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Job responsibilities and functions of the assistant. Referent for main activities job description. What is he doing


______________ "____"___________ 2005



1.1. This job description defines functional responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of the secretary-referent.

1.2. The secretary-referent is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the general director.

1.3. The assistant secretary reports directly.

1.4. An employee with a complete secondary education, who has experience as a secretary or assistant for at least 2 years and skills in working on a PC, knowledge of in English, skills in working with office equipment, knowledge of the basics of office work.

1.5. The duties of the secretary-assistant include: administrative support supporting the work of the general director.

1.6. The secretary-referent in his work is guided by the orders of the general director, regulations and this job description.



2.1. Performs printing and duplicating work.

2.2. Receives incoming and outgoing calls.

2.3. Conducts telephone conversations.

2.10. Organizes economic activity reception.

2.11. Receives visitors.

2.12. Organization of uninterrupted work of drivers and reception.

The assistant secretary has the right:

3.1. Contact company officials to provide information necessary to complete documents and prepare reports.

3.2. Require the submission of documents drawn up properly, based on the requirements of the company’s internal regulations.

3.3. Inform the General Director about the occurrence of obstacles to the fulfillment of assigned tasks due to the fault of third parties.

3.4. Conduct negotiations on behalf of the company within the framework of issues within the competence of the secretary-assistant.


4.1. The assistant secretary is responsible for:

— timely and high-quality performance of duties assigned by the job description;

— inaccurate information about the state of affairs and the performance of functional duties;

— maintaining trade secrets within the limits determined by current legislation and internal regulations of the company;

- non-disclosure of any information obtained as a result professional activity;

- offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation;

— causing damage (material or harm business reputation) to the enterprise within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation;

— failure to comply with orders, instructions and instructions of the General Director;

— inappropriate behavior towards company employees and third parties;

- violation of the Rules of internal labor regulations, safety and fire safety.


5.1. The mode of work of the assistant secretary is determined in accordance with the terms of the employment contract and the Internal Labor Regulations established at the enterprise.

5.2. In connection with the production need, the secretary-referent can be sent to business trips(including local significance).

5.3. In connection with the production need, the secretary-referent may be involved in work outside standard duration day.



1.1. The assistant secretary belongs to the category of enterprise specialists and is hired and dismissed by the director.

1.2. The main tasks of the secretary-assistant are organizational and documentation support management activities.

1.3. The assistant secretary reports directly to the director of the enterprise.

1.4. In his activities, the secretary-referent is guided by:
— legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
— Charter of the enterprise;
— Regulations on the functional services of the enterprise;
— orders (instructions) of the enterprise management;
— normative and methodological materials on the organization of office work;
- this job description.

1.5. Persons with higher, secondary specialized education and work experience of at least 1 year or without experience are appointed to the position of secretary-assistant, but subject to training in secretarial-assistant courses.

1.6. The assistant secretary must know the following questions:
— prospects for the development of the enterprise, its financial and economic activities;
— organizing work with documents, drawing up documentation;
— organization of managerial work;
- the use of computer and organizational technology;
— translation of official documentation into a foreign language of a commercial partner;
— work culture and work ethics;
— occupational health, safety and fire protection.


The secretary-referent is entrusted with following functions:

2.1. Information and reference services on enterprise documents.

2.2. Methodological guidance and control over the organization of office work in structural divisions and branches of the enterprise.

2.3. Documenting the activities of the enterprise's advisory bodies.

2.4. Operational and organizational services to management.

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The secretary is called the boss’s faithful assistant and right hand, and for good reason, because the responsibilities of the manager’s secretary include ensuring effective management and administrative activities. The manager's secretary is engaged in the preparation and execution of business papers and documents, helps the boss in business, and resolves many organizational issues.

The position of a secretary-assistant can also be considered a representative position, since he is the face of the company - he meets guests, answers calls and letters. This type of work requires great composure, communication skills and organization. For this reason, the profession of a secretary can promise great prospects - in the future, a specialist can become an office manager, and then one of the directors or top managers.

Places of work

The position of executive secretary is required in almost every company that has an office for clients and visitors. These can be both large enterprises and small business organizations.

History of the profession

The first secretaries can be considered scribes and chroniclers - they wrote down the royal decrees and orders, kept chronicles current events, were responsible for conducting correspondence. Over time, the powers of the secretary have expanded significantly and today they can perform a wide variety of functions. Thus, there was a need for specialists narrow specialization, as a result of which the profession of secretary-assistant, clerk, secretary-translator and office manager appeared.

Responsibilities of the secretary

IN job responsibilities secretary-referent includes:

  • reception of visitors;
  • receiving phone calls;
  • record keeping;
  • planning the manager's working day;
  • organization of meetings;
  • ordering tickets and hotel reservations for the manager and other employees during a business trip;
  • ordering stationery for the office;
  • fulfilling the manager's requests.

Sometimes the functions of the manager's secretary include correspondence in English.

Requirements for a secretary

Requirements for a secretary assistant include:

  • secondary or higher education;
  • PC ownership;
  • knowledge of the basics of office work;
  • knowledge of English (sometimes).

Also, the position of secretary requires the following skills:

  • punctuality;
  • the ability to look good (presentable);
  • organization.

Secretary resume sample

How to become a secretary

How to become a secretary? Anyone can have this higher education who has completed secretarial assistant courses or received training directly on the job. As a rule, employers do not impose special requirements on the applicant’s acquired specialty, but focus on ensuring that the applicant has the necessary personal qualities and is able to perform duties at the proper level.

Secretary salary

A secretary's salary can vary - from 15 to 45 thousand rubles. Income depends on the employee’s duties and the region in which he works. The average salary of a secretary-assistant is 30 thousand rubles.

Where to get training

In addition to higher education, there are a number of short-term training on the market, usually lasting from a week to a year.

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1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1. The assistant secretary belongs to the category of enterprise specialists and is hired and dismissed by the director. 1.2. The main tasks of the secretary-assistant are organizational and documentation support for management activities. 1.3. The assistant secretary reports directly to the director of the enterprise. 1.4. In his activities, the secretary-referent is guided by: - ​​legislative acts of the Russian Federation; - Charter of the enterprise; - Regulations on the functional services of the enterprise; - orders (instructions) of the enterprise management; - normative and methodological materials on the organization of office work; - this job description. 1.5. Persons with higher, secondary specialized education and work experience of at least 1 year or without experience are appointed to the position of secretary-assistant, but subject to training in secretarial-assistant courses. 1.6. The secretary-referent must know the following questions: - prospects for the development of the enterprise, its financial and economic activities; - organizing work with documents, drawing up documentation; - organization of managerial work; - use of computer and organizational equipment; - translation of official documentation into a foreign language of a commercial partner; - work culture and work ethics; - occupational health, safety and fire protection. 2. FUNCTIONS The secretary-referent is assigned the following functions: 2.1. Information and reference services on enterprise documents. 2.2. Methodological guidance and control over the organization of office work in structural divisions and branches of the enterprise. 2.3. Documenting the activities of the enterprise's advisory bodies. 2.4. Operational and organizational services to management. 2.5. Maintaining the preparation of personnel documentation and records (in the absence of a personnel inspector). 3. OFFICIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The assistant secretary must: 3.1. Prepare necessary documents, ensure the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. 3.2. Provide reception, accounting, registration, control over the execution of documents, information and reference services and storage of document information. 3.3. Monitor the quality of preparation, the correctness of drawing up, coordination, and approval of documents submitted for signature to the management of the enterprise. 3.4. Monitor the execution of documents and instructions from management, take prompt measures aimed at their timely and high-quality execution. 3.5. Organize preparation, decision-making and communicating them to the immediate executors. Analyze certificates and reports provided to management and give competent conclusions on them. 3.6. Maintain prompt communication with third-party organizations (both commercial and government) and individual citizens on issues of current activity of the enterprise(telephone, fax, etc.). 3.7. Receive visitors. 3.8. Carry out work on documentation support for personnel activities of the enterprise: - drawing up orders for personnel; - registration of personal cards of the T-2 form or personal files; - decor work records; - registration and maintenance of labor contracts (agreements); - preparation of travel documents; - registration of certificates of incapacity for work; - maintaining time sheets; - issuing certificates of work experience and salary. 3.9. Ensure typing and copying work. 3.10. Use a personal computer as a means of automating the documentation support of an enterprise. 3.11. Conduct an annual selection of documents for archival storage or destruction. 3.12. Carry out individual instructions from management regarding the profile of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. 4. RIGHTS The assistant secretary has the right: 4.1. Request from functional services necessary materials, as well as explanations of the reasons for the delay in completing tasks and instructions from management. 4.2. Review documents and forward them for execution to managers and specialists of the enterprise. 4.3. Require performers to finalize documents prepared in violation of the established rules for their preparation and execution (GOST 6.38-90), international rules for the preparation of documents (ISO). 4.4 Endorse documents of management activities within the scope of their competence. 4.5. Submit proposals for management's consideration to improve the documentation support of the enterprise's activities, improve the forms and methods of management work based on the use of electronic technology. 4.6. Require management to create normal conditions for the performance of official duties and the safety of all documents generated in the activities of the enterprise. 4.7. Work with documents marked “CT” or “Confidential”. 4.8. Make decisions within your competence. 4.9. Interact with all services (employees) of the enterprise on issues of verifying the execution of documents and submitting the necessary information to management. 5. RESPONSIBILITY The assistant secretary is responsible for: 5.1. The quality of documents provided for signature to the management of the enterprise. 5.2. Careless, negligent attitude towards registration and maintenance of documents. 5.3. Security of documentation, disclosure of information classified as “Confidential” or “KT”. 5.4. Fuzzy and untimely performance of job duties provided for in these instructions. CEO ________________ __________________________ (signature) (Last name, acting) Legal adviser ________________ __________________________ (signature) (Last name, acting) "__"_________ 199_ COMMENTS: ------------ Job description- a document that defines the functions, rights and responsibilities of an enterprise employee. A job description is necessary in case of disputes or conflict situations in labor relations. Based on the job description, an employment contract is drawn up with the employee. The job description is developed by the personnel service, agreed upon with the legal adviser of the enterprise and approved by the head of the enterprise. All significant changes to the job description are made by order of the director (deputy director) of the enterprise.

Many people associate the position of assistant secretary with a beautiful, long-legged girl gracefully serving coffee. This is fundamentally wrong. Naturally, the person occupying this position should look representative, since he is the face of the company. First of all, this is an employee involved in providing effective activities organizations. Therefore, the range of responsibilities at the bottom workplace is very extensive. Let's try to understand it in more detail.

Who is a secretary assistant?

Depending on the characteristics of the organization’s activities There are various requirements for this position..

The roots of the profession go back to the times of Ancient Rome. Translated from Latin "secretus" means "secret". That's what they were called proxies with noble nobles. These were exclusively men.

Only at the beginning of the 19th century, this profession began to be identified with female representatives. Since that time, the specialist’s functional responsibilities have expanded significantly. The employee had to not only own typewriter and receive incoming phone calls, but to be the main assistant to the manager, organize document flow, decide great amount organizational issues.

As a result, there is a need to allocate narrow specialization from a large volume of powers. Thus, the person responsible for receiving and transferring telephone calls began to be called a receptionist. The one who prepares incoming and outgoing documentation is the clerk.

The profession of assistant secretary continues to combine a variety of functions- from office manager to first assistant manager. The work requires special personal qualities such as punctuality, responsibility, composure, organization and communication skills.

Do not assume that the assistant secretary is a hopeless position. Many purposeful people consider it as the start of a successful career. Very often, good secretaries “grow” into top managers and second-level managers.

General provisions of the instructions

General provisions are an introduction to the position. Standard instructions in section general provisions contains the following main points:

  • Brief information about the position. For example, that the assistant secretary belongs to the specialist category;
  • a list of persons who have the right to appoint or remove this employee and to whom he must report;
  • which employees can replace a specialist during his illness, vacation or absence from work for another reason;
  • requirements for the employee, namely what knowledge and skills, qualifications he should have;
  • a list of instructions, internal regulations and legislative acts that the secretary must follow in the process of carrying out his activities;
  • a list of issues that an employee must know.

Each enterprise describes this section in accordance with its personal production needs.

Example of a job description.

Responsibilities and tasks

On modern market The labor profession of a secretary is divided into narrow specialization depending on the functions performed. The position of secretary assistant is increasingly being renamed assistant or assistant manager.

For many years, the position of assistant has been occupied mainly by representatives of the fair sex. This is largely due to the peculiarities of female psychology: the ability to capture the slightest changes in the mood, show flexibility in conflict situations, create comfort and a special atmosphere in the company’s office.

The assistant secretary is assigned a large list of tasks and responsibilities, the main ones include the following:

Depending on the scale of the enterprise and the characteristics of its activities the list of responsibilities can be expanded or reduced. Many tasks are not stated in the job description, but are explained during the work process. The assistant secretary is a responsible position that is not limited to endless chatting on the phone and making coffee.

Requirements for a specialist

From the professionalism of this employee in many ways the efficiency of the entire enterprise depends. Therefore, a good secretary assistant is a professional who is worth his “weight in gold.”

Any enterprise has the right to independently develop job descriptions to any workplace. Therefore, different organizations will have different qualification requirements for the vacancy of secretary assistant.

There is no standard list of professional skills. Typically the following requirements apply to candidates:

  1. Availability of higher or secondary specialized education. Specialization can be varied - jurisprudence, office management, and the like.
  2. Experience. Each company sets its own requirements from a year or more. Skills can be acquired as an executive assistant, office manager or secretary. Some organizations are ready to take young specialist without practice, but with the obligatory presence of a certificate of completion of an assistant course.
  3. Skills in using office equipment - telephone, fax, copying equipment, printer, etc.
  4. Good computer skills, with knowledge of Excel, Power Point, Word, may require the ability to work with graphic editors or platforms for sending and receiving electronic correspondence.
  5. Mandatory skills in document management.
  6. Knowledge of foreign language. This condition is not always met. Having such skills is always welcome.
  7. Competent written and oral communication.

A job description is an official document that cannot set out requirements regarding appearance, gender, age or personal qualities of character. However, many organizations secretly “screen” candidates based on these criteria.

This is due to the specifics of the profession. The secretary is always in sight. Therefore, having an attractive appearance, a pleasant voice, and goodwill is a good bonus in order to get this position.

In addition, the candidate must be:

  • stress-resistant;
  • responsible, punctual;
  • have a good memory;
  • the ability to quickly respond to changing situations.

It is very important if a person knows how to “feel” the mood and is able to react quickly, if the director “got off on the wrong foot.”

In addition, the position of secretary has a huge number of specific elements, which cannot be written down in any instructions.

Responsibility and rights

These positions are clearly stated in employment contract and the employee's job description. It is clear that in order to require precise execution of functional tasks, the employee must be given certain rights to perform them.

In most cases, the assistant secretary has the right:

  1. Receive any information necessary for work, including confidential information.
  2. Make suggestions for improving the efficiency of your own work and the company as a whole.
  3. Participate in the development of projects related to direct activities.
  4. As part of communication links between departments and divisions, request and receive any documents necessary for work. Typically, the instructions contain a separate section for contacts and the information they provide.
  5. Contact management with a request to create favorable conditions for the performance of official duties.
  6. Make decisions independently within the scope of the job description.
  7. Contact the management and employees of the enterprise for help in organizing the work process.
  8. Endorse documents within your competence.
  9. Correct and send received documentation for revision.

This list can be expanded or vice versa cut depending on the range of duties assigned to the employee. Without the provision of certain rights, an employee cannot be held liable for the improper performance of his duties.

The secretary referent is responsible solely within the framework of his official duties for the following points:

  1. Submission for consideration to the director of documents drawn up inconsistent with the current legislation or internal local acts.
  2. Negligent attitude towards recording internal documentation.
  3. Disclosure of company information to third parties, especially confidential data.
  4. Inadequate performance of the duties stipulated by the job description.
  5. Causing material damage organizations.
  6. Damaging the reputation of an enterprise through one’s actions.

Responsibility is determined within the framework of the applicable this moment labor, administrative or criminal legislation.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

At the moment, the profession of secretary assistant is in great demand. This can be attributed to the advantages of this profession. A professional assistant will have no problems finding a job.

The main advantages of the position include the following:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • work in a warm, cozy office;
  • varied and interesting work. The secretary owns all information flows, therefore, he can participate in all promising projects of the organization;
  • the need for constant growth and development, in the future allowing you to change the position of the referent to a higher one;
  • participation in meetings with partners. Attending exhibitions, presentations and other events;
  • obtaining additional skills and connections in the process of activity;
  • You can always use office equipment for personal purposes.

The benefits of the position look quite decent. Such prospects are possible only in large cities and reputable companies. Only in them can the assistant secretary receive a decent salary.

The work of a secretary contains many nuances and often one has to stumble upon “pitfalls” that are completely unnoticed at the beginning of activity. The main negative coins of the work include the following:

To the secretary assistant there are a huge number of requirements, a large amount of responsibilities is imposed. You should not expect that "titanic work" will be followed by an appropriate reward. Average salary of a secretary assistant unlikely to exceed 30 thousand rubles. Nevertheless, this is an important and responsible position, without which no enterprise can do.

This video will allow you to take a broader look at the profession of an assistant secretary, and also, probably, help to make right choice work.

The performance of organizational and administrative functions is an inefficient option for managing an enterprise. To free the director from ordinary and routine tasks that are not related to the adoption of responsible decisions, the staff may provide for the position of an assistant.

We will talk about the features of compiling the job description of this specialist in the presented material.

About the document

An individual list of rights, duties and powers is provided for each employee and specialist at the enterprise. They are reflected in the local acts of the company, the labor contract with the employee, as well as in the content of the job description.

This document is drawn up for each employee, although, according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it is not part of the mandatory forms and forms that participants must draw up labor relations.

Essence and purpose

The presence of an employee job description greatly simplifies the implementation of labor relations:

  • the management of the enterprise immediately stipulates what and how the employee will do at the workplace;
  • the specialist knows in advance what list of rights and responsibilities is transferred to him to perform labor functions;
  • the parties determine the limits of authority and responsibility for improper performance of labor duties.

Thus, the key purpose of drawing up a DI can be recognized as documenting the regulation of labor relations between employer and employee.

When preparing job descriptions for a supervisor, you need to take into account the following nuances:

  • the instruction must contain a list of the rights and responsibilities of a specific specialist - if the company employs several assistants at once, each of them must have their own job description drawn up;
  • The job responsibilities of a reviewer, as a rule, are associated with direct subordination to the head of the enterprise - the content of the DI must clearly stipulate which of the management team companies have the right to give orders, instructions, and;
  • the position of a supervisor is characterized by the universal nature of the duties performed - the content of the DI must immediately provide for the areas in which the activities of the supervisor will be carried out.

The presence of a job description allows you to streamline the work of the assistant. The document will contain full list rights and obligations, limits of powers and measures of responsibility, qualification requirements and grounds for applying disciplinary measures.

What regulations governs

At the legislative level, the requirements for the form and content of the job description of the assistant have not been approved. A standard DI form can be approved by the enterprise, and when filling it out, the following standards must be taken into account:

  • provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - regarding guarantees of the employee and the employer, general rules issuing salaries, etc.;
  • provisions of local acts of the enterprise - in terms of ensuring working hours and labor discipline, applying a reward and incentive system, etc.;
  • requirements of relevant regulations in certain areas of activity.

If internal regulations, labor discipline and other similar documents are approved by local acts, they will be taken into account when drawing up the job description.


The terms of job descriptions depend on the areas of activity of the referent and the company itself. Can be distinguished the following types referents, for each of whom a unique DI will be developed:

  • - the most common group of these specialists, whose duties include full organizational support for the activities of the head;
  • personnel assistant– deals with documentary support personnel service enterprises, keeping logs of orders, etc.;
  • – provides support for negotiations using foreign languages, translation of professional and business documentation, reception of delegations of foreign firms and companies;
  • – conducts incoming and outgoing document flow of the enterprise, draws up documentation, prepares reports and reports on behalf of the head.

This is only an approximate list of referents who may be on the staff of the enterprise. It is also possible to distribute responsibilities between several referents; for this, the relevant provisions are included in each instruction.

Who makes up

The preparation of job descriptions occurs after the employee is registered for work. As a rule, drafting documents related to employment is the responsibility of,. Additionally, may also be involved. To draw up a job description, you must have an approved employment order and a signed employment contract.

After drawing up the job description, the supervisor must familiarize himself with its contents. To do this, put a handwritten signature on the DI form or in a special journal of the personnel department. One copy of the instructions is given to the supervisor, and the second is attached to the employee’s personal file.


The instructions are used in the following areas:

  • the reviewer must take into account the content of the DI in current activities, comply with the recorded responsibilities and requirements;
  • any instructions and orders in relation to the supervisor can be issued only within the framework of the instructions, and the expansion of the list of duties or powers can only occur with the consent of the employee himself;
  • in case of improper performance of duties, disciplinary measures may be applied - for this purpose an internal investigation is carried out and the range of responsibilities is determined according to the job description;
  • the content of the DI is used to determine the levels of subordination - to whom the referent should report in the current work, as well as a list of specialists who are allowed to give instructions.

After the instruction is signed by the employee and approved by the head of the enterprise, any changes to the document are allowed only by mutual agreement of the parties. An exception to this rule is allowed only when transferring to another job in compliance with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The content of the referent's instructions can be divided into two parts. The first block will include regulations and rules that apply to all employees of a given enterprise (they will comply with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and local acts). The second part will include the provisions, requirements, rights and responsibilities of a specific referent specialist.

General requirements

The first part should include the following points:

  • date and place of drawing up the document - although the law does not contain an exact deadline for drawing up the DI, both parties are interested in signing the document as soon as possible in order to eliminate any disputes;
  • full details of the parties - the company and its manager, as well as the referent;
  • information about the exact and full name of the position;
  • assigning a position to a specific structural unit, indication of the level of subordination;
  • scroll qualification requirements to the referent - availability of education, work experience, professional and personal qualities, skills.

As a rule, the listed provisions will not change even if a new referent is appointed to replace a previously working specialist. The law does not impose any special requirements for the education of an assistant; it is enough to complete secondary vocational education.

Special block

The special block of the job description will include the following items:

  • determination of the powers of the referent, as well as their delimitation in relation to other positions;
  • an indication of the rights and responsibilities of the specialist that he will perform in his current activities;
  • conditions of the working day, taking into account the specifics of the activity performed (for example, to accompany a manager on business trips, an irregular working day may be established for the assistant);
  • labor protection and safety rules;
  • a list of special knowledge and skills that the referent must meet - for example, knowledge of certain foreign languages ​​or software systems;
  • terms of payment of monetary remuneration, including additional amounts of incentive and stimulating nature;
  • grounds for applying disciplinary measures if the supervisor violates official duties.

This video will talk about the work of the secretary and separately the referent:


Job descriptions of employees establish a list of their responsibilities. For a referent, they may include:

  • organizing the work of the manager and/or his deputies - planning the day, preparing meetings and negotiations, documenting results of meetings, etc.;
  • record keeping - recording incoming and outgoing correspondence, maintaining registration journals, archiving;
  • solving economic issues related to supporting the activities of management - purchasing stationery, sending letters, organizing telephone conversations and video communications, etc.;
  • translation of documentation from foreign languages, support of negotiations with the participation of foreign partners;
  • selection of analytical materials for the management team or other company specialists, generation of reports and reports.

The more detailed and accurate the job responsibilities of the reviewer are, the easier it will be to delineate powers and areas of responsibility in the current work.

Referent job descriptions can be downloaded.

Referent job descriptions (sample)
