Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Which business is better suited in the Far East. Farm for breeding goats. This is how businessmen themselves assess the situation

From February 1, any citizen of the Russian Federation can receive a Far Eastern hectare for use. Anyone, even a baby. The main condition is Russian citizenship and the desire to do something on the allotted piece of land. Land can be obtained in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Primorsky, Kamchatka, Khabarovsk Territories, Sakhalin, Amur, Magadan Regions, Jewish and Chukotka Autonomous Regions.

Only the lazy did not write about the mechanisms for obtaining a hectare. At first glance, everything is quite simple: you need to log in to the Unified Portal public services(ESIA), then register in the Nadalniyvostok.RF system, select a site on electronic map, write a statement, attaching a scan of an identity document to it, and wait for a response.

What can you do on the Far Eastern hectare?

Having received a hectare, you definitely need to do something with it: this is the key moment of the whole initiative. Land cannot be abandoned, leased or donated - it will not work to be a nominal landowner. On the allocated hectare, you can build a house and start a garden, or you can run a business. Those who plan to move are promised credit benefits (including mortgages) and assistance to cooperatives from 20 people with electricity and infrastructure.

On the allocated land, you can engage in any activity not prohibited in the Russian Federation. You can even breed martens, but no dog fights, slot machines or uranium enrichment. But seriously, the state is doing a lot to make the region attractive for investors. To this end, unprecedented conditions for investment have been created for Russia, for example, priority development areas (TORs) with preferential tax burdens have been created and the Free Port of Vladivostok has been opened.

On this moment 30 ready-made solutions for the development of a hectare have been developed: low-rise housing construction, crop production, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing and fish farming forestry, production food products and drinks. In addition to the business associated with the gifts of nature, the state plans to develop in the Far East chemical industry, IT, services, crafts and domestic tourism.

IN in social networks communities of future settlers or local residents are already gathering to present and discuss business plans for the development of a hectare: from a shiitake mushroom farm to the production of domestic quadrocopters. Given the favorable geographical location, natural diversity, a huge shortage of domestic products and quality services, we can say that the field of choice of the business sector is very wide.

Pitfalls for business

The difficulty of doing business in the Far East lies, first of all, in the vast distances and the lack of a developed infrastructure in the region. Considering that the allocated plots are located tens of kilometers from settlements, doing business in such conditions is at least not easy. Sending any document to a bank or contractor can take a lot of time and eventually become "golden". Reporting to government bodies will also be a test. In winter, you can get to the tax office in Kamchatka only on an all-terrain vehicle.

The way out for business in such conditions is electronic services for business with remote access. It is not surprising that in 2016 the demand for Sberbank services e-invoicing in the Far East has exactly doubled. The flagship digital bank service allows you to exchange any legally significant documents, send reports to government agencies and check counterparties for reliability.

The doubling of demand for a service is due to its availability and functionality. There is no branch of Sberbank except in the remote taiga, and even that is not certain. To connect, Sberbank customers need a computer and Internet access. When doing business, it is understood that these two conditions must be met. With the connection, distances cease to be a hindrance: even if the recipient of the document is in Kaliningrad, he will instantly receive any legally significant document, and the reporting will be submitted on time.

By the way, the service helps to establish business not only in Kamchatka….

The Far East is a region with such diverse characteristics that virtually any business can be developed here. But at the same time, fertile places are still poorly developed and have a number of problems that force people to leave.

However, within the framework of a wonderful, a stream of very ambitious residents with an entrepreneurial streak may pour into the region.

Features of the business environment of the region

Well-established infrastructure, identity, a decent level of medicine and education, low unemployment are the primary factors that motivate people to stay in their small homeland and work here.

A stable economic situation will attract the attention of investors, and only on this solid foundation can strong and promising companies begin to develop.

The main areas of business now in this region are the mining industry. Water, forest, biological and other resources are being developed with varying degrees of success. We can note a good level of development of such industries as:

  • manufacturing industry;
  • transport and communication.

The main branches of specialization of the Far East: mining and processing of non-ferrous metals, diamond mining, fishing, timber, pulp and paper industry, shipbuilding, ship repair.

Problems of the Far East

The key problems of the business sector in the region are the low level of development of the service sector, the lack of qualifications of the majority of workers, the lack of investment, and the high level of population migration.

Agricultural production

The most promising type of business in the Far East today may be agricultural production. In this region, crops are grown in abundance, it is profitable to sell them to China, Korea and other countries located in the Pacific basin.

There are many conditions for this, and the first of them is the good climate of the country of the region. South Korea and China are not included in the sanctions and therefore can provide good equipment, loans, and invest in the Far Eastern lands. There are also gardens, greenhouses - the region is able to feed both itself and its investors. Every business needs human resources, knowledge, skills, physical presence. The specificity of the region lies in its remoteness, which complicates the life of entrepreneurs from the middle part of the country. In order for business in the Far East to be successful, it is necessary to attract people who understand the specifics of the Far East, who are carriers of knowledge who constantly live in these places.


The Far East has every opportunity to unite and strengthen economic ties several powerful countries at once - Russia, China, South Korea and Japan. In this case, distributors of goods from Asia will have great prospects.

It is known that the Far East today is not ready to offer a well-established infrastructure and modern facilities - industrial, residential, retail, entertainment. Infrastructure investment is another business that holds great promise in the region.

Trade and enterprises

The region has access to the ocean. In addition to connecting with Asian countries, entrepreneurs are able to find partners in the US and Canada through this. It's about here about the fish trade and transport business.

The natural advantages of the Russian East, which include energy resources, natural resources, forest resources, biological resources and water resources, should be of great interest to investors.

In addition to investing in infrastructure (industrial, housing, and so on), it is possible to profitably develop and own production, for example, to build a hydroelectric power station with the cheapest electricity.

In the all-Russian production of individual resources, the Far East accounts for (%): diamonds - 98, tin - 80, boron raw materials - 90, gold - 50, tungsten - 14, fish and seafood - more than 40, soybeans - 80, wood - 13, cellulose - 7.

Logistics and transport

There are 9 subjects of the federation in the Far East region of Russia:

  • Amur region;
  • Jewish Autonomous Region;
  • Kamchatka Krai;
  • Magadan Region;
  • Primorsky Krai;
  • The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
  • Sakhalin region;
  • Khabarovsk region;
  • Chukotka Autonomous Okrug.

It makes sense to call the Far East a link between Southeast Asia and Europe. A single sea route can be formed through the mouths of the Lena and the Yenisei. The development of this channel will form the need to develop large ports, logistics centers, and produce high-quality river transport. In addition to river routes, one should not forget about the development railways to Iran and China.

For a resident of the Far East, a trip to the west of Russia is practically the same as going abroad, and in some cases, going to China is cheaper.

In the Far East, the prospect for interaction between Russian Federation and the European Union: a single economic space from Vladivostok to Lisbon.

Business ideas in the Far East

  1. Growing potatoes, cabbage, beets, carrots and other vegetables and fruits. It would seem that the Far East is not the best place for this type of activity, but practice shows the opposite: in food markets, many farmers sell products from their plots; however, vegetables and fruits from the central part of Russia or even neighboring countries are put up for sale in supermarkets;
  2. Organize cottage village: either resell construction organization- let her build up this site with cottages; or build your own.
  3. Organization of a hippodrome: I hope that for riding, one hectare of land will be enough - it is clear that overcoming such a distance, even for a riding horse, is not the easiest task;
  4. Organization of a paintball or laser tag site: it will turn out to be a story for fans of large-scale battles (just true battles). Alternatively, you can organize a platform for lovers role playing(knights) and combine it with the hippodrome - you get a real medieval castle;
  5. Organize a rally track. Yes, even for karting!
  6. Organize the "first Far Eastern amusement park" - like Disneyland. It’s also good to invite some kind of coffee shop chain - let them put their own outlets on every corner.
  7. A hectare of land will be a good training ground for long-distance runners. If add Gym and a swimming pool, then you can organize a "Specialized center for all-around training";
  8. Tourism: the region is inhabited by small nationalities (Nanai, Udege, Yakuts), they are very interesting for their culture and inner world: they encourage many researchers to study their way of life, which is directly related to nature.
  9. Organize a campus of some agricultural institute - with the opportunity, for students, to apply the acquired skills in practice;
  10. Organize an exhibition area with a hotel; you can make good money selling all sorts of souvenirs, travel attributes, tea / coffee / sandwiches. If desired, you can organize a snack bar / cafe;
  11. Divide a hectare of land into small plots and lease them out as summer cottages. Seasonal pricing. You can also make good money on the sale of related products / services: as an option, you can offer some specialized enterprise ala Intergroup LLC, the Ant brand, to organize a trading platform there.

From year to year, the population of Siberia and the Far East is thinning out, only in 2012-2015 the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) lost 90 thousand people. If the trend continues, there will be no one to develop the richest region of the country, so the project on the gratuitous distribution of land in the Far East became law in record time. On what conditions and who can apply for plots in the Far Eastern Federal District?


“If we do not populate Siberia, we will inevitably lose it” (Eduard Limonov)

Since September 2015, the Ministry for the Development of the Far East has been developing a project that determines who and how can get land in the Far East for free. Law No. 119-FZ of May 1, 2016 “On the peculiarities of providing citizens with land plots ... that are part of the Far Eastern Federal District ...” entered into force on June 1, 2016. the main objective initiatives - stop the region's extinction: attract population from other districts and keep your own. The law provides any resident of the country with free ownership of 1 hectare of land in the Far East with the condition that the site be developed for its intended purpose within 5 years.

Why populate the Far East

The outflow of the population of Western Siberia and the Far Eastern Federal District is the result of internal migration: able-bodied citizens move to more “bread”, promising in terms of activity and earnings, the European regions of the country. The strongest center of attraction for Russians is Moscow.

The statistics for the Far East are sadder than those of neighboring Western Siberia, simply because the latter region successfully replenishes its population with migrants from the neighboring Asian countries of the CIS. The Far East is inconvenient and really far away for Uzbeks, Tajiks and Kirghiz.

In the Novosibirsk region in 2015, the total population growth was 80% due to migration and only 20% natural. At the same time, more than a third of migrants are coming from the CIS, the figure is growing every year.

At the same time, the Far Eastern Federal District is the richest region of Russia - forests, fields and rivers, occupying more than a third of the country's area.

There is one inhabitant for every square kilometer of the Far East. It is clear that the statistics are spoiled by the sparsely populated Chukotka and Yakutia with an unfriendly climate for living and almost any activity. But even after analyzing the territory and excluding "bear corners", 23% of the lands of the Far Eastern Federal District (140 million hectares) are recognized as suitable for development. Thus, 1.4 out of 6.17 million sq. km total area region are waiting for the owners.

The essence of the project: how to get a hectare of land for free

Who can claim a Far Eastern hectare? Any citizen of the Russian Federation once. Upon a collective application (allowed for groups of up to 10 citizens inclusive), a plot is issued at the rate of 1 ha per person. For example, a family of 3 people will be able to get 3 hectares. A five-year contract for the gratuitous use of the land is concluded with those wishing to receive land.

How can the resulting hectare be used? For any legitimate purpose. At the same time, it is necessary to report on the chosen type of use (for creating a personal subsidiary or summer cottage, individual housing construction (IZHS), gardening, etc.) within a year from the date of conclusion of the contract for gratuitous use.

It is worth considering that due to climatic, geographical and other features, the subjects of the region have different economic potential. To organize the production and management Agriculture the most favorable are the Khabarovsk Territory, the Amur Region, the Jewish Autonomous Region, for tourism business and creation of recreational zones - Sakhalin, Kamchatka Territory and Primorsky.

When and what kind of land can be registered as a property? If the site has been developed for the stated purpose for 5 years of gratuitous use, and during the specified period the user did not violate land / forest legislation (or eliminated violations in time):

  • forest fund lands are provided for long-term lease (up to 49 years);
  • others are provided free of charge within the limits of 1 hectare per citizen.

Article 7 of the law contains 25 reasons why an applicant may be denied a plot. Thus, it is impossible to obtain land reserved for state/municipal needs or investment projects, located on the territory of the traditional nature management of indigenous peoples. Land plots in special economic zones, advanced / territorial development zones, etc. are not subject to distribution. In the field of agriculture, the Far Eastern Federal District is aimed at close cooperation with Northeast China, therefore, part of the region's land resources is "reserved" for current and future joint projects.

So far, plots have been provided to Russian citizens only in nine pilot districts. Already in October 2016, the remaining territories of the Far Eastern Federal District will be connected to the project, and from February next year, every resident of the Russian Federation will be able to receive a Far Eastern hectare.

Law No. 119-FZ established some restrictions on land plots received. First, land transferred for free use, ownership or lease cannot be transferred to foreigners (citizens and organizations) for any reason (sale, lease, etc.). Secondly, local authorities have the right to exclude from the distribution of the territory of settlements and near them: within a radius of 10 km from settlements with a population of over 50 thousand people and 20 km - with a population of over 300 thousand. Most likely, business will have to be organized outside the infrastructure of cities and towns.

Far East hectare - in 5 steps and 30 days

The law provides for the creation of a special information system(IS) under the project for the procedure electronically. The new resource - https://nadalniyvostok.rf/ - allows you to get a plot remotely, without going to the Far Eastern Federal District.

Table 2. Procedure for obtaining land through IP*


Register on the site

Log in using the login and password received at step 1 to the portal (IP) https://nadalniyvostok.rf/

In the IS, select a plot on the cadastral map - independently set its boundaries using the map tools.

In IS, generate and send an electronic application to authorized body(see the list at https://nadalniyvostok.rf/), which must decide within 20 working days whether to grant or refuse the application. In the first case in Personal Area the user receives a contract for free use.

Sign an agreement on the gratuitous use of the land.

Find out what government support options for small businesses are provided in the Russian Federation.

Examples from the Past, or Farmers Don't Worry

According to Law No. 119-FZ, the purposes of land use can be anything, from individual housing construction to the organization of any business. However, based on the nature of the business plans offered on the IS website, one gets the impression that in the Far East, first of all, they are waiting for the "masters" of agricultural land and the forest fund. The agrarian colonization of Asiatic Russia is not a new phenomenon. How was it organized in the past?

Starting from the second half of the 19th century, resettlement to Western and Eastern Siberia took place with varying success and varying degrees of state participation:

  • few and little controlled by the authorities cases of migration of peasants beyond the Urals in 1870-1890. were associated with the abolition of serfdom and represented an unauthorized seizure of land;
  • Resettlement was revived by the initiatives of S. Yu. Witte in 1890-1906, the state offered minor assistance to those leaving;
  • the most productive, well-organized influx of population into Siberia and the Far East was initiated by P. A. Stolypin and lasted from 1906 to 1914.

During the period 1861-1905, approximately 1.82 million people migrated to Siberia (Western and Eastern), in 1906-1914 - 3.04 million (about 2% of the population of Russia), in total - 4.86 million people. Agrarian colonization of the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries gave the Central Strip of Siberia more than 3 million inhabitants, the Far East (Primorye and Amur) - about 500 thousand inhabitants.

Over the 8 years of resettlement in the Stolypin style, 1.7 times more people settled in Asian Russia than in the previous 40 years. The success is explained by the excellent organization of the process and sufficient funding: the Resettlement Administration was engaged in the placement and arrangement of new settlers, whose budget in 1914 amounted to 30 million rubles (in 1894 - less than 1 million).

Soon every Russian in the Far East will be able to get his own hectare of land. Unlike the Stolypin project, the modern project of settling the Far Eastern Federal District does not provide for loans for development, preferential relocation, Stolypin wagons for transporting livestock and belongings. The state will not form a network of resettlement organizations in the field; does not bother with preliminary land surveying, construction of roads, new hospitals and schools, summing up communications; does not organize warehouses with agricultural machinery. Today, land in the Far East is offered "as is", everything else necessary for life and business in an essentially undeveloped region should "grow" by itself.

But the main difference between today's social initiative of the government and the project of the century before last is the area of ​​allocated land. During the intensive settlement of Siberia (1906-1914), the norm of land was 15-20 acres per male soul, i.e. 16-22 ha (1 acre = 1.09 ha). Serving people, former Cossacks and officers, were offered 30-50 and 200 acres, respectively. Another century - other agricultural technologies? Let's see how much land is needed for the implementation of modern projects, the business plans of which are published in the IP.

Table 3. Required area for the organization of farming, hunting and fishing enterprises

Type of land use

The optimal subject of the Far Eastern Federal District for implementation

Required land area*

Establishment of a fishery

Khabarovsk region

Creation of a hunting economy

5 ha plus 50 leased ha

rabbit breeding

360 sq. m, without mowing

Plant Nursery

Jewish Autonomous Region

Growing large cattle(dairy production)

Primorsky Krai

3 ha plus 100 ha leased for mowing

Growing strawberries in open ground

not specified

2-3 ha (for field change of 1 ha every three years)

Raising sheep ( meat production)

Amur region

Goat rearing (dairy production)

not specified

1 ha at the initial stage, without mowing

* - The minimum area is indicated in the business plans.

Thus, on 1-2 hectares, only projects to create a rabbit farm, a nursery for growing fruit and berry crops, and household plots are real. The deployment of other farms requires more extensive territories. If we take into account the good agricultural potential of some of the subjects of the region, then the “squeezing” of the law in relation to potential farmers is surprising. But an increase in the area of ​​allotments of land, at least to the Stolypin minimum (15-20 hectares), could not only give the project a more "farm" color, but also give tangible results.

« Peasant economy can only be created on 30-50 hectares. And on one hectare you can’t create anything, just put Chinese greenhouses all over - then it will pay off ”(German Sterligov)

Thus, the developers of the project do not rely on agricultural projects (at least with the participation of Russian SMEs), just as they do not consider the distribution of Far Eastern hectares and a measure to enhance the economic activity of the region. Economic returns from the initiative are expected, but only as a delayed effect. The announced goal of the adopted law is to increase the interest of Russians in the Far East, that is, to attract "capital residents" closer to the Pacific Ocean.

According to their goals and prospects for the Russians running project pretty vague. But the stone is thrown, let's see what the circles on the water will be.

The law on the allocation of a Far Eastern hectare to Russians was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on May 1 and comes into force on June 1. However, until now the parliamentarians themselves have not really realized the bill they have adopted on the Far Eastern hectare and now intend to analyze it. If necessary, they are ready to accept additional amendments. Note that the law was developed for 1.5 years. /website/

“A working group has been created in the Federation Council under the leadership of Vice Speaker Galina Karelova, we expect that by the end of June she will offer her proposals on the law,” RIA-Novosti quoted Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko as saying on May 18.

When and where will the land be given

According to the document, from June 1, 2016, 1 ha of land can be obtained free of charge from state or municipal property in 9 regions of the Far East:

Khankaysky district (Primorsky Territory),
Amur region (Khabarovsk Territory),
Oktyabrsky district (Jewish Autonomous Region),
Arkharinsky district (Amur region),
Neryungri district (Republic of Sakha, Yakutia),
Olsky district (Magadan region),
Ust-Bolsheretsky District (Kamchatsky Territory),
Tymovsky district (Sakhalin region),
Anadyr region (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug).

From October 1, 2016, plots will be provided throughout the Far Eastern regions, but only for residents of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And from February 1, 2017, all citizens of the country will be able to receive the “Far Eastern hectare”.

Terms of Use

The land is given for use for 5 years, sale or lease of the land is not allowed. After 5 years, citizens can register the land in ownership or lease. It is assumed that the land will be developed.

Land plots of the forest fund can be obtained in ownership only after 15 years of their use.

The law provides for the creation of agricultural cooperatives based on the calculation of 1 hectare per person.

Any activity is allowed on the sites. “It is planned to provide solutions for following directions: low-rise housing construction, crop production, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing and fish farming, forestry, food production, non-food production, crafts, tourism and leisure, social services and others,” explained Vesti.Ekonomika in the Ministry for the Development of the Far East.

There are 5 solutions for investors

The Ministry for the Development of the Far East offered investors 5 options for a business plan.

plant nursery ― cultivation and sale of agricultural crops with year-round sales products (seedlings, seedlings, large-sized and others). As additional services― improvement and gardening of sites, creation of gardens and flower beds, rent of plants and others. The project is relevant, since private houses are being built in the region.

The total estimated cost of the business project is 5.296 million rubles (own funds - 1.240 million rubles). Profitability - 32.2%, payback - 30 months, project implementation period - 3 years.

Growing strawberries - enjoys stable demand. The strawberry market is growing by 30-35% per year. Demand significantly exceeds supply.

The initial investment is 900 thousand rubles, the payback period is 1 year. Revenue in the first year exceeds the initial costs by 300 thousand rubles. Over the estimated three years, you can earn more than 2.7 million rubles.

Dairy farm family type ― the demand for high-quality milk exceeds the supply in the regions of the Far East. With a planned herd size of 50 cows, milk production will be about 250 tons per year and meat - 5.5 tons per year.

Initial investment - 16.7 million rubles, payback - 5 years. Regional livestock support program - up to 10 million rubles.

Rabbit farm ― this product will always be in demand, it has no substitute. Rabbit meat is a substitute for the meat of other animals. Supplies of rabbit meat to Russia are carried out mainly from China.

The initial investment is 3 million rubles, the profitability of the project is 54%, the payback period is 8 months.

Goat farm ― sales of milk by supplying the product to processing plants. Another promising direction is the production of Mozzarella cheese from goat's milk with subsequent sale to restaurants - from 800 rubles / kg.

30 goats and 1 hectare of land are enough to start the activity. The sale of young animals directly is an even more profitable process: two-month-old goats of the Saanen breed reach a price of 5 thousand rubles.

The total cost of the project is 3.4 million rubles, the profitability of the business is 33%, the payback of the project is 16 months.

Expert opinion

The most favorable lands of the Far East for agriculture are already being used, noted Alexander Danshin. A plot of land of 1 ha is not very popular. With the possibility of a collective application, large families can go to the Far East, he believes.
