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How much does it cost to open a car park. Cargo parking as a business. Sanitary standards and fire safety

You can often see how a piece of land, which yesterday was just a city wasteland, today is already surrounded by a fence, a booth with a security guard flaunts over it, and cars are parked on a gravel site. The implementation of such an idea as opening a street parking lot does not require special knowledge and high costs. It can hardly be considered as a business for the future, but it makes it possible to accumulate a certain primary capital.

What is the difference between car parking and paid parking

Despite the fact that in everyday life the names parking, parking, parking are often used as synonyms, from a legal point of view these are completely different concepts. Moreover, the definitions of these objects are contained in different regulatory documents.

  • Parking lot - an open area or part of a building, a separate structure intended for the storage of motor vehicles (Decree of the Rights No. 795 of November 17, 2001).
  • Parking - a designated place for organized parking of vehicles, paid or free (by decision of the owner of the land), which is part of the road or adjacent to it, or to other objects of the road network (clause 21, article 1 of the Urban Planning Code).

The key difference is the mention of the word “storage” in the first case, which implies different responsibilities for an entrepreneur providing parking services and renting a parking space. We will talk about this in more detail below, but for now, we note that there are several types of parking lots:

  • An open-type parking lot is a ground platform with a fence, spaced or common place of entry and exit. At the same time, at least half of the outer surface of the fence consists of open openings. A security post is being set up with signaling equipment, time tracking, and primary fire extinguishing equipment.
  • Closed car park - equipped with a canopy to protect from snow, or using modular prefabricated structures. Requires significant investment, the cost of space on it is higher. Fire requirements for such a structure are higher.
  • Parking in the building (parking) - can be attached, built-in, underground, detached, multi-level and even mechanized. Such construction is carried out special project agreed with the architecture department.

A budding entrepreneur has little choice. It is most often about the discovery of the usual open car park, so we will talk about the legal and economic side of organizing just such a business with a small initial investment.

Types of parking lots and car parks according to methodological recommendations Ministry of construction and housing and communal services, 2017.

Site selection and land registration

Possible options

In this regard, only one thing can be said: paid parking lots are in demand everywhere. The number of cars is dozens of times greater than the capacity of parking lots in any city. Many people prefer to park their car in a safe place for little money than to find it with a scratched bumper or broken glass after spending the night in a yard or in a narrow alley. The question is where you will find a free parking lot and whether you can rent it.

  • Central part of the city. In metropolitan areas, this is almost impossible, but in medium-sized cities it is quite. As a rule, in places left for the development of "new" urban centers. It is especially advantageous if there is an already operating mall or other large facility nearby. Renting land for parking will be expensive.
  • sleeping areas. In the old yards there is absolutely nowhere to put the car, which is the reason for constant scandals with mothers of children walking in the yard, with the Criminal Code, HOA and the list goes on. There are quite a lot of empty lots in the area of ​​the new building, and even more cars. If you can find a convenient place, the parking lot will definitely not be empty.
  • Outskirts and suburbs. The biggest advantage is cheap land. At the entrance to the city, an open parking lot will be in demand among truckers. Arranging a platform for trucks is a little more difficult. If a residential area is built up nearby, a parking lot for cars for a long time will bring a stable income.

Lease of private and municipal land

The number of necessary documents, approvals and permits directly depends on who owns the land. Two options are possible here: rent from a private owner or from the municipality (administration) of the city. In the first case, the developer usually leases such a plot, and here you should not count on a long-term lease agreement. Most often, the plot is provided for 11 months (so as not to register with Rosreestr) with subsequent prolongation for the same period. In addition to the contract, it may only be necessary to obtain permission from the administration to arrange a parking lot on private land, and then, provided that this is provided for by local regulations.

If the land is state (municipal), first of all, you need to find out if there are any Rules for locating parking lots in a particular city. In most cases, there are such documents, and they spell out the entire procedure for registering a site for these objects and required documents. A typical set of requirements is shown below (may vary by region).

  • Preliminary approval in the land management committee on the possibility of providing the selected site for rent.
  • Car park layout project, carried out by a licensed organization and approved by:
    1. with Rospotrebnadzor if it is located near residential buildings;
    2. utilities if pipes for water supply, heating, etc. pass underground;
    3. GIBBD, when the parking lot is equipped in close proximity to road infrastructure facilities;
    4. with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.
  • Administration permission municipality issued after the presentation of the project and positive conclusions.

After that, a tender will be announced for the land plot, as expected, and it is possible that you will have competitors. Please note that many regional documents establish the procedure only for state lands, without affecting the interests of private owners.

Sanitary standards and fire safety

The main document that regulates the rules for arranging car parks is the CODE OF RULES SP 113.13330.2016. It was developed in accordance with the Technical Regulations on the safety of buildings and structures (No. 384-FZ 0t 12/30/2009) and on fire safety requirements (No. 123 of 07/22/2008). Most of the recommendations are for building structures. There are not so many restrictions for open car parks:

  • the minimum distance from the gate (barrier) to the street is 20 m, the intersection is 50 m, the stop is 30 m;
  • the presence of a fence near the parking lot, equipped entrances (exits);
  • the width of the passage between the lines for placing cars is not less than 7 m;
  • a checkpoint for a parking area with a capacity of 50 or more vehicles;
  • fire extinguishing equipment, garbage container.

By the size of the parking lot and the number of cars, you need to focus on SP 42.13330.2016, and fire safety standards for car parks are regulated by clause 6.11 of SP 4.13130.2013. For open areas, the arrangement of smoke exhaust and ventilation systems is not required, but there should be an equipped place for fire tools, fire extinguishers, SZI.

Are approvals needed?

Mandatory approval of technical documentation for the construction of capital facilities. Usually this is done by the organization implementing the project. If an open parking lot is planned, where there will be only temporary structures without a foundation, that is, in fact, just a fenced plot of land, there is nothing to coordinate. However, when renting state land, a project may also be required in this case.

Parking services are included in the section of the classifier "Storage facilities and auxiliary transport activity". They do not apply to, therefore, it is not necessary to notify Rospotrebnadzor of the start of activities, as well as the Ministry of Emergency Situations (fire supervision). It turns out that no approvals are needed, with the exception of the permission of the municipality.

This does not mean that the departments that control sanitation and fire safety will not come to your parking lot to check. Most likely, this will be done in the first 1-2 months after opening. In order to avoid prescriptions, it is advisable to adhere to the SP and, before erecting a parking lot, get advice from the designers about possible claims.

Site arrangement and equipment

  • Leveling and covering the site with PSC, gravel with bituminous impregnation, asphalt chips.
  • Fencing around the perimeter of the parking lot, arranging the gate (barrier).
  • Installation of a heated trailer, change houses for security guards,
  • Connection to the mains (availability of other sources of electricity).
  • Installation of lighting fixtures (lanterns, spotlights).

It is necessary to think over the communication and security alarm system. Surveillance cameras will provide control not only over the territory of the parking lot, but also over the work of employees. In addition, in the event of an emergency, this will help to find intruders, and in any case will save you from accusations of improper organization of the protection of cars entrusted to you.

Service Rules

The main normative act that regulates the relationship between the car park (its owner) and the consumers of the service is the Rules approved by the Post. Right. No. 795, they need to be studied first. IN controversial situation The court always bases its decision on this document. It contains the following basic rules.

  • All information about the entrepreneur, Rules for the provision of services, work schedule, price list should be in a conspicuous place.
  • A written storage agreement is concluded between the service provider (parking lot) and the customer, where, among other things, the brand, registration plate of the car, and the price of the car are indicated by agreement of the parties.
  • For a long period of time, a pass is issued to the client. If the car costs less than a day, it is permissible to issue a receipt, a token, a receipt indicating the car number. If they are, the contract is considered concluded.
  • In case of damage, theft of parts, theft of a car, an act is drawn up. The owner of the car park is obliged to compensate the losses within 10 days. The consumer of the service has the right to demand full reimbursement of the cost of the property.

Brief business plan (financial part)

To open a business, it is most profitable to register an individual entrepreneur, especially since the activity of parking lots falls under UTII. Code according to OKVED - 52.21.24 according to the classifier OK 029-2014 (NACE Rev. 2) as amended in 2018. Let's give an example financial calculation, showing what main expenses and incomes need to be taken into account when drawing up a business plan.

The main indicators of the car park:

  • Area - 25 acres (2,500 sq.m).
  • The number of parking spaces - 100 pieces.
  • Occupancy per day - 70 units.
  • The cost of the service is 60 rubles per day.
Initial investment Amount, rub. fixed costs per month Amount, rub.
IP registration, organizational expenses 5 000 Plot lease (municipal land) 25 000
Ordering a project for an open car park 40 000 Employee salary 3x 10,000 = 30,000
Site preparation (sand, gravel, bituminous impregnation) 700 000 Payment for electricity, communication services 3 000
Change house for protection, toilet 200 000 Export of solid waste 1 000
Fences, gates 150 000 Taxes (UTII) 3 500
Lighting (lanterns) + electricity supply 50 000 Deductions to the Pension Fund for employees 9 000
Furniture, telephone, fire fighting equipment 10 000 Payment for accounting services outsourcing 5 000
video equipment 90 000 Reserve 10 000
Total 1 245 000 86 000

* Prices may vary by region

In the given example, the annual expenses are about 1,032,000 rubles per year, and the income of the parking lot is 1,512,000 rubles per year. The investment will pay off in 2.5 years in an optimistic scenario. This must be taken into account when concluding a lease agreement for a land plot.

Risks and responsibility for the safety of cars

The main risks when opening a car park are short-term lease agreements and the possibility of loss (damage) of a car left for storage. You can get into a situation where the lease will refuse to renew even before the business pays off and starts to make a profit.

It cannot be ruled out that the car is accidentally or intentionally damaged, or even stolen from the parking lot. Its cost will have to be reimbursed. Many entrepreneurs try to avoid responsibility by claiming that they do not provide parking services, but simply provide a parking space. But if it comes to court, the win, as a rule, remains with the owner of the car.

The fact is that the provision of a place for temporary parking is also formalized by an agreement, and it should state the absence of responsibility for storage. It is clear that in their right mind, none of the clients will sign it. It happens that an announcement is hung on the territory of the parking lot that it is not responsible for the safety of vehicles. However, this is not taken into account by the court, as it is a violation of the Rules.

In conclusion, we note that cases of compensation for losses by car parks are rare. Moreover, almost every car today is equipped with an alarm. The risk is minimized with the help of reliable security, liability insurance, and the conclusion of an agreement with a private security company. As for rent, you need to study the prospects in advance, using all possible sources. If you open a parking lot in a good place for 5-6 years, it will bring good income. In fact, this requires only initial investments, it almost does not require expenses for ongoing maintenance.

A truck is a universal means of transporting various goods over different distances. For this reason, truck parking is now gaining particular popularity. If you look at this fact from the point of view of doing business, you can understand that this is a very profitable project. So, let's talk about this in more detail now.

How to open a cargo parking lot from scratch?

Where is the best place to park

Before you think about opening a car park, you need to find a place where it will be located. In big cities, this can be a little problem. Since getting access to the desired site is sometimes very difficult. There are two ways to obtain land for parking trucks:

  1. Parking lot rental. Considered the most the best option for business start-ups. The most important thing is to conclude an agreement with the owner of the site or obtain written permission from the city authorities who own it.
  2. Buying a car park. A very costly method and therefore many professionals do not advise taking such an action. After all, you will have to pay a very large amount to the seller, you need to establish all communications.

You will also face the problem of "knocking the thresholds" of local authorities. The only advantage can be considered that if the business starts to develop successfully, you will have a guarantee that no one will take the land, and of course, the business.

What documents are needed to open a car park

After purchasing a plot or concluding a lease agreement, it is necessary to develop a project for a future parking lot. It should contain construction estimates, the equipment of the future parking lot is described in detail. After the project is ready and all documents are collected, it is necessary to coordinate them in many state instances. If you are not sure what documents are required, please contact government bodies. They will advise you there.

An example of a cargo parking project

It will take two or three months to agree on and finalize the project. But this is after the approval of the opening of your business and confirmation that the project is designed correctly. Further, a special warrant is issued to the owner.

It states:

  • the number of permitted parking spaces;
  • mode of operation;
  • and how freight transport will be located.

Timely payment of rent is considered a prerequisite. After completing the registration procedure, you can start equipping the parking of trucks. As well as competent construction of business, for more successful work and high yield.

Truck parking equipment

An important factor in arranging a parking lot is the choice quality equipment and the right marketing move. After all, a finished and concise look attracts future consumers. Here you need to think through everything thoroughly and to the smallest detail. To do this, use the approved project.

  1. A large number of companies specialize in sales of special equipment. They offer the right range of products. You will only have to choose the right one.
  2. Your future parking should have a barrier at the entrance. He will control the movement of cars. Also provide automatic gates with a checkpoint.
  3. The parking lot in which the security service is provided will enjoy great confidence. After all, its presence means reliability and a guarantee of the safety of the car and its contents.
  4. All parking spaces must be marked according to the developed project.
  5. The distance between rows should be at least seven meters. The parking lot itself should be covered with asphalt treated with a special agent that will prevent the absorption of oil products. If treatment has not been carried out, this fact may negatively affect the reputation of the car park. Since when checking the state. authorities for the lack of a protective coating can be fined. But you can cover with simple gravel.
  6. All car parks must be well lit. And around the clock. And the presence of surveillance cameras will help you raise the price of services and earn trust among customers. This will have a positive effect on profits.
  7. If there is a hotel or cafe nearby, then this will also show up well on your business. Although, you can build the above. It will just be very expensive. The most important thing is that there are no competitors in the near distance.

How much money do you need to open a car park

All investments in such a project, with the right approach, should pay off in three years. But this is relevant only when the right conditions and prices for services are created.

Every day there are more and more cars in cities. As the famous saying goes, a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. Although the authorities have already embarked on the development public transport, the car is still the most convenient means of transportation, even in Moscow with its daily traffic jams.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical ways to solve legal issues, but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


It's fast and FOR FREE!

That is why opening your own parking lot is quite a promising business idea. If we talk about Moscow and St. Petersburg, then the need of the population for commercial parking is obvious: the paid parking area is expanding, it is risky to leave vehicles on the side of the road - they can be evacuated.

Legislation is increasingly restricting motorists and tightening penalties for leaving your car in places not intended for parking.

In these circumstances, paid parking is a salvation for the car owner and a stable source of income for the entrepreneur. The photo below shows the stages of expanding the paid parking zone in Moscow.

But even if the entrepreneur lives in a small provincial town, you should not abandon the idea of ​​​​creating your own parking lot:

  • firstly, the number of cars in the country is increasing as rapidly as in the capital;
  • secondly, everything that is successfully implemented in Moscow is then applied in the regions. This means that you can meet local laws on paid parking with already ready-made business and easily outperform competitors;
  • thirdly, probably even in small town there is a problem with parking on the territory of the enterprise, where a barrier is installed and places only for employees, or shopping and entertainment complexes. Why not give visitors the opportunity to leave their car under guard and go on business in peace.

General requirements

Opening your own parking lot is a time-consuming process that requires extensive knowledge on the topic. Before registering a company and proceeding with the arrangement, it is worth understanding all the requirements that apply to parking lots.

The future owner of the parking lot should know:

  1. How many square meters will be required for one parking space.
  2. What are the requirements for water supply and electrification of parking.
  3. How to arrange parking in accordance with fire and environmental safety standards.
  4. What claims may arise from representatives of supervisory authorities to the equipment used.

Information on the subject can be obtained from the following sources:

  1. , which describes the procedure for the provision of services, the information that the owner of the parking lot must convey to the client, as well as his responsibility for the car entrusted to him.
  2. For Moscow: which lists the recommended rules for using paid parking lots in Moscow.
  3. For Moscow: ), developed taking into account SNiPs. For other cities, there are also local GOS approved by the territorial authorities.

In addition, each subject of the Federation may have its own legislative acts regulating the activities of commercial parking lots.

About the organization of paid city parking in the city of Moscow

On the territory of the capital there is a system of paid urban parking.

The territorial zones for the organization of paid parking in Moscow were designated, where parking of vehicles is carried out on a commercial basis.

The price of using a parking space is regulated. According to normative act it is:

  • 60 rub. per hour for parking within the Third Ring Road;
  • 160 rub. per hour for the center: inside the Garden Ring.

Apart from hourly pay Also:

  • It is possible to purchase a subscription for a month or a year;
  • for disabled people, heroes of the Great Patriotic War and others preferential categories free parking spaces are provided;
  • for residents - preferential terms for payment and the ability to leave the car at home for the night for free, having previously issued.

    This program is implemented by the Moscow Government together with the Moscow Department of Transport and Road Infrastructure Development.

    The main partner of the authorities in the implementation of the project was the Mosparking company, which equipped turnkey parking areas for:

    • a number of metropolitan business centers;
    • car dealerships;
    • large enterprises;
    • Committee physical education and sports of Moscow;
    • Federal Migration Service of Russia;
    • other institutions.

    But not all Moscow paid parking lots belong to the city.

    Since the mayor's office provides support in the arrangement of paid parking zones and the regulation of parking in the city as a whole, the authorities are willing to meet those who decide to open a parking lot on their own: by renting land, on own site, or in the courtyard of an apartment building (MKD).

    Principles of formation of paid parking

    Since parking is a place of increased danger, a number of requirements are imposed on it, compliance with which guarantees the safety of vehicles and the safety of people:

    • security for customers and their cars must be ensured throughout the entire parking area: security and video surveillance systems, as well as reliable fences, will solve this problem;
    • the entrance to the parking lot and the exit from it should not be in the same place;
    • Parking spaces and driveways between them must be of sufficient size so that cars can freely move through the parking lot without creating a risk of an accident.

    In addition, there are additional requirements for underground parking:

    • availability of a reliable ventilation system, gas pollution control sensors, air conditioning and waterproofing systems, as well as necessary equipment to extinguish fires;
    • on the territory of the parking lot, constant monitoring of the microclimate should be carried out, which will provide optimal conditions for cars;
    • inside the parking lot, there should be a wide enough viewing angle so that car drivers can see each other.

    For the unhindered opening of the parking lot, it is necessary that the land on which it will be located has documented boundaries and is registered with the cadastre.

    If the residents of the house have not previously attended to this issue, then before going to the Council for a parking permit in the courtyard of a residential building, you need to submit an application to the Department of Land Resources and Land Management with a request to form a land plot.

    Information on subsidizing the installation of barriers in the local area, published on the portal

    The department will carry out all the procedures necessary to register the site:

    • land surveying;
    • registration of a plot of land in the common shared ownership of residents;
    • registration and issuance of a supporting document.


    When organizing parking, you must obtain permission from the local municipality to arrange parking for cars in the selected area.

    It is carried out in accordance with the requirements provided for (clause 6.4).

    For municipal parking

    If there is no money to buy a parking lot, do not be upset. This is a fairly large investment that may not pay off.

    It is much better to rent land from the municipality: this way you can get a good plot near shopping center, at a hotel or in a residential area. In addition, the cost of renting municipal land is usually lower than that of private owners.

    When opening a parking lot on municipal land, the procedure will be as follows:

    • obtaining permission from the local administration;
    • obtaining the conclusion of the department of architecture of the subject on whose territory parking is planned;
    • obtaining positive conclusions from regulatory authorities;
    • coordination with the traffic police.

    It should be noted that the municipal land is leased only on the basis of the auction results. You can learn about the rules for bidding and the sites represented on them on the administration website.

    On your own territory

    If the parking lot is located on its own land, then bidding is not required. It is enough to provide the local government with documents for the site, a certificate of tax registration, as well as a project for a future parking lot that meets all building codes and safety rules and is approved by the architecture committee.

    Should there be markings in paid parking?

    On the territory of a paid parking lot, there must be a “Paid Parking” sign: the letter “P” on a blue background, supplemented by a sign 8.8 “Paid Services”, as well as marking of parking spaces.

    These requirements are specified in the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated May 17, 2013 No. 289 (clauses 1.3-1.4). Marking according to traffic rules provides the most convenient arrangement of cars in the parking area and ensures that all cars have enough space and they can pass.

    Table 2. Calculation of the dimensions of the parking space in accordance with the standards of GOST and SNiP.

    List of documents

    To obtain a permit to open a parking lot, you must send an application to the local government.

    The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

    • certificate of registration as an entrepreneur or organization of a legal entity;
    • meeting minutes HOA owners if it is parking on the territory of the MKD;
    • an agreement with the landlord, if the land is leased;
    • documents confirming the ownership of the land, if you plan to open a parking lot on your site;
    • a project for the arrangement of a parking lot with a situational plan, which will indicate the location of cars, fences, barriers and other equipment;
    • extract from the cadastral register.

    Also, for legal parking activities, you will need:

    • conclude an agreement on the removal of solid household waste;
    • conclude a contract for the maintenance of KKM;
    • sign an agreement on the provision of deratization services;
    • approve the production control program.

    In addition, the parking lot will need to be checked by the fire service and Sanepidnadzor. To do this, it is worth taking into account all the requirements of SanPin at the stage of arranging the parking lot, as well as purchasing all the necessary fire fighting equipment.

    Information on the requirements can be gleaned from the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated November 21, 2012 N 693 “On approval of the set of rules“ Fire protection systems. Ensuring the fire resistance of protected objects ”(clause 6.4.).

    Registration procedure

    After the site where the parking will be located is selected, the action plan will consist of the following steps:

    1. Registration in tax office as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. When opening parking lots and car parks, the OKVED code 63.21.24 is used (operation of garages, parking lots for vehicles, motorcycles, bicycles, etc.).
    2. Conclusion of a land lease agreement / purchase of a land plot / procedure for the formation of a land plot for parking.
    3. Obtaining permission to use the land for organizing parking in the district administration.
    4. Coordination of the plan of the parking lot with the checking authority (for Moscow - the Moscow Committee for Architecture).
    5. Receipt permits from fire supervision, Rospotrebnadzor, committee for protection environment(for Moscow - Moskompriroda), traffic police, water utility services.
    6. Statement of the Departments of Motor Transport and Communications to inform about the opening of the parking lot.

    When all the paperwork is completed, the owner of the parking lot receives an Order for paid parking, which contains information about the type of parking lot, the number of parking spaces, the mode of operation, as well as the situational plan of the territory.

    Cost of equipment

    To ensure the quality of parking, you will need:

    • perform a high-quality asphalt coating with impregnation that prevents the absorption of fuel waste;
    • purchase enclosing structures and limiters;
    • install barriers;
    • information stands;
    • lighting.

    In addition, now more and more popular are automatic parking lots, equipped with a special rack, having driven up to which the driver receives a token, and the barrier opens, letting him into the territory.

    In the photo there is an entrance counter equipped with an automatic barrier:

    Such equipment allows you to save on staff and improve the level of service, but requires additional costs. The table below shows the main cost items for opening a parking lot, as well as the approximate cost of purchased equipment.

    Table 3. List of equipment required to open an automated parking lot.

    The degree of parking automation affects how the payment will be made. With partially automatic payment, employees accept money, and with fully automated payment, special equipment.

    The post has been changed:

    How to open a car park from scratch

    Do you know how many cars were registered in Russia last year? 55 million 669 thousand pieces! Based on the fact that the population of our country is more than 146 million inhabitants, it turns out that every third person definitely has his own car. Add to this figure foreign citizens in their own cars. It is not surprising that the rules of the road are tightened every year, changes are made to the municipal charters of cities on parking rules, the prohibition of “through” passage of overall and heavy vehicles, etc.
    Almost every car owner who lives in a large city knows how hard it is to find a parking place in the evening if you don’t have your own garage. Many people have to park their car overnight for 2-3 houses from their own, or even half a block away. Of course, at the expense of the safety of your car. After all, even the most reliable alarm does not guarantee 100% protection. For every innovation in security systems, car thieves respond with their invention. In this case, only paid parking can help. That is why the question: how to open a parking lot from scratch occupies many entrepreneurs, because not just big, but very big money “spins” in this business.

    Brief business analysis:
    Business setup costs: 2 000 000-3 000 000
    Relevant for cities with a population: from 100 000 people
    Situation in the industry:The supply market is saturated
    The complexity of organizing a business: 4/5
    Payback: 1.5-2 years

    Everyone has the same problem...

    Of course, no one wants to shell out money for an hourly location (or purchase of a subscription) of a car in a paid parking lot. But, for the most part, it does. Because the yards and roadsides, as it turns out, are not “rubber” at all, and cannot accommodate all lovers of free parking. Yes, and it's one thing if a person leaves a budget domestic car in the open air, and another if it's an elite car worth more than tens of thousands of "green Americans".

    In addition, in addition to hijackers, there are just hooligans; enemies who dream of getting even with you for something, able to do this by scratching or painting a car with paint; bad weather conditions - hail, snow, rain. In general, one way or another, you have to use the parking lots.

    Choose the type of car park

    Consider existing species parking lots. They are classified into three main types, which in turn are divided into several more:

    • Ground (flat) parking lots: a) open - fenced or not fenced areas where traffic is regulated by markings and signs b) covered - a building with boxes, a complex of garages, or a territory with a canopy.
    • Multilevel: a) ground b) underground c) ground-underground
    • Semi-mechanized and mechanized, in which the parking process is carried out with the participation of the driver and with the help of mechanisms, and without the participation of the driver: a) with vertical movement of the car b) with horizontal movement.

    For a novice entrepreneur, it would be more expedient to consider opening a ground-type parking lot for several reasons:

    • Construction costs are much lower.
    • The turnaround time is shorter.
    • Documentation is easier.

    How to draw up papers

    In order to engage in any business, you will need to formalize your activities. You can read about how to register an individual entrepreneur or LLC by clicking on the links. If for some reason you cannot do the registration yourself, you can use the services of online accounting, which within 15 minutes will prepare for you the necessary package of documents for an individual entrepreneur for free.

    In general, it should be noted that the situation with paid parking in our country is somewhat paradoxical: their activities are indicated in the OKVED, officially they are under the jurisdiction of the SSPP - public service paid parking, but this activity is not regulated by law. But, as often happens - "What is not forbidden is allowed." Therefore, paid parking lots exist, and bring considerable income to their owners.

    Helpful information: OKVED code for opening car parking: 63.21.24 "Operation of garages, parking lots for vehicles, bicycles, etc."

    The paperwork for opening a parking lot is as follows:

    • Drawing up an application to the municipal public utilities and the road management and city improvement service for permission to use the territory or building / premises as a parking lot.
    • After receiving a positive response, you can go to the SSPP, where they will conclude an agreement with you that the future parking lot will be considered municipal. Yes Yes exactly!
    • After drawing up and signing the contract, you will have to visit the local traffic police department, where your parking lot will be checked to ensure that it does not interfere traffic, not dangerous for pedestrians, etc. After that, you will be given an appropriate conclusion. They might even issue a parking sign. How much it will cost you to receive such a sign depends on the "appetites" of officials.
    • If under the parking area there are some underground utilities, then you will have to obtain permission from the utilities.

    Where to find a parking spot

    We want to warn you right away: to get land or suitable premises for a surface parking in the city center - the most profitable area, is almost impossible (unless, of course, you have “useful acquaintances” in the relevant authorities), everything has been occupied there for a long time, or you will not be allowed for environmental or architectural reasons.

    Therefore, it is worth paying attention to sleeping areas. Parking equipment in them will cost a little less, and it will be easier to obtain the necessary permits. On the territory of the parking lot there should be a room for security, an administrative office, a checkpoint. If you think about organizing additional services in the parking lot (we will talk about them below), then you need to have more premises.

    We comply with the necessary requirements

    By law, a car park must be located at least 50 meters from the first line of residential buildings. There are requirements for the parking lot itself:

    • The distance between the rows of cars must be at least 7 meters, sufficient for two cars to pass on it.
    • The asphalt pavement of the parking lot must be covered with a special substance that prevents the absorption of automobile oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.
    • Natural and artificial lighting must meet the necessary requirements.

    By the way, many owners of parking lots ignore these requirements, preferring to pay "who needs it" if necessary.

    car park staff

    After you go through all the "ordeals" with paperwork and the construction of a parking lot, you can think about the staff. The first is round-the-clock security, which must have at least 3 people. Of course, the final amount depends on the parking area. Next - a cleaner of administrative premises, part-time - a janitor sweeping the parking area.

    We organize additional services

    Parking is the best suited for organizing additional income on its territory. Here you can open a seasonal tire storage service, a workshop for restoring cars after an accident, organize airbrushing services -, or

    Required for starting any business start-up capital. In the case of the desire to build a parking lot, it should not be small. In addition to renting land, you will have to fork out decently for the execution of various papers. How to open your parking lot - learn from this article.

    How to open a car park

    First of all, before opening a parking lot, you need to assess the business prospects, that is, calculate where it is most profitable to build a parking lot. There is no need to rush, your future earnings depend on it.

    Typically, to solve financial task three tools are used.

    1. Bank loans. Some banks offer special “sharpened” programs for startups.
    2. Borrowed from a friend/relative. To prevent misunderstandings, an IOU is usually issued indicating the conditions for repaying the debt. The document can be certified by a notary.
    3. Partnership. The most successful option both financially and psychologically. Opening a parking lot, like any other business, is easier for a couple.

    How to open a parking lot: a business plan

    Before opening a car park, be sure to draw up a business plan in which special attention should be paid to the following points.

    1. The period during which the business will pay off and begin to make a profit.
    2. Calculate the entire budget, distributing the money "on the shelves." Manage your finances wisely, save as much as possible.
    3. For more details, please refer to the documentation. Understand the procedure for registering a company, as well as the nuances of such activities.
    4. Don't forget about advertising campaigns, moreover, advertising must be submitted in advance. Also, don't skimp on posters, billboards, newspapers, and local television - advertise your business wherever you can and, first of all, where it makes sense. Measure your interests target audience and marketing moves.

    After drawing up such a plan, proceed with the registration of the company.

    What do you need to open a car park

    1. Decide on legal status companies. It is recommended to register under the form of LLC or IP.
    2. Go to the office of the regional administration to apply for the lease of land previously selected for parking. There you can also consult on all stages of registration of the "point".
    3. When the lease documents are signed, present the business project to the local authorities.
    4. Further, the documentation must be taken to the Land Committee.
    5. After the transfer of land under your management, it is still impossible to build a parking lot. It is necessary to collect some additional documents.

    What documents are needed to register a car park

    If you plan to equip the land plot in the near future, collect the following papers:

    • permission of the district administration;
    • lease agreement;
    • drawing of the future parking lot;
    • permission paper from Rospotrebnadzor and the fire service.

    If the development is not planned for a certain time, additionally collect the following documents:

    • deratization agreement;
    • garbage collection document
    • cash register maintenance agreement;
    • production control program.

    If you do not have time for paperwork: contact a lawyer. For a specialist, all procedures are as clear as possible. Naturally, the lawyer will take his commission.

    How to organize a car park

    Properly chosen parking place is the key to its prosperity and payback in a short time.

    The central area of ​​the city is the most "live". It would seem that it is best to build a parking lot there. This is partly the right decision if you have a lot of capital. If the budget is cut, then opening a parking lot in the center is an impossible desire. In addition, often almost the entire territory of such areas is already occupied by other buildings.

    A more correct solution is to rent land in a residential area. In such areas, as a rule, residents do not have their own garages. Consequently, they have nowhere to leave their cars overnight. In addition, renting a land plot will be much cheaper, unlike in the center.

    Selecting the type of car park

    There are several types of parking.

    1. Open car park. It requires a minimum of funds for opening and maintenance. Most often, such buildings are preferred by drivers with a small salary. The territory of open parking should be fenced, as well as guarded.
    2. Closed parking. Similar structures differ in the presence of a roof that protects cars and other vehicles from natural influences. To open it, you need more capital, but the income is correspondingly higher.
    3. Paid parking. Today, such structures are gaining more and more popularity. If you want to open paid parking, the distance of the roadway within the territory must be at least seven meters.
    4. Dedicated truck stops are beneficial if there are no competitive parking lots nearby. The main customers are truckers who systematically stop by for recreation. And by the way, a small cafe in the parking lot will significantly increase the popularity of your "point" and bring good income.
    5. Parking underground. Usually built in the central parts of the city, so as not to interfere with the main city traffic. As a rule, this is the most expensive option of all the above.

    How to open a parking lot - important points

    The next step is the selection of qualified personnel. For a small parking area, two security guards, an accountant and a valet are sufficient. Special attention should be given to candidates for the position of security guards. Hire citizens with positive reviews and preferably with work experience. Professionals in their field will provide you with a restful sleep at night. Car theft is not uncommon.

    Install video cameras throughout the parking area, exclude "blind" zones.

    Unforeseen situations happen in the parking business. For example, you need to return the leased land before the end of the contract. In this case, contact an experienced lawyer. If you want to build a covered car park, land is best bought, not leased.

    How much does it cost to open a car park

    The cost of building a parking lot for cars depends on many factors, in particular on the place of construction.

    The bulk of the money will go to:

    • Registration of various papers and permits.
    • Purchase or lease of land.
    • Parking lot equipment.
    • Employee wages.
    • Advertising campaigns.

    The minimum amount of expenses will be about 250 thousand rubles.
