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Business plan for growing strawberries at home. Methods for growing strawberries for business. How profitable is the strawberry business

The existing statistics on the consumption of berries in the country shows that the demand for strawberries is growing by about 20% annually. The berry has excellent taste and contains a lot.

Modern technologies and varieties bred by breeders make it possible to grow strawberries in closed ground. Get a harvest. These features of strawberries make it possible to turn its cultivation into profitable business. The profitability of products in the winter can be up to 300%. Such profitability is difficult to obtain when growing other agricultural crops.

Each entrepreneur draws up a business plan for the commercial cultivation of strawberries independently, taking into account individual characteristics each specific project.

It should include:

  1. Description of the cultivation method chosen for breeding the strawberry variety, its yield, distribution channels, etc.
  2. Cost estimate for organizing a business.
  3. Marketing analysis of the market.
  4. Harvest plan.
  5. Forecast on business profitability and project payback period.
  6. Description of possible risks.

Commercial cultivation of strawberries can be profitable if a number of conditions are met. These include requirements for minimum size landing areas. They must be at least 10 sq.m. To receive a stable income from sales all year round you need to choose the right variety. It should bear fruit 3 times a year, including the winter period.

Important! For sale through retail chains, it is necessary state registration legal entity or IP.

To organize a business you will need:

  • initial capital for the purchase of planting material, fertilizers, equipment and the construction of a greenhouse;
  • land well lit by the sun;
  • knowledge of the technology of growing strawberries;
  • plan for selling berries.

How much can you earn selling strawberries?

Income depends on various factors. The selling price of the product depends on the region of sale. In the southern regions of the country, the cost of a berry is 30-40% cheaper. The choice of plant variety, proper care and top dressing affect the yield of strawberries.

The practice of growing and selling shows that from 1 hundred square meters of strawberries you can get 30-50 thousand rubles of income for 1 harvest. These figures can be guided when planning commercial cultivation. Rational use of greenhouse space and properly selected varieties allow harvesting from 1 sq.m. to 90 kg per year.

The yield in closed areas of 10 sq.m will be 900 kg. The average selling price is approximately $4. Annual sales revenue can reach up to 36 thousand dollars. The cost of cultivation will be approximately half of the proceeds received for the products.

Cultivation requires diligence and the presence of a certain baggage of special knowledge. You can get them on special courses or on your own with the help of specialized literature.

Important. Ground berry brings less revenue compared to grown in a greenhouse.

This is due to the cost difference. Prices for strawberries during the period of mass harvest are much lower than in winter. low income compensated for by lower cultivation costs during this period. The biggest cost of starting a business is in the first year.

This is due to the need:

  • greenhouse construction;
  • business registration;
  • purchase of planting material.

The invested costs pay off within 1 year. The best option commercial cultivation is its cultivation in open and closed ground. The sale of planting material can become a source of additional income.

How much money is required to start?

The amount of funding required depends on the size of the planned business. The cost of organizing it depends on three main factors:

  • landing area;
  • growing method;
  • need for hired labor.

The cost of organizing the process in a greenhouse is higher than in open ground by about 30-50%. You need to buy land near the proposed place of sale. This will significantly reduce the transport costs for the delivery of strawberries to the sales network.

Suitable for agricultural land. Their cost is much lower than other categories. Temporary structures can be erected on such sites. They can accommodate refrigeration equipment and inventory. When purchasing greenhouses, it is worth giving preference to greenhouses intended for industrial breeding.

Equipment for industrial cultivation

Growing strawberries outdoors requires a small amount of equipment. It consists of:

  • components for creating a drip irrigation system;
  • agrofibre or mulching film for covering beds;
  • care equipment.

The equipment of greenhouses depends on the chosen cultivation technology. In any case, you will need to purchase:

  1. Equipment for space heating. The temperature should not be below 22°C.
  2. Lighting. The best option lighting - sodium lamps with a power of at least 400 watts.
  3. Irrigation and humidification systems. Relative humidity should be in the range of 75-80%.
  4. Refrigeration equipment.

When growing in a greenhouse in bags, hanging equipment is purchased along with the container.

Which OKVED is suitable?

When registering a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, their type of activity is determined, which is assigned an OKVED code. Cultivation of strawberries belongs to agricultural production.

Registration of KFH is mandatory when growing on areas of more than 1 ha.

On plots of a smaller area, private household plots are being carried out. Income from the sale of products grown on a personal farmstead is not taxed. The general OKVED code for agricultural crops is 01. The clarifying subparagraph 01.13.21 applies to strawberries.

Growing in greenhouses all year round

The greenhouse way of organizing a business significantly increases its profitability. Among the advantages of growing strawberries indoors:

  • year-round harvest;
  • more efficient use of landing areas;
  • high profitability.

It is necessary to use varieties specially bred by breeders for closed ground. The main problem with this method is pollination. It is carried out artificially with a soft brush.

In industrial greenhouses for plant pollination, small bee hives can be installed or remontant varieties that do not require artificial pollination can be selected for planting.

You can grow it in three ways:

  • directly in the ground;
  • in pots;
  • in polyethylene bags.

The most productive and less troublesome way is to use hydroponics. Among the best varieties for growing indoors: "Sonata", "Florin", "Kama" and "Elsanta". For uniform harvesting, it is advisable to plant varieties with different ripening dates.

Three types of greenhouses can be used. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Type selection

The cost depends on the type of construction.

The soil

Soil quality plays an important role. The optimal soil for berries is one that consists of 2 parts of turf and 1 part of humus.

This mixture is enriched with:

  • ash;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium chloride;
  • ammonium nitrate.

When planting, they dig to a depth of 18 to 20 cm. The depth of digging of chernozem soils should be 25-30 cm. Before digging begins, organic fertilizers are scattered on the surface of the earth. It is best to use chicken manure. Compost or peat is introduced into the soil at the rate of 1 bucket per 1 sq.m.


Grows well in moist soils. Water it as it dries, but at least once a week during growth. During flowering and fruiting, watering is carried out at least 2 times a week.

Important. Soils in the bodies dry out much more slowly than in the open ground.

You need to water at the very root. The depth of watering should be at least 30 cm. After it, the soil is loosened. Due to this, the roots are saturated with oxygen. The amount of watering depends on various factors. Each type of soil has its own relative humidity standards.

They make up:

  • for sandy soil during flowering and fruiting - 65-70%;
  • for clay soils during the growing season - 80%;
  • for sandy soils after harvesting - 60-65%.

Organization costs

The cost of organizing a business depends on the chosen method of cultivation.

Approximate cost estimate for 10 sq.m:

In the process of spending, which are commonly called current expenses. They are the cost of production. Among the monthly:

  • for heating and lighting;
  • fertilizers;
  • watering.

The amount of unforeseen expenses can be up to 5% of the total amount.

Profitability of production

Profitability is understood as the ratio of the profit received from the sale to the sum of all costs spent on growing berries.

Profits are affected by:

  • selling prices;
  • yield of strawberry varieties selected for cultivation;
  • number of fees per year.

With the right organization of the business, the average income from 10 square meters of a greenhouse can be 18-25 rubles per month when growing varieties of medium yield.


I set myself the task of obtaining the maximum income in the village by growing strawberries with minimum investment. In the business plan, I considered two directions: a strawberry business with a focus on growing berries and growing strawberry seedlings for sale. Depending on the starting capital, you can choose one direction or combine them.

Choosing a strawberry variety for growing for sale

It is difficult to choose a strawberry variety from such a wide range, which is now presented in online stores. Take this issue very seriously, your income greatly depends on it. I have already chosen for myself a variety for small business - an early Olvia variety.

For several years we have been growing only Chamora Turussi on our site in the village. The variety is large-fruited and tasty. We thought that this variety is high-yielding and well suited for the strawberry business (one minus is low transportability). But everything is relative. Variety Olvia showed a yield 2 times higher than that of Chamora. At the same time, the yield of marketable berries is almost 100% (for Chamora, 60-70%).

Features of the variety Olvia

  • Ultra early variety (a few days earlier than Honey)
  • Suitable for eating fresh berries and for processing
  • Frost and drought resistant
  • The berry is tasty, shiny, very spectacular appearance in a container
  • Yield up to 1kg per bush. The output of marketable berries is almost 100%

Variety Olvia gives simply great amount breeding outlets. From our experience, from the mother liquor (130 pcs.) For 2 years we took about 2000 pcs of seedlings.

There is an article on the Internet by a gardener who has been growing strawberries for 30 years. He puts Olvia first.

It is worth noting that I consider Olvia one of the best varieties for small businesses (direct sales without long-term storage and transportation. Collected and sold on the same day). For sale, it is better to collect the berry immediately in plastic trays with a capacity of 0.5-1 kg.

If you need a berry with good transportability, then pay attention to the following early varieties: Alba, Clery, Honey.

Business plan for growing strawberries outdoors

The first year is the laying of the mother liquor.

The mother liquor can be laid in autumn or spring. Autumn planting of seedlings is preferable for me (better survival of seedlings). We plant according to the scheme 25-35 cm distance between plants in a row (depending on the strength of the growth of the bush), 100 - 120 cm - the distance between the rows (we will direct the mustache into the aisles). When flower stalks appear, they must be removed immediately, thus stimulating the bush to produce planting material. Then, 1-2 times a week, go through the mother liquor and remove the newly appeared flower stalks until the strawberry bushes begin to produce mustaches. As soon as the first roots begin to appear on the seedlings, the aisle should be well moistened in order to accelerate the rooting of the seedlings. To obtain a full harvest for the next year, seedlings must be obtained and planted no later than the beginning of August. But at this time, as a rule, it is hot, and it is not easy to make the seedlings take root on the site. The way out can be the cultivation of strawberry seedlings with a closed root system (in cassettes or cups).

Cost calculations

  • Buying seedlings:Olvia (Clery, Alba or others) - 1000 pcs.
  • Drip irrigation (per 10 acres)
  • HDPE pipe (20 m)
  • Filters
  • Drip Tape (2000m)
  • Fittings (40 pcs)

The first year (end of summer - beginning of autumn) - laying the site. From the mother liquor (1000 seedlings) it is possible to lay approximately a plot of 10 acres (5-7 thousand seedlings).

Second year. From the mother liquor, you can already take not only seedlings, but also berries - 600-800 kg. We cover all expenses for the first year, buy drip irrigation, mulch film and agrofibre, expand the plot. We plant part of the seedlings on film, part on agrofiber, compare and choose the mulching material for ourselves.

When growing strawberries, weeding weeds takes a lot of time and effort. When we earn on the sale of berries, it will be possible to buy mulching material.

Growing strawberries is a promising line of business. The demand for berries of domestic origin has increased markedly over the past 4 years. This niche of the agricultural industry is only being mastered by entrepreneurs, which means that you have excellent chances to successfully “join” it.

Do you want to know how to start a strawberry growing business, how to find buyers and get a stable income? Read the new article on our website!

Description of business and product

Growing strawberries is a business with many benefits. Doubt? Let's find out!

Strawberries are a healthy, sweet berry. Russians buy it all year round. The peak of demand is the period from May to October, when ground berries bear fruit. This direction is not yet as mastered by Russian entrepreneurs as the cultivation of greens, potatoes, vegetables, so the competition is still low.

Profitability factors for a strawberry business:

  1. Reducing the volume of imported products.
  2. Growing by the greenhouse method does not depend on the season and climatic conditions.
  3. Various cultivation methods (hydroponics, open or closed ground).
  4. Some varieties produce two harvests per season.
  5. According to experts, the cost of opening a business pays off after the first harvest.
  6. Great demand from buyers even in the off-season.
  7. Annual increase in prices for products (on average by 25-45%).
  8. The business does not require significant start-up investments.
  9. Strawberries are not whimsical. She needs light, warmth and moisture.
  10. It will take only 2-3 months to “launch” the business.

Start your business in small town. It is cheaper to rent a plot of land in its suburbs. It is easier to enter the market here and the competition is weaker.

Description of the market

Ways of implementation depend on the amount of grown products. Think about marketing channels at the stage of drawing up a business plan. The berry quickly loses its presentation, it needs to be sold quickly.

Consider ways to sell the crop:

  • independent sale in the market. You will need: trading place, counter, refrigeration equipment for storing berries, scales, packaging for packing goods;
  • sale to supermarkets, food stores, catering establishments. You will need: registration of IP, certificate of product quality from the laboratory;
  • wholesale to companies engaged in the repurchase of products. You will need: registration of IP, certificates of product quality.

You will receive the maximum price per kilogram of berries only from retail sales in the market. Sales to stores and wholesale resellers are carried out at a low purchase price. This is a way to realize a large harvest.

Sales and Marketing

To increase sales and attract customers, you need advertising.

  1. Bright outdoor advertising. Make a spectacular advertisement on cars delivering berries to supermarkets, above a trading place in the market, near greenhouses where berries are grown.
  2. Advertisements in local newspapers.
  3. Use the internet. Online trading platforms like Avito, social media, local forums - use them to find like-minded people, to share experiences and find buyers.

The more information the consumer sees about you, the more trust you will inspire in him. Your task is to be remembered during the sales season of ground strawberries, so that in the “off season” buyers have maximum confidence in your berry.

Position yourself as a producer of high-quality berries of domestic origin, focus on the naturalness and taste of the product. Accompany advertisements with photos of strawberries growing in a greenhouse.

Production step by step

Before installing the greenhouse and starting production, make detailed plan actions. Reflect in it all the stages that you have to implement for the production and sale of berries.

For organization business will do 6 acre lot. It is enough to allocate 50 square meters to the greenhouse. m., on 100 square meters you can grow strawberries in the open field.

Let's consider each item of the production plan in detail.

Step 1. Preparation and execution of documents

For selling strawberries to supermarkets and handing them over wholesale companies IP needs to be done. Select OKVED code: 01.13.21. Behind him is the cultivation of berries and fruit crops. This activity belongs to agriculture. Apply for the Unified Agricultural Tax. His rate is 6% of the profit.

To apply for an IP, you will need:

  • application for registration;
  • photocopy of all pages of the passport;
  • receipt of payment of the state fee for consideration of your application.

Documents can be submitted in person or by mail.

Step 2. Installation of the greenhouse

A practical and reliable option is to install a polycarbonate greenhouse on a metal frame. The size and number of greenhouses depends on the scale of production.

It is rational to start with the construction of one greenhouse. In order to save money, build it yourself. There are many ready-made installation schemes on the Internet. Choose one of them and adapt to your project. Don't forget the foundation. It serves as the basis for the design, protects against pests and freezing.

Step 3. Installing the necessary hardware

Is the greenhouse installed? Proceed with the installation of equipment.

For year-round cultivation strawberries needed:

  • Irrigation system or hydroponic system if you are using Dutch soilless growing technology
  • racks to increase the useful area of ​​​​the premises and a combination of different growing technologies;
  • lighting;
  • heating;
  • ventilation system.

At first, you can water the plants manually with a hose. This is the most economical option. For a small greenhouse, a homemade drip irrigation system is suitable.

Another option to save money at the start is to use solar heating. This is not about solar panels, but about improvised means that accumulate heat. With them, you will provide plants with heat, stabilize the temperature in the room.

Step 4. Selection and purchase of seedlings

At this stage, you need a good theoretical background. Study agricultural forums, chat with those who have already succeeded in growing strawberries. For year-round cultivation, different varieties are needed: early, mid-season, late.

The most popular varieties are Honey, Darenka, Victoria, Sonata, Rusanovskaya, Octave, Alba.

Buy seedlings from those who are professional strawberry growers. These are greenhouse complexes, nurseries. Take a few varieties to get acquainted with their features. Choose those that ripen faster and bear fruit longer.

Step 5. Pollination and care of the berry

The main principles of berry care are the creation of optimal conditions for humidity, light, and temperature. Strawberries do not like overflows, so it is better to water them with a drip method. Feed is introduced along with water through a drip system. This irrigation system is suitable for greenhouse production and for open ground.

Outdoors, the flowers are pollinated by wind and insects. In greenhouse conditions, the movement of pollen occurs with the help of fans. The second way is to transfer it from flower to flower with a soft brush. The flowers are hand-pollinated only on small plantations.

Illumination affects the flowering of plants. During the flowering period, plants need more light and heat.

A video will tell you in detail about planting berries in greenhouse conditions, lighting and watering:

Organizational structure

At the initial stage, to maintain strawberry beds, you will need two or three auxiliary workers, as well as two security guards (if you rented a site for a greenhouse complex, and did not build it in your yard).

Personnel cost table:

Job title Number of persons Salary per month (rub.) Expenses for the year (rub.)
Security guard 2 10 000 240 000
Handyman 2 15 000 360 000
Total: 50 000 600 000

With the increase in production, the staff will expand. You will need a driver to deliver products to the place of sale, handymen, an accountant. Hire an outsourcing specialist to cut down on the cost of paying an in-house accountant.

At the initial stage, do the production yourself. Many entrepreneurs who have chosen to produce greens, mushrooms or other crops at home work themselves together with family members. So you save on staff, try out production technologies, and get a feel for the specifics of the industry.

Financial plan

This part of the business plan reflects all the costs associated with starting a business. This includes the cost of purchasing materials for the construction of the greenhouse, the purchase of seedlings, advertising, wages employees.

Expenses are divided into start-up and current.

They are displayed in a summary table:

Starting costs Amount (rub.) Monthly expenses Amount (rub.)
Purchase of equipment for greenhouses 300 000 Land lease 35 000
Purchase of fertilizers and seedlings 150 000 Feed and fertilizer 25 000
Business registration in government bodies 2000 Staff salary 50 000
Communal expenses 12 000
taxes 8 000
Total: 452 000 Total: 130 000

The cost depends on how you grow garden strawberries and on what scale: at home, in closed greenhouses, outdoors, in bags, on racks with a hydroponic system in your own basement, or in several greenhouse complexes.

In addition to expenses, the projected profit is included in the financial plan. The price of strawberries in the "off season" reaches 600 rubles. In summer, it fluctuates between 230-270 rubles. The average net profit will be 150-170,000 rubles. If you do a good marketing job, you'll be able to recoup your start-up costs for your first harvest.

Risk factors

Risk factors for this agribusiness industry:

  • low productivity due to violation of production technologies, climatic features of the region;
  • plant diseases;
  • sales problems.

If you don’t want to depend on climatic conditions, set up greenhouse production that allows you to get a good harvest even in winter.

Reduces the risk of crop failure right choice seedlings, treatment of plants from diseases, compliance with production technologies. Invite a specialist for a consultation. His recommendations will help to comply with technological conditions, properly organize the process of planting, care, harvesting.

How to avoid implementation problems? Study the market, analyze the offers of competitors, offer loyal prices, actively advertise yourself.

Berries that have lost their presentation will be used for jam. Jam is another profitable business, but that's another story.

For more details on this topic, see our article. Strawberries in the greenhouse all year round as a business.

Download business plan

The journey of every entrepreneur begins with a business plan. It includes the goals and objectives of the project, the calendar plan, the costs of starting a business, a description of the risks, a marketing plan, and a production plan.

What will you get from writing a business plan?

  1. A clear plan of action.
  2. Control of all production start-up processes.
  3. Forecast of income and payback.
  4. The possibility of obtaining investments in the bank, government agencies.
  5. Insurance against mistakes and extra expenses.
  6. Saving time and effort.

To prepare a business plan, it is not necessary to hire a specialist. Download a sample with calculations on the Internet.

You can't blindly follow a pattern. This is an example for drafting a document that reflects the features of your project.

We have prepared one of these for you. This is a plan for the production and sale of vegetables in greenhouse conditions. It provides sample calculations, describes varieties, irrigation systems, and more.


The most profitable type of "strawberry business" is the industrial cultivation of berries in a greenhouse. It is considered profitable even taking into account the fact that its opening requires start-up capital for the purchase of equipment, the purchase or lease of land, seedlings.

Your the main task- establish sales, plant plants and harvest all year round.

(4 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The article describes the features of creation in the open field. Strawberries are a favorite treat for both children and adults. Demand for these products does not decrease over time. Such a business will always be relevant and in demand.

However growing strawberries in the Russian climate, the matter is not simple and requires a detailed study of the concept and technology at the planning stage. For this, a business plan, within which the necessary calculations are made and not only the need for resources is determined, but also the effectiveness of the project.

Such a project is ideal when you plan to get a loan or attract private investment. It will also be a reliable assistant in obtaining government subsidies.

Key Features of an Outdoor Strawberry Growing Business Plan

Drawing up a business plan for growing strawberries

Before starting a project within business plan it is necessary to analyze the technological features growing strawberries, among which:

  • Varieties and their fertility;
  • Condition requirements;
  • Soil composition;
  • Applied fertilizers;
  • Irrigation technology.

Based on the data obtained, the concept of the future company is formed and the following are determined:

  • Requirements for the land;
  • Necessary equipment;
  • Qualification of employees;

Performance, etc.



The main product is strawberries. There are three main ways to grow it:

  • In open ground;
  • Closed;
  • In protected.

If the last two do not depend on the season, then outdoor cultivation is possible only in the summer. However, such a method will require less investment and will have an easier technology. In doing so, account should be taken of the possible negative influences natural conditions, which can destroy the entire crop.

It is difficult to limit the circle of consumers of the company by growing strawberries. IN business plan both wholesale and retail sales can be provided. This berry is loved by all citizens. But, Special attention should be given to attracting urban residents who do not have their own land for growing it on their own.

1 - Summary

1.1. The essence of the project

1.2. The volume of investments to start growing strawberries in open ground

1.3. Work results

2 - Concept

2.1. Project concept

2.2. Description/Properties/Characteristics

2.3. Goals for 5 years

3 - Market

3.1. Market size

3.2. Market Dynamics

4 - Staff

4.1. staffing

4.2. Processes

4.3. Wage

5 - Financial plan

5.1. Investment plan

5.2. Funding Plan

5.3. Sales plan for the development of growing strawberries in the open field

5.4. Spending plan

5.5. Tax payment plan

5.6. Reports

5.7. Investor income

6 - Analysis

6.1. Investment analysis

6.2. The financial analysis

6.3. Risks of growing strawberries outdoors

7 - Conclusions

The business plan for growing strawberries in the open field is provided in MS Word format - it already has all the tables, graphs, diagrams and descriptions. You can use them "as is" because it's ready to use. Or you can adjust any section for yourself.

For example: if you need to change the name of the project or the region where the business is located, then this is easy to do in the "Project Concept" section.

Financial calculations are provided in MS Excel format - parameters are highlighted in the financial model - this means that you can change any parameter, and the model will automatically calculate everything: it will build all tables, graphs and charts.

For example: if you need to increase the sales plan, then it is enough to change the sales volume for a given product (service) - the model will recalculate everything automatically, and all tables and charts will be ready immediately: monthly sales plan, sales structure, sales dynamics - all this will be ready .

A feature of the financial model is that all formulas, parameters and variables are available for change, which means that any specialist who knows how to work in MS Excel can adjust the model for themselves.


Feedback from our clients

Feedback on the business planmushroom farm for growing champignon mushrooms

Received a loan from Sberbank in the amount of 70 million rubles for the development of a mushroom farm for growing champignons . Thanks to Plan-Pro for a quality business plan. Good marketing research, the break-even point is calculated, the expected income and expenses of the company are reasonably calculated.

Igor Nikolaevich, Tambov

Feedback on a business plan for an industrial year-round winter greenhouse for growing vegetables

The greenhouse business plan, developed by the Plan-Pro team, allowed us to attract private investment in the amount of 30 million rubles. In the process of work, the company's consultant demonstrated deep professionalism and understanding of the specifics of our project. Investors have agreed to work with us, so thank you very much.

Alena Podkaminskaya, Commercial Director, Yaroslavl

Feedback on the business plan

On the site, the site downloaded a business plan for growing strawberries: simple schemes and formulas, an exhaustive assessment of the project's payback. Thanks to this plan, they were able to obtain a loan from Rosselkhozbank in the amount of 20 million rubles for the development of a project for growing strawberries in open ground.

Natalia M.V., Krasnodar region

Feedback on a crop production business plan for growing wheat and other grains

It was possible to attract a private investor and receive financing in the amount of 140 million rubles. The business plan for growing cereals was developed according to the UNIDO standard. The document turned out to be understandable, all our wishes and the specifics of the industry were taken into account.

Lyubov Andreevna, farmer, Voronezh region

Feedback on a hydroponic greenhouse business plan for growing strawberries and vegetables

We needed a good business plan to plan a strategy for the future operation of a hydroponic greenhouse; and contacted Plan-Pro. We liked the finished business plan. Descriptions and calculations are extremely understandable and logical, no need to think about where which figure comes from. Easy to make changes and edits. The financial model and the product itself are at a good level.

Dmitry Korolenko, Naberezhnye Chelny

Feedback on a business plan for growing strawberries in the open field

Downloaded ready business plan for growing strawberries to Plan-Pro to send it as part of a package of documents for obtaining a loan from the Russian Agricultural Bank. Approval of the application for the amount of 25 million rubles. received within a few days. The business plan contains all the necessary information, a financial model is conveniently drawn up, which allows you to predict the value of profit and other indicators.

Ilibekova Arina, Krasnodar.

Analysis of competitors of a strawberry growing company in a business plan

Competition in this industry is high, especially it increases in the summer. In this regard, in business plan conduct a competitive analysis for the company growing strawberries.

Among the main competitors are:

  • Large agricultural enterprises operating all year round;
  • Private farms;
  • Individuals growing fruits on a personal land plot.

In order to ensure the flow of orders, it is necessary to ensure competitive advantage. They may be:

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Good quality;
  • Non-use of chemicals and pesticides;
  • Fast deliveries;
  • Possibility of ordering a small batch;
  • Low cost etc.

Speaking about the world market, the largest producers are the USA, France, Spain.

Advantages and disadvantages of growing strawberries in the open field as a business

Like any type of business, growing strawberries outdoors There are both positive and negative features that must be taken into account in business plan.

Benefits include:

  • Constant, high demand;
  • Not complicated technology;
  • Minimal amount necessary equipment;
  • There are few factors contributing to a significant price reduction;
  • Rapid ripening of fruits;
  • The high cost of berries;
  • Ability to adapt culture to different climatic conditions;
  • No special soil required.

There are certain disadvantages of doing business in this area, the main ones are:

  • seasonality;
  • Short shelf life;
  • High competition;
  • Possibility of crop loss due to pest invasion;
  • Weather dependent.

All this should be taken into account in the concept of the project as part of the business plan. Ready business plan for available for download from the link below. It structured all the information necessary for launching, compiled a financial model, and made calculations. You will begin to implement your idea, bypassing the planning stage. With the help of such a business plan, you will be able to attract additional funding from banks and investors, as well as receive subsidies from the state.

Because we are talking about growing strawberries, then we should also remember about raspberries. Its cultivation can become a related type of business and also bring significant income. describes the entire production process and contains all the necessary calculations.

The sequence of opening a strawberry growing company in a business plan

  1. Market analysis - demand, supply, price factors;
  2. Study of cultivation technology;
  3. Determining the need for resources;
  4. Forecast of profit, revenue and costs;
  5. Calculation of efficiency and expediency of investments;
  6. Formation business plan for growing strawberries;
  7. Registration as a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, tax registration;
  8. Selection of a suitable land plot;
  9. Purchase of seeds and seedlings, fertilizers;
  10. Purchase of equipment;
  11. Selection and hiring of personnel;
  12. Planting and launching the project.

Investment in strawberry cultivation as part of a business plan

To start a project on growing strawberries outdoors will be required following attachments provided for business plan:

  • Land lease - xxx rub.;
  • Purchase of seedlings, seeds and fertilizer - xxx;
  • Purchase of equipment - xxx;
  • Business registration - xxx;
  • Stock of money - xxx.

The total amount of investments will be from 30 to 200 million rubles. and will depend on the scale of the activity.

Technology for growing strawberries in a business plan

Conditionally process growing strawberries outdoors, provided for by the business plan, can be divided into the following main stages:

  1. Soil preparation. The land is cleared of debris, weeds are eliminated, the soil is fertilized.
  2. Planting seedlings. In the spring, strawberries are planted in open ground by placing a sprout in a hole, before which the roots should be cut. It is best to immediately cover the soil with a mulch film.
  3. Creation of an irrigation system. Optimum is drip irrigation, which supplies water directly to the roots of plants.
  4. Plant care. Timely removal of weeds, periodic loosening of the soil.
  5. Harvest 6 to 8 times. You can not constantly pour and shift the berries, so they deteriorate faster and lose their attractive appearance.

Particular attention should be paid to the selection of strawberry varieties and the fertilization system.

Purchase of equipment provided for by the business plan for growing strawberries in the open field

In accordance with the technology described above, a large number of equipment for growing strawberries outdoors is not required. According to business plan will need to purchase:

  • drip irrigation system;
  • Film for covering the soil;
  • Bed builder;
  • seating machine;
  • Tractor;
  • Product delivery vehicle.

To equip office space, you will need to buy furniture and computers, provide a ventilation system for the warehouse, an alarm system and fire protection, as well as refrigeration equipment.

Financial model of a strawberry growing enterprise in a business plan

For compiling financial plan business plan for growing strawberries outdoors it is necessary to calculate the forecast values ​​of such indicators as profit, revenue and costs.

Operating expenses of a strawberry growing company in a business plan

To maintain optimal conditions for growing strawberries outdoors the following current costs will be required, provided for business plan:

  • Salaries of employees - xxx rubles;
  • Equipment repair - xxx;
  • Purchase of fertilizer - xxx;
  • Rent - xxx;
  • Utility payments - xxx;
  • Marketing activities - xxx;
  • Paying taxes - xxx.

Total up to xxx rub. monthly.

Strawberry Growing Business Income in a Business Plan

Main source of income Money enterprises for growing strawberries outdoors within business plan is a wholesaler and retail berries. Revenue can reach xxx rub. per month.

As an additional source of income, we can consider the sale of seedlings - revenue of about xxx rubles. per month. In this case, the profit can reach xxx rubles. for the season.

Personnel plan in a strawberry growing business plan

IN business plan hiring the following employees For growing strawberries: information. These are data from equipment suppliers, and industry portals, and interviews with market experts, and official statistics - such a systematic data analysis gives a complete picture of all project parameters: prices, equipment costs, premises costs, costs, etc. .

Download a ready-made business plan for growing strawberries in the open field with calculations and an Excel financial model

The profitability of the strawberry growing business is due to the presence of demand from a large range of consumers, as well as the good fertility of this crop.

In order to mitigate possible risks, it is worth considering the concept in detail at the planning stage. We compiled a ready-made one, where we included all the necessary calculations. The availability of structured information and a financial model will make it possible to demonstrate a professional approach to investors, creditors and the state in order to obtain financing. We can also prepare an individual turnkey business plan, where we will take into account all the features.

Strawberries are one of the most sought-after and popular fruit crops; they can bring a good profit to an entrepreneur who decides to grow them.

Why is growing strawberries interesting for farmers and entrepreneurs? This one of the most popular berries in Russia has only one significant drawback - seasonality. It is almost impossible to buy strawberries in autumn and winter, or only at a very high price. At the same time, such a cost does not bother buyers: they buy berries with a huge markup. This situation makes the strawberry business a promising undertaking.

Before highlighting popular and effective methods growing strawberries or garden strawberries (a more correct name from a botanical point of view), let's talk about business prospects for this berry. On the one hand, many grow strawberries in summer cottages and thus fully cover their annual need for it. On the other hand, strawberries sell well in winter - buyers are not able to deny themselves the pleasure, even if they suspect that the berry is grown with the help of harmful chemicals. Some methods allow you to harvest even in winter, which makes the strawberry business quite promising.

As for the shortcomings, it is worth noting the high competition - a novice entrepreneur will have to compete with large agricultural holdings and at first the sympathy of buyers will clearly not be on his side. To make money on this berry, you will have to think not only about the organization of cultivation, but also on sales and marketing.

The strawberry business is comparatively different small investment. Despite the apparent complexity, the abundance of information on the Internet, reference books, the availability of soil and fertilizers make it suitable even for beginners.

The correct name for strawberries is garden strawberries.

Agricultural technology for growing strawberries in the open field

Garden strawberries grow well in any soil, but with good care. The roots of strawberry bushes do not lie at all deep, so the topsoil must be moist and nutritious. Usually you can get 4 harvests of large berries, after which, starting from the 5th harvest, the fruits become noticeably smaller. Strawberries die with hypothermia, but winter without harm under a thick layer of snow.

Outdoor cultivation is perhaps the most famous and widespread among amateur gardeners. First, raised earthen beds are made in 2-3 rows 4-5 meters long. Other options are allowed, but this is the optimal size for care, watering and collection. The edges of the beds should be strengthened: with a crate or just small branches.

Before planting, it is useful to cover the area with plastic wrap with holes for young strawberry outlets. This is Finnish technology. The film will create more favorable conditions for growth, although it will complicate watering a little. Overlapping the soil with a film will prevent the evaporation of moisture, interfere with weeds, wind and ultraviolet radiation, and also keep the berries clean from the ground. The crop is harvested after 7-8 weeks.

The disadvantage of Finnish technology and open beds is that this method is only suitable for the spring-summer season. Great dependence on the weather, sun and wind, threatens the harvest. The advantages are as follows: minimum investment and excellent taste, accessibility for beginners.

Growing in greenhouses

Growing garden strawberries in a greenhouse, that is, in closed ground, allows you to collect several crops per year. It is more expensive than standard beds, because it requires quite significant costs for the installation of a greenhouse. The temperature should not fall below 10 degrees, otherwise the heat-loving berry will die. Humidity 70–80%. The greenhouse effect inside the greenhouse has a positive effect on the size and number of berries.

Such varieties grow well in greenhouses: Sonata, Pineapple, Florin, Kama, Volya and Marmolada.

Please note that there are several methods to place plantings inside the greenhouse:

  • into the ground;
  • in ceramic or plastic containers;
  • in polyethylene bags.

Greenhouses will be required to grow berries for sale throughout the year

Yield rates

The industrial cultivation of strawberries implies the presence of large areas, because from 1 sq. m on average collect no more than 2 kilograms of berries. Thus, a hectare with maximum fertility will give 20 thousand kilograms. Last but not least, the harvest does not depend on care and conditions, but on the variety. Preference should be given to varieties that have proven themselves among professionals:

  • "Vima Zanta";
  • "Gigantella";
  • "Diamond";
  • "Ducat";
  • "Kent";
  • "Clery";
  • "Queen Elizabeth II";
  • "Olvia";
  • "Honey";
  • "Elsanta".

Varieties differ in the quantity and quality of garden strawberries, as well as fertility characteristics. Some grow well in plastic bags, others are more suitable for the Dutch method. For earnings, remontant strawberries are more profitable - that is, capable of producing several crops per season.

Irregular fit

Technology of growing garden strawberries in bags is perhaps the most inexpensive greenhouse method. The gardener will need plastic bags about 2 mm thick, the approximate size is 16x20 cm. Do not bother looking for them and buy them at a nearby supermarket that are approximately suitable in terms of parameters.

The bags are filled with the mixture in the following proportion:

  • perlite - 1 share;
  • sawdust - 1.5 shares;
  • peat - 2 shares.

That is, to fill a bag with a volume of 20 liters, you will need about 5 kg of perlite, 7.5 kg of sawdust and 10 kg of peat. The bags do not need to be filled entirely, a quarter of the space should be left empty. The filled package must be sealed with an iron or soldering iron, and then 3-4 longitudinal cuts should be made.

Next, the bags are laid horizontally on the flooring inside the greenhouse at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other. The next step can be called the most difficult: you need to insert 3 droppers into each bag. One for the top layer, one for the middle, one for the bottom. One package will require half a liter of water per day. When the droppers are ready, seedlings are placed in the holes. After that, it remains only to maintain comfortable conditions inside the greenhouse. Once every 2 weeks, fertilize with potassium salt and superphosphate.

Growing strawberries in bags has a lot of advantages: from simplicity to the absence of weeds.

Strawberries in PVC pipes

Another non-standard way to grow enticing red berries is in PVC pipes, either vertically or horizontally. Breeding in pipes is beneficial for those who seek to save space in their personal household. Usually pipes with seedlings are installed parallel or vertical to the fence. This option is not suitable for business, only for amateurs in their personal subsidiary plots.

To organize horizontal and vertical cultivation of strawberries in pipes, you will need:

  • PVC sewer pipes from 15 cm long;
  • 2 end caps for each such pipe;
  • PVC pipes for the irrigation system, diameter 3–4 cm, at least 10 cm longer than the main pipe;
  • 1 end cap for each narrow pipe;
  • hose for water drainage;
  • containers;
  • self watering pump.

Holes 10–15 cm in diameter are made in the main tube at a distance of 15 cm from each other along the entire length. In thin ones, many small holes are drilled at all levels, and then they are wrapped with agrofibre. Holes equal to the diameter of a narrow pipe are drilled in large end caps. A large pipe is covered with expanded clay, which will provide drainage. It must be evenly distributed throughout the pipe.

The system is ready. It remains only to plant bushes. Holes about 8-10 cm are made in the ground and seedlings are placed in them. Weeds will not grow here, and the berries will not get dirty with dirt. The structure should be located on the sunniest side.

Dutch technology

Of all existing methods growing garden strawberries for sale Dutch technology is the most fruitful. It allows you to pick berries several times a year and make the most of the space.

The bottom line is to keep the bushes in special containers - boxes, pots, pallets and bags already familiar to you. They are placed in greenhouses. Growers plant new seedlings regularly - every one and a half months - to ensure continuous productivity. Of course, in the place where boxes of berries are stored, provide high temperature and plenty of sunshine for 12–16 hours.

You will need a low acidity soil, which is mixed with perlite. It is useful to add river sand, compost and fertilizers. Seedlings are placed according to the principle of chess cells at a distance of at least 25 cm from each other. With Dutch technology, drip irrigation is used, delivering water directly to the roots of the bush. The soil does not swamp and does not dry, the leaves do not get sunburn.

The Dutch method produces many large, great-tasting berries, but costs the owner the most. Large expenses will be required for the purchase of seedlings (this is more expensive than working with seeds), as well as for heat and lighting, which are vital for strawberries.

In winter, strawberries are sold at a high trade margin.

Sales of products

Strawberries are in demand among buyers at all times of the year, while even a high trade margin does not prevent this in winter. From this point of view, such a business is extremely profitable. It is quite expensive to engage in retail sales of products - investments will be required for the organization outlet. In addition, it is impossible to compete with supermarkets, where dozens of other fruits are sold along with strawberries.

Therefore, you should find wholesale customers who will buy the entire crop for subsequent retail or other use. This role may be played by:

  • trade networks;
  • catering establishments;
  • producers of juices, jams, jams and other products from berries.


Growing business income and wholesale strawberries will be high if the entrepreneur finds permanent distribution channels. The wholesale price for 1 kg is highly dependent on the manufacturer and varies from 45 to 400 rubles. Most often, manufacturers set a minimum purchase amount - for example, from 50 kg.

The profitability of the project directly depends on the initial investment. The business plan will include costs for:

  • purchase or lease of land;
  • installation of greenhouses;
  • purchase of soil, seedlings;
  • utilities (electricity, water or gas to greenhouses);
  • purchase of working equipment, containers, bags and everything necessary for growing;
  • packaging container;
  • recruitment of personnel.

The amount of costs depends on the chosen technology: open ground will be the most inexpensive and unprofitable, the Dutch method - the most costly and promising in terms of income. The return on all investments is possible through 20–25 harvests, but it will likely take longer.


The strawberry business promises its creator to work with one of the purchased berries, the demand for which depends little on the season. Modern technologies allow harvesting all year round and selling it at a high trade margin. Growing garden strawberries is available even to beginners without the specialized education of an agronomist, because the abundance of information on the Internet and reference literature can compensate for any gaps in knowledge.
