Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Problems of the labor market of young specialists. What the labor market offers to young professionals The labor market of young professionals in the situation

Popov Andrey Vasilievich, Junior Researcher, Institute for Socio-Economic Development of Territories of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vologda, Russia

A Young Professional on the Labor Market: Labor Demand and Education Quality (Evidence from Vologda Region)



by 2000, %





Russian Federation






Northwestern Federal District






Saint Petersburg






Kaliningrad region






Republic of Karelia






Vologda Region






Novgorod region






Pskov region






Komi Republic






Leningrad region






Murmansk region






Arhangelsk region






Picture 1.Unemployment rate in the Vologda Oblast by age groups, %

Note: color 1- excess of own labor resources over the needs of the region; color 2– current and prospective demand for workforce closed at the expense of citizens of retirement age; color 3– in the medium term, a shortage of personnel is possible

Figure 2.Cartographic scheme of the provision of labor resources of the municipalities of the Vologda Oblast

Selection characteristics

According to the survey, when hiring, employers first of all pay attention to such aspects as: work experience (56%), compliance of the education received by the applicant with the requirements of the profession (55 %), recommendations from the previous place of work (48 %). Marital status, the presence or absence of children, as well as appearance do not play a significant role in employment (table 2).

The current practice of selecting applicants has led to the fact that the need for young workers is quite moderate (table 3). The deficit is experienced by only 13% of economic entities. In this sense, the Kirillovsky district stands out, where there is an acute need for young personnel among 38% of organizations. Moderate demand was found in 55% of the enterprises of the Syamzhensky district. In the rest of the districts, most organizations noted that they had little need for an influx of young professionals.

table 2

Distribution of answers to the question “When applying for a job, do you first of all pay attention to...?”, in %

Possible answer








Work experience







Compliance of the education received by the applicant with the requirements of the profession













Availability higher education







Health status






Availability of certificates, certificates and other documents confirming the existence additional education












Appearance, charm


Presence / absence of children (for women)

Marital status (married/married, single/single)


Source:compiled by the author

Table 3

Distribution of answers to the question “How badly does your organization need young workers (under 30)?”, in %

Possible answer







The organization is experiencing a shortage of young workers




There is a moderate need







The organization's need for young personnel is negligible







Difficult to answer







Source:compiled by the author

When selecting young employees, employers first of all pay attention to such quality characteristics as: professional competence (44%), developed personal and business qualities (28%), work experience in the specialty (23%), knowledge of the specifics of the organization's activities (21 %) and the basic level of computer literacy (16 %; figure 3). Experience research work, knowledge of foreign languages, the level of performance in educational institutions and the presence of a diploma from a prestigious educational institution do not play a special role (1-3%).

Figure 3 Distribution of answers to the question "Please rate the importance of various criteria in the selection of young workers (under 30) for your organization?", answer option "very important", in %

Source:compiled by the author

One of possible causes lack of active demand for young professionals is a low level vocational training This problem has been repeatedly confirmed by many studies. (Bondarenko, 2005; Vorobieva, Chashchin, Mineeva, 2008; Nechaeva, Vakulenko, 2015; Nikulina, 2011). Let us consider employers' assessments of the quality of training of young personnel hired by them.

According to employers, the quality of training of young workers at the time of their employment is at a fairly high level (table 4). The most developed are teamwork skills (3.7 points out of 5 possible), the ability to retrain, readiness to improve the professional level and discipline (3.6 points), and the least - basic computer literacy, as well as initiative and creative approach to work (3.2 points). In territorial terms, the opinions of employers have some differences. So, in the Kirillovsky district, the level of culture and discipline are highly valued, in the Syamzhensky and Gryazovets districts - the ability to work in a team and the ability to retrain, in Vytegorsky and Kharovsky - discipline and teamwork skills.

Table 4

The quality of training of young workers at the time of their employment, points

Possible answer








Ability to work in a team, communication and understanding skills

Discipline, performance

Ability to relearn, willingness to improve professional level

General education skills (grammar, math, etc.)

General culture level

Basic professional skills required for this position

Basic computer literacy, usage skills software

Initiative, creativity

Source:compiled by the author

The highest quality of training is possessed by young workers with higher and secondary professional education, and with an increase in the level of education, according to employers, the quality of training of graduates also increases (table 5 ) . The exception is the Kirillovsky district, where the opposite trend was noted: the assessment of the quality of training of young specialists with secondary and primary vocational education is significantly higher than with higher education.

Table 5

Quality of training for young addiction workers
on the level of their education, points

Possible answer








Initial vocational education

Secondary vocational education

Higher professional education

Source:compiled by the author

As practice shows, sometimes employers are faced with the problem of a mismatch between the qualifications of graduates and the work they perform. (Antropov, 2013; Glotova, 2014; Kazimov, 2013; Nikulina, 2011). And more often, professional preparedness turns out to be lower than required, the problem of “over-education” is much less common.

Since, in general, employers assess the quality of training of young workers quite highly, their qualifications, in their opinion, most often meet the requirements of jobs. (table 6 ) .

However, there is concern about the high proportion of those whose training is below the required minimum. This fact was noted in 22% of business entities. Similar situation most characteristic of the Kharovsky district (67%), and least for Kirillovsky (6%).

Table 6

Distribution of answers to the question: “To what extent does the qualification (training) of young workers correspond to the work they perform?”, in %

Possible answer








Higher than the job requires, can perform more skilled work


Meets the requirements of the job (in order to perform more skilled work, they need to learn a little more)







Less than required to do the job






Difficult to answer


Source:compiled by the author

The list of reasons for the discrepancy between the professional skills of young workers and the requirements of jobs is quite diverse. (table 7 ) . The main source is the lack of necessary work experience (51%). Insufficient motivation for the qualitative performance of official duties (21%), low level of professional training (17%) and labor discipline (12%) also have a significant impact. Moreover, in the context of districts, employers generally gave fairly similar assessments of the reasons for the mismatch of qualifications with the requirements of jobs.

Ultimately, the productivity of young workers is average (table 8 ) . This opinion is shared by more than 80% of employers. The highest estimates of labor productivity of young specialists were noted in Gryazovetsky and Kirillovsky districts (16 and 12%, respectively), the lowest - in Kharovsky district, where 17% of respondents described it as low.

Table 7

Distribution of answers to the question “In your opinion, what are the main reasons for the discrepancy between the professional skills of young workers and the requirements of jobs?”, in %

Possible answer








Lack of required work experience (minor work experience)







Lack of motivation for quality performance official duties







Low level of professional training in educational organization






Low level of labor and performance discipline






Low level of communication skills


Inability to master new technologies

Low level of organization of work and mastery of management methods

Difficult to answer



Career information. en Right off the bat! career. ru is the leading Internet portal for young professionals seeking to build a career. On Career. ru more than 18 000 available current vacancies and over 1,000 internship offers for students and graduates. career. ru - laureate of the "Runet Prize 2009" in the nomination "State and Society" . Attendance Career. ru - more than 1.8 million unique users per month. The site is owned by Head. hunter. 2

Information about the speaker Irina Svyatitskaya Head of the youth direction Head. Hunter, founder of Grant Career. en" e-mail: [email protected]. Common crawl en In internet marketing for more than 5 years. Worked as a development manager for 5 ballov. ru, brand manager of the online version of the women's glossy magazine. And also on TV channels "First", NTV, radio Mayak, etc. Since 2009, he has been working at Head. hunter. Came to the position of Career Brand Manager. Common crawl en In 2010, she founded the annual competition “Grant Career. ru" . Since September 2011 he has been in charge of the youth direction of Head. Hunter and the Career website. ru. 3

Information about the study The study was prepared on the basis of data from the database of resumes and vacancies on the career website. ru and hh. ru Time of the study: September 2013 Region: Moscow Period analyzed: January 1, 2008 – August 31, 2013 4

Share of vacancies for students and young professionals of the total number of vacancies in the market (in %, 2008 -2013) 9% 8% 5% 4% 3% 2% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 H1 2013 7

Structure of demand by type of employment for 88% of students and young professionals (in %, H1 2013) 7% Full-time employment 3% Internship 2% 0% Volunteering 8

Employment and job seeker activity in the field of "Career start, students" Rating of the top 20 inquiries of employers, January-August 2013 (in % of the total number) Rating of the top 20 inquiries of applicants, January-August 2013 (in % of the total number of inquiries) sales manager 4. 5% sales assistant trainee engineer 3. 2% secretary 2. 1% call-center operator 1. 2% courier 0. 9% young specialist 0. 8% 8. 3% sales assistant 5. 7% sales manager 1. 0% manager of work with ... 8. 4% 5. 5% administrator lawyer 3. 7% analyst 0. 4% secretary 3. 6% bank specialist 0. 3% account manager 3. 4% legal assistant 4. 2% courier cashier 0. 3% waiter 0. 3% accountant 0. 3% accountant assistant Sales Representative 0. 3% Human Resources Manager 1. 9% Accounting Assistant 0. 2% Programmer 1. 8% Office Manager 0. 2% System Administrator 1. 6% Economist 0. 2% Executive Assistant 1. 6% Assistant, Assistant 0. 2% Sales Representative 2. 5% 2. 1% 1. 4% 9

Basic requirements for graduates What are the main requirements for graduates when applying for a job in your company? Personal qualities 85% Good knowledge of working with a PC 49% Applied Knowledge, experience 42% Broad outlook, knowledge in various fields 39% Excellent theoretical knowledge in their field 37% Knowledge of specialized programs in the profession 32% Availability of internships in the specialty 21% Knowledge foreign language 20% Education in the country's leading university 12% Honors diploma 6% Teachers' recommendations 6% 10

The main reasons why graduates are rejected What is the main reason why graduates are denied employment in your company? High salary expectations 71% Non-compliance corporate culture(inconsistency of character, style, etc., adopted in the company) 42% Lack of required theoretical knowledge 28% Lack of work experience Other 13% 8% 11

Elevator to the Future Project "Elevator to the Future" to attract and support talented young people (schoolchildren in grades 7-11 and students) Today (October 2012), the project partners are more than 20 large companies with a total of over 200,000 employees. HR directors, as well as key managers, become the guides and main agents of the project in these companies. As of today, the project involves: more than 50 HR directors of companies that are part of AFK Sistema; 157 top and middle managers, 117 of whom work for Sistema and its subsidiaries. more than 30,000 schoolchildren and students are involved in the project 13

Leaders STUDENT PROJECT «LEADERS» . Management Leadership Cup The goal of the project is to educate a new generation of business leaders, prepare senior students for work and career building in the country's largest financial institutions, as well as acquire practical skills in solving relevant business cases. The winner was a team from the Institute of Economics and Finance of Kazan Federal University. Each member of the winning team was awarded bank card"Bank in your pocket" with 10,000 rubles in the account. 15

Growth from within 3 gaming applications were developed in social network Facebook, for P&G page members. Each application is part of the whole concept - "Be part of the history of P&G" . The First Online P&G Job Fair in Eastern Europe was launched as part of a regional trade show, in which individuals could interact live with company representatives from the comfort of their homes and learn about career opportunities. Conducted Eastern European Online Case Study, which allows participants to practice on real business tasks and get detailed information about the work of each P&G department. In the aggregate of the above programs, we covered more than 26,000 representatives target audience, more than 7,500 people took part in online initiatives and candidates spent more than 3,000 hours on the company's recruiting website. 16

Jump Summer internship program of the Petro factory During the internship, the interns gain additional professional knowledge by participating in trainings and business games. In addition, the guys participate in recreational activities aimed at team building (professional photo session, team building, meeting with participants of the program of previous years, graduation, etc.). Interns at different stages of the program are awarded certificates of completion professional trainings, master classes and internships in the company, which is valued by employers in the labor market. http://www. jump-jti. ru/ Over the past 3 years, 60 students from various Russian universities have been trained at the factory. They implemented 6 group and 60 individual projects, 11 trainees continued to work in the company. 17

What Career does. en in addition to posting vacancies for young professionals? Labor market research Participation in events Office tours Webinars Articles "Career start" . Nomination within the "HR Brand Award" http: //career. ru/start Career text http: //career. ru/pulemetov Grant Career. ru http: //grant. career. ru/ and much more) 18

What is Career Grant. ru" ? Grant Career. Common crawl en An annual competition organized by the leading youth job site Career. ru. Thousands of students and yesterday's graduates compete for prizes - educational programs in Russian and foreign educational institutions. Mission To identify "stars" among students and help them improve their skills. All prizes are educational. History On October 1, 2013, the 4th annual competition “Grant Career. ru" . 15,000 participants are planned. Number of participants last year - 13,899 Participating cities: Moscow; Saint Petersburg; Kazan; Ekaterinburg; Rostov-on-Don; Nizhny Novgorod; Krasnoyarsk; Samara; Novosibirsk; Ufa; Voronezh; Irkutsk; Krasnodar; Minsk; Saratov; Tomsk; Volgograd; Omsk; Vladivostok; Permian; Yaroslavl; Kaliningrad; Chelyabinsk; Petrozavodsk; Tyumen; Stavropol; Tula; Ulyanovsk; Cheboksary; Barnaul; Kursk; Bryansk; Ivanovo; Tver; Khabarovsk; Almaty; Belgorod; Ulan-Ude; Saransk; Lipetsk; Astrakhan; Izhevsk; Vladimir; Kaluga; Orenburg; Tolyatti; Pyatigorsk; Ryazan and many others. And also: Bishkek, Kiev, Astana, Shymkent, Tashkent, Vilnius, Berlin, Ashgabat, Brussels, Baku, Warsaw, Yerevan, London, Prague, Riga, Shanghai.

Prizes “Grant Career. en 2013» Free education for talented young professionals Grant. career. Common crawl en Two-week language study program in Cambridge from EF Four-week study program at INTO University of Gloucestershire from the British Council Training in public relations or international business protocol at the School of Business and international competencies MGIMO Education in the field of public relations, personnel management or Mini MBA at the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia Education at the Graduate School of Brand Management under the Mini MBA program Education at the Business School "Development of Interactive Communications" on the following programs: team lead: development management, fundamental marketing, sales and accounting in a digital agency, PR and marketing on the Internet. A two-week study master class in English from Mikhail Shestov Education at the Moscow School of Radio under the program “Radio Presenter. Main course » Learning in an online school high technology Skill. Factory on the course "Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer" Subscription "PROpass to PROfession", from the company PROekt. PRO, giving the right to 6 career guidance tours and individual career counseling Annual subscription to seminars and master classes of the Profi-Career Business Development Center Books on self-development from the Mann, Ivanov and Ferber publishing house and other prizes

The problem of employment of young specialists in a market economy is very relevant, as evidenced by the materials below from one of the most popular employment portals -

Being a young or "starter" specialist looking for an attractive job in the real sector of the economy is currently difficult. After all, who is a "young specialist"? First of all, this is a person with a certain baggage of theoretical knowledge, who has just received a diploma. Unfortunately, no more than 30% of graduates today can boast of practical experience in their specialty by the time they receive their diploma. When faced with the task of finding a job, the remaining 70% see the following in job descriptions: "Required work experience from 1-1.5 years". A reasonable question arises: where can I get this experience if I am a young specialist? In recent years, there has been an active discussion (both within the universities themselves and among employers) how to evaluate a student candidate who combines work
and study. And there can't be one right answer. There are those who successfully combine study with work, strengthening their professional knowledge, and there are those who, on the contrary, fully devote themselves to the process "earnings" money, putting their education on the back burner. This is a conscious choice of everyone and it can consist of the following important steps .

First, you need to determine what is the main goal - gain practical experience in their specialty or "making" money. The first option, most likely, will lead to a large company, where even in a crisis period, the possibility of internships or work in a position remains "Department Assistant". For example big company it is easier to describe a career path for a young specialist. For example, it might be: Department Assistant -> Department Specialist -> Lead Specialist -> Team Leader -> Department Head -> Department Head. The second option is more likely to lead to a small company, where, due to the extended functionality, there will be a real opportunity to earn money, but, unfortunately, it is difficult to predict a career path, since if there is adjacent functionality, it is possible to get practical experience in a completely different field.

Secondly, you should evaluate the real level of your knowledge and skills in order to determine which companies it makes sense to pay attention to. Unfortunately, many graduates ignore the requirements specified in the job description, such as the level of knowledge of a foreign language, various specialized programs, although this is critical when applying for a job. Thus, they cut off their path to this company. In this case, it will be more correct, but also more difficult, to acquire these skills. For example, your resume should include: "The level of knowledge of the English language pre-intermediate
(under study)"

Thirdly, it is important to define a list of resources for finding a job. These can be leading recruiting agencies that are engaged in the employment of young professionals, key Internet portals, etc.

Fourth, we should not forget about another very important factor - factor of "burning eyes". About him in Lately Employers are talking more and more. The employer expects to see not only one hundred percent compliance with the requirements of the vacant position, but
and sincere interest in working in this particular company. This can be demonstrated in an elementary way: pre-prepare for an interview by browsing online sources and collecting recommendations
about the company from acquaintances working in it, etc.

In addition, to prevent problems in employment
and obtaining any attractive job with formal employment, it is necessary to understand the following very clearly.

Firstly, due to which you will be able to constantly bring profit to the future employer, since in a market economy:

- making a profit is main goal any extrabudgetary economic entities(JSC, CJSC, LLC, etc.);

– to pay you wages any non-budgetary organization or individual entrepreneur can only at the expense of the profits received as a result of your activities (usually
as a result of ensuring sales of any goods and services), since they have no other sources for self-financing, and your salary will necessarily be much less than sales volumes (especially if any material goods are sold, and not computer programs, Internet or cable TV connections, etc.), since large financial costs are required to ensure economic activity given legal entity, paying salaries to other employees and making a profit for the owner.

Secondly, how can you convince any employer in the real economy that if you are hired, he will quickly begin to receive financial benefits and will not have any problems, i.e. you are already prepared for a successful job or you can quickly get up to speed and make a profit. This is especially important for the official employment of girls and women in any non-budgetary organizations, since in accordance with the current legislation Russian Federation pregnant women and those with children under a certain age are protected from dismissal, so if they do not earn their wages, the employer will still have to pay it or have problems in the future.

Thirdly, it is advisable to decide by the time of employment, so as not to waste time, what kind of work you want to get, since only two options are really possible:

- a job in which you are directly involved in the sale of goods and services and as a result receive your percentage of sales as wages(when selling real goods, it is usually several times less than when selling services, since in the latter case the costs and risks of any employer are much lower);

- work in budgetary or non-budgetary organizations that is not related to the direct sale of any goods and services by you.

The main requirement that employers place on potential employees, is the presence of successful work experience in similar positions. But where can he come from if a young specialist has just graduated from a university?!

Some students start working from the first courses. It is very difficult for a full-time student to find a job, because most employers prefer to hire not only accomplished specialists, but also those who are able to work full time,
and, if necessary, to be delayed beyond the set time.
And yet, all interested students can find a job related to obtaining skills and work experience in their specialty.

One of the options for such work can be described in the educational and training work on contractor agreements in the created TSPU named after. L. N. Tolstoy in accordance with federal law dated 02.08.2009 No. 217-FZ to an innovative company - LLC Innovative-Innovative Training and Production Enterprise "Energy Saving, Life Safety, Economy" (abbreviated as LLC IVUPP "EBZHE").

When looking for a job, keep in mind that companies have different attitudes towards the prospect of hiring specialists without work experience. Some still consider it a waste of time, while others, on the contrary, see an undeniable advantage in hiring, training and subsequent development of yesterday's graduates. In any case, the employment of some graduates is hindered by the fact that, as noted on the portal, the situation is already becoming a trend in which:

- students often cannot adequately evaluate themselves, overestimating their attractiveness for employers in the labor market;

- students and young professionals without work experience, at best, with only a higher education, are trying to impose their conditions on the employer. Excessive ambitions and the desire to get everything at once are not the key to success in finding a job. Therefore, experts advise, when looking for a job, it is better to be guided by real knowledge and skills, and not by the desire to earn as much as possible, and not to overestimate your financial expectations.

Graduates who start working in their student years tend to be more successful in their careers than those who start
looking for a job after graduation. It is easier for them to make a career, because by the time they receive a diploma, they are already laying a solid foundation for the future. The ideal option is when a senior student comes to the company and, working part-time, receives the first professional experience. There is such an opportunity for all interested students.

According to the portal (a HeadHunter project), in the first half of 2018, young people posted 2.3 million resumes on HeadHunter, but employers were able to provide them with only 250,183 vacancies. For one workplace on average, 7.4 people applied - competition among young professionals is much higher than among all other applicants (4.5 resumes per place). In June of this year, the unemployment rate in Russia was 5%, and among young people aged 20-24 it was 13.5%, according to the study.

Nevertheless, the number of vacancies for young people is growing. In the first half of 2018, compared to the same period in 2017, there were 22% more of them. However, the number of resumes on HeadHunter during this time has grown even more - by 34%, according to HeadHunter. So where is it easier for young people to find work today?

Industries for young people

The study showed that in recent years, the demand for young people has been growing in several sectors and professional fields. The maximum share of vacancies for young professionals in the total number of vacancies - 51% - in sales. In 2nd place, service personnel in travel companies, hotels and restaurants (20%), the third - administrative staff (18%). There is a demand for young people, albeit on a smaller scale, in financial companies and banks (14%). They take beginners and into divisions information technologies, as well as in an IT company (11%). Young specialists are least expected in production (5%).


In today's Russia, universities, like other universities, are in a difficult situation due to the country's transition to market relations and crisis in the economic and social spheres. In the past, any Soviet university was part of a single national economic complex and acted in accordance with organizational rules close to those of a conventional university. state enterprise built into the system of planned economy. If the enterprise carried out the production and financial plans, then the university, according to similar plans, accepted students and graduated specialists, conducting training in accordance with state curricula. Strict observance of all these plans, as well as admission and graduation plans, was controlled by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education, and in universities that did not have university status, supervision was additionally carried out by their own ministries and departments. In most cases, the state distribution system did a good job of solving the problems of employment of young specialists.

Economic and organizational changes in recent years have led to changes in the nature of the relationship between higher educational institutions and enterprises, as well as state and non-state organizations in matters of training young highly qualified specialists. Today there is no system of state distribution of university graduates, and enterprises and organizations independently determine their personnel policy. This is accompanied, on the one hand, by a general reduction in the number of workers, and, on the other hand, by higher requirements for newly hired workers. In many cases, preference is given to specialists with seniority and work experience.

One of the problems associated with changes in the labor market was the problem of the threat of unemployment for young professionals graduating from universities. Today's university graduates have become one of the socially vulnerable groups of the population. Today we can talk about the existence of the following groups of contradictions in the labor market of young professionals with higher education: between the social and professional orientations of young people and the needs of enterprises, organizations and firms in labor force; between the task of increasing the efficiency of training young specialists for universities and the existing system of university training; between the theoretical training of graduates and the lack of the necessary skills for the practical use of the acquired knowledge; between life and professional plans graduates and real opportunities for their implementation; between the interests of the development of an individual enterprise and the interests of society.

The former rigid system of education, almost completely determined by curricula and state orders for specialists, could only exist within the framework of a centralized state system and no longer meets the changing conditions of a free economy. Therefore, now the university needs to learn to predict the demand for specialists of one profile or another for five to ten years ahead and respond to it with changes in curricula and programs.

The results of a number of studies in recent years indicate that the number of graduates has already exceeded the demand for them from enterprises and organizations. Thus, it was found that for the majority of graduates, obtaining diplomas and looking for a job now almost coincide in time. Sociologists have identified the same common feature for the CIS countries - the lag in socialization among students in the territory former USSR compared with students in countries with developed market economies. The fact that in our universities the majority of students stay “in a serene state” for a long time and do not think about the fact that student years exist not in order to quietly spend time, but, first of all, to gain knowledge needed in the future. practical work- the result of the influence of stereotypes, rooted in the minds of both students and their parents back in the Soviet period.

In an article by a Ukrainian author back in 2002, this feature was noted: “In Soviet society, in the public mind, especially among representatives of the older generation, the opinion has taken root that the presence of a diploma of higher education automatically ensures a high position in society, a good position, and most importantly, frees one from a difficult physical labor. Therefore, our young people, mainly under pressure from their parents, without a clear professional orientation and without having determined their life path in advance, en masse aim at the university, and, subject to passing the competition, immediately begin to study. Unfortunately, a random choice of a profession is common, resulting in weak motivation for learning, a low level of knowledge, and intentions to change a profession in the future. This is the reason for our high specific gravity with higher education, employed not in their specialty. To this completely objective picture, one can only add that, in addition to the reason noted here (if only to get a higher education), there are other external circumstances that lead to an accidental entry into a university (for example, a deferment from conscription for military service). In general, in countries with a developed market economy, a person is able to make a conscious life choice at an earlier age than ours.

When economic changes in our country will be able to bring value orientations our youth to those that exist in the Western world? It depends on our economic development.

When assessing the overall situation on the labor market, a qualitative, rather than a purely quantitative approach is needed. The task is not only to provide graduates with up-to-date information about available vacancies and applications from organizations, but also to provide them with the opportunity to directly establish relationships with these organizations, learn about the requirements for specialists, about the interests of "customers", as well as about the situation on the labor market in general, which will help to implement conscious choice. And, of course, the question of distribution should be raised in advance, during the period of industrial practice, although the student makes the final decision in the last year.

In the course of conducting a pilot study of the demand for young professionals, the interviewed representatives of enterprises and organizations were asked to assess the level of minimum requirements that allow a person to be admitted to work. The results obtained indicate a fairly high level of requirements: for the theoretical and practical training of a young specialist; the ability to make independent decisions; to the ability to communicate with people; to the ability to formulate a problem and find a way to solve it. Banks make the highest demands on graduates in all of the above parameters. Equally high, although slightly lower, demands from commercial firms and private enterprises. The level of requirements for graduates from state budget organizations is lower. This is especially true for the practical training of a young specialist.

In order to find out the characteristics of graduates who are most preferable when applying for a job, an expert survey of representatives from organizations that accept graduates was conducted. According to the instructions, the expert chose no more than four of the most significant characteristics. Priority is given to their requirements for the theoretical and practical training of graduates. The gender of the graduate has become more important when applying for a job, and men are more willing to apply for a job. The marital status of the graduate is also highly valued. Jobs are increasingly being given to married people (and this requirement primarily applies to men). At the same time, the requirements for a young specialist's orientation towards service and professional growth have been lowered. Since the highest requirements on the part of enterprises and organizations, along with the general theoretical level, are imposed on the practical training of a graduate, it is advisable for the university to significantly expand the practical side of the curriculum, stipulating the participation of students in them. It is necessary to interest organizations and firms in such cooperation, giving them the opportunity to select for themselves the students they need, extending the duration for this. educational practice in these firms.

In this regard, the system of university education in some countries is of interest, where curricula for students focused on research and teaching are very different from programs for those who intend to work in the industrial sector, in business, etc. First of all, these are differences in the ratio between the volumes of theoretical and practical training. And of course, in the senior years, the student should have more freedom in choosing subjects of study (special courses, workshops, etc.).

More than half of the surveyed graduates reported that they plan to work in their specialty. The highest proportion of students who remain faithful to their specialty, among the financial, economic and humanitarian faculties, turned out to be the highest. The situation is different in other faculties. Achieving a match between supply and demand in the labor market requires the implementation of sufficiently accurate forecasts of changes in the market situation and the need for specialists, as well as a reorientation in the organization of all areas of activity of universities that adequately responds to this need.

Summing up, we can say the following: firstly, changes in the composition of the student body in terms of social origin and standard of living (and they are quite closely related) indicate an increase in differentiation, heterogeneity, and differences in the student body across universities, faculties, and professional teams. Gradually, the priority in the formation of the student body moves to the layers that are more adapted to the economic realities of our society. If this process continues to develop, then the access of the poorest strata to higher education will be severely hampered. Secondly, the stabilization of the reproduction of student youth shows that interest in higher education has been preserved, which is also reflected in the "rise" of its value in the hierarchy of students' instrumental values. However, the contradictions that arise between the institution of higher education and various other segments of society lead to an increase in dysfunctional consequences. They are diverse in their manifestations and are seen, in particular, in the dissatisfaction of students with the quality of the training received, the deformation of individual layers educational process. But most importantly, there is a steady decline in the main result of the functioning of higher education - the education of students, the level of their professional competence.

In addressing the issues of employment of graduates, emphasis should be placed on increasing their own activity and initiative among young professionals so that they can become real subjects in the labor market. The task of the university in this regard is to ensure their earlier and more thorough inclusion in this system. Interaction between enterprises and organizations interested in qualified specialists, on the one hand, and universities, on the other hand, should become closer and less formal, and university education should be more differentiated and adapted to the interests of organizations.

So, young people strive to get a higher education, believing that “there is nowhere without it”, but do not forget that a diploma ceases to be a guarantee of employment and makes its holder dependent on supply and demand in the labor market.


  1. Crane H., Lowe A., Chernysh N. I. How do you live, student? Some results of a comparative sociological research problems of higher education in Ukraine and Canada // Philos. and sociol. thought. Kyiv, 1992. No. 1.

Bibliographic link

Burlyaeva V.A. LABOR MARKET AND EMPLOYMENT OF YOUNG SPECIALISTS // Successes of modern natural science. - 2010. - No. 3. - P. 101-104;
URL: (date of access: 12/11/2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural History"