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International Safe Runet Day in a year. World Consumer Rights Day. How is International Safer Internet Day celebrated?

World Safer Internet Day is observed every year on the second Tuesday of February. In 2020, it falls on February 11th. This is an international holiday. Figures participate in the celebrations public organizations and foundations, government officials and representatives, employees of companies in the information security, employees of institutions that protect personal data and fight malware.

The purpose of the holiday is to inform people about the responsible and safe use of the Internet.

history of the holiday

World Safer Internet Day was launched in January 2004. It was initiated by the European Commission. The idea was supported non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. It quickly spread among Internet users and government agencies. Insafe became the main coordinator of the holiday.

In Russia, World Safer Internet Day was first held in 2005.

Holiday traditions

Theme assigned annually world day secure internet. It deals with topical issues in the field of protecting Internet users and introducing new programs. On this day, educational events are held, conferences and seminars are held. Members of public organizations talk about ways to protect personal data. Projects for improving security, memos and rules for using the global Internet are presented. The television broadcasts thematic programs and films.

In Russia, the event "Safe Runet Week" is timed to coincide with the holiday. At this time, forums, round tables, conferences are held at which experts discuss threats on the Web, protection against malware, cyber addiction. Works hotline with security experts.

The UN News Center reported that by the end of 2016, 3.5 billion people were using the Internet - 47% of the world's population. The highest level of Internet access is in Iceland (98.2%), the lowest is in African countries: Chad, Sierra Leone, Niger, Somalia and Eritrea (3%).

Since 2008, the "National Internet Security Node in Russia" has been operating in the Russian Federation - an authorized member of Insafe (European Network of Safe Internet Centers) and the International Network of "Hot Lines" to Combat Illegal Content INHOPE. Since 2011, the Safe Internet League has been counteracting the spread of dangerous content on the Runet.

Worldwide Safer Internet Day is celebrated on the second Tuesday of February. The use of web resources has become commonplace. The World Wide Web helps in work, paying bills, searching for information, allows people to communicate in different parts of the world, study, read the best literature, listen to new tracks and watch movies. The goal of the Website Safety Celebration is to promote the responsible use of technology online.

history of the holiday

A celebration dedicated to safe surfing on the Internet was established in 2004. The basis for sanctioning the holiday was a special program developed by the European Commission. The project had a "talking" name "Safe Internet". A year later, Insafe, a non-profit company, became the main coordinator of the holiday.

This organization is represented by several national centers operating under the auspices of the European Commission. Insafe included great amount countries, including the Russian Federation, Iceland, European states, Norway. Each of the centers conducts advocacy activities at the local level.

Plus, they are implementing special projects focused on informing the audience about issues related to the safety of working on websites. The centers actively cooperate with young people, organize the operation of a helpline, and develop projects aimed at improving Internet surfing.

Safe Internet Day - 2017 "Be a snake: about" unite for a shorter Internet"(Be the change: Unite for a better internet)

Rapid development computer technology, along with the global informatization of society, qualitatively changes the life around us and gives rise to many new problems, in particular, the problem of forming an information culture and security among the younger generation.

The Internet is what we make it day by day it's the best and friendliest as each of us is polite and positive online.

With the aim of educating responsible use of Internet resources, the world celebrates Safer Internet Day.

Designed to promote the safe and responsible use of online technology, especially among children, this celebration is hosted by the Insafe European Network of Safer Internet Centers every February.

This year, Safer Internet Day was held on February 7 under the slogan "Be the change: unite for a better internet" (Be the change: Unite for a better internet).

The main goal of the activities carried out is to ensure the information security of students by instilling in them the skills of a responsible and safe behavior in the modern information and telecommunications environment.

Pupils of grades 1-4 became participants in the "Computerland" quest, which was prepared and conducted by computer science teacher Rokitskaya V.E. and Afanasiev E.E. The children really liked completing the quest tasks and gaining knowledge about Internet security. The students of 2-C, 3-B, 4-C grades coped best with the tasks of the quest.

In order to form stable knowledge about safe behavior in the network of younger students, computer science teachers conducted conversations “Threats on the Internet. How to protect yourself? The children were able to test their knowledge using the Multimedia distance learning course for the safe use of Internet resources.

5th grade students wrote "I'm online" stories.

Interesting and informative for children in grades 5-11 was a class hour "Safety on the Internet." Pupils of the 8th grade with the class teacher Bortnik L.A. and librarian Zamch L.P. had an interesting round table. The guys identified the threats that they might encounter on the network and formulated their own rules for safe behavior on the Internet. Classroom materials.

Grade 8 students prepared informational videos “How I use the Internet”

Zakharchenko E.(student 8 B class)

Mikhailov V.(student 8 B class)

Pupils in grades 9-11 prepared drawings, posters, presentations on the safe Internet.

The World Wide Web has long covered the entire globe. There is no person who would not use the services of instant connections and receiving data. Without Internet modern life practically unthinkable. This colossal source of information has become a reliable assistant in work, entertainment, communication with friends, business and leisure. To date, over 3.5 billion regular Internet users have been recorded, with a massive jump in popularity falling on the introduction of 3G and 4G standards. The development of social networks and the reduction in prices for the services of providers have made the World Wide Web accessible to almost everyone.


For the first time, two independent computers were interconnected using a regular cable by scientists from Los Angeles in 1969. Text information was successfully "rebooted" from one point to another. There was a revolution in the history of human development, which, years later, radically changed the idea of ​​​​the possibility of data transmission.

Significant dates in the history of the Internet:

  • 1988 - a system was invented that allows you to communicate online, the Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol;
  • 1990 - connection to the global network of telephone communications;
  • 05/17/1991 - the worldwide Internet became available in the form in which it is used today.
  • 1991 - development of e-mail, transfer of file data (music, photos, films, documents);
  • 1998 - John Paul II announces the receipt by the Internet of an individual patron saint Isidore of Seville (this is the first encyclopedist who lived in 560-636);
  • 2007-2008 - the regularity and mass access to the Internet reached impressive numbers - over 1/3 of the inhabitants of the Earth;
  • April 7, 1994 - the appearance of the first domain ".ru";
  • 2010 - the formation of the Russian domain ".rf".

The Russian Internet is young, but it has great prospects and incredible potential for development.


The holiday was first celebrated in Russia in 1998, in Moscow. The celebration was attended by about two hundred users. Since then, every year the scope increases, festivals and competitions are held. Many events can be visited online.

The creation of the Russian sector of World Wide Web users has made a significant contribution to the economic development of the state. With the help of an instant connection, you can perform those actions that in the past took a lot of time and effort. Internet - unique opportunity which radically changed the life of Russians for the better.

Safe Runet Week has been held in Russia since 2008 and is the official Russian part worldwide events dedicated to International Day safe Internet (SaferInternetDay) - a date that draws the attention of specialists and Internet users to the problem of "digital" security, how to use the online environment more conveniently and safely for yourself and your loved ones.

The organizer of the Week is the Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies through its Safer Internet Center project with the support of the Russian State Children's Library, Kaspersky Lab, RU-CENTER and many other representatives of the online industry, the educational environment and government agencies.

Anniversary Week 2017 will be held from January 31 to February 7 inclusive. The events of the Week will cover about 60 regions of Russia. In the Ulyanovsk region, it will be held in all municipalities under the slogan "Safe Internet is good Internet".

Library named after S.T. Aksakova offers a rich and interesting informational, educational and cognitive program for children of different age groups aimed at preventing collisions with various risks and threats of the World Wide Web:

Children will get acquainted with the history of the development of the Internet, with the useful features of the Global Network for education, reading books and communication, how to behave in it in order to gain a lot of knowledge, pleasure and avoid dangers.

During the interactive conversations “Say a word about NETIKET: the basic rules of behavior on the Internet”, “Weblandia will tell and show: walks in the virtual jungle”, children will learn the rules of responsible and safe behavior on the open spaces global network, without offending their virtual friends, they will learn to navigate useful children's Internet resources.

During the adventure quest game "The Enchanted World, or How to Bypass the Traps of the Internet", passing through the mysterious and informative areas of the library, the participants of the Safe Runet Week will gain knowledge on how to use various Internet applications to avoid harmful and dangerous information, mobile fraud, protect your computer from viruses and spam attacks, resist the pressure of Internet trolls in social networks.

In the computer room, children will become participants in a training on critical analysis of sites “Check the information ... Facts. Factoids. Fake”, or “Ai-Ai, or the Madagascar little arm”, will pass the Kimberly Young test for Internet addiction, take part in the online survey “Risks and Threats of the Internet” on the Aksakovka page in social network"In contact with".
