Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How they work at Microsoft. ​Microsoft employees revealed their salaries to each other: here's what they learned What can be improved

I'm not talking about work... This company is complete crap! I'm having problems with the Camera on my XBOX 360. I went to the website and there wasn't even anything about this incident. I tried to call, they said that they can only call work time! And during working hours you can’t get through to them!!! So it didn’t work out for me, it just got on my nerves. The company is shit, they treat consumers like shit!!! Company...

04.09.15 13:13 MoscowOleg Finisof,

The best grocery chain in Moscow, my favorite supermarket chain, was not included in the anti-rating list. Thanks to General Director Levan Karlovich Melikyan and his assembled strong team of company employees, and the team actually has very strong employees, the HR department of any large company can check this. In fact, personnel decide everything and not relatives and brothers with godfathers when finally in our...

According to Elena Andreeva, head of the capital department of Rospotrebnadzor, today’s growth is due to the department obtaining the right to conduct inspections without prior approval from stores. Rospotrebnadzor carried out separate raids to identify sanctioned products. IN this moment scheduled checks have already been completed. On December 31, new plans will be published on the website of the Prosecutor General's Office...

01.02.15 00:03 MoscowAnonymous,

Hello! Finally got around to writing about this company! At the time of my job search (Microsoft), I was 21 years old. I got my first job at age 17. Over the course of 4 years, I gained enormous experience (in another field), understood perfectly and was able to find mutual language with people. One morning a certain girl called me and invited me to an interview in Tula, saying that I should come to...

23.07.14 16:46 MoscowWagner,

A big name for the company.

“HR coordinator” Yulia Sutormina, who invited for an interview, could not answer a single question regarding the content of the vacancy, responsibilities, requirements, etc. For 2 weeks I postponed the interview under the pretext of supposedly adjusting the position profile (“there is nothing to discuss with you now”), after 2 weeks, when I was invited for an interview again, in response to a request to send an adjusted...

16.02.13 12:11 MoscowAnonymous,

Convenient office; apples, soda (Fanta, Sprite, Coca-Cola), juices - in the kitchen, every Monday employees are fed breakfast; changing rooms on each floor; good equipment for the job. It is not difficult to sell products (well-known brand); Completely white payments, salary and bonuses. Training for employees on products, licensing, sales and general communication skills (including...

It's good to be a Microsoft employee - i.e. FTE (Full Time Employee). It's bad to be a Manpower employee. If you don't get hired, it's almost impossible to become an FTE. In this case, you cannot take MS exams for certification at the company's expense, you have a fixed-term contract that can be terminated at any time, you can be kicked out if you are pregnant, and not be paid a penny, you will not have...

02.11.12 16:30 MoscowAnonymous,

nice office, good compensation package

The employee performance appraisal system is terrible, it is ruining the company. Management dictates from above how many bad and good grades there should be in each department at the end of the year. Due to the lack of competition in foreign market, the company is strongly developing internal competition. Everyone is each other's enemies. The winner is the one who has a very close relationship with the boss. A person's real contribution to a cause is not...

23.08.12 12:25 Nizhny NovgorodAnonymous 52 rus,

Today they called and invited me for an interview... Attracted a salary (22 thousand rubles, for N. Nov. that’s a lot!!!), well, plus full social benefits. plastic bag. Tomorrow I will go for a preliminary interview)) Are there people who are currently working in this company in Nizhny??))) Please write down how it is, how the training is going, etc.)))

Microsoft Word is a text editor that can be part of the Microsoft Office suite or a program installed separately on your computer. The program can be used to record letters and various types of documents, which may include graphics and images. This guide explains how to open Microsoft Word, launch, create, and save a new document using the Windows 7 operating system.

Don't be afraid that something might not work out or go wrong. This program was created for users, and it is thought out to the smallest detail to make it as convenient as possible for you to use it. And of course, the main thing in every task is training, don’t be afraid to make mistakes. If you accidentally click the wrong button, there is always a curved arrow in the upper left corner that allows you to undo your last action. You can also do this using the Ctrl and Z key combination.

One last piece of advice before you start detailed instructions by use text editor from Windows - . This is especially important when working with large texts or serious documentation. Anything can happen: the electricity may be cut off, the laptop may discharge and turn off, and no one is immune from breakdowns. Losing important files and then spending hours restoring them is not the best enjoyable activity. All you need to do is click on the floppy disk in the upper left corner from time to time.

The program can be found in the Start menu under Microsoft Office. Follow these step by step instructions to launch the document in Microsoft Word.

Program navigation

How to select (highlight) text

Selecting or highlighting text allows you to change the selection in terms of style, font and/or color, and even replace words if necessary. Follow these step-by-step instructions to select text in your document.

Step 1. The mouse is used to select text. The pointer will change as you move it.

Step 2. Move the pointer to the beginning of the desired fragment. Click and hold the left mouse button. While doing this, move the pointer to where you want to stop the selection. As you move the mouse, the text will be highlighted. When you are finished with your selection, release the left mouse button.

The selected text can now be formatted or modified.

You can copy text using the Ctrl+C keys. Delete text - Backspace.

Changing the size and font

The following steps can help make your writing more interesting and engaging. The text can be changed in different ways.

Text alignment

Sometimes the document you are creating may require a different arrangement of paragraphs. By default, text is aligned left. However, text can be aligned to the right or center.

On a note! Select all text Ctrl + A.

You can change the selected text using a combination of keyboard shortcuts, which is sometimes easier:

  1. Center - select the text, press Ctrl + E.
  2. Align to the right - Ctrl + R.
  3. Fit width - Ctrl + J.
  4. Left - Ctrl + L.

How to make text bold, italic, or underline

The ability to change the font style can make your document more interesting. Different text styles, such as bold or italic, can make it stand out. Underlining can be useful for headings.

  • bold - Ctrl + B;
  • italics - Ctrl + I;
  • underline - Ctrl + U.

Copy and paste

There is no need to talk about the importance of these two functions. They save our time significantly and allow us to insert without retyping it, as was the case in the days of typewriters.

This can also be done using hotkeys. Everything is the same as last time: press Ctrl and C at the same time to copy the text, and Ctrl and V to paste.

How to Create a Numbered or Bulleted List

Using numbered or bulleted lists can help highlight items or show important steps, hierarchy or sequence of something.

To stop adding new elements and return to standard text, click the numbering icon again at the top of the document.

A bulleted list is created using the same principle, the only difference is 1 step. Instead of the “Numbering” button, click on the “Markers” button, it is located to the right.

There is another way to create a list. First, the user enters all the list items, each one necessarily on a new line. When all the items have been typed, select them all and click either on the numbering or on the markers, depending on what kind of list you need.

You will get the same result. These are different ways and there is no right or wrong, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. Use the method that is convenient for you.

They help to structure information and present it in a more presentable form. You can't do without this skill.

  1. Step 1. In the top toolbar, go to the Insert tab.
  2. Step 2. Click on the table icon. A window will open in front of you in which you need to select the number of cells. This can also be done by entering the numbers manually. To do this, in the panel that appears, click on the “Draw table” area.

All you have to do is fill out the fields. If you suddenly need additional rows or columns, you don't have to redo the whole thing. Left-click in the table area. In the menu that appears, click “Insert” and select the appropriate option.

This basic knowledge should form your basic principles for working with text. Let's highlight the main ones:

  1. The text is entered where the blinking cursor is located and nowhere else.
  2. To change a character, word, line, paragraph, or entire text, you first need to select it. It is necessary that the computer understands what exactly it must perform actions on.
  3. Once you select the text, you can do whatever you want with it. You can practice, select a fragment and alternately click on the buttons located on the “Home” tab. You'll notice which features can be used together and which are mutually exclusive.
  4. Don't forget to save your changes to protect yourself.
  5. Use those methods of solving the problem facing you that are convenient for you.

Video - Word for Beginners

About 400 Microsoft employees decided to make their salaries public to assess whether they are paid fairly or if they could expect more. The idea originated in Facebook community Young Microsoft FTE, which consists of full-time, full-time employees of the company. Salary data is collected in a regular Google spreadsheet. The headline asks: “Share anonymous information so we can all get paid more.”

The table gives an idea of ​​what the salaries of some Microsoft employees are made up of and what determines them. Column headings include total length of service, length of service with the company, salary and share of bonus payments, as well as bonuses in the form of cash payments and company shares. However, there is no data in the table about the employee field. It is worth noting that the total number of employees at Microsoft is about 144 thousand people.

According to one of OneZero's sources, Microsoft employees share information about their salaries with each other regularly, and every year at approximately the same time - when their salaries are increased.

At the largest tech companies, employees' salaries are supposedly based on their level: the higher the level, the more they are paid. For example, Microsoft employees range from level 59 to 80, Amazon employees range from L4 to L10, and Facebook employees range from E3 to E9. Data from the table in the Young Microsoft FTE group gives an idea of ​​the salaries of approximately level 62 employees working in Washington State. They have been with the company for about three years, and at their current level for about a year. They have a total of about five years of experience, and they have not received any promotions this year. The basic salary of such an employee is $150 thousand per year.

Salary level depending on employee level:

Salary level depending on length of service in the company:

The main criterion for the size of the salary turned out to be length of service in the company, and not the total length of service in the profession. The higher the level of the employee, the larger part of his remuneration comes from shares in the company.

Microsoft employees also told OneZero that a common tactic for them is to leave the company for a short while to work at, say, Amazon, and then return to Microsoft at a more senior level.

Among those who disclosed their salaries were several programmers from India. Based on their disclosures, they are paid significantly less than their Washington state counterparts. On average, a Microsoft programmer in India earns $50,000 a year, while in the US employees with the same experience earn three times as much.

Which representatives of the sphereIT Would you refuse to collaborate with any of these three Silicon Valley giants? But Gail Laakman McDowell also worked in , and in , and in . And wrote a bookThe Google Resume to help those specialists (including young ones) who want to get into these companies.

So, what do representatives from Apple, Microsoft and Google expect to see on a job applicant's resume? The book by Gail Laakman McDowell was studied by experts from the Business Insider portal.

Firstly, they will not ignore the “Education” column. Prestigious educational institution will significantly increase the candidate’s chances of getting an interview. But if you only have a diploma from a not very well-known university, you shouldn’t despair either: you can look for other “entries” into the company through already working graduates of your alma mater or through social media. Also, McDowell notes, it is important to communicate closely with teachers during your studies. She herself periodically drank coffee and talked in an informal setting with one of the professors - as a result, he wrote to her several letters of recommendation. And thanks to them, she got jobs at Google, Microsoft, Amazon and Wharton. McDowell believes that it is not enough to be a good student in any subject - it makes sense to offer help to a teacher with his research projects (or even become his assistant).

Speaking of choosing a major, a liberal arts education or a degree in chemical engineering is very unlikely to open doors to Apple or Microsoft. Yes, there were precedents when, for example, artists were hired. But this is rather an exception. "I guess I should be enthusiastic about saying that your major doesn't matter until you figure out what you really love and what you really want to do. But I'll be honest: your major does matter. Until, for example, Google decides to start its own chemical laboratory, chemical engineers have little chance," McDowell writes in the book. Education in finance, accounting, marketing and, of course, computer technology will attract the recruiter's attention.

Finally, the good news is that GPA doesn't really matter. Naturally, the best companies are looking for the best candidates, but in this search they focus on the experience and knowledge of the candidates, and not on their average grade at the university.

Internships in the field are no less important than a good education. Not every experience will interest Google or Apple representatives. McDowell urges you to start thinking about the “right” internships as early as your freshman year (or even earlier). She herself began to engage in web development before entering college. The author of the book recommends that future IT specialists be sure to gain relevant experience during internships - working under the guidance of some teacher or in some startup (even for free).

About the benefits of charity, communication and versatility

Volunteers, according to McDowell, are held in high esteem by recruiters. But not any kind volunteer work may impress them (serving soup in a soup kitchen is certainly commendable, but not enough). This means either creating a startup related to charitable activities, or working in a similar project.

Communication skills, McDowell emphasizes, are important not only for journalists. All three tech companies are looking for people who write well, speak well, and are able to express themselves.

In general, “multifunctionality” will generally benefit the specialist. As the author notes, the specialist who wants to work in tech company, must have an idea (at least a general one to begin with) not only about the vacancy for which he is applying, but also about the work of other specialists. "The best project managers, marketers, and developers have one thing in common: they understand each other's roles very well," writes McDowell.

An entrepreneur and creator of his own IT project is an ideal candidate for companies like Microsoft and Google. If participation in a charity startup guarantees that the recruiter will pay attention to the candidate and distinguish him from the crowd of applicants, then creating your own project is almost a guarantee of an invitation to an interview (and, in the future, a job offer). But, McDowell notes, the project must be complete and working! If everything remains at the initial stage of development, then this is unlikely to speak in favor of the candidate.

If before creation own business it doesn’t work out, then his popular professional blog or community on a social network can be an advantage for the candidate.

The best paid jobs in largest company IT industry.

Microsoft has remained a leader in the technology industry for decades. Whether you like it or not, the products of this company to some extent determine the lives of each of us.

The company is also known for paying very well. Almost 10 thousand employees of the first wave became millionaires, and the rest are working on it.

Today, Microsoft employs about 123,000 people, and while not all of them are millionaires, they are paid well and often given generous raises.

Using data from Glassdoor, we've compiled a list of the highest salaries you can earn working at Microsoft. Salaries are arranged in order from lowest to highest. We've also included a few jobs that aren't too high in rank but also pay very well.

Each average salary included in the survey has at least six real confirmations. As is common in America, Glassdor users indicate their annual salary. For comparison, the average annual salary of a programmer with 3 years of experience in Moscow is about $35,000 (150 thousand rubles per month), in the regions - $18,000 (80 thousand rubles per month) at the current rate.

Service Engineer

Salary: $105,908

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $113,310

According to the job description, a Service Engineer works with customers to help them solve problems and install and/or use Microsoft technologies.

Software engineer category III

Salary: $102,036

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $114,585

A category III software engineer is a programmer with average experience.

Senior Engineer

Salary: $112,721

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $148,099

A senior engineer is an experienced customer support specialist who helps Microsoft customers identify and resolve problems.

Senior Software Engineer

Salary: $136,592

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $176,459

A senior software engineer is a programmer with extensive experience.

Senior Researcher

Salary: $184,640

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $282,710

Microsoft has huge research and development departments where employees study everything related to computers and technology. According to the job description, a senior researcher must have a minimum of five years of experience in the field of study.

Senior Director

Salary: $190,000

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $314,522

As the name implies, a senior director is a middle manager of top management. The job description for a senior director of brand development states that Microsoft is looking for someone with a minimum of eight years of experience in this field, and the job will involve developing strategies.

Creative director

Salary: $183,980

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $194,190

The creative director is leadership position in the Microsoft Design Department. As stated in the job description creative director, whom Microsoft is looking for to work on the new HoloLens 3D glasses, this person decides what will be appearance product, user interface, etc.

Head of HR

Salary: $176,008

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $237,934

Working with a staff of 123 thousand people requires an HR department. This is a senior manager who must have at least 10 years of experience in relevant positions in the field of human resources, according to the job description.

Software Architect Developer

Salary: $182,959

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $262,286

A software architect is one of many roles that a programmer can play in a company. This usually involves the development of large or complex systems, including product roadmaps as specified in the Microsoft Principal Software Architect job description.

Commercial Director

Salary: $175,642

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $268,639

Commercial Director - the role of a senior business analyst who helps plan and track all resources, necessary companies. According to the job description, it may include business development and finance.

Project Manager of the main group

Salary: $178,513

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $271,582

A project manager at Microsoft can perform different roles. These people control that the company creates what people come to buy. As stated in the job description, the Core Team Project Manager must have a minimum of five years of experience managing software projects.

Senior Marketing Director

Salary: $201,429

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $342,436

Microsoft has many levels of marketing managers. The Senior Director manages the team and is responsible for defining the product, marketing and launch strategy, according to HoloLens Senior Marketing Director Scott Erickson's profile on his LinkedIn page.

Technical Director

Salary: $197,357

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $347,210

Position technical director at Microsoft, this is another leadership position among many similar ones, and it involves working with products, customers and partners.

Director of Development

Salary: $207,111

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $432,961

Director of Development is somewhat of a director-of-everything position for a senior executive who manages a group of people who create new products for the company. For example, those applying for the position of director of advanced development are going to lead the design of a new Microsoft product - the Microsoft Surface Hub.


Salary: $224,990

Total compensation, including bonuses, stock, etc.: $457,382

A company with 123 thousand employees needs a large number of highly paid middle management positions. And although Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is trying to reorganize the company to reduce the number of layers of management, there are still very many general directors, which are several steps below the CEO.
