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Presentation on the topic of welding methods. Presentation for the lesson "non-ferrous metal arc welding" presentation for the lesson on the topic. There is such a profession - "Welder"

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Starting from the end of the 19th century, metal welding began to gain great popularity in construction, mechanical engineering, in the military industry, etc. Metal welding provides a reliable connection of parts and, in addition, metal is saved in this way.

The complexity of welding is affected by a lot of characteristics - this is the melting temperature, composition, type of welding, etc.

Various steels lend themselves best to welding. The most difficult thing is to weld non-ferrous metals, due to their specific properties.

In industry, the main types of welding are:

  • Electric arc. The heat generated by the electric current is taken.
  • Butt welding. Metals are clamped and current is supplied.
  • Spot welding. Welding is carried out in separate joints.
  • Roller. It is used to join sheets of metal.

There are also chemical, gas, mechanical (forge), laser and other types of welding. A detailed presentation reveals each type of welding, numerous schemes of welding equipment and connections are given. The video review of the slides clearly demonstrates how fully and widely the topic of welding is disclosed in this presentation. So download it - you won't regret it.

Presentation on the topic Profession welder - download presentation

Slide 1 Description of the slide:

There is such a profession - a welder. All professions are needed, All professions are important, And the work of a welder is more necessary and more important than all!

slide 2
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Welders A welder is a worker, a specialist in welding production. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which much depends - durability and stability building structures, operation and service life of various equipment.

slide 3
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Application Welding works are applied in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, Agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

slide 4
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Specializations Welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: manual arc welder, gas welder, operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

slide 5
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Advantages of the profession The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.

slide 6
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Cons of the profession Cons of the profession - difficult working conditions, work in open construction sites in any weather, a large load on the eyesight due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding work Oh.

Slide 7
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Personal qualities Physical strength and endurance. Visual acuity and color perception. Flexibility, mobility of arms, legs and whole body. Developed vestibular apparatus. The ability to focus for a long time. Good hand-eye coordination. Spatial imagination and technical thinking. Accuracy. Equilibrium.

Slide 8
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Education You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

Slide 9
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Safety rules Persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training and testing of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, knowledge of labor protection instructions and rules are allowed to perform electric and gas welding work. fire safety and having a "Certificate of the welder", an entry in the qualification certificate of admission to the performance special works and a special fire safety certificate.

Slide 10
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Great welders Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos (July 26, 1842 - September 8, 1905), Russian inventor, creator of electric arc welding (1881).

slide 11
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Slide 12 Description of the slide:

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WELDING Welding is a technological process of obtaining permanent joints of parts by their local or general heating, plastic deformation or combination. - presentation

1 WELDING Welding – technological process obtaining permanent joints of parts by local or general heating, plastic deformation, or a combination of both.

2 Electric arc welding The source of heat is an electric arc that occurs between the end of the electrode and the workpiece to be welded when the welding current flows as a result of closing the external circuit of the electric welding machine.

3 Welding in a shielding gas environment When welding in a shielding gas environment, a gas is supplied under low pressure to the arc burning zone, which displaces air from this zone and protects the weld pool from oxygen and nitrogen in the air.

4 Electroslag welding In this welding method, an electric arc burns under a granular bulk material called welding flux. The molten flux, surrounding the gas cavity, protects the arc and molten metal in the welding zone from harmful effects environment

5 Flame welding The source of heat is a gas torch formed by the combustion of a mixture of oxygen and combustible gas. Acetylene, hydrogen, propane, butane, blue gas, gasoline, benzene, kerosene and mixtures thereof can be used as fuel gas.

6 Plasma welding An electric fusion welding process that uses plasma energy as a heat source. Plasma is a compressed electric arc into which a plasma-forming gas is forcibly blown. In terms of energy characteristics, a plasma arc occupies an intermediate position between an electric arc and a laser beam.

7 Laser welding The heat source is a laser beam.

8 Resistance welding is the main type of thermomechanical pressure welding. It is carried out using pressure and heating of the welding place passing through the workpiece. electric shock. The main types of resistance welding are butt, spot and seam.

9 Resistance welding

10 Friction welding is a type of pressure welding in which heating is carried out by friction caused by the movement (rotation) of one of the connected parts of the workpiece to be welded.

11 Cold welding Cold welding is a connection of homogeneous or inhomogeneous metals at a temperature below minimum temperature recrystallization; welding occurs due to plastic deformation of the welded metals in the joint zone under the influence of mechanical force.

Presentation on the topic: Profession welder

Description of the slide:

There is such a profession - a welder. All professions are needed, All professions are important welder's work - All the more necessary, and more important than all!

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Welders A welder is a worker, a specialist in welding production. A welder is a responsible, almost virtuoso profession, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

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Application Welding works are used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

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SpecializationsA welder, as a profession, is divided into several specializations: a manual arc welder, a gas welder, an operator of automatic welding machines. Workers of all these specialties are engaged in one thing - the connection of metal structures, complex apparatuses, parts, assemblies by the method of metal fusion. The quality of the welds depends on the skill of the welders. Any mistakes, negligence made in the work can lead to catastrophic consequences. It's scary to think what poor-quality work on welding oil or gas pipelines could lead to. A professional welder must know electrical engineering, the technology of melting metals, the properties of gases used for anti-oxidation, the methods and principles of operation of the units and equipment used. Compliance with safety regulations and industrial sanitation is of great importance.

Description of the slide:

Advantages of the professionThe advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.

Description of the slide:

Disadvantages of the profession The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

Description of the slide:

Personal qualitiesPhysical strength and endurance. Visual acuity and color perception. Flexibility, mobility of arms, legs and whole body. Developed vestibular apparatus. The ability to focus for a long time. Good hand-eye coordination. Spatial imagination and technical thinking. Accuracy. Equilibrium.

Description of the slide:

Education You can learn the profession of a welder in vocational schools and colleges. Training is carried out for 3 years on the basis of 9 classes and 2 years on the basis of 11 classes in the specialties "welder of electric welding and gas welding works" and "adjuster of welding and gas plasma cutting equipment".

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Safety rulesElectric welding, gas welding work is allowed for persons at least 18 years of age who have undergone special training and testing of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, knowledge of labor protection instructions and fire safety rules and who have a “Welder’s Certificate”, an entry in the qualification certificate of admission to perform special work and a special fire safety ticket.

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Great weldersNikolai Nikolaevich Benardos (July 26, 1842 - September 8, 1905), Russian inventor, creator of electric arc welding (1881).

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Nikolai Gavrilovich Slavyanov (1854-1897) - inventor of electric arc welding of metals.

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Luka Ivanovich Borchaninov (? -1905) - a worker, one of the first welders in Russia, worked under the direction of Slavyanov.

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Boris Evgenievich Paton (b. 1918) - Soviet scientist in the field of metallurgy and welding. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.

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Valery Nikolayevich Kubasov (b. 1935) - Soviet cosmonaut, the first in the world to carry out welding work in space.

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A welder is a force Pressure in a gas cylinder, A spark gives rise to a flame, The metal will melt at once Until a red-burning banner And then a Heated additive is fed into the bath It doesn’t work out all at once, So that it would be even and smooth Lay down layer by layer The seam stretches along the path Yes, it’s not an easy task But you can learn After all, a welder is a force For the production of cars And to become all of them under the force Not only for men

slide 2

There is such a profession - "Welder"

One of the unique ways of joining materials is welding.

slide 3

  • Welder is a responsible, virtuoso profession!
  • The durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment depend on the quality of the work of the welder.
  • slide 4

    This is the best profession

    • The welder is characterized by perseverance, dexterity and flexibility of the movements of the arms, legs and the whole body.
    • Welding is a fundamental part of the process of making so many things we see in everyday life, including cars, buildings, bridges and more.
    • In the context of a general shortage of working personnel, the profession of a welder is on a special account: welding work is required in almost any production
    • Welding - usually used to join metals, their alloys or thermoplastics, as well as in medicine.
    • There are very few young masters. Therefore, the salaries of welders are high.
  • slide 5


    • gas welder
    • operator of automatic welding machines
    • manual arc welder
  • slide 6

    Pros of the profession

    • Prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector.
    • Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself.
    • Without experience, welders are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, private organizations, and the service sector.
    • With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites, respectively, the salary increases.
  • Slide 7

    The profession of a welder is indispensable

    • at a construction site
    • at machine-building factories
    • in the construction of sea and river vessels of large tonnage, wagons, high-pressure boilers, overhead cranes, tanks, pipelines, etc.
    • in public utilities
  • Slide 8

    Valery Nikolaevich Kubasov

    • Cosmonaut (first flight: from October 11 to October 16, 1969 as a flight engineer of the Soyuz-6 spacecraft). During the flight, for the first time in the world, experiments were carried out on welding in space using equipment developed at the PWI. B.E. Paton.
    • Today, the range of application of welding technologies extends from underwater to space welding.
  • Slide 9

    Designs for private use.

  • Slide 10

    Manufactured by welded joints

    By becoming a professional welder, you will be able to create beauty.

  • slide 11

    • Welding is an outstanding discovery of Russian inventors.
    • The electric arc was first discovered in 1802 by V.V. Petrov, professor of physics at the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy. In 1882, the Russian inventor N. I. Benardos was the first in the world to use an electric arc to join metals.
    • Since then, welding methods have been improved and developed: laser, electronic, beam, wire, in space.
    • The work of a welder is very common in all sectors of the national economy (construction, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and bridge building, etc.).
  • slide 12


    • Nikolai Nikolaevich Benardos. Russian inventor, creator of electric arc welding (1881).
    • Nikolay Gavrilovich Slavyanov. Russian metallurgical engineer and inventor. In 1888, he developed a method of welding with a metal electrode and for the first time in the world put into practice arc welding with a metal (consumable) electrode under a flux layer.
  • slide 13

    • Luka Ivanovich Borchaninov. A worker at the Motovilikha plant, one of the first welders in Russia. Participated in the construction of the largest steamship in Russia and Europe, where for the first time in the history of shipbuilding, welding was used instead of riveting.
    • Boris Evgenievich Paton. Soviet scientist in the field of metallurgy, metal technology, welding, professor, doctor of technical sciences
  • METAL WELDING classification

    TYPES OF WELDING division by physical features

    MELTING (physical process) - Arc - Gas - Plasma - Electroslag - Electron beam - Laser - Light - Thermite and others

    WITH THE APPLICATION OF PRESSURE (physical and mechanical process) - Contact - Diffusion - Butt contact - High-frequency - Arc press - Gas press - Slag press and others

    PRESSURE (mechanical process) - Cold - Explosion - Ultrasonic - Friction - Magnetic pulse and others

    ARC WELDING - By the type of electrode and the use of filler wire - By the type of arc and the degree of its immersion in the weld pool - By the type of welding current, its frequency and polarity - By the presence of external influence on the formation of the seam - By the number of arcs with separate current supply - By the number of electrodes with a common welding current supply - By the presence and direction of oscillation of the electrode relative to the weld axis - By the type of shielding gas and the nature of metal protection in the welding zone - By the continuity of the welding process - According to the degree of mechanization of the welding process, division according to technical and technological features

    Manual arc welding

    1- Direct welding drive 2 - Electrode holder 3 - Coated electrode 4 - Metal rod of the electrode 5 - Coating of the electrode 6 - Liquid drops of molten electrode 7 - Electric welding arc 8 - Shielding gas 9 - Liquid slag (slag bath) 10 - Slag crust 11 - Penetration metal 12 - Base metal 13 - Weld pool 14 - Back welding wire Coated (consumable metal) electrode

    Carbon (non-consumable) electrode 1 - carbon electrode 2 - cathode spot 3 - arc gas column 4 - anode spot (crater) 5 - edges of parts to be welded

    Manual argon-arc welding with a non-consumable (tungsten) electrode

    Operating principle 1. DC and AC arc power source 2. Straight welding wire 3. Tungsten mouthpiece (collet) 4. Torch body for arc welding 5. Torch nozzle 6. Electric (welding) arc 7. Protective inert gas jet (argon, helium, their impurities) 8. Filler wire 9. Weld pool 10. Metal weld 11. Base metal 12. Weld return wire

    Electric circuits of stations for manual argon-arc welding At direct current 1. Welding generator 2. Ammeter 3. Voltmeter 4. Straight welding wire 5. Ballast rheostat 6. Torch for arc welding 7. Flow meter (rotameter) 8. Gas reducer 9. Cylinder with argon (helium) 10. Table grounding (products) 11. Base metal (products f) 12. Return welding wire

    Electrical diagrams of stations for manual argon arc welding On alternating current 1. Welding transformer 2. Oscillator 3. Grounding

    Specialized installations for argon-arc welding (TIR, UDG, IPP, AP, GID, etc.)


    Plasma torch 1. Base metal (product) 2. Welding pool 3. Compressed arc (jet) 4. Protective gas 5. Protective nozzle of the torch 6. Working nozzle of the torch 7. Low-ampere pilot arc (auxiliary) 8. Torch body for plasma welding 9. Working ionization chamber 10. Tungsten (zirconium) electrode 11. To conductive mouthpiece (collet) 12. Control equipment 13. Oscillator 14. Arc power supply 15. Rheostat for changing the current strength in the arc

    Schemes of plasma welding processes Compressed arc of direct action Compressed arc of indirect action (plasma jet)

    There is such a profession - a welder.

    Heroes of everyday life are simple welders,

    And the hands of the heroes are golden!

    Who is not familiar with their work today?

    On their shoulders the whole city, every house!

    Weld, create, repair instantly - the fire of the arc, shining without fail.

    At the enterprise, and at home, and everywhere

    You can't do without a welder anywhere!

    Welder - a working specialty that involves work in the welding industry.

    The profession is responsible, almost virtuoso, on the quality of which many things depend - the durability and stability of building structures, the operation and service life of various equipment.

    • Welder on press welding machines,
    • welder at diffusion-welding installations,
    • electric welder on automatic and semi-automatic machines,
    • electric vibrator,
    • gas welder,
    • electric and gas welders.

    Application of welding

    Welding is used in many industries. Welders work on construction sites, creating structures and systems of various communications, in industry, where they apply their experience and skills in mechanical engineering, shipbuilding and other areas, such as energy, oil refining, agriculture. It is difficult to name such a segment of production where the labor of a welder would not be used.

    • The advantages of the profession include prestige and high demand in the labor market, both in the public sector of the economy and in the private sector. Young professionals who have just graduated from college will not have to look for work for a long time - she finds them herself. Welders without experience are willingly accepted into housing and communal services, into private organizations in the service sector. With the acquisition of experience, they are entrusted with more responsible affairs and work in industry, at construction sites. Accordingly, the salary increases.

    • The disadvantages of the profession are difficult working conditions, work on open construction sites in any weather, a large load on vision due to the high brightness of the electric arc, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Electric welders belong to the professions of the "hot shop" due to the high hazard of production due to the large release of gases and heat during welding.

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    Slides captions:


    The main features (difficulties) of welding these metals (alloys) COPPER AND ITS ALLOYS 1- Easy formation of oxide in the molten state; 2 - Tendency to form burning cracks and microcracks (hydrogen fear of copper); 3 - Increased fluidity; 4 - Tendency to grain growth; 5 - The need for preheating. Main types of welding 1. Coated electrode made of copper (brass, bronze alloys); 2. Carbon electrode with filler wire and flux; 3. Manual argon-arc and plasma welding.

    The main features (difficulties) of welding these metals (alloys) ALUMINUM AND ITS ALLOYS 1- Formation of refractory and heavy oxide; 2- Tendency to form hot cracks; 3- Tendency to increased porosity, especially AMg alloys; 4- Lack of a visible weld pool in gas welding. Main types of welding 1. Aluminum (alloy) coated electrode; 2. Carbon electrode with filler wire and flux; 3. Manual argon-arc and plasma welding.

    Main features (difficulties) of welding these metals (alloys) MAGNESIUM AND ITS ALLOYS 1- Formation of refractory oxide; 2- Formation of a coarse-grained structure; 3- The appearance of pores and cracks. Main types of welding 1. Carbon electrode with filler wire and flux; 2. Manual argon-arc and plasma welding.

    The main features (difficulties) of welding these metals (alloys) TITANIUM AND ITS ALLOYS 1- Intensive absorption of harmful gases - oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen (heat-resistant titanium alloys do not lose their properties when heated to 500 ... 600); 2 - a sharp decrease in plastic properties due to the penetration of harmful gases into the metal; 3- Formation of a coarse-grained structure; 4- Possibility of cold cracking. Main types of welding 1. Manual argon-arc and plasma welding.


    Cleaning and degreasing areas copper parts up to 150…250 o C Forging seams after welding

    Scheme of argon-arc welding of products 1. Tungsten 2. Argon nozzle 3. Nitrogen nozzle Shielding gas supply to the welding zone 1. Side 2. Central with one concentric flow. 3. Central with two concentric flows.

    Scheme of argon-arc welding of products using intermittent-type devices

    Scheme of argon-arc welding of products using devices Clamps of continuous type

    Front and back protection scheme reverse side seam (weld root) when welding 1. Butt joints 2. Tee joints 3. When welding pipelines 4. To protect the inner (reverse) side of pipelines

    Scheme of titanium welding in chambers and boxes with a controlled environment 1. Chamber (box)4 2. Protective glass; 3. Rubber gloves; 4. Arc power supply (straight polarity); 5. Camera grounding; 6. Welded product; 7, Arc welding torch; 8, Argon pipeline; 9. Pipeline for pumping air out of the chamber.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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