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What startups are in demand. The best startups in Russia are. Successful startups in Russia

A startup is not only a great opportunity to fulfill the dream of a life without bosses and alarm clocks, but also a way to realize your natural desires, skills, and help people


Successful startups help their owners to live a full life after the first 100 meters is passed: the development of an idea, or offline, the launch of a project. Sometimes, it turns out to be difficult, but the brightest startups of 2016 in Russia definitely deserve attention and are worth learning about and, perhaps, taking an example of successfully implemented business ideas.

Moreover, in order to implement the most daring ideas, their authors do not always need to have their own "financial parachute" behind them, they are helped by projects to collect sponsorship, which themselves are, in fact, successfully implemented in practice start-ups.

Sofa? No, the bivan is furniture out of thin air!

Nikolai Belousov, a startup from Omsk, came up with an alternative to a bedspread, a deck chair, a sun lounger, a log in the forest, a hammock, an air bed, a mattress, a sofa. The idea and design of the product, which is called "bivan", was developed by him in January 2016.

A bivan is an inflatable sofa that does not require any additional devices to fill with air, be it a pump or inflate with your own mouth. Everything is simpler: you can inflate the bivan in 15 seconds by simply opening and waving it, taking a few steps, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

The bivan is an inflatable product made of parachute fabric, consisting of two sections sewn together, inside there is a polyethylene insert folded in half, which is filled with air when swung. After that, the edges of the product are tucked up and fastened with straps with a plastic carabiner.

The useful area of ​​the inflated bivan is 2 meters long and 90 centimeters wide. When folded, the product fits into a small backpack 35 cm long and 15 cm wide, which is included in the kit, and weighs no more than 1.5 kg.

You can lie on the bivan, sit, sleep, relax, sunbathe, look at the stars, not only alone, but even together, the product can withstand a load of up to 300 kg, and holds air from one inflation for more than 12 hours.

Nikolay Belousov, placing the idea of ​​a startup on the BoomStarter crowdfunding platform in April 2016, planned to raise 1 million rubles to start production, but the sponsors liked the idea so much that the project managed to raise 3 million 890 thousand 140 rubles, and the startup itself became a record holder sites.

In early May, production was launched, and at the end of the month, the first sales had already begun.

Flash safe or infinite flash drive

An infinite amount of information from the network, as well as photos, films, games, documents need to be stored somewhere. Yes, you can download all this to your home computer, but you won’t carry it with you forever, and ordinary flash drives are limited in terms of the amount of information they can hold.

This problem was solved by startupper Alexey Churkin, head of Flashsafe. He invented endless flash drives. These are flash drives through which information is downloaded to cloud storage on the Internet. You can use them anonymously and completely safe. The data stored in the cloud is encrypted and is not associated with a specific user. The flash safe has built-in software that allows you to connect to the saved information from any device and is a kind of key, eliminating the need for the user to enter the mail, enter a login, password.

Sales of the device in Russia began at the end of August 2016, the cost of an endless flash drive is 4,199 rubles per Russian Federation and $79.99 overseas.

Not all Russian startups associated with information technology smoothly go through the process of their formation and development. So, in August 2016, media reports appeared about a startup from Novosibirsk, NeuroMama, whose total share price on the American Stock Exchange amounted to $35 billion (!) and overtook such companies as Airbnb and Tesla Motors, after which it was removed from trading by the American Commission on securities.

NeuroMama is the world's first intelligent search engine based on neurotechnologies without the use of ranking algorithms, that is, it search system which is able to learn itself in the process of work. The startup was accused of a fiction of inflating the capitalization of shares, not providing financial statements, when in fact the value of the company tends to zero. However, a refutation and explanation of the reasons for the fabulous increase in the value of shares immediately appeared on the NeuroMama website, as well as information that an explanatory letter was being prepared to the Securities Commission.

Cube with cartoons

Another successful startup is MULTIKUBIK, a mini projector that can be used to watch cartoons, fairy tales, photos on any surface, ceiling, and even outdoors, for example, on the wall of a high-rise building.

The creators position the product as an excellent alternative to tablets that can cause certain harm to a child: posture and vision deteriorate, the child withdraws into himself, it is difficult to control what he does while sitting at the tablet. A completely different matter is a multicube. With it, you can watch your favorite fairy tales and cartoons just like in a movie theater. The picture is not too bright, so as not to harm the child's eyesight. An excellent opportunity to spend time with the whole family watching fairy tales, cartoons, photos and videos from your home collection in the evenings, which can be easily loaded into a multicube.

The founders of the startup conducted a successful crowdfunding campaign through the Indiegogo platform, where they raised $150,000 to launch sales with an initial goal of $75,000, and also became finalists of the Startup Village innovative project competition in 2016, winning the main prize of 3 million rubles for their development .

Prisma mobile app

In June 2016 in store App Store a new application has appeared, developed by an employee of the Russian technology company Mail.Ru Group - Alexei Moiseenkov. Later, in July, a version for devices running on Android was published, the number of downloads in the Play Market for the week amounted to more than 10 million.

The highlight of the Prisma application is that it can be used to process photos in the style of paintings by famous artists: Kandinsky, Munch, Chagall and others. It would seem that there is no wonder, now there are many programs for processing photos!

The fundamental novelty of the application is as follows: the photo is analyzed by a self-learning neural network, which is located on the server, after which the image is completely redrawn. Other photo processing programs simply overlay a set of filters on top of the picture. As of early August, Prisma has processed over 1 billion photos.

The creator of the project quit the Mail.Ru Group, and became the investor of the startup, providing its servers around the world for the Moisenkov project.

FootyBall - football club for preschoolers

People who have small children know firsthand how excited outdoor games are for kids. Of course, developing children's centers, studios and kindergartens are great ideas for business. But three-year-old kids are not taken to the sports sections. This niche was occupied by startups - the creators of the FootyBall project. And they didn't fail. FootyBall is a chain of football clubs for kids from three to seven years old.

Since the beginning of 2016, the founders of the startup have attracted more than 10 million rubles of sponsorship money with the help of the StartTrack crowdfunding platform.

Kids from the age of three are happy to play football, learn the right serves from a professional coach. Who knows, maybe the little students of the FootyBall club will grow into real champions, for whom you won’t have to blush at the championships. After all, every month the club conducts a selection of capable students with a penchant for a professional football career.

Before joining the club, you can come to a trial workout for free.

MoyGrafik - time tracking and solving problems with late employees

A startup participant in the 9th Accelerator from the Internet Initiatives Development Fund (IIDF) is the MoyGrafik cloud service - an assistant to businesses in the fight against lateness and accounting for employees' working hours.

The creators of the service calculated that an employee's delay by 15 minutes costs the business 300,000 rubles for every 10 million wage fund, and a shift delay for every 15 minutes is a loss of 300,000 rubles for every 10 million turnover.

MoyGrafik is a service that helps to solve the problems of absenteeism and lateness of employees in retail business. Installing the program on a personal PC is not required, the service is available 24 hours a day and helps: maintain a work schedule, register arrivals and departures, the presence of employees at the workplace using mobile phones, create reports to evaluate and motivate staff.

The benefits of the service are obvious for: grocery stores, as well as others retail chains, services, networks fast food, restaurants, cafes, nightclubs. MoyGrafik allows you to manage the work schedule of shift personnel, simplifies time tracking, reduces time and labor costs for scheduling.

All that is required to get started is the presence of a Wi-Fi network, to which employees connect when they come to work, their data is entered into a common interface, and the service automatically collects information about the time of arrival and departure.

Shoe factory "Tibozh" and the project "Pair for a Pair"

Our list of startups in 2016 in Russia is completed by the “Pair for a Pair” project of the Tibozh shoe factory, which attracted the attention of 1254 sponsors and investments in the amount of more than 2 million rubles with the goal of raising 1.7 million rubles to launch a startup.

Why does it seem so business as usual How did the shoes get on our list? The fact is that this is not an ordinary factory:

  • the first feature is that the factory employs people with 2-3 disability groups, they produce shoes using direct casting technology;
  • and the second is the implementation of the Pair for a Pair charity event, which means that for each pair of shoes sold, the founders of the startup donate a pair of shoes to those who need it and are unable to purchase it.

The factory produces slippers, bags, sneakers. The creators of the project actively cooperate with foundations social protection: A child's smile and the Good City of Petersburg. Startup author Stanislav Sorokin believes that the goal of any entrepreneurship is not money. Money is the result and reward for Good work. And the goal is the transformation of the world in which we live, and it is for the sake of this goal that one wants to wake up in the morning.

Ideas for startups: the "freshest" ideas from all over the world - 3 keys to success + TOP-5 ideas from around the world + 3 startup ideas from Russian developers.

Why startup ideas are gaining more and more popularity in the business sphere and bring the owners whole capital?

First of all, because they offer absolutely new, innovative solutions to people's pressing problems.

Therefore, it is quite logical that in search of inspiration for creating your own startup, you should not rush “deep into history”.

Follow the trends, fashion trends, what is actually in demand now.

This article can help you with this, which has brought together the main business trends and forecasts regarding future discoveries in the entrepreneurial “art” market.

What is a startup?

Before talking about startup ideas, it is worth defining what is generally meant.

Most have only a general idea of ​​startups. Therefore, someone believes that this is how they call new resources on the Internet, others - that this is a business created by young people with no experience.

There is some truth in this. However, the concept itself is broader.

Startup is a business idea that is based solely on the use of innovative technologies or the introduction of completely new products.

That is, the composition of the team and the format of the company does not matter (often startups begin to develop without being officially registered).

The main thing is for the team to help solve some problem of humanity by offering something unique.

Also, the distinctive features of a startup are:

  • limited money to start;
  • starting work from scratch;
  • most often, partners in a startup were previously connected by some kind of relationship (worked together, studied).

And although the world learns about such companies even at its first steps, when the market position is not yet strong, only those companies that have already manufactured a product can be called startups.

An operating time or a “raw” project is only the basis for creation, but not the startup itself.

What is the key to the success of a startup idea?

If we analyze the ideas behind the startup that have been especially successful, we can identify several common features.

Conventionally, they can be called "secrets of success."

Factors that determine the success of a startup idea:

    What exactly do you think about the idea that became a startup?

    Do you think that it can bring a lot of money?

    Or do you really “burn” and are sure that this business will be useful to people and become innovative?

    Only in the second case, the startup really has a chance of success.

    If you do not have a sincere interest, you can quickly "burn out."

    Moreover, startups rarely bring instant profit.

    A lot depends on the team.

    Obviously, a team of like-minded people working on the same wavelength can do more than one person.

    Don't try to put everything on your own shoulders.

    You should not calculate how many people will have to share the profit, but take care of the perfect quality of every detail.

    Youth is a plus.

    Let this statement sound like a discredit.

    But the fact remains that investors are more focused on investing in the young and ambitious.

    Let people with experience go about their business - run large organizations and share knowledge with others.

For those who no longer consider themselves a "young man", but are on fire, let's clarify: success in business has no age restrictions.

Doubt? Look at this picture:

TOP-5: global startup ideas

As a rule, startups are concentrated in the field of IT technologies. We decided to create a selection of ideas that ordinary people created and brought to life.

This step is meant to inspire you to embody own ideas, even if there is no special education or many years of work experience.

1. Green idea: special shampoo

"Nephentes" looks like an enema or something.

In fact, this startup idea can significantly affect the preservation of the environment.

Few people think, but ordinary plastic bottles from under the "" are harmful to environment product. The period of decomposition of one bottle can be hundreds of years!

And remember how much you use them during your life?

According to the idea of ​​this startup, manufacturers make products in huge containers, pouring the right portions into buyers' Nephentes bottles.

It is curious that the design does not even involve the use of a cover! The neck is simply bent and inserted into the compartment.

Another plus: you can finally use the product at 100%, including what usually remains at the bottom.

2. Indian startup idea

If you think that in India they can only dance and make films, then you will be surprised - not so few ideas for startups have been created in this country.

Interestingly, there is even a kind of analogue of the American Silicon Valley.

In addition, in India they are really interested in the issue of a huge amount of garbage on the streets. Innovative ideas appear regularly.

For example, an edible spoon is a great alternative to plastic utensils. After a meal, it can be used as a dessert or, of course, just thrown away.

Obviously, such a “material” as flour decomposes as quickly as possible and is absolutely harmless to nature.

The creators also assure that the product can be safely eaten by vegetarians. And in the future, even the development of a gluten-free version is planned.

3. An idea for junk food lovers

Which of us is not familiar with such a misfortune: you carefully take chips or something else greasy, and your fingers get dirty so that you have to go wash them.

And you need to be extremely careful not to hook or stain anything!

A startup has appeared in Italy, the idea of ​​​​which is to create fingertips. They are very thin, but at the same time the latex tightly fits the fingers.

Thanks to this, consumers can safely feast on goodies, and then simply throw away the “nozzles”.

It is assumed that these devices will not be sold on their own, but complete with chips, nuts or similar food, for which they were invented.

4. Startup: "folding" napkins

But the idea of ​​this startup is already designed for higher cuisine - that is, for restaurants. It appeared as a reaction to the fact that ordinary napkin holders are already becoming obsolete.

But napkins pressed into a small round “washer” are another matter. To use such a thing, visitors must dip the "pill" into an antiseptic solution.

And then the fabric unfolds, acquires a pleasant smell, and even becomes a “killing tool” for harmful microbes on your hands.

You should not immediately estimate the increased costs for the owners: these towels are not disposable. So the idea of ​​a startup will not harm either the wallet or the environment.

5. Startup idea with social value

Often, startups are still designed to solve global problems, and not just improve the already comfortable life of consumers.

For example, in Denmark, a special supermarket was created - "WeFood". Its concept is that they sell goods here that cannot be put on the shelves of "decent" ones.

Mislabeling, torn packaging, an approaching expiration date or even a delay in general - all this is usually a reason to write off, return or even dispose of goods.

Meanwhile, even in Denmark there are many people who have to save on everything.

The idea of ​​the supermarket has not only helped low-income people to eat more nutritious food. There was also a 25% reduction in wasted food across the country!

Here is such a useful and, oddly enough, profitable startup.

And what about Russia: 3 domestic ideas for startups

Although the words "conditions of economic decline" have already become classics for texts for reality Russian entrepreneurship, in the field of startups, everything is not so bad.

The “buy-sell” orientation is gradually giving way to an innovative approach.

The original solutions still do not have such a powerful state support like in other countries.

However, their number is increasing, and investors are ready to invest their money. This is especially evident in the variety of ideas for a startup in 2016.

1) A startup you've definitely heard of

Have you seen the original photo processing on Instagram, which turns an ordinary frame into an artistic canvas? Most likely, you already know what we are talking about.

For the rest, let's clarify - the Prisma application is a service that allows you to process users' photos in an original way.

For many, it will come as a surprise that it was Russian programmers who developed Prism. Moreover, its creator former employee well-known

The peculiarity of the program is that it does not just impose some filters on top of the card.

Through the use of neural network algorithms (of which you may have heard a lot too), Prism analyzes the frame and then creates it from scratch. But already in the form of a picture.

The fact that almost everyone knows about this application now is already an indicator of success. It remains to be added that the Facebook administration banned the use of the program on its network only because it considered it competitive.

2) Idea for a startup on cards

It is believed that various cumulative and discount cards are gradually fading away. At least because no one wants to carry around dozens of options without knowing which one they need.

The developers of the startup "Cardberry" came up with the idea to create a device that can accommodate all kinds of cards.

We will not go into technical details. The bottom line is that any user cards are, as it were, entered into the memory of this electronic device.

Every time a person needs a certain card, he enters a special application and selects it.

"Cardberry" adapts to the choice and becomes a full-fledged replacement for the desired card.

For your attention, we offer a cool video

about the 10 most successful startups in the world:

3) Startup idea for a comfortable life

Perhaps you are not familiar with the SVET company yet, but you have every chance to hear about them.

As the name implies, the team offers lighting equipment. What is the innovativeness of this idea for a startup?

The fact is that the bulbs of this company are designed to simulate ordinary natural lighting.

Moreover, the device settings can be adjusted (for example, in accordance with the time of day or night).

This startup idea is not only original and adds more comfort to everyday life. But it also has a beneficial effect on human health.

Minus the idea, perhaps, only one: on this moment one device is estimated at $70. The amount is too significant for the Russians. However, the startup is in demand abroad.

collected above startup ideas only emphasize: anyone can create a business based on an innovative idea. The field of startups is not limited to the field of IT technologies.

The main thing is that you bring something new and useful to the world.

And if the idea is worthwhile, and the implementation is diligent, it can make you rich, no matter how trite it may sound.

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"The bubble hasn't burst yet"

This is how the list of the most interesting startups of 2015 according to Forbes begins. It includes those companies for which investors have the most hopes and write the biggest checks. Among them are such monsters as Uber and Udacity, as well as unique services for finding care for your dog and delivering food from nearby restaurants. In total, these 50 startups managed to spin up investors for $7 billion, and all together they are estimated at $120 billion.

Check out the list and maybe you decide to implement something similar in our country.

#1 Uptake Technologies. $1.1 billion valuation

A service that collects all information on the business of its client, processes it, organizes it and gives it to the client in the form of simplified analytics. Based on it, the client can better understand the results of his work and better correct it.

#2 Slack. $2.8 billion valuation

Service for the organization labor processes, with it you can easily communicate with colleagues and subordinates, assign tasks, monitor their implementation, as well as synchronize the application with other work services.

#3 Porch. Valuation $500 million

Service for finding workers for apartment repairs and orders for repair work. The base consists of 3.2 million specialists and 132 million works performed by them within the site. Plus, Porch insures each of its customers for $1,000 against poor-quality work.

#4 OfferUp. Valuation $814 million

Simple and convenient bulletin board. Inside the application, you can chat with buyers and sellers, pay for purchases, and quickly post or update product photos.

#5 Pics Art. Valuation $250 million

Photo editing application. One of the competitors of Instagram, the difference is that inside the application there are much more editing tools and a different approach to creating a feed and interaction between users.

#6 Casper. Valuation $555 million

Manufacturer and online retailer of innovative and comfortable mattresses, pillows and sheets. The target audience project - young active urban population. Revenue to date has already reached $100 million.

#7 DoorDash. Valuation $600 million

Application for ordering food from the nearest restaurant.

#8 Expensify. Valuation $147 million

Service for tracking corporate budget expenses. With it, you can easily track how and what budget funds are spent on and quickly and easily adjust spending.

#9 Postmates. Valuation $450 million

Food delivery service by organization reminiscent of Uber. Couriers earn on a percentage of delivered orders. A competent approach to customers and well-organized logistics allow Postmates to earn $ 100 million a year.

#10 Zenefits. $4.5 billion valuation

Cloud software for personnel management. Using this cloud, HR departments can conduct their work from anywhere in the world. The cloud contains all the necessary information - payroll sheets, applicant questionnaires, reports on new employees and others. What happens if the cloud is hacked is not reported.

#11 ClassPass. Valuation $293 million

The service offers, for a fixed fee, the opportunity to attend various sports groups and sections in your city, without the need to book time or arrange training.

#12 Jibo. Valuation $128 million

The company has developed a robot buddy. Its main task is to communicate and help everyone who is at home, and Jibo will have a special approach to each family member. He will be able to tell a fairy tale to children, an anecdote to parents, and in the kitchen he will tell you a recipe or read out messages for a specific addressee.

#13 Whip clip. Valuation $600 million

An application that allows you to share TV shows and music videos with your friends for free and absolutely legally.

#14 Namely.Valuation $181 million

Cloud service for personnel management. Allows you to set goals, monitor progress, reward employees, as well as pay salaries with automatic tax calculation and do it all through a web interface or mobile application.

#15 DraftKings. $1.2 billion valuation

A very popular direction of gambling in the USA, in which users can create football teams from existing players and predict how they will spend the game season. The service was growing rapidly, gaining popularity, but literally at the end of the year, DraftKings and their main competitor were overtaken by lawsuits from the state with suspicion of fraudulent transactions and insider trading.

#16 Uber. $64 billion valuation

An international company specializing in calling and paying for a taxi or a private cab using mobile application. The service is available in 68 countries and 300 cities, including Moscow, St. Petersburg and 5 other major Russian cities. Some governments European countries prevented the spread of the service, considering it "the largest illegal carrier", a similar situation was in Russia, but then an agreement was signed limiting the company's services to only legal carriers.

#17 Robinhood. Valuation $275 million

An application that allows you to trade stocks without commission. It currently only operates in the US and plans to expand to other English-speaking markets in 2016.

#18 Greenhouse Software. Valuation $245 million

A service that allows you to systematize and simplify the process of hiring employees. The creators promise to do all the hard work for you: the service will make a plan, help place ads, schedule interviews, and even collect a list of questions to ask when talking with a candidate.

#19 Layer3 TV. Valuation $385 million

Next generation cable provider in the US. The company has brought together veterans of the cable industry, as well as a lot of staff from Google, Comcast and Apple. Layer3 TV plans to combine traditional cable TV and mobile applications. This is all that is known about the plans of the company, the rest they keep secret.

#20 Pronutria Biosciences. Valuation $321 million

The company aims to track the level of amino acids in your body, and also gives advice to even out the imbalance and thus improve your health.

#21 Tanium. $3.7 billion valuation

Tanium products help companies' IT departments connect hundreds of thousands of computers quickly and securely. Among the startup investors are TPG funds, Institutional Venture Partners and T Rowe Price.

#22 Raise Marketplace.Valuation $608 million

The service allows you to buy and sell gift cards. It will be useful for those who want to save on purchases or turn their gift cards into real money.

#23 Beepi.Valuation $564 million

Beepi is a service where you can buy a verified own specialists car for a fair price and get the opportunity to return. If the seller's car is not purchased within 30 days through the site, the company buys it for the agreed price and sells it itself. The price of the car is formed due to the commission of the site, the expectations of the seller and the assessment technical specialists companies.

#24 Corvus Pharmaceuticals. Valuation $236 million

Pharmaceutical company engaged in the development of drugs that support the immune system and help fight cancer.

#25 LendingHome. Valuation $519 million

The company is a platform for investors and people who want to get a mortgage loan. The former can easily start investing their money, while the latter can choose a profitable and convenient mortgage option for themselves.

#26 Affirm. Valuation $576 million

A financial startup that offers users instant micro-loans at extremely favorable rates.

#27 Credit Karma. $3.5 billion valuation

Credit Karma is a platform designed to provide users with a credit rating, regardless of the location of the person. The audience of the service is 40 million people. On this stage the company provides reports, credit scores and some other financial instruments.

#28 Menlo Security. Valuation $127 million

Menlo Security develops a solution to protect against malware. The total amount of funds raised by the startup reached $35 million. The company plans to completely rid users of viruses and other malware using its Isolation Platform system.

#29 Carbon3D. $1 billion valuation

Canadian startup specializing in 3D printing. The key advantage of Carbon3D is the CLIP printing technology, which allows you to print objects 25-100 times faster than other 3D printers. Products are more High Quality due to the continuous creation of the structure, and not layered.

#30 Afferent Pharmaceuticals. Valuation $280 million

A pharmaceutical startup that develops innovative medicines.

#31 WeWork. $10.2 billion valuation

The startup operates in several major US cities and offers freelancers, small teams and businesses a variety of different coworking spaces. The business model is extremely simple. WeWork on favorable conditions rent several floors office centers, make repairs in them, create space for work, meetings and recreation, as well as install all the necessary office equipment. And then they offer everyone who wants to buy subscriptions to work in such a coworking space.

#32 zSpace. Valuation $160 million

zSpace offer users their vision virtual reality. Their workstations are computers whose displays track the movement of special glasses and a controller in the form of a stylus and thus create a sense of three-dimensionality of the object.

#33 Premium Data. Estimated #375 million

The company helps to process a large amount of data to understand the economic effects in real time.

#34 Collective Health. Valuation $391 million

Collective Health is developing a corporate health insurance platform to help companies deliver health benefits to employees.

#35 Rover. Valuation $130 million

The startup can be called Airbnb for dogs. Even the interface is similar. Owners can choose who to leave their pet for care, and dog lovers can sit with them and even earn money.

#36 Cohesion. Valuation $336 million

The startup is working towards renting a secondary data storage. And this, according to Cohesity, is up to 80% of the total amount of data. The company will help you save up to 80% on storage costs.

#37 Udacity. $1.1 billion valuation

Udacity is not a newcomer among startups, but rather a well-known platform for self-directed remote education, which was born as an extension of Stanford University.

#38 Placester. Valuation $150 million

The company is designed to make life easier for American realtors by bringing together great amount real estate databases (more than 900 in the US) into one, with a user-friendly interface, search algorithm and support on mobile devices.

The company provides database storage services on "elastic" servers. They can expand if necessary, as well as “give away” the space that is not currently used.

#42 Cyanogen. Valuation $640 million

Almost any Android fan can talk for hours about this operating system, but if you do not belong to those, then in a nutshell, Cyanogen is an OS that takes its roots in the same Android, but surpasses it in many ways.

#43 Handy. Valuation $360 million

Handy offers to take care of cleaning the premises. The company selects people who want to earn extra money on such a difficult task, surveys them, and then offers their services to customers. Such an Uber in the world of cleaning.

#44 Onshape. Valuation $800 million

Cloud platform for CAD modeling. All work is done through a browser, synchronized with a common project through the cloud and has a mobile interface.

#45 Illumio. $1 billion valuation

Illumio specializes in cyber security, and if most competitors deal with threats outside the "perimeter", then Illumio deals with violators who have passed the initial protection.

#46 Vroom. Valuation $218 million

The startup sells used cars in the United States.

#47 Nurix. Valuation $227 million

The company researches and develops drugs that affect the mechanics of protein regulation in the cell. This approach will help fight many diseases, including cancer.

#48 Gusto. Valuation $560 million

The company is developing cloud-based HR management. It allows you to pay employees, make tax deductions and much more.

#49 Betterment. Valuation $431 million

The startup is intended for people who want to start investing, but do not have much experience in this area.

#50 Theranos. $9 billion valuation

A revolutionary method for fast and accurate testing using tiny doses of biomaterial. In 2015, the media questioned the accuracy of the test results and accused the developers of defrauding investors. So far, only the media have paid attention to this, so in the future, either the storm will subside and the project will continue to work, or everyone will really be disappointed in it and Theranos will have to be closed.

This is what the 50 hottest startups in the US look like. After reading a little more about them, you can understand in which direction our society is moving and what we can see in the near future in the service market.

International publishing project " Russian newspaper» Russia Beyond The Headlines (RBTH) ranked the TOP-50 most ambitious Russian startups in 2015. This year the ranking includes young Russian companies with development potential abroad.

RBTH has been ranking new startups since 2012. the main objective project is to inform foreign investors and consumers about the potential and services of Russian technology companies. Traditionally, the rating includes companies that would like to enter or are already entering foreign markets, and startups with Russian participation abroad.

Startups included in the ranking were selected according to the following criteria: the interest of foreign investors, the uniqueness of the idea, the demand of foreign consumers for the products and services offered, the potential for commercialization, and social significance, that is, the desire to improve people's lives with the help of technology. TOP-50 was made up of more than 200 Russian startups that met the requirements of the project authors.

The rating includes the Russian-Ukrainian startup 2for1, aimed at the US market. The project was founded by businessman Alexei Romanenko, who lives in San Francisco. 2for1 is a service that brings together the best deals from the 15 most visited online stores in the US and Europe.

The application is designed for fashionistas and fashionistas from the middle class, who will be able to see the goods selected by the service with discounts of more than 50%. At the same time, 2for1 does not position itself as a retailer, calling itself a "filter" for buyers.

Another participant in the rating was the technological project "3D Bioprinting Solutions", which was founded by the Chairman of the Board, Director of INVITRO Group Alexander Ostrovsky and biologist Yusef Khesuani. The project is a biotechnology research laboratory that explores the topic of 3D organ bioprinting and creates its own products.

For example, 3D Bioprinting Solutions created the first Russian 3D bioprinter FABION, a software and hardware system designed to print living functional three-dimensional tissue and organ constructs.

The project in the field of ecology invites users around the world to monitor the air quality in their region of interest. A startup called AeroState uses simple technology Web API is an application programming interface.

The rating includes the AstroDigital project, a platform for accessing satellite data that provides fast and convenient search, as well as the integration of satellite photos on the Internet and mobile applications.

Another participant in the rating is a service for yachtsmen or those who wish to join this culture. In other words, with the help of the Anchor.Travel portal, anyone can rent a boat, boat or yacht, as well as offer someone their own water transport. The service works by analogy with Airbnb and provides for direct communication between users and yacht owners.

Russian scientists have made a breakthrough in medicine by launching the AntioncoRAN-M project, a gene therapy anticancer drug designed to treat head and neck cancer. According to the results of preclinical studies, the drug increases the effectiveness of radiation therapy by 63%.

Another drug that has taken a place in the Rossiyskaya Gazeta rating is Ivix, also known as women's Viagra. CA drugs - women with sexual dysfunction. While Ivix is ​​at the testing stage, however, it has proven itself well in animals.

The TOP-50 includes the Сardberry project, which will help people save space in their wallets. Engineers are working on an electronic card that can replace a whole stack of discount cards, synchronizing with the app of the same name via Bluetooth. The project received 800 pre-orders for 2016 and is currently in the funding phase.

Contactless payment provider CardsMobile has teamed up with British startup Tedipay to develop an open platform for secure transactions. With the help of the technology, it will be possible to make any payments, including payment for transport, meals, etc. To do this, you only need a smartphone, which the authors of the idea call a “wallet”.

An online auction for selling cars called Caprice is an analogue of the foreign portals Webuyanycar, WirKaufenDeinAuto and Al wataneya. The creators of the domestic auction promise that with the help of the service you can sell a car in half an hour.

In 2015, a Siberian startup raised $1.4 million to create the first batch of 3D pens called CreoPop. The pens contain a new photopolymer ink that cures under UV light.

The rating includes the CrocoTime project, a program for HR professionals that tracks up to 10,000 users simultaneously. The service offers automated employee monitoring for fees ranging from $14 to $50.

Among the most ambitious startups is the Russian private space satellite manufacturer Dauria Aerospace. In 2015, the Chinese investment fund Cybernaut invested in the development of the project, which gave the company $70 million, pursuing ultimate goal track the life of one of the largest cities in the world.

Institute of Catalysis G.K. Boreskov SB RAS developed the EcoCat technology. Project helps reduce heating costs industrial premises 4 times.

A project called Ecwid can change the e-commerce industry: it is an AJAX-powered online store platform that allows you to develop a site for an online store for free in a few minutes.

Another member of Elbi is an application created by supermodel Natalia Vodianova. The mobile service allows you to send £1 or $1 donations to charities around the world.

The rating also includes the Russian analogue of numerous instant messengers and social networks FireChat; in 2015, the number of registered users exceeded 5 million. A new version allows users to exchange private messages and in group chats.

The authors of the rating also attracted the attention of the Russian version of virtual reality from FIBRUM. Engineers have created a headset in which the main element is not expensive materials, but an ordinary smartphone.

The list of the best startups included the IBOX project, an innovative solution that allows customers to accept cash and non-cash payments without cash equipment and terminals.


intersoft Eurasia,

iBuildApp is a platform that allows businesses to build iOS and Android mobile apps in minutes. This service already has 1.3 million users, including the US Department of State.

One of the participants in the rating was the startup Intersoft Eurasia, which develops cross-platform devices for monitoring human radiation exposure. The company offers several options for devices and their integration: a compact device-addition to a mobile device, a processor built into the mobile phone circuit, and watch-dosimeters.

Intui.Travel travel service helps travelers book a hotel and find an airport transfer. With the application, users can create a route to any place.

Cloud video surveillance service Ivideon designed to work with already installed cameras, including personal computers and laptops.

Kribrum has developed a social media monitoring system. The project is a tool for analyzing various references in the media. In 2015, the startup raised generous investments — more than $600,000. The system is aimed primarily at PR and marketing services.

Another participant in the rating is the Kuznech visual image search system, which allows you to track brands in the media stream, filter "adult" content, control offline merchandising, etc. The project supports video recognition and is adapted for smartphones.

Into the list of the best famous project LinguaLeo is an online language learning service. Now the portal has about 12 million registered users who study English language. The service is available to Russians, Brazil and residents of Turkey.

The Forest Watch project is a security system that allows you to prevent and track forest fires. The startup covers 33 regions of Russia and Bulgaria.

The Luka app provides recommendations for over 2,000 restaurants in San Francisco. With the help of an SMS conversation, the service finds out whether you are a vegetarian or a fan of cheese, after which it issues a list of establishments that suit your tastes.

Startup Mailburn proposes to flip the standards business correspondence using ambiguous patterns. Almost 80% of the app users work outside of Russia, and the majority of the audience comes from the United States.

One of the TOP-50 participants was the MarketMixe project - a platform for trading from suppliers' warehouses with individual data processing for online stores and trading floors online. MarketMixer automatically processes the price lists of suppliers and prepares a selection of goods for sending to the online store showcase

Startup Nanosemantics is a developer of a natural programming language that should be used on websites in chats with its representatives. The main key of the project is the laid-back human language in which bots communicate with site visitors.

Optograd Nanotech company, which is working on strengthening products. The technology of nanostructural modification of the surface of materials and alloys using a laser was recognized as one of the best startups.

The N-tech.lab project, created at the University of Washington, allows face recognition, surpassing other systems in terms of quality and speed of work.

Another one payment system, which will make life easier for users - PayQR. With this online banking and QR codes, you can make purchases in seconds.

A product that may replace architects and designers in the future is the Planner 5 D app. It allows you to design a house and interior even before construction begins, from walls to furniture.

Startup Prixel will give anyone the opportunity to become a collector of the most famous paintings for symbolic money. To create paintings, the company uses a 3D scanning technique that allows you to create exact copies. Prixel already has customers in the US, Mexico, Europe, Canada, South Korea and other countries.

One of the most positive startups in the rating is the Panda Money service, which is essentially online banking. However, it differs from other projects in the presence of a small character - a panda, which "feeds" at the expense of user payments.

Promobot is a robot designed for retail that has the ability to identify people's speech and recognize them appearance. Thus, the robot can help existing customers and find new ones.

Online cleaning service Qlean has raised over $327,000 in investments and plans to expand into the Asian market.

Relap is a B2B service aimed at increasing the time visitors spend on the site. The system recommends them using built-in widgets. The creators of the project promise that they will be able to increase the number of clicks up to 30-50%.

Polina Todorova

Startups serve as the very spark that ignites the engine of the economy. The most successful of them, such as, and, are also changing our way of life.

Forbes, with the support of venture capital firm TrueBridge Capital Partners, has compiled a list of 25 American startups that have the potential to revolutionize their field, are already showing real results and have attracted tens (and in some cases hundreds) of millions of dollars in investments.

BitSight Technologies

Founders: Stephen Boyer, Nagarjuna Venna.

Investment received:$95 million.

$30 million.

Key investors: Globespan Capital Partners, Menlo Ventures, GGV Capital

What does: It uses complex algorithms that make up a daily security rating, which is, in fact, a "credit history" in . The startup was founded in 2011 and has already signed contracts with more than 450 companies, including Ferrari, Hess and Lowe's. The office is located in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Boxed warehouse in Edison, New Jersey. Photo: Forbes

Founders: Che Huang, Jarej Yaman, Christopher Cheung, William Fong.

Investment received:$133 million.

: more than $100 million.

Key investors: DST Global, GGV Capital

What does: Offers jumbo packaged dropshipping services via app or website. In 2013, the startup was a garage in suburban New Jersey. Two years ago, the company's annual revenue was $8 million. This year it exceeded $100 million.

“Packaged goods are one of the biggest drivers of the economy, but only 1.5% of them can be ordered online,” says CEO Huang. "Isn't that crazy?"


Founders: Daniel Janiss and Jonathan Perichon.

Investment received A: $50 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$150 million.

Notable investors: Accel, Y Combinator

What does: Sells verified job applicants to companies like Uber, Instacart, and Warby Parker. Checkr generates reports in the form of an API that their employee data processing system can recognize. The startup was founded in 2014. He now has over 4,000 clients and 90 employees. Its founders Yaniss (28) and Perichon (26) are from France. They came up with his idea while working for a Deliv delivery service in Palo Alto, where they needed to do background checks.

“I was struck by how weak the technology and terrible interface was used,” Janiss said. “And I thought we could do better.”

Payal Kadakia. Photo: Forbes

Founders: Payal Kadakia, Mary Biggins, Sanjeev Sanghavi.

Investment received:$84 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$180 million.

Key investors: Google Ventures, General Catalyst Partners, Thrive Capital

What does: An application that allows its subscribers to sign up for an unlimited number of different fitness courses - from Pilates, cycling and boxing to aqua fitness classes, aerial yoga and striptease lessons. The application has already become very popular in 31 cities in the US and 8 cities in the UK, Canada and Australia. To date, with its help, more than 20 million people have signed up for various classes. CEO and co-founder Payal Kadaria is an MIT alumnus. She is a professional Indian dancer. The idea of ​​creating a startup came to her mind in 2010 when she was looking for a good dance studio in New York. In 2013, she launched the startup ClassPass.

Collective Health

Founders: Ali Diab and Rajay Batniji.

Investment received:$150 million.

Estimated income for 2016 A: $15 million.

Prominent Investors: Founders Fund, Google Ventures

What does: This startup from San Francisco is already three years old. What he does is provide his clients with data that helps them optimize their health insurance plan. The project sells assistance services and a program that clearly explains all the benefits of insurance and makes it easier to fill out insurance claims. Thus, the process of obtaining insurance is reduced to several days. In addition, the program tracks progress in treatment, such as stages of chemotherapy. Therefore, the patient receives fewer refusals to pay for treatment than when contacting conventional insurers. Ali Diab, CEO and co-founder of the startup, has previously worked as a product manager at Yahoo and AdMob, a mobile advertising company. The idea for Collective Health came to him after he underwent emergency surgery for a volvulus and was denied a $200,000 health insurance policy.

"The service was insultingly bad," he said.

The startup's co-founder, Rajay Batniji is an assistant professor of therapy at Stanford Hospital.

Doppler Labs

Founders: Noah Kraft, Fritz Lanman.

Investment received:$50 million.

Estimated income in 2017 i 2016 report not available year:$100 million.

Key investors: Acequia Capital, The Chernin Group, Wildcat Capital Management

What does: Develops a miniature computer for the ears. The founders of the startup hope that in the future it will become as popular as the iPhone. This device called Here One is already open for pre-order (cost $299). The owners of this device can learn new information (for example, listen to live commentary during a baseball game), adjust the level of ambient noise (to fall asleep or better hear the words of the interlocutor). Here One, in essence, creates an augmented audio reality.

“We want to have a computer in everyone's ear,” says project CEO Noah Kraft.


Founder: Girish Matrubutham.

Investment received:$95 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$65 million.

Notable investors: Accel, Tiger Global Management, Google Capital

What does: Sells cloud-based customer support software that businesses can use to contact regular customers through various communication channels, for example, through email, by phone, through the website, forums or social networks. Support workers just need to go to Freshdesk and they will see all tickets and requests. The company also sells the Freshservice service for the company's internal help desk. Startup Freshdesk was founded six years ago in the Indian city of Chinnai. Girish Matrubutham decided to create it after he moved from India to the USA. During transportation, his TV was broken, and the carrier ignored his complaint. Girish was only able to get compensation after he complained on an online forum. Freshdesk differs from its larger competitors like Zendesk in that it is primarily aimed at small and medium businesses. Freshdesk is currently headquartered in San Bruno, California. The startup has 850 employees worldwide and has offices in Chinnai, Berlin, London and Sydney.


Founders: Steve Kokinos, Derek Yu.

Investment received:$200 million.

Estimated income for 2016: over $150 million.

Key investors: Bessemer Venture Partners, TCV, Summit Partners

What does: Helps to collect all correspondence of corporations (in text, sound or video format) in the cloud. For many companies, this is very important, but, alas, not easy to implement.

“People use a lot of apps, despite the fact that in the end they get a terrible experience,” says Steve Kokinos, one of the founders and CEO of a startup. “We came up with the idea of ​​​​a startup when we realized what kind of confusion was going on in this area.”

The startup was founded in Cambridge (Massachusetts) ten years ago and was originally called ThinkingPhones.

Roger Dickey. Photo: Forbes

Founders: Roger Dickey and Debo Olaosebican.

Investment received:$12.5 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$30 million.

Notable investors: Andreessen Horowitz, Y Combinator

What does: Offers a platform where companies can hire trusted freelancers in programming, design, and project management. The startup is already two years old, its main office is located in San Francisco. Gigster charges a 25% commission on a trade. Among his clients are IBM and MasterCard. Dickey is a software engineer by training - at 23, he founded a company that developed the popular multiplayer game for social networks called Dope Wars (sold to Zynga in 2008). The second founder of Olaosebikan was a rapper from Lagos, Nigeria. There he once also founded two startups. Dickey and the Olaosebican met at a conference in San Francisco.

Rob Solomon, CEO of GoFundMe. Photo: Eric Milett, Forbes.

Founders: Brad Damhouse and Andy Bollister.

Investment received: at least $300 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$100 million

What does: Manages the largest and most successful crowdfunding platform. The startup takes a 5 percent commission on “individual cases” fees. In addition, there is a 2.8% processing fee for credit cards and a 0.30% fee per donation. The project started in 2010. In five years, the total amount of donations exceeded one billion dollars. In July 2015, the company entered into a venture deal and received a $600 million valuation. After that, the amount of donations reached almost $2 billion.

Guardant Health

Helmy Eltoki. Photo: Forbes

Founders: Helmi Eltoki and Amir Ali Talasaz.

Investment received:$200 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$30 million.

Notable investors: Khosla Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, OrbiMed Advisors

What does: Offers his cancer patients a blood test without the risk and pain that usually accompanies a routine tumor biopsy. The "liquid biopsy" developed by this company has been on the market since 2014. It uses fragments of cancer DNA that can be found in the patient's blood. Using the analysis, you can track the development of the disease and the presence of gene mutations and prescribe the necessary medications. According to one of the founders, many companies offer such analysis, but Guardant dominates the market, with a 95% share. The startup is headquartered in Redwood City, California, and has about 190 employees and the number is growing. Guardant's blood test costs $5,800, but the company negotiates that price with the patients' health insurance.


Founder: Sam Shank.

Investment received:$81 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$60 million.

Notable investors: Coatue, Battery Ventures, US Venture

What does: Using the website or mobile application of a startup, you can last minute book a hotel room. Project founder Sam Shank believes that when searching for a hotel, people want to see no more than 15 options, not all 500. HotelTonight shows rooms with a discount of up to 20% in hotels located in more than 2500 cities North America and Europe. Shank plans to make a public offering of the company's shares early next year. This is his third startup for travelers. In 2004, he launched the TravelPost hotel review website, which he sold to SideStep two years later. In addition, he created the DealBase travel search engine, from which the idea for HotelTonight originated.


Founders: Clark Wahlberg and Ben Nadel.

Investment received:$135 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$40 million.

Key investors: FirstMark Capital, Tiger Global, Accel, Iconiq Capital

What does: Sells software that allows designers to quickly prototype websites and offerings without having to wait for engineers to build custom built-in tools for them. Startup InVision has already attracted a number of serious clients, including Airbnb, Salesforce and . InVision plans to partner with large banks and traditional companies that pay a lot of attention to design.

Scott Crouch. Photo: Forbes

Founders: Scott Crouch, Matthew Polega, Florian Meir.

Investment received:$41 million.

Estimated income for 2016: over $15 million.

Key investors: General Catalyst Partners, Spark Capital

What does: Helps to improve the efficiency of police work with the help of special programs and data analytics. Although it is not easy to accustom the police to any changes, Mark43 still managed to conclude a contract with some departments. The startup recently won the first tender to supply its services to five Los Angeles County police departments. Startup CEO Scott Crouch (25) founded the company with his two best friends while still at Harvard College. Now the trinity is on the list of 30 successful businessmen under 30, according to Forbes.

open door

Founders: Eric Wu, Kate Rabois, JD Ross, Ian Wong.

Investment received:$110 million.

Estimated income for 2016: more than $50 million.

Key investors: Access Industries, GGV Capital, Khosla Ventures

What does: Offers a new way to sell and buy homes. Every year, 5.5 million Americans try to sell their home. All of them have to deal with the complicated process of selling and with all these real estate agents. In the end, they simply do not understand how long all this will continue. A San Francisco startup is about to change everything with a technology that shows the cost of housing and offers to buy it immediately (with an 8% commission).

Owlet Baby Care

The three founders of the company. Photo: Forbes

Founders: Kurt Workman, Jordan Monroe, Zach Bomsta, Jacob Colvin.

Investment received:$15 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$20 million.

Key investors: Azimuth Ventures, Eclipse, ff Venture Capital, Eniac Ventures.

What does: Makes devices that monitor the health of the child. When Kurt Worman was at university, he decided to get into family planning and thought about the safety of his unborn child. So, he and his comrades created the Owlet, a device that uses heart rate data to tell parents if their child suddenly stopped breathing, or if their heart rate suddenly accelerated or slowed down. The device fits in a child's sock and sells for $250.

Procore Technologies

Tooi Courtemanchet. Photo: Forbes

Founder: Tooi Courtemanchet.

Investment received:$129 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$55 million.

Key investors: Bessemer Venture Partners, Iconiq Capital

What does: Sells software that allows customers to track construction progress - from viewing drawings to direct communication with subcontractors online or by phone. The main feature of Procore, because of which customers choose it: with the help of this software, they can better monitor their projects, which means that the number of errors and cost overruns will be reduced.

Rubicon Global

Founder: Nate Morris.

Investment received:$96 million.

Estimated income for 2016: over $300 million.

Key investors: Goldman Sachs, Wellington Management

What does: Links independent cleaning and recycling companies with large stores, restaurants and hotels with modern technologies. So customers of garbage companies can schedule garbage collection in a timely manner. Thanks to a competitive basis and a wide selection of different waste collection companies, Rubicon customers can significantly reduce their waste collection costs. More than 5,000 organizations have used the service. The startup is gradually expanding and offering its services to individuals.


Founders: Bipul Sinha, Arvind Jain, Soem Mazumdar, Arvind Nitrakashyar.

Investment received:$112 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$50 million.

Key investors: Greylock Partners, Lightspeed Venture Partners

What does: Sells software that helps store and transfer terabytes of information between data centers and the cloud. Example: one of the startup clients, Driscoll's, has a huge amount of information about the genotypes and types of berries it grows. Rubrick helps protect and store this data during all global operations. If a corporate server suddenly goes down, Rubrik can instantly restore all data. The founders of this startup from Palo Alto - former employees Oracle, Google and Facebook, and its CEO Bipul Sinha was once a partner at Lightspeed Venture Partners, a fund involved in Snapchat's early investment.

Sumo Logic

Founders: Christian Bigden, Kumar Saurab.

Investment received:$160 million.

Estimated income for 2016: over $50 million.

Key investors: Greylock Partners, DFJ Growth, IVP

What does: Sells cloud analytics service. The Redwood City-based startup works with companies from a variety of industries, such as AirBnB, Anheuser-Busch and Twitter. He helps them deal with some digital data that they would not pay attention to. The startup was founded six years ago by veterans of ArcSight, a cybersecurity agency owned by Hewlett-Packard. Now it is led by 44-year-old Ramin Sayyar, who came to the post CEO in 2014.

“I would say that the Sumo project is still a baby,” says Sayyar. - We are still clumsy and trying to figure everything out. And in my opinion, this is the most pleasant time for the company.”


Founders: David Yarnold, Atani Krishna, Hari Subramanian.

Investment received:$204 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$60 million.

Key investors: Meritech Capital Partners, Premji Invest

What does: Automates the work of maintenance personnel in the field (for example, repairmen of a forklift or an oil production unit). Instead of taking a phone call, manually filling out a work order and waiting for a customer to send a paper check, service personnel can now use the ServiceMax program. It can also be used to monitor equipment maintenance and manage schedules. preventive work. The program records the availability of spare parts and tracks problems using CT scans. When the equipment needs to be repaired, the program sends a special notification. The startup's two founders, Athani Krishna and Hari Subramanian, moved from India to the US nine years ago to work as software engineers. ServiceMax has big competitors in SAP, Oracle and Salesforce, but the global field service market is valued at $18 billion. The startup has offices in India, the UK and a dozen other countries.


Founders: Eldad Farkas, Aviad Harell, Guy Boyangu, Adi Azaria.

Investment received:$94 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$50 million.

Key investors: Bessemer Venture Partners, DFJ Growth

What does: Sells analytics software that parses vast amounts of data, from production efficiency, inventory numbers, and sales numbers to warranties and profitability levels. Among the startup's clients are Motorola, General Electric, Target and a number of small and medium-sized businesses. The project was founded in 2005 in Tel Aviv, now it has two offices - in Israel and New York.

“It all started with five guys and one dog sitting in a garage dreaming of incredible technology,” says CEO Amir Orad.

In 2010, they released their program, and since then "things have taken off."

talk desk

Founder: Thiago Paiva.

Investment received:$24 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$30 million.

Key investors: 500 Startups, DFJ, Salesforce Ventures, Storm Ventures

What does: Sells a subscription to a customer service program. A year ago client base Talkdesk consisted of 500 people, now it has increased to 1200. Initially, the founder of the project, 29-year-old Paiva, counted only on a small and medium business. Now on the list of his clients are Box, Shopify and Peet's Coffee. Paiva comes from Portugal. After graduating from college, he opened his own company in Lisbon. However, he soon moved to San Francisco - one of the California investors saw ads his company on YouTube and offered him $10,000 if he agreed to the move.

Tenable Network Security

Founders: Ron Gula, Jack Huffard, Renault Derison.

Investment received:$280 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$125 million.

Key investors: Accel, Insight Venture Partners

What does: Creates programs that allow their large to corporative clients like the NASDAQ and the US Department of Defense check their computer networks for hacks. The software monitors vulnerabilities on mobile phones, cameras, computers and tablets. For the first ten years, the startup worked on self-sufficiency and only in 2012 attracted venture investments. Over the past two years, the company began to grow rapidly after it abandoned the sale of licenses and switched to an annual subscription system.


Founders: Tom Villante, Matt Golis.

Investment received:$50 million.

Estimated income for 2016:$235 million.

Key investors: Accel, Meritech Capital Partners

What does: Offers secure payment systems for vacations and rentals through services like HomeAway and VRBO. While there are big players in the online payment market like PayPal and Square, Yapstone is mostly in its own niche. According to CEO Tom Villante, the startup plans to increase its revenue to $1 billion by 2020.
