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The newest business in the world. An unusual idea for an electric cable decorated with ivy. mushroom furniture

The most profitable business in the world: 3 determining factors + 3 profitable business lines in Russia + Top 7 ideas from around the world.

Every novice businessman at the start is wondering what is the most profitable business in the world?

We will try to answer it by identifying directions entrepreneurial activity, which are considered the most promising.

By what criteria can a business be called the most profitable?

Before determining the main directions, it is necessary to identify factors that indicate that the business idea will be profitable:

    Rapid return on investment.

    This fact plays an important role.

    A profitable business is a project in which investments pay off in the shortest possible time.

    Increased demand.

    The success of a business depends on many factors.

    It is impossible to name ideas that will give a 100% guarantee of success.

    But it is possible to single out such goods or services, the demand for which is initially at a high level.

    Usually, we are talking about essentials.

    Minimum investment in raw materials, production.

    It is logical that the less finance an entrepreneur needs to invest in a business, the more benefits he will receive.

    This is especially important when there is a link to the exchange rate.

If you already have your own business, and it has at least two of these signs, you can rejoice - your business is potentially profitable.

And if you are only taking the first steps and still do not know which direction to go?

An overview of the most profitable ideas in different areas of business.

Small Business: An Overview of Profitable Ideas

Almost all newcomers start with a small business.

It requires a relatively small investment, a modest material base (premises, staff, equipment).

It is easy to register such activities - you can handle it on your own, even without a legal education.

Therefore, it is obvious that we should consider the most profitable ideas from this particular area of ​​​​entrepreneurial activity.

a) Essential goods and services – a profitable business even in times of crisis

Let's recall one of the factors that determine the profitability of a business: .

Directions that are associated with the satisfaction of primary human needs remain relevant even in times of financial crisis.

As you can see, food, clothes and shoes are what people spend their income on in the first place.

It is worth adding that the expense item for medicines is small only because they are purchased relatively infrequently in an ordinary family (if there are no members with chronic diseases).

However, pharmaceuticals are also essential goods.

In the event of a need, people are ready to “give away the last”, but buy the right pills and the like.

Conclusion: potentially profitable business- produse store, pharmacy kiosk, clothing and footwear trade.

b) Auto repair shop - a profitable business idea

Each car after some time requires repair or scheduled inspection.

Therefore, repair shops can also be attributed to services, the demand for which is initially high.

Thanks to this, you do not need to convince the client that a visit to the auto repair shop is what he needs by listing the benefits for the person.

Enough to stand out from the competition.

A service station can offer a number of basic services:

  • cleaning injectors;
  • repair and testing of electrical equipment;
  • repair of fuel and brake systems;
  • replacement of candles;
  • headlight adjustment.

And these are just some of the services available.

And if you open a car wash next to the service station, then the business will be doubly profitable.

Among the advantages of the business, it is also worth noting that in addition to a large service station with a large capital investment, you can open a simple mobile tire service.

And such a business will still be profitable and in demand.

Still in doubt? Pay attention to the "age" statistics on cars in Russia:

c) How profitable is the vending business?

There is a lot of controversy regarding the profitability of the vending business.

On the one hand, it exactly corresponds to one of the factors of a profitable business given at the beginning of the text: an entrepreneur is not required to make a large investment - it is enough to spend money on the purchase and installation of a miracle machine, and only replenish consumables from time to time.

Moreover, if earlier they offered a short list of services, now with their help you can do literally anything:

What is the contention that this business is profitable?

Pay attention to the distribution of vending machines across Russia:

As you can see, Moscow and St. Petersburg are open to innovation, the use of automatic machines does not cause rejection among people.

While in other cities, mainly, there is a demand only for payment and coffee machines.

Accordingly, there is high competition in these areas of business.

If you take your place, having successfully chosen the location of the device, it is possible to become the owner of a very profitable business:

Top 7 most profitable business ideas in the world

As already mentioned, it is impossible to determine the most profitable business in the world, which gives a 100% guarantee of success.

However, it is quite possible to conduct a thorough analysis of existing lines of entrepreneurial business in order to be inspired.

That is why we will look at the top 10 business ideas, the implementation of which brought their founders wealth and recognition in the world. Who are these people?

1) Profitable online store "Amazon"

This rating is opened by Jeffrey Bezos, a businessman from the United States, who is considered one of the richest people on the planet.

Its capital is 70.3 billion dollars.

This state brought him under the name "Amazon".

A profitable business was based on the sale of books using the Internet.

Interestingly, only $300,000 of initial investment was invested in the idea.

Unexpectedly for Jeffrey himself, after some time, the project began to bring in huge capital.

This opened up the opportunity to expand activities.

Now this online store is known all over the world:

2) The sweet kingdom of Michel Ferrero.

Silver goes to Ferrero, founded by Italian businessman Michel Ferrero.

According to Forbes, Michel Ferrero's capital is 600 billion rubles.

What brought such success to the businessman?

Ordinary chocolate butter, which in that era became something new and magical for the food industry.

On this moment under the leadership of Ferrero, products of no less famous brands are produced:

  • "Ferrero Rochen";
  • "Tic-Tac";
  • "Raffaello";
  • "Kinder Surprise" and others.

Russians can learn more about the business on the website:

3) Idea on billion: storage cells.

"Bronze" goes to a businessman from South America Brad Hughes. He earned his capital (about 200 billion rubles) thanks to a business that now seems commonplace.

It's about storing things in a certain place (along freeways) for a certain fee.

Thanks to the company "Public Storage" it became possible to store your belongings in specially designated safe places in more than thirty countries around the world.

If you need services of this nature or are interested in the details of the business, visit the official website of the company:

4) Can toys be profitable?

American businessman Ty Warner earned his capital of 146 billion rubles thanks to a project that can be safely included in the ideas of the most profitable business in the world.

His fortune is based on making soft toys Beanie Baby.

This product is produced in single copies, and has the status of collectibles, so it is very expensive.

The purchase of one such toy can cost 10,000 - 60,000 rubles, while the cost of creating it does not exceed 600 rubles.

Secret of success?


Warner toys are not found in regular stores.

And even more so, you will not find two identical copies.

5) How to become billionaires with one product?

The names of Dietrich Mateschitz and Kaleo Juvidich should be known to nightlife enthusiasts, athletes and young people who like to consume energy drinks from time to time.

The fact is that they are the creators of the world-famous Red Bull energy drink.

The drink has a rather uncomplicated composition:

  • water;
  • glucose;
  • caffeine;
  • vitamin b.

But this turned out to be enough for the idea to be awarded the title of one of the most profitable business options in the world and bring recognition and capital of 110 billion rubles to its creators.

6) Another profitable candy business

Brothers Paul and Hans Reigel invented chewable rubber candy various shapes and tastes.

Hans came up with 260 types of these sweets!

Sweets are made almost all over the world.

Each of the founders, thanks to this idea, has a capital of about 1.5 billion dollars.

7) Profitable business on regular coffee

To do this, Schultz opened a line of coffee shops.

At the moment, the Starbucks network consists of 12,000 stores!

The capital earned from this profitable business is $1.1 billion.

Company official website:

And to open your own profitable business, use the tips from the video:

How to make your business profitable?

If for some reason the business does not bring the desired income, pay attention to the following ways to make it profitable:

  1. Make a graph of expenses and profits - this will allow you to determine which area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe business "steals" the most. Try to shorten it.
  2. Constantly improve your own qualifications and the interest of subordinates in the work.
  3. Carry out a set of measures to prevent theft at work.
  4. Divide the business into segments, and determine your responsible person in each area.
  5. Run a PR campaign to attract more customers.
  6. Purchase new, better equipment.
  7. Raise the wages of workers - this will help provoke a greater return on their part;
  8. Secure all enterprise data located in in electronic format. This will save you from financial losses in the future.

Summing up, we can say that the most profitable business in the world is the one in which soul and hard work are invested.

Nothing is given just like that, every case should be worked on.

Remember that there is always room for young entrepreneurs!

Therefore, it is worthwhile to implement your bold ideas for a profitable business without any fear.

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According to opinion polls and studies, from 23% to 39% of Russians want to open their own business, but less than 3% of respondents are going to do it in the next 3 years. Search system Yandex records more than 200,000 “business idea” requests every month from its users who are looking for something that is not easy for everyone known variants and ideas for non-standard projects. It is about them that we will talk.


Create own business many dream, but before the idea "shoots", you have to try a bunch of options, some of which sometimes turn out to be not profitable, but unprofitable due to high competition, an incorrectly calculated business plan, seasonality, slow payback and other factors.

If with standard types of business, although in demand, such as grocery stores, shoe stores, car services of various formats, as a rule, you have to survive in conditions of fierce competition, then unusual business ideas are able to ensure the conduct of business in conditions of minimal or even out of competition.

The moneymaker factory has prepared a review of 7 unusual ideas for business with brief description from idea to implementation.

Animal hotel

Due to the spread of tourism, the pet care business is gaining popularity. Abroad, pet hotels are commonplace. If it is necessary to go on vacation or on a business trip, it does not even occur to the owners of four-legged friends to ask relatives to look after the pet. He is simply placed in the appropriate institution.

According to the Expert North-West publishing house, every third family in Russia has a cat, and in terms of the number of domestic dogs (more than 10 million), our country ranks first in Europe and fifth in the world. The first four belong respectively to the USA, Brazil, China and Japan.

In the UK, in the city of Lymington, a luxury hotel for cats was opened in 2014. Tailed guests are given king prawns for breakfast, they live in luxurious rooms, there are even personal drivers, and Skype conferences are organized with the owners. A week of keeping a four-legged friend in this hotel costs the owners £250.

Rosatom investment manager Andrey Pushkin, who has long dreamed of changing his occupation, came up with the idea of ​​opening a hotel for cats after he could not find a suitable place to accommodate his cat Fani during the planned departure for the New Year holidays.

So the hotel "Sir Cat" appeared. Renting an area of ​​100 sq. m., the entrepreneur placed 15 tempered glass boxes there, with an area of ​​2.3 sq. m per 2.1 sq. m. They contain all the necessary attributes for a comfortable stay of mustachioed pets: shelves, bowls, beds, scratching posts, some boxes have video surveillance systems so that the owners can see their furry friends.

Thus, starting investments amounted to 1.8 million rubles. (rental of premises, equipment of boxes, advertising, installation of video surveillance, etc.), the average check is from 4 thousand rubles. (the cost of a room for a cat in 2015 averaged 550 rubles per day), the amount of monthly revenue is 300 thousand rubles, profits - 80 thousand rubles. Three people work in the staff: 2 cat nannies and Pushkin himself.

In 2015, the net profit of the hotel for cats amounted to almost 1 million rubles. with a revenue of 3.6 million rubles. For 2016, 3 Sir Kot hotels in Moscow have already been opened and two more are planned to be opened.

Production of facing tiles from glass waste

The essence of this creative business ideas is as follows: facing tiles are made from glass waste, the cost of 1 sq. m, which is 30-70 rubles. Selling price 300-450 rubles. In the manufacture of individual orders, the price increases to 600 rubles. for 1 sq. m. For comparison, the price of imported European tiles is 900-1500 rubles.

Production technology: glass cuttings are crushed into small fractions, a binder (polyester resin) and dyes of the desired color are added. The resulting mixture is poured into molds and placed in a vacuum unit. A frozen tile (and it hardens within a couple of hours) is not inferior in appearance and quality to Italian and Austrian ones.

The cost of equipment (at first, you can use a mechanical crusher) is about 10 thousand rubles, and reusable forms cost an average of 200 rubles. for 1 sq. m. In addition, you will need a vacuum unit to remove air bubbles. For the production of 300-400 sq. m of tiles per month requires a room of 18-20 square meters. m. and a small warehouse.

90% of the materials are cullet, its supply can be negotiated with glass factories and workshops for the production of glass products. The owners of such organizations will only be happy with the free disposal of waste.

Self-service laundry

The essence of the idea: the organization of the opportunity for the population to independently wash things, including large ones: blankets, blankets, down jackets in a place specially equipped for this.

We will talk about the implementation of this business idea using the example of the experience of entrepreneurs Oleg Maslennikov and Pavel Glushenkov, who founded the Express Laundry network of self-service laundries. The first point was opened by Maslennikov in Krasnodar. For 2016, a laundry network is open in Moscow.

This is how the economy of a self-service laundry in Moscow looks like, located on Vernadsky Prospekt in a 50 sq. m. (see Fig. 2)

The total initial investment amounted to 3 million 950 thousand rubles, including the largest start-up costs related to the purchase of equipment: washing machines and dryers, their purchase cost 3.5 million rubles. It took 400 thousand rubles to repair the premises, 50 thousand - the cost of advertising.

The average monthly gross profit is 350 thousand rubles, from which the following costs are deducted: rent - 45 thousand rubles, utility bills - 35 thousand rubles, purchase household chemicals- 70 thousand rubles, wage administrator - 35 thousand rubles, other expenses (administrative, managerial, to maintain the cleanliness of the premises) - 18 thousand rubles. Tax under the simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% of income - 21 thousand rubles.

Total net profit per month - 120 thousand rubles.

Health Capsule

The essence of the idea: the provision of wellness services with the help of a health capsule. One session of being in such a capsule for 25 minutes is equivalent to four hours of deep healthy sleep. It normalizes the psycho-emotional state, relieves fatigue, normalizes the work of all systems and organs of the human body.

To organize a business you will need:

  • purchase equipment - the capsule itself;
  • rent a small room at a spa salon, beauty salon, fitness center, gym, clinic;
  • organize advertising campaign to attract clients.

One session in such a capsule costs an average of 300 to 600 rubles.

With an eight-hour working day, you can receive up to 25 visitors per day.

Textile design business

This original business idea can bring big profits. However, it will suit creative individuals who are interested in fashion and design. The bottom line is to create unusual unique designs, followed by printing on fabric and selling at international exhibitions.

We will tell you how such a business works using the example of a project implemented by Muscovite Alexandra Kaloshina. She owned a tailoring shop and occasionally visited European fabric design exhibitions. When she had the idea of ​​creating her own design, she applied to participate in the Paris exhibition Premiere Vision. Of the 200 samples she brought, almost all of them were sold.

A sample is brought to the exhibition - a fabric on which an image and a file with a pattern are printed. The selling price of one sample is from 120$ per drawing for India and up to 220€ for Europe.

Currently, Kaloshina's company not only sells designer images, but also scarves with these designs under the Radical Chic brand.

What entrepreneurs do not come up with to lure customers and make a good profit: they make tattoos on their teeth, produce coffins in the shape of guitars, paint portraits with amino acids. But, interestingly, sometimes the most absurd ideas turn out to be the most popular and relevant after some time.

    • Virtual dinners are the best recipe for loneliness
    • Business Ideas Europe
    • Business ideas from the USA

So, the mediocre salesman Frank Woolworth, who, shaking with fear, first placed price tags on goods, became the creator of the largest retail network the last century. Perhaps the top business ideas presented on our website will help you come up with your own business or take a new niche in the market.

Virtual dinners are the best recipe for loneliness

Seo-Yun Park from South Korea came to this conclusion when she decided to start broadcasting her dinners online. Dinning on the Internet has become very popular.

In today's world, where not everyone has time to go to restaurants and meet new people, having lunch with a virtual companion helps to believe in yourself and get the joy of communication.

The business idea of ​​virtual lunches is not new in itself. Back in 2006, the Virtual Family Dinner system was invented in the United States, thanks to which members of the same family could meet during online dining as often as they wanted.

But the meal beautiful girl breaks all records. From his business, Seo-Yun earns up to $10,000 a week.

Business Ideas Europe

Hairdressing salon for ... the soul

…and not just to get a haircut or shave - consider the owners of the Parisian salons for men "Sport" and "Politics", where clients come to use the services of a barber, and at the same time chat on topics of interest to them. This two-in-one service is one of the quite profitable business ideas. It is so in demand that queues often line up in the salons.

You can talk with a hairdresser on the most mundane everyday topics: the fact that the wife does not look after the children, the mother-in-law demands to change jobs, or how expensive it is to repair a car that has been in an accident. The opportunity to take your soul away is not cheap, but the price does not bother salon clients who are tired of problems or loneliness.

Compliments for money

…may be done by the Japanese company NTV if the client needs such a service. When things go wrong for you and you are disappointed in yourself, company representatives will call you and convince you otherwise, finding the most attractive qualities in you.

In addition, you can get advice on how best to reconcile with a friend, wife, girlfriend, or solve other pressing problems.

The firm's clients are mostly men aged 16 to 25 who are willing to pay for help and support. Enough simple business The idea brings a decent income to the company.

Postcards on order

…sends the congratulatory service "May Day Card", which has been a success in Germany for more than 10 years. If you want to brag to your friends about your vacation or work in the most remote corners of the planet - no problem. It is enough to write a few words on a postcard and call the May Day Card employee.

You will need to pay only 20-30 dollars, and indicate from which place the postcard should be delivered: from Malta, from Rio - de Janeiro or from Tokyo. Representatives of the service, which includes more than 20 people, including pilots and stewardesses, will send a postcard just in time from the specified location. Such a business brings the organizers up to 30 thousand dollars a month.

You can work and ... a magician

... considers the administration of the first European school for witches and wizards, which opened in Austria. It is possible that the organizers unusual school, came under the influence of D. Rolling's books about Harry Potter, but, one way or another, the school exists in reality and has its students.

The course of study includes six semesters. Upon completion, students will receive diplomas of wizards.

It must be said that in Austria they repeated the experience of the American "Grey School of Magic" - the first school of magic in the world, where more than 700 students study today. Whether the acquired profession will be useful to students is unknown, but the school administration has a good income.

American magic school business ideas allow you to make good money all over the world. Entrepreneurs organize trips to empty castles, which are turned into magic schools for several days.

Seats for those who want to learn how to cast spells and fly on a broom are usually few, from 100 to 200, and tickets are not cheap. For example, spending 4 days in the Polish castle of Czocha costs 280 euros, and a school of magic for Muggles in the castle of Joliber (France) costs several hundred euros.

unusual feng shui website

... was created by the English entrepreneur Paul Darby, who believes that it is necessary to fenshuize mobile phones. Visitors to the site are invited to fill out a questionnaire and get advice on changing their lives for the better using phone settings.

The service is not cheap, but already unites 38 million people from different parts of the world.

grass portraits

... were able to create the British Peter Ackroyd and Dan Harvey, who have been working on this idea since the 90s of the last century. It is based on photosynthesis.

A vertical canvas with a lawn is placed in a dark room and the negative of the photograph is projected onto it. When the light is turned on, the grass turns yellow in well-lit places, and remains dark in the rest.

Such European business ideas not only open a new page in landscape design, but allow you to create unusual walls, houses, and even furniture.

calorie bill

…can be obtained from some of the restaurants in Europe where the best business ideas are spreading fast. The Hitzberger restaurant (Switzerland) was the first to offer such a service. It consists in the fact that at the end of dinner, the waiter brings a bill that indicates the number of calories eaten.

For the strong half of humanity, this fact will not matter much, but for girls who are on a diet, such a service is in great demand. And they are willing to pay extra for it.

Business ideas from the USA

SMS - to space

…decided to send two students from the USA and earn some money on this service. The scheme worked in this way: those who wanted to communicate with the cosmic mind made a paid call to young businessmen, clearly pronouncing their message, and the guys, using a sensor they had designed, sent this message into outer space.

No matter how crazy the business idea may seem at first glance, it allowed students to earn about a million dollars.

corn maze

... a farmer from America decided to build on Halloween, believing that growing corn brings not so much big income. The enterprising farmer was not mistaken in his assumptions. Not only locals, but also tourists wanted to visit the unusual labyrinth. As a result, the farmer earned $100,000 overnight.

The idea of ​​a corn maze was picked up both in America and in Europe, and then in Russia, where the best business ideas of the world began to come. Domestic sites offer not only a business plan for the project, but also exciting quests that can be carried out in a corn maze.

Whiskers, paws and tails

... our smaller brothers do not allow entrepreneurs to be left without work. Not only is hairdressing for dogs very popular all over the world, in the USA it began to exist not so long ago. new business- horse tail extensions.

Although this kind of American business idea seems at least strange, the service is in demand among horse breeders and horse race riders.

The fact is that the judges evaluate the length and density of the horse's tail. The average cost of a hairpiece is $150, and you can buy it in a special online store. The sellers claim that all tails are made from real horsehair. Usually, tail extension services are in high demand before the races.

jokes on toilet paper

...should bring a good profit, considered the founder of the company, George Hemmerstoffer. At the International Book Fair in Frankfurt, he was simply ridiculed, which did not embarrass the entrepreneur and did not force him to abandon the idea.

Today, toilet paper with jokes, aphorisms and even romance novels is a huge success, especially among ladies. Such a business is developing quite well in Europe.

The ideas of unusual entrepreneurship can also take root in Russia. Given that Russian market in the production of hygienic paper is the fastest growing, some experts recommend starting the production of toilet paper with jokes in our country. It has even been calculated that the average monthly profit from the production of such a product will be 450,000 rubles per month.

Own business is not only an opportunity to improve financial well-being. Entrepreneurs get a great chance to improve the world and give others new perspectives. Many people think that modern world offers fewer and fewer opportunities to start, all niches are occupied, and spheres of influence are distributed. The era of making profits by only meeting the minimum requirements in terms of customer satisfaction is indeed over. The consumer really has the right to receive the most best services and goods. But also each of us is looking forward to something new. Customers, like children, want to be surprised and pampered with new “toys”. The world is evolving and new needs are emerging. Their satisfaction, fresh and original ideas become the basis of successful business projects. We will introduce you to these ideas.

“Fresh and good ideas for trading”

Shop that pays to enter

In the small Australian town of Kurparu, there is a shop that specializes in selling gluten-free products called Celiac Supplies. Recently, the store has become famous, and its name began to appear even in the headlines of foreign publications. The reason is an innovation invented by the hostess. Customers pay for the right to enter the store. The price of the entrance ticket is low and is 5 Australian dollars. Pensioners, people with disabilities and children are exempt from payment. A visitor who buys a product in a store receives a discount that is equal to the amount paid for entry.

Store owner Georgina explains the innovation quite sensibly: “People come in, look at products and prices, go out and buy the same products in another store. Why should I waste my time and energy and work for free?” Georgina is trying to convey a simple concept - there are things in the world that get for free (sun, air, birdsong), but someone else's work should be appreciated with dignity.

The innovative approach to trading was met with mixed reception. Many criticize the entrepreneur, someone openly ridicules her. On the shop page on Facebook, there is a serious debate about the appropriateness of such approaches.

But Georgina nevertheless achieved a certain result. Although there was no tangible increase in profits, there were much fewer thefts and idle onlookers in the store. But in terms of advertising, Georgina has achieved an outstanding result.

What is the essence of this Australian store example? Look for non-standard approaches to attract customers. Ads with offers of "the best" or "lowest" prices are rather boring and do not attract the expected influx of visitors. advertising poster with the inscription “We are the greediest salesmen in town. We are so insolent that we demand money for entry!” will produce the effect of an exploding bomb and will attract many new customers to your store. They will come to you only for the sake of watching and having fun. And be sure to buy at least some trifle.

Without packaging

The lack of packaging significantly reduces the cost of any product. This technique does not always work, but in some situations it brings additional income. This principle is used in the work of Bulk Barn (Canada). The network of trading establishments has installed special glass vending machines in which customers can choose various goods. More than four thousand items are sold without packaging: loose tea and coffee beans, cereals, flour, spices, nuts, dried fruits, sweets and many others. Except nice price the network is developing a new trend to eliminate plastic packaging materials that pollute the planet. It is worth noting that the idea works and brings huge profits to the owners of the company.

We sell muesli

This business idea was awarded the title of the best young enterprise in Germany in 2013. The business was created by three friends from the city of Passau. Young entrepreneurs managed to keep within start-up capital 3 500 euros.

The essence of the idea is simple and ingenious. The guys created an online store selling muesli. Customers are given the opportunity to choose a variety of, but always only organic ingredients and mix them as they wish. The range includes several types of cereal bases, great amount various fruit additives, nuts. The store also offers high-quality varieties of tea, fresh juices, healthy cereals, coffee.

In 2007, when the business was just being created, it consisted of one outlet and online store. Now it is a developed network with about 200 employees.

Master class on the correct sale of men's jeans

It is generally accepted that shopping is an exclusively female occupation. For most men, any trip to the market or to the store turns into a real torture. Standard shelves, on which various items of clothing are laid out in piles in several rows, cause melancholy and despondency in men. Most of them consider finding and trying on the right size a waste of time.

Nadya Shurabura, who created the innovative Hointer jeans store in the American city of Seattle, made a wise decision to take into account the peculiarities of male psychology and create the most comfortable conditions for customers.

The store sells only men's jeans, flocks of ladies chirping and choosing goods do not distract or embarrass the representatives of the stronger sex. There are no endless racks with folded jeans. Only hangers located on the beams. The product is facing the buyer with the front. Each model is presented in the hall in only one size, although all options are in stock.

Customers are offered a convenient application for a mobile device. With it, you can scan the QR code of the model you like and specify your size. Literally within a few seconds, a notification arrives on the buyer’s device indicating in which of the fitting rooms the ordered jeans are waiting for him. The model that you like and fit is paid at the checkout. Everything that does not satisfy the buyer is sent to a special hole in the fitting room.

Men will agree that such shopping conditions can be considered ideal.

Freeosk - a special tasting machine

The very first devices of this type were created by the German confectionery company Stollwerck in 1887. Customers were offered the opportunity to try sweets before buying. Since 2013, Chicago supermarkets have revived this tradition and installed special Freeosk machines. To install a free tasting machine, it is important to choose the right location and place for the maximum concentration of the target audience.

The benefit of customers is obvious - the opportunity to try new products for free. The benefit of the supermarket is less obvious to the uninitiated layman - cheap marketing research interests and tastes of buyers. It is not worth talking about how much the positive image of the trading network rises.

Delivery of purchases to the airport

Popular Australian trading shops Woolworths offers its customers a new service - the ability to order and pay for goods through mobile app. The purchase is delivered to the airport and handed over to the client after the aircraft has landed.

This service aroused great enthusiasm among business people and tourists and immediately began to be in great demand. A tired traveler upon arrival in the city no longer needs to head to the store to fill an empty refrigerator with food. Everything can be ordered in advance and received at the exit from the airport.

“Ideas for restaurant business”

Entrance with pre-purchased tickets

The owner of the Chicago restaurant Nextrestaurant Grant Achatz spied this idea from the airlines. You can enter the territory of the airport only with a plane ticket purchased using an online service. A similar system works in this restaurant. It is simply unrealistic for a visitor "from the street" to get into it. Entrance is allowed only for those who have paid in advance for a certain menu in advance through the system of applications on the Internet.

The innovation was liked by the visitors, who now do not need to wait for a vacant table and order fulfillment. Menu prices depend on the day of the week and time of day. The most expensive option is Saturday evening, on weekdays and at lunch the cost of the order is much lower.

The menu of the restaurant changes drastically at least once every 3 months. The previous option is never repeated. The restaurant offers dishes of different national cuisines and has an immense supply of ideas. The institution is extremely popular, there are no free tables here.

Creative from Blockbuster

While watching a movie in cinemas, they offer a standard set: drinks, popcorn and other snacks. While at home, many people like to eat well with a good movie.

Entrepreneurs catering to patrons at a Toronto film festival had the perfect idea to offer restaurant guests food from movies that are featured in movies today.

A restaurant that counts calories consumed

Restaurant Hitzberger (Switzerland) offers guests an original service. The waiter brings the bill, which indicates not only the prices, but also the number of calories in each portion eaten.

This idea can be developed. For example, offer a low-fat or low-carb menu. Protein options are available for those who monitor weight and care about health. You can arrange contests and reward customers who have consumed the most calories.

The idea is a success, because most of the establishments Catering offers very high-calorie and unhealthy food. Additional feature to control the composition of dishes and their impact on health is the gratitude of the guests.

A restaurant where guests create their own drinks

A simple and very cool idea was offered to visitors by the owners of the Japanese bar Logbar. Here the client is given the opportunity to create new cocktails by mixing different ingredients. Be sure to come up with original name a drink that is included in the bar menu and offered to other guests.

If a drink is successful, its creator makes good money. Under the terms of the project, part of the bar's profits is offered to the creator of the cocktail.

“Ideas for the hotel business”

Twitter hotel

On the island of Mallorca, there is an interesting hotel SolWave, which is used to attract guests to this super-popular social network. Each guest is given the opportunity to download a branded application and get access to original entertainment. The corporate social network allows you to participate in contests, communicate with other guests and make appointments at hotel parties, get to know each other and flirt.

The hotel also has original rooms. In one of them, a huge mirror with painted luxurious mustaches hangs on the wall. You can instantly send a funny photo with your reflection in this mirror to your friends. Using special hashtags, you can order drinks to the administrator.

"Earnings on the Internet"

Online dining

Sociability, attractiveness and the ability to cook are characteristic features of many girls. Seo-Yun Park from South Korea, that these underestimated talents can make good money. The girl quit her boring office job, bought a camera and started broadcasting her lunches online. From a cool hobby, a worthy source of income has developed. From ads and views, Seo-Yun earns about $10,000 every month.

The secret of this show's popularity is simple. IN developed countries the number of single people who are entirely focused on their careers is noticeably increasing. For them, lunch with a virtual interlocutor becomes a real find, brings the joy of communication and brightens up loneliness. The girl also helps those who are forced to go on a diet, but are not ready to give up the traditional dinner in society and a pleasant conversation.

Today we invite you to get acquainted with the most original business ideas collected from all over the world. Each of these ideas is unique in its own way, because before their implementation, there was nothing like it. These ideas are also interesting because they show that thinking outside the box can be very well financially rewarded. In addition, it is almost impossible to meet competitors in such ideas, and this is also very important for a successful business.

Choosing an original business idea

Each of these 6 ideas brought to their owners at one time i'm good money. We do not call mindlessly copy original ide and we offer you also think outside the box when building your business as well as the authors of these ideas. These ideas have brought not only independence owners, but also helped thousands of people to make their lives better orjust helped them on a certain life stage. If you live in a city of a million people, you may be interested.

Ironing lesson for men

Firstfrom our list« original business ideas of the world» goesidea that oriented to the strong floor.ABOUTcame to us fromdistantAustria,Andit consists in giving several paid master classesmen to teach them how to iron their own clothes.

Such a serviceservedas a giftFormen onsuchholidays likeValentine's Day andMen's Day. The service itself is not in bad demand.among womenand costs around 40 - 50 dollars.

Such original business ideas To ok this onehelp people around them feelreassurance andbetter. The idea of ​​the compliment service came to us from Japan. Like any other brilliant idea, the essencehervery simple and is to cheer up people in need. If a person feels bad emotionally, feels insecure, or just had a bad day, he can call a special number, where an operator with a pleasant voice will cheer him up, say that everything will get better soon and thathe shouldn't be so worriedetc. This will help the person speak out and look at the situation from a new angle and forget aboutalltheir problems.

On thisthe owner of the idea did not stop, compliment service also offers help with issues such as s with wife, girlfriend, colleagues, mother-in-law or even best friend)the company will also help you make peace with your loved one and not do stupid things.

Such services are used oh popularity among the younger part of the population.

Pet rental

An interesting and very original business idea is to provide “pets for rent”. The essence of this idea is quite simple, the company provides animals for rent - it can be cats, dogs, hamsters, and in general any animals. The service is aimed at parents of children who are not completely sure whether they should get a pet or not. And having taken another animal for a week, they will definitely understand whether they need it or not.

To organize this kind of business, you need to have a territory where all these animals will live ( a private house ideal), or as an option, you can negotiate with an animal shelter, so you will kill two birds with one stone (give homeless animals a home and earn money). Do not forget that all animals must be vaccinated, etc., this is a very important point.

This is one of the most original ideas ever thought out. At first glance, you might think that this is a cruel business, but if you look from the other side, it becomes clear that only the person to whom his half was really dear can use such services. After all, few people will pay $ 200 for a service if they do not care about the feelings of another person. She came to us from Germany and today is successfully practiced all over the world. She helps people tell their significant other that they can't be together anymore. This is done very delicately, by an experienced psychologist of the company, he actually informs the second half (client) of this sad news.

The price of such separation will cost the client $200. And for an additional amount, the company can morally prepare the client himself for parting.

Yes, the service is not cheap, but it will help soften the parting with a no longer loved but still dear person.

This idea is in demand among the young part of the population - it will help to stand out, so to speak, from the "gray mass". An accessory such as glowing shoelaces can be used as a bright accessory for a party or a festive costume (for Halloween or any other suitable holiday).

These laces work on a normal battery charge. The color of the laces can be chosen as desired. Such original business ideas minimum investment , very cost-effective and profitablefrom the low cost of the product.

You can sell such a product online, this is the most best option for such products. Since those who buy such things are usually young people under 25 years old. In addition, by creating a group in in social networks or a site, you do not have to pay deprivation money for rent, and you can sell even more than if you opened a store or a point in the market.

wife for hire

This is perhaps the most original idea in our today's edition. She came to us from Japan. The idea implies a rental for some kind of event (friend, girlfriend, wife, husband, etc.). It sounds crazy, but it's actually quite simple.

For example, you were invited to a business meeting and you need a couple, but your friends can’t or you can’t call them for some reason, and then the agency that offers you a couple for the evening comes to the rescue. The company also has actors who, if desired, can easily play your best childhood friend or soul mate.
