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Pavel durov change of appearance. Pavel durov, biography, news, photos. What Pavel Durov says about his plastic surgery

The personality of Pavel Durov is shrouded in myths and rumors. They talk about the ruble billionaire, discuss every step, keep a close eye on his career and new projects. decided to follow how the Russian programmer reincarnated from a botanist to a macho one.

How Pavel Durov looked in his youthIn his student years, Durov had an unremarkable appearance. He looked and dressed quite modestly.

Looking at the photographs of 2006-2007, it is difficult to imagine that this young man in 10 years will be included in the list of 200 richest businessmen in Russia according to Forbes magazine.

The incredible success of the startup's projects allowed him to drastically change his life, and at the same time correct his appearance.

Pavel Durov's plastic surgery New hairstyle and dark hair color is the first thing that catches the eye when comparing old and new photographs of Pavel. The emerging bald patches disappeared somewhere, the hair became thicker and darker.

Androgenic alopecia (which, judging by the old photos, our hero suffered) leads to a strong thinning of the hair. Now Durov was supposed to be bald, but we see a completely different picture. This is a sure sign that the young man has used the services of specialists. He may have had a hair transplant or subcutaneous injections of drugs to stop the balding process. Plastic surgery such as aesthetic otoplasty is also obvious. In the early photographs, one cannot fail to notice that Pavel has moderately pronounced lop-earedness, in this moment Durov does not have such a feature with ears. Another change in appearance: veneers on teeth. Our hero had an even snow-white smile at about the moment when the number of users of the social network "Vkontakte" approached 10 million.

As for the rest of the changes, they are caused by natural age processes. Durov's facial features sharpened a little, but this has nothing to do with contouring and the introduction of fillers - the swelling, which is common in childhood and adolescence, has gone. The entrepreneur's facial expressions remain mobile, the shape of the lips and nose has not changed either.

Pavel Durov - programmer, founder of the largest Russian-speaking social network VKontakte and its director from 2006 to 2014.

In 2007 Pavel Durov became the winner of the competition for the best young entrepreneurs of the year of the newspaper "Delovoy Petersburg". By 2011, Pavel's capital was estimated at 7.9 billion rubles. Durov was ranked 350 in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. The cost of the social network "Vkontakte" by this time was estimated at one and a half billion dollars.

In 2013, he introduced the Telegram messenger to users with a unique encryption technology. After the dismissal of the head of VKontakte in 2014, he left Russia and continued to develop Telegram.

Childhood and education

Pavel Valerievich Durov was born on October 10, 1984 into an intelligent Leningrad family. Durov's father - Valery Semenovich - Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Classical Philology, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University. Nikolai Valerievich, Pavel Durov's elder brother, twice became the absolute world champion in programming among students.

Pavel went to school in Turin, where his father worked for several years. Soon the family returned to Russia, and after studying for a short time in a comprehensive school, Pavel entered the Academic Gymnasium at St. Petersburg State University.

Durov studied in a class with in-depth study of four foreign languages. I sat at the first desk because of vision problems. From the age of 11 he was fond of programming, together with his brother he created his first programs.

Known for his school burglary antics computer networks: Pavel out of boredom changed the screensavers on all computers in the computer science classroom and easily cracked passwords that teachers invented.

After graduating from the Academic Gymnasium with honors, Durov entered the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University (specialty "English Philology and Translation").

In general, Pavel Durov is distinguished by a passion for languages: “Teach foreign languages... This will unrealistically expand the depth of perception of the world and open up unprecedented prospects for learning, development and career growth", - he once gave such advice to readers on his page" Vkontakte ". It also lists the languages ​​that Pavel Durov speaks: in addition to English, French, German, Spanish and Italian, he knows Latin and Persian.

During his studies at the university, he repeatedly won Olympiads in linguistics, programming and design, was a scholar of the Government of the Russian Federation, the President of the Russian Federation, three years in a row became a laureate of the Potanin Prize, was trained at the military faculty in the specialty "Propaganda and psychological warfare", was a platoon commander philological faculty. He graduated from military training with the rank of reserve lieutenant. In 2006 he completed his studies at the philological faculty with honors, which he still has not taken from the university.

Creation of "VKontakte"

While still a student, Durov began to collect a database with educational materials for students of humanitarian faculties, which was located at He wanted to unite the one-pupils scattered in different buildings with the help of a resource convenient for virtual communication - this is how the forum was born. Each user's personal account included columns with first and last name, faculty, list of friends and groups, as well as the ability to blog. To promote the site, Durov organized intra-university beauty and design contests.

Once his old friend Vyacheslav Mirilashvili, who studied in the States, wrote to Durov. He watched the skyrocketing popularity of the social networking site Facebook and shared his findings with Pavel. Together they discussed the idea of ​​creating a Russian-language social network. The money for the project was borrowed from Vyacheslav's father. The founders of the company were Pavel Durov and his friend Lev Leviev with Vyacheslav.

In September 2006, the social network VKontakte was launched. Its founders borrowed its appearance from the brainchild of Mark Zuckerberg. Novice entrepreneurs were helped by Nikolay Durov, who took over the optimization of the server load.

Interview with Pavel Durov

Initially, VKontakte could be registered only by invitation, but in December 2006 the site became open to all users. During the first year of operation, the number of VK users has grown over three million. To attract new users, the site's management organized contests, such as "Give an iPod to the one who brings more friends."

Despite the minimization of costs, the new project needed vital investments to support the servers, especially since Contact at that time did not know advertising and was a completely non-commercial project. The first investor in VKontakte was Yuri Milner and his fund Digital Sky Technologies, which bought 25% of the shares of the social network for $ 6.3 million and subsequently sold them to Group.

However, the commercialization of the site could not be postponed. In 2007, VKontakte users got the opportunity to increase their rating and give their friends gifts for virtual currency - “votes”. Two years after the launch of the site, the first banners appeared on it for contextual advertising... By that year, the site had already become the leader in traffic in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet, and the number of users reached 20 million.

Pavel rented the two upper floors of the famous Singer House on Nevsky Prospekt, where the main office of VKontakte moved.

Since December 2011, Durov has been actively involved in financing startups selected on a competitive basis. The first six selected startups received $ 25,000 from Durov. In early January 2012, Pavel donated $ 1 million for the development of Wikipedia.

In November 2012, Nikolai Kononov's documentary book "The Durov Code", dedicated to the development of "VKontakte", was published. The rights to film the book were immediately acquired by AR Films. Pavel is extremely negative about the adaptation, however, despite his disapproval, the release of the film was scheduled for the end of 2017.

In 2012, singer Sergei Lazarev, concerned about the large volume of pirated content on Russia's largest social network, announced his intention to sue VKontakte. After that, Durov tweeted that all Lazarev's songs were removed from VK, from which the cultural value of the site only grew. For some time, when trying to include any of the singer's compositions, users received a plate: "The composition is withdrawn from public access due to the lack of cultural value."

Known for his "corporate war" with one of the main shareholders of "Vkontakte" company Group, which sought in 2011 to absorb the social network and combine it with the site "Odnoklassniki". In 2012, a conflict also erupted between Vkontakte and the leadership of the Vedomosti newspaper, associated with one of the site's innovations, which allows viewing news from third-party resources without clicking on an active link.

Shareholder conflict between Pavel Durov and UCP

In 2011, Dmitry Grishin, the newly-minted director of Group (formerly DST), which also owned the Odnoklassniki social network, announced to Durov his intention to buy out 100% of VKontakte shares and merge it with Odnoklassniki, as well as withdraw the shares VK on IPO, that is, to offer them for purchase to a wide range of people. Later it became known that the amount of the potential deal exceeded $ 2 billion, if we count the Facebook shares offered by instead of $ 1.1 billion.

A week later, after negotiations between the two "whales" of the Runet, Durov posted on Instagram his photo with a protruding middle finger. The indecent gesture was accompanied by the signature: "The official response to the trash-holding Mail to its next attempts to absorb VKontakte."

Due to the failed deal, Durov subsequently fell out with partners - Mirilashvili and Leviev. They sold their stakes in the social network (40% and 8%) to the investment fund UCP (United Capital Partners) without notifying either Durov or the Mail Group. Pavel insisted that the transaction was illegal, since according to Russian law, before the sale of his shares, a shareholder is obliged to offer to buy them out to other owners of shares.

In turn, UCP was unhappy with the fact that Durov was spending time and money on personal projects, namely, on the Telegram messenger, launched in August 2013. Durov himself claimed that he developed the messenger for personal funds. The founder of VKontakte was sued for embezzlement of funds. A counterclaim followed: Durov sued the founder of UCP Ilya Shcherbovich, accusing him of buying out shares in Telegram LLC and Digital Fortress LLC behind his back with the help of his partners, with the further intention of blackmailing him to exchange these shares for half of Telegram's shares. Subsequently, both sides withdrew their claims.

Shortly thereafter, Durov sold the remaining 12% stake in VKontakte to Megafon CEO Ivan Tavrin. Experts estimated the value of the deal from $ 200 million to $ 400 million. A couple of months later, Tavrin sold the acquired shares to Mail Group, which eventually became the owner of 52% of the company.

On April 1, 2014, Pavel Durov announced his resignation from his post on his VKontakte page. general director“Due to changes in the shareholding structure”. It turned out that on March 21, he filed a letter of resignation due to on their own... A little later, he explained that the information was a hoax and that he would not leave his post, so easily betraying everything he had done for the site.

On April 16, Durov spoke about the requirements of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation to extradite the organizers of the Euromaidan community and block the anti-corruption community of Alexei Navalny “Rospil”. Durov refused both demands.

On April 21, Durov learned of his dismissal from the media. It turned out that the VKontakte board of directors found errors in the statement about the rollback of the previous statement (about resigning of his own free will on March 21), and therefore he was automatically removed from office. “Today VKontakte is coming under the full control of Igor Sechin and Alisher Usmanov. Probably, in Russian conditions, something like that was inevitable, but I am glad that we held out for 7 and a half years, "he summed up.

Soon Durov left Russia, taking with him a team of 12 programmers, bought the citizenship of the Caribbean island of Saint Kitts and Nevis and did not intend to return to his homeland until at least 7 conditions were implemented in Russia. Among them: open courts, elimination of contradictions between laws (deregulation), open elections on the leadership positions, maximum taxes on the raw materials sector with the abolition of VAT, the economic sovereignty of regions, reforms in the education system and the "abolition of feudal vestiges" such as military service and the cult of registration.

Criticism of Durov

Many eccentric actions and statements of Durov are subjected to harsh criticism. A wave of angry articles fell upon him after the action with the scattering of airplanes with banknotes from the window of his office. Bloggers and journalists call this act of Durov "a merchant's whim", and Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky spoke out even more harshly: "A citizen who treats his people like cattle should get the profession of a seamstress-minder in the zone."

Flying money by Pavel Durov

On the eve of Victory Day on May 9, 2012, Durov again turned the Runet against himself by saying on Twitter: "67 years ago, Stalin defended Hitler's right to repress the population of the USSR." Many bloggers and public figures sharply condemned this post and deleted their accounts on Vkontakte, and Sergei Minaev called Durov “scum”. Later, Vladislav Tsyplukhin, at that time the press secretary of Vkontakte, said that Durov respected Victory Day, and the tweet was related to the fact that his grandfather, who had gone through the entire Great patriotic war, was later repressed.

"Pavel Durov" hit a road inspector

In 2013, the founder of VKontakte allegedly hit a police officer in his car. A video appeared on the Internet in which a person similar to Pavel Durov breaks the rules road traffic, runs into the inspector, and then disappears from the accident scene. It is noteworthy that this story took place just at the time when the spheres of influence were being redistributed among the shareholders of the largest social network in Russia.

Personal life of Pavel Durov

Little more is known about Pavel Durov's personal life than nothing. A number of rather "yellow" media outlets quoted an excerpt from the documents of the St. Petersburg registry office, according to which Durov is the father of two children (born in 2009 and 2010), whose mother is the journalist Daria Bondarenko, who graduated from the history department of St. Petersburg State University. The press service of Vkontakte called this information "tabloid gossip", Durov himself put it more harshly: "And then I went crazy when I found out."

Those who knew Durov even before wealth and popularity argued that he once really met Daria, but the couple did not have any children.

Pavel Durov now. Telegram against Roskomnadzor

After leaving VKontakte, Pavel Durov took up the development of Telegram, which, according to various estimates, spent up to $ 12 million a year to maintain.

In May 2017, Durov came into conflict with Roskomnadzor. The head of the department, Alexander Zharov, did not rule out blocking the messenger on the territory of the Russian Federation due to the refusal of Durov, known for libertarian views, to cooperate with the authorities and provide them with data for registering the messenger, the very concept of which implied complete anonymity of the correspondence, for the safety of which Durov feared.

After the refusal, an information attack hit Telegram. The largest federal channels aired stories in which Telegram was directly called the main channel of communication for terrorists, and representatives of the FSB said that the terrorist attack in the St. Petersburg metro was coordinated using a messenger. Businessman Oleg Tinkov called Durov "cattle", defiantly removed Telegram from his smartphone and promised money to those who would follow his example.

On June 28, Durov nevertheless provided the data for registering Telegram in the Russian Federation, but expressed the hope that it would not come to providing encryption keys or user data. Otherwise, Pavel said, there will be no cooperation.

A new round of confrontation between Telegram and the Russian authorities began in April 2018. On the 13th, the court ruled to block the messenger for refusing to issue the encryption keys to the FSB, which, according to Durov, in principle cannot be provided to anyone for technical reasons due to software specifics. On April 16, Roskomnadzor began blocking. Pavel refused to cooperate with the authorities and posted on Instagram a photo on a white horse with the comment: "To be free, you must risk everything for the sake of freedom."

At the end of several days, Telegram was still available to most users. In an attempt to destroy the messenger, Roskomnadzor blocked more than 20 million IP addresses, which led to the malfunctioning of many large services based on cloud hosting Amazon and Google.

In 2014, the entrepreneur changed his place of residence, went abroad, and after a while he shocked the public with image changes after plastic surgeries and numerous cosmetic procedures to improve their appearance.

In the early photos, the young man looks modest, and his natural data are not expressive. Attention is drawn to the protruding pointed ears.

Pavel Durov as a child

The onset of androgenic alopecia is also noticeable. If we rely on statistics and medical facts, then at the moment Durov should have been practically without hair.

Photo of Pavel Durov in 2007 before plastic surgery

In addition, the youthful photos of Pavel Durov before the plastic surgery reflect the roundness of the facial contours and some swelling, as well as the soft nose line and unremarkable eye expression, which cannot be said about the pictures after the intervention of specialists. The figure of Paul in his early youth is thin, without athletic signs.

Hair transplant and subcutaneous injections for hair loss

The hairline on Pavel's head in early photos and after the transformation of his appearance differs dramatically... The severe thinning of hair, to which Durov is genetically inclined, could not go away by itself.

Based on the range of services available modern market, Pavel could use the courses of subcutaneous injections, which provide the hair follicles with nutrition, activate the microcirculation of blood vessels and the flow of oxygen.

Also, the changes could have occurred due to the successful hair transplantation, which, according to new technologies, has a seamless nature.

Possessing huge material resources, it is unlikely that Durov resorted to creating an illusion due to the skillful work of experienced stylists and the likelihood of using an individually created wig. Experts believe that Pavel Durov chose modern method hair transplant used in the world's best cosmetic centers, F.U.E.

In youthful photographs, Durov did not differ in the thickness of his hair, unlike today.

Only top-class specialists are allowed to use this technology. The combination of skill and detailed control results in a natural visual experience of the transplanted hair. The essence of innovation is a special step-by-step extraction and transplantation of individual areas from the donor area, which are then sequentially implanted into the required area of ​​the customer.

Thus, the transplant is carried out with jewelry precision, which prevents scars and scars, and also shortens the rehabilitation period. Only this technique can guarantee the maximum effect. All stages of work in this direction are diagnosed using a trichoscope, every square centimeter of hair is analyzed, both on the head of the donor and the customer.

The computer calculates the natural number of follicles, the number of hairs, their thickness, size and distance between them. Diagnostics and work with images are automated.

Aesthetic dentistry

Pavel Durov's smile before and after plastic surgery has noticeably changed: The line of the teeth has become even and acquired a dazzling shine, which indicates the intervention of qualified dentists.

Modern dental clinics in the order of things correct the color, shape and position of teeth. Complex rehabilitation is carried out on the basis of innovative technologies and involves the development of an individual concept. At the heart of aesthetic dentistry is the formation of a radiant, perfect smile, an example of which can be the smile of Pavel Durov today.

While the function of traditional dentistry is to ensure hygiene, prevention and diagnosis of pathologies in the oral cavity, aesthetic dentistry aims to improve the appearance of teeth and gums.

Aesthetic dentistry of our time provides a chance to correct all the shortcomings: from small errors in a smile, to global defects in tooth color, increased distances between teeth, correction of curvature of teeth and other problems.

The work of a highly qualified specialist in this field is based on a combination of treatment and elements of artwork.

In the course of a painstaking process, such parameters as the transparency of the crown, the natural microrelief of the enamel surface are recreated.


Pavel Durov before and after plastic surgery has a different shape of the ears, which can be seen with comparative analysis his photographs in his early youth and today's photos. There are undoubted differences in the direction of improving their appearance. According to one of the plastic surgeons, Durov resorted to otoplasty, which in all respects benefited his image.

Many favorites of the public decided on such an operation, which subsequently increased their self-esteem and rating among fans. Foreign stars have resorted to otoplasty: Brad Pitt, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Raichen Nemkul, Lee Jong Hyun. As well as famous personalities of Russian origin: Evgenia Kryukova, Nelly Ermolaeva, Pavel Priluchny.

Pavel Durov also trusted the surgeons and got rid of lop-earedness forever.


Some experts believe that Pavel Durov also resorted to nose surgery. And before Paul's nose was quite the correct shape. But in the last photographs, Durov's nose has become just an ideal, aristocratic shape, its width has decreased, and the tip has become thinner and narrower.

Facial contouring

Despite the striking changes in the features of Durov's face, doctors question the intervention of plastic surgeons. As we grow up, features tend to sharpen, while the cheekbones often become more expressive.

Children's and youthful facial swelling sometimes goes away without contouring and the introduction of fillers. Confirmation of the opinion of experts is also indicated by the remaining mobile former facial expressions of Durov.

Before the contouring, the face was rounder, the cheekbones were not pronounced.

Changes in Pavel's facial features can be attributed to the work of qualified aesthetic cosmetologists, because the standard effect of non-surgical contouring is just the sharpening of the cheekbones, the clarity and relief of the oval of the face, which is demonstrated by the changed appearance of the entrepreneur.

In addition to the aesthetic results that are achieved during these procedures, the client also receives a healthier skin in general, which could also attract Durov.

In addition to being safe and hypoallergenic, drugs used for injections are self-absorbing.

The funds have a positive effect on the processes inside skin cells:

  • increased moisture content in deep layers;
  • activation of oxygen access to cells;
  • promoting the production of elastin and collagen fibers;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • elimination of age spots.

In full measure, the result obtained is noticeable within six months, and then the procedures must be repeated to maintain shape.

What other changes have occurred in the appearance of Pavel Durov

In fresh photos, the once pale, thin, awkward entrepreneur appeared with a bare tanned torso, which now delights with the play of muscles on the shoulders and cubes on the stomach. Pavel's appearance has become very courageous, it is clear that the businessman regularly visits the gym.

Apparently, Durov created a beautiful body thanks to daily workouts under the guidance of competent fitness instructors. Of course, it was not without proper nutrition, which Pavel Durov talked about in an interview.

How much does the operation cost?

The cost of various face-changing surgeries can vary due to several factors.

The formation of prices is influenced by:

  • the prestige of the clinic;
  • professional level of specialists;
  • the complexity of the operation;
  • the initial cost of the accompanying material used during the procedure.

The average prices in Moscow for the procedures that Durov used to improve his appearance are as follows:

Hair restoration surgeries

The stage of baldness and the area that needs correction is of paramount importance for the price of the procedure. To increase the hair on the head, various techniques are provided. Working with eyebrows, mustaches and beards involves a manual method. In addition, the popularity of the clinic and the popularity of the doctor play a role.

Contacting an experienced institution minimizes the risks, including due to the guarantees that the clinic gives. A lone specialist providing services for low price, cannot provide such guarantees.

To create the illusion of naturalness and sufficient density of hair, repeated procedures are often required, for which you need to prepare in advance. The cost of such services ranges from 60 to 150 thousand rubles per operation.

Otoplasty operations

The type of intervention influences the pricing policy in this area of ​​paramount importance. An incision is made in the crease at the back of the ear to be invisible in the end.

Based on the type of correction, cartilage dissection can be performed, cuts can be corrected, and modeling sutures can be used.

Often, several manipulations are used at the same time, in order to form the auricle of the desired shape. The price for this type of procedure ranges from 10,000 to 60,000 rubles per session.

Rhinoplasty operations

Surgical interventions in this area involve plastic surgery of the nose in order to correct its shape, eliminate congenital and acquired defects, and work on changing the septum.

Modern procedures involve operations in a closed way, which includes options for building up certain areas, as well as advanced technologies in working with the osteochondral framework. An experienced specialist is able to achieve the desired result within a single session, the cost of which varies from 60 to 350 thousand rubles.

Pavel Durov before and after surgery: photo

Before plastic surgery, Pavel Durov in the photo appears to be a man of unremarkable appearance. The young man had thinning brown hair and somewhat protruding ears. Durov's physique was also far from ideal.

In the new pictures after plastic surgery, Durov poses with thick hair of a dark shade, his ears and nose are of a classic shape, and in the refined facial features, the emphasized line of the cheekbones stands out. Also, now the entrepreneur is exposing his figure, which has become close to perfection, on public display.

Today's image of Durov is a confident young man with a fatal look and an ideal figure. Some fans compare Pavel with Dima Bilan; indeed, there are some similarities in the appearance of these stars.

Personal life of a billionaire

In personal matters, Durov is secretive and gained fame as a mysterious person. Despite careful searches of fans in this direction, there is no exact information about Pavel's personal life. And therefore There are many rumors about who the entrepreneur is dating.

Durov is credited with an affair with Alena Shishkova.

Due to his constant employment, Pavel prefers not to spend a lot of time with women, as he repeatedly spoke about in interviews. Nevertheless, there are photos on the network from events where he is surrounded by models. Similar situations the entrepreneur characterizes it as experiments, when testing of future software innovations is carried out on girls.

For a long time, news about Durov's common-law wife Daria Bondarenko and their children was forced. This information, as it turned out later, was not confirmed by anything.

The entrepreneur himself answers questions about marriage in the manner that marriage suppresses the personality and artificially builds it into the system.

In Pavel's instagram there are no clues on the topic of his personal life. It demonstrates his impressions of numerous travels to the most beautiful places in the world, as well as himself against the backdrop of all sorts of attractions.

What Pavel Durov says about his plastic surgery

To the interest of journalists about the dramatic changes in his image, Durov denies plastic and other surgical interventions. The entrepreneur also claims that Photoshop was not used to create a model appearance in the photo.

Today's image of Pavel Durov

To date, the hero Pavel has chosen the style of the superhero from the famous film "The Matrix", which is expressed in outfits of exclusively black color and verified proportions of the hairstyle. The hero of the article prefers healthy way life and proper nutrition, which is demonstrated in the photo and in the interview.

Once Durov announced that he ignored the goods offered pharmaceutical industry, the benefits of which he doubts. Systematic sports activities have also transformed the entrepreneurial image, making him an object of admiration.

If at the early stages of his career Pavel appears as a typical Petersburg intellectual, modest and delicate, then Lately he shows clearly rebellious inclinations, which, of course, was reflected in the features of his appearance.

Qualitative changes in appearance Pavel Durov in the interval before and after plastic surgery are obvious. The assessment of specialists for medical intervention in this matter varies: from light corrective "strokes" to a thorough face plastics.

Summarizing, we can say that, along with the presumptive possibility of external influence, the growing up of the young man, the correct lifestyle of an entrepreneur and his solid interest in sports played a significant role.

Video: Pavel Durov before and after plastic surgery

Durov's appearance before surgery:

What was Pavel Durov before he became rich and famous:

If Pavel Durov takes up some business, everything will definitely work out 100%. He achieves phenomenal results in many areas, although he himself most often remains in the shadows, prefers to dress in black suits, rarely gives interviews, but every word he says carries weight.

The private life of Paul is covered with a veil of secrets and many rumors. Little is known about him and even less of this can be called true. The future IT genius was born on October 10, 1984 in St. Petersburg (then still Leningrad). His height is 178 centimeters.

Prior to founding VKontakte, Pavel was actively developing and gaining knowledge in the field of programming. In 2007, he was even recognized as the best young entrepreneur, and by 2011, Durov's asset exceeded 8 billion rubles.

Durov's second big brainchild is Telegram, founded in 2013, but Pavel completely switched to it in 2014, when he was forced to leave VKontakte. After his dismissal, Durov left Russia and now rarely visits his homeland.

As a non-media person, Pavel rarely shines in society, but attention to him is close, especially recently, interest has been fueled by Durov's appearance. He was not known as a macho in his youth, but now Pavel is an example of a successful attractive entrepreneur. Experts in the field of plastic surgery assure that it was plastic surgery that helped him achieve such results.

Pavel did not abuse plastic surgery, he only slightly corrected his ears and nose, and he also underwent a successful hair transplant, which provided a gorgeous head of hair.

Plus, Pavel follows his figure, regularly does fitness and always looks fit.

Instagram- durov.

Over the past ten years, the life of Pavel Durov has changed dramatically. In 2006, the young man graduated from the university, and rushed ... "The best young entrepreneur", the most popular social network in Russia and as a result - a place in the ranking richest people country.

The success did not last long. Problems came along with the money. The businessman left the post of general director of VKontakte, and then left the country. The city of palaces and bridges, he replaced the sunny beaches of Indonesia and the mountains of Switzerland, the work of "VKontakte" for "Telegram". Even, it seems, he disowned old colleagues.


And the businessman has changed outwardly. Now in the tanned muscular handsome man it is impossible to discern the "botanist" to whom Durov looked so much in his youth. We compare the photos of 2007 and 2017: they seem to be two different people.

There are several questions. For example, where has gone, sorry, the receding hairline? Are your ears sticking out anymore? Where did this piercing look come from? Yes, and some chiseled facial features ...


It is possible that Durov became prettier in the Swiss mountains, from where he often uploads photographs. Nature, fresh invigorating air ... But, to be honest, it's hard to believe in such an effect. The dramatic changes in the appearance of the billionaire "Komsomolskaya Pravda" discussed with the plastic surgeon of the clinic "SPIKA" Valery Staysupov.

- The changes are, of course, significant. But still, a lot of time has passed. There are several signs by which you can determine whether they are different people or not. Of course, in all the photographs Pavel Durov, says Staysupov. - True, in his youth he was more lop-eared than now. This is the first thing that catches your eye. There is an assumption that he nevertheless "conjured" over his ears and performed otoplasty (plastic surgery to correct the auricles, - ed.).


Another mystery is Durov's luxurious hair. Even Keanu Reeves, who is now reminiscent of the creator of VKontakte, has a much more modest hairstyle.

As for the rest of the changes, you shouldn't look for a catch in them. Durov's face really sharpened, and his cheekbones became more expressive. But Valery Staysupov is sure that Pavel did without contour plastics. It's just that nature has taken its toll. - Early photographs show that Paul begins to develop androgenic alopecia. In theory, within 10-15 years he should have been left without hair. There are three options: a hair transplant, a wig or a stylist's workshop. The main thing is that everything is done with high quality. As a rule, men suffer from this baldness. And they fail to achieve such a brilliant result, - Staysupov is surprised.

- He lost weight, dried out, and the cheekbones erupted. Previously, they were at the same level as now, - the surgeon sums up. - In addition, Durov's nose, eyebrows and eyelids are the same.

The same cannot be said for his stomach cubes and triceps. Obviously, Durov wasted no time. And he demonstrated his inherent tenacity in the gym.
