Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Dream concert script come true. An approximate script for the graduation party “Dreams do come true. Dance "Magic Garden"

Oleg: Listen, how tired of being puppets.

Vika: Exactly, it's so boring being fake.

Lena: let's ask the Master who made us. Maybe He will revive us!

Dima: Surely we will become real people. He can do everything. Let's call him. (They call and the master comes out).

Master: Why was I called.

Oleg: We thought about it and decided to ask you to make us real people.

Master: People. Well, this is a good desire and I can fulfill it, but there are some conditions for this. You have to become like people.

Vika: Yes, we are so similar. Here we have two arms, two legs, a head, a mouth. Everything is like people.

Oleg: Yes, there are even clothes.

Master: You did not understand. It's not about clothes, you need human qualities. For example, a dream. After all, only people can dream. Let each of you find your cherished dream and then you will really become like people.

Master: No, this dream should be exactly yours and you need to look for it in your heart. I give you time to think about what you dream of, and then call me and I'll see what you have done.

Oleg: Yes, how difficult it turned out. You have to find a dream.

Vika: Yes, I thought that the Master would immediately make us human beings.

Satanilych: And I can help.

Vika: Truth?

Lena: Stop. This is an evil doll - Satanilych. The master threw him into the basement for his harmfulness and anger and forbade him to communicate with him.

Oleg: Come on, what if he really can help?

Satanilych: I can, I can. I can suggest to each of you such a dream that you will be exactly like people.

Lena: But the Master said that we ourselves should look for our dream.

Oleg: Yeah said. And if we have to search for this dream all our lives, then what, and remain a doll. Better let this Satanilych tell us.

Lena: But he can only teach evil.

Satanilych: Okay, if you don't like it, then don't disturb others. So you come here (Calls the doll - Vika). Here's your dream. Dream of becoming the richest and coolest. Understood!

Vika: Understood. And I even like it. My cool dream (leaves).

Satanilych: Next (calling Luda). So, but you dream to become the most fashionable and beautiful.

Luda: Truly a great dream. And in truth, I really like it.

Satanilych: Next (calling Oleg). Well, what kind of dream do you come up with. Aha here. Dream of becoming the strongest. There, learn some kind of karate, I understand.

Oleg: Understood. I love this dream too.

Satanilych: Hey there. Maybe I can tell you a dream as long as I'm kind.

Lena: We don't need your tips.

Dima: Just like we ourselves.

Satanilych: Well, okay (Leave).

Lena: Yes, he's nasty. In vain other dolls communicated with him. He does not teach good.

Dima: This is for sure, but still they have a dream now.

Lena: And you know, I think I also found my dream without the help of this Satanilych.

Dima: Oh, tell me.

Lena: Well, it's really so simple, you won't laugh.

Dima: No, of course not.

Lena: In general, I dream of becoming a teacher in a school to teach children.

Dima: Wow. Yes, I think it's a very cool dream. Yes, but I still don't have a dream.

Lena: Nothing, you think carefully and you will definitely find it.

(Vika comes in, fashionable and cool, and a cigarette in her mouth).

Vika: Hey, you pot-bellied little thing, well, you recognized me. See me as a real person. I even learned to smoke. That's how cool I am.

Dima: and in my opinion there is nothing cool about it.

Vika: What, yes, who did you run into ... yes, I hit you.

(Luda enters with a clear overkill in makeup).

Luda: Oh, take them off. And what is it for us to communicate with these dolls. They are not fashionable or cool.

Vika: Exactly. In short suckers and all.

Luda: Exactly (laugh).

(Oleg enters with cue cries and waves his arms and legs. Approaches Dima and Lena).

Oleg: Well, what are you standing. If you want me to show you some trick.

Dima and Lena: Yes, thank you somehow I don’t want your tricks.

Oleg: Yeah, you're afraid. This is right. I’m the strongest here, and if you don’t entrust me, then I’ll give it to your ear.

Dima and Lena: We believe, we believe.

Lena: Yes, these dolls have become bad.

Oleg:(Turning to Luda and Vika). Hello. Oh how cool you are. Cool, looks like we have dreams. Let's call the Master now.

Vika: Exactly, otherwise you want to become human sooner.

Lena: Wait, but Dima hasn't found his dream yet.

Luda: Oh, who cares. The main thing is that we have already found our dream. Hey Master where are you come here.

Master: That everyone has already found their dream. So quickly, well, tell me, we'll see.

Class hour on the topic: "Dreams come true"


    introduce children to the concept of "dream".

    to expand students' ideas about the purpose of life as the basis of personal growth, the idea of ​​universal values, about a person's aspirations and his capabilities.

    Develop children's communication skillsthe need to improve their knowledge

    To form a desire to choose a profession to your liking.
    to cultivate purposefulness and perseverance in achieving the set goal, a creative approach to solving various problems
    awareness of their professional future.


- revealing the meaning of high human thoughts in the process of knowing oneself and ways to implement them;
- development of positive character traits of students, skills of their self-assessment;

Education of purposefulness, self-esteem, self-confidence.

Computer presentation.

During the classes.

- Good afternoon, dear children, dear teachers, guests! And a really good day.Kind because today we are all gathered together; kind because we have many friends; kind because we are in our beautiful school today, kind because you guys are at that wonderful age, which is called youth. And our Classroom hour i want to start withpoems by K. Kovaldzhi (which the teacher gives to students at the beginning of the lesson, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhuman responsibility for choosing one's own path sounds):

Kirill Kovaldzhi

Youth is paradise

Ahead of the roads do not count,

And it's sweet for me to hesitate, choosing,

After all, until you choose - there is a choice.

It is mine, an expanding, personal world.

I am very personal with my wealth,

After all, until I chose - I'm rich.

How do you understand the phrase: "... after all, I haven't chosen yet - I'm rich." (Student answers).

Commenting on the answers of the students, it is important to emphasize that the poet speaks of the many ways and roads that are open to youth.

Game "Dreams"
Instruction:everyone closes their eyes and tries, listening to their desires, to imagine their professional future, position in society, and their immediate environment. 1.5 minutes are given. Quiet, pleasant music is turned on.

You all probably have some kind of image. Such representations are called imagination. Today I would like to talk to you about one of the types of imagination.

I invite you to watch an excerpt from the cartoon and determine the theme of our class hour.

Video "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

This is a dream. What is a dream? What do you think?(answers)

Dream is our thoughts-desires, which seem to us inaccessible and impossible, but at first glance.

Dream is the first step towards the goal!

Dream is strength, this is the meaning of life, this is an interest in life, this is our “motivator”. Without a dream, there is no goal, no tasks, no movement.

Dream (according to Ozhegov's dictionary): object of desires, aspirations, something created by the imagination, mentally represented.

(In this lesson, the dream will be considered in terms of plans that a person makes for achieving his achievements in the future.)

I invite you to go today on a long journey to the fabulous island "Dream". To do this, you need a transport on which you will go there.

(individual work: make a transport and write your desire on it)

Creative activity: "If a person dreams"

In dialogue, one group convinces the other that the ability to dream helps in work; and the second - proves that dreams only distract from work and interfere.

(during the preparation of the groups, the song by Yu. Antonov “Believe in a dream” sounds).

Listen to the poem "How can I fulfill that dream"

How can I fulfill that dream...
What in my whole life, mine languishes ...
And I'm looking at the stars again...
Suddenly fly by, there is a chariot ....

She will light my star...
On that distant planet...
And I will again, I will gain wings ...
I will be happy, in the whole world ...

But it is clear that Pegasus fell asleep ...
Among the silent, flying stars...
And I drowned in desires ...
Dreaming about a miracle not Earthly ...

We all sometimes dream again ...
When the comets, we will see the tail ...
And not enough, more words ...
And we will leave our dream ...

Don't kill your dream...
Dreaming about life, it's not harmful ...
Desires go around the ring ...
And I feel really bad for them...

I'll break the vicious circle...
And I will find - that chariot ...
Don't be offended dear friend...
Find your Firebird in your dream

Video "Oh, if my dream came true"

Which of you would like your dream to come true?

What do you think needs to be done to make everyone's dream come true?

Dreams inspire us, give a feeling of flight ...

Now read the statement that is written on the board.

(There is an inscription on the board: If a dream is a flight, but there is a flight of an eagle and a flight of a chicken!)

Who can explain this saying? (answers)

Indeed, if you have a dream, then you need to make a lot of efforts to make it come true. Not just dream and forget. Some people think that in order for their dreams to come true, you need to wait a while, then the desired will become a reality by itself. For such people, dreams rarely come true.

Dreams can serve as a guiding star for a person, determine his fate, a dream inspires a person, increases his activity, helps to deal with difficulties. If we did not dream, our life would be gray, boring, monotonous. But you should accustom yourself to the idea in advance that the higher the dream, the more difficult it is to realize it. The more you need to show diligence, perseverance, courage, perseverance. That is, a person needs to measure desires with their capabilities.

And you need to start with small desires. If your dream is hidden too far, then it will appear in front of you when you are ready to accept it. Start implementing them one by one. One small step a day is better than none at all!

When you understand that it is not difficult to realize a small desire, a larger one can be born. Realize a greater desire - your real dream will come to you!

And most importantly, constantly ask yourself the question: “What has been done today? What steps have been taken to achieve my dream?

What prevents the realization of a dream:

Sometimes the efforts we make to make our dreams come true are not enough.

(video The value of time )

There is an opinion that the time has not yet come, I still have time ...

(Myths about time, video "Procrastination")

The other is the lack of faith in the realization of your dreams.

The enemy of dreams is laziness. If you do not take any decisive action, then it is unlikely that your dream will come true.

Conclusion: Life is filled with challenges, auspicious occasions and peaks worth climbing and beyond which new mountains are visible. When the search for new peaks that can be conquered ceases to interest a person, his life is nearing its end.

You have only one life and you can only try it once. So make big plans.

Let your cherished goal-dream and unattainable in full. However, we receive an unprecedented surge of strength and energy, positive attitude and just a piece of true happiness when we strive to make our dreams come true. Well, if you don't have a dream yet, just take a few moments to create it. And believe me: it will awaken in you the desire to move forward, towards its materialization. Always believe in your dream and in the possibility of its realization!

There are a lot of professions on Earth, I hope you do right choice and be sure to become who you want to be. Live, surprising people with your talent, your studies and do not forget that dreams always come true, you just have to believe in it!
(Song by Y. Antonov "Dreams come true ....)

Valentina Senina
Leisure scenario for the senior preparatory group "Learning to dream and fantasize"

caregiver: Guys, today we will study dream, and then we will hold a competition for the best dreamers. Some of you are probably bewilderment: "Does this need to be learned? Who can't dream?"dreams are often born imperceptibly, and of course, there is no person who has nothing to say dreaming. So you are right, but only partly. Learn to dream means learning to fight for the realization of one's own dreams.

When reading a book, you probably imagine some image: whether it's a forest, and Little Red Riding Hood is walking along it, or Uncle Styopa, the hero of the work of Sergei Mikhalkov. Such representations are called imagination.

Guys, what do you think dream(Children's answers.)

Dream- this is special kind imagination. More precisely, it is an image of what you dream in the future.

Many of you by your stories dream about a good four-legged friend. Other dream of becoming sailors, astronauts, doctors, teachers. And for this you need to study. You need to put in a lot of effort. And the higher dream the more difficult it is to implement, the more diligence, perseverance, courage, perseverance must be shown. And then you will achieve your goal, your dreams and wishes will come true. And I wish you could too dream were able to achieve their goals. Like commander Alexander Suvorov. As a child, he was a frail, sickly boy, but he set a goal for himself and achieved it - he became a great commander, hardened by wars and battles.

caregiver: Guys, now let's rest a little, lie down on the rugs, close our eyes and relax. (I turn on soft music.)Let's dream about something good.

caregiver: Guys, what did you present to this music? What are you talking about dreamed? (children's answers)

caregiver: And now tell me the name of the fairy tale about a girl named Zhenya, who was presented with a magic flower?

Children: "Flower - seven-color."

caregiver: Look at me in the hands of the same flower. How would you dispose of the seven almighty petals (If desired, the children tear off the petal and say out loud their dream.)

caregiver: Guys, we fantasized about the seven-flower flower. Is there really such a flower?

Children: Not.

caregiver: Correct, no. It's simple fantasies. What fantasy? It's unrealizable dreams. And now let's try to draw Fantastic Beast. Need to draw fantastic animal, which does not exist. (Children draw.)

caregiver:Tell, guys:"Whether it is necessary dream;What needs to be done to dream come true What do you need to do to develop your fantasy?

Well done guys, I think that you were interested and you liked it.

Related publications:

Art requires the ability to fantasize (creative game evening) Tasks: to form interest in artistic and creative activities, develop thinking, imagination, stimulate imagination, develop.

Abstract. Leisure activities: "Learning to play checkers." Senior group. Checkers is one of the most intellectual games. She contributes.

Goal: active familiarization with music, development of interest and love for elementary music-making; Tasks: Creation of prerequisites for development.

"My profession is to dream!" Music director essay“There is an inner music of the soul… It is like a memory of the half-forgotten, It is like a distant noise. Do not drown Her out for years, weekdays and everyday life! She hides in the depths.

This is a non-traditional balloon drawing. Here are some balloon drawings. children.

A comprehensive lesson in the GKP on the section "Learning to think, reason, fantasize" on the topic: "The number and number 5" Zarubina Natalya Mikhailovna.

2017-2018 academic year

theatrical performance

for teacher's day


There are songs about teachers. A group of students meets each teacher at the entrance to the hall and presents holiday cards with congratulations

Musical number 2-4a " Ustaz-Ana » №1

Presenter 1: Kurmetti konaktar, kymbatty ұstazdar zhane okushylar! Kuz mezgilinin altyn shuagymen bukil elimizde saltanatty turde Ұstazdar kүni atalyp otiledi. Bul mereke bizdin mektebimizde de atalyp otpek.

Salem Berdik Ustazdar, Barshanyzga.

Sizdermen tola bersin ortamyz yes.

Bүgіngі el baskargan azamattar,

Bilim algan sizderdin arkanyzda dey kele.

Ұstazdar kүnіne arnalғan saltanatty ashik dep zhariyalaimyz!

Host 2: Dear guests, dearteachers and students. We are glad to welcome you to our holiday "Teacher's Day". This wonderful holiday is held on the first Sunday of October.

You are the first to meet children at school,
You are leading Knowledge to a wonderful country!
Loving them, become related to them,
The first teacher is your calling!
Congratulating you on wonderful holidays,
We sincerely want to wish you
Lead the children on the road of knowledge,
And never get tired!

A holiday dedicated to lovely teachers is considered open.

Presenter 1: Soz kezegin mektebimizdin directors E.V. Yegorova is pregnant.

Host 2: The floor for congratulations is given to the director of the school Egorova E.V.

Presenter 1: Soz kezegin oқu isinіn mengerushіsi B.Қ Zhumaғұlovaғa bermiz.

Host 2: The floor for congratulations is given to the Deputy Director for Education educational work Zhumagulova B.K.







Leading. Once upon a time, there was one king.

He ruled the country and people as best he could.

His name was Louis II

His name was Louis II

However, the song is not about him.

Teacher. Then about what?

Leading. And here's what!

Once upon a time there was a princess.

The king of his daughter

Decided to hire teachers

To keep up with progress.

He ordered to call Ivan to him:

Tsar. (music sounds) No. 2

Come on, Van, come here!

Go to overseas countries

Find us a teacher!

Vania. (music playing) #3

Hello, my bright sun!

Tsar. I'm with you, Ivan, I'm not kidding!

Vania. Cancel your assignment!

I don't want to die yet!

Tsar. Okay, Vanka, don't be sad in vain!

We will still fight with you!

Well, happy, brother, way!

Not a foot in the house without a teacher!(leaves)

Leading. Ivan crossed

across the Pacific

Yes, wandered into a dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and wonders.

The path led him

Straight to school to Grandma Ezhka.

Vanya boldly goes to class -

Will he find a teacher?

Our Vanya opened the door -

Behind the piano is a terrible beast -

Either Goblin or Work

Musical lesson.

Musical number 3a " Ұstazdarga tіlek » №4

Baba Yaga (running out dancing) No. 5 (1 verse)

Yaga. Oh, I smell the scent -

Something smells like Russian spirit!

Yaga. And let's take a look!

If Vanka, then let's eat!

Yaga. I'm tired of Ivana!

Three hundred years they ate, ate!

So full, already sick!

My stomach still hurts!(Ivan exits)

Yaga. Well, hello, good fellow! What's your name?

Vania. Ivan i. (Grandmas Ezhki frown)

Yaga. Why did you complain?

Vania. I'm looking for a teacher.

Yaga. What kind of teacher are you? You are a fool!

Vania. I'm a fool, but the tsar wants to make a wise Vasilisa out of his Manka. He ordered the teacher to find.

Yaga. Will this one fit?

Vania. Oh, no, thanks, grandma, I'd better look elsewhere.

Yaga. I will help you Vanya. Take this ball, roll it and follow it. Wherever you go, you will find help.

Vania. Thank you kind grandma!

Leading. And Vanya went for the ball.

Musical ditty about school 1-2b No. 6

Vania. (music quietly) №7

I am a simple person and I will say without hiding

That I never met such good luck when I was born.

Just blink your eyes - everyone is ready to help!

Wait for the teacher, Manka, the tsar's daughter!

Oh where am I? (appears water).

Hey, my dear, what is it written there?

Water. (music playing) #8

I'm sorry, what! It says "SCHOOL".

Vania. School? I don’t see a school, I only see a swamp!

Water. And our school is a swamp!

Vania. Who is studying here?

Water. Someone who is a merman in a coat!

I am Water, I am Water

I don't know any of the letters!

There is water inside of me

So how can I study? Don't know!

Oh, my life is a tin!

Yes, well, into the swamp!

Everything is deaf here, like in a tank(Knocks on the head)

That's it, Vanya!

Vania. Yes, indeed, you have a swamp here! And who is teaching you?

Water. Someone who is Longing Green!

Vania. Eh no guys! Such a teacher will not suit us! Looks like Baba Ezhka was playing a joke on me when they slipped the ball, and I, a fool, bought it!

Water. Don't be sad, Vanya, I'll help you.

Water. Don't pout, stop it!

Rush you, Vanya, to the village of Verkhneberezovsky.

It's more spacious, it's warmer,

It's full of teachers!

Vania. Yes, how do I get there?

Water. And you dance, then close your eyes, spin around and say: “Goodbye Earth, in good luck

Dance 1a (music playing) #9

Vania. (closes eyes) Earth, farewell! Good luck!(Whirls, runs away)

Leading. Here is such a miracle Vanya

He found himself in the village.

He began to think and guess -

How to find a school?

The road led him

Straight to the school door.

Vania. Yes, apparently the watermen deceived me too. I can't find teachers here either.

Leading. Ivan was saddened.

Vania. Well, why such a deception?

It can be seen on the whole planet

Can't find teachers!

What to do now?

Leading. Suddenly he looks - the door opened,

And behind the door is an office

Vania. Should I look or not?

Leading. Vanyusha looked into the classroom

And saw the preschool class

The important topic is

The song was glorious

Musical number 0b "Schoolgirl" No. 10

Teacher. Feel free to come through

Yes, keep the conversation

Tell me in a nutshell

About problems and dreams.

Vania: (approaches the director)

You look at me
Pay attention to me.
Thank you in advance
For the holiday interview.
People are interested
Do you serve the school?
What year is it?
(director answers)
Vania: At school, how many years did you study?
Did they work well in it?
Four or five?
We are interested to know!
(teacher answers)
Vania: What do you like to eat?
Or listen to music?
Or read a book?
We are interested to know!
(teacher answers)
Vania: We will learn from you
Answer quickly and clearly
And today for the answers
We will put you together - five!
(The hosts take out the big five and give it to the director)

Musical number 0a "Ozat okushy bolamyn » №11

Leading. How happy Vanya was!

Vania. You are a teacher by vocation!

I have traveled many lands

Finally, I found you!

There will be a holiday at work,

Everywhere you will be held in high esteem!

Everything will be as you want!

We really need a teacher!

(Alarm clock rings) №12

Leading. Oh, what a pity - he woke up.

Vania. Too bad it was just a dream...

Is there really -

That magical land?

Is it in that country

Is the teacher still valuable?


The dream was not accidental ...

Maybe a dream will come true?

Leading: (music playing) #13 B іzdіn merekemіz is denominationalized by ayaktalmaydy. Bizdin Vanya khandykta omir sure bersin, beybіtshіlіkte, bіzdіn mekteptede zhaksy enbek etken mұғalіmderde zheterlik, eshқashanda olardy ұmytuғa bolmaydy zhәne de ңbekterіn alpenғlybaұs khalat.

Leading: This is not the end of our holiday. Let Ivan live in his kingdom, and in our world, in our school there are worthy teachers, about whom we could not forget and not note their work Thank you letter

List of teachers

Musical nome 4b "Thank you teacher" No. 14

Presenter 1: (music playing) #15 Kymbatty ұstazdar! Tөl merekeleriңіz kutty bolsyn! Sіzderge zor densaulyk, enbekterіnіzge shyғarmashylyқ tabys, shәkirtterіnіzge taudai talap, otbasylaryңyzғa amandyk tіleimіz! Tamashalagandarynaryngyzga rahmet!

Host 2: Dear teachers! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you health, happiness, creativity, and patience to your families! Thank you for your attention!
