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Successful projects in the field of art business. Business ideas based on creativity. Business idea: selling handicrafts on Etsy


As you know, in order to effectively attract customers to your business, you need to start with the product. A product must undoubtedly have a unique selling proposition in order to be noticed and chosen. And creative ideas for business will help make it noticeable.

Why do you need creative business ideas?

What manufacturers and their marketers come up with to differentiate their product from competitors. Sometimes the ideas of the most enterprising of them reach the point of absurdity and even absurdity. And the most amazing thing is that sometimes they work, delighting the market with something completely new and unusual, and rewarding entrepreneurs with multimillion-dollar profits.

In my selection today there are 20 incredible creative business ideas, which worked and brought their creators considerable income. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that there will be practically no technical innovations and scientific developments. Only an endless flight of imagination, incredible courage and loyalty to one’s convictions.

1. Restaurant with superheroes

One day, the owner of a small restaurant in Bangkok, Narongwit Suthiviriyakul, dressed the entire staff of his establishment in Spiderman costumes. Everyone became Spidermen - from food delivery people to door-to-door barkers working on the streets. Incredibly, after this innovation, its sales doubled.

However, the Marvel company soon stood in the way of the creative entrepreneur and demanded that his unauthorized action be cancelled. And within a week, the resourceful Thai dressed all his employees in Austin Powers costumes.

Austin Powers' copyright holder, WPM Film International, not only gave him the right to use his character to attract customers to the restaurant, but also sent him 10 knitted suits - for each member of the Narongwit team, including himself, his wife and children.

He is currently in negotiations with the owners of the copyrights to Catwoman, Lara Croft, Batman and other famous characters.

2. Elephant wash

In one of the nature reserves, the flow of tourists has decreased, and the management came up with a way to attract them to visit. A special service was organized in the reserve - washing your car by elephants. Elephants will water your car from their trunk and wash it with a sponge.

The number of tourists in the reserve quickly increased - everyone wanted to try this unusual service.

3. Porn taxi

Vagra Arpad, a 47-year-old taxi driver from Romania, opened a service that is extremely successful. Its passengers receive a unique service - during the trip they can enjoy pornographic films for every taste.

This idea came to the entrepreneur during a crisis, when competition in his field became so intense that it was necessary to either dump or come up with an offer that clients could not refuse.

Vagra Arpad noticed that passengers really like to discuss their juicy stories during trips. That's how he came up with the idea of ​​a porn taxi. Now his service is actively growing and developing its own franchise network.

4. Ironing boards for men

A small company from Wales has released ironing boards that will delight men while doing household chores.

The boards feature beautiful girls in bikinis. As soon as the material heats up, the bikini disappears and the beauty appears completely naked.

Ironing boards are extremely popular among single men. Within a year of its existence, a small company that started with a home office increased its turnover to a million dollars.

5. Ironing lessons for men

And for those men who do not yet know how to iron, special ironing courses have appeared in Austria. The cost of training is $50 for 4 hours.

The courses are very popular among single men, as well as women who purchase gift certificates here for their other halves.

6. Erotic paintball

Enterprising businessmen from the state of Nevada, USA, came up with and organized such an unusual male entertainment as a paintball hunt for naked girls, which is called “Bambi Hunt”.

Beautiful naked young ladies rush around a specially equipped area in the manner of a roe deer or a graceful gazelle. You can shoot bullets with paint only below the waist, and if the hunter shoots “game”, he will have the opportunity to take a photo with it.

Playing paintball hunting will not be cheap - $4,800 for each participant. The attraction is wildly popular and brings its creator good income.

7. Compliment service

The Japanese telephone company NTV has launched a compliment service over the phone.

If you lack self-confidence, you just need to dial a phone number, and a pleasant voice will immediately assure you that you are a person with no shortcomings, with many positive qualities, and that you will succeed in all your endeavors.

The compliment service is extremely popular among young Japanese men.

8. Topless hair salons

Enterprising Briton Brian Sells made a fortune by opening a topless hairdresser. In such hairdressing salons you can not only get your hair done, but also have fun contemplating half-naked employees.

9. Cornfield Maze

One day, a Colorado farmer decided he wasn't happy with the price he was getting for the corn he grew. Then he decided to make money by setting up a maze attraction on his field for Halloween.

The flow of tourists was so great that it turned out to be more profitable than growing grain. In just one night, an enterprising farmer earned 100 thousand dollars.

10. Chewing gum marketing

English entrepreneur Ian Kenyon introduced to the market a revolutionary method of public opinion research, which was called “Chewing gum marketing.”

His agency provided services to companies in conducting various surveys, using posters and chewing gum for responses. Posters were placed in high traffic areas and Londoners actively participated in the surveys.

The questions could be absolutely anything, from “How do you feel about the legalization of euthanasia in England?” to “Which chips do you prefer - corn or potato chips?” Each poster had two sectors for answers, where chewing gum was glued. The project was an incredible success in England.

11. Real estate on the Moon and other planets

California-based real estate agency Lunar Embassy has sold plots for real estate on the Moon to more than a million people living in more than 170 countries.

Anyone can buy an area on the Moon, starting from 1 acre, which will cost them only $30. Also, agency clients can buy plots on 8 more planets, including Mars, Venus, Saturn and so on. Each buyer receives a certificate of ownership with a seal and gold embossing.

Lunar Embassy's clients include the entire British royal family, all American presidents, as well as Hollywood stars: Tom Hanks, George Lucas, Tom Cruise, Meg Ryan, Nicole Kidman, Harrison Ford and many others.

12. Feminine builders

Entrepreneur Kerry Killing founded her own construction company, where all employees are women. The company provides all types of construction services.

13. Pet jellyfish

Businessman Alex Edon from San Francisco has opened a company that provides everything necessary for those who want to keep a jellyfish in their home as a pet.

The company has opened an online store where, in addition to the jellyfish themselves, you can purchase aquariums, food for these animals, and various elements of their care. The cost of one jellyfish is from $39.

To come up with this idea, Alex analyzed the global pet market and realized that no one had an offer for jellyfish. And a suitable background - Alex graduated from the Faculty of Marine Biology - only helps the entrepreneur in his endeavor.

14. Anti-stress room

An entrepreneur from San Diego opened a club called Sarah’sSmashShack, where you can relieve stress in perhaps the most effective way.

You find yourself in a special room filled with furniture and utensils, where you can break and smash everything you see. As a separate service - throwing darts at the boss's portrait. You can bring a flash drive with music, to the accompaniment of which you will destroy everything in your path.

The prices at the club are not low - for the pleasure of breaking 15 plates you will have to pay 45 dollars. But there is simply no end to visitors at Sara’sSmashShack - besides, in the club you can buy gift Certificate for your friend who could use some stress relief.

15. Sending messages to relatives after death

Briton Geoff Reise founded the company Last Message Club, which provides unusual services - it transmits messages to the client’s relatives after his death.

The founder of the company believes that you can prepare for death in advance so as not to leave trauma in the hearts of your loved ones. A letter is written by a person while he is still alive, and he also compiles a detailed technical task, which is sold by the company after his death.

You can send not only letters, but also videos, photographs, documents, flowers, and so on. All messages are strictly confidential. The cost of such a service ranges from 45 to 200 dollars. Clients of this company leave only positive reviews.

16. Training “Spree” for senior management

"Spree" is a special psychological training for senior management employees who have forgotten how to relax.

Whiskey, cigars and private dances will not be offered here. The techniques used in this training include riding children's cars, shooting with water pistols, swimming in inflatable pools, riding in supermarket carts, smearing with mud and much more.

Throughout the entire training, a professional coach works with the participants, who teaches them not to be shy and to relax completely. The cost of participation in such an event is quite high, but there is no end to those interested.

17. Space SMS

A couple of students from the United States have opened a service for delivering messages into outer space. Anyone can send an SMS. To do this, you need to call a special number and dictate a message, and the organizers send it into space through a special sensor.

Oddly enough, the idea is popular. The creators of the service make money from paid calls and say that they already have about $1 million in their pockets.

18. Torso for rent

American Jason Sadler was thinking about how to make money and realized that he could rent out himself, or rather, his torso. Now Jason gets paid to wear a T-shirt with the logo of a certain brand and walk down the street in it.

In the first 3 months of business, he earned 66 thousand dollars. The demand for such advertising was so high that Jason began hiring people to do the same. And these are not stars and professional athletes at all - anyone can sell their torsos.

19. Sock subscription

Samuel Liechti from Switzerland came up with a brilliant idea to make money - he organized a sock subscription. An annual subscription costs $89, for which the customer receives 19 pairs of socks, which are sent to him in batches throughout the year.

It turned out that people were too lazy to go to the store for a new pair of socks, so the service became incredibly popular in Switzerland and beyond.

20. Business on doubles

Recently, residents of the USA, Great Britain, Germany and France can invite famous politicians, athletes, and show business stars to dinner. Well, of course, not themselves, but their doubles.

A special agency with headquarters in New York and branches in different countries. This service costs from 1 to 10 thousand dollars, depending on the similarity and length of stay. The service has proven incredibly popular among those with tight wallets.

So, you see that sometimes a creative idea is the key to great success. And anyone can come up with a brilliant idea – it’s a matter of the right technology. Our blog has I highly recommend reading it.

And with what creative ideas for business have you encountered?

Weaving baubles, sewing plush toys, knitting mittens or soap making - any hobby can become a source of income with proper distribution of effort and the right business strategy. We tried to find out how to achieve success and make money from our talent by talking with successful masters.

What is handmade?

You will not find a definition of this term in any dictionary. Handmade could be translated into Russian as “handicraft” or “creativity,” but most “handmaders” will not agree with such a simplification, because for them this is a special way of self-expression and even a lifestyle.

Traditionally, handmade includes knitted or sewn toys, wicker jewelry, various accessories made of ceramic plastic, beads and felt, some interior items, such as pillows, napkins, bedspreads and even handmade paintings.

Clothes, cosmetics, perfumes, postcards, bouquets, bookmarks, notepads, watches, bags, belts, even food - these are just the main items that you will find on any handmade market. The main distinguishing feature of all these things is their uniqueness and singularity. Each product is created by hand, and therefore cannot have copies.

In a market economy, the winner is the one who can offer the buyer something the most interesting, beautiful, convenient - in general, something the best. And it is precisely this very thing that makes up handmade items. These things are in great demand, and therefore sooner or later, creativity turns from making things for yourself and your friends into producing unique things for sale.

Where to begin?

As a rule, all craftsmen start selling things by accident, most often to acquaintances. You made an item for yourself, a friend saw it and asked for the same thing, then her friends became interested, and such word of mouth brought a completely unfamiliar customer to you.

But you can start promoting your business through social networks. Creating a VKontakte group or an Instagram profile is the most obvious way. What exactly is required for this?

  • Come up with a sonorous and bright name for your production. It should attract attention and at the same time reflect the essence of the things being made - this way people will find you faster through search. When creating a VKontakte group, try to include in its name not only the name of the brand, but also the name of the product itself, the mark “handmade” or “handmade”.
  • In the description, formulate your concept briefly but succinctly: it is unlikely that users will linger their attention on these lines for a long time. The fact is that a modern Internet user spends on average 2 seconds viewing a page. And you must manage to interest him during this time.
  • When working with your profile, try to actively use tags: they will guide people and help them find you more easily through regular search.
  • To better assimilate information, come up with a short text accompanied by illustrations, graphics and videos.
  • Try to come up with interesting lighting or design for the “photo shoot” of your products, the product should first of all look attractive! But don't overdo it: photos should give users a true idea of ​​the color and size of things!
  • It's always interesting to see how some amazing things are created. We don’t suggest you reveal all the secrets, but you can show how you give the soap the desired shape or how you assemble the perfect bouquet piece by piece using a video!
  • And if you know how to draw well or you have designer friends, then don’t be lazy to create your own corporate logo: it can be printed on packaging, business cards, and also placed on the group’s avatar and all promotional products!

The more original, the better!

All the counters are full of owls, hares, cats and dogs. But you won’t find camels or raccoons during the day with fire. If you start making jewelry, make something non-standard, for example, leather rings or unusual hair ties. Try to find in any niche something that your competitors don’t already have.

Resources for development

Even skilled and experienced craftsmen are constantly looking for something new. Find a non-standard approach, learn to use new materials and techniques, find the missing accent or understand production process Specialized sites and forums for all handmade lovers will help you inside and out.

One of the largest Russian-language resources on handmade topics is the daily online magazine ProHandmade (, in which experts and ordinary users talk about all the most unusual and interesting things in the handmade world.

How much will you have to spend...

To produce toys you will need fabrics, fluff, Decoration Materials(buttons, ribbons, braid, fur, sequins, stripes, fabric markers, etc.), for the production of cosmetics - cosmetic base, aromatic oils, bottles or jars for sale, packaging, in the field of jewelry production - beads, threads, wire , beads, fasteners/clasps, glue, paints, finishing materials...

In addition, special tools: some last a long time and reliably - scissors, hoops, machines, while others constantly have to be purchased and updated - brushes, needles, etc.

Many lucrative offers can be found in online stores, as well as in discount stores (for example, the FixPrice chain, where all items can be purchased for 38 rubles). And the easiest and most profitable way to find finishing materials is to collect all the little things they don’t need from friends.

... how much can you earn?

For example, a beaded bracelet will cost about 50 rubles (including thread - 5 rubles/spool, beads - 630 rubles/0.5 kg, clasp - 20 rubles / piece [hereinafter, the estimated required amount of material for making one thing is taken into account ]), making a knitted soft toy will cost about 350 rubles (a pair of knitting needles - 20 rubles, threads - 150 rubles / skein (450 m), wooden buttons - 50 rubles / piece, felt - 110 rubles / piece), we will appreciate sewing one butterfly approximately 60 rubles (cotton fabric – 550 rubles/meter, plastic clasp – 30 rubles), a notebook with a fabric cover will cost 250 rubles (notebook – 80 rubles/piece, fabric – 550 rubles/meter, fabric glue – 45 rubles/ 19 ml, finishing materials – 30 rubles).

Setting the final price for consumers depends primarily on how highly you value your work. Making some things takes 15 minutes, others – more than a day (felting, knitting, complex weaving and painting). In addition, you will add to the price the costs of placing goods and their delivery (in other words, the cost of participation in the market, mailing, etc.).

On average, the markup on such products is 300–500%, but sometimes it can be higher. Thus, you can buy a handmade beaded bracelet for an average of 180 rubles, a markup of 260%; knitted Stuffed Toys handmade ones cost from 600 rubles, markup 170%; butterflies sell for 700–900 rubles, markup from 1000%; notebooks cost 500 rubles or more, the markup is 200%.

Obstacles and difficulties

Alena Krasnova, administrator of the group for the sale of jewelry from polymer clay:

“For young entrepreneurs, the main difficulty may be the lack of clients, which can sometimes even cause them to give up! But this can all be fixed if you discover new spaces on the Internet and don’t rely on just one thing. You should also not put money first of all, because it is only an insignificant value that is not worth running after - only when a person really understands this, they begin to come to you on their own.”

Ivan Bazaliev, director of the bow tie and tie shop “Ivanov Tie”:

“Surprisingly, I didn’t have any particular difficulties. True, in this moment Moscow fabric stores have almost the same assortment. Accordingly, in order to do something different from competitors, you have to order fabric online. And accordingly, wait about a month for her arrival. But it’s not that difficult.”

Ekaterina Kladova, owner of the Zephyr handmade cosmetics store:

“There are many difficulties, but the main thing is not to be afraid and always move forward. At the very beginning, everything changes very quickly and rapidly. We pay great attention to the quality of our products and check absolutely everything ourselves. We need smart investments: at first we monitored a lot, tried and only then more or less began to understand which types of promotion work and which don’t.”

Olga Kazakova is a professional artisan; for the past 4 years she has been making designer jewelry, which she sells through Princessa Avenue band (

Many people think that creating creative designer pieces is difficult and unprofitable. But practice shows that stylish handmade goods are in constant demand among lovers of unusual things.

Let's look at the most interesting business ideas for creative people that already bring money to their authors.

Business ideas for creative people

Designer Christmas decorations

On New Year everything should shine and sparkle, creating a holiday and positive emotions around. Don't stop at decorating the Christmas tree, why not add decor to wine bottles? After all, there is always a bottle of wine or champagne on every holiday table. Creatives from Switzerland thought so and released a series of jewelry called Weinhüllen.

A stylish bottle will not only decorate the holiday table, but will also be an excellent gift for friends and family.

Second-hand store for creatives

One Noffs store has opened in Australia, giving everyone the opportunity to bring their design ideas to life on second-hand items. The concept of a creative business is as follows: a designer goes to a store, receives second-hand items and in a few weeks creates fashionable wardrobe items from them. Fashionable items are displayed in the store, from each sale the author receives 30%, the same amount goes to charity.

One Noffs store opens up endless possibilities creative people who want to shine and build a career in design. The store has been repeatedly written about in well-known magazines, which means that aspiring designers have every chance of success.

Summer slippers with removable upper

Why buy 7 pairs of slippers if you can buy just one and wear new ones every day? Lindsay Phillips thought so and released a collection of shoes with interchangeable uppers. Today there are about 5 thousand stores around the world that sell shoes and accessories under the brand of the same name.

The enterprising girl played on the desire of all modern fashionistas to stand out from the crowd. And although repeat this business the idea will not work (it is patented), you can find a creative approach for yourself.

Designer slippers for home

Exclusive house shoes are a new trend that appeared several years ago and is quickly gaining popularity. Selling it is much easier than it might seem at first glance. The main consumers are expensive hotels, glamorous boutiques and souvenir shops.

To implement a business idea, 7-9 thousand dollars are enough, which are necessary to purchase equipment, fabric and wages employees.

Fashionable crutches

LemonAid Crutches is the first company in the world to begin mass production of original crutches with bright prints. Since a person will have to limit his movement for some time, let it be as cheerful as possible.

And although half of the company's proceeds go to charity, it's not a bad idea for a creative business.

Decorations for wires in the apartment

When starting renovations, many of us turn to professional designers interior design for the development of a unique project. This niche has long become extremely profitable and it is quite difficult to break into it without new ideas.

A clear confirmation of this is an interesting design development from Laliv Shalev. He came up with original decorations for wires that literally enliven the entire interior.

Many apartment owners hide wires in the walls and under the ceiling, spending a lot of money on it. Laliv Shalev offers to save money and decorate wires with original decor from spring leaves.

Increasingly popular in Lately purchase handmade goods. Many housewives have already managed to create a real creative business in this field. Let's see where to start, how to organize and move forward in this matter.

if you have favorite hobby- sewing, knitting, felting, scrapbooking, making dolls, flowers and bouquets from foamiran, figurines from polymer clay or ceramic floristry, then you have every chance to start your own business in this field.

Why are handmade products becoming more and more popular?

The general frustration that brands and average companies offer the same thing leads to a tendency to get more original things. It is for this reason that exclusive items created to order are so popular.

The emergence and development of various types of creativity is associated with the development of the entire industry as a whole. New products, tools, materials, styles and directions in creativity appear, which leads to great amount people to engage in new types of hobbies, which for some masters develop into real businesses.

How to find an idea for a creative business?

The creators of hand made goods are mostly girls and women. And the target audience that buys handmade products is mainly female. Most often, a business begins with a simple hobby, and then, when a large number of orders are received and prices for products increase, the hobby grows into a business. Where to start, what is needed, what are the mechanics of a creative business?

Since the main audience of the creative business is women, it is important to understand that working only for money may not bring the good result that you expect, and this will affect the entire process as a whole. Because self-realization is important for women. If you start learning how to create handmade products without any personal interest, but simply for the sake of making money, then it may turn out that you will not earn any money at all.

1. To find an idea for a creative business, you first need to decide on the direction in which you will develop: soap making, kinusaiga, decopatch, beading, floristry, embroidery, quilling, felting, candle making, carving, patchwork, macrame, scrapbooking, ceramic floristry, foamiran bouquets.

When choosing a direction for yourself, it is important to focus on your own preferences and experience. What do you do best? What are you more knowledgeable about?

2. At the next step, it is important to decide what exactly will you be selling?- finished products, materials for making products, or your training in this type of creativity and share your secrets and practical experience?

Determine for yourself what you will focus more of your time on, and what type of income will suit you best?

Ways to monetize a creative hobby

Sale of handmade products. Many people think that it’s enough just to learn how to make beautiful and original things and people will immediately start buying them. This is not entirely true. In a creative business, as in any other, it is important to be able to promote yourself. Today, craftswomen use special platforms like Etsy, create online stores, exhibit their works at the Fair of Masters, or simply manage and promote Instagram accounts and Vkonakte pages.

Today Instagram is the most accessible tool to make yourself known. By posting photos of your crafts, you can quickly grab the attention of your audience. Well, if you do it correctly, you can receive your first orders within a month. We have written a PDF book for those who are ready to start collecting target audience around you and make money from it.

in which you will start making money from your business, using your talents and strengths!

Making handmade products requires a lot of time and effort from the craftsman, which means creating a full-fledged business is quite difficult, because it is just self-employment, and not a full-fledged business. You can, of course, go the other way and hire craftswomen who will make things, and you will need to promote your store and look for a sales market.

Conducting live master classes. If you have enough experience and you create products that people willingly buy, then for sure, beginning craftswomen will want to learn from your experience and learn directly from you. You can agree with stores that sell creative goods to organize a joint master class. For the store, the advantage is that the goods will be sold, and for the craftsman this is an opportunity to earn money.

On average, such a master class can cost from 1000 to 4500 rudders, depending on the fame of the master and the complexity of the work. Famous masters travel throughout the country and conduct master classes in different cities and regions. What’s most interesting is that places for such events are sold out in a matter of days.

Sale of online master classes. The information business is developing not only in marketing, but also in hobby areas. Thus, recently online master classes by famous masters in their field have begun to appear. Masters record master classes on a video camera, explaining in detail what and how they do, package the product and sell it in their store or on the website.

Experienced craftsmen also organize various online events and conferences, to which famous masters are invited. Masters demonstrate their skills, conduct master classes, and also sell their courses. An example of such an event is the Scrap Academy Online conference or Secrets of the Masters.

Sale of goods for creativity. Often a hobby develops into a real business, when the master no longer just makes things to order, but also wants to open a full-fledged store in which he sells his products, as well as goods for creativity. Today there are many Russian and foreign manufacturers from whom you can purchase goods at competitive prices.

It is important to understand how in demand a store will be in a certain locality and how popular it is here different kinds creativity. Because if the market is not formed, then the entrepreneur’s task is to form this market. If the market is formed, it means that there are competitors and the entrepreneur’s task is to differentiate himself from competitors, and for this you need to create your own unique selling proposition and think about how you differ from others.

You can hold master classes in the store, inviting participation from experienced craftswomen and customers who will stay with you for a long time.

You can also organize an online store. Many craftsmen prefer to buy imported materials and tools for creativity. Therefore, you can purchase goods on American websites and sell them through an online store.

Participation in the design team another way to earn money, albeit small. If you are an experienced craftsman and you have your own audience, then any manufacturer of creative goods will be glad to see you on their design team. The question is, what does the manufacturer offer? Often these are just sending new collections of materials in exchange for recordings of master classes and PR campaigns. However, you can get PR from a major manufacturer, which will somehow attract attention to you.

As you can see, there are many ways to monetize a creative business. It cannot be said that with the help of a hobby you can create big business Rather, creativity can help create additional income.

But experienced masters manage to create several sources of income - they speak at conferences, conduct master classes, maintain their blogs and accounts on in social networks, develop channels on Youtube, participate in the design team of famous manufacturers, some open an online store, and others create handmade products to order. Everyone finds their own ways to earn income from their hobby.

Creative ideas for business can be divided into three main groups: trade in goods for a certain type of creativity, training for beginners, making and selling by masters of their products. It is difficult to say which of these three areas is the most profitable.

On the one hand, one brilliant canvas by an artist can cost a fortune, and no amount of earnings of a shopkeeper or artisan can compare with it. But, on the other hand, there are not so many geniuses, and everyone needs a monthly income. Recently, people in the arts have been trying to cover three areas at once: they sell high-quality materials for creativity, engage in tutoring, and in their free time they improve their own skills. Read on to learn how to find your niche in this interesting form of earning money.

Business ideas based on creativity

The list of professions related to creativity is quite extensive. This includes acting professions, writing, and the work of designers, artists, sculptors, stylists, florists, photographers and gallery owners. However, not all of these professions can become a base for starting in own business.

To make money from creativity, it is not enough to have talent and education in a particular type of art; you also need to be a good administrator and financier. If an entrepreneur combines all of the above qualities, then his endeavor will be successful. But the chances of success are also high for those businessmen who have basic knowledge and a circle of acquaintances in a creative environment, and also have the talent of an organizer and a sense of style.

With these basic data, an aspiring entrepreneur can achieve success in areas such as:

  • design bureau (for example,);
  • workshop-gallery;
  • trade in goods for creativity;
  • beauty and style salon;

At first glance, these are quite ordinary projects that are based on an advantageous price-quality ratio for the most popular services. But if you need creative fulfillment and feel the potential of a creator within yourself, then these endeavors will become the springboard on which you can realize your bold plans and at the same time make money from them.

The World of Business website team recommends that all readers take the Lazy Investor Course, where you will learn how to put your personal finances in order and learn how to earn passive income. No enticements, only high-quality information from a practicing investor (from real estate to cryptocurrency). The first week of training is free! Registration for a free week of training


Except own ideas, you can use a franchise for a creative business. In modern franchise catalogs in sections dedicated to this area, there are many proposals for the joint opening of stores, beauty salons, design bureaus and others.

For example, the creative center “Workshop of the Vasilyev Brothers” offers a franchise worth 150,000 rubles. The work is based on conducting master classes (sand painting, soap making, etc.), educational, entertainment and festive events (night film screenings, Board games, quests), organizing leisure activities, providing space for rent for holding poetry evenings, seminars, etc.

The franchise price includes:

  • assistance in choosing and decorating premises, training staff;
  • providing scripts for communicating with clients and detailed business instructions;
  • brand book and marketing materials;
  • accounting support;
  • legal support.

To launch this franchise, you will need about 460,000 rubles. starting investments(not to mention lump sum), which will be used to repair and equip the premises, purchase furniture and equipment. The estimated turnover of the franchisee per month will be 100,000 rubles, the payback period promised by the franchisor is 6 months, royalties are 10,000 rubles.

Retail goods for creativity can be either an independent type of business or a related activity of the same workshop. The advantages of this direction are that goods are purchased for sale that have a long shelf life and, in addition, the demand for it does not depend on fashion trends. Thus, having allocated one small room for shopping room, the entrepreneur will receive a permanent income to cover current expenses.

Another popular direction for realizing creative potential in the business sphere is the organization of a design studio to create the client’s individual style, select his external image, clothing, as well as provide makeup and haircut services.

The costs of creating a material and technical base for the listed types of activities will be no less than 15,000 US dollars, excluding the costs of purchasing or constructing premises. This amount includes rental and guarantee payments to the lessor, repairs and decoration, purchase of furniture and equipment, advance payments to qualified specialists who agree to work for hire.

This is the most a budget option start. If an entrepreneur is not constrained by finances, then the most correct decision would be to build his own studio or buy out the building and reconstruct it. This step will allow you to significantly save on rental payments in the future and avoid disputes with landlords. The cost of a studio space of 100 sq. m in a Russian city with a population of about 1 million inhabitants - approximately 50,000 US dollars.

It should be noted that for a creative workshop it is not important to be located in the active center of the city, where non-residential premises are sold at very high prices. Such a project can be implemented in a building in any area of ​​the city, the only requirement is that there is a stop nearby public transport, preferably a transport interchange.

Finding clients and achieving self-sufficiency

Client requests for services related to a creative approach to solving everyday problems or to finding opportunities for personal self-realization are very high at the present time. People want to surround themselves with beautiful things, look stylish and elegant, as well as find use for their own talents and learn to realize themselves in creativity. Therefore, a competently advertised workshop, in which the work process is properly adjusted, will constantly have the necessary flow of clients.

One of the most effective marketing activities is holding exhibitions and master classes. Invitations to these events can be distributed in children's educational institutions, as well as conduct an advertising campaign in local media and social networks.

The main customer base is formed during the first two months of operation. In the future on promotions You can spend no more than 10% of your total income. And, of course, the most important aspect of attracting visitors is the company’s reputation and cooperation with good craftsmen, as well as with well-known personalities in the city.

When the workshop is active, its monthly revenue is about 350,000 rubles. Of them:

  • 40,000 – conducting courses and master classes;
  • 60,000 – rental of workshop space,
  • 100,000 – revenue from trade in creative goods,
  • 100,000 – designer and event organizer services,
  • 50,000 – proceeds from the sale of works exhibited in the workshop.

Monthly expenses are about 270,000 rubles. This amount includes:

  • 150,000 – wages for three employees (designer, salesperson and administrator);
  • 10,000 – payment of taxes and utilities;
  • 80,000 – purchase of goods for creativity;
  • 30,000 – advertising.

It turns out that the average monthly profit will be about 80,000 rubles.

If you consider yourself a creative person and you have a desire to turn your hobby into a source of permanent income, then . Consider the most interesting ideas in this area of ​​business.

Do you have organizational skills, creative thinking and want to realize your creative potential? Read. This enterprise will bring you a lot of positive emotions and good profits.
