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Diarrhea in monthly chickens than to treat. How to treat bloody diarrhea in chickens. Why does chicken get diarrhea?

Diarrhea, or diarrhoea, is a condition characterized by an acute disorder of the stool, its increase and liquefaction. In infants, it is especially dangerous and its threats cannot be underestimated. Diarrhea in infants can be difficult to identify as adult-like hard stools form by the first year of life. We will tell you how to determine diarrhea in a newborn, what is it possible reasons and how to help the child.

How to tell if a baby has diarrhea

In the first 2-3 days after birth, meconium leaves, which looks like a thick, viscous dark green substance.

Normal in week-old newborns is a mushy stool of a uniform consistency, with curdled patches (absent in formula-fed infants), without impurities, yellow to light brown in color, with the smell of sour milk.

Signs of diarrhea - stools become watery, with an admixture of mucus and violently come out "fountain", more often than usual. Often accompanied by vomiting. Feces can be with foam, yellow, green, colorless, with blood, lumps of undigested curdled milk. The smell varies from sharp sour to offensive. Diapers absorb liquid, so if you suspect that your baby has diarrhea, stop using them for a while.

Causes of diarrhea

- Disorder of the stool for 3-7 days of life of the baby.

By the arrival of breast milk and after the passage of meconium, the child begins the transitional stage of stool formation. The intestines are colonized by new bacteria, which is often accompanied by watery green stools without a pronounced odor. This adaptive process, which does not pose a danger, passes on its own 5-7 days after the birth of the baby.

- Errors in the diet of a nursing mother, introducing complementary foods, changing the mixture.

If a breastfeeding woman has eaten laxative foods, taken medication, or New Product, which the baby has not yet “tried”, then it is likely that his digestive system will respond with a slight upset. This does not mean that such products should be excluded from your menu, just reduce the amount of their consumption. If diarrhea persists, stop taking them for a while.

How to determine the cause of diarrhea

As you can see, the causes of diarrhea in newborns are extensive and you can get confused when doing self-diagnosis. Examinations to determine the causes of diarrhea:

  • analysis for dysbacteriosis reveals the predominance of pathogenic intestinal microflora over useful;
  • coprogram - reveals violations of the digestibility of substances, enzyme deficiency;
  • feces on worm eggs;
  • a general blood test reveals helminths and allergies by the level of eosinophils, inflammation by the level of leukocytes;
  • blood biochemistry - reveals violations in the functioning of the liver and pancreas;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity helps to diagnose inflammation of organs - the liver, gallbladder or pancreas and other pathologies.

What to do and how to treat diarrhea in an infant

If the baby has vomiting and diarrhea, then the first thing to do is to ensure that fluid enters his body to prevent dehydration, which can occur very quickly in infants. With uncontrolled vomiting of water, breast milk should be given often in small portions.

If the child feels well, he does not have vomiting and fever, diarrhea can be treated with sorbents to remove toxins and allergens. In case of loss of fluid to restore water and electrolyte balance, instead of ordinary water, make special solutions for rehydration.

Analyze and adjust your diet and baby menu.

If diarrhea in a newborn is prolonged, with vomiting, then only a doctor should decide how to treat such a condition.

What to do if you find signs of an intestinal infection? Contact immediately for medical care, not forgetting about the adequate intake of fluid into the baby's body before the arrival of the doctor. Treating an infection on your own is dangerous.

We have described the most common causes of vomiting and diarrhea in a newborn. The article is provided for informational purposes and is not a guide to diagnosis and treatment. Remember, the health of the child is entirely in your hands and with diarrhea it is better to seek qualified medical help.

Mothers often experience indigestion in children. Teething, overheating, an unfamiliar product introduced into complementary foods can cause diarrhea in infants. Breastfed babies often have liquid stools. What symptoms distinguish a serious disorder from a physiological phenomenon that passes quickly and without consequences? Why is diarrhea dangerous and how to stop it?

How to understand that a newborn has diarrhea

Up to a year, the appearance of loose stools in children is considered normal, since they receive liquid food. How can a young mother understand that a newborn has diarrhea?

Diarrhea in infants during breastfeeding differs in some symptoms:

  • the frequency of bowel movements increases several times - how much should be normal;
  • stool in consistency is liquid, watery, foamy;
  • defecation occurs by a sharp release;
  • the smell of feces is sour, unpleasant, pronounced;
  • stool color changes. Green diarrhea indicates a bacterial infection. The stronger the poisoning in the baby, the greener the stool;
  • blood streaks, lumps of mucus, "flakes" can be observed in the feces;
  • the temperature rises, vomiting occurs.

You can understand that a baby has diarrhea by its general well-being. If disturbed appetite, anxiety, tearfulness, pallor, irritability have joined loose stools, the baby is tormented by colic and gases, you should consult a doctor.

Causes of diarrhea in a baby

The main causes of diarrhea in children, both in infancy and older, lie in the diet.

  1. In breastfed babies, diarrhea causes an unbalanced diet of the mother. The use of fresh vegetables and fruits, fatty meats, lard, greens can cause indigestion in crumbs. By adjusting your table, mommy can save the child from unpleasant symptoms.
  2. Breast nutrition. Diarrhea can cause an allergic reaction to the mixture. In babies who have reached the age of six months, diarrhea occurs with the introduction of complementary foods. New food burdens the stomach and intestines. With a lack of enzymes, a disorder appears. By eliminating foods that are poorly tolerated by the child, diarrhea can be quickly cured.
  3. Lactose or gluten deficiency. Poor digestibility of these substances is manifested in weight loss, skin rashes, diarrhea. It will be possible to completely stop diarrhea when lactase enzymes are actively produced.
  4. Teething often causes diarrhea. This is due to increased salivation and its entry into the stomach in large quantities. The work of peristalsis is disrupted, the intestinal walls are irritated, the immune system is weakened. It is not necessary to treat diarrhea of ​​this origin. As soon as the teeth finish erupting, bowel function returns to normal.
  5. Intestinal infection. In mild form, diarrhea resolves without treatment. In an acute form, the temperature rises, intoxication of the body, vomiting, and nausea begin. If the cause of diarrhea is salmonellosis, dysentery or amoebiasis, the child is at risk of losing a lot of weight, the body becomes dehydrated, and convulsions begin due to the high temperature. In such cases, serious treatment of diarrhea in the infectious department with hospitalization of the baby is required.
  6. Dysbacteriosis is not considered a pathology, but a temporary imbalance between the pathogenic and beneficial environment in the intestine. This often happens in newborns. Their digestive system is still immature and vulnerable. In some cases, adjustment of the microflora with probiotics is required.
  7. Congenital bowel pathologies that cause diarrhea require surgical intervention. Acute pain, gas formation, bloating, high temperature and vomiting give appendicitis, peritonitis, volvulus, intestinal obstruction.
  8. Taking antibiotics that disrupt the microflora causes diarrhea in children and adults.

First aid for the baby

Inexperienced mothers are worried and lost, not knowing what to do with diarrhea in babies. No time to waste on worries. You need to act immediately. Diarrhea, if it is not of a physiological nature and is caused by poisoning, is dangerous due to dehydration of the body, loss of salts and minerals.

In order to restore the water and salt balance, mommy needs:

  • when breastfeeding, breastfeed more often and give the baby water from a spoon or pipette until the doctor arrives;
  • artisans dilute the mixture twice and give water to drink every 5 minutes;
  • electrolyte solutions help replenish fluid loss. They are bought at a pharmacy and bred according to the instructions;
  • the state of the intestine will improve the infusion of blackberry leaves, bird cherry berries, blueberries, pomegranate peel;
  • if the baby has risen heat He is given an antipyretic.

How to treat diarrhea in babies

You can cure diarrhea in babies by eliminating the cause. It is forbidden to give medicine to a newborn on your own. Only a doctor at the time of diagnosis can prescribe appropriate medications.


If mom broke the diet, and there was a loosening of the stool, it is necessary to exclude suspicious foods from the diet. It happens that diarrhea occurs not only due to errors in nutrition. Due to inexperience, the mother may organize feeding incorrectly, and give the child only one breast. However, he will not receive full fat milk. The digestive organs will not do their job well, lactose will not be able to be digested due to too liquid food, which will cause green diarrhea.

To stop diarrhea due to taking antibiotics, children are prescribed probiotics and prebiotics that restore the microflora. Infants under one year old are usually prescribed Linex, Lactobacterin, Probifor, Acipol.

On artificial feeding

Breast milk will not replace any mixture, even the highest quality. Therefore, artificial mothers should carefully look at the baby's chair. You need to know what diarrhea looks like in a baby. Normal stools should be yellow to brown in color. The color of the feces depends on the mixture on which the child is. Defecation, repeated 5-6 times a day, an unpleasant smell of feces, fever, definitely speak of diarrhea.

Diarrhea can be identified by the nature of the bowel movements:

  • intestinal infection will cause diarrhea with foam and mucus;
  • diarrhea with blood in the chest - good reason to call ambulance . It can be provoked by a serious intestinal infection, which can only be fought in a hospital. Doctors will tell you how to treat the baby, and what antibiotics to take;
  • watery stools appear with lactose intolerance;
  • white lumps - when overeating infant formula;
  • increased fat content of the stool occurs due to a lack of enzymes.

The change in the usual yellow color of feces to green in babies with artificial feeding can be periodic or permanent. If this is a periodic phenomenon, and there is no general malaise, then the body has responded to a change in nutrition (switching to a new formula with a high iron content).

A chair with foam in the baby, mucus and blood in the stool is a serious reason to see a doctor. It is dangerous to treat diarrhea with folk methods in newborns. A qualified doctor will advise the necessary drugs and the mixture to which the baby should be transferred. If they managed to introduce complementary foods into the diet, they refuse it for the duration of treatment.

When teething

After 5-6 months, babies begin to erupt teeth. In some babies, they appear at 3-4 months. Stool in diarrhoea, loose and profuse. It's stressful for a child. Infections cling to a weakened body. If the stool is frothy, blood or mucus appeared in it, it means that pathogenic bacteria are actively multiplying in the intestines. It is necessary to treat diarrhea in infants that occurs during teething with plenty of drink and drugs that the doctor will prescribe.

For infection

Symptoms of intestinal infection appear depending on the nature of its pathogen. Acute poisoning is especially difficult for newborns. The small intestine becomes inflamed, the child's stool becomes plentiful and frequent. The temperature rises a lot. After passing the tests, determining the type of bacteria or viruses that caused diarrhea, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

In case of intestinal poisoning and dysbacteriosis, it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, give the baby rehydrants. Usually, doctors prescribe Humana Electrolyte, Hydrovit, Naturalai. Good effect give adsorbents. Smecta is considered a popular remedy. It can be given from the first days. This is a natural safe preparation based on purified clay. Smecta is not absorbed into the blood. It passes through the intestinal tract, completely leaves the body of the baby, relieving spasms, pain, stopping diarrhea. Smecta absorbs toxins and microbes, leaving beneficial bacteria. The medicine is diluted with warm water, stirred until smooth and offered to the baby. If the doctor has prescribed other drugs, including antibiotics, Smektu is given to the child 2 hours after taking the pills.

What is the danger of diarrhea in infants

Severe dehydration is the main danger of diarrhea in children. If crumb:

  • losing weight rapidly
  • does not pee for 4-6 hours;
  • cries without tears;
  • his lips dry up;
  • there is frequent vomiting with bile;
  • sunken eyes and fontanel;
  • he is lethargic and sleepy

need to call an emergency. This condition threatens not only the health, but also the life of the baby. How less baby, the more dangerous for him dehydration. The loss of only 10% of fluid from the total body weight is fatal for the baby.

Immediately after giving birth, a woman has many questions about how to properly care for her baby and what needs to be done to protect the child from illness. In this article, I want to talk about why diarrhea can occur in a newborn and how you can deal with this problem.

What's ok?

First of all, you need to figure out what kind of chair is considered normal if we are talking about a newborn baby. Its color can vary from light brown to dark brown, the consistency will be mushy. As long as the baby is fully breastfed, his stool will not be hard. On average, the baby will walk in a big way about 5 times a day, this is normal.

About diarrhea

What does diarrhea look like in a newborn - this must be told. After all, it is wrong to judge diarrhea in infants by the number of bowel movements. So, you need to pay attention first of all to the color of feces. If it has changed, has become an uncharacteristic color - green or bright yellow - this is a reason to see a doctor. It is also necessary to call a doctor if the child has an admixture of blood, mucus interspersed in the stool, or the stool has become watery. Well, quite frequent bowel movements of the baby can also cause anxiety: if he does this in small portions more than 8 times a day, this is another alarming sign.

Accompanying symptoms

Diarrhea in a newborn may also be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. An increase in body temperature (up to about 38 ° C).
  2. Vomit.
  3. Lethargy, drowsiness.
  4. Stomach ache.
  5. Gas outlet.
  6. Rough spots may appear on the baby's body. The cheeks, elbows, abdomen and legs of the newborn are most often affected.

If the baby has at least a couple of the above symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor, even if there has not been diarrhea yet.


Why can a newborn have diarrhea? Many mothers think that if the baby is breastfed, he is practically not in danger. However, it is not. The very first cause of diarrhea in a baby (if the baby is breastfed) is mom's diet. That is, what the mother eats, the child also consumes, only in a processed form. Among the causes of diarrhea in infants, intestinal infections and poor hygiene are also distinguished.

Severe diarrhea with mucus or blood

Such diarrhea in a newborn most often occurs as a result of poisoning. That is, we can say that there is a viral or bacterial infection in the intestine. Basically, a newborn doctor finds salmonellosis, enterovirus, shigellosis or rotavirus. The route of infection in these children is fecal-oral. That is, the reason can be both the mother’s nutrition and dirty hands, which the baby can “pull” into her mouth.

Persistent diarrhea

It is characterized by poor weight gain, bloating of the baby's tummy, and a rash. The reason is various kinds of allergic reactions (for example, to lactose) or intestinal dysbacteriosis. In some cases, such problems can be observed in those children who have certain congenital diseases associated with the metabolic process.


Diarrhea in a newborn baby is a very dangerous phenomenon. The thing is that with this disease, not only many important nutrients are removed from the body of the crumbs, but also liquid. And this is fraught with dehydration. In this case, the baby's eyes may sink, the mucous membranes dry out, and the lips crack. The color of urine may also change: it will become dark yellow, its amount will decrease significantly. In addition to dehydration, vomiting (a concomitant symptom of diarrhea) is also dangerous for the baby, since, constantly being in a supine position, the baby can choke on his vomit.

What should mom do first?

If diarrhea began in a newborn, what to do in this case? Even before the arrival of the doctor, the mother must collect the contents of the crumbs' feces in a jar. This is very important, because only one feces (their color, consistency) can make a preliminary diagnosis. After each bowel movement, the baby must be washed away. In case of diarrhea, it is best to stop using wet baby wipes as a hygiene product. After all, their frequent use can lead to skin irritation of the crumbs and the occurrence of allergic reactions. Well, and most importantly, what every mother should remember: the treatment of diarrhea in newborns can only be started with the permission of the doctor. Self-medication in this case can be extremely dangerous. Only after the arrival of a specialist and his diagnosis, you can begin medical treatment of the child. It is also important to remember that traditional medicine for a newborn baby can be no less dangerous than illiterate or self-prescribed medicines.

What to take care of?

If diarrhea has begun in a newborn, what should a mother do so as not to harm the baby?

  1. Adjust your diet (if the baby is breastfed). In this case, the mother should go on such a diet, which she would adhere to if she had diarrhea. It is necessary to completely exclude dairy and sour-milk products, fatty foods, semi-finished products from the diet. It is good in this case for mom to consume light soups, boiled vegetables and cereals. You will also have to give up fresh fruits.
  2. Assess the degree of dehydration of the baby. In the case of diarrhea in crumbs, the mother should carefully monitor the condition of her child. If he stays cheerful and active, don't worry. However, if the baby became lethargic, sleepy, stopped writing, you need to start actively supplementing the baby with water in order to avoid such a terrible problem as dehydration.
  3. Watch your weight. Every mother should remember that reducing the weight of the baby by 5% is dangerous phenomenon, 10% - completely pathological. So if the child has lost at least a little weight, this, again, may indicate dehydration.
  4. Baby nutrition. If the baby has diarrhea, the baby still needs to be fed. If the baby is breastfed, the number of snacks should not decrease, but the amount of food consumed should be less. If he is an artificial man, during this period his mixture should be diluted by half with water, the portions also decrease in volume.


Treatment of diarrhea in newborns should take place in parallel with maintaining the water-salt balance in the baby's body. This is very important, as dehydration can lead to various problems and irreversible consequences. What should be done in this case?

  1. As often as possible, the newborn should be applied to the breast. Mom's milk completely replaces the baby, not only food, but also drink. So if you don’t want to supplement the crumbs with water, you need to give him breasts as often as possible.
  2. If the baby has the first signs of dehydration, it is imperative to give the baby such a medication as Smecta (it can even be given to newborn babies). This mixture should be drunk in small portions approximately every 20 minutes.
  3. The drug "Hillak" is also safe for babies. It is taken before meals, about 15 drops. It will help to cope with dehydration, it will also put the intestinal microflora in order.

Before the doctor came

If diarrhea has begun in a newborn, what should a mother do before the doctor arrives, how to treat her child? If necessary, you can give an antipyretic to reduce the temperature of the child. It is strictly forbidden to give the baby drugs such as Biseptol or Enteroseptol. They should only be prescribed by a doctor. It is also not recommended to use any folk remedies to get rid of diarrhea.


Parents may be interested in the question: "What to give a newborn from diarrhea?" So, without fear, you can give the baby the following drugs:

  1. The drug "Smekta", which will help maintain the water-salt balance of the body of the crumbs in a normal state.
  2. You can also give the child sorbents. It may be the drug "Enterosgel". However, it is best to use it with a doctor's prescription. The purpose of this remedy is to remove toxins from the body of crumbs by the rectal route.
  3. The drug "Hillak", which normalizes the intestinal microflora.

All other drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor, depending on the diagnosis and causes of diarrhea. What is given to newborns from diarrhea with the permission of doctors?

  1. These can be drugs based on the bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The human body does not have such bacteria, so it must be introduced from the outside. It fights infection and helps to normalize the work of the affected mucosa.
  2. If the body of the crumbs was badly damaged during diarrhea, the doctor may prescribe a course of lacto- or bifidobacteria. You can use a drug such as "Lactulose".

Folk remedies

What to do if diarrhea begins in newborns? How to treat babies with this disease, our great-grandmothers can tell. After all, you can also cope with the problem with the help of traditional medicine. However, first I would like to say that modern medicine rejects any non-drug treatment of newborns, as this can be dangerous for the health of the crumbs.

  1. You can prepare a special medicinal decoction. To do this, pour a tablespoon of lingonberry leaves with a glass of boiling water, boil everything for about 5 minutes, leave for about an hour. Further, the medicine is given to the child in a teaspoon about 10 times a day.
  2. Also great help Fresh Juice from cranberries. Give it to the baby should be half a teaspoon about 7-8 times a day.
  3. You can prepare a special infusion. To do this, pour one teaspoon of dried pomegranate peel with a glass of boiling water, simmer over low heat for about 15 minutes, leave for about two hours. Then the medicine is filtered and given to the baby. Dosage: take the infusion before meals (the next moment of breastfeeding) one teaspoonful.

Moms are always alarmed if the baby has diarrhea (diarrhea), no matter how old the baby is - a month or a year. Diarrhea and diarrhea are different, and in each case, the actions of the parents should be different. For example, the relief of diarrhea after antibiotics is different from that of an intestinal infection. First you need to understand the etiology of the disease.

It should also be taken into account that in infants up to about 6 months, while he is exclusively breastfed, the stool is of the consistency of “liquid gruel”. Its color is yellow, without pathological impurities. A small amount of white dots is acceptable, which is the norm.

What to do with diarrhea, what medicines to take - only a doctor who understands diseases that occur with diarrhea will tell. But parents should know the most common causes, complications of diarrhea in infants.

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • intestinal infection;
  • errors in the diet;
  • food intolerance;
  • acute surgical pathology;
  • "physiological" diarrhea during teething;
  • diarrhea in a newborn (in children under 1 month old).


Dysbacteriosis is a common cause of diarrhea in children. Diarrhea occurs after antibiotics. The consistency of the stool is different.

Treatment of diarrhea in dysbacteriosis consists in the use of prebiotics and probiotics in an age dosage. What drugs to give the baby, the pediatrician will say.

Intestinal infection

With an infection caused by viruses, bacteria, in infants, in addition to loose stools, there may be other symptoms: abdominal pain, vomiting, fever. With different pathogens, the symptoms are expressed in different ways. The nature of diarrhea is different, which depends on which parts of the gastrointestinal tract are inflamed. OKIs are especially difficult when the child is a month old or even less.

With inflammation of the small intestine (shigellosis), diarrhea is profuse, with an admixture of greenery, mucus, and blood. There may be a false call to defecate (tenesmus). With gastroenteritis (rotavirus infection), the stool is watery green, vomiting, there may be an increase in temperature. If diarrhea with foam, then the child may have staphylococcal enterocolitis.

The most dangerous complication of AII is dehydration. Signs of dehydration: dry skin and mucous membranes, decreased elasticity of the skin, decreased amount and darkening of urine, weight loss. In a newborn and a child up to a year old, a large fontanel may sink.

To determine the causative agent of the infection and then treat it etiologically, you need to be tested for the flora. According to the results of the tests, an antimicrobial drug is selected. To treat dehydration syndrome, you need to give your child more fluids.

Errors in the diet

An error in the diet can cause diarrhea in the baby in two cases: when the diet is violated by the mother or the child.

In the first case, the appearance of diarrhea is facilitated by the use by a nursing mother of foods that cause loosening of the stool (cucumbers, beets, pears, apples, etc.)

With the introduction of these products into the complementary foods of the baby, the nature of the stool changes. So that there is no “side effect” from the introduction of complementary foods, you need to be very careful about it. Indeed, over time, there is a risk of developing and dehydration syndrome.

No need to start feeding babies all at once on the same day. First, the baby needs to get used to one food, after 1-2 weeks you can try another.

Mom should also monitor her diet when the child is breastfed: if you use new foods that are unfamiliar to the child, then carefully monitor his reaction.

Food intolerance

Here the congenital intolerance of the body of children to a certain substance plays a role. It all happens because of a hostile pathology, like a deficiency of enzymes, which causes a violation of the processes of digestion and absorption in the intestine. In medicine, the process is called malabsorption syndrome.

The most common are 3 types of syndrome.

  • Lactase deficiency (milk lactose intolerance) - manifests itself in children from the 1st day of life, who are breastfed (or artificially fed, receiving whole milk) with diarrhea with foam, greenery, with a sour smell. Then colic, vomiting join. The disease is severe with dehydration and toxicosis syndromes.

With timely diagnosis and transfer to artificial feeding with a lactose-free mixture, the condition of children normalizes in a month.

  • Celiac disease is a disease in which the mucous membrane of the small intestine is damaged by gluten (a protein of cereal crops - wheat, oats, rye, barley).

The clinical picture begins to appear 1–4 months after the introduction of gluten-containing foods into the diet.

There is diarrhea with foam, oily sheen, copious and fetid. The circumference of the abdomen increases, deficient states of malnutrition develop (pictured appearance child with celiac disease).

After switching to gluten-free products, the condition is completely normalized within a year.

  • Cystic fibrosis is a hereditary disease in children with a violation of the transport of chlorine ions, manifested by thickening of the secrets of the respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems.

On the part of the gastrointestinal tract, the disease manifests itself at 2-3 weeks of life with abundant, viscous, shiny (due to undigested fat) stools with a frequency exceeding the norm by 2-8 times, with a fetid odor.

Help with diarrhea involves reducing the amount of fat in the diet, enzyme therapy, vitamins.

Acute surgical pathology

Pathology accompanied by diarrhea always poses a great threat to the life of a child, especially a newborn. The group includes 4 diseases that occur in infancy: intestinal obstruction (intussusception, volvulus), acute appendicitis, peritonitis.

In addition to diarrhea, surgical conditions are disturbed by abdominal pain (permanent or periodic), vomiting, and fever. Treatment of pathology is only surgical. Treat with medications folk remedies is simply unacceptable.


A completely different tactic of treatment for diarrhea during teething in infancy. It starts around 6 one month old. Someone may have earlier - at 4 or even 3 months.

The chair is plentiful, liquid. If it is with foam, blood or mucus, or there is a high temperature and vomiting, then an infection has joined.

The treatment of infants with teething diarrhea is to drink plenty of fluids.

Diarrhea in newborns

The first month of a child's life is a time of adaptation. The newborn has not yet fully formed organs. This means that the functioning is “imperfect”. Any "wrong" external influence in the first month leads to a violation.

What causes diarrhea in a newborn? When breastfeeding, when the mother constantly changes breasts (which cannot be done), the child receives only foremilk (more liquid and rich in lactose). This leads to colic, loose stools with foam. The chair looks like "swamp mud" in color. Sometimes there is also vomiting.

What to do? Sometimes a child is treated with drugs that restore microflora, enzymes, because diarrhea looks like dysbacteriosis. And no treatment is required - you just need to adjust the diet.
