Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How to make contextual advertising profitable. Stages of creating contextual advertising What you need to do to create contextual advertising

1.1. These Rules are an official document and determine the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals using the services of the Internet site site (hereinafter referred to as the Site).

1.2. The purpose of these Rules is to ensure adequate protection of information about users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure.

1.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users of the Site are governed by these Rules and current legislation Russian Federation.

1.4. The current version of the Rules, which is a public document, is available to any Internet user by clicking on the link http://website/privacy.pdf. The Site Administration has the right to make changes to these Rules. When making changes to the Rules, the Site Administration notifies users of this by posting new edition of the Rules on the Site at the permanent address http://website/privacy.pdf no later than 10 days before the entry into force of the relevant changes. Previous versions of the Rules are stored in the documentation archive of the Site Administration.

1.5. By registering and using the Site, the User agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

1.6. If the User disagrees with the terms of this Privacy Policy, the use of the Site must be immediately terminated.

2. Terms of use of the Site

2.1. When providing services for the use of the Site, the Site Administration, acting reasonably and in good faith, believes that the User: has all the necessary rights to allow him to register and use this Site; indicates reliable information about himself to the extent necessary to use the Site; has read this Privacy Policy and expresses its consent to it and assumes the rights and obligations specified in it.

2.2. The Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of the received (collected) information about users, except when such verification is necessary in order to fulfill the obligations of the Site Administration to the user.

3. Purposes of information processing

The processing of information about Users is carried out in order to provide the User with information about the products of Intent Pro LLC, as well as in order to fulfill the obligations of the Site Administration to the Users regarding the use of the Site.

4. Composition of user information

4.1. Personal data of Users

Users' personal data includes:

4.1.1. provided by the Users and the minimum required for registration on the Site: name, number mobile phone, address Email;

4.2. Other information about Users processed by the Site Administration: The Site Administration also processes other information about Users, which includes:

4.2.1. Standard data automatically received by the http server when accessing the Site and subsequent actions of the User (host IP address, type of the user's operating system, pages of the Site visited by the user).

4.2.2. information automatically obtained when accessing the Site using bookmarks (cookies);

5. Processing of user information

5.1. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the principles:

a) the lawfulness of the purposes and methods of processing personal data;

b) good faith;

c) compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes predetermined and declared during the collection of personal data, as well as the powers of the Site Administration;

d) compliance of the volume and nature of the personal data being processed, methods of processing personal data with the purposes of processing personal data;

e) the inadmissibility of combining databases created for incompatible purposes containing personal data.

5.1.1. Collection of personal data

The collection of the User's personal data is carried out on the Site when drawing up an application for participation in the first free training. Personal data provided for in clause 4.1.1. of these Rules are provided by the User and are the minimum required for registration.

5.1.2. Storage and use of personal data Users' personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and processed using both automated systems and personally by an official Employee of Intent Pro LLC.

5.1.3. Transfer of personal data. Users' personal data is not transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for by these Rules. When specifying the user or with the consent of the user, it is possible to transfer the user's personal data to third parties-contractors of the Site Administration, subject to the assumption by such counterparties of obligations to ensure the confidentiality of the information received. Providing personal data of Users upon request government agencies(bodies local government) is carried out in the manner prescribed by law

6. Rights and obligations of users

6.1. Users have the right:

6.1.1. on the basis of a request, receive from the Site Administration information regarding the processing of his personal data.

6.2. The site is the official resource of Intent Pro LLC, and the main function of the Site is to provide reliable information about the products of Intent Pro LLC. Data provided by Users is not visible to other Users.

7. Measures to protect information about Users

7.1. The Site Administration takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.

8. User requests

8.1. Users have the right to send their requests to the Site Administration, including requests regarding the use of their personal data in the form electronic document signed by a qualified electronic signature in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, to the e-mail address: info@site.

8.2. The Site Administration undertakes to consider and send a response to the user's request within 10 days from the date of receipt of the request.

8.3. All correspondence received by the Site Administration from Users refers to information limited access and is not disclosed without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the special consent of the User except to respond to the topic of the received request or in cases expressly provided for by law.

We have released a new book "Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand.

Long ago, when Lenya Golubkov advertised vodka and MMM on my grandmother's black-and-white TV, my grandfather was running a real business, creating capital and famously cracking down on competitors by selling brooms in the market.

He did not know then either about the existence of the Internet, or, moreover, about contextual advertising in it. Therefore, he got tired of promoting his product on his own quickly, and with entrepreneurial activity it was over.

Now everything has changed dramatically: computers have stopped weighing since a teenager, competitors are no longer rolled into concrete, and online ads have become an effective tool for obtaining customers and increasing sales.

Today we will talk about how to create an attractive contextual advertising, in simple words We will explain how to create ads, set up everything that is set up, and much more.

How to make contextual advertising, if before that you only made mistakes in your own life?

Unbelievable but we've come to an end

Ivan Tseluev

Instead of a conclusion, I will allow myself a few metaphors.

If we imagine that the creation and launch of contextual advertising is an iceberg, then today we have only seen the tip of it. If you don’t want to sink, facing it face to face, just like the Titanic, be able to estimate its size in time and correctly. This will help you decide what you can do yourself and what to entrust to specialists.

Hello, friends.

In this article, we will learn how to make Yandex Direct contextual advertising yourself. At what we will do it completely free of charge, and without the help of so-called "professionals".

Of course, if you wish, you can trust him to set up contextual advertising. But I would still advise you to first figure out what it is and how it works. So you can at least qualitatively control the performers.

And to begin with, let's deal with the basic concepts of contextual advertising.

Choosing an advertising strategy

The first thing you need to do is choose a strategy. Contextual advertising, in fact, is of two different types. The first type is search contextual advertising, and the second is YAN (Yandex Advertising Network).

Both of these systems are configured in the Yandex Direct interface, but they differ completely - from the keyword selection strategy to the setting of bids per click.

YAN, on the contrary, is shown to people even if they have never looked for anything like that. They just went to sites of similar subjects, or were interested in something similar. We (or rather Yandex) calculate these people by behavioral factors and show them our ads.

Search contextual advertising is more conversion. This means that people who come to you from a search are more likely to buy your product than visitors from YAN. And this is natural, because these people themselves were looking for what you offer in the search. In the case of YAN, people themselves are not specifically looking for anything.

We are trying to quickly interest them and warm them up practically from scratch. And so the conversion numbers there will be much lower.

What to choose advertising if there is no money?

The Yandex Direct auction system gradually raises and raises rates. And for some particularly competitive queries, the cost per click has already reached the maximum allowed value of 2500 rubles.

Here, of course, there are options for how to pay less than competitors (see below). But in general, you can’t get away from the rate per click. If it says - you have to pay at least 30r. per click to show your ads on the search results page, then you will be forced to pay them.

In YAN, things are a little different. There, the price per click depends only on you and your budget. You can also bet 10. per click, and 3p. per click. This will only affect the speed of typing the required number of clicks. You can find more details in the article "How to set up YAN yourself".

If people hardly search for your product directly, and you first need to “make them want it”, or if you don’t have enough money yet to fight competitors in search advertising, see how best to use YAN.

Of course, there are more ways to use YAN for retargeting and boosting search ads. But that's for some other time.

How to pay less for ads than competitors

There are very specific indicators of "well-done" contextual advertising - you pay less per click than your competitors. At the same time, you get much more clicks than the same competitors. And besides, you get a higher percentage of sales from your clicks.

All this becomes possible thanks to the correct selection of keywords and the correct compilation of the ad. See how this happens in Yandex Direct search contextual advertising.

Yandex makes money the moment someone clicks on your ad (that's why it's called pay-per-click advertising).

That is, the very fact of showing your ad when a user enters a particular query does not bring any money to Yandex. Therefore, he is interested in your ad being clicked on as often as possible. This contextual advertising even has such an indicator as CTR (click-to-rate) - the ratio of the number of impressions of your ad to the number of clicks on this ad of yours.

The higher your CTR, the more Yandex loves you — it doesn’t have to show your ads in vain. It is believed that Yandex has a regular auction system for displaying ads - whoever sets the CPC higher will show them higher and more often. But in fact, everything depends not on the cost per click, but on the CTR. Let's get to specific numbers.

An example in numbers - how Direct works

Let's say your competitor has a price of 10 rubles per click, and his CTR is 1% (for every 100 impressions, his ad is clicked only 1 time). Therefore, for every hundred impressions of this ad, Yandex earns 10 rubles.

Your situation is different. You set a cost per click of only 5 rubles. But at the same time, the CTR of your ad is 10% (for every 100 impressions, your ad is clicked 10 times). And in your case, Yandex is already earning 50 rubles from the same hundred ad impressions.

What ad do you think Yandex will show more often and higher? Of course, yours, because 50 rubles of earnings is more than 10 rubles of earnings. And he has to do the same job - exactly one hundred times to show the ad on the search results page.

Conclusion - we need to strive to ensure that the CTR of our ads is higher than that of competitors. And the main thing that affects the CTR is relevance your ad to the query that the user entered in the search bar.

If a user types in “buy a sports bike” and an ad with the heading “Buy bikes” is displayed, then this is one level of relevance. And if an ad with the heading “Buy a sports bike” is shown on the same request, then this is a completely different level of uniqueness, agree?

That is, we need to make sure that all our ads are as close as possible to what a person is looking for. This, in fact, is called relevance.

In this case, we need to literally use the same words that the user uses to search (and preferably in the same order). This is how the human brain works - if it searches for "Olympic tracksuits", then it will much more readily respond to the heading "Olympic tracksuits" than to "Olympic tracksuits". Although in essence it is the same thing.

And all because human attention is very scattered when working with the Internet. We grasp information only with a piece of our subconscious, peripheral vision. We have certain words in our head with which we formulated the request - and it is these words that we crave to see.

Thus, we need to ensure that for every possible request and wording of the request, we display an ad with the corresponding words, with the same wording.

By the way, that is why it is considered good tone do advertising campaigns in Yandex Direct for 2000 - 3000 key queries. We need to cover the maximum number of possible wordings, and make our own unique announcement for each wording.

A few words about "professionals"

Often entrepreneurs believe that ordinary mortals will never be able to cope with this task. So they hire "professionals" and hope that they will do all the work simply because you paid them money (and sometimes a lot of money).

Unfortunately, no one will be able to spoil your advertising campaign like professionals. There is a reason why they will never give you the result you want. Here I will not dwell on this in detail.

The main thing that you must understand is that you can do this work yourself. At what you will make it much better, and completely free. If you learn this, then at least you will be able to tightly control the directors, who generally disband, as soon as they sense the incompetence of the customer.

And now let's actually analyze how to make an advertising campaign in contextual advertising for a couple of thousand key queries in one evening.

How to pick up 2000 keywords in one evening

We will do this, of course, not manually. There are very good and free tool, which is called SlovoYob (no kidding, that's what it's called). That's it, and it will allow you to quickly pick up a lot of key queries.

At its core, it is a parser program. That is, it parses the Yandex service, which is called Wordstat. Of course, you can also manually select queries through the same Wordstat, but this will take you several months.

Before starting work, we need to download this very SlovoBOY (let me call it that here) from this link. And it is important to set it up correctly. The speed of the program will depend on the settings. I will write more later in a separate article.

Next, you need to make a list of the main keywords in your niche. If you sell glasses, then these will be: “buy glasses”, “order glasses”, “glasses of such and such a brand”, “glasses price” and others. These are the biggest keywords people are looking for your product for.

Next, you insert this entire list into SlovoBOY and start parsing it. That is, the program automatically accesses the Wordstat service and collects smaller key queries based on those that you specified.

If necessary, set the region so that the program collects keys only for your city or region.

Depending on the niche, SlovoBoy can get you up to 2,000 searches for every big keyword you add. And after that, the most important part of the work begins - weeding out unnecessary keys.

Keyword filtering

Even at the stage of collecting keywords, you can immediately specify "negative keywords" in the search settings in SlovoBoe. This means that the program will immediately exclude those keys in which it eats certain words that do not suit you.

For example, you are not in the business of selling sunglasses at all. Then put "sunscreen" in the list of negative keywords.

But still, this will not save you from manually filtering the collected keywords. You can do this directly in the program interface, or first export the list of words to Excel (whichever is more convenient for you).

Next, you need to go through the entire list and remove those keywords that definitely will not bring you any customers. With the same glasses, you can have it “buy a case glasses”, or “order children's glasses”, or “WoW blood troll glasses price”.

Here you need to concentrate as much as possible and try not to miss anything (although you still miss something). Therefore, it is better to do this work in the morning, when you are fresh and cheerful.

And in two or three hours you will have ready list pure keywords, with which you can continue to do your contextual advertising.

Compiling ads

In order for your PPC ad to be eligible, it must meet three requirements:

  1. Keyword in title. There must be a direct occurrence of the key in the header. Yandex even somehow cited statistics on how much this increases the click-through rate of an ad. It turned out to be a lot. Don't forget that the keyword is in bold and this also grabs the user's attention.
  2. Keyword in the ad body. It's the same principle here - bold and 100% relevance of your ad to the user's query.
  3. Call to action in the body of the ad. We need a person to click on the ad. Therefore, we write like this: click, see here, in more detail, click and so on. The main thing is not to write something like “Order” as a call to action. He can’t order anything yet—you have to click first. Therefore, this is a bad "call-to-action".

Here it is important for you to understand that you should have exactly as many ads as you have found keywords. If there are 2000 keywords, then you should have 2000 ads. One for each individual keyword.

Only in this way will we achieve 100% relevance of ads to queries, which means a higher CTR, which means a lower cost per click than competitors (even if we show up higher than them and get more clicks than them).

I understand that manually compiling 2000 unique ads is very difficult. Therefore, I have prepared a special tool for you - an excel file that will make you hot ten thousand ads in just a few mouse clicks.

This tool, as well as instructions on how to use it, you get as a bonus to my video course. Highly recommend.

By the way, here is one video tutorial from the course. In it, I just show you how to properly compose ads for Direct, and how to use this magical program.

Video - how to make 2000 unique ads in a couple of minutes


Of course, this is not the end of setting up contextual advertising. We will need to upload ads to direct, set bids, connect the program for automatic bid adjustment, learn how to do end-to-end analytics, and much more.

But I hope you have understood the main points, and this is enough to make contextual advertising yourself. I will be grateful for comments.

Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (squeezed from personal experience for 10 years =)

Most novice advertisers think that there is nothing easier than setting up contextual advertising. Well, really, what's difficult, I wrote several ads, picked up keywords and that's it, advertising works! But in reality, everything turns out to be much more complicated. If you already know what it is, or don't want to waste your advertising budget, then this article is for you. In it, I will go through the main stages of development advertising campaign and I’ll tell you which ones are most important to control if you order contextual advertising setup from a specialist.

So, let's say you already realized that setting up contextual advertising is not as easy as it seemed to you at first. And you have decided to entrust the advertising campaign to a specialist. But this does not mean that you should step aside and be glad that a specialist will do everything for you. It is you, the entrepreneur who takes the risks, who first of all needs to take part in setting up advertising campaigns and control every step of the advertising specialist.

Setting up contextual advertising: 12 stages of developing an advertising campaign

1. Analysis target audience. This is the main stage, without it it is impossible to conduct an effective advertising campaign that will bring the right visitors to your site. At this stage, a contextual advertising specialist should ask you a series of questions about your customers, your target audience. And based on the responses received, identify the core, those visitors who will be targeted by advertising activity.

2. Analysis of competitors. Here you can also help an advertising specialist. No one knows your competitors better than you, their strengths and weak sides. Tell him everything you know, give him competitors' websites. In addition, the specialist must check the competition in advertising issuance, highlight the most interesting ad texts. In the future, this will help write such ads that will attract the attention of your target audience and put your competitors in the belt.

3. Determining the goals of the advertising campaign. On this stage you need to understand what exactly you want from an advertising campaign. For example, it can be an increase in website traffic, an increase in sales, an increase in brand awareness. But all these goals are long-term and too general.

First of all, goals need to be specified. The simplest and effective method to do this - use the method of setting goals for technology. The decoding of this abbreviation sounds like this Specific(specificity) —Measurable(measurability) —Attainable(reachability) —Relevant(relevance) —time based(certainty in time). Those. if we form the goal of “increasing website traffic” according to the technology, then it can sound like this: By February 20, increase the number of visits to the site by 2 times . Or by February 20, get 2000 clicks to the site . As you can see, the goal of the advertising campaign is clearly measurable, and it will be easy for you to see its achievement.

But there is one BUT. If you have never used contextual advertising to promote your business before, then the very first goal will be to determine how this traffic source is suitable for your website / product / service. Those. in the case of the example above, the target might sound something like this: Until February 20, find out how many visitors to the site we can receive from advertising with a budget of 1000 UAH per day . And if the cost of attracting 1 visitor suits you, then you can set an advertising specialist a specific goal to increase the number of visitors or reduce the cost of 1 visitor from advertising.

4. Landing page analysis. Generally speaking, at this stage, a specialist can, based on his experience, give recommendations on how to improve the pages that will receive advertising traffic. And then you can use the knowledge gained at the stage of competitor analysis.

5. Selection of the basis of the semantic core. What is the basis of the semantic core? These are the basic broad words that can describe your product. For example, if you sell water treatment systems, then such words as iron removal, softening, water treatment, etc. can serve as the basis for collecting the semantic core. Here you should help the specialist with the primary list of keywords. Perhaps your product / service has specific slang names that are known only in narrow circles. Tell the advertiser about it.

6. Collection of keywords and negative keywords. This stage can be conditionally divided into 2. First, the specialist, based on the basis of the semantic core, collects a list of keywords and negative words (those that are not targeted for your advertising campaign). Then you need to look through all the keywords to remove unnecessary ones from them, which may also be untargeted. The fact is that an advertising specialist should not understand the nuances of your product or service, and most likely does not know for sure whether this or that word will be targeted for your audience or not. Therefore, he must always send a list of selected keywords for approval.

7. Sort keywords. Here the specialist sorts the keywords into hot, warm and near-target. Roughly speaking, the most targeted, targeted and least targeted. Here, too, I recommend to look at least with one eye, whether everything is correct in your opinion.

8. Writing ads. Have an advertiser show you some ad copy options. Your task is to check that the ad is understandable to the target audience. But remember that an advertiser usually knows how to write a clickable ad that will grab the attention of users, so listen to his recommendations if he insists on something.

10. Placing primary rates. This work is based on studying the rates of competitors and your sales funnel. Usually it is enough to name the amount that you are willing to spend on the target action on the site. And starting from the conversion of your site, the specialist can calculate what maximum bid he can allow to set in his account.

11. Passage of moderation. Your participation may consist of providing copies required documents if requested by moderators.

The experiment began with work on one of the campaigns for the Mac family - iMac laptops and all-in-ones. Since time was short, we postponed the automation until later and began to improve in manual mode.

We have assembled a new semantic core in automatic mode, then manually filtered it and split the ad account into 9 directions:


Search RK by models
Search RK by category
YAN per category
Retargeting with different conditions

Google Ads

Search RK by models
Search RK by category
KMS/DSK for categories
Dynamic Remarketing

In retargeting, we have identified several audiences (before that it was just “who was on the site”), including:

  • people who visited the MacBook/iMac categories;
  • visited specific product cards;
  • Added item to cart but didn't buy.

Then we rewrote the ad texts for each direction - about 300 unique ad texts. The setup took a week, the test campaign lasted a month.

The result was an increase in the ROI of contextual advertising to 316%. The client was pleased with the first results and entrusted us with improving the entire campaign, including iPhone, iPad and other categories.

The second block: doing selective automation

Expanding the campaign across the entire range, we again started with a revision of the semantic core. Usually for electronics, the emphasis is on ads for specific models (“apple macbook air”, “macbook pro”).

Without abandoning this tactic, we supplemented the core with a large number of queries that intersect with filtering on the site - color, amount of internal memory, and the like ("apple macbook air core i5", "macbook pro 15 256gb", "iphone 6 16gb silver"). This resulted in an additional 1,000 highly relevant ads.

iPhone Search Demand

An example of graphic and smart banners

Third block: improvements based on analytics

We used the accumulated data to further optimize the campaign.

Firstly, the client entrusted us with finalizing the analytics system on the site. We started counting one-click purchases and installment purchases, assigning a ruble value to these actions, since they do not participate in e-commerce reports.

Secondly, having understood the specifics of the client's goods, we were able to connect automated control rates. For the campaign in Direct, we chose the K50 Statistics + Rules solution, for Adwords - a combination of K50 Statistics, a built-in conversion optimizer and automatic Adwords rules.

Everyone who works with business processes knows that you cannot automate a mess - you first need to put things in order at the enterprise. In the same way, you can’t immediately automate a bidding strategy - you first need to understand what requests to fight for. The data from the previous stages allowed us to add several effective moves to the bid management strategy, for example:

  • We increased the share of ad impressions in Special Placement where the ROI was over 300%.
  • We've increased our bids on assisted conversion ads (when looking only at the last click, these ads look useless, but in fact they are potentially quite effective).
  • Gradually reduce rates (in increments of 10% per week) for ads that show a low ROI and do not participate in assisted conversions.
  • Targeting by device worked well - for those who are looking for Apple products with an iPhone, etc. This is a simple yet powerful way to find loyal brand fans;
  • We made several audience segments based on the mailing list. For example, we singled out into a separate segment those email addresses whose owners have not opened the mailing list for a long time. For these "cooling" clients, we have raised the stakes in order to re-activate them.


Based on the results of three months of work, the campaign showed the following results in terms of ROI while maintaining or increasing profitability:

  • Average ROI - 450%
  • Peak ROI for Yandex.Direct — 547%
  • Peak ROI for Google Ads - 776%

Monthly dynamics in Yandex.Direct

Monthly dynamics in Google Ads
