Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Contact, mrf and call center of Rostelecom - phone numbers. Types of electronic signatures and conditions for recognition of electronic documents. Digital signature and distribution of powers

An electronic digital signature certifies an electronic document. It is used only in digital format for the exchange of information over e-mail and movement of documents.

What is digital signature

An electronic signature is functional only in the format of a digital document and is an analogue of a handwritten signature.

Its legal significance is approved by Federal Law No. 1 of January 10, 2002 and Federal Law No. 63 of April 6, 2011. These documents stipulate the areas of use of electronic signatures when approving acts and transactions, and when providing services.

An electronic signature replaces a handwritten signature and seal on a document when it is sent and received via electronic communication channels.

This type of document certification is convenient and indispensable when making transactions over the Internet, when concluding contracts and registering financial documents.

  • Guarantees transmission secrecy important information, eliminates the possibility of falsifying important papers.
  • Gives legal force to electronic documents as if their paper counterparts were certified by the seal and personal signature of the responsible person.
  • Speeds up document turnover and optimizes storage space.
  • Allows you to use a uniform signature when conducting all operations - trading, reports to government and tax authorities, when certifying financial documents.
  • Ensures the authenticity of the transmitted information.

Information about how to make an electronic digital signature ,contained on the EDS website

Here you can also find a list of Certification Centers for obtaining digital signatures,

How to obtain an electronic signature for individuals?

What needs to be done to obtain an electronic digital signature for an individual free of charge:

  1. Submit a form - application to the CA website.
  2. Certified copies necessary documents send along with the application form to the CA website.
  3. Receive the signature certificate in person at the CA by presenting the original documents.

The key certificate is produced within 3-5 days.

List of required documents for the production of digital signature (electronic copies are provided):

  • Tax registration certificate– certified by a notary.
  • Person's passport– owner of the signature.
  • If it is not the key owner himself who submits the documents, but his representative, then it is provided to an authorized person power of attorney certified by a notary.
  • If the signature is completed by a representative of the Certificate owner, then Identification documents of the representative are required.
  • Request in the form of an application to the CA.
  • Application for a certificate user key.
  • Permission to use personal data.

Electronic signature for legal entities (LE)

To maintain business and reporting documentation for heads of government and municipal organizations, joint stock companies, public organizations and private business owners are required to have the electronic equivalent of a personal signature.

To obtain a certificate, different legal entities have specific requirements.

Package of documents for legal entities to order digital signature:

  • Copied State Certificate Registration. Certified by a notary or CA if the original is available.
  • Certificate
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, completed at least half a year before submission to the CA.
  • Certificate application.
  • If the key will be owned by the manager, then an order is needed to appoint him as a superior manager.
  • If the certificate drawn up by a representative of the company, a power of attorney issued and certified by the head of the organization with his personal signature and seal is attached to the package of documents.
  • For the key owner– identification document.
  • If the documents If the certificate is provided and received not by the owner of the key, but by his representative, then you must attach a copy of the passport of the citizen of the Russian Federation who represents the owner and, when receiving the certificate, have the original of your own identity document with you.
  • Appeal to the Certification Center on joining the CA Regulations.
  • Application for the production of an Electronic Signature key certificate.
  • Agreement for the processing of personal data.

Download a sample application for obtaining an electronic digital signature for legal entities:

Obtaining an electronic digital signature for an individual entrepreneur with a stamp:

  • State confirmation Registration as an individual entrepreneur. Certified by a notary.
  • Certificate on registration with the tax office.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, received more than a month before presentation.
  • If the key is issued to a representative of the entrepreneur, then you need a power of attorney from the entrepreneur, which indicates the powers of the key owner.
  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation- owner of the key.
  • When issues or receives certificate is not its owner, but a representative, then a power of attorney from the certificate owner and an identification document of the representative in the original are presented.
  • Application to the Certification Center to include the User in the CA Regulations.
  • Application for issue CA User signature key certificate.
  • Permission to work with personal data.

Where is digital signature used?

In business relationships where information is exchanged through information Technology, all documents are signed with an electronic signature, used Digital signature for participation in tenders.

The practice of such exchange exists in the work of branches and divisions of one organization, when reporting to the tax authorities, Pension Fund, when preparing declarations, to participate in remote bidding.

The authenticity of the signature is verified based on the encryption and decryption keys.

Digital signature is a sequence of symbols that are included in the transmitted information. The signature key is individual. It's almost impossible to find it.

Key certificates are issued by a certification center. There, records are kept of users, the process of functioning of the digital signature, and the center’s specialists provide assistance in using this tool.

Types of electronic signatures for public services and conditions for recognition of electronic documents

According to Article 5 of the Law "About electronic signature", the client can receive enhanced or simple signature.

  • Simple view consists of codes and disciplines the handwritten version on a paper document. The price for a simple signature is free.

You will receive a free simple signature at the MFC within 1 business day.

  • Enhanced View has a qualified and unqualified nature, obtained through cryptographic transformation of data.

A qualified signature is accepted by absolutely all functioning social institutions.

With its help, the holder works with documents in electronic format, while having absolute legal force.

In other words, it acquires the quality of a paper document with the signature of a visa representative.

The owner can use digital signature in the corporate sphere only in accordance with the conditions and rules established by the system operator.

How to obtain an electronic digital signature for State Services?

An electronic signature will greatly facilitate the use of government services. They order it at the offices of Rostelecom or MFC on the spot.

Government services are available to all residents of the Russian Federation, since it belongs to the public system.

Methods for obtaining digital signature:

  • The online application procedure is based on three steps:
  1. Register yourself on the CA website;
  2. Enter the data in the form;
  3. Come to the MFC with a storage medium;
  4. Take an electronic signature on paper;
  5. On the CA website, write your digital signature onto a flash drive.
  • Through MFC
  1. Contact the MFC branch(Multifunctional Center);
  2. Provide original documents: passport, TIN, SNILS;
  3. Your data is checked on a computer;
  4. Sign a number of documents– consent to work with your personal data;
  5. Pay money in the terminal, the cost of digital signature is 1400 rubles;
  6. Next you receive a USB drive and wait for SMS;
  7. Visit the site Certification center;
  8. Write down your digital signature to your storage medium.

Authorized centers for issuing qualified key certificates for electronic signature verification are located on the state portal, as well as on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation.

What electronic government services can be obtained on the Internet?

Various government agencies provide assistance to the population in preparing documents, resolving legal issues, providing advice and recommendations.

Previously, for each piece of paper, you had to wait in line in front of an office or window, then go to another organization, and so on.

With the advent of the State Services portal, many issues are resolved on the spot.

Every citizen of the Russian Federation should learn to use the State Services portal.

These are only services available to individuals. The government services portal provides assistance in processing financial contributions to government funds entrepreneurs and heads of organizations.

Do you need an EDS? Do you want to know how to create an electronic signature for government services? Where and how to get it, saving time on searching necessary information? Read a simple and understandable description in which we will tell you how to solve these problems without making mistakes.

Note: There is an opinion that to access your personal account on the government services portal, a key (EDS) is required. This is not entirely true. The attribute (flash drive) is necessary for legal entities, i.e. for individual entrepreneurs, LLCs and others commercial organizations. Individuals only need to pass authorization. Standard registration (receiving an activation code by E-mail) expands access to services and creates a simple electronic signature.

Explanation of abbreviations in the text:

  • EDS (EDS) – Electronic Digital Signature;
  • CA – Certification Authority;
  • NEP – Unqualified Electronic Signature;
  • CEP – Qualified Electronic Signature;
  • UEC – Universal Electronic Card;
  • SNILS – pension insurance certificate (green plastic card);
  • FTS – Federal Tax Service.

Types of electronic signature

There are three types of EP. The most common one, which we often use, does not have the same levels of information protection as the other two - Enhanced. They differ in status and their scope is not the same. Let's look at their differences:

  1. Simple electronic signature requires the use of a login and password. When accessing services, to confirm the operation, a one-time code may be requested, sent via CMS message or email. We often encounter such types of identification. To do this, you do not need to contact specialized centers.
  2. Strengthened unqualified signature– this attribute not only identifies the sender, but also records changes to the signed document. They receive the UNP from the certification center. The scope of the NEP is limited. State and municipal documents containing secrets cannot be signed with it.
  3. Reinforced qualified electronic signature has the highest degree of protection at the legislative level. Electronic documents are equivalent to paper ones with all the attributes of approval and have the same legal force. The certificate, which is issued along with the key, contains information on its verification. To carry out legally significant transactions, it is necessary to use this key (signature).

To make it easier to distinguish them from each other, let’s draw an analogy with clear paper attributes of personal identification:

  1. a simple electronic signature is equivalent to a badge, if others have used the PC (phone), you are responsible for the consequences;
  2. unqualified EPit's like a pass in an organization where there is an element of trust between the parties;
  3. qualified EPpassport, gives the right to use all services, is the most significant element of personal identification in legal transactions.

Note:Decide for yourself what type of signature you need, but a qualified electronic signature covers all services provided on the Unified Portal, of which there are slightly less than a thousand. Therefore, further we will talk about its creation and receipt.

Where do you get an electronic signature?

To access all portal services, you must have an enhanced qualified signature. This can be done before registration or after. The second option is preferable, because you will be convinced that digital signature is really necessary for government services.

What needs to be done on the site?

  1. Obtain information about Accredited Certification Centers.
  2. Select the one available to you.
  3. Inquire about the level of service provided and prices for services.
  4. Submit your application.

Note:Some CAs offer the opportunity to undergo training on using electronic signatures, conducting tenders, working with various document extensions, etc.

On the government services portal, you can submit an application to receive an electronic signature in the center you choose. It is possible to first contact the CA and then register using your existing electronic signature (for legal entities this is a prerequisite).

Note:Regardless of the option chosenYou must obtain a qualified electronic signature from the Certification Center. Depending on the degree of secrecy of legally significant transactions, the type of digital signature is selected.

How to create an application for an electronic digital signature for government services?

Let me make a reservation right away: the process of issuing electronic signature keys to both legal entities and individuals is constantly undergoing changes. For example, the widely advertised Rostelecom CA does not work for technical reasons.

The project to obtain a key for free using UEC has been suspended. Perhaps by the time the article is published the situation will change for the better. The question arises: how to create an electronic signature for government services now?

Programs required for electronic operation

For ES attributes to work, you need to install several programs. You can do this yourself. You will need a crypto provider Vipnet CSP and one of two programs for verifying the signature: CryptoARM or Vipnet CryptoFile.

CryptoPro EDS Browser plug-in

If the digital signature does not work in some programs, for example, Office or Banking systems, install CryptoPro EDSBrowser plugin. the possibilities for using and verifying signatures will expand. Or... For the government services website, download the plugin, which is automatically detected on the page:

Note:The key is valid for 13 months, so don’t miss out on updating your data. The flash drive is guaranteed for a yearit is also better to replace it. The CA will tell you how to do this in your personal account yourself.

How to get an electronic signature for government services for free?

It is impossible to purchase a qualified electronic signature, which requires a visit to a CA, for free. This mostly applies to legal entities. Individuals can obtain broader powers by registering on the government services website using SNILS.

To understand the need for one or another account, study the information on the page

Note: When asked how to get an electronic signature for government services for free, we answer: unfortunately, not at all. You can expand your powers for free, but you have to pay for a digital signature for government services in the form of a flash drive - an electronic token. The price depends on the functionality of the key and the prices of the CA.

Verification of digital signature for public services

To make sure that the digital signature you purchased from the CA is working, go to Check the certificate and file handling. This will not cause any difficulties - everything is simple there. As a result, you will receive electronic signature data and a message: Document authenticity confirmed.

Is the electronic signature suitable for other resources?

Unfortunately, the electronic signature key for government services will not be valid, for example, for the Federal Tax Service portal. For tax authorities, a different type of (non-)qualified signature is required. It must contain the TIN data, and sometimes the registered powers of the legal entity. Therefore, for different needs you need to purchase separate keys. This is inconvenient, but they haven’t made a universal type of signature yet.

The question is simple electronic signature applicant how do they receive it? where do they apply and how much does it cost? given by the author trophy the best answer is Project Certification Center " Electronic government" Rostelecom"

The certification center of the Electronic Government project of OJSC Rostelecom provides services for the creation and issuance of certificates of keys for verifying electronic signatures, as well as other functions provided for Federal law dated April 6, 2011 N 63-FZ “On Electronic Signatures” and operates on the basis of regulations.
Based on Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia No. 191 of August 6, 2012 “On the accreditation of certification centers,” our certification center received Accreditation Certificate No. 29.
Services provided:
Issuance of electronic signatures and qualified certificates of electronic signature verification keys for individuals to access the Unified portal public services(link ):
An electronic signature of an individual is issued on a special secure medium containing means of cryptographic information protection (eToken GOST). To use an electronic signature of an individual, no additional paid installation is required. software on computer. The Agreement for the provision of certification center services can be found at this link.
An electronic signature of an individual can be obtained at the following centers for issuing electronic signatures of OJSC Rostelecom. To obtain an ES for an individual, you must present a passport and provide the insurance number of the individual personal account(SNILS).
The cost of the service is 660 rubles.
Issuance of electronic signatures and qualified certificates of keys for verifying electronic signatures of legal entities:
Electronic signatures of legal entities (for signing documents by employees of legal entities or signing information systems V automatic mode) are formed using the following means of cryptographic information protection (service cost – 900 rubles 34 kopecks, including VAT):
software (CryptoProCSP);
independent (eToken GOST).
It is possible to record an electronic signature on the customer’s secure media (the cost of the service is 350 rubles 46 kopecks, including VAT).
In order to ensure the correct operation of electronic signatures recorded on eToken GOST/JaCarta media with information systems using CryptoPro CSP as a crypto provider, it is necessary to install the key media support module for CryptoPro CSP 3.6 on the user’s computer (download, 625 Kb)
To receive electronic signatures legal entity send your application to [email protected].
Albatross LLC
5 months ago:
The service is temporarily suspended due to technical reasons
You people are strange, though..

Answer from Otilda Valdemarovna[guru]
there is a special organizations.

Answer from Ekaterina Momot[active]
Yes, there are special organizations for this that deal with this. I surfed the sites and found one like this, they write good reviews about it. link so go ahead and read it.

Answer from GALL[newbie]
Electronic signature is easy
According to the laws Russian Federation documents created through our service can be considered signed with a handwritten signature

Answer from Murat[newbie]
An electronic signature (ES) is a special document requisite that establishes the absence of distortion of information in an electronic document from the moment the electronic signature (ES) is generated and confirms that the ES belongs to the owner. The value of the attribute is obtained as a result of cryptographic transformation of information.
Electronic signature certificate is a document that confirms that the public key (verification key) of an electronic signature belongs to the owner of the certificate. Certificates are issued by certification authorities (CAs) or their authorized representatives.
The owner of the electronic signature certificate is the individual in whose name the electronic signature certificate was issued by the certification center. Each certificate owner has two digital signature keys: private and public.
The private key of the electronic signature (ES key) allows you to generate an electronic signature and sign an electronic document. The owner of the certificate is obliged to keep his private key secret.
The public key of the electronic signature (signature verification key) is uniquely linked to the private key of the signature and is intended to verify the authenticity of the signature.
more detailed information you can find out on our website link
You can also purchase more than 65 types of electronic signatures

Answer from Dmitry Maximov[newbie]
An electronic signature can be obtained from ROC Partner LLC, it works in many regions of Russia, here is the website

The Rostelecom contact center will help resolve any problems that may arise. You can contact him for help at any time of the day. Operator specialists will be happy to provide support.

Rostelecom is one of largest companies in the field of telecommunications services. It offers clients:

  1. Mobile communications.
  2. Telephony.
  3. Internet.

What are the advantages of RT?

  • Wide range of services.
  • Their high quality is ensured.
  • Networks are developing.
  • The company is one of the first to implement new standards.
  • It offers attractive prices to customers.
  • Tries to make its services more accessible.
  • Organized customer support.
  • Provides personal account and mobile app to manage your account.
  • She has a virtual assistant who can partially replace the call center operator.
  • The company attracts new clients.
  • Often holds promotions for subscribers.
  • Provides a number of discounts.
  • Created modern data centers.
  • Invests heavily in network maintenance.

Of course, reviews about RT services differ. Many people are unhappy with working with an operator. But objectively, today this is the largest and best provider in Russia. Huge financial resources allow him to support good quality services.

Rostelecom call center

Rostelecom's contact center is a customer support service. You can contact it in various cases:

  1. There are problems with signal reception quality.
  2. Happening frequent breaks connections.
  3. The connection speed has dropped significantly.
  4. No internet or TV access.
  5. You need to request help setting up your equipment.
  6. No money was credited to the account after replenishment.
  7. There were technical glitches.
  8. You want to know about debits from your account.
  9. Find out the cost of various services.
  10. Call a technician to service the network or install equipment.
  11. Would you like to submit a request to connect to RT.

How to contact support?

12/25/2018, Sashka Bukashka

Many people have probably heard about this, but not everyone has a good idea of ​​why it is needed and how to get it. We will try to answer all questions and tell you how to obtain an electronic signature for an individual.

What is an electronic signature

(abbreviated as CP, EP or EDS) makes it possible to identify the identity of the signatory. The verification is a unique sequence of several characters, which is generated using cryptographic transformation of information, or simply put, it is a flash drive with a key fob for signing virtual documents, putting an electronic signature on various resources, and more. Just as the stroke of a pen is an integral requisite for using a paper document, so an electronic signature (electronic signature) is an essential requisite for a document created on a computer. Just as your handwritten autograph is a unique symbol, a digital or electronic signature for an individual is also unique. A document on the Internet signed with an electronic digital signature has the same legal force as data on a paper document signed with one’s own hand.

By the way, “cloud” electronic signatures have been issued for several years now - those that are stored on the server of the certification center, and the user gains access to them via the Internet. This is convenient because you can access your signature from any device with Internet access, and you don’t need to worry about carrying a flash drive with you everywhere. But this type of digital signature also has a minus - they are not suitable for working with state portals(for example, State Services or the Federal Tax Service website).

Who needs it and why?

There is a certain category of people who absolutely do not need a digital/electronic signature. These people get a special pleasure, understandable only to them, by choosing and visiting various institutions, jostling in queues, cursing the weather, and at the same time the authorities of all stripes. But for all other citizens with access to the Internet, an electronic signature can be very useful. EDS for government services for individuals allows you to gain access to the full range of electronic online services provided by a single portal of government services. With it you can also:

  • apply for admission to a higher education institution;
  • confirm your identity;
  • participate in electronic auctions;
  • conclude contracts for remote work;
  • submit electronically.

How to obtain an electronic signature for an individual

: simple, qualified and unqualified.

A qualified electronic signature is a digital signature that was obtained from a special accredited institution, has full legal force and can be used in courts and other government agencies. A qualified digital signature completely replaces the traditional handwritten one.

To obtain a qualified electronic signature of the CPU, contact a specialized Certification Center that has state accreditation for this type of activity. A list of such centers in your region can be found on the government services portal or on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. Many citizens prefer to contact Rostelecom service offices established almost everywhere for this purpose.

To receive a special electronic certificate and a flash drive with your electronic signature must be provided:

  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • insurance certificate of the State Pension Fund ();
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority ().

You will also need an application and email address.

How to restore digital signature

Are you afraid of losing your electronic signature? The main thing is not to tell anyone your PIN code. In this case, no one except you will have access to the electronic signature. If your key is lost or stolen, you need to contact a certification center. There you will receive a new key and an electronic signature verification certificate.

Electronic signature for individuals - government services: free or for money?

In order for the user to send to the tax authorities tax documents(declarations, statements and other information), you can use the so-called enhanced unqualified electronic signature. You can get her number absolutely free of charge, without visiting the Certification Center, directly in “ Personal account taxpayer for individuals" on the official website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. Electronic documents signed in this way are recognized tax service equivalent documents on paper signed by the taxpayer in his own hand. In this case, the key for your electronic digital signature will be stored on your computer or in the “cloud” in the protected storage of the Federal Tax Service.

Well, the third type of electronic signature is the so-called simple one - this is your login and password for logging into the system. You receive them when registering on the government services portal after receiving a confirmation code. Here, too, you don’t have to pay money, all registration is free.

Meanwhile, in order to receive a qualified digital signature, you will have to pay in any case, since the USB drive itself that they will give you costs money - about 500-700 rubles.

Some Certification Authorities request larger amounts for the service. In such cases, the cost, as a rule, includes the provision of a special program for using the CPU (you do not have to search for it yourself and download it from the Internet), detailed instructions, or even training in working with a new device.

Register in advance for State Services

At any Certification Center you should receive a private key with an electronic signature on a USB drive, a public key and a certificate.

In order to reduce the time for issuing media with a digital/electronic signature, as well as to be able to immediately check the operation of the device, it is advisable to register yourself on the government services portal before receiving an electronic digital signature.

Electronic signature validity period

Many people are concerned about the question: how long will they be able to use an electronic autograph. The signature is valid for 1 year from the date of its production; after this period it will need to be renewed. To do this, you will have to go through all the above procedures again.
