Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Professions list and description. Professions. What professions exist? Classifications

    This list full list professions engaged in by the fictional character of the animated series "The Simpsons" Homer Simpson. Non-canonical professions (such as in the Halloween episodes) are indicated in green font. In the series "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge" ... ... Wikipedia

    Main article: Galileo (program) Basically, each episode consists of four six stories and one experiment in the studio. The plots can be either from the original German version or filmed by a Russian team. Contents 1 Season 1 (March ... ... Wikipedia

    List of outstanding scientists and professors associated with Tashkent Main article: Famous personalities associated with Tashkent Many outstanding scientists and professors visited Tashkent, lived and worked there. Including: Contents 1 Geologists and miners 2 ... ... Wikipedia

    A list of ancient Egyptian papyri, listing the most important ancient Egyptian papyri found, as well as basic information about them. The papyri are listed by age: from the oldest to the newest. Abbreviations: B: biographical... ... Wikipedia

    List of episodes of the animated series Hey Arnold! Cartoon series "Hey Arnold!" has five seasons, which include a total of 98 episodes. Most of them consist of two plot-unrelated episodes. Total number of episodes... ...Wikipedia

    This article provides a chronological list of journalists who have been victims of murder, shootings and terrorist attacks in Russia since 1993. Six categories are used in the most detailed and comprehensive source of murder; shootout (military... ... Wikipedia

    Below is a list of episodes and the Disney Channel Original Movie Movie Wizards of Waverly Place. The premiere episode aired on October 12, 2007. All episodes revolve around the struggle of Alex Russo (Selena Gomez) and her brothers Justin (David Henry) and... ... Wikipedia

    - ... Wikipedia

    Cartoon series "Hey Arnold!" includes 98 episodes of 23 minutes and one double episode (The Journal, 45 minutes long), divided into 5 seasons. Most episodes consist of two unrelated episodes, but some episodes consist entirely of one... Wikipedia

    Main article: Famous personalities associated with Tashkent Tashkent was visited, many outstanding scientists and professors lived and worked there. Including: Contents 1 Geologists and miners 2 Mathematicians ... Wikipedia


  • Checking and adjustment of electrical equipment (PM. 02), Olifirenko Natalya Alexandrovna, Galanov Konstantin Dmitrievich, Ovchinnikova Inna Vasilievna. Tutorial developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary vocational education by profession 13.01.10 "Electrician for repairs and...
  • Checking and adjustment of electrical equipment PM 02, Olifirenko N., Galanov K., Ovchinnikova I. (author-comp.). The textbook was developed on the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary Vocational Education by profession 13. 01. 10 “Electrician for repair and ...

Industrial technology production. Heavy industry professions.

The purpose of the lesson: studying concepts: industrial production, types industrial production, heavy industry professions.


    Introduce students to the essence of the industryindustrial production, types of industrial production;heavy industry professions; give the concept of industrialnogo production.

    Develop technical thinking and the ability to solve engineering problems.

    Cultivate interest in Indian professionsstrip production, respect for working people.

Equipment: computer, screen, projector

Keywords: industrial production, mechanical engineeringtion, types of machines, industrial production technologies.


stages of the lesson

Teacher activity

Student activities

Notes on teaching methods

Organizing time

There is a note on the board - the date, the topic being studied.

Attendance control.

Target setting

Informs the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Recording the topic of the lesson.

Repetition of covered material

What areas of production do you know?


Learning new material

    From the history of industrial production.

    Types of industrial production

    Structure of industrial production.

    Industrial production professions.

    Description of individual professions

Participation in conversation. Name the types of industrial production in our city.

Working with the diagram: Extraction of raw materials Development of a technological process for a specific production Manufacture of individual parts Assembly of finished products Sales.

Write in a notebook.

Teacher's story.

Conversation about the types of industrial production.

Work with the scheme "Structure of industrial production".

Representation of professions.

Practical work

(Textbook P.12-13)

Performing practical work on the textbook.

Attention test

Engineering problems

A task to test technical thinking. Working with the textbook

Summing up the lesson


Giving assessments and justifying them.


Textbook, § 2, pp. 10-13


Annex 1

Practical work on the topic

"Technologies of industrial production"

Find definitions in the right column of the table that correspond to the concepts given in the left column.



A. Industrial production technology

    Industrial production for the manufacture of means of labor

B. Engineering

    Release of products using machines, machine tools and mechanisms.

B. Heavy industry

    Computerization and automation of production

D. One of the main directions for improving industrial production

    The leading branch of industrial production, in which basic tools are created

E. Mechanical technology of industrial production

    Technological processes which are made due to the mechanical impact on the object of labor

Appendix 2

right gear?

    In the direction of arrow B.

    Back and forth.

    On the left arrow.

    Right arrow.

    Back and forth.

3. just one is enough?

    Need chain A.

    Need chain B.

    Both circuits are required.

4. the same speed?

    Axis A is faster.

    Axis B is faster.

    The pad will wear out faster.

    The wheel will wear out faster.

    They wear out the same way.

6. Is one of the vessels denser?

    The density is the same.

7. harder to knock over?

    Figure A.

    Figure V.

    Figure S.

8. ice?

    The level will increase.

    The level will drop.

    The level will not change.

    Beam A will withstand more.

    Beam B will withstand more.


    Method A.

    Method B.

    Method S.


    In the case of A.

    In the case of V.

    It's the same in both cases.


    Rail A is higher.

    The rails are on the same level.

    Rail B is higher.

Appendix 3

Technical mouse testing task leniya

1. If the left gear turns in the direction indicated by the arrow, in which direction will theright gear?

    In the direction of arrow B.

    Back and forth.

2. If the top wheel rotates in the direction of the arrow,then in what direction does the lower wheel rotate?

    On the left arrow.

    Right arrow.

    Back and forth.

3. Are both chains needed to support the sign or up tojust one is enough?

    Need chain A.

    Need chain B.

    Both circuits are required.

4. Which of the axes rotates faster or do they rotate withthe same speed?

    Axis A is faster.

    The B axis is faster.

    Both axes rotate at the same speed.

5. The wheel and brake pad are made of the same materialterial. What wears out faster: a wheel or a brake pad?

    The pad will wear out faster.

    The wheel will wear out faster.

    They wear out the same way.

6. Is the density of the liquid in the vessels the same or is itIs one of the vessels denser?

    The density is the same.

    The liquid is denser in container A.

    The liquid is denser in container B.

7. The mass (weight) of figures A, B, C is the same. Which oneharder to knock over?

    Figure A.

    Figure V.

    Figure S.

8. There is ice in the container. How will the level change after melting?ice?

    The level will increase.

    The level will drop.

    The level will not change.

9. Bars A (upper) and B (lower) have the sameand are made of the same material. What kind of timbercan withstand a lot of weight?

    Both will bear the same weight.

    Beam A will withstand more.

    Beam B will withstand more.

10. What is the easiest way to transport stone?

    Method A.

    Method B.

    Method S.

11. In which case is it easier to lift the load?

    In the case of A.

    In the case of V.

    It's the same in both cases.

12. Should one rail be higher than the other when turning?

    Rail A is higher.

    The rails are on the same level.

    Rail B is higher.

1. Attention test.

"Imagine thatYou pilotaircraft TU-134. The plane flies from Moscow to Tambov. To the fatnot - 104 passengers, air temperature overboard - 40 °C. BeforeThe plane has 40 minutes left to fly to the landing site. Question:how old is the pilot?(The answer is in the first sentence of the problem.)

2. Engineering tasks.

a) Who has not seen in the movies or read in books about firesmall arms in the form of a fountain pen or cane; about radiotransmitter in the form of a wallet, button or false tooth;about lighters in the form of a pistol or a boot, about a salt shaker in the formfungus or luggage loaded on a donkey!

Such an implementation of one technical object in the form of another, which has a completely different purpose, in order to create a false impression, is the inventive method "pseudomorphization". Name your examples of using thismethod.(Students' answers.)

b) Any object, in addition to its usual properties, to which everyone is accustomed, also has hidden properties. Hidden means unusual, not immediately noticeable, not conspicuous. For example, everyone knows that a match can burn and glow - this is its usual property. And hidden - when burned, it decreases in weight and size.

What about the hidden property of water? It is possible, for example, from it youlay a wall like a brick? Can. If its preliminarybut turn it into ice, into ice bricks. Here's something hidden for youproperty of water.

Find hidden properties of the following objects: polyethylene stoppers, bottle caps, usedballpoint pen refill, etc.

Answer examples : polyethylene plugs are put onon the legs of armchairs and chairs so that they do not spoil the floor; From bottle caps you can make handles for furniture; from usebathroom rod of a ballpoint pen produces rivets forunity of fabrics, skin, etc.

Today I started work on a list of all existing Internet professions, which I am going to talk about in more detail in the future in separate articles.

I can no longer imagine my life without. Remote is the future! Not a single successful company today can do without its own website, and many modern projects are fully online.

Therefore, there are more and more various vacancies that do not require binding to any place and office.

List of all Internet professions

On at this stage the list is not yet quite correct and logically formed. We work every day to make it as accurate as possible and broken down into specific categories.

Work with writing and text processing

Chats by profession

Friends, we thought and decided that it would be useful to make separate chats in Telegram for different specialties. So that you can share experiences, share useful information, look for employers and so on.

Join and be useful to each other.

Every profession is needed, every profession is important. Choosing a professional field is a rather difficult task. This is not taught in school. The main thing is to focus on your abilities, and you can learn everything.

Types of industrial production

On this moment There are three main types of industry. These include the following:

  • light industry;
  • heavy;
  • chemical.

Depending on the type of production, industrial occupations have significant differences.

Light industry

This industry includes enterprises for the manufacture and processing of such raw materials:

  • flax;
  • cotton;
  • jute;
  • silks;
  • wool and more.

Organizations that produce fabrics and other consumer goods also belong to the light industry. That is, these are all enterprises that manufacture consumer goods.

The main occupations of this type of industry will be the following:

  • fashion designer;
  • seamstress;
  • cutter;
  • tailor;
  • sewing equipment operator.

If the first four professions are closely related, the last one is considered the most difficult. It implies the ability to understand any sewing equipment and troubleshoot problems in a timely manner.

Note. This point is especially important in the serial production of a large enterprise. Otherwise, there may be failures in the creation and sale of products.

Heavy industry and professions

This type of production is particularly complex. Heavy industry includes mining and manufacturing industries. Basically, all work in production is related to metal. It could be the following:

  • welding;
  • straightening;
  • milling
  • grinding and much more.

Depending on this, the professions of this type of industry will be:

  • welder;
  • milling machine operator;
  • waster;
  • blast furnace operator;
  • miner;
  • turner;
  • fitter and others.

Typically, men work in this field. Although you can meet women too. The weak half of society gives its preference to such professions as a welder and a milling machine.

Chemical industry

This area of ​​production is considered the most interesting and difficult. To choose industrial professions of this type, knowledge is required not only in chemistry, but also in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. All this is taught in school, as well as in higher education.

Pretty sophisticated offers chemical industry professions. Examples:

  • chemist;
  • laboratory assistant;
  • chemical technologist.

By choosing the latest classification of professions, you can study in the following areas:

  • pharmacist;
  • food technologist;
  • technologist for the production of detergents and others.

These professions are no less important in human life. It will take a long time to study.

general information

Each educational institution annually recruits future students who, after qualified training, will become specialists in various industries production. As a rule, the choice of an industry profession, the list of which is constantly growing, can be made in advance. To do this, you need to correctly assess your capabilities and abilities.
