos, the subject of spreads is determined, the type of book and the cost of design are selected, the contract is signed and an advance payment is made. The final cost depends on the quality of the original images and on the wishes of customers regarding the design.

Stage four - second meeting

As a rule, the photo studio offers a second appointment. It approves the final design, and discusses possible changes. You can make only a limited number of changes specified in the contract. Clients pay the full cost of ordered photobooks.

Stage five - handing over the book
At this meeting, clients receive the final work in the form of printed books and DVDs with collages and retouched photographs. Satisfied and happy, the newly-made spouses go home to celebrate such a wonderful acquisition as a Wedding Photobook.

Option 2 (advanced)

This is how some modern services work. Such as, for example, Enjoybook
Order in three steps.

Just upload photos for your photobook.

Step 2. Viewing the photobook

Flip through your photo book right on your computer screen! Create a mosaic on the first page of your photo book.

Step 3. Checkout

Please enter your shipping address and contact details. Pay for the order in any payment system convenient for you.

Wedding Photobook Ideas

    The most common option is photos in chronological order. That is, a ransom, a registry office, a banquet, etc. You can go further and make the chronology a little wider. For example, start with a photo of the first date (or any other), then the engagement, preparations for the wedding and the wedding itself, as well as the honeymoon. You can also complete the book with a photograph of a happy pregnant young wife. But it is worth remembering that photos in quality should not differ greatly from each other.

    Photos of accents and details will look cute. Bride's bouquet, groom's boutonniere, wedding cake and other charming little things that make the wedding unique and atmospheric

    You can not only focus on the love story of the bride and groom, but also give a couple of pages to moms, dads, witnesses and bridesmaids.

    If you wish, you can accompany photos beautiful text, poems, oaths or just inscriptions. The font and style of the text are chosen in accordance with the style of the wedding.

    The book can contain not only photographs, but also postcards with the wishes of friends and relatives. They will be very nice to re-read on every wedding anniversary.

    The title of the Wedding Photobook should appeal to both young people and leave no doubt that the book captures moments of love and happiness. For example, “Happiness forever”, “More than life”, “It is my life”, “Here it is, Happiness!” etc.

    Each bright moment should be devoted to a spread or even a couple of pages. For example, the dance of the young can be very spectacular and memorable, as well as congratulations from parents, ransom, vows before the altar, etc.

    Feel free to design the book exactly the way you want. If you love jokes and want a fun book with humor, go for it.

This is one of the custom made albums - silver wedding gift for parents. See how scrapbooking turns a family photo archive into a book of memories and impressions.

Such a big job - an album of 7 spreads - had to be done in a short time. Half of the photos for the album had to be scanned from printed original photographs. For the modern part, the pictures were in digital form. As you may have guessed, the photo album covers all 25 years family life.

On the cloth-covered cover, the numbers "25" play the role of a title and are covered with silver foil.

For special occasions like the 25th wedding anniversary, I only offer book binding. Such an album should be not only beautiful, but also strong in order to survive for many more decades.

The main style of the album is vintage. And the Kaisercraft paper, which I have long loved, helped me to support it. Namely, the Heirloom collection. With her help, I already designed. But despite using the same collection, the pages are designed quite differently.

The album tells the story in order. It all starts with getting to know each other. Then several pages are devoted to the wedding. (You can click on the pictures to view larger.)

Children are already appearing on the following pages. Gradually we move on to color photographs.

In addition, the album includes general photos from family gatherings.

Gradually, the story moves to modern days. And again, in the photographs, the two main characters are together. There are corners on the last page to secure a couple more pictures that will be taken at the silver wedding celebration.

If your parents have a wedding anniversary soon, then you are probably already thinking about a gift for this event. On the anniversary or wedding anniversary of the parents, you need to give not just original gift but a gift that can reflect your feelings and attitude towards them. After all, each of us wants to thank our parents for teaching us, loving us, accepting us as we are. Nowadays it is very difficult to make a valuable and memorable gift for parents. Nevertheless, it is possible and our service will help you with this. This article is about how you can turn photos into a unique gift for parents.

A photo book is a gift for parents that can convey your love and gratitude to your parents!

There are many options for designing a photo book as a gift for parents, and they all depend on how much time you have before the event, as well as on how many photos you can find.

Option 1: This is the most difficult option, since you will need a lot of photos, you may even need to scan old albums, but the effect of such a gift is worth the effort.

So, you will need to find old family albums, with photographs of your parents in their youth, as well as all children's albums. Usually, in family archives, parents store not only photographs, but also any first work of their children: the first letter, the first drawing, etc. All this you can include in your album. In addition to old photos, be sure to find contemporary photographs where your parents are already with their grandchildren or just with you at some joint, family event. Try to select only the most interesting and most the best photos both old and new.

When you have finished selecting photos, decide on the format of the photobook. The most chic and impressive gift option for parents is a photo book in the Square 30x30 format.. In second place in popularity is the photo book Album Classic A4. Having decided on the format and selected the photos, all you have to do is place them on the pages of the album. Come up with a few ideas yourself, or better, involve your husband, wife, brother or sister in this process! Joint creativity will be even more interesting. For example, you can compose a photo book from several parts:

  • dedicate part of the book only to old photographs in which your parents are together,
  • dedicate part of the book to children (i.e. to yourself) and place your old childhood photos, first letters and drawings, your school photos, wedding photos, etc.
  • the last part of the book can be devoted to family life. This is the best place to post any joint photos with your parents.

And don't forget to add text to the pages. The text will make your gift to parents even more valuable and even more original. You can look through it together and remember the most pleasant and most interesting moments.

You can see some impressive examples of photo books as a gift for parents below:

It's easy to give your parents a photo book!

Option 2: Do you have little time to select photos for a gift to your parents? Or is there no way to select old photos? No problem. Just select photos from the family photo archive in which you are with your parents. Remember what is most important and valuable for your parents now. Perhaps it is worth dedicating a few spreads to grandchildren, several spreads to photographs from joint events, walks and trips. For such an album, from 30 to 100 photos will be enough. Surely in your archive there are such photos. Spend a little more time texting some photos and your gift to your parents will be the most unique and interesting.

Make your gift to parents even more gorgeous!

If the budget allows, then we recommend ordering a photo book with a faux leather cover, decorated with gold corners. This book makes a lasting impression. It is pleasant to hold it in hands, it is pleasant to view it and it perfectly decorates any interior! A few examples of a photo book as a gift to parents with a cover made of artificial leather:

If the budget allows, then we recommend ordering a photo book with a faux leather cover, decorated with gold corners. This book makes a lasting impression. It is pleasant to hold it in hands, it is pleasant to view it and it perfectly decorates any interior!

In our online editor you can create a wedding photo book based on ready-made designs. You just need to place photos and, if necessary, add inscriptions. To create a photobook, click the " Order this album» under the design you like.

wedding classic

Stylish album for stylish newlyweds. Calm colors, artsy fonts and discreet drawings.

wedding ornaments

One of the albums that looks even better in real life than on the screen. Warm and cold colors changing each other are the best backdrop for wedding shots.

white album

A versatile design with a white background, perfect for a wedding photo book.

Wedding photo album designs by professional photographers

None of the newlyweds can boast that they clearly remember all the events of celebrating their own wedding. Too many guests, events, emotions. Detailed wedding photo albums - the only way to consider in detail all the brightest and most interesting moments of the celebration. Order a gift photo album for young people from photographs taken by an invited professional - this will be a status option. And prepare an "alternative" version - an album of photos taken by friends: for soulful memories.

The result of joint creativity is a long and interesting story about the magical change of the status of "groom and bride" to "husband and wife". You can create chic colorful wedding photo albums, the photos in which are laid out in such a way that they represent a full-fledged story about the holiday, with the help of our service.

Make creating a wedding photo album an interesting and fun event: invite your family and friends to fill it. After all, not only the invited was engaged in photography at the wedding professional photographer but also guests. If the photos of the guests do not differ high quality- no problem. We have provided for this option: all the shortcomings of the pictures will be correctly corrected, and full-fledged high-quality photos will appear in the album.

For newlyweds in the catalog you can choose large luxurious editions on excellent paper. For guests, order booklets and albums that reflect the main moments of your holiday.

If you have not yet decided how your wedding photo album should look like, go to the "Wedding" page and view examples of wedding photo albums.

"Non-extinguishing fire" of married life photo albums for "silver" and "golden newlyweds"

Our ancestors gave names to each wedding anniversary in accordance with the experience of family life acquired. The most common dates are the silver and golden jubilees of the family. Order a gift photo album for the wedding of your loved ones, and please them with an unusual format in a cool typographic design.

We tried to make it possible to implement almost any of your wishes for the design of the wedding album. In the Catalog, you can choose from a large number of offered types and types of paper, covers, sizes and categories.

And, most importantly, what we are sure to provide to all our customers is the excellent quality of photo publications of any price category.

How important it is to capture the most important moments and sincere emotions on your wedding day! A talented and experienced photographer will provide you with beautiful pictures, and a stylish wedding photo book and video clip will be an additional bonus.

On the portal, you will find out why wedding books are an excellent alternative to traditional albums and what design ideas are offered by photography masters.

What is a wedding book?

A modern wedding book is an opportunity to keep each photo for many, many years without worrying that the pictures will be lost or faded. After all, the photographs themselves are the pages of the book.

Advantages of a photobook:

  1. The ability to choose absolutely any topic that will match the ideas of a wedding photo shoot;
  2. A designer photographer can create a completely new and original design every turn. The placement of pictures is carefully thought out, the “correspondence” of the photos to each other is taken into account and, if necessary, inscriptions of the necessary style are created;
  3. Saving time if you order printing of wedding photo books from a photographer who directly filmed your celebration;
  4. Centerfold pictures are printed without tearing off. This makes it possible to apply a photograph to the entire spread, highlighting their significance for the couple;
  5. Wedding photo books allow you to conveniently store photos. Albums are made in thick binding, which guarantees the safety of pictures for many years;
  6. The most important and beautiful photos are collected in one place. They will definitely be able to convey the mood and charm of your celebration to anyone who wants to view photos from the wedding day;
  7. A wedding day photobook would make a great wedding anniversary gift. Especially for couples who “didn’t get around” to print pictures from the celebration. In addition, a photo album in a modern way will surely please the parents of the newlyweds;
  8. And finally, emotions! It is always a pleasure to hold printed photos in your hands, and doubly so if the pictures are beautifully designed in a stylish book.

Developed technologies allow newlyweds to choose: order photos and a wedding book from a specialist or make an album with their own hands. In the second case, you will be able to save money, but the result is unlikely to live up to expectations. Most likely, you will receive an album, like your friends.

In turn, the professional will offer you some interesting and unusual examples of photobook design and create an album that will meet your individual requirements and expectations.

Design and decoration of a wedding photobook

Computer technology allows you to create almost any design of a wedding photo book. Don't know what you want? You can always look at examples on the web or with your photographer and sort out your desires.

First of all, you need to decide in what order and what pictures you would like to see in the album. Currently, several standard options have been formed, however, you can always make your own changes to them.

Ideas for posting pictures:

  • The course of the wedding "in order". This method of posting photos is the most common. The book begins with photographs of the bride and groom in the cathedral, and then - according to the script. Latest photos, usually with a wedding cake or fireworks in the background;
  • Love story. Such an album covers a wider range of the couple's relationship. The book begins with the first joint shots, after - the engagement, exciting moments of pre-wedding preparations, the wedding day itself, sweet honeymoon days and, as a happy ending to the album, the pregnant wife;
  • In wedding books can be turned on pictures of parents newlyweds, close friends and witnesses;
  • The album will take on a special energy if you include in it wishes of loved ones;
  • The brightest moments worth highlighting more space in the wedding book. For example, select one or two spreads for pictures from the exciting moment of marriage, wedding, the first dance of the newly-married spouses or the removal of the veil.

After that, it is worth considering the style and background for the wedding book. Albums made in the style of a wedding celebration and designed in the same color scheme will look good. Moreover, the cover of the wedding book must necessarily set the mood.

Photographers suggest paying attention to the following design options:

  • “Like in the movies”, especially this style of book is suitable for photos from a themed wedding based on your favorite movie;
  • A note of humor;
  • Gentle mood;
  • Thematic design, for example, a book in nautical style or in orange shades will emphasize the theme of the past celebration.