Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Formation of professional competencies in the classroom of educational practice in the profession "Cook, confectioner" teaching aid on the topic. Cook, pastry chef basic training professional competencies General professional competencies of a cook

Sections: Technology

One of the problems of employment of graduates of primary vocational education(UNPO) at the enterprises of the food industry, according to the employers of the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, there remains an insufficiently formed production and technological competence of the future chef. That is why, under the conditions rapid development In the food industry, it becomes important for UNPOs to prepare a competitive worker who is in demand on the labor market and who has production and technological competence (PTK). Thus, the purpose of our study was the theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the PTC of the future chef of the food industry in the system of vocational education.

As part of the solution of the first task we have determined the structure, criteria and indicators of the formation of the PTK of the future chef in the food industry. An analysis of the structure of the professional competence of a cook made it possible to consider PTC as the ability of a future chef in the food industry to perform production operations related to the preparation, presentation, portioning and dispensing of culinary products at food industry enterprises.

The structure of the PTC of the future chef of the food industry includes the invariant and variable parts and represents the cognitive, operational-activity and personal-motivational components. Cognitive criterion includes the level of formation of the knowledge system of technologies for the production of culinary products, including basic enterprises. Operational-activity criterion includes the level of development of the skills and abilities of the future chef in the food industry for the production of culinary products, including basic enterprises. Personal motivational criterion includes the level of formation of professionally important qualities of the future chef in the food industry and learning motivation influencing its transformational activity.

Based on the criteria, the levels of formation of the PTC of the future chef in the food industry were identified: I - high, characterizes the ability of the future chef to independently create new samples of culinary products, based on the transformation of the algorithms for performing production operations in accordance with the new task that has arisen in an unfamiliar situation in order to obtain a new activity algorithm. IIaverage, characterizes the ability of the future chef to independently create new samples of culinary products, based on similar algorithms for performing production operations, according to the task that has arisen to obtain a new algorithm of activity in a familiar situation. IIIshort, characterizes the ability of a future chef in the food industry to reproduce samples of culinary products, based on similar algorithms for performing production operations within a simple given technology for the production of culinary products.

a model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the PTK of the future chef of the food industry in the process of training at UNPO were designed ( picture 1). The model of the process of formation of the PTC of the future chef of the food industry consists of four structural blocks and reflects the methodological approaches, principles and pedagogical conditions. Under formation PTK future food industry chef we understand a purposefully organized pedagogical process of interaction between a future chef and a teacher, which is characterized by a focus on the formation of a new quality - the PTC of a future chef in the food industry, strengthening and expanding the links between its structural components (cognitive, operational-activity and personal-motivational).

cognitive component reveals the availability of knowledge about the technologies for the production of culinary products as an object of educational cognitive activity, understanding the specifics of its production at food industry enterprises. Operational and activity the component includes a system of sequential production operations that the future chef of the food industry needs to master when preparing culinary products, determines his independence in performing practical work, reveals the application of knowledge to them in practice. The personal-motivational component determines the professionally important qualities of the future chef in the food industry , mental and emotional balance, psychological readiness, allowing with high quality perform labor operations; quick adaptation to production conditions in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise.

The model for the formation of the PTC of a future cook in the food industry is built on the following theoretical approaches: competence-based, which made it possible to clarify the content of the concept of "PTC" of a future chef by introducing an activity one, considering professional activity and personal (orientation to the development of personal qualities) aspects; systemic, which made it possible to consider the process of forming the PTC of a future cook in the UNPO as a pedagogical system and, on its basis, develop a model, highlighting external and internal, in relation to the model, functions, structural blocks, to study properties and relationships; personal and activity-based, which made it possible to choose the content, forms, methods of organizing the interaction between the student and the teacher, ensuring the formation of the personality of the future chef as a subject professional activity able to master and creatively transform the production of culinary products; the principles of modular training made it possible to guarantee the result of the formation of the PTC of the future chef, to contribute to the holistic formation of the required competence, the development of his independence, the actualization of the subject position .

The semantic content of the model for the formation of the PTC of the future chef of the food industry lies in the fact that in target block includes goals determined by the social order and the Federal State Educational Standard of NGOs, in which the social order is transformed in the concepts and categories of pedagogy; pedagogical goal, solved by the teacher at each lesson. Informative block reflects the subject of activity, according to the structural components of the PTK, where its content is the leading one. IN organizational and executive the block includes methods, forms, means and stages that ensure the interaction of the subjects of the educational process in the formation of the required competence. basis efficient block the models make up the criteria, indicators and levels that make up the technology for assessing the level of formation of the PTK of the future cook.

D to ensure successful implementation formation models PTK future chefs in the food industry, the following pedagogical conditions are defined.First pedagogical condition involves structuring the content of the special discipline "Cooking" in the form of didactic modules. The content of the modules is structured taking into account the invariant and variable parts of the PTK. The invariant part includes the content of the curriculum of the discipline, reflecting the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of NGOs, the variable part - the technology for the production of culinary products of the basic enterprises.

Second pedagogical condition provides organizational structure training module in the form of blocks: input and updating, informational, practical, control, which will perform their specific functions ( figure 2). The entry and update block performs a motivational function, updates necessary knowledge, methods of action, contains information about the module. The structure of the information block includes subblocks of generalization and theoretical. In the generalization sub-block, the task of the module is formulated in the form of a scheme, algorithm or instruction; in the theoretical sub-block, the study material is studied. The theoretical sub-block includes an invariant part and a variable part. The practical block includes a sub-block of generalization, in which the study of the content of the module. The control block includes a sub-block of the output, in which knowledge mastering is checked.

Third pedagogical condition focuses on the inclusion in the learning process of problematic tasks, workshops, laboratory and practical work, reflecting the professional activities of the future chef in the food industry, designed to ensure the implementation of the cognitive-operational-activity stage of the formation of PTC , and due to the fact that among the factors influencing the learning process of a given worker, the leading role belongs to the formed methods of practical activity, which allow reaching new levels of knowledge, skills and abilities.

The fourth pedagogical condition today it does not need special evidence, because it becomes invariant in determining the effectiveness of any pedagogical system, in our case it is the study and analysis of the effectiveness of the formation of the PTK of a future chef in educational process UNPO with the involvement of potential employers.

As part of solving the second task we have developed and experimentally tested the structure and content of the special discipline "Cookery", which contributes to the formation of the PTK of the future chef of the industry. The structural and logical scheme for studying disciplines in accordance with the curriculum of the UNPO and the matrix of interdisciplinary relations showed that the special discipline "Cooking" is the leading discipline that directly affects the formation of PTC in the process of preparing the future chef of the food industry at the UNPO.

The special discipline "Cookery" is a technical discipline that studies the rational production of culinary products in conditions of individual and mass production. The selection and structuring of educational material in the special discipline "Cooking" takes into account the requirements of the main regulatory documents - the Federal State Educational Standard of NGOs, professional standard Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (FRiO), qualification characteristic cook, requirements of employers, content of the educational program, educational and methodical literature. The discipline program is presented in the form of training modules, which are developed taking into account qualification requirements to the cook. Each module has a special package teaching aids containing the necessary theoretical provisions, guidelines for performing actions and control tests and tasks.

The training information of the modules is presented in the form production, semantic and frame models, allowing to stimulate cognitive activity, take into account the level of training of students, differentiate educational material and learning activities, save school time. production model involves a set of rules, algorithms for solving technological tasks or implementation of production operations (instruction, formula) (Appendix 4). frame model allows you to "compress", structure and systematize information in tables, diagrams, which, if necessary, can be changed according to the situation (recipes, description of technologies). Information is coded in text or pictorial form using color (Appendix 5). Semantic web model relies on the presentation of knowledge using flowcharts, drawings, reference notes, allows you to present the structure of the discipline, training modules and the scope of their study (Appendix 3).

The content of the organizational blocks of the module includes the following. Login and update block contains information about the course program, requirements for knowledge and skills, the content of the current and final control, list of references, academic credit, admission, professional orientation. The generalization sub-block is presented in the form of a semantic network model - a flowchart, a picture of a topic, questions for self-examination, problem solving (in paper or electronic form), which allow students to self-control the assimilation of the educational material of each topic by the students themselves. Ttheoretical subblock presented in the form of block drawings, which are arranged in a certain sequence, taking into account the principle of problematicity. The invariant and variable parts of the theoretical sub-block are interconnected, which allows the teacher to include tasks related to a specific specific production or functional responsibilities food industry chefs (Appendix 2). For example, the invariant part is related to the study of the technology of making soups, and the variable part is related to the technology of making soups for children (school, dietary) food or national cuisine (Italian, Russian, and so on). The reference section of the lecture material includes information necessary for solving problems, performing laboratory work, creative projects, abstracts.

Practical module block presented in the form of pivot tables , drawings, laboratory and practical work, guidelines for their implementation. Guidelines in electronic or paper form, they allow students to pay attention to the peculiarities of preparing various culinary products (Appendix 7, 8). The practical block also includes problem tasks of 4 types and 3 levels of complexity, designed for reproductive, productive and productive-creative activities, which are developed on the basis of the studied discipline in the form of: a task that is aimed at searching and analyzing necessary information on the problem from written, audio, video sources; a task that involves a discussion in order to form a personal attitude of the student to a specific problem (professional, intercultural, social, political); tasks aimed at fulfilling professional, social and interpersonal roles in order to develop an acceptable solution for students (socialization); a creative task in the form of a project, which is aimed at developing the skills of independent research activities (Appendix 14, 15, 16, 17). Creative tasks contain the topics of projects dedicated to the production of culinary products. Performing a creative task, the student generalizes the acquired knowledge and skills, independently studies additional, educational, methodological, normative literature. The degree of complexity of the creative task depends on the choice, desire and abilities of the student himself, while the teacher acts as a consultant.

control block module contains an output subblock and represents control tasks in the form of didactic tests, chain, thematic, textual and situational tasks, control works, questions for tests and exams, includes paper and computerized programs for checking the basic concepts of the special discipline "Cooking", residual knowledge; knowledge throughout the course, shows the educational success of students, the results of their activities, as well as the level of production and technological competence and professional competence in general (Appendix 9, 10, 11, 12, 13).

To assess the practical skills and abilities of a future chef in the food industry, quantitative and qualitative criteria proposed by V.P. Bespalko are used. , heldolympiad and professional contest that contribute to the development of creative thinking and creativity the student, motivates him to perform production and technological activities, allows him to develop professionalism (Appendix 18, 19).

The training of the future chef in the special discipline "Cooking" is carried out through the classroom and extracurricular activities of the student, each in turn uses both frontal, group, pair, individual shape learning and their combination. Let's consider how informational, practical, control training modules are implemented in the process of studying educational material in the special discipline "Cooking". Training course"Cookery" includes 350 hours, of which - lecture - 238 hours, practical - 112 hours, extracurricular - 105 hours and consists of 5 training modules (Appendix 1).

Consider the structure of the training session, which consists of three stages (Appendix 6).

Stage I - organizational and motivational(10-15 min). The first stage begins with the goal setting of the lesson. Students are aware of the main goal of the upcoming study of the educational topic of the educational element (submodule, module), practical and theoretical significance. Then the teacher reports how many lessons are allotted for studying the topic, the approximate timing of its completion and lists the main elements that students should master as a result of studying this topic. After orientation in the upcoming activity, students perform a test control of knowledge in the input block and choose an individual learning path. Next, the teacher prepares students for the perception of new material, involves them in new topic(problem), shows the significance in the future professional activity, reveals the existing level of knowledge of students on this topic (problem). As a motivation, such techniques as “reference to a person”, “reference to a situation” can act; demonstration of the studied sample, phenomenon or method of activity, presentation and more. For example, when studying the topic "Technology for making sandwiches", the technique of "reference to the individual" is used.

Students are invited to answer such questions as the importance of sandwiches in the nutrition of the student himself, what foods he most often uses, what requirements must be observed when preparing sandwiches and whether he observes them. At this stage, the teacher can conduct an independent written work in order to control or correct the achieved level of knowledge formed at the previous stages of training. The results of the work performed by the students are evaluated and recorded by the teacher. When carrying out the correction of knowledge and skills, the teacher organizes the re-consolidation of the material, aimed at eliminating the "gaps" in the assimilation of educational material.

II stage - operational and activity stage(50-60 min). At the second stage, the organization of independent work takes place, where students independently or under the guidance of a teacher acquire the knowledge included in the content of this topic, on questions or paragraphs of educational material through specific actions for its appropriation. Assimilated material can be appropriated when there is an automaticity in its use. The most effective when working with educational material, ensuring the involvement of the student in active self-learning and interaction with the subjects of cognitive activity, are such forms of activity as work in pairs, group and individual. Depending on the number of teaching hours and the importance of the topic, it can be considered during several training sessions and vice versa. If the topics are not key, but necessary to expand the conceptual apparatus of students, then they are considered in one training session.

For example, when studying the educational element "Processing of scaly fish and preparing semi-finished products from it", students (4-5 groups of 4-5 people in each group) study natural fish samples and semi-finished products. Students determine characteristics fish semi-finished products , methods of their preparation, quality requirements, shelf life. Then one participant from each group reads out the highlighted signs and methods for preparing semi-finished products, and the other writes them down on the board, divided into four to five parts for each group. Together with the students, the teacher identifies the sequence of operations in the processing of fish, organoleptic characteristics for various culinary uses, the amount of raw materials used. Disclosure of a specific feature is carried out by the teacher with the involvement of TCO (videos, educational film, slides, presentations of the students themselves), after all the features are considered, each subgroup is invited to once again characterize the methods of processing fish and preparing fish semi-finished products based on the selected features. Such an organization of the lesson allows the teacher not to transmit ready-made knowledge, but to organize the process of obtaining knowledge, while developing the cognitive activity of students, which, in turn, is the basis for their creative independence, which allows them to form learning motivation and develop professionally important qualities of a future competitive worker. .

As tasks for consolidating the material is Practical activities for a student - solving problems that reflect the professional activities of a cook, performing laboratory and practical work and workshops, developing individual or group projects. Sheets with the task on the content of the reinforcing material are in the student's notebook. Forms of organizing training at this stage can be - laboratory and practical classes, workshops that are held in the laboratory of food technology, seminars (traditional, research type, discussion), game forms ("Brain Ring", "Field of Miracles" and others), contests (“Best Chef”, “Best Answer”, “Best Mentor”, “Golden Hands Cook” and others), video conferences, video training, role-playing games(“Meeting foreign guests”, “In the technologist’s office”, “Organization of the restaurant”) and so on.

Stage III - reflective-evaluative stage(10-15 min). At the third stage, the teacher controls and corrects the assimilation educational information, summarizes the studied material, summarizes the work on this topic, evaluates the quality of the lesson and the means used. Students develop reflective activity (introspection), the ability to generalize and form an adequate self-esteem. To assess the quality and level of assimilation of educational material, tasks for verification are used. When summing up the results, the teacher compares the result of the student's activity with the standard and then fixes the achieved level of assimilation of the PTK by the students. At the end of the lesson, the teacher allocates time for reporting assignments at home, as a rule, it consists in self-preparation for certain theoretical and practical matters And brief description next block training sessions, conducts feedback, which allows you to get Additional information about the quality of the developed materials. All aspects of the training session are contained in the student's diary, the content of which allows the teacher to make corrections in the methodological and didactic support of the training modules.

At the end of the study of each submodule / module / modules, a final control is provided, which is aimed at checking the final results of training, identifying the degree of mastery of the system of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by students in the process of studying the special discipline "Cooking". At this stage, the educational material is finally systematized and generalized. As forms of final control, a test, an exam (oral or written, in the form of testing using a PC), protection of creative works is provided. At the test lesson, students are invited to complete test tasks of various levels of complexity, mutual control and self-control are used to assess their own knowledge, form the ability to analyze and introspect activities and its results.

The implementation of a creative task in the special discipline "Cooking" in the form of a project allows students to deepen, generalize, systematize and consolidate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the profession; comprehensively check the level of formation of the PTK in particular and professional competence in general. When writing creative project There are three stages: preparatory, main, final. At the preparatory stage, the teacher conducts consultations in order to familiarize students with the topics of work, requirements for writing a project, educational and methodological literature, deadlines. The main stage includes independent work of the student himself. At the final stage, projects are defended with the participation of specialists from basic enterprises. In the process of preparation, the student prepares an analysis of the work done, as a result of which the ability to isolate the essential from the content of the project is formed. As part of the creative project, students perform the practical part of the task in production shop enterprises in order to check the level of formation of the PTK of the future chef in the food industry and professional competence in general by specialists of the basic enterprises (Appendix 17).

The classroom where lessons of the special discipline "Cooking" are held is equipped with technical means(PC, music center, magnetic plastic board, video and audio systems, projector); in-kind benefits (samples of raw materials and semi-finished products, models of dishes); planar pictorial manuals (posters, photographs with diagrams of the process of production of culinary products); verbal (educational, methodological, additional, normative literature), dynamic stand-simulator; conditionally sign benefits(technological maps, diagrams, drawings). Workshops and laboratory-practical classes are held in a training laboratory equipped with equipment, tools and inventory.

As part of solving the third task we tested the effectiveness of the developed model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the PTC of the future chef in the food industry, which was considered in terms of the dynamics of learning levels; levels of manifestation of professionally important qualities, levels of educational motivation. The experimental data were compared according to the Pearson criterion, a qualitative analysis, observations, conversations, and questionnaires were carried out.

Determination of the initial level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students was carried out with the help of control diagnostic tasks, which were developed taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard of NGOs and the recommendations of V.P. Bespalko, the qualification levels of the food industry chef. The theoretical task consisted of six questions: the first and second - provided for the identification of previously studied technologies for the production of culinary products; the third and fourth - checking the acquired information in a non-standard situation based on similar activity algorithms; the fifth and sixth are connected with the creation of new samples of culinary products. Practical tasks were compiled taking into account the qualification levels of the cook, they included three questions designed for productive, productive, productive and creative activity. The quality of culinary products was evaluated by specialists of enterprises.

Determination of the levels of manifestation of professionally important qualities was carried out by specialists of enterprises in the process of performing practical tasks by the future chef of the food industry on a scale expert evaluation. Determination of the levels of educational motivation of students was carried out according to the scale proposed by O.S. Grebenyuk. The formation of the PTC of the future chef of the food industry at the formative stage of the experiment was determined by the results of the defense of the creative project. The students were asked to consider one of the three options for the implementation of a creative project, designed for reproductive, productive, productive and creative activities. The first option involved considering the production of certain culinary products; the second is the improvement of recipes and technologies of basic enterprises; the third is the development of a new sample of culinary products. The influence of the formation of the PTC of the future chef of the food industry on the formation of other competencies was tested at the competitions of professional skills and the final state certification.

Experimental work has shown the effectiveness of the proposed model and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the PTC of the future chef of the industry and allows achieving positive results in improving the quality of his professional training at UNPO.


  1. Bespalko, V.P. On the criteria for the quality of training of specialists [Text] / V.P. Bespalko // Higher School Bulletin. - 1988. - No. 1. - P. 3 - 8.
  2. Grebenyuk, O.S. Problems of formation of motivation for learning and work among students of secondary vocational schools: Didactic aspect [Text] / ed. M.I. Makhmutov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1985. - 151 p.
  3. Sidorenko, E.V. Methods of mathematical processing in psychology [Text] / E.V. Sidorenko. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2007. - 350s.
State budget educational institution

Primary vocational education

"Professional Lyceum №32"


Deputy Director for MMR

N.V. Artemieva

"____" _____________2012

A set of control and evaluation tools

According to the professional module

PM.04. Cooking fish dishes


basic vocational education program (OBEP) by profession NGO

260807.01 Cook, confectioner

(code, name)


at a meeting of the methodological commission by a teacher of special disciplines

O.A. Oshchepkova

dated "_____" ___________ 20_____

Chairman of the MC

I.V. Azanova




KOM is designed to monitor and evaluate the results of mastering the professional module PM.04. Cooking fish dishes by profession NGO 260807.01 Cook, confectioner basic training

Professional competencies:

PC 4.1. To process fish with a bone skeleton

PC 4.2. To prepare or prepare semi-finished products from

Fish with bones

PC 4.3. Prepare and decorate simple fish dishes with a bone skeleton

General competencies:

OK 1. Understand the essence and social significance of your future profession, show a steady interest in it.

OK 2. Organize your own activities, based on the goal and ways to achieve it, determined by the head.

OK 3. Analyze the working situation, carry out current and final control, evaluation and correction of their own activities, be responsible for the results of their work

OK.4. Search for information necessary for the effective performance of professional tasks

OK.5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities

OK.6. Work in a team, communicate effectively with colleagues, management, clients

OK.7. Prepare for work production room and maintain its sanitary condition




according to assignments.

1 task - 20 points

2 task - 30 points

The maximum is 50 points.

Evaluation criteria: "Mastered" -

"Not Mastered" -


Compiled by: O.A. Oshchepkova

Professional competencies

Part A. Test task


Option No. 1 .

1. According to what indicator is the flesh of fish considered better than the flesh of the meat of a domestic animal?

A) according to the degree of digestibility; b) by chemical composition; c) by mineral composition.

2. What happens to fish protein under heat treatment?

A) is destroyed b) volatilizes with steam; c) passes into the sticky substance glutin.

3. What do the extractives contribute to during the heat treatment process, which pass into the broth?

A) color improvement b) increase in calories; c) stimulate appetite.

4. Which fish has the dark film of the abdominal cavity, which is considered poisonous, removed before being cut into portions?

A) perch; b) marinka; c) horse mackerel.

5. Which fish are skinned before heat treatment?

A) catfish, catfish, coal, flounder; b) pike perch, catfish, saber; c) notothenia, cod, hake.

Complete the sentences.

6. In terms of its chemical composition, fish is slightly inferior to the meat of domestic animals, and in terms of the content of _____________________________________ it surpasses meat.

7 . Fish fat is easily melted and absorbed by the human body, and the presence of _____________________________________ significantly increases its value.

8. Due to the presence of a large amount of iodine, fish is considered to be ___________________________ and _____________________________ in the diet of the elderly.

9. Extractive substances in the process of heat treatment pass into the broth and contribute to _____________________________________________________.

10. Complete the following diagram with the missing data.

Add suggestions.

11. They let in the fish possessing... . The poaching makes it possible to preserve in the fish ... and its shape.

12. Portioned pieces of fish are poured ... with water, tightly closed with a lid, heated to a boil and ... at a temperature not lower than 80 ° C.

13. Portioned pieces are released hot or stored on a food warmer in broth, covering the dishes with a lid, no more than ... min.

14. For frying fish, vegetable oil is used, as well as ....

15. Due to what does the softening of fish occur during heat treatment?

A) connective tissue, consisting of collagen, at t = 40 ° C coagulates and passes into glutin, soluble in water; b) proteins coagulate; c) glutin forms a gel when cooled.

  1. What is the mass (g) of fish sold per serving?
    a) 75, 100, 125; b) 100, 125, 150; c) 200.

  2. How to determine the readiness of fried fish?
a) by the presence of small air bubbles on its surface; b) piercing the thickest part with a chef's needle; c) taste, appearance.

18. What nutrients are found in fish?

A) proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals; b) proteins, fats, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, sulfur, vitamins A and D; c) proteins, fats, sugar, vitamins C and group B.

19. Why is fish boiled and stewed at t= 85...90°C?

A) portioned pieces fish keep their shape; b) broths remain transparent; c) the amount of emulsified fat in the broth is negligible.

20. What is the purpose of adding raw carrots, onions, parsley root to the broth when boiling and poaching fish?

A) increase vitamin activity; b) improve taste and smell; c) improve color.

Part B. Solution of situational problems


Read the assignment carefully.

Answer the questions given in the assignment.

Task execution time - 30 minutes.

Exercise *

IN You work in a fish shop. The workshop received freshly frozen perch.

1. What is the peculiarity of the processing of fish belonging to the perch family?

2. How is fish cut into fillets with skin?

  1. How is fillet with skin cut into portions for frying in the main way?

  2. What type of breading is used for semi-finished fish products?
5. Organize workplace cooks for the production of fish semi-finished products.

5. Pick up equipment and inventory for the preparation of fish semi-finished products.

6. Rules of t / b when working in the fish shop.


Target: Assess the formation of the PC modulo

Instruction: Analyze the information provided. Take action

according to assignments.

Submit your results necessary documentation specified in the assignment.

In total - 2 parts. Part A - contains a test task of 20 questions.

Part B - contains a situational task

The task is completed correctly if it matches the model answer.

The criterion for mastering this type of activity is not only

correctness, but also the time to complete the task.

1 task - 20 points

2 task - 30 points

The maximum is 50 points.

Evaluation criteria: "Mastered" - the student completes the tasks and gains from 35 to 50 points

"Not Mastered" - student completes assignments and scores less than 35


Compiled by: O.A. Oshchepkova

Professional competencies

Part A. Test task


Read the assignment carefully.

You are asked to answer 20 questions.

In the test there are tasks for correlation, for choosing the correct answer.

The time to complete the task is 20 minutes.

Option No. 2 .

Choose the correct answer

1. How is small fish weighing up to 200 g used?

A) portioned pieces (round); b) entirely; c) cut into fillets.

2. How is medium-sized fish weighing 1 ... 1.5 kg used?

3. How are large fish weighing over 1.5 kg used?

A) in its entirety b) round (portioned piece); c) cut into fillets.

4. Which fish are skinned with a "stocking"?

A) burbot, eel, eelpout; b) pike, navaga, tench; c) flounder, cod, saithe.

5. What kind of fish before cleaning from scales is immersed in boiling water for 20 - 30 seconds and quickly transferred to cold water?

A) tench; b) flounder; c) perch.

Add suggestions.

  1. The amount of fat in fish depends on its type, age and __________________.

  2. The largest amount of fat contains fish such as eel ___________________

  3. The fat content affects the palatability of the fish and its ______________________

  4. Skinny fish include cod, ____________________________________________
10. Fill in the table with the missing information.

Defrost method


Defrost duration and processing feature, weight loss

On air

All types of fillets, large fish, sturgeon, catfish, notothenia and carcasses of special cutting

Without unfolding the paper. Large blocks - 24 hours Fish -4...10 hours Weight loss 2%

In water

Scaled and scaleless Small Large


Squama Mackerel Horse mackerel Butgerfish

May not be defrosted





Easier to handle, less waste, no deformation, retain nutrients

Add suggestions.

11. For poaching, the prepared fish is placed in a fish pot equipped with a grate. Links and ... fish are fixed on the grate.

12. The links are placed on the grill with the skin.... Whole fish - with the belly.... Portioned pieces - with the skin... or the part where the skin was.

13. For poaching, portioned pieces of fish are cut at an angle of 30 ° to get flat, wide pieces, convenient for ... in a small amount of liquid. Broths from poaching fish are filtered and used to make sauces on vacation.

14. Fried fish has a pronounced ..., due to the fried crust formed on the surface.

Choose the correct answer.

15. Due to what, when cooking and frying fish, does a change in its mass and volume occur?

A) due to protein denaturation; b) the transition of collagen to glutin; c) compaction of proteins and release of water.

16. By what percent does the mass of fish change during heat treatment?
a) at 18 ... 20; b) 15...20; c) 20...25.

17. What improves in the broth due to the extractive substances passing into it during the heat treatment?

A) taste and aroma; b) stimulation of appetite; c) the color of the broth.

18. How does the quality of fish change as a result of its heat treatment?

A) the digestibility of fish increases; b) bacteria die; c) the color of the fish deteriorates.

19. Due to what is the change in the mass and volume of fish?

A) fat is partially lost; b) proteins are compacted, squeezing out moisture; c) fabric fibers soften.

20. Why does the weight of breaded fish pieces change less than that of non-breaded ones?

A) does not lose liquid during frying due to the formation of a crispy crust; b) breading absorbs fat; c) have a large surface of contact with the frying surface.

Formation of professional competencies of future catering specialists.

The production of culinary products at a modern enterprise is a complex technological process, which consists of a series of sequential operations for processing products, preparing dishes and culinary products. Satisfying the needs of society in high-quality and diverse food products, increasing the culture of their consumption by improving production technology, improving quality finished products largely depends on the skill of cooks, on what professional competencies they possess.

IN scientific literature the following essential features of competencies have been identified:

    The concept of "competence" refers to the field of skills, not knowledge. “Competence is a general ability based on knowledge, experience, values, inclinations acquired through training. Competence is not limited to knowledge or skills; Being competent does not mean being scholarly or educated.”

The professional qualities of a specialist are very important. They form a future specialist's positive attitude towards his profession and the people with whom he works. The desire for personal growth, professional improvement, allows you to solve those production tasks that the employer sets for him:

    social, determining his interaction with other people;

    information related to the receipt and processing of information;

    calculation related to the ability to solve professional problems;


    managerial, organizational;



    economic, including behavior in the labor market.

Competencies are formed as a result of conscious activity. The acquisition of competencies depends on the activity of trainees. In order to learn how to work, you need to work.

Professional competence- a capacious concept that includes not only professional abilities and skills (labor function within the framework of a position, profession, specialty, qualification), but also the ability to act independently in new situations when solving professional problems.

In our case future specialist public catering must consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in the process of study, must be ready to perform production-technological, organizational and managerial, control-technological, experimental and experimental activities; must also possess the theoretical foundations and professional competencies, such as:

Mechanical culinary processing of products; basic techniques;

Methods of thermal culinary processing of products;

Technology for the preparation of soups, sauces, dishes and side dishes from cereals, legumes and pasta, vegetables, fish and seafood, meat, meat products, poultry;

Technology for preparing and dispensing dishes from eggs and cottage cheese, cold dishes and snacks from fish, meat and other products, sandwiches, sweet dishes and hot drinks;

Recipes, quality requirements, storage conditions and terms;

Flour preparation technology confectionery;

Technology of preparation of semi-finished products;

Dough kneading and loosening methods;

Technology for the preparation of yeast and yeast-free dough, semi-finished products and products from them;

Ways to decorate pastries and cakes.

Own practical foundations professional activities, namely:

Conduct the technological process of mechanical culinary processing of raw materials;

Prepare meals and culinary products;

To carry out a complete set of dishes and distribution of dishes of mass demand;

Determine the quality of cooked food, prevent and eliminate its possible shortcomings;

Prepare confectionery raw materials for production;

Prepare various types of fillings, syrups, lipsticks, creams, minced meats;

Lead the production process various kinds dough, semi-finished products and products from them;

Decorate confectionery;

Produce piece confectionery, pastries and cakes.

In addition to all this, we must:

Understand the social and economic importance of catering establishments;

- know the rules for storing products, their processing modes, the norms, ratios and sequence of laying products, recipes, rules for operating equipment, sanitary and hygienic requirements for the cooking process, nutritional physiology, the basics of medical and dietary cooking;

Be able to process various products, prepare dishes in accordance with recipes, use special equipment; draw up basic technological maps of dishes, make a calculation;

- have skillsuse of methods for applying professional competencies in practice;

- Our activity requires fine color discrimination, good visual-motor coordination (at the level of hand movements).They must be physically hardy, have a good long-term memory, a three-dimensional and linear eye, and be able to concentrate. You need a subtle sense of time, high sensitivity to shades of smell and taste, reproducing imagination (the ability to look at a recipe, imagine appearance and the taste of the dish), you need to be responsible and honest.

The listed competencies are formed in the course oftheoretical and practical training in college. The first stage includes training and laboratory-practical classes, in which we study not only the technology of preparing various dishes and semi-finished products, but also calculate dishes, draw up menus, draw up technological maps, and learn how to set the table correctly. In the college laboratory there is an opportunity to prepare cold and hot dishes from meat, fish, poultry, dairy products, vegetables, fruits. We gain practical skills from preparing products for cooking to receiving a finished dish.

Early, before going to college this specialty those. “Cook, confectioner, calculator”, we did not know anything about this profession and had no idea how interesting and useful it would be for us in catering in later life. But for further development in this direction, in order to become a qualified worker, we need to form the professional competencies of a future catering specialist.After all, the formation of professional competencies among students is one of the urgent problems at the present time.

Mastering competencies allows you to solve a variety of problems in everyday, professional, social life. They provide flexible behavior of a specialist in the labor market.

The next stage in the formation of professional competencies can be attributed to practical training, during which it becomes possible not only to observe the organization of the work process in public catering organizations, but also to consolidate professional skills in production. On a personal example, I can talk about the importance of industrial practice, from 10/13/2014 to 11/20/2014. we had an internship at catering establishments. We were introduced to the rules and safety precautions at the enterprise, also familiarized with the structure of the enterprise and with official duties corporate catering specialist. I have mastered the necessary professional competencies, consolidated my theoretical knowledge and skills with industrial training. I participated in the preparation of various dishes. The practice left me only good impressions. The staff welcomed us kindly and answered all our questions. The practice gave me general ideas about the future profession, and increased my interest in learning. A lot of valuable and useful information has been received, which will undoubtedly have a great influence in my future professional activities. . I conducted a small sociological survey of college students and employees base organizations public catering, during which it turned out that representatives of this profession are in great demand in the labor market

Another stage in the formation of professional competencies and motivation for us can be participation in professional festivals and competitions, attending master classes of chefs. Professionals in their field demonstrate to us the peculiarities of preparing complex dishes, unusually beautiful ways of decorating them. For example, in the period from 05/12/2014 to 05/20/2014, we attended a master class, which was conducted by a specialist from Germany to exchange experiences and improve the skills of our students. After such competitions and master classes, we have an even greater desire to move forward, improve our skills and abilities.

List of used literature.

    Chebannaya I.A. Theoretical approaches to the definition of professional competencies of SVE specialists // Innovations in education: experience, problems, prospects. . - Stavropol: Litera, 2008. - S. 99-103.

    Chebannaya I.A. Formation of professional competencies of a specialist by means of information and communication technologies // Innovations in education: experience, problems, prospects. Mater. 53rd scientific method. conf. SSU "University Science for the Region". - Stavropol: Litera, 2008. - S. 103-105.

    Chebannaya I.A. Professional competencies and technologies of their formation in college conditions // Modern educational technologies. Mater. Vseross. scientific and practical. conf. - Tver: TSTU, 2008.

    Mirsaetova N. Conditions for the formation of success in the future professional activity: article / N. Mirsaetova // Secondary vocational education. - 2010. No. 3. – p. 61

    Prokopiev M. Competence approach in education: article / M. Prokopiev // Secondary vocational education. - 2009. - No. 4. - With. 29.

The development of an assortment of dishes and culinary products is developed in accordance with current trends in the assortment policy of Moscow food industry enterprises and is approved by the college's social partners; (from which a lunch menu is compiled for each student) - November Assignment of topics to students - December Written examination work (except for the practical part) December 2012 - April 2013 (checked by the lead teacher with 5-point evaluation and review of the work ) Demonstration of professional competence in preparing and decorating dishes on the menu in the training laboratory in the presence of the examination committee, as well as experts from among employers May - June 2012 (each dish is evaluated separately, then the overall mark for the work is set). After completing the work, students make a computer presentation and draw up the practical part of the PER Demonstration of professional competencies in cooking and decorating dishes Presentation of the WRC in the presence of an attestation commission, consisting of the administration, leading teachers, master of college p / o, experts from among employers - June 2013 The student presents : Presentation of the WRC in the presence of an attestation commission, a verified PER, a diary on industrial practice, a characteristic from the enterprise, a computer presentation

Comprised of PER scores of the practical exam of work practice evaluation of answers to questions during the defense of the work At the end of the exam certifying commission assigns a student III-IY category of a cook. At the end of the exam, the attestation commission assigns the student the III-IY category of a cook.

Title page Plan - task Contents Introduction (relevance of the topic, new directions in cooking and serving dishes on the topic, a brief historical background: the origin of names, technological terms, information from the history of the production of culinary dishes of your menu, goals and objectives of the work).

2. Preparation of raw materials for work (Processing rules, cutting form for a given dish, storage conditions before use) 3. Cooking technology (sequence of technological operations, characteristics of technological modes - temperature and time mode of heat treatment) 4. Design and release of dishes according to the menu (features in the design and serving of dishes on the menu, serving temperature, quality requirements)

As the main mechanism designed to ensure the training of qualified mid-level workers with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education, professional competence, a competency-based approach in vocational education, its orientation towards the formation of professional competencies are.



Formation of professional competencies in the classroom educational practice by profession "Cook, confectioner"

The main mechanism designed to ensure the training of qualified mid-level workers with the needs of society and the state, as well as meeting the needs of the individual in deepening and expanding education is professional competence, a competency-based approach in vocational education, its focus on the formation of professional competencies.

The modern professional school is in dire need of justification and development from theoretical and methodological aspects and adequate technological support for the process of developing the creative potential of the individual, as a factor in its successful social and industrial integration, resources for professional mobility and competitiveness. It's about about the mastery of students with a holistic professional activity from goal-setting to introspection.

It is the list of professional competencies for a specific profession or specialty that is reflected in the new layout of the GEF SVE.

For example, when developing the structure of a professional educational program for vocational education for workers in the food industry, it was determined that, in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard, a specialist must demonstrate the ability and readiness, firstly, to plan, organize and control production processes in separate sections (subdivisions) of a catering enterprise and, secondly, to prepare and decorate complex dishes, bakery and flour confectionery products, taking into account the quality and safety requirements of the cooking process and finished products for various categories of consumers.

To master theseprofessional competenciesthe structure of the educational program includes training modules aimed at developing readiness to complete a set of specific labor functions.

2. Theoretical foundations

It should be emphasized that each module provides for the formationboth professional and general competencies, which include a certain level of readiness to make decisions, use the interpretation of information, etc.

Mastering the set of professional competencies necessary to perform labor functions and constituting training modules becomes the goal of the educational program. Thus, in the structure of the educational standard, professional modules that include a mandatory amount of knowledge, skills and practical experience necessary to perform various types of professional activities, replace the traditional special disciplines.

Modular approach to learning based on on competencies , provides for the development of a modular professional educational program based on the reflection of the requirements of the professional standard in the goals and content of the educational program, which involves changing the goals, content of training and methods of managing development activities competencies.

The implementation of modular educational programs based on competencies requires a fundamentally different approach to the organization of the educational process, the main feature of which is practice-oriented learning and independent work of students.

2.1 Independent work of students in modular programs

Of particular importance is such an organization of independent work, which, giving a personal meaning to the education received, taking into account the level of readiness for independent work, would stimulate the creative forces and abilities of students, actualize the internal cognitive motives of learning, would contribute to the development of self-education skills, the ability to self-development and self-improvement.

A competitive graduate must be independent, mobile, have creative thinking, choose the best solutions in non-standard situations, develop new types of products, etc.

A professional career is the professional formation and development of a person, the main indicators of which are:

professional independence;

professional mobility;

Ability to work in a team.

Independent study work should be understood as any active activity of students organized by the master of industrial training, aimed at fulfilling the set goals in the time specially allotted for this: the search for knowledge, their comprehension, consolidation, formation and development of skills, generalization and systematization of knowledge.

Independent work as a didactic phenomenon is, on the one hand, an educational task designed to achieve certain goals. On the other hand, the form of manifestation of the corresponding cognitive activity: memory, thinking, creative imagination when students complete a task in educational practice, which ultimately leads them either to obtaining a completely new, previously unknown knowledge, or to deepening and expanding the scope of already acquired knowledge.

Therefore, independent work is a learning tool that:

In each specific situation, assimilation corresponds to a specific goal and task;

Forms the necessary amount and level of knowledge, skills and abilities for the student to solve certain cognitive tasks at each stage of his movement from ignorance to knowledge;

Develops in students a psychological attitude towards independent systematic replenishment of their knowledge and the development of skills to navigate the flow of scientific and social information when solving new cognitive and professional tasks;

Independent work students - component learning, activities students in the process of learning, performed on the instructions of the master of p / o, but without his direct participation. Independent work aims to work out the material covered during the training practice.

Independent work always causes difficulties for students , especially in the first year, when it is necessary to teach students how to set learning goals correctly. For students it is necessary to learn how to memorize the main thing, so they need to be taught the techniques of memorization, repetition, the techniques of semantic construction, to develop thinking and the functions of understanding, comprehending, the new on the basis of the old. For example, they know theoretical basis how to prepare a dish, but how to cook them practically needs to be taught.

In view of the fact that independent work is the most important form of the educational process, the master of p / o should emphasize its advantages in the formation of parameters of a qualification characteristic.

Independent extracurricular work of students on present stage development of pedagogy acts as an important means of increasing the professional-cognitive and creative activity of future specialists. It is in it that the motivation of students, their purposefulness, independence, self-education and other significant characteristics are manifested. All these characteristics meet the requirements put forward by employers: the ability to work with information, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and systematize it; professional competence; high responsibility and organizational and communication skills.

It should be noted that under« professional competencies"is understood as the ability to apply knowledge, skills for successful activity: the ability to work independently, the ability to take responsibility, the willingness to notice problems and look for ways to solve them, the ability to analyze new situations and apply knowledge for such an analysis. However, it should be noted that there are various definitions of the concept of professional competence”:

2.2 Definitions of the concept of "professional competence"


A.V. Khutorskoy:

“includes a set of interrelated personality traits, set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes, and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them;

V. Baidenko:

“- this is the readiness and ability to act expediently in accordance with the requirements of the case, methodically and independently solve problems and problems, as well as self-evaluate the results of one’s activities”;

I.A. Zimnyaya:

“- these are internal, potential, hidden psychological neoplasms of actions, systems of values ​​and attitudes) are revealed in the competencies of a person”;


“- these are the requirements of successful activity, formulated in terms of the integral qualities of an individual or collective subject”;

B.I. Bespalov:

“- these are the requirements of the profession and the system of professional tasks that a person must or can solve (tasks that are within his competence)”;

V.D. Shadrikov:

“serve to designate the integrated characteristics of the quality of specialist training”;

G.V. Bezyuleva:

“is a concept that characterizes different areas of human activity, and represents generalized methods of action that ensure the productive performance of professional or other activities”;

Development professional competenciesfor students in the profession "Cook, confectioner" is impossible without observing the following conditions:

  • well-chosen teaching methods, such as:
  • reproductive demonstrations;
  • problem-search (setting practical and situational tasks);
  • simulation methods (analysis of specific production situations and tasks; situational solutions; practical tasks in the process of practice; discussion of the developed options).
  • the necessary teaching aids that ensure the optimization of the achievement of goals (for example, the availability of textbooks for the Federal State Educational Standard, the profession "Cook, confectioner", documentation necessary for lessons of educational practice, instruction cards, tests);
  • material and technical support of the lessons of educational practice in the profession "Cook, confectioner".

The material and technical base of vocational education is of paramount importance for the formationprofessional competenciesgraduates in demand by employers. So, in the educational culinary workshop, the workplaces of students meet the requirements of labor safety, sanitation, hygiene and fire safety. Created and systematized methodological and didactic material for all sections of the professional module. During the internship, all students are provided with individual jobs. Training culinary workshop is completed necessary equipment, tools, utensils, inventory: electric ovens, electric stoves, refrigeration equipment, weighing equipment, etc. Availability of products in accordance with the list academic work for practicing work practices. The educational culinary workshop is equipped with special cook furniture: cabinets, tables, sinks. The equipment of workplaces for conducting educational practice provides for the possibility of acquiring professional skills and skills in accordance withprofessional competencies.

  • Passing educational practice;
  • Organization of independent work of students in the classroom of educational practice;
  • Competence of the master of industrial training.

Only a master of industrial training can ensure the formation of these competencies at a sufficient level. In this regard, the competence model of the master of industrial training of the profession "Cook, confectioner", which includes the following levels, is of particular importance:

  • at level 1 the components of the value potential of the personality of the master of p / o are set, he is ready to teach all the skills;
  • Level 2 introduced professional and general competenciesindustrial training masters:
  • orientation to professional activity;
  • self-education, advanced training;
  • motivational and organizational orientation of the interaction of the master with the students.
  • 3 level model is needed to implementprofessional activity
  • Organization of the educational and production process;
  • Pedagogical support for a group of students in class and extracurricular activities;
  • Methodological support of the educational and production process;
  • Participation in the organization of production activities.Participate in the development and implementation of technological processes, develop and draw up technological documentation.
  • Performing work by profession "Cook, confectioner".

Thus, based on the above, we can come to the following conclusion:

  • there is no consensus among the pedagogical community on the question of the conceptprofessional competencies;
  • the main conditions for the formation of professional competencies are: correctly selected teaching methods, teaching aids, material and technical support for the lessons of educational practice.

3. Practical foundations for the formation of professional competence

Becoming professional competenceby profession, in industrial practice for 3 years of training, in other words, these are any forms of training related to the involvement of students in production activities.

The students of our technical school, led by the masters of industrial training, organize the work of the technical school buffet, for this you need to prepare various types of dough early in the morning (yeast, biscuit, shortbread), prepare a variety of fillings (cabbage, potatoes, rice with minced meat, jam), mold products, give distance and bake these products in the oven. The implementation of all baked products also falls on the shoulders of students. In the process of such production activities, students are very well versed in all educational services: they are well aware of the technology for preparing various types of dough, carefully form products from yeast dough, know temperature conditions baking yeast products, biscuit dough, shortcrust pastry, show flexibility and competitiveness

After graduating from the technical school, our graduates independently work at bakery baking enterprises:

At the enterprises of the Sursky district;

At the enterprises of the Ulyanovsk region;

outside the area;

Professional independence – the ability to understand the requirements for the activities of the profession, the ability to independently plan, execute, make decisions and control the work performed.

Professional mobility. And mobility as an initial concept (from Latin mobiles - “mobile” means mobility, readiness to quickly complete tasks. It follows that professional mobility is the readiness and ability to quickly change the functions performed, as well as specialties within the same profession (cook, confectioner , compiler of the calculation for dishes, waiter), the ability to quickly master new professions or changes in them that arise under the influence of technical transformations. In the psychological dictionary, it is defined in the same way as the ability and readiness of a person to quickly and successfully master new equipment and technology, to acquire the missing knowledge and skills that ensure the effectiveness of a new professional activity.

For self-disclosure and self-realization of internal potentialities, students have extensive additional literature that promotes self-disclosure and self-realization:

Literature on the practical preparation of "Russian National Dishes" in color illustrations;

Literature on banquet thematic (anniversary, new year, celebration, March 8, children's table, etc.) table setting. With the necessary tablecloths, crockery and cutlery;

Fourchette table decoration - with crockery, cutlery and tablecloths;

Available: round table, square table, buffet table, with elongated legs for serving;

The ability to cooperate is developed (student - master of industrial training, student - student, where students learn from each other, learn from the experience of experienced masters of p / o).

What should the student be able to work with the master

industrial training


1. Professional qualities:

Knowledge of all technological operations

Ability to complete the process

Professional Competence

creative work

2. Time distribution:

Operation time planning

Distribution of time for the technological process of cooking

Time for creativity

3. Communicative qualities

Ability to work actively

Use working documentation

Troubleshoot work

Get your recognition

Listen and convince yourself

Educational practiceplays a decisive role in shapingprofessional competenciesstudents, which lies in its specific features in terms of goal-setting, content, logic, didactic principles, organizational forms, methods and means of teaching.

Priority for educational practice is the formation of professional skills of students before the formation of professional knowledge;

Exercise remains the leading method of educational practice;

The main means of educational practice is the productive work of students;

An inextricable link between theory and practice is being carried out;

There is a combination of training in specially organized conditions and in real production conditions.

Thanks to these features, there is a consistent implementation of the goals of educational practice in the formationprofessional competencies students:

Professionalism (working out the correctness and accuracy of labor actions, achieving a certain speed of their implementation, developing skills and abilities);

professional independence;

professional mobility.

The main form of organization of educational practice is class . A characteristic feature of educational practice is the purposeful educational and production activity of students throughout the lesson. To do this, the entire course of the lesson is thought out to the smallest detail, its plan is developed, the necessary devices are prepared, the completeness and serviceability of the necessary technical equipment is checked, the activities of students at each stage of the lesson are determined and concretized. It is expedient to develop and use instructional and technological maps, test items. These tasks encourage students to test their knowledge, teach them to self-control, point them to gaps, make them turn to technical literature, to the master of industrial training, to a comrade who is stronger in studies.

I practically show how to complete tasks at a working and slow pace, I accompany the demonstration with an exhaustive explanation. Telling and showing, I teach my pupils to correctly perform labor practices and operations, at the same time I observe the rules of safety, industrial sanitation, sanitation and hygiene, I acquaint them with the experience of advanced workers, with new equipment, instill a love for the chosen profession, show the elements creative work. A clear, accessible, disposable explanation, a clear demonstration of the methods of performing cooking operations, feasible tasks - all this allows students to successfully master special skills and abilities, gain confidence in their own abilities and capabilities. This is essential for a good psychological and emotional state pupils, for the development of independence, mobility, creative abilities. All in all, this works forprofessional competence.

The profession "Cook, confectioner" is currently one of the most sought-after professions in the country, because individual entrepreneurship Catering, private business, restaurant, roadside business, a large number of catering outlets are opening: cafes, mini-restaurants, snack bars, canteens, dumplings, pizzerias, bistros, etc. Everywhere there is a need for qualified specialists in their field, competitively capable of modern market labor that meet the requirements of employers, be mobile, sociable, able to adapt in all conditions, beprofessionally competent.

Effective activity:

60% of graduates get a job according to their professional purpose;

17% of graduates go on to study further in their field;

5% of graduates are engaged in private individual entrepreneurship (they opened workshops and are engaged in baking and selling yeast and confectionery products);

10% of graduates get a job not according to their profile;

Every day there is baking of products from yeast dough and confectionery for the buffet, where money is earned from the sale of all baked goods, which are handed over to the accounting department;

Participation in the annual competitions of professional skills in the profession "Cook, confectioner", as a master of industrial training, and a student;

Art pro rally, etc.

I manage the life of the student team, students acquire tremendous experience in communication, research and search activities, experience in creative problem solving related to professional training, form a professional culture and competence.

For quality performance managerial functions I have practical skillsprofessional competencies

Problematic issuesprofessional competence, they form the foundation of creative thinking:

What should be done if the color of the borscht turned out to be not saturated, not bright?

If mashed potatoes are too salty when cooking?

If the cutlets are very overcooked? Etc.

These influences are provided by the creation of situations of intellectual difficulty in the learning process - problem situations and their resolution. They are necessary condition development of thinking of students and emotional means in the learning process.

The principle of creating problem situations:

1. Leading the trainees to the contradiction, with a proposal to find a way to resolve it themselves (if the biscuit turned out to be settled, dense during baking);

2. Presentation of points of view on the same question (breeding with broth of hot, flour sauteing 1 student slowly breeds, 2 student breeds quickly and immediately);

3. An offer for trainees to consider the dish from different positions (client, cook, confectioner, costing compiler, cafe director);

4. Encouragement of trainees to make comparisons, generalizations, conclusions from current situations (prepare dishes from quality products and what will happen if some of the products are not entirely benign).

In this case, much attention is paid to the professional mental activity of students.

There is a directed creation of special situations to search for errors. Based on this idea, the method of relying on errors is built.

cognitive errorscommitted in the process of evolution of knowledge, they are objectively due to the incompleteness and limitation of knowledge:

For example, in the instructional-technological map, one minor error is specially provided for, along the way technological process when preparing cabbage soup from sauerkraut, the sugar tab is not indicated, students should notice this and, in the course of activities, cope with this operation in the right place;

Cognitive errors are grouped into a special group and are further used as one of the learning tools. For example, when preparing yeast dough, the following mistakes should not be made:

So that the fermentation process goes on for more than 3.5 - 4 hours;

It is impossible to do 4 - 5 punches during the fermentation of the dough;

You can not add oil with all other components at the same time;

When preparing shortcrust pastry, there is also a whole group of unacceptable errors;

Why you can not knead the dough in a room with a high temperature;

What happens if the dough kneading process takes a long time, etc.

Of particular interest among the mistakes are the mistakes made in professional activities, the analysis of which allows organizing a deeper and more conscious assimilation of vocational training.

3.1. Creative activity of students as the main form of professional competence

In our work, a creative attitude to everything that happens is an integral part of the educational process.

Creativity should begin with the first lessons of educational practice. Proper cutting of vegetables is already the beginning of creativity. I teach students to see the difference:

In the right and wrong correct sizes vegetables;

See the boiled vegetables;



I show a dish with the right and wrong cooking technology, I focus on the culture and aesthetics of cooking, the students see the difference and, very importantly, agree with me in this direction.

When preparing the first courses, I teach students the correctness and observance of the cooking technology, and when this process is completed, here you can already move on to a creative initiative. For originality and uniqueness of taste, you can add something of your own, from yourself, for example,

Cinnamon, cloves;

Sorrel, viburnum;

wild bow;

orange and lemon zest;

Fresh berries.

For fantasy and creativity, I offer unlimited possibilities, of course, within the reasonable limits of what can be added to prepare 1 dish. I emphasize that this is already the beginning of your creativity, perhaps it will be your personal dish, perhaps your friends and family will be able to appreciate it. I show how aesthetically 1 dish should be decorated - strictly in the middle of the plate, sour cream is placed in an even circle, neatly chopped greens are sprinkled on it, such a dish looks very aesthetically pleasing and appetizing.

You can get creative with even the simplest of dishes. Milk soup, many do not eat milk soups, I offer such creativity when preparing this soup:

Small vermicelli is heated in a pan to a slightly brownish hue;

During cooking it in milk, the taste and aroma become specific;

When serving, strawberries, raspberries or softened dried apricots are placed in the middle.

This simple dairy dish turns into a dessert dish with berries. The students, in turn, offer their options for making milk soup, I really like this direction of the students, when they embark on a creative search, this is the beginning, but it is important, it will gradually turn into professionalism and creativity.

3.2. Requirements of employers for the training of specialists in the field of public catering

Analyzing the development of the public catering sector, it was revealed that today the success of a restaurateur depends on the presence of good management, impeccable service, interesting interior and reasonable prices, the requirements for production and service personnel of public catering enterprises have increased, competition has increased among them, new criteria for assessing the quality of culinary products have appeared . In this regard, it became necessary to gradually improve and expand knowledge about national cuisine, wines, methods of making coffee and drinks.

Basic theoretical and practical training allows you to independently apply skills and abilities in professional activities;

Possession of business communication skills;

Ability to master new technologies;

Ability to act in standard and non-standard situations;

Show readiness to change the nature and content of labor;

Creation of a model of a graduate of an educational institution in accordance with the requirements of the employer;

Formation intrinsic motivation vocational training;

Building learning on a reflective basis.

4. Conclusion

In the studies of A.L. Zhokhov, N.M. Spirin, R.N. Perlova, V.V. Temkin, such diagnostic indicators are considered separatelyprofessional competenceas questions of the formation of interest in the chosen profession, professional independence, collectivism, tolerance, creative thinking, etc. I am interested in the problem of development in the complex, with all its indicators for students in accordance with the definition chosen as a target in the activities of pedagogical workers .

In my opinion, in a market economy, a qualitative solution to development problemsprofessional competencefuture workers and specialists will ensure their successful and professional social adaptation. That's what caused the interest in the problem of developmentprofessional competence students:

The essence and structure of the conceptprofessional competence, given her working definition in relation to the category of students in an institution of secondary vocational education;

Describes the development process of indicatorsprofessional competence: interest in the profession, professionalism, professional independence and mobility;

The organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formationprofessional competencestudents in educational institutions SPO.

Thus, analyzing the performance indicators for the previous 5 years, we can conclude that the training practice in the formationprofessional competencestudents have great value, since in the classroom they acquire practical skills that are so necessary for a competitive professional in modern conditions, when it is beneficial for employers to have a highly qualified, mobile, well-mannered, adapted worker in their staff, with knowledge of the technological process, able to make decisions in standard and non-standard situations, owning modern technology.

5. List of used literature

1. Bazarov T.Yu. Author's technologies for the development of competency models - Baidenko V. Competences in vocational education Bezyuleva G.V. Professional competence of a specialist. Bespalov B.I. Correlation between the concepts of "competence" and "competence" in the activity psychology of a person Gaineev E.R. Component-based approach in the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard //Methodist. - No. 8. - 2013. - P.44.

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