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Twelve golden rules for communicating with workers. Vocation - foreman "Extras - the soul of cinema"

Bosses are not really made, they are born. For whether a person is able to lead, his natural properties are responsible. If they are not there, write - it's gone ...

The most important formula for success is
knowing how to deal with people.

Theodore Roosevelt

Any bosses can be divided into just two categories: those who are born bosses and those who will never become them. There is a third type that successfully manages people. More precisely, he does not manage, but leads, but this is no longer a boss, but a leader.

Theodore Roosevelt was absolutely right. Success is knowing how to manage people. But only, it is not written about in any manual on management. Bosses are not really made, they are born. For whether a person is able to lead, his natural properties are responsible. If they are not there, write - it's gone. You will not be a successful leader, how not to see your ears without a mirror. You simply cannot manage.

Who is a boss and what makes a person like that? . This is one of the eight types of the psyche, whose natural tasks include extraction and control. The rest have other tasks, and hence other properties. Everything is simple.

Borders and restrictions

The skin vector gives a person the ability to subtly feel the boundary between the external and the internal, one's own and the other's, to determine the boundaries and establish laws. The skin, as a means of limitation, sets the ability to feel the boundaries of any space. In the developed state of its properties, it limits not only its owner, but also gives him the opportunity to lead, limit, introduce limits for other people.

No one is more able to control their desires than a skinner. Forbid yourself to eat too much, set a limit on waste, restrain any of your own desires - all these are the abilities of a person with a skin vector. His psyche, focused on limitation, allows the skinner to feel pleasure from this.

Any vector in any person can manifest itself from its best sides when it is developed, when the properties before puberty received the development they needed. Knowing from childhood what discipline is, the skinner acquires the ability to limit himself and at the same time control the actions of other people.

This ability is unconsciously felt by others and also unconsciously builds the behavior of a person with a skin vector in relation to them. He does not need to shout, scandalize or prove his abilities in order to get someone to obey. People obey, feeling his rank.

Bad Boss - Bad Boss

It is easy to distinguish a good boss from a bad one by the degree of subordination of his team. Since the desire to manage and organize people is given to all owners of the skin vector, everyone strives to manifest it. But if the desire is not provided with an appropriate level of development of properties, then management will be given to such a boss with great difficulty. They will not obey him, they will not feel in him a leader. Such people, in order to prove their right to manage, turn to shouting and scandals, which, however, still does not turn them into good leaders.

But even in words, a developed skinner also limits himself, as in everything else. It is short, does not spread thought along the tree, but laconically and clearly gives instructions.

Responsibility for yourself and others

The success of the whole team depends on how developed the properties of the skin vector are. The ability to manage alone is not enough, you also need an internal understanding that taking care of the benefit of the entire team, you can get much more than thinking about the momentary benefit for yourself.

The skin vector is always guided by only one desire - to benefit. At first, it manifests itself in the child as an archetypal desire to take without millet, even to steal. And only as it develops, does it come to understand the distinction between one's own and another's. Then the desire to receive only personal gain can be transformed into a more developed ability to benefit by thinking about everyone.

The one who manages is also responsible. A real developed skin leader is a person who not only effectively manages his team, but also a boss, responsible for the actions of the entire team and for the result of their work, which under such guidance will certainly be completed on time. That is why its success is not momentary, but consists in a uniform upward movement.

Who is more successful?

There is one more indispensable feature of a real skin leader. This is his gambling desire to win. The best incentive for the owner of the skin vector is the feeling of a competitive moment, the desire to beat others and come to the finish line, whatever it may be, first.

The desire to win is also not given to everyone. It guides only people with a skin vector, so they are happy to take part in any races and competitions, whether it is long-distance running or a race with business competitors. Competition spurs and forces thoughts to develop in such a way as to be faster, more successful, richer.

Why not learn leadership?

It seems that everything is simple, give tasks, check the execution and punish the idlers. But things are completely different. If you, for example, are a person with, it means that you are guided by completely different feelings and desires.

The main thing for a person with an anal vector in a team is to be the best among equals. But not the FIRST, what is the boss. A person with an anal vector does not feel entitled to point out and give instructions to someone. He can politely ask and expect that his request is fulfilled in good faith. Because conscience guides him. So it seems to him that everyone relates to the matter in the same way as he does.

And yet this is not always the case. And people have other vectors, and development is different for everyone. And the polite requests of such an unfortunate boss will be ignored by subordinates as far as possible.

The natural hierarchy has put a person with an anal vector on an equal footing with those like him. Therefore, he is not able to stand out (for example, by his position) and use it. He is UNCOMFORTABLE. And you can’t cross this feeling, no matter how much you try to persuade yourself to learn how to manage people.

Even the very stimulus of the skin vector - material superiority - either exists or not. A person with an anal vector, of course, wants to live well, but only like everyone else, no more, and he prefers to direct his efforts for the benefit of the family, and not for the company or firm.

A boss without a skin vector is vain requests to his subordinates to fulfill their duties conscientiously. And constant pain in the heart from the fact that a whole group of people, in principle, cannot possess a conscience.

The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

Publication date 24.02.2015

In the vast majority of cases, men work as foremen. It is all the more interesting to talk with a female foreman - 32-year-old Svetlana TVERDOKHLEBOVA from Novosibirsk.

- What I want to become, I, like most, did not know. After school, she entered the institute as an accountant. Didn't like it, quit. I started looking for a job. I was then 18 years old. I accidentally met the head of the personnel department of a construction organization. She suggested that I go to them as an apprentice plasterer-painter. Try.

I tried. Liked. I don’t even know how to explain it with what ... The atmosphere, maybe. And when a building grows before your eyes, it's great.

How are newbies taught?

- They don't teach. You learn by yourself: you look, you try, you are interested. The newcomer is given the dirtiest and most primitive work. If you do not show character, you will continue to fulfill it endlessly. And stay at the level of give-bring. At the construction site, the fittest survive.

I very quickly insisted that I be assigned more complex tasks. Two months later I received the 2nd category. And six months later - the 4th. And I really did a lot.

- How are they tested for a discharge?

- The working commission comes, gives the task - for example, to plaster some area in an hour. Or paint, putty. Then he checks the quality and volume of the work performed. Ask questions about technology.

- Higher rank - higher salary?

- Well, yes, of course. But the point is not so much in the ranks, but in the skills - for workers at the construction site, after all, the payment is mostly piecework.

Did you want to become a brigadier?

- Did not think about it. But it so happened that the old foreman quit. And they chose me. Brigade selects. And the authorities already either support this candidacy or not. But the foreman's job is thankless. And in our brigade there weren’t really those who wanted to become them. Lots of responsibility, little reward. And you yourself do everything the same as others. And you follow them.

There were 10 guys in the brigade and one me. Maybe I was chosen as a joke, thinking that I could not do it.

- Have you done it?

- There were no mistakes. At first, in order to spare their male pride, I began to bring all questions for discussion. It turned out that this was not necessary. The brigade decided that I was weak. And I concluded for myself: if you become the boss, you don’t need to ask anyone. And you will be more respected.

- Did you get a civil engineering education?

- Yes. Here is how it was. I saw what women who have been doing physical labor at a construction site all their lives turn into - how they look, how many all kinds of diseases they have. At the age of 20, I realized that I didn’t want to. So, you have to study.

I accidentally met my grandfather, a teacher from a construction college. He says: "Come to us!" And I went to the correspondence department with a degree in civil engineering. To then work as a master or foreman. "Crusts" in our field are now needed everywhere.

Was the study itself useful?

- Undoubtedly. I studied with interest. I understood why I needed it. And our teachers were all with rich construction experience - behind them, an engineer. They gave us everything, as they say, from life. There was also a lot of actual practice. In particular, they mastered the work with new tools.

After I graduated from college three years later, I immediately entered the university as an engineer. And at work, I immediately went from foreman to foreman.

- What can you say about the university?

He gives more theory. I can't say that something really came in handy for me. Although I taught everything in good faith.

- Didn't you manage to work as a master?

- This intermediate position is at the construction site, if there are many teams. In my case, it was not - we built gas stations. And I became, let's say, a foreman.

- Is a female foreman a rarity?

- Well, in general, yes. They are often surprised: “Are you a foreman? Can not be!" And it was harder to get a job some time ago because of this. Many employers in principle did not consider women for this position. But now women have begun to appear among us. And they know me in the construction industry. So now everything is fine.

- What are the conditions for workers at the construction site now? Do you have a shower?

- Never met. (Chuckles). Usually a fire hydrant or a hose is brought out - you can wash yourself. In trailers, change houses you can change clothes, have lunch, drink tea.

- What is the ratio of migrant workers and local workers at construction sites?

- It happens that foreigners prevail. And sometimes, the customer sets a condition that there should not be a single non-Russian person at the construction site.

- And as a foreman, who is more convenient for you to work with?

- Unfortunately, you often realize that it is better to work with Uzbeks and Tajiks - those who have been traveling to Russia for several years. Because with the Russian man the story is well known. Works great, savvy, skillful, but ... if you get an advance, he goes into a binge. This is not the case for guest workers.

- If a subordinate smelled the smell of alcohol, how do you react?

- If this is an installer, of course, I will not allow it to the height. And the organisms are different. I have a welder, he can drink half the night, but in the morning he will be like a cucumber. And there are those who, roughly speaking, only sniff and need to be sent home.

- Do you fine?

- No I do not like. All have children, families. Well, if a person does not understand at all ...

- After work, can you afford to sit with your subordinates in an informal setting?

- Theoretically possible. This is subordination at work and all that - otherwise they will not perceive you. And after work - why not?

- Did you have a chance to work as an engineer - according to your university specialty?

- Yes, in parallel with the foreman. I kept all this documentation ... But sedentary work in the office is hard for me.

- What are the salaries at construction sites in your city now?

- From 30 thousand to ... A good finisher can earn 150 thousand a month and even 200. It all depends on the complexity of the tasks (at all their rates), speed and efficiency. If you work under a contract, there is no such thing as an 8-hour working day. As much as you can, so much work.

- How much did you work the most?

- I remember that in a crisis it was not possible to get a job as a foreman, and I went as a finisher. Slept for three hours a day. The rest of the time it worked. Otherwise, you won’t earn anything: the prices were very low ...

- Wow! .. And how much do foremen, foremen get?

- Brigadiers have a surcharge from a thousand to 5 thousand. And the salary of the foreman - this is information at the end of 2014 - from 25 to 125 thousand. There are also possible bonuses. The foreman can lead several objects. But here, too, irregular working hours and crazy responsibility.

- What, besides the material side, is the return in the work of a builder?

- You pass or drive past buildings, and it's nice to realize that you built them with your own hands or people built them under their guidance.

Vasily Takhistov

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Brigadier from him. Brigadier, in Russia in 1722–99, it originally came as an officer rank, intermediate between colonel and major general. In our company, the foreman is a person who manages a group of people in production and exercises control over the quality of work, discipline and labor organizations. We can say that this person is the link connecting external staff and management.

This is not only a very responsible, but also a multifunctional vacancy, which implies the following duties:

  • Organization of work performance and management of temporary staff in hypermarkets and shopping malls(shops for shoes, clothing, etc.), factories and warehouse terminals;
  • Maintaining reporting documentation;
  • Resolution of conflict situations;
  • Workflow control
  • Therefore, the list of personal qualities that a foreman should possess is quite large: For example, almost all work time the foreman conducts trading floor or in production with his team, standing on his feet, therefore, it is important for him to be physically resilient and efficient. He must also have good organizational skills, be able to properly plan his work and the work of his subordinates.

    In addition, a person applying for this vacancy must be responsible, executive, sociable, principled and demanding, as well as be emotionally stable, friendly and benevolent, because this is a guarantee successful work with people.

    Given all the requirements, we can say that the foreman is not only the leader of a group of people, but also the face of the company he represents. This is quite a serious and multifaceted work, which gives tremendous experience, and a big impetus for further career development in future.

    If you already work in our company (as a cashier, handyman in production, no matter who) and have proven yourself to be a good and diligent worker, you also have the opportunity to become a foreman. For more information about the conditions for admission to this vacancy, please contact the manager on duty on the days of salary payment or call the numbers listed below.


    • - Leadership experience is preferred
    • - Organizational skills;
    • - Negotiation skills;
    • - communication skills;
    • - Striving for career growth;
    • - Responsibility, decency, punctuality;

    Working conditions:

    • - Full or part-time, shift schedule;
    • - Salary up to 45,000 rubles (hourly pay);
    • - Possibility of part-time work;
    • - Work schedule: shifts depend on the specific object and are individually planned with the direction manager.

    Job responsibilities:

    • - Organization of work performance and management of temporary staff at various facilities in Moscow and the Moscow region (hypermarkets, supermarkets, factories, warehouse terminals);
    • - Maintenance of reporting documentation;
    • - Resolution of conflict situations;
    • - Implementation of measures to optimize the performance of work

    Foreman or foreman for short belongs to the category of engineering and technical workers (ITR), he is directly involved in production.

    Work as a foreman at a construction site

    The foreman leads

    In accordance with his duties, the foreman must ensure the timely and high-quality performance of work and tasks set by higher authorities. Upper management includes: head of the construction site, Chief Engineer, deputy director for construction, director. But only to the organization in which the foreman works - he is not obliged to obey and fulfill the requirements, for example, of employees who hold the above positions of the general contractor, or the construction customer.

    Tasks include: organization labor process, control over the quality of work performed and compliance, timely ordering of building materials and construction equipment, maintaining and submitting documentation related to the construction.
    Subordinate to the foreman there are foremen, foremen, workers.

    In order to become a manufacturer of works, it is necessary to graduate from a special educational institution - not lower than a construction technical school (+ 3 years of work as a foreman), and ideally - the corresponding faculty of a construction institute. In any large city there are similar educational institutions with budget or commercial places.
    Among other things, you need to study on your own software , starting from the basic package "Office" ending with "AutoCad", at least at the level of a confident user - which will greatly facilitate life.

    The position is not easy, it involves a combination of difficult physical labor, nervous overload, managing people, the risk of injury, responsibility for their life (!) And health, coordination with a bunch of people, which means finding a compromise between how it was according to plan and how it turned out. Nevertheless, this is one of the few specialties where you immediately see the fruits of your labor and can proudly say that you are doing something for people, really create rather than just getting paid. Are you still interested in becoming a foreman? Then this article is for you! However, we made the material in such a way that it was interesting and understandable not only to students of construction specialties, but also to all interested non-specialists.

    When applying for a new job as a foreman employers are reluctant to hire newcomers. Work experience of 3 years is required. As for the typical, ask the following questions:

    • What is your experience?
    • What did you build?
    • What duties did he perform?
    • How many people were subordinate?

    Of course, the experience of building skyscrapers like Moscow City is preferable to that of a garage cooperative, the leadership of a dozen highly specialized workers than one helper, and so on.

    How to get the first work experience, gain experience?

    For the reason described above, the position should be taken from acquaintances or by distribution educational institution, agree to minimum payment labor (usually 20,000 rubles). If you prove yourself to be an intelligent specialist, easily trained, proactive (but this is only at the initial stage of a career, why will be described below), the salary will be increased in three months. The main thing for a foreman is to work at least 3 years in one place.

    Construction of apartment buildings

    The specialist tells

    An IQ Review correspondent took an exclusive interview with foreman Anatoly with more than 10 years of experience.

    "The working process , to be honest, looks like an ordered chaos. The foreman has to quickly master the information on construction, solve a bunch of large and small issues related to production affairs and intra-team relations, photograph the work performed (up to a hundred a day!), Keep daily records, call up a lot of “necessary” people, “beg” from colleagues from adjacent sites (of course, on loan) the missing building materials and much more. You definitely won't be bored!

    Separately, it is worth talking about supervising bodies or technical supervision

    When these persons appear on construction site, you need to immediately drop all things (even the most urgent ones - for example, interrupt the conversation with the director) and go with them, with the set of documents that they request, to the construction site where they show.

    Any negative entry in the work log will lead to a financial deterioration in the well-being of your company and, accordingly, you. Regular filling of the journal with comments will lead to the fact that the foreman will be asked "by own will or be transferred to a lower position.

    Proper behavior of a foreman at a construction site

    In no case should you behave in a familiar manner with the workers. It is necessary to use the policy of "carrot and stick" as much as possible. Strictly and timely punish violations and apply for a bonus for a job well done.
    More experienced foreman you can't show off your unique skills, for example, the ability to draw up KS-2 forms or use a total station at a professional level. Otherwise, this will lead to the fact that the surveyor will rarely appear on construction site, and - call at the end of each month and require you to fill out forms. Do only what is written in job description or in an employment contract! Unless, of course (which is extremely rare in practice), you will not be paid extra for this - then the choice is completely yours.

    Safety at the construction site

    The most important thing is the timely completion of the TB log, with a preliminary briefing of the workers. Any accident will be the responsibility of the foreman. Therefore, in case of non-observance of safety precautions, the absence of personal protective equipment, all work on the site is stopped and is not resumed until the problems are completely eliminated.. And one more thing - write off the building materials “hanging” on you in a timely manner, so that later you will not be responsible for what is not there.

    construction foreman salary

    Directly depends on the welfare of the company and its size. For example, I work in Kazan. For, I changed 5 organizations - this is for 11 and a half years. These were both serious enterprises and firms that change names every year. I will say right away - the salary is 30,000 rubles, regardless of performance and time of year, at any place of work.

    Consider the pros and cons of working in construction organizations different type

    Large organization (former state, now OJSC)

    • full social package;
    • hazard accounting;
    • free lunch;
    • timely salary;
    • availability of specialists in all areas;
    • salary "white" (you can take a mortgage);
    • availability of skilled workers.
    • full management control;
    • there is no opportunity to earn extra money for a third-party organization (corporate ethics);
    • do not take out the saved building materials.

    Various construction companies

    Consist of director, accountant and you. Here you already hire workers and equipment.
    Personally, my earnings in such offices reached 120,000 per month, with a salary delay of 1 month. So I had to be loudly indignant so as not to "burn down the office."

    • lack of management control (more than enough for earnings);
    • it is possible to take out the decommissioned construction material, suppose, to his dacha, or sell;
    • with some work experience and a competent arrangement of tasks, you can appear at the facility only in the morning and in the evening;
    • complete dependence of workers on the "deal" - therefore they work conscientiously;
    • permanent "cash" on hand, which is easily written off.
    • Social package? And what is it - have not heard of this!
    • double salary - "white" and "gray". The first is the legal minimum wage. The second is cash, on hand;
    • delayed salary.

    AT small organizations when hiring, it is better not to give work book(under a far-fetched pretext), and conclude labor contract. It happens that the director together with the accountant can disappear in an unknown direction.

    The job of a foreman has its pros and cons.

    Positive aspects - seasonal employment (easier in winter), constant physical activity, advanced training (work experience), you can always change jobs - foremen are always required and under any authority.
    The negative sides are neurosis and wet feet. No more. Truth. I'm talking about myself.

    Career ladder

    The position of a foreman is equivalent to that of a middle manager. Over time, the growth of experience and skills, you can take everything leadership positions- from site manager to chief engineer and even higher without any problems. They do not bring great privileges (except for the director) - the choice is completely yours. They are usually occupied on the recommendations of your immediate supervisor, who is going up the career ladder, who puts you in your place in order to “cover the rear”.

    And finally, after working for some time in production, clearly decide whether you like this business or not. If you don’t like it, go to PTO engineers.”

    On the set on a cold autumn day, Dmitry appears at 9 o'clock. At this time, the team is already preparing for the next stage.

    The filming location can be recognized by the line of buses that carry equipment and serve as dressing rooms, and sometimes toilets. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    There are no extras on site yet, people were called to eleven o'clock. But they are missing now. The organizers relied on the fans of the series: they were supposed to shoot in the morning, but not everyone who promised came. The foreman's assistant turns to Dima for help - a few more people need to be called. As a result, in anticipation of the mass actors in the role of the victims, they ask the first people who come to hand to play. Dmitry is also called to "stand" in the frame. The brigadier agrees, says, "for the love of art." Of course, he does not require money for this.

    The brigadier searches for extras actors through special sites and forums. Indicates the type, requirements for actors in each specific project - age, external data, day and approximate time of filming.

    Those who are interested send their questionnaires and photos to the foreman by mail. This is where the selection process begins. After weeding out unsuitable people, Dmitry calls those who he likes and invites him to shoot. Thus, almost anyone can act in a series or a movie. The main thing is to fit the type. The actors of mass scenes are usually not given difficult tasks. Already on the site, someone may be asked to say a phrase, to play something - but this is for an additional fee. On Dmitry's projects, extras are paid an average of about 700 rubles for a day shift - 12 hours. Night shifts are paid slightly higher.

    During the shooting, there are so many people on the set that you won’t immediately understand what they are all doing. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    Even from school, Dmitry was drawn to the cinema, so he participated in theatrical performances, representations, in a word - wherever possible. “But the cinema was not filmed where I lived - in the city of Balakovo. Therefore, I always knew that I would not stay in this city, ”the mass activist notes. After graduating from school, Dmitry entered the law faculty of a local university. “It was agony. I just went out there, ”recalls the foreman of his student years. Not having received higher education, went into the army. Upon his return, he decided to leave his native city. Already in Moscow, the future foreman worked industrial climber. “The conditions were good, the money too. Everyone said - work and do not worry. But I couldn't. The soul did not lie to this, it was not mine, ”says Dmitry. One day he saw an advertisement for a set of extras in the newspaper. So for the first time in his life he got on the site. Dima remembers his feelings well: “It was a wild shock for me, I was shaking madly. I didn't know what to do, I was very worried. Finally, what I dreamed about, I saw with my own eyes.

    Luck is everything in the movies

    On the same day, he was spotted in the crowd and asked to play an operative in a fight scene. “I was probably in a state of passion, but I played everything. After that, I realized that I would never leave the cinema. I realized that I should be here, ”the foreman shares his impressions. Since then, he has been building a career. Dmitry managed to star in many projects: in extras, episodes, supporting roles and even main ones - in TV projects. “In the cinema, 98% is decided by luck, and only 2% by ability, talent, education,” says the foreman. By the way, according to him, directors often notice talented people from extras, take on episodes, and then on supporting roles. “It happens everywhere. But to break out of the crowd into the main roles is one in a million chances, ”says Dmitry. He compares cinema to porridge, which cannot be eaten. The former extras actor now commands her.

    Actors from extras often come just to talk. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    While cameramen, sound engineers, "lighters", directors and all kinds of assistants are moving to a new point, Dmitry goes to the nearest cafe to drink a cup of coffee - he calmly leaves the actors to his assistants, also experienced foremen. During a moment of rest for Dima, someone calls. It turned out that his wife, whom he also met in the cinema.

    A cup of latte was Dimitri's only snack during the entire twelve-hour workday. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    “We played together in an episode, were partners and talked all day, not looking up from filming. In her eyes, I saw a spark, the same interest in cinema that I had, ”says Dmitry. His lover is a professional actress. Dmitry notes that he is actively engaged in its promotion. And he does not see anything shameful in this, because his wife, according to him, plays brilliantly. “It’s bad when they try to drag somewhere “their own”, but mediocre ones,” the brigadier comments.

    "I'm not on the set, I'm in the cinema"

    We return to the site. On the way, assistants and extras come up to the hero of the report. Dima solves emerging issues calmly, with a smile. Which is probably a very useful ability for cinema. “You can find an approach to all people, even the most capricious ones. All problems can be solved,” the brigadier declares with knowledge of the matter. Now he is mainly involved in the settlement financial matters concerning extras. And this is always an acute issue for producers: there is usually not much money in Russian cinema, every ruble is registered.

    Now Dima does not get to the shooting every day. There is another side of the work - the selection of applications. So, at the computer - with a mouse in the right hand and a phone in the left - the whole day can pass, which sometimes starts around five in the morning and ends after midnight. But today is one of those days that takes place on the site. Although the foreman himself does not like such an expression. “I'm not on the set, I'm in the movies,” he says. Here Dmitry regulates the work of his assistants and organizes extras.

    Actors need to be met, brought to the shooting location, explained to their task and ensure that they fulfill the requirements of the director. At the same time, the foreman makes sure that the masses are also happy - they do not freeze, do not starve, do not fall under the hot hand of the nervous members of the film crew. “Working with people is always difficult. After all, there is a place human factor. Someone is dissatisfied, wants to go home, does not obey in the frame, swears with the costumers. The brigadier has to constantly run, be in touch, resolve conflicts, ”says Dmitry.

    Walkie-talkies help the film crew to overcome distances, look for workers and give orders without stopping from work. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    After talking with the people he met on the way, the foreman descends to the basement of an institution in the center of Moscow, where they film the bloody scene of the series. On the way, you can see a couple of rows of walkie-talkies on the bedside table. With the help of them, members of the film crew communicate. Thick wires are stretched from the buses, feeding cameras, lights and other filming equipment. The buses have generators.

    You have to go up and down this ladder several times a day. After all, the phone in the basement "does not catch", and important calls cannot be missed. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    Dmitry enters the room where the extras are sitting waiting for a call to the site. At this time, the foreman, together with assistants, deals with the documentation - contracts with actors, filling out statements. Seemingly, creative work- in the cinema - is not devoid of paperwork.

    Not everyone who aspires to become extras foremen can withstand the regime of seemingly simple work, but Dmitry is confident in his assistants. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    Nearby, on the bar counter of the club given over to filming, one of the main tools of the extras foreman is located - a pen and notebooks with phone numbers and names of actors.

    Bar counter, it is also a desktop. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    "Extras - the soul of cinema"

    By the way, Dmitry Starikov respects and appreciates them very much. He notes with regret: in Russian cinema, extras are given little attention. Because of this, according to Dmitry, random people, irresponsible, drunk, inadequate, inappropriate in type, can get on the set. Which, of course, will slow down the filming process. The brigadier believes that it is necessary not to spare money for mass workers and good organizers, then “drama will occur” in the background. “Extras are the soul of cinema, it is the very atmosphere of the film. No extras - no film. This is the theater of one actor. You can't make a movie without extras. Producers often do not understand this and put off recruiting extras until the very end. last moment", - says Starikov. After all, crowds are passers-by, office workers, police officers and bandits, homeless people and fans - everyone who fills the space of the film. They don't have to be random.

    The blue screen reflects what is in the frame. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    Speaking of movies, after the lunch break, filming is in full swing. The actors of crowd scenes under the direction of the director are already in the frame.

    Actors often have to portray dancing people in complete silence. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya

    “Technology does not stand up, not like people”

    Dmitry does not let go of the phone and often leaves the site. During the filming, the foreman managed to resolve issues with the approval of actors for several other projects that he oversees. Under his leadership, doubles of famous political figures were approved for a historical film. “My phones are already on the verge - both one and the second. Technology can’t stand it, let alone people!” exclaims the interlocutor.

    Meanwhile, the shift (the working day of the film crew, including the foreman) is coming to an end. The actors of the mass scenes were paid fees, everyone disperses. Dimitri stays behind to discuss the day's work with the assistants. But even after that, he is in no hurry to rest. “At home I will deal with my base, the selection of actors for the future. In the meantime, when my head is already swollen, I will watch an episode of one of my favorite TV shows - Broadchurch, for example. I even made a trailer for it myself,” notes Dmitry Starikov.

    Movie weekends are a luxury. If the day is free on one project, it will be busy on another. For three years, Dmitry has never been on vacation, and over the past summer he has not even tanned. But the brigadier is not upset about this. “In the cinema, I am like a fish in water. Despite physical fatigue - 12 hours on my feet, my soul is resting. I get great pleasure from the opportunity to touch what I like,” sums up Dmitry.

    From bad habit, according to Dmitry Starikov, there is no way to get rid of him during his work. Photo: AiF / Elena Chumarnaya
