Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Fundamentals of management and marketing ppt. Presentation on the topic "marketing". Market orientation of the company

“Information management” - The concept of “information management”. Various information resources and Information Systems. Objectives of information management. The concept of information management. You can propose a conditional formula. The meaning and role of information management in modern society. Main directions of information management.

"Strategic Management" - Situational strategic decisions– respond effectively to unexpected opportunities and problems. Priorities: constructive action Disadvantages: none. Treatise “On the Art of War” Stratagems. Strategy and politics of Machiavelli. 5. Cognitive school Building a strategy as a mental process. Five "P" strategies (Mintzberg).

“Types of management” - Accounting management. Marketing management. Organizational management. Knowledge management. Financial management. Type of management. Production management. Types of management. Types of management. Supply and sales management. Innovation management. Personnel management. Central task.

“Quality Management” - “Ladder” of processes. Process Improvement Framework. Standards. Pareto chart. 5 "deadly diseases" Western companies according to Deming. Systems for ensuring the quality of training of specialists. Polykleitov's canon. 10 stages of quality improvement according to Juran Form. Single actions. Tito Conti. Set of requirements.

“Communicative management” - Communicative competencies of a manager. Communication literacy of management. Project. Efficiency of internal communications. Communication literacy. We do it ourselves or invite experts. Internal research data in Russian companies. Risks. Internal research data. Typical training.

“Quality Management System” - Process approach. The quality management system documentation includes: Quality management system. The provisions of this document were developed taking into account the regulatory documents current in international and European certification and accreditation practice. The main stages of building a quality management system.

There are 9 presentations in total

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Philip Kotler. Fundamentals of Marketing Philip Kotler. Marketing management Trout J. Marketing wars Malhotra N. Marketing research. Lipsits I.V. Marketing

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Topic 1. The essence of modern marketing

Marketing (eng. – marketing, from market – market) View management activities or process Management concept Scientific discipline

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Marketing Definitions

Marketing is a type of human activity aimed at satisfying the needs and requirements by means of exchange (F. Kotler) Marketing is the art and science of choosing the right target market, attracting, retaining and increasing the number of consumers by creating confidence in the buyer that he represents the highest value for the company. (F. Kotler) Marketing is the management of the production and sales activities of an organization, which is based on constant comprehensive analysis market. (Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary) Marketing is business activity through which the flow of goods and services is directed from the producer to the consumer Marketing is a comprehensive system for organizing production and sales of products based on studied needs

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Production Improvement Concept

The era of mass production Production of sufficiently large volumes of standard products at the lowest price Consumers give preference to accessible and inexpensive goods Economies of scale Minimization of costs (automotive industry, Ford plants)

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Product improvement concept

Demand is approaching saturation The consumer gives preference to high-quality goods and services that have the best performance properties and innovative characteristics Price does not play a decisive role Modification of existing products The emergence of new industries and sectors of the economy The service sector is intensively developing (the emergence of the tourism industry as an industry) “Marketing myopia” T .Levitt

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Concept of intensifying commercial efforts (sales concept)

The consumer will not voluntarily buy the company's products, so the company must pursue an aggressive sales and communication policy. Managers focus on the sale of manufactured products, rather than on the production of goods that the consumer needs. the main task- sales of goods

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Marketing Concept (Consumer Focus Concept)

The company's operating conditions are changing Unpredictability of the external environment Achieving a high level of economic well-being Scientific and technological progress Marketing is something more than pushing goods or services into the market (With the help of sales, they try to force the buyer to want what the company can offer him, and with the help of marketing they force the company to do what the buyer wants - T. Levitt) Customer centricity is a business strategy aimed at increasing the productivity and profitability of the company, ensuring that it interacts with the right customer, with the right offer, at the right time and using the right channels

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Market orientation of the company

Market intelligence (market knowledge) - knowledge about all subjects and factors of the external environment Information exchange - information flows should come from all departments of the company Response actions - transforming market knowledge into active actions to meet current and future customer needs (“We will do the impossible for you!” - Marriott)

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Marketing not only satisfies identified needs, but also creates new ones, models consumer behavior. Short-term efficiency f. – the ability to satisfy current customer needs. Long-term efficiency f. – ability to understand the evolution of customer needs to meet future needs

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Need is a lack of something necessary felt by a person. Need is a need that has been accepted specific form in accordance with the cultural level and personality of the person. (At different times, people are driven by different needs - A. Maslow) Demand is a human need, supported by his purchasing power. A product is everything that can satisfy a need and need and is offered to the market in order to attract attention, purchase, use or consumption. People's needs are limitless, therefore, they choose only those goods that give them the greatest satisfaction with minimal cost, time, and information costs.

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Holistic Marketing Concept

Partnership Marketing Integrated Marketing Internal Marketing Socially Responsible Marketing

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Partnership Marketing (PRO)

A continuous process of identifying and creating new value with individual customers, and then sharing and sharing the benefits of this activity among the participants of the interaction (Ian. H. Gordon) Emphasis on retaining existing customers as much as on attracting new ones Long-term orientation Interest in repeat sales and strengthening partnerships High level of interest in customer activities Success - customer loyalty, willingness to recommend the brand to others, repeat purchases, low customer turnover Quality - care of all employees of the selling company Great attention to customer service

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Integrated Marketing Concept

Based on the development of an effective system for managing the marketing mix (marketing mix) The marketing mix is ​​a set of marketing tools that are used by a company for the practical implementation of its marketing strategy (4P and 7P)

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Internal Marketing

Technology for establishing coordinated relationships between departments and individual specialists within the company based on the principles of interaction between buyer and seller in the market in accordance with the marketing concept. Goal c. m. – transformation of the principle of “customer orientation” into the meaning of the activity of the entire company Policy v.m. is aimed at employee satisfaction, which is considered as a factor through which quality service and customer satisfaction of the company are achieved.

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Socially responsible marketing

Delivering superior customer value in ways that support the well-being of the customer and society The firm must pay attention to the spillover effects of its economic and production activities to ensure the long-term well-being of society as a whole, not just individual consumers (Jean-Jacques Lambin) Johnson & Johnson is willing to bear losses than to allow them to occur low-quality goods

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"New Economy"

Based on knowledge and advanced technologies. Innovation is the basis of the competitiveness of an enterprise, industry, country Digital revolution Customization The role of the service sector Risks associated with constantly changing external environmental conditions Increased competition Techno-economic progress is being established Globalization

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3 Topics Concerning Modern Marketers

Speed ​​Efficiency of making strategic decisions Speed ​​of implementation of decisions made Satisfying consumer demands Modern marketing is not war. This is Love. Love for our consumers, satisfying their needs. (a fundamental shift in emphasis - we are not fighting a competitor, trying to worsen his situation in the market, but we are fighting for the client and thereby increasing our position) 3. Ambitions. (Company's vision for the future) Keio University Business School Professor Mitsuaki Shimaguchi: “Marketing is the vehicle for a company's growth. The main task of a marketer is to create a growth device, look forward, and monitor market changes."

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Problems of Russian marketing

Study and implementation at the same time Poor training of marketing personnel Integration of marketing into general structure company Attitude to marketing of the company's management. Information support (obtaining external and internal information)

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Types of Marketing

Products and services Organizations Personalities Marketing ideas Territories (settlements, cities, regions, countries)

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Marketing functions

Analytical Market Research Analysis internal environment companies Commodity Development of new products Formation of a product portfolio Sales Organization of commodity movement, distribution Formation of pricing policy Formation of communication marketing Organizational control Marketing planning Formation of structures of marketing services, organization of marketing activities Marketing-audit

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Management is the effective, efficient and productive achievement of organizational goals through planning, organizing, leadership (direction) and control under conditions of limited organizational resources.

Efficiency (COP) = Output/Costs Productivity = Output/Units. time

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POMC- planning, organization, motivation, control

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Strategic Management Process Diagram

Setting objectives - vision, mission definition and identification of company goals; setting tasks to achieve goals 2. Analysis of tasks - forecasting future production efficiency based on the existing strategy; comparison of forecast values ​​with assigned tasks 3. Strategic analysis - SWOT analysis (external and internal analysis); definition competitive advantages, adjustment of tasks based on information obtained at stage 3 4. Strategy formulation - development of a strategy concept; analysis of strategy options taking into account the assigned objectives, as well as the results of external and internal analysis 5. Comparison of strategic opportunities - assessment of all possible options and adoption of the final strategic decision 6. Implementation of the strategy - development of action plans; support and control, adjustment of strategy Argenti J. Practical Corporate Planning. London, Allen & Unwin, 1980 W. Stewart Howe Corporate strategy, London, Palgrave Macmillan, 1986

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The driving force of the company's strategy Production capacity/ Capabilities Technology/ Know How Natural resources Products/ Services Marketing / Sales methods _________ Distribution methods Client class / Consumers __________ Type / Market category Volume / Growth ________ Returns / Profit M. Robert New strategic thinking. Just something complicated. - M.: Generation 2006. Company – Decision Process International, USA.

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M. Porter’s “5 Competitive Forces” Method

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    The matrix is ​​built along two axes: vertical – the company’s markets; horizontal – the company’s products. The axes of goods and markets are divided into new and existing. Ansoff matrix

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    BCG Matrix (BostonConsultingGroup) The matrix is ​​built along two axes: Y-axis – product growth rate. It is important to remember that the matrix is ​​not built relative to the entire market, but relative to the best competitor. The X axis is relative market share.

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    GE Matrix (General Electric), McKinsey

    Model building: Vertical Y axis - Business Strength: Relative size, Growth, Market share, Position, Comparative profitability, Net income, Technological status, Image of the enterprise, Management and people. Horizontal X Axis – Industry Attractiveness, Absolute Size, Market Growth, Market Breadth, Pricing, Competition Structure, Industry Profit Rate, Social role, Environmental impact, Legal restrictions

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    Location of business units. The business unit is indicated by the allocated share of the circle: Circle size - indicates the size of the market, relative to other markets being compared. Highlighted share of the circle - displays the market share occupied by the business unit. Recommendations for various market positions. Grow / Penetrate – Maintaining and strengthening market position Goals: ensuring maximum speed growth. InvestforGrowth – Investments in growthGoals: attracting investments, strengthening competitive advantages and eliminating weaknesses. SelectiveHarvestorInvestment - Selective harvesting or investmentGoals: finding and investing in growing segments. SelectiveInvestment / Divestment – ​​Selective investment or leaving the market Goals: searching for niches; narrow specialization; searching for offers to sell a business. Segment & Selective Investment – ​​Segmentation strategy and selective investment Objectives: search for growing segments; specialization and differentiation; selective investing. HarvestforCashGeneration – Harvest strategy Objectives: monitor market prospects; maintaining leading positions; maximizing current profits; investments only to maintain competitiveness. ControlledExitorDisinvestment -Controlled exit or disinvestment Goals: specialization; search for narrow niches; or planned exit from this market. ControlledHarvest - Harvesting under supervisionGoals: risk reduction; protection of the most profitable segments; minimizing investments; creating a plan to exit the market. RapidExitorAttack - Flight or attackGoals: sale of goods; search and use weak points competitors; minimizing costs.

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    R. Foster Production Update: Attackers Win. - M.: Progress, 1987 MOCVD, MBE – Epitaxial growth of multicomponent semiconductor layers of nanosized heterostructures Post-growth technological processes Vacuum deposition of optical dielectric coatings Automated processes precision assembly (with submicron accuracy) High-clean technological rooms, materials, etc. Analytical methods of technological control TECHNOLOGICAL GAPS

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    Academician P.K.Anokhin

    “...for a system with a useful result of its activity, it is not the term “interaction” that is more suitable, but the term “interaction”. It must represent a genuine cooperation of the components of the set, whose efforts are aimed at obtaining the final useful result. This means that each component can enter the system only if it contributes its share in obtaining the programmed result. A system can only be called such a complex of selectively involved components, in which the interaction and relationships take on the character of interaction between the components to obtain a focused useful result.” Anokhin P.K. “Principles of system organization” M. Nauka, 1973, p. 5-61. Essays on the physiology of functional systems. M., 1975. S. 17-62

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    Henry Mintzberg Structure in the Fist: Creating an Effective Organization

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    Manufacturer - the assets of the organization Consumer - the needs of a given market Marketing is the art of management, ensuring the adaptation of the company's resources to the needs of customers in such a way that, while continuously satisfying customer requests, the company achieves its long-term goals.

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    “The concept of marketing can be easily explained as the belief that an organization can perform its functions in such a way that it achieves benefits for both its customers and itself by balancing the interests of both parties.” Leslie Trueman

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    “Marketing activities are aimed at achieving the best combination of company assets and needs existing in a given market sector in order to maximize profits in the long term” Hugh Davison

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    Marketing is: Function / Process Philosophy / Concept

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    MARKETING is a philosophy “Marketing is not a special type of activity at all. It covers the entire business as a whole. It is the business as a whole from the point of view of the final result, from the point of view of the buyer. Involvement and responsibility for marketing activities must, therefore, permeate all areas of the organization" P. Drucker

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    MARKETING is a function “Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates, meets customer requirements effectively and profitably” Institute of Marketing, Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK

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    The task of marketing is to transform the needs of society into profitable opportunities. Author unknown Serendipity is about noticing the invisible. D. Swift Opportunities are hidden in adversity. Proverb The best way to predict the future is to invent it. D. Gabor Mark Twain once complained, “I rarely spot an opportunity before it ceases to exist.” A product is only a product when it is bought. Otherwise it's just a museum piece. T. Levitt Having an advantage over a competitor is like having a gun in a knife fight. author unknown

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    Strategic Marketing

    “The process of strategically analyzing factors in the business environment, competition, and the business itself, into product and market decisions, and the principles of segmentation, segment targeting, and positioning (STP)” Kleiver, 1994.

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    Let's consider the variables for segmenting the market and emerging segments in the form: size potential level of competitive activity availability compliance with the company's capabilities

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    It is the process of selecting the segment or segments in which to concentrate the efforts of the organization. This process allows for more efficient use of resources and should result in more acceptable offers for selected buyers. This targeted marketing segmentation process is summarized below.

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    Understanding the Buyer's mind Placing products in the Buyer's mind Designing an appropriate marketing mix.

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    The implementation of the marketing concept in practice includes three main stages

    1. Think - Intent. Define the mission of the business. Produce (make) what you can sell, not what you can make. 2. Plan - Plan. Define your goals: What markets? What products? What are the results? Develop a strategy: How to achieve the goal? 3. Do - Actions () - Find out the needs of your customers and your capabilities and produce goods (or services) to satisfy the requests.

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    In the early 60s, Professor J. McCarthy proposed a marketing mix - tactical marketing: Marketing mix - 4P’s Product, Price, Promotion, Place

    PRODUCT - product, product intended for identified target market sectors PRICE - price PROMOTION - promotion - promotion methods PLACE - placement - distribution methods

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    Product, pricing, promotion, placement (distribution or distribution) is a marketing mix and is often referred to as the four P's. The elements of the marketing mix represent the key policy areas that together form a given organization's marketing proposition to the market. They are a set of controllable variables that a firm can use to influence the Consumer's reactions and responses. P P P P

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    A product can be a product, a service, or an idea. It represents the overall offering that an organization makes in response to customer wants and needs. Product management will involve making decisions on the tangible characteristics of the product, including product formulation and packaging, and on the intangible characteristics of the product, which will include elements of service and brand building. The material product, packaging and set of services, in other words, everything that the client receives after making a purchase.

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    Price includes both strategic policy decisions and tactical level pricing. Price can be the most important value indicator for buyers, as well as a powerful competitive weapon. Pricing policy is determined by the cost of production, the degree of competition and its pricing strategies, market size and trends in the market, the price that the buyer is willing to pay, as well as legislation and government regulation. The price of the product includes delivery costs, quality guarantees, etc.

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    To satisfy customers, products need to reach them at the right time, in the right place and at the right price. Placement includes the selection and management of distribution channels, transportation and inventory storage and monitoring systems, as well as the agreements that must be made to ensure the product is ready and available for the target market.

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    The attitude of the buyer to the market according to Kotler - the 4 C’s concept

    1. Customer value - usefulness for the consumer 2. Сost to the customer - value 3. Сonvenience - availability 4. Сommunication - awareness Philip Kotler Marketing in the third millennium. How to create, conquer and maintain a market. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2002.

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    For services 3 P’s/4 C’s

    People Process Physical Evidence

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    Market people have a special mindset, like lawyers, accountants, bankers, engineers and scientists; see the marketing management process in the form of five basic steps, which can be represented as follows: ISVPKM OK where: STP 4P’s AND = research (market); SVP = segmentation, selection and positioning; KM = marketing complex (set of main components: product, price, methods of distribution and promotion); O = provision; K = control (receiving feedback, evaluation of results, revision and improvement of SVP strategy and CM tactics). Philip Kotler Marketing in the third millennium. How to create, conquer and maintain a market. M.: AST Publishing House LLC, 2002.

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    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Educational: * 1. Study the main indicators of production efficiency and ways to improve them; 2. Analyze problem situations and strive to find ways to solve them; 3. Perform calculations to determine the economic effect and economic efficiency of production Objectives: 1. Competently use the basic concepts of the lesson when solving educational tasks and problem situations in the field of effect and economic efficiency of production; 2. Carry out calculations of the effect and economic efficiency of production.

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    Based on the results of the lesson, the student should be able to: - calculate the main technical and economic indicators of the organization’s activities; - apply in professional activity techniques of business and management communication; - analyze the situation on the market of goods and services. Based on the results of the lesson, the student should know: - current state and development prospects Agriculture and veterinary medicine; - roles and organization of economic entities in a market economy; - pricing mechanisms for products. *

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    Effect – profit (+) – loss (-); Efficiency - profitability; Types of profit and profitability; Ways to improve production efficiency. *

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    Testing: based on the material covered in the section “Economics of an Organization (Enterprise)”. Individual survey: 1. What is the basis of production activity? 2. How should resources be used? 3. What is the cost of production and why is it necessary to control its level? 4. Does the specialization of an enterprise affect the final result of the work? Work in pairs: calculation of resource use efficiency indicators, situation analysis, conclusions, suggestions. *

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    1. The concept of effect and production efficiency. 2. Concept, types, procedure for calculation and distribution of profit. 3. Concept, types and procedure for calculating profitability. 4. Factors for increasing production efficiency. *

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    An effect is the result of human labor in the process of producing material goods. This absolute indicator any action. It can be both positive and negative. A positive economic effect (savings) is saved social labor, resources, time in the production and consumption of products. Example: The economic effect of preventive and therapeutic measures is the sum of prevented losses of animals and additionally obtained products minus the costs of treating animals and preventive measures. Efficiency is a relative indicator of effectiveness that characterizes the ratio of the results obtained to the costs. On its basis, the achieved effectiveness is assessed economic activity, factors of its change, untapped opportunities and reserves for improvement are identified. Example: The economic efficiency of veterinary measures is the economic effect of treatment and prevention of animals divided by the costs of their treatment and prevention. *

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    Profit is the goal of any enterprise in a market economy, it is financial results work of the enterprise, these are its own funds that are used to expand production. Profit characterizes the economic effect of the enterprise. Profit can be the following types: 1. From sales of products Pr = (C – C) ×RP, where C is the product price, rub; C – production cost, rub; RP – quantity of products sold, kg. 2. Balance sheet profit (gross) Pr. ball. = Ex. from real products + cost of services to third parties + proceeds from the sale of property. 3. Estimated (net) profit is the part of gross profit that remains at the disposal of the organization after paying taxes. *

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    Gross profit: Priority fulfillment of obligations to the budget (tax). Repayment of interest on loans taken. Transfers to the budgets of higher organizations. Estimated (net) profit: Accumulation fund - used to expand production (technical and technological re-equipment, reconstruction, development of new types of products). Consumption fund: - used for social development And social needs(carrying out recreational and cultural events, paying bonuses, providing financial assistance). Reserve fund: - used for risk insurance (the ability to cover losses in the future). *

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    Profitability is the profitability of an organization, expressed as a percentage. This is a general indicator of the organization’s performance, which characterizes the amount of profit received per ruble of funds spent. Profitability can be of the following types: 1. Profitability of all products sold Ratio of profit to costs × 100%. Profit to revenue ratio × 100%. 2. Profitability individual species products P = (C-C) / C × 100%, where C is the product price, rub. C – production cost, rub. 3. Enterprise profitability P = Balance sheet profit / authorized capital organization × 100% 4. Estimated profitability P = Estimated profit / authorized capital of the organization × 100% *

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    1. Reducing or stopping the growth of the cost of manufactured products; 2. Effective use of basic and working capital; 3. Effective use labor resources; 4. Application of new technologies and new equipment in production; 5. Labor discipline, which affects not only the reduction of time losses, but also the quality of manufactured products; 6. Qualified personnel and qualified management; 7. Knowledge of laws and the ability to use them in production activities; 8. The work style of the head of the organization and methods of his influence on subordinates; 9. Marketing efforts influencing the formation of the selling price, etc. *

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