Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Recruiting new members

Or a cosmetics boutique may bear the title of a professional sales consultant. So, how to become a consultant, and not just a simple one, but a successful one in your field, a highly paid specialist?

In order to become a consultant, you need to pay a lot of attention to your appearance, manners and conversation. Moreover, appearance and manner of gestures should come first here. After all, psychologists believe that when communicating, a person extracts the maximum information not from a person’s words, but from his nonverbal actions, gestures and intonation. And he must be friendly. In order for the buyer to trust him and make the desired purchase, it is necessary not only to attract his attention, but also to please him with goodwill. After all, if he has such a good attitude towards a person, he simply cannot give bad advice. This is how the buyer evaluates the consultant’s recommendations in the subconscious.

A smile is business card successful seller. But he shouldn't smile silently. If a person is in the mood to talk and discuss the pros and cons of a product, as well as the features of its use, then the consultant should meet halfway and maintain the conversation, and not make a dissatisfied face and turn away. People are most willing to buy from a person who cares about the buyer’s problems, and therefore is interested in the buyer himself. Such a seller will always be in great demand, and any product will be excellent to buy from him.

Also, the consultant must know in detail all the information about the goods laid out on the shelves of his store. He must know by heart all its main parameters. If we're talking about about technology, then he must understand its characteristics and know the instructions, but if he sells cosmetics, then he must know the manufacturer, quality, contraindications, and much more. The more he knows about his product, the better.

The consultant's main weapon is his smile, friendliness and knowledge of the product. So there is nothing complicated in this profession. The main thing is to treat people with respect and love and have the desire to sell as much product as possible.

Video on the topic

Network business has not lost its relevance for many years. If financial pyramids raise legitimate doubts, then such stable structures as cosmetic companies in the USA or Sweden quite adequately conduct their business through numerous representatives in Russia. One of them is the Oriflame company.


You can register as a consultant for the Swedish brand Oriflame with only a passport. If you have a friend who is active, you can contact him by providing your credentials (last name, first name, patronymic, year and place of birth, registration information) and passport information. The consultant will fill out your form and independently carry out the registration procedure, after which he becomes your “sponsor” and mentor in building your business, and you become part of his team.

In any other case, you can contact any office center company or service point. Friendly managers will kindly provide you with all the necessary information.

A very easy way is to register as a consultant online. In this case, you need to go to the Oriflame website and fill out the form provided. To the one you specified email address A letter with the registration result will be sent shortly. It will contain the information necessary for further work: a personal password to enter the company’s website, an individual consultant number (it is this that opens up the opportunity to make pleasant purchases with a 30% discount on the prices indicated in the catalog) and detailed instructions about the rules for placing orders. After receiving an individual number, you will be able to register consultants yourself, creating your own team.

Please note that when registering through the site, you will not be able to choose your own mentor; the system will assign him using a random selection service from among regional leaders.

Anyone can become an Oriflame representative whose candidacy meets only two requirements:
- you are already 14 years old;
- Do you have a passport.

What do you need to do to become a representative?

The first step towards your dream is registration with the company. The result of registration will be to receive a personal number with which you can make orders from Oriflame with a 23% discount. The same number will allow representatives you invite to be registered in your name.

Registration is paid, its cost is 149 rubles. However, registration sites often hold promotions where the price for registration is reduced to 10 rubles. You can pay for registration at the time of making your first order.

How long is Oriflame registration valid?

If you place at least one order within three catalog periods (that's approximately three calendar months) from the date of registration, you will be considered a company representative for 12 months. After this, when placing a new order, an annual registration renewal fee of 49 rubles will be automatically debited from your account.

If you have not made a single order within three catalog periods, your registration will be automatically cancelled.

Main responsibilities of an Oriflame representative

The consultant must distribute the company's products at the prices that Oriflame recommended for sale and indicated in its catalog.

The consultant must provide clients with reliable information about the composition, quality and method of use of the product. This information is contained in official company publications and on individual product packaging.

If the client suffers damage due to incorrectly provided information, the Oriflame representative must compensate for this damage.

The consultant must interrupt the presentation of cosmetics at the first request of the client. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the confidentiality of personal data that was disclosed to the representative by his customers.

The consultant must sell all Oriflame products only in original factory packaging; this packaging must not be tampered with or pasted with foreign logos.

Main rights of an Oriflame representative

The representative can create blogs or other sites on the Internet for selling Oriflame cosmetics. It should be clear that the representative’s website is unofficial.

The consultant can pass on his number to close relatives. To do this, you must fill out a written application. Get new number the representative may six months from the date of transfer of the old number.

The consultant can sell Oriflame products only through direct sales. Distribute products in stores, pharmacies, etc. prohibited.

The consultant has the right to do business with Oriflame in any country where Oriflame has representative offices.

How to become an Oriflame consultant? Everything is very simple.

You can become an Oriflame consultant if you are already 14 years old and have a personal passport.

In order to become an Oriflame consultant, you must After some time, a letter with instructions, your registration number in the Oriflame company and a password to your personal page on the company’s website will be sent to the e-mail you specified. The instructions describe in detail how to place an order, how to receive it and pay. You will also be provided with information for contacting your personal teacher-curators. At Oriflame they are called sponsors. You will be informed about sales and promotions in the company. Main- , that is, become an Oriflame consultant.

Becoming an Oriflame consultant can be done not only by those who want to distribute Oriflame products or create their own ever-growing business in the company, but also by those who want to purchase Oriflame products for themselves, their loved ones and friends at a discount, like 20% for beginner consultants.

In addition, when you become an Oriflame consultant, you will gain many advantages (see ). If you wish, you will receive a site similar to this and, of course, a training course and a personal assistant. And also, if you decide to take the job seriously,your sponsor will begin to build your group so that you get results and income faster (you can’t get this when registering everywhere).

If all this attracts you, click on:


How to order Oriflame products at a discount?

The answer to the first question: “How to become an Oriflame consultant?” very simple. Fill out the registration form and within two hours we will contact you by phone or via email Our consultant will contact you, provide your registration information and answer all your questions. Fill out the registration form

Why register with Oriflame and what opportunities will you get after registration?

This is where the fun begins. Registration with Oriflame gives you the opportunity to:

Buy wisely! Save up to 23% on Oriflame products!

Gifts from Oriflame for consultant activity

Are you a person who wants to achieve more than those around you?

If you already know why and how to become an Oriflame consultant, then you will be interested in doing business with the company. Do you want to break out of the gray mass and lead a life filled with bright events? Nothing could be easier! Start building your business with Oriflame via the Internet! You can find out more

Here I will only briefly outline the essence.

— After registration and your first order, you will receive free access to training materials from our team and 24/7 support from our leaders;

— Get access to your Oriflame online store for only 149 rubles. (this is the registration fee for the company);

— You can start attending our webinars online for better training;

— You will begin to develop the qualities of a leader and entrepreneur;

Start a business with Oriflame online!

— You will be able to develop your business and subsequently pass it on to your children;

— You can find out more about how to become an Oriflame consultant, why, what earnings and income awaits you here.

What are the disadvantages? Need to work! But isn’t this what you do every day from Monday to Friday, or even seven days a week? With Oriflame you can spin the wheel of business network marketing and get results for many years.

If you are still wondering why and how to become an Oriflame consultant, watch this video:

There is a cool phrase from one of the network business millionaires “Today I do what others don’t do, and tomorrow I will have what others don’t have.” In other words, what we have today is the result of what we have ever done... Do you know what we mean? And if you are now dissatisfied with something in your life, this is also the result of your actions in the past. Everyone CREATES our own life, and there is no point in complaining about a bitter fate... It may be unpleasant to realize, but we chose it ourselves...

Do you know what the good news is? We can change ALL in our lives if we want it! Once upon a time we completely changed our lives, chose a different husband, chose a different career, chose ANOTHER LIFE! We will not write about ourselves here, we just want to say that now you have CHANCE choose a different life in which you yourself will choose what to wear, what house to live in, what to buy as a gift for a child, what car to drive, where to travel, how much to earn, with whom to work and when!

Understand that what we write is not a fairy tale, it is the reality of thousands of people who simply did it once RIGHT CHOICE! And what’s most interesting is that such people are ready to teach you how to achieve the same success. Please tell me, where you work now, does your director want you to take his place as quickly as possible?))) And at Oriflame, your director will help you and teach you everything so that you reach the Director level as quickly as possible!

If you have read the Oriflame Success Plan, then you know that advancement up the Oriflame career ladder is not based on “pissing on” each other, but on helping other people do what they themselves have done and what they have achieved. We work as a team, and everyone is interested in common achievements, we all want YOU to SUCCEED! And we are interested in you earning more, so we will train and help you, if you yourself are active, of course.

So, we invite you to join our team. “Club of Successful Leaders COOL!” to participate in an Internet project "Your income online" , within the framework of which, with full-time employment, you can open the “Director” qualification in the Oriflame company in 6 months and start earning from 30,000 rubles per month. With part-time work (2-3 hours a day), you can achieve this result in 8-10 months. Moreover, your income will only increase further.

Only numbers.

700 people in your team who buy products for themselves and you are the director. It doesn't seem like much, actually. IT'S SIMPLE.

It's simple, you don't need to personally invite 700 people. You simply invite only 4 people every week for 8 catalogs (6 months) and your sponsor does the same, i.e. invites 4 people per week. Next, you will have people (key consultants) who will also begin to invite 4 people a week.

Sponsor - this is the person who invited you and who will help you in everything and even sign the first people under you.

  • For the 1st work directory, there are 25 people in your team, you are 3%, income from 200 rubles.
  • There are 49 people in the 2nd catalog, and you will also have 2 Key partners who will also be interested in making money via the Internet and will start inviting 4 people every week. You are 6%, income from 600 rubles. for the catalogue.
  • By the 3rd catalog, your team already has 97 people, you reach 9%, income from 2000 rubles. for the catalogue.
  • For the 4th catalog, there are 145 people in your team, you are 12%, income from 5000 rubles.
  • On the 5th catalog there are 241 people in your team, you get 15%, your income is from 9000 rubles.
  • On the 6th catalog, there are 337 people in your team, you are 18%, income from 15,000 rubles. etc. Your team will grow exponentially and within 8 catalogs there will be 721 people in your team, you will very quickly be able to achieve an income of 30,000 rubles per month.

Using this system of work for the 9th directory, you will have 2 directors on your team, respectively, you become a Golden Director, your income is from 70,000 rubles per month.

Such a unique system of helping beginners is only available in our project!

Now you are faced with a choice - accept our offer or refuse, take this chance or close this article... And believe me, everyone who started a business with Oriflame had the same choice, the same doubts... Is it worth trying or not? We will answer this question for you like this: what do you have to lose? What are you risking? What are you investing in when you decide to try? Only your time (2-3 hours a day), only your mind (you will need to study, we will teach) and your desire (we cannot give this, it is only yours) to change your life once and for all.

As you already know, our team works via the Internet, because this is a way out for many modern people with a lack of time and a reluctance to go to the office in their free time, instead of being with their family. This is a solution for mothers with small children, for residents of villages and small towns where there are not many opportunities around. This is a solution for everyone who knows how to send messages via in social networks and communicate with friends on the Internet))) Think, are there still people in this world who need additional income from home and who don’t mind using quality products?

These are simple but very important actions, which, when completed in the system, that is, every day, will give you a steadily growing income. And how much you want to earn depends only on you! The more actively you take action, the faster your business will develop. And the most important thing is not to stop halfway, if you decide to try seriously - try for at least six months and only then draw conclusions! A unique offer for those who want to become a Director for just 6 catalogs!

We are forming a key team.

In the key team - fast career, since everyone places an order for each catalog for 25 BB (and many for 150 and 250 BB), and we help all key partners sign newcomers (according to the key program).

IT'S REAL! see:

JUST THREE SIMPLE RULES throughout TOTAL 8 catalogs!

  1. DESIRE to convey this PLAN action for beginners!
  2. PERSONAL only 25 BB per catalog. for example (soap 1BB, toothpaste 3BB, deodorant 3BB, shampoo 3BB; conditioner 3BB; shower gel 4BB; intimate gel 4BB; face cream 6BB.) Order for yourself and recommend to your friend. This program is based on you personally using the products, so all our members skip the store and buy all their personal care and beauty products from Oriflame. Don’t go to the store, don’t overpay for fakes, order from your catalog at a discount and receive gifts for your orders. Don't forget that you have a discount of 18% to 25% from catalog prices. The first order for any amount (at least one hand cream) must be placed within the first two months from the date of registration so that your registration number is stored in the Oriflame database for another year. Then you can place orders for any amount and whenever you run out of something. The order is placed online, paid for and received by you at your place of residence. You must understand and accept this. If not, this job is not for you. Here, many will object that you were offered a job without sales or investments, but what many call investments, in our case, are just purchases for your loved one. When you go to the store and buy soap, shampoo, toothpaste, you don’t consider it an investment, do you? Right. Same with Oriflame. For your money, you get everyday goods, save your household budget by 30-40%, plus you also get the opportunity to build a business. Did the store offer you money for recommending their product to your friends? What is your discount in the store? 2-3% or like in Oriflame 18-25%? The benefit is obvious.
  3. REGISTER only 4 people per week, from among them there will definitely appear THOSE WHO NEED MONEY and will also actively begin to build their teams! It is clear that not all newcomers will become Key Partners.

YOUR RESULT - director level in 8 catalogs (6 months)!

  1. for 8 catalogs you get the title DIRECTOR
  2. INCOME from 40,000 rubles per month + bonuses + invitation to the Directors' Banquet In addition, with the growth of turnover, the company will pay you bonuses from 1,500 to 12,000 rubles. If your total turnover with the team is from 225,000 rubles over 5 months, the company will pay you a bonus of $1,000 + an additional bonus of 70,000 rubles. And also as a director you will be able to participate in the “My Car with Oriflame” program

The most important thing is that Registration and starting work does not oblige you to anything! You will have support from the sponsor and our team! You can leave the project at any time, you can switch from active work to buyers and simply order something for yourself as needed. Or you can become a director with an income of 40,000 rubles in a year of work. per month. But this is a full-time job, only with a free schedule and without a boss. It is very easy to quit a business in which you have invested nothing, but is your time free? Respect yourself, do not allow yourself to be stereotyped - you are not a work unit! You deserve a better fate than working 40 years until retirement, 40 hours a week and ultimately earning $40 of that same pension. Many members of our team have already achieved serious results, because... We have a clear and streamlined work system that is constantly being improved.

Many people have questions:

1) - where can I get these 4 people? it could be your friends or from millions on the Internet! or do you think no one needs money except YOU? Moreover, according to statistics, only 10% are Oriflame consultants

2) - don’t you spend 600 - 700 rubles on hygiene products? SPEND IT! Do the math - you'll get even more! only you buy in the store at a premium, and we offer to use high-quality Swedish products from the manufacturer with a discount of 20% + receive excellent INCOME from the turnover of your entire team; GIFTS and RECOGNITION!

3) for those who don’t believe, do the math yourself, it’s basic arithmetic. This year, together with us, about 900 people appeared on the stage of Gostiny Dvor who achieved the title of director and above; according to statistics, every day in Russia 2-3 people reach the level of director and above. In 2016, new directors will be congratulated on the stage of Gostiny Dvor again, the question is - will you be there? Everything is in your hands, set yourself a goal and act! And don't give up for anything!

Important! If you want to become a Director with just 8 catalogs, receive an income of 40,000 per month and are ready to act, write about this to your sponsor (the person who invited you). He will draw up an individual action plan with you and share his experience of working on the Internet.

We made our choice, and have never regretted it! Now our team has more than 30,000 people throughout the CIS, and more and more consultants are joining us every month! And for the coming year we have set very high goals for each team member, we use all the most effective and simple methods for work, and most importantly, we will teach you everything, we promise.

To start working with Oriflame, fill out the registration form by clicking the button:

Register with Oriflame!
