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What do you need to open a clothing repair. How to open an atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes: all the features and detailed instructions. Choice of space for studio

In this material:

It would seem that who may need the services of an atelier if the market is overflowing with clothing stores. The buyer can immediately choose the thing that he likes, without additional recourse to tailors. In practice, the situation is the opposite. The services of thread and needle masters are becoming more and more popular, bringing a good profit to the owners of the outlet. The business plan of the atelier provides for a detailed analysis of each of the stages so that the entrepreneur begins to make a profit from the first month of work.

Atelier as a business: project goals, relevance

Almost everyone knows what an atelier is, and more than 50% of the residents have applied for some kind of service at least once. However, few people realize that in each workshop, in addition to casual visitors, there is a list regular customers, regularly referring to the tailor. This is the relevance of the business as a whole - there is a demand for services, and it is growing every day.

The goal of the project is to open an atelier in a city with a population of 500,000 people.

The tasks are to provide a wide range of services, ranging from elementary clothing repair to tailoring of things to order.

Methods of implementation - the use of own or borrowed funds to implement the idea.

The payback period for a business is 6–8 months.

The larger the settlement, the higher the likelihood of the project being successful, but in this case, you should always remember about competition. For example, in small town(up to 50,000 inhabitants) there may not be a full-fledged atelier at all, but people at the same time turn to acquaintances or to craftsmen working at home. Based on this, the organization of an official atelier with a wide range of services will be quite relevant and profitable.

Any large city already has several studios (often their number exceeds 40-50 units per half a million inhabitants), but it cannot be said that the market is overcrowded. Tailoring and repair of clothes is the service sector that provides for close proximity to the house and availability in the price segment. That is why you can always find a place to open a new business without competitors nearby.

The list of services atelier for tailoring and repairing clothes

The average atelier provides the following types services:

  • replacement of lightning;
  • darning, stripes;
  • repair of leather clothes (working with liquid leather);
  • sleeve repair;
  • adjusting the length of clothing - shortening trousers, dresses (it is also possible to lengthen due to inserts);
  • fitting clothes according to the figure of a person;
  • making and sewing pockets;
  • steaming;
  • additional minor repairs - sewing on buttons, loops, shoulder pads, etc.

Reference: services for adjusting festive clothes (wedding suits, dresses) are especially popular, which costs much more than everyday work.

Tailoring of individual clothes to order is a demanded and expensive service that is in great demand. In this case, a separate specialist will be required.

Market Analysis: Competition and Risk Assessment

The competition in the clothing repair industry is not high, but it is present. To begin with, you should determine the number of ateliers in a particular area where you plan to organize a business. More accurate information can be obtained on the basis of online maps on the Internet. It is enough to specify the required request, and the system will issue all establishments with the location address, working hours and contact details.

Reference. Competitor rival strife. And this should be understood from the very beginning. Some studios are located in the yards apartment buildings, have an area of ​​​​3-4 square meters. m and offer a minimum set of services. Others are in the open and serve the bulk of the population. It is these competitors that should be considered.

For more information, you can visit several points and find out:

  • cost and list of services;
  • area of ​​the room;
  • type of equipment;
  • the number of employees;
  • demand;
  • schedule.

The information will help in organizing your own business, as well as clarify the situation about the competitiveness of the institution.

Risks associated with opening a studio:

  1. The lack of demand for services is characteristic of an unfortunate location. The atelier is relevant for sleeping areas of apartment buildings with a developed infrastructure. If you open a business in the private sector or in the city center with a prime location office buildings, then the number of customers will not increase even with high traffic.
  2. Long-term payback of the enterprise - the situation is also typical for the wrong location. In addition, a long payback period and low profits are affected by competition if there are 1-2 more studios nearby.
  3. Unprofitability - work at a loss can only be in the absence of a business plan or incorrect financial calculations. In other cases, the business can be organized in such a way that it will at least recoup the investment.

The business plan of the atelier is an important component. The strategy of opening your own business provides for compliance with each stage.

Organizing a Business: A Step-by-Step Guide

Activity registration

Clothing repair services do not require registration legal entity. It is enough for a businessman to open an IP, which is much easier and more convenient. The cost of a license is 800 rubles (state duty). The period of paperwork is 5 days.

The main OKVED code is 93.5 (provision of services to the population). You can also choose a few additional ones, for example 18.24 (tailoring of other clothes and accessories).

  • certificate of registration of entrepreneurial activity;
  • treaty room rental;
  • agreement with public service on garbage and solid waste disposal;
  • work books and contracts with employees;
  • emergency evacuation plan.

Room search

Basic requirements for the premises under the studio:

  • electrical network with a voltage of 380 V;
  • lighting in accordance with current sanitary standards, which is several times higher than the standard indicator for residential buildings;
  • the minimum area is 30 sq. m;
  • availability of communications - water supply, sewerage (necessarily - a toilet and a place for employees to eat).

Location is one of the main factors affecting the number of customers and profits. As an atelier, you can use the basement of an apartment building or the first floor, rented out as a non-residential fund. The location will be successful if:

  • there are no competitors in the opening area;
  • there is a supermarket or shopping center nearby;
  • availability of parking;
  • overview of the building from several angles;
  • high permeability of people.

Purchase of equipment

To open a studio, an entrepreneur needs to buy:

  1. Overlock.
  2. sewing machine.
  3. Closing table.
  4. Ironing board.
  5. Iron with steam generator.
  6. Mannequins.
  7. Tools for work (scissors, pins, etc.).
  8. Finished product hangers.
  9. Mirrors.
  10. Sample cabin.
  11. Work furniture.
  12. Lamps for lighting.

In the future, a direct-flow machine, hemming equipment, a furrier machine for working with fur products will be required.


At the start of the opening of the atelier, two employees in sewing skills are enough. In the future, a cutter and a seamstress for individual orders will be required.

Staff requirements:

  • specialized education or work experience - for clarity, you can conduct a small test;
  • neat appearance;
  • lack of bad habits;
  • responsibility;
  • accuracy;
  • honesty.

You can search for employees by ads on the Internet, newspapers or among graduates of sewing courses.

Studio advertising: how to attract more customers and keep them?

The studio's marketing plan provides for a variety of ways to attract customers:

  1. Advertising on TV and radio - the option is relevant for a large scale business (room area from 100 sq. m., 8-10 employees, target audience - the whole city). In the case of opening a studio that is focused only on residents of a particular area, this method of advertising can be excluded, since it is too expensive.
  2. Advertisements in newspapers and magazines - great option delivering information to the target audience, which does not require serious expenses.
  3. Advertising in social networks - covers a wide audience and does not involve large investments.
  4. Own site - effective method promotion and promotion of business. The site must not only general information about the address and work schedule, but also to provide complete list services with prices, as well as post a portfolio of successful work. In addition, it will not be superfluous to add the possibility of online registration and calculation of the cost of services, taking into account discounts and bonuses for regular customers.
  5. Pavement signs are an effective method of advertising at the start of the opening. Pavement signs must be installed at intersections near the premises, as well as directly at the studio.
  6. Signage - it should be bright and eye-catching, as well as clearly visible from different angles.

Company financial plan

Investments and current expenses

At the start of organizing a business, the following expenses are provided (in rubles):

  • 10,000 - paperwork;
  • 70,000 - conclusion of a lease agreement and advance payment;
  • 100,000 - repair of the premises;
  • 30,000 - production of a sign;
  • 25,000 - advertising;
  • 400,000 - purchase of equipment.

Result: 635,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses (in rubles):

  • 35,000 - rent of premises;
  • 60,000 - salary to employees;
  • 20,000 - utilities;
  • 20,000 - purchase of consumables.

Result: 135,000 rubles.

Income and profit calculation, payback and profitability of the project

Atelier's income depends on the number of clients per day and month. For example, the average number of people visiting the studio per day is 15. An approximate check varies from 500 to 1,000–1,500 rubles. Daily revenue will be 10-15 thousand rubles. Monthly - 300-450 thousand.

It is worth considering the seasonality of the business - before the holidays and the change of seasons, people are more likely to turn to the studio than at normal times. This is especially true on September 1, the transition from summer to autumn clothes, etc. At this time, the flow of customers increases significantly.

Calculation of net profit is made according to a simple formula - mandatory expenses are deducted from the total income.

300,000-135,000 \u003d 165,000 rubles.

Do not forget about tax deductions - minus 6%, so that net income is 155,100 rubles.

Profitability - the ratio of net income to dirty, multiplied by 100%.

R=155 100/300 000*100=51%

Based on the calculations made, the studio will pay off in 5-6 months. In practice, this period can increase up to a year, because it takes time to promote a business. The first 1-2 months of customers will not be as many as we would like. But in any case, the business will work in plus, which means it will pay for itself and bring a stable income.

When organizing an atelier, a business plan plays a major role, because without a preliminary assessment of actions it is impossible to say whether the business will be profitable or unprofitable. Financial calculations of investments and potential profits are always individual indicators, which are influenced by the locality, location, and ways of advertising a business.

Probably, there is no person who at least once did not turn to a sewing workshop to hem trousers or change a zipper. IN Lately The demand for custom tailoring is also growing. About what you need to open a tailoring studio and how to write a business plan, further in the source.

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Description of a sewing small business

People who have professional seamstress skills most often think about opening a sewing studio. This, of course, will help in doing business, but not enough to get a stable profit.

When we open a tailoring shop in order to generate a steady income, we must think about the direction of its work, the working space, the need for employees and ways to attract customers. In addition, identify possible risks, draw up a business plan, calculate the expected income and payback period of the enterprise.


Before opening a sewing workshop, it is necessary to determine the range of services provided. It can only be repairing clothes or sewing individual outfits. You can create designer clothes and immediately sell them, or engage in some narrow direction: workwear, wedding dresses, outerwear, etc.

All this affects the calculations when drawing up a business plan. For example, a repair shop can be located in a small room, and 1-2 seamstresses can handle the work. Whereas a wide-profile sewing enterprise will require the lease of large areas, the purchase of expensive equipment and the search for professional workers.

Project relevance

It is also necessary to think about whether it is profitable to open an atelier in advance. In general terms, the idea of ​​a sewing studio is an actual business. After all, there are always people with a non-standard figure who find it difficult to choose clothes. Many have a special taste and do not want to dress in store models. And for some it is easier to sew an outfit for themselves that will meet all their whims. Therefore, they have only one way out - to contact the studio. But despite this, some businessmen go bankrupt.

The client base and location are of great importance for business development. Study the needs of the population in the area and the possibility of new customers.

For more information on how to start a sewing business, see Pavel Sikin's video.

Types of atelier

There are several types of ateliers:

  • mini-studio for clothes repair;
  • atelier for tailoring a certain profile;
  • atelier for tailoring individual orders of a wide profile;
  • tailoring studio designer clothes for sale;
  • franchise studio.

It is easier and cheaper to set up a clothing repair shop. It is more difficult to equip a salon-studio.


Shop-studio is a combination of two activities. Options are possible here: sell clothes made in the atelier in the store, or buy ready-made clothes for sale. You can sell sewing accessories or fabrics in conjunction with the provision of tailoring services.

This is convenient for attracting customers to the studio and increasing the overall profit. But it requires additional financial costs for the purchase of goods and wages to sellers.

Clothing repair

When repairing clothes, don't expect big income. But this type of employment requires less investment and is more in demand. Therefore, you can start your own business with a small workshop and gradually develop. By purchasing a good client base, the workshop can easily be converted into a custom tailoring studio.

Tailoring narrow profile

Place a narrow-profile atelier in places where it will be relevant. Tailoring of overalls will have enough customers in the locations of different enterprises. It is advisable to place the production of wedding dresses near the places of registration of marriage or wedding salons.

For work, choose only special equipment without additional features. This will save the initial payment and increase profitability.

wide profile

The most expensive event is a broad profile. You will have to purchase a large assortment of special equipment.

Pay more attention to recruitment. These should be highly qualified specialists with extensive experience who can serve clients of different needs. You can take masters of different directions, each of which will be engaged in their own profile of work.

The advantage of such an enterprise is a quick payback.

Home business

Advantage home business that you can save on renting a room. If the conditions of the house allow you to allocate a certain area for the installation of equipment and sewing work, then this can be used.

This option is suitable for a small workshop.

Opening a franchise studio

Another way to start a business is to open a franchise studio. It's pretty cost method, the initial payment can reach 2 million rubles. But there is no need to engage in advertising, attracting customers - this provides famous brand. The task of the studio owner is to fulfill the requirements of the franchisor in order to match the brand.

The payback period for this method is 2-4 months.

Tailoring at home Atelier franchise manufacturing women's clothing Narrow-profile atelier for tailoring car covers Wide-profile sewing workshop

Description and analysis of the sales market

To draw up a business plan for an enterprise, analyze the sewing services market, analyze competitors and potential customers, study the reviews of entrepreneurs with experience in running a profitable business.

Think about possible adverse situations, crisis conditions and develop an exit plan.

The target audience

The number of customers and their needs directly depend on the location of the institution. The consumer demand of sleeping areas differs from the possibilities of the central ones.

Analyze the surrounding contingent and focus on their needs.

Few people will go to the salon-studio, located on the outskirts of the city. The audience of such a district most likely needs a simple sewing workshop. And an institution of a wide profile can find its customers in the center of the settlement, where many people pass every day.

It is worth considering the transport interchange near the studio, and the availability of parking lots. These amenities attract visitors. Clothing repair should be located next to shoe repair and key making. The clients of these institutions can gradually become yours.

Competitive advantages

The absence of competitors is undoubtedly an impetus for starting your own business. But the presence of such an enterprise nearby can be turned into an advantage.

Study your rivals and think over the work of your atelier. To attract customers, distinguish it from other establishments, offer services that competitors do not have, and focus on the quality of work. Visitors know the value of their money and will do right choice.

Advertising campaign

It is difficult to overestimate the possibilities of advertising - it is the engine of any business. Use all marketing opportunities: flyers, ads, social media, internet and more. Do not neglect bright signs, as many people learn about establishments from them.

What do you need to open?

Having decided on the direction and type of the atelier, we proceed to organize the opening of the institution. On average, it will take 300-500 thousand rubles to start an institution from scratch. This figure may vary depending on the cost of renting the premises, if any, the cost of equipment and the number of staff. But even with minimal costs, in order to open your own business, you need to have at least 200 thousand rubles.

At the same time, we take into account that income will not begin to appear from the first month, but current expenses will begin immediately. Therefore, it is worth adding them to the initial costs when developing a plan.

How to monitor a future niche and how to choose a room, in the video of Pavel Sikin.


There are two ways to create your project: individual entrepreneur(IP) or as a company with limited liability(OOO). The choice in this case is simple. If there is only one owner, it is better to issue an IP - it will be easier to cope with accounting and taxation. If there are several owners, then you will have to register an LLC. Depending on this, we select the OKVED code. The difficulty in registration is obtaining permits from Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

Another instance - Pension Fund just get registered. This completes the registration.

You can entrust the work of paperwork to intermediaries, but in this case, the expense will increase by at least 2 times. On average, the amount of registration costs will be from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.


The choice of premises depends not only on its size, but also on its location. A good location is considered to be a place of high traffic of people. It will be convenient for potential clients to stop by the atelier on their way to work or school.

For repair shops, places in shopping centers and markets are well suited. This is where the question of fit often arises. new clothes or repairing an old one. But you have to work fast. Buyers want to go home with a new thing in which they can already walk. The disadvantage of such square meters is their high cost, more than 40 thousand rubles.

For more serious ateliers, it is convenient to rent a room in the entrance courtyard of multi-storey buildings or right on the first floors of residential buildings. Clients will be able to calmly try on an outfit and discuss their wishes with the master. In this case, the rent will be less, up to 40 thousand rubles.

Requirements for the premises

Whatever room you choose, it must meet certain requirements.

Atelier space requirements:

  • the presence of a bathroom;
  • availability of electricity;
  • area from 10 sq. m. (excluding bathroom).

For the cold season, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of heating, and for the summer period - air conditioning.

See the video of Pavel Sikin in detail for the nuances of choosing a room.

Equipment and inventory

One of the most expensive items in a business plan is the purchase of equipment.

For a sewing studio you will need:

  • sewing machine for basic work;
  • hemming sewing machine;
  • overlock;
  • cutting table;
  • steam iron;
  • ironing board;
  • tools and consumables (scissors, meters, patterns, needles, threads, buttons, etc.);
  • dressing room with a mirror;
  • devices for lighting, fire extinguishing, etc.

Instead of a cash register, you can purchase special forms with continuous numbering.


If you plan to do the repair of products yourself, then initially it will be enough to find yourself one assistant. But for the development of the workshop and for a full-fledged atelier, it will be necessary to recruit a staff of professionals: a cutter, a seamstress, an accountant. In a small business, you can not hire a cleaner, but keep order yourself or assign these duties to a seamstress.

Recruitment is essential to the success of an enterprise. Clients appreciate high-quality, accurate and timely work.

To select a suitable specialist, offer applicants to complete practical work. In this way, you can quickly find a real master. Since there are many self-taught seamstresses who work more efficiently and better than specialists with specialized education.

More about the selection of frames on the video of Grigory Pronin.

Step-by-step instruction

To understand where to start your business, you need a business project. Ready Plan on creating your own business will show how much the opening costs and help you adjust costs: reduce or increase individual expense items. It is not difficult to draw up a business plan, you can write it by taking a free sample of calculations from the past 2016.

You need to register a tailoring studio after you have decided on the premises, since the address of the enterprise is indicated in the documents.

Financial plan

The financial plan consists of calculations of initial costs and regular investments.

An example of 2020 will help to draw up a business plan:

  1. Consider the costs of opening: registration, rental of premises, purchase of equipment and tools, advertising, and so on. It turns out an average of about 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Calculate income based on the average order value and the number of customers per day. Based on practice, for repair work, the number of customers can reach 20 people with a total order value of 600 rubles. In the case of individual tailoring, about 5 people are served, but the price of one order will be an average of 1500 rubles. From the amount of total monthly earnings, subtract monthly expenses, including tax and pension fees. You receive an average income of 30 thousand rubles.
  3. By dividing the total costs by the amount of income per month, you get the payback period of the studio.

If the amount of net profit is 30% of the total income, then the studio will pay off in 6 to 10 months. A bad indicator is a payback of more than a year.

Regular investments

Whether the open business is profitable or not, you will have to pay monthly payments. This must be taken into account in advance.

These include:

  • rental of premises;
  • communal payments;
  • staff salaries;
  • advertising;
  • taxes and deductions to the Pension Fund;
  • Consumables.

The result will be an amount from 50 to 80 thousand rubles. per month, it depends on the cost of rent.

Opening dates

Paperwork and obtaining all permits takes a week or more. When planning the timing of the opening, take into account the condition of the premises, the time for the purchase and installation of equipment. If it is necessary to repair the premises, the purchase of equipment is postponed until the completion of repair work, etc.

Table: Approximate terms for organizing a tailoring studio

Risks and payback

There are always risks that the company will not make a profit or there will be few customers. To prevent this, you do not need to save on marketing operations and advertise your establishment a month before opening.

The most important thing is to provide quality services and take care of the appropriate service.

Choosing your own business is not an easy task. Some idea seems attractive, but there are already millions of competitors around. Sometimes, on the contrary, no one works in the chosen direction, but there are doubts: will the product or service be in demand?..

Today, entrepreneurship is oversaturated with sales. The same product, even a fairly large one, is sold by thousands of organizations, and the struggle for a buyer has become the norm. Salespeople are motivated in a variety of ways. Everyone is trying to resell something. Should I try to get into this flea market? To someone, perhaps, yes - if he wants and can do it all the time and is ready to fight day and night with competitors.

But it is much easier and more interesting to do production. It is now scarce compared to the direction of commerce, and it will be more in demand. Especially if you offer something of high quality at reasonable prices. One such option is the clothing business. On a large scale, this may be the opening of their own factory and, perhaps, the registration of a brand. For those who want to do business in smaller volumes, a tailoring studio is suitable. Below is detailed business plan to open an atelier.

Business Features

The atelier is a great opportunity to expand the scope of work for a home seamstress. But practice shows that people who love and know how to sew are usually not engaged in business and therefore work for others. With rare exceptions, of course. At the same time, those who open ateliers, in most cases, are far from garment business.

This means that you can equally well embark on this path, whether you are a seamstress or a person who does not understand anything in this direction. The main thing is a commercial streak and a willingness to conscientiously conduct business, as well as constantly develop in business.

Among the features of the sewing business, namely the opening of an atelier, the following can be distinguished:

The costs are quite high against the background of expected earnings, and the average payback can be about a year. This is due not so much to the amount of money invested, but to the fact that promotion is required. It can take several months from opening until you have a steady flow of customers. A clothing repair shop is cheaper and pays off faster, but the income it brings is clearly less.

Remember about seasonality! It is very important. Perhaps it is worth diversifying services so as not to sit without orders in winter or summer. After all, taxes and rent will have to be paid anyway.

This business is extremely good presentation and good advertising is important. If you were to open grocery store, for example - then it would not be necessary to inform buyers in some special way. In such cases, signs are enough. Sewing clothes to order is not so in demand. Correct positioning is required here. Who most often goes to the studio instead of the store? Usually they are wealthy people who do not like to be like everyone else and appreciate clothes that fit perfectly. Also, seamstresses are used by those who have a non-standard figure, and are also full, but who love to dress beautifully and stylishly. If you submit information to your target audience correctly and in the right place, you will start making good money much earlier than other studios.

A financial manager analyzes markets, studies competing companies, and finds ways to make his enterprise attractive to investors. Develops strategies for the company's financial behavior in various situations, including crisis ones.

He predicts the development of the enterprise and provides management with clear action plans developed in accordance with the forecasts.

Don't expect millions in profits. A business can bring a fairly stable and good income, but there is no frenzied demand for ateliers in our country, and this must be recognized from the very beginning.

In addition to tailoring to order, you can engage in the production of finished models of different sizes and sell them to stores(or give for implementation). On the one hand, this is a chance to find more customers, on the other hand, there is a risk that part of the product will always be unsold.
In this business, finding good craftsmen is very important. If you decide to open a factory for the production of the same type of clothing, you could take everyone in a row, even without the corresponding specialty. Monotonous work is quickly learned. But making clothes to order requires talent and diligence, a creative streak and love for your profession. It may take some time to find real specialists, but it's worth it.

Quality, combined with the talent of employees, plus the right advertising will help your future atelier become in demand and even famous, and most importantly, profitable.

Financial calculations

The first thing to consider when opening an atelier is the cost of opening.

  1. Decor IP. It will cost about 2000-3000 rubles, taking into account the collection of all documents. Through the relevant organizations that promise to do everything for you, it will cost a little more.
  2. Rent premises. It is extremely difficult to name even an approximate cost, because you can open an atelier both in a small town with a population of twenty to thirty thousand people, and in the capital. It also depends on the location and condition of the premises. Important: the calculation for this item should be made in a special order, taking into account the fact that some time will be spent on promotion. It means that profit in the first weeks or even months can be minimal. Therefore, the amount for rent should be multiplied by at least two. It is up to you to make this payment immediately or not, but you need to think first. What if the room turns out to be full of surprises and you have to move to another place?

Don't let the desire to save money run counter to common sense. Of course, advertising means a lot in this business, but you are unlikely to persuade your customers to go to the industrial area for a fitting ... Always weigh the benefits with what can be missed as a result.

In general, the opening can cost up to 300-400 thousand rubles. You can talk a lot about the payback and the amount of profit, you can also give out almost any figure “from the ceiling” ... In fact, here you can predict something only after viewing the business plan, and also taking into account the chosen location. Profit depends on huge amount factors, and most importantly - from the correct informing and "luring" potential customers and high-quality execution of orders.


  1. Tables, chairs: should be as comfortable as possible for employees. Perfect when choosing ask a professional seamstress to take part to evaluate their quality. Do not forget about an additional table for cutting - at least one.
  2. Sewing machines. Their number will depend on your business plan, the area of ​​the rented premises and the number of employees, the estimated scope of work, and so on. In a word, this needs to be thoroughly determined. cars must be professional, "able" to perform any operation. Their prices start from 12 thousand rubles, for good models it is worth counting on 20-30 thousand. However, here you can also consult with a specialist: if your studio is strict narrow specialization, it is possible that many functions will not be needed.
  3. Overlock.
  4. Hemming machine.
  5. Ironing board.
  6. Steamer and regular iron.
  7. Great if you buy a large number of fabrics to choose from. This will immediately put the studio on a completely different level. The less required from the customer, the more likely that he will not change his mind and go to the store. A good choice fabrics will help win over even the most demanding.
  8. Hangers and hangers.
  9. "Small things": thimbles, threads of various types, scissors, rulers and so on. All this has a small cost, but it will be necessary to purchase in large quantities.
  10. Table lamps or sconces for the evening work of employees. Also take care of good lighting, test it at any time of the day.
  11. Sofas or armchairs for visitors.
  12. Mirror.
  13. Fitting room equipment.
  14. Fire extinguisher, one or more, as required fire safety.
  15. Cash machine. If you plan to carry out work without it, you must prepare at least regular checks that are filled out by hand.

This is a basic list of what you might need. In the future, the masters may ask you to buy something. They should always be listened to, as they are the ones who do all the work and know what might be needed.

Registration and obtaining licenses

It is advisable to register immediately after renting the premises, so that you can specify the address in the documents. Most likely, the IP format is more suitable than a legal entity, but it's up to you.

IP is issued according to the usual scheme. You will need to select the appropriate taxation option, OKVED code, collect documents and submit them to the tax office. This can also be done through online services. With a tight approach, the IP is issued in one week, while there will be no more than 2-3 days of active paperwork. You do not need to obtain a license to open a studio. But you need to check in with the fire safety service.

To open a tailoring shop, watch the business plan in the video.

Premises and rules for the selection of sewing machines

If you want wealthy clients to come to you, try to comply with the following requirements for the premises:

Coziness and comfort. It may be worth spending money on cosmetic repairs, also do not forget about good and soft lighting. Remember that the client generally does not go further than the lobby. Here you can also install a fitting booth and a cutting table, hang fabrics, and then the need for a good repair of the remaining rooms will disappear. But in any case, they should not look like a barn.

Convenient location. You should be easy to reach both by car and transport. Proximity to parking is a huge plus; it is better if it is located directly on the territory of the building. It’s great if the chosen place also has a large cross-country ability.

Ratio expected scope of work and area. If you rented a place in the city center, in mall, it can be large. If in a small area where the number of clients obviously will not go off scale, it makes no sense to spend money on a huge multi-room office.

The most important thing when choosing equipment is the right choice sewing machines. Not only because they are a major purchase, but also because in the event of a mistake, replacement will be expensive.

Some people buy used products. This is a relatively good option, as it provides an opportunity to save money. But, if you decide to take such a step, find a specialist who can check the machine inside and out and tell you if it's worth buying. Otherwise, it may turn out that soon it will stop working. You can also sometimes buy cars at a closed workshop. This option is slightly more reliable and usually more profitable.

It is important to purchase really good cars that are suitable for professional work. But it makes no sense to overpay 10-20 thousand rubles for functions that are not needed. Therefore, first decide exactly what types of services the studio will provide, and only then buy equipment in accordance with this decision. A professional assistant will also come in handy here: if you already have a reliable future employee, let him act as an expert.

Recruitment and complexity of beginners

Hiring is based on three "parameters":

  • specialized education;
  • experience;
  • "test.

Interestingly, the latter can kill everything. Both for good and for bad. An ideal person according to documents may turn out to be mediocre in his profession, and someone who does not have even the simplest “crust” about education can sew best of all. Because there are both talents and self-taught. Invite everyone to do test work, and this will be the best exam against the backdrop of any interview.

Professionalism is very important. In this case, your employees are completely the face of the future company. In addition to skills, friendliness is also necessary, otherwise customers will scatter, and word about the impoliteness of your seamstresses will scatter throughout the area.

home The difficulty at the beginning of work is attracting customers. How to do this was mentioned above. By the way, good publicity And the abundance of advertising is not the same thing. It is important to convey it to your target audience.

Advertising is worth testing: first one way, after a couple of weeks - another. This will allow you to capture the results and know which method works best. Having waited for the first clients, you will feel more confident, and this will give strength to new heights. The main thing is not to be lazy, constantly develop in business and monitor the work of staff. And then success becomes inevitable.

Today there is no problem with buying ready-made clothes, but most people still prefer custom tailoring. And this is not surprising, because tailor-made clothes always fit better than purchased ones. In addition, by sewing a dress or suit in an atelier, you will definitely be sure that they are in one copy. Demand, as you know, gives rise to offers, and many people who know how and love to sew, think own business. How to open a studio? We understand the issue.

Atelier as a business

Let's start with the fact that you should not expect big profits from the studio at the initial stage. First you will need to equip a tailoring workshop with everything you need, and this will not be so cheap. The costs depend on what you plan to do and what kind of equipment you decide to buy or rent. But, in any case, the investment will be quite an impressive amount. At the same time, the project will pay for itself in about a year, since this business is not one of the most profitable areas.

If we are talking only about repairing clothes, then you can get by with a small room and a couple of sewing machines. After all, in order to replace the zipper, shorten the trousers, fit the dress to the figure, neither a large staff of workers nor special equipment is needed. So it’s more correct to think about how to open a mini-atelier, because when organizing such a repair shop, the main thing is to choose the right place and provide services of proper quality. Then you can count on a stable income in the range of 75 - 90 thousand rubles a month.

Well, if we talk about a full-fledged atelier, then it’s worth first clarifying: it will be a wide-profile atelier or a narrow-profile workshop that will specialize in only one direction (for example, in tailoring uniforms). For a wide-profile atelier, you will need more diverse professional equipment, as well as different specialists: seamstresses, cutters, fashion designers. To increase the profitability of the atelier, experts recommend combining several types of services (for example, tailoring of outerwear, clothing repair, tailoring of bags and tailoring of uniforms) and attracting universal specialists.

We draw up documents

So, as soon as you have decided on the specialization of the atelier and considered all production issues, you need to draw up documents. You need to do this in the following order:

  1. Decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, rent or purchase premises and undergo state registration. But before that, you should decide what you will register: or individual entrepreneurship. In this case, it is more expedient, since it is much easier for an individual entrepreneur to maintain accounting and tax reporting.
  2. Choose . The choice depends on what exactly you plan to do: tailoring, repair or several areas. As mentioned above, it is better to choose a mixed direction, which means that the codes should be as follows: 93.5 Providing other personal services population (main), 8.2 Manufacture of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories, 18.21 - production of overalls, 18.22 - production of outerwear, 18.24 - production of other clothing and accessories, 52.74 - repair of household products and personal items not included in other groups.
  3. Register with the territorial body of the Pension Fund.
  4. Obtain a work permit from Rospotrebnadzor.
  5. Obtain a permit to work in a specific premises of the State Fire Supervision Authority.
  6. Buy or rent equipment.
  7. Find staff (unless, of course, you plan to use employees).
  8. Organize advertising.

Where will the studio be: we evaluate the real places of deployment

Even at the stage of business planning, it is worth looking for an atelier suitable premises. If you have to choose between buying and renting, then at first it is better to prefer renting, because you do not know how the business will go. You need to rent a room in a place where there is a constant flow of potential customers. For example, in a shopping center. Or you can go the opposite way and open a clothing repair shop or a small workshop in a residential area. A good option is to open an atelier near fabric or clothing stores.

As for the area, at first you can get by with a small room (about 15-20 square meters), which can be located on the basement floor of a residential building, next to a shoe repair or key making workshop. The proximity of other workshops can play into the hands, because people who come to repair shoes can stop by the atelier along the way.

So when choosing a place, you need to be guided by two criteria: the price of rent (it should not be too high, best option- 40-50 thousand rubles for 15-20 square meters) and high traffic of potential customers.

Necessary equipment

As for the equipment for the atelier, today there are a lot of necessary and modern devices on sale. But there is no point in buying them all. It is necessary to clearly define the list of equipment, without which it will be impossible to do, and purchase (or rather rent) only the most necessary. In order to start working, you will need:

  • a straight-line sewing machine that will be used for basic sewing and repair work (you should choose professional models that perform twenty or more operations). Such equipment will cost about 18-20 thousand rubles;
  • overlock for processing edges and seams. Buying a quality overlock will cost about 12-14 thousand rubles;
  • hemming machine, which is used for hemming the bottom of trousers and skirts;
  • an ironing board and a good steam iron (in time, if the business goes well, you can also purchase an ironing press);
  • fitting room (it is better to choose a screen or just fence off a corner in the room with a curtain and hang a mirror there);
  • cutting table;
  • accessories: cutting scissors, rippers, needles, patterns, rulers, threads, zippers, thimbles, measuring tapes, etc.

When buying equipment, you need to pay attention to its reliability and versatility. If you decide to buy a used sewing machine, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay for its repair and adjustment.

Other equipment

Do not forget that if you decide to open a tailoring studio, then in addition to a professional sewing equipment you will also need some furniture and of course lighting. As for furniture, here you need to pay attention to comfortable chairs for seamstresses and furniture for a place of rest for staff and visitors, as well as hangers, hangers, mannequins (if you are going to sew clothes from scratch).

You will definitely need high-quality lamps that need to be installed in workplaces, bright ceiling lights and, of course, fire extinguishers (their number depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room).

You also need to take care of forms with continuous numbering, which will replace cash machine. After all, receiving money for services from clients, you have to write out receipts.

Personnel decides everything

A crafts vendor embroiders a woman’s name on a bonnet being purchased during the Apple Blossom Festival at South Mountain Fairground, Route 234, Arendtsville PA. 2008-05-03.

Asking the question: is it profitable to open an atelier, most individual entrepreneurs understand that a lot depends on the level of the masters who will work in it. Therefore, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the selection of personnel. Most the best option– well-known experienced people who can not only sew perfectly, but also communicate with customers. If there are none, you can hire employees on the recommendation of your colleagues or good friends. If there are problems with this, then it is worth posting information about the vacancy where it can be seen by those who interest you, for example, in a college where seamstresses are trained. No need to be afraid to hire newcomers, they often demonstrate a good level of proficiency in the profession. But, when recruiting unfamiliar employees, it is better, nevertheless, to set a trial period for them.

As for the number of seamstresses, it all depends on the direction of the atelier. If we are talking about repair, fitting and individual tailoring, then for a start it is better to hire two people and set them a minimum salary and an additional payment - a percentage of the atelier's revenue. Gradually, if the business goes well, it will be possible to expand the staff.

We have opened!

Before opening, you need to hang a bright sign that will attract attention, and paste advertising posters on nearby streets. It would be nice to organize the distribution of flyers offering discounts to first customers. This will be enough to get you started, but what you should think about carefully is the time of work.

As a rule, ateliers are open from 9.00 to 20.00, so that people can enter the establishment on their way home from work. But it is better to focus on your potential consumer. Most clothing repair shops accept 10-15 orders per day (the cost of one repair order is from 100 to 300 rubles, depending on the complexity of the work, and individual tailoring of clothes will cost 1500-3000 per unit). But, of course, it matters where the studio is located. To increase the flow of customers, you can arrange with the nearest clothing stores so that, if necessary, consultants will recommend your atelier to those who need to fit ready-made clothes. Everyone will benefit from this: the store will sell goods and receive proceeds, and your atelier will customize the purchased clothes and also receive proceeds.

Issue price

Having decided on all the components of the business, you can make simple calculations to understand how much it costs to open an atelier and how profitable such a business is. So, you open a small atelier that occupies one room with an area of ​​​​about 20 square meters, which employs two seamstresses, a cutter and a manager / hostess (with the function of a chief accountant). Let's start with costs:

Now let's calculate the planned income:

Based on the calculations, it can be seen that all costs will pay off within the first year of operation. Of course, this calculation is approximate, because the success of a business depends on the demand and quality of services. As for the initial investment, they will be:

So, to summarize: the creation of a small studio will require 170,000 rubles, and the project will pay off in about a year.

The idea to open a sewing studio naturally comes to the mind of experienced craftswomen, even more often - graduates of specialized lyceums and universities and avid fashionistas with entrepreneurial enthusiasm. We present the opinions of experts, and also consider the costs, risks and possible income.

Atelier from scratch: personal experience

After the crisis of 2014, sewing workshops have become extremely popular both in megacities and in provincial cities of Russia. Incomes fell, store prices adjusted to the dollar, and trading floors empty. Then practical and highly experienced Russians remembered that clothes can be repaired and altered.

According to Rosstat, the increase in the number of ateliers for tailoring and repairing clothes in our country is 10% per year. Half of startups close after a few months of work, but new ones open right there. And these are important arguments for those who are thinking about opening their own workshop.

The structure of orders based on the results of a survey of owners of ten Krasnoyarsk ateliers:

  • 45% - clothing repair;
  • 10% - refinishing of fur coats and leather goods;
  • 25% - sewing home textiles (bed linen and curtains);
  • 20% - individual tailoring.
  • The average check for clothing repair is 350 rubles, and for a residential area this is acceptable prices. It was in the calculation of residents with low incomes that Irina Lapina opened her atelier in Vologda. The startup cost her family 112 thousand rubles. And these investments were returned after a year of work.

    Irina's story is quite typical: studying at a vocational school, then working in a small studio, where she gained experience and professional secrets. When at the family council they decided to open their own sewing workshop, the first thing they did was take up the calculations. The start-up capital went to the purchase of equipment and a modest premises.

    To open a sewing workshop, a businessman needs not only start-up capital but also professional experience

    Estimated cost of opening a studio

  • Professional sewing machine - 20,000 rubles.
  • Household sewing machine - 7,000 rubles.
  • Overlock - 15,000 rubles.
  • Steam generator - 15,000 rubles.
  • Cutting table - 3,000 rubles.
  • Mannequin - 3,000 rubles.
  • Furniture and equipment - 37,000 rubles.
  • Rent 10m 2 - 12 000 rubles.
  • The total costs will amount to 112,000 rubles.

    It is important to take into account all the costs of promoting a business

    Initially, the office was opened in their residential area. Irina's regular customers became the first clients of the new workshop. After several months of intensive work, the owner of the atelier realized that it was time to expand - and took on another tailor.

    Types of sewing workshop services

    According to 2GIS Krasnoyarsk, now in any residential area of ​​the city there are from 1 to 5 sewing studios. As a rule, each specializes in 2-3 types of services, which allows them to occupy their own business niche and reduce competition. Ateliers most often provide the following services to the population:

  • Clothing repair;
  • fitting new clothes;
  • tailoring;
  • sewing curtains;
  • tailoring of bed linen;
  • tailoring of a wedding dress;
  • tailoring for animals;
  • production of dance costumes.
  • Even at the planning stage, Irina decided that the atelier would only deal with repairing clothes and tailoring suits. And I guessed: in a residential area, these services turned out to be in demand - to hem a skirt or trousers, fix a jacket, sew a dress for a graduation or anniversary.

    The novice business woman was looking for new orders through the VKontakte group, and in the evenings, when Irina walked with her child, she pasted leaflets near the entrances. She did not miss the opportunity: she participated in city fairs, exhibitions, gave small ads in magazines. And these low-cost ways of advertising worked.

    “I had a very low price tag for the city. For ordering a wedding dress, I made a gift - I released two doves: the clients were pleased.

    Irina Lapina

    A year later, the monthly revenue was already 230 thousand rubles, and the customers were corporate clients: nearby shops and dance studios. They sewed their uniform and elegant suits from Irina. When it became clear that there were not enough workers, the tailors found a larger room, bought machines and expanded the staff.

    Now in this Vologda atelier 4 craftswomen are sewing orders and doing repairs. But the owner herself takes measurements from clients and prepares patterns. The studio's monthly income is now about 90,000 rubles, and this allows planning the development of the enterprise.

    Everything must be ready by the time the customer arrives.

    Table: financial performance of the studio 2 years after opening

    This real story clearly shows: opening a sewing workshop will not be difficult and expensive, but you will need an accurate calculation, a great desire, courage and a lot of effort. That is what a business plan is for.

    Business plan: simple rules

    First of all, it is the owner who invests in a new business that needs a detailed and honest business plan. This is a simple rule entrepreneurs underestimate. According to the recognition of businessmen who started from scratch - they opened a tent in the market or a repair shop household appliances, and without any plan: most often such a first experience just becomes a business plan for the next one - a working business. It comes out twice as expensive!

    Meanwhile, writing a business plan is not difficult for anyone who knows some business thoroughly. Or ready to study - in the process of writing a forecast plan for your future company. Before you start spending investments on a sewing workshop, you will first need to sort out the upcoming expenses to the nearest ruble.

    Take the time to develop a business plan: these efforts will pay off handsomely

    The main sections of the business plan

    The main document, according to which a businessman will have to work in the next few years, consists of six parts:

  • Industry analysis.
  • Organizational plan.
  • Production plan.
  • Financial plan.
  • Marketing and advertising.
  • Risks.
  • Customers are increasingly opting for repairs and custom tailoring.

    Industry Analysis

    If it’s quite simple, then the analysis of the industry is just a “passport photo”: a strict size, nothing more. To begin with, you have to study all legislative framework in sewing and in the field household services: federal laws, industry SNIPs and Rules. Here is a list of the main documents:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 No. No. 1025 "On approval of the Rules consumer services population of the Russian Federation.
  • In this section of the business plan, you need to decide who will be the main customer of the new atelier: age and gender, occupation and income, preferences in choosing clothes and the regularity of applying for sewing services. The conditional portrait of the client is considered target audience, and all the work of the enterprise, namely, the work schedule, prices, the list of services, will have to be built taking into account the interests of these consumers.

    To evaluate competitive environment and the demand for sewing services, you need to study the business of competitors. On the website of the Statistical Office, you can find information about the number of ateliers in any city or town in the region. Comparable figures will be given by the 2GIS system. Call your potential competitors as a client - both market leaders and neighbors in the area of ​​​​your future office.

    It is important to find out: what types of services do business colleagues earn, prices for these works, deadlines for completing orders, whether they provide Additional services, discounts for pensioners or corporate clients.

    And it is better to visit several studios from the list of your closest competitors. Evaluate the size and furnishings of the premises, the number of employees, hours of operation and service policies.

    Original solutions, peeped from competitors, will help you attract paying customers from the very beginning

    All collected data should be entered in a comparative table. So it will be easier to understand what niche to occupy, as well as to navigate the location of the studio and the organization of its work. The market share is estimated. This information will be important when planning business development.

    Table: garment industry - comparative characteristics

    organizational plan

    Every idea in business requires the same effort as planning, for example, a vacation trip. In this case, first they choose the direction, then the place of rest, taking into account all the wishes: so that the hotel is in the city center and next to the sea, and the room is spacious. And, finally, based on such tasks, they are determined with the budget.

    In the business plan, you also need to think over the sequence of opening a sewing workshop and write down all the little things: then this will be a guide to action.

    We solve organizational issues and write the answers in a business plan:

  • Individual entrepreneur or LLC, we take into account the time and cost of registration.
  • Choosing a taxation system
  • Decide on a list of services.
  • Where and what premises the studio will occupy, the cost of rent.
  • What equipment, at what price and where to buy.
  • How many employees and what system of payment.
  • Accountant, computer engineer and technician - you can handle it yourself or you will pay third-party specialists.
  • How demand will be organized - advertising.
  • Production plan

    The future of the studio is the production of personal services. And like any high-tech enterprise, it must work in accordance with the requirements and standards that have developed in the industry. At this stage of preparing a business plan, you will have to study and select specific models of professional sewing machines and other equipment for a full production cycle, as well as draw up an estimate.

    The master's tailoring is afraid

    To understand: how many customers the new studio will be able to serve and which production plan it is worth laying, technological standards are taken into account. For example, for the tailoring of one skirt, a certain amount of time and operations are allotted, and so on for all types of work offered by the new sewing workshop.

    Based on the number of tailors and the approximate production plan, production volumes per day, per month and per year are considered. Moreover, experts advise making a forecast plan for such production for the next two to three years. The data is also included in the business plan. And let these numbers be conditional, they will help you navigate the mathematics of business.

    Financial plan

    The financial section of the business plan is the main one. It allows you to calculate in advance the prospects for the success of a new sewing studio. In fact, in one table, he takes into account the forecast production plan, minus costs and tax deductions, and then demonstrates the financial result.

    Everything is like in the budget of every family: there is a salary and bonuses, income from part-time work, expenses for utility bills and for renting an apartment.

    Break-even point: the amount of production that makes up for costs and does not bring any profit or loss, which indicates the stable operation of the enterprise.

    The payback of a business is calculated using a simple formula:

  • We count the revenue for each month of the year.
  • Calculate monthly expenses.
  • Sum up the monthly net profit (revenue minus expenses).
  • We divide annual expenses by net profit, we get profitability.
  • Example: cost of new shop amounted to 900 thousand rubles. per year, revenue - 2.1 million rubles, net profit for that period 830 thousand rubles.

    900,000: 830,000 = 1.08 years

    It turns out that the store will pay for itself in about a year of work.

    Now let's calculate the profitability of the business - in other words, the profitability of the enterprise. The formula is also quite simple: we divide the net profit by the annual revenue.

    830 000: 2 100 000 = 39%

    Conclusion: the average profitability of the store is 39%.

    You need to understand that the business plan, as a rule, takes into account the most easy-to-understand formulas, and in the process of work, the forecast will change several times. But the planned figures give a quite reliable idea of ​​the financial capabilities of a particular business.

    If business conditions change in the course of work, you should promptly make adjustments to the existing financial plan

    Marketing and Advertising

    In this section of the business plan, the question is solved - where and how to look for your new customers. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the information collected about competitors, as well as own ideas marketing and advertising.

    We analyze and make decisions:

  • Website - what it will be and the cost of its manufacture and maintenance.
  • Groups in social networks - what posts are posted there, who will do this work.
  • In what media do business colleagues advertise, why, prices, your choice.
  • What are other paid and free advertising platforms, their effectiveness and usage plans.
  • Risks

    It is not difficult to calculate the possible risks. To do this, they have to be identified: through surveys of competitors and their customers, studying information about the reasons for the ruin of the studio - now such reviews and expert opinions are easy to find on the Internet. All findings should be recorded.

    Measure seven times, cut once

    Table: risks and countermeasures

    Atelier space

    Owning a property is a convenient option, but it should be a profitable place for a sewing workshop. Therefore, most often before buying an office, the atelier repeatedly moves until a good option is found. But what experienced owners of the studio advise:

  • The best place to open a new atelier is in a popular shopping center: there will always be a demand for tailoring services and various types of clothing repair. The room in this case can be small - from 12 to 20m 2, but always on the ground floor with the appropriate "bringing" advertising.
  • If the workshop will specialize, for example, in sewing curtains or bed linen, then it is better to choose an office from 30 to 60 m 2 on the first line of "passable" streets in new or prestigious residential areas. Such an atelier provides space for the exhibition of fabrics and finished products, and this requires an increase in the size of the premises and the cost of rent.
  • Ateliers of individual tailoring can most often be found in the city center, as they are designed for a demanding client and a demand for the author's style of design and tailoring. Opening such a highly specialized enterprise from scratch is costly, and is possible only if there are regular customers and an established business reputation.
  • Workshops offering repair and tailoring are now popular in every residential area. The cost of renting a room in apartment building with an area of ​​12–20 m 2 within 500–1000 rubles. for 1 m 2.
  • When renting a room, you should pay attention to the conclusion of a formal contract, get your hands on documents on the right to the property of the landlord, and specify the methods and terms of payment.
  • Technical requirements: the room must have access to a voltage of 380 V; workplaces with good lighting according to SanPiN 2.2.1––03.
  • Rent bright and well-ventilated rooms for your atelier: this will allow you to comply with the requirements of technical regulations and reduce energy costs

    Individual entrepreneur or LLC: choose the form of business

    There are two forms of business organization in the clothing industry - IP and LLC. There are no problems with the online registration of the company on the site tax service. In any case, the algorithm is simple: fill out an application, pay the state duty, provide originals or copies of the required documents, and that's it. If you did not make mistakes when filling out the forms, in a few days you will pick up a registration certificate:

  • IP - state duty for registration 800 rubles.
  • LLC - state duty for registration of 4000 rubles.
  • Compare sole proprietorship and LLC

    IP: it is easier and cheaper to register, and the fines in case of violations for IP are much less than for LLC. But on the other hand, an individual entrepreneur is responsible for the losses of the enterprise with all his personal property. Moreover, regardless of financial result year, the individual entrepreneur is obliged to pay insurance premiums per year, and the amount is rather big: about 20 thousand rubles.

    LLC: registering is more troublesome - more expensive, a package of documents is heavier. But the same charter of the enterprise can be found as a model, and it is not necessary to certify the signature on the application with a notary when submitting it yourself. An LLC can only pay the taxes it earns. And is responsible for the losses of the company only to his own authorized capital(as a rule, 10 thousand rubles). But society pays fines many times more than individual entrepreneurs.

    The legal address for an LLC can be home, if the director and founder of the LLC live there.

    Equipment selection

    To start a sewing business from scratch, it is enough to get by with the necessary - this can be seen in the example of Irina Lapina's studio (Vologda). Depending on the profile of the workshop and the number of employees, the set of equipment can be expanded. Sewing professionals know which machines are better and more reliable.

    Experienced businessmen advise to open a business to negotiate the purchase of used sewing equipment, overlockers, cutting tables, other furniture and equipment with the owners of the largest sewing shops or factories: there are knowledgeable locksmiths, if necessary. New equipment should be purchased when the enterprise is already on its feet.

    Before buying equipment for the atelier, it is better to make a floor plan with the arrangement of furniture and machines: this will help to avoid misunderstandings, especially if the areas are small.

    A good sewing machine will not let you down

    Recruitment and pay

    The owners of sewing studios say: at the first stage, it is worth taking only experienced workers. Do not neglect the rule to get feedback from their previous place of work: it is especially important that the seamstress is non-confrontational with customers and disciplined.

    It is worth going to a couple of seminars on personnel records in order to correctly draw up documents for the workshop employees.

    The remuneration of seamstresses provides for a salary and a percentage allowance from output. This is the only way to interest employees in increasing the number of completed orders. The owner of the atelier should pay attention to sharp fluctuations in revenue, as well as the availability of receipts for accepted items, in order to avoid unaccounted for orders.

    The reputation of the studio depends on the experience of seamstresses

    home atelier

    Individual entrepreneurs and LLCs can also work at home if this is the legal address of the Company. There is no direct prohibition in the legislation. But if the neighbors complain about constant noise, cluttered places common use waste garment production or other inconvenience, then verification cannot be avoided.

    According to the requirements of the law, when opening a sewing enterprise, the owner is obliged to notify Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor about the start of activities. On the websites of departments, you can download sample applications and even tips on how to fill them out, as well as make an appointment at a convenient time.

    A good fashionista never goes out of style

    Table: comparison of a non-residential atelier and a home workshop

    When deciding to open a sewing workshop, an entrepreneur risks: money, reputation, time and plans for life. But without determination there is no success. British billionaire Richard Branson, for just such a case, when thoughts interfere with actions, argued: "Drop doubts: take it and do it." With calculation, assertiveness and a thorough study of the case.

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