Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Project all professions are important in dhow. Project “All professions are important, all professions are needed. Interaction with parents

MCOU Ulyanovsk secondary school Project “Professions”

Completed by: 2nd grade student

Savrasny Matvey

Occupation stoker – boiler room operator and watchman

My grandfather Valera works as a fireman, and grandmother Zoya works as a watchman.

Profession night watchman , no matter how primitive it may seem, is very desirable for many specialists who want to have Additional income or resolve the issue of temporary housing. On the other hand, the watchman is considered a specialist who must be responsible for the safety of the facility and the safety of people. The employee must undergo the necessary vocational training, as well as receive special instructions for ensuring the safety of the facility. In addition, the night guard will have to be responsible for the physical protection of a specific premises or people.

Profession fireman-operator of boiler room belongs to the category of high-risk professions. Maintenance of gas, electric, solid fuel boilers, elements of heating and water heating systems requires the acquisition of special knowledge and skills.

  • My aunt Natasha works as a salesman.
  • You should not think that the seller’s main task is to exchange our money for the goods he has.
  • In fact, the buyer is very often not sure of his choice, so he has to be “pushed” to purchase.
  • The ability to be persuasive and speak the same language with the consumer is one of the most important for those whose profession is sales.
  • Working as a salesperson requires truly encyclopedic knowledge. The buyer asks many questions, and you need to be able to answer each one.
  • In a grocery hypermarket, we definitely need to know how sweet the apples we like will be; in a perfume and cosmetics store - will this smell suit our brunette friend?
  • There are always questions, and we always expect them to be answered in detail.

  • My uncle Jenya works as a BelAZ driver.
  • The profession of a driver is relevant at any time. Even today, when other modes of transport are developing rapidly, without road transport hard to get by.


All professions are needed, all professions are important.

Completed by: Kuznetsova Natalya Sergeevna,

2nd grade student, MBOU Oblivskaya secondary school No. 1

Head: Oksana Anatolyevna Solovyova.

  • Conducted a conversation using the presentation “About professions and hard work”
  • Took part in the exhibition of drawings “Professions of our parents”.
  • Conducted a survey of 2nd grade students
  • Visited the employment center
  • Together with my manager, I searched for information and pictures about rare professions on the Internet.
  • Design of the project in the form of a presentation

Conversation using a presentation

“About professions and hard work”


Exhibition of drawings “Professions of our parents”

3.Survey of 2nd grade students

"Who do you want to become?"

Of the 17 respondents:

Doctor – 2 people

Dentist – 1 person

Doctor – pediatrician – 1 person

Nurse – 1 person

Policeman – 4 people

Builder - 1 person

Hairdresser – 1 person

Artist – 1 person

Private detective – 1 person

Lawyer – 1 person

Math teacher – 1 person

Undecided – 2 people

The most popular professions in the Oblivsky district are:

  • Lawyer
  • Salesman
  • Workers



STAGE 5 Search for information and pictures about rare professions on the Internet.

Many professions exist on Earth, and each of them is important and necessary in its own way. Everyone knows the profession of a doctor, teacher, economist, programmer, lawyer. But there are many other professions that not everyone knows about, and there are a limited number of such specialists. I will present to your attention a few rare professions.

Sniffer – rare profession in the field of perfumery. His main task is the evaluation of smell and the preparation of perfume compositions. Such a specialist must have an excellent memory for aromas and understand them well.


- another one rare profession a representative of which specializes in the manufacture of wigs, sideburns, mustaches, beards, braids, and eyelashes to order.


- tea taster. Specialist of this rare profession determines the variety, quality of tea, the place where it was grown, and makes tea blends. Most tea testers undergo training and internship on Indian tea plantations.


/Vladimir Bredikhin/ We decided to play at school, We turned the group into a class. Let's wave the bell - We have mathematics. I'll be a teacher I'll go to the board to explain. I tap on the table with my pointer, Calling for silence. Raise your handles to the top Let's count fingers: Two, sixteen, ten, eight... Well done! I give everyone a high five.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 295"

I approve

Head of MBDOU

"Kindergarten No. 295" Perm

Zvezdina E.V.

" "________________2015

for older children preschool age

“All professions are needed, all professions are important»

Developed by: educators

Shestakova Natalia Valerievna

Kosheleva Larisa Leonidovna

Perm, 2015

Project “All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Project topic:“All professions are needed, all professions are important.”

Implementation deadlines: long-term.

Project type: exploratory - creative.

Teachers - Shestakova Natalia Valerievna, Kosheleva Larisa Leonidovna

Participants project activities:

pupils and parents preparatory group №7

Relevance of the project:

In older preschool age, further familiarization with the world of adults and the objects created by their labor acquires particular importance for the full development of the child’s personality. Familiarization with the professions of parents ensures the child’s further entry into modern world, familiarization with its values ​​ensures the satisfaction and development of the sexual cognitive interests of boys and girls of senior preschool age. That's why the idea of ​​creating this project arose. An in-depth study of professions through the professions of their parents contributes to the development of ideas about their significance, the value of each work, and the development of evidence-based speech. Right choice profession determines life success.

Objective of the project:

Developing children's interest in various professions, in particular the professions of their parents and their place of work.

Involving parents in educational process

Project objectives:

- expand and generalize children’s understanding of professions, tools, labor actions;

- arouse interest in the proposed activity;

Form realistic ideas about people’s work;

Help children understand the importance and necessity of each profession;

Develop the ability to independently fail them, based on your life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Develop communication skills;

Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory;

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected results

  • Project participants will have an idea of ​​the professions in demand in society.
  • Children will be motivated to explore a range of careers on their own.
  • Parents will be active assistants in the upbringing and career guidance of children.

Conditions of implementation.

  • Organization of a subject-developmental environment in a preschool educational institution, acting as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of development of a preschooler’s personality, ensuring the emotional well-being of children and meeting their interests, needs, and desires.
  • Implementation of the communicative-dialogue basis of relationships between preschoolers and adults and peers as an aspect of the child’s personal development with the regular inclusion of games in the educational process of preschool educational institutions and families.
  • Creation of a single value-semantic cooperation between teachers and parents based on an understanding of the essence of the problem, forms and methods of ensuring the social success of children.

Fixed assets:

Informing parents about the objectives and content of the project;

Involving parents in joint work on the project;

Preparation of equipment, materials and tools;

Enrichment of the subject-development environment.



Study and selection of necessary literature



Questioning children and parents




A series of conversations with children “In the world of professions”


During the academic year

Compiling photo albums by profession “Professions of my family”



Excursions to the fire station, library, school, store, hairdresser.



Tradition: Meetings with interesting people(parents)



Master classes with parents and children:

“A DIY gift for dad”

“Good Doctor Aibolit will heal everyone, heal everyone”

"Letter for Santa Claus"



Exhibition creative works on the topic “Who do I want to become”



Reading fiction and educational literature.

Replenishing the library and “smart book shelf” with new encyclopedias, books, and magazines on the topic.



Design of attributes, tailoring of costumes for role-playing games: “Supermarket”, “Car repair shop”, “Beauty salon”, “Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Polyclinic”, “Library”,



Drawing up algorithms for role-playing games


Registration of information about the work carried out on the project for parents (stand)




Drawing up the “ABC of Professions” (final meeting)



1. Artyomova O. I would go into a profession, let them teach me! / O. Artemova // Children's health: App. to gas "First September." - 2007. - No. 6.

2. Astakhova T. N. “And to every profession - glory and honor!” / T. N. Astakhova // Read, learn, play. - 2008. - No. 6.

3. Emelyanova, L. Guess the profession / L. Emelyanova // Read, learn, play. - 2006. - No. 1.

4. Zharenkova N., Murtazina O. Getting to know the professions. Long-term project for older preschoolers. - M., 2014

5. Zavelnyuk L. About professions.-M., 2006.

6. Ignatieva, Yu. My dad is a miner: [experience in introducing preschoolers to the work of a miner and related professions in preparatory school speech therapy group] /YU. Ignatieva, G. Predvoditeleva, T. Geck // Preschool education. - 2008. - No. 8. - P. 113-116.

7. Penkina, E. M. There is such a profession - to defend the Fatherland!: entertainment / E. M. Penkina, N. V. Seleva // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2009. - No. 12.

8. Popova T.V. Conversation with preschoolers about professions. - M., 2005.

9. Selezneva, T.V. I would like to become a sailor, let them teach me! / T. V. Selezneva // Read, learn, play. - 2010. - No. 11.

10. Usov, N. V. When work is a joy / N. V. Usov // Read, learn, play. - 2009. - No. 9

11. Usova, N.V. Your favorite profession always gives you joy! : Classroom hour/ N.V. Usova // Education of schoolchildren. - 2011. - No. 3

12. Shapaeva G. Big book of professions for the little ones. - M., 2005

13. Shorygina T.A. Professions. What are they? - M., 2007.

14. Shorygina, T. A. Economics: accessible about science / T. A. Shorygina // Books, notes and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2010. - No. 3,6,8, 9.

15. Shorygina, T. A. All works are good!: a series of conversations for children 4-6 years old / T. A. Shorygina // Books, sheet music and toys for Katyushka and Andryushka. - 2005.- No. 3-6.

16. Yushko, A. My destiny is archeology: grades 5-11 / A. Yushko // History: App. to gas "First of September." - 2007. - No. 19

Literature for children

1. Aldonina, R. Amazing people / R. Aldonina // Misha.- 2010.- No. 11. (poems about professions)

2. Artyukh, E. Hold on, geologist! / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha.- 2010.- No. 7 (About the profession of geologist)

3. Artyukh, E. Uncle Styopa of the XXI century / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 8.

4. Artyukh, E. There is such a profession - to defend the Motherland / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 3.

5. Artyukh, E. Hold on to the steering wheel tighter, driver? / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 9. (About the invention of the car and the profession of a driver)

6. Artyukh, E. From a stone needle to a minicomputer / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha.- 2010.-No. 11 (About the profession of a tailor and seamstress)

7. Artyukh, E. Profession for real men / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha.- 2010.- No. 6

8. Artyukh, E. The most delicious profession / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 10.

9. Artyukh, E. I would become a pilot... / E. Artyukh; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 12 (About the profession of a pilot.)

10. Architect // Fun lessons. - 2009. - No. 1. (About the profession of architect)

11. Burachevskaya, D. Zubnoy / D. Burachevskaya // Bell. - 2009. - No. 5. (Poem about the dentist profession).

12. Zhukova, L. Riddles about professions / L. Zhukova; artist E. Artyukh // Misha. - 2010. - No. 7.

13. Why does an orchestra need a conductor // Why and why. - 2010. - No. 8. (The history of the emergence of the conductor’s profession.)

14. An engineer means a creator! // Klepa.- 2011.- No. 2.- P. 12-13: ill. (About the profession of engineer).

15. What do you want to become in the future? // Klepa.- 2006.- No. 6.

16. Lugarev, A. Controversial question: will you be a teacher? / A. Lugarev; artist E. Reznichenko // Klepa. - 2007. - No. 9.

17. Lugarev, A. I will become a scientist, let them teach me"/ A. Lugarev; artist V. Uborevich-Borovsky // Misha. - 2010. - No. 8.

18. Merkulova, E. Who does what when creating a computer game / E. Merkulova // Klepa. - 2007. - No. 9.

19. Pavlova, E. Happy Hairdresser’s Day!/ E. Pavlova // Why?.- 2010.- No. 9, 10. The game library is dedicated to the profession of a hairdresser.

20. Baker // Fun lessons. - 2009. - No. 2. (About the profession of a baker)

21. Professions of the 21st century // Klepa. - 2009. - No. 10. (New technologies and professions of the 21st century)

22. Profession - robot // Klepa.- 2010.- No. 9.

23. Savelyeva, E. Dad’s profession / E. Savelyeva // Bell. - 2009. - No. 2.

24. Sobakin, T. Vain dreams / Tim Sobakin // Prostokvashino. - 2009. - No. 6. (How tempting it is to become an astronomer...")

Project result:

The project “All professions are important, all professions are needed” has achieved its objectives.

The results indicate positive changes in children’s ideas about the work of adults (knowledge of the direction and structure of specific labor processes, understanding the value of the work of people of different professions, the ability to transfer knowledge about the content and structure of adult work to one’s own labor activity, understanding the significance of your work).

During the implementation of the project, such a form of work as joint, partnership activities of educators, children and parents clearly emerged. Parents have gained important experience that allows them to help their children successfully adapt to new federal government requirements in preparation for school.

Tatiana Gorbunova

Project"All professions are needed, All professions are important»

in preparatory group No. 5 "Chamomile"

Subject project: "All professions are needed, All professions are important».

Implementation deadlines: short term.

Type project: research - creative.

Participants project activities: pupils and parents of preparatory group No. 5 "Chamomile" MDOU "Kindergarten No. 17" Saratov.

Relevance project: A survey of children in the group showed that the children show interest in adult professions, but many of them do not know who and where their parents and employees work kindergarten what are they called professions Despite what they do at their jobs, some children have not developed respect for the work of adults. Parents, and we educators, rarely or not at all tell our children about their work. But the tendency of children to certain roles, games and types of work indicates the first manifestations « professional orientation» in the development of the child’s personality. Based on this, I decided to offer the children the idea of ​​this project.

Target project:

Expand and generalize children’s understanding of professions, tools, labor actions.

Tasks project:

Arouse interest in the proposed activity;

Form realistic ideas about people’s work;

Help children understand importance, the needs of each professions;

Develop the ability to independently fail them, based on your life experience and previously acquired knowledge;

Develop communication skills;

Develop coherent speech, fine motor skills, imagination, memory;

Develop imaginative and spatial thinking, encourage children to be creative and independent.

Expected Result:

I assume that familiarization with professions parents and kindergarten staff will allow:

Expand and deepen children's knowledge about the existence of various professions

Activate and replenish children’s vocabulary, develop coherent speech on the topic project.

Improve the monologue form of speech, thereby increasing the speech activity of children.

Continue to develop in children the ability to be an active listener - the desire to help parents at home more in performing feasible work duties at home and in kindergarten.

Strengthen friendly relations between parents and employees, promote the desire to cooperate, and help children in its implementation.

It will help you in the future to find your favorite thing in life, which brings joy and benefits to people.

Project consists of three stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory;

Stage 2 – main;

Stage 3 – final.

1. Preparatory stage:

Formulation of goals and objectives;

Development of an action plan;

Selection of methodological literature on the topic project;

Questioning children on the topic “When I grow up, I’ll start working...”

2. Main stage:

Cognitive development:

Formation of a holistic picture peace:

1. GCD: "Human Labor"

Target: Introduce children to diversity professions; consolidate the ability to give reasons for your answers; develop logical thinking.

2. GCD: "Journey to the Past" professions»

Target: Introduce children to professions of the past, maintain interest in history.

3. Excursion to the kindergarten laundry « Profession- machine wash operator".

Target: Introduce children to profession laundresses in kindergarten.

4. Excursion to medical office « Profession – doctor» .

Target: Introduce professions doctor and nurse, cultivate a respectful attitude towards kindergarten staff, develop children's powers of observation; replenish children's vocabulary with medical terminology, activate verbs, teach children to answer questions fully, find as many words as possible for answers in the process of communication.

5. Excursion to the kindergarten kitchen « Profession: cook»

Target: Introduce children to the work of a cook; expand and consolidate knowledge about kitchen utensils.

6. Master class "Preparing vinaigrette"

Target: Expand and specify the idea of profession cook; develop cognitive interests; develop speech activity and dialogical speech.

7. Examination of reproductions, albums, illustrations on the topic « Professions»

8. Watching cartoons "Who to be", "Smeshariki (professions) .

Constructive activity:

1. "Young Architects" Target: Exercise children in working with various natural materials; teach how to select beautiful combinations of shapes and colors when composing decorative compositions, unite your crafts with a single plot. Encourage children to joint activities, it is proposed to unite your crafts with a common idea.

2. "Young Inventors"

Target: teach children to model structures using diagrams; consolidate the ability to maintain proportionality and symmetry, select materials, and decorate structures beautifully and expediently; teach children to design collectively, to use their knowledge and experience in the process of work; develop the desire for search, experimentation, creativity.


Household and household work in the group;

Work in a corner of nature;

Labor in nature.

Speech development

1. Compiling stories on a topic « Professions» Target: Teach children to independently come up with a story on a given topic; develop monologue speech, creative imagination

Target: Teach children to come up with a first-person story; develop creative imagination; use descriptions, dialogue, and means of expressive speech.

2. Guessing riddles.

3. Conversations - reasoning: “What kind of professions, “What will happen if people don’t work?”, "All professions are important, All professions are needed!"; 4. Learning songs, poems, proverbs and sayings in Topics: « Professions of people"

5. Reading fiction literature:

"City of Good Deeds" R. Scarry

"Who to be?" I. Karpova (a series of books about professions)

“What do you have?” S. Mikhalkov

"Who to be?" V. Mayakovsky

"Builders" B. Zakhoder

“Uncle Styopa is a policeman” S. Mikhalkov

“What do crafts smell like?” D. Rodari

"Dr. Aibolit" K. Chukovsky

"Dunno in the Sunny City" N. Nosov

M. Poznanskaya "Let's go to work",

S. Marshak "Where did the table come from", "We are military",

S. Mikhalkov “What do you have?”, In Lifshits “And we will work”.

B. Zhitkov "Railway",

M. Ilyin "Cars on our street"

N. Naydenova "Olga Pavlovna".

S. Baruzdin "Who built the new house".

Artistic and aesthetic development:

1. Listening to music works:

Music game “If you have fun, do it this way”

Song about the masters (Yu. Kim, A. Rybnikov)

2. Drawing:

“What will I be when I grow up?”

Target: continue to develop children’s abilities for visual arts (sense of color, shape, composition); to develop skills related to the artistic and figurative reflection of objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality in drawing.

"Coloring pages - Professions»

Target: Develop a desire to select objects for the image according to the plan; teach to distinguish various shapes, combine ready-made colors and shapes in a drawing.

3. Application:

"Dr. Aibolit"

Target: Consolidate knowledge about medical profession. Strengthen the ability to work with scissors, carefully use glue and a brush.

Teamwork on appliqués: "Soldier"

Target: - Continue to develop children’s interest in collective activity; -Develop creative imagination, fantasy; -To consolidate the ability to use the cut-off appliqué method.

Play activity:

Story-based role-playing games:

"Shop" Target: Arouse children's interest in sales profession, to form skills of a culture of behavior in in public places, cultivate friendly relationships.

"Hospital" Target: Arouse children's interest in medical profession; cultivate a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient, kindness, responsiveness, and a culture of communication.

"School" Target: Expand children's knowledge about school; help children master expressive means role implementation (intonation, facial expressions, gestures); independently create a game environment for the intended purpose; contribute to the formation of the ability to creatively develop game plots; help children learn some moral standards; foster fair relationships; strengthen forms of polite address; cultivate friendship, the ability to live and work in a team.

"Salon" Target: Expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about the work of a hairdresser; cultivate a culture of behavior in public places; respect, polite treatment of elders and each other; teach gratitude for help and service provided.

Didactic games: "Give me a word", "Guess who?", "A toy shop", "Who can tell you more about professions» , "Guess what I'm doing", "What's first, what's next", "Where can I buy this", "Name profession» , "What to whom", "Guess profession» , “Who can’t do without them”, « Professions of people» , "Who's doing what?", "Who needs what", "Names professions from A to Z» , “What happened if I didn’t work...”, “What do they do with this object?”, “What the object will tell you”.

Low mobility games: “We won’t tell you where we were, we’ll show you what we did.”, “If you have fun, do this”, "I was born a gardener". "Ocean is shaking"(with words "Conceived profession - show» ).

Board games - « Professions» , "Who to be?", "Associations", "To whom what needed for work, "We know everything professions» , Puzzles « Professions» , "Couples"(by topic, "Associations", lotto, dominoes, cut pictures.

Working with parents:

Introducing parents to the upcoming project and its tasks(in the form of an advertisement); -Consultations for parents "Children's responsibilities at home"- Invite parents to take an active part in the implementation of this project.

Stage 3: Final.

1. Exhibition of works on topic: “All works are good, choose according to your taste...”;

2. Game entertainment “City” "Masters";

3. Presentation project.

Result achieved:

1. The children of the group expanded and deepened their knowledge about the existence of different professions, about the significance and value of each work.

2. Project contributed to the emergence of interest in professions of their parents and professions kindergarten employees, children began to participate more actively in discussions and disputes about what the profession is more interesting.

3. Most children (19 people out of 28) learned to write short stories about their parents' professions, confidently present them in front of your comrades.

4. Daily discussions and compilation of stories on the topic enriched the children’s vocabulary and contributed to an increase in their speech activity.

5. Project contributed to children's education respectful attitude to working people, the desire to help parents, teachers and nannies at home (to the teacher's assistant) in kindergarten.

6. Project strengthened friendly relations between parents and employees, promoted the desire to cooperate and help children in its implementation.

Conclusion: I'm sure that this project forced children to look at the work of their parents with different eyes, to treat their work more respectfully. Right choice professions determines life success, so I really hope that in the future my graduates will choose their favorite profession that brings joy and benefits to people.
