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Treat goslings with folk remedies. Infectious diseases of geese. Diarrhea and flow from the beak

Geese are grown for the sake of obtaining delicious juicy meat and high-quality fluff at minimal cost. The bird is unpretentious in food. She is able to digest bulky foods with a high fiber content. Geese graze beautifully on pastures, eating grass, which saves on feed. In winter, they willingly eat waste from the kitchen, chopped hay and root crops. However, even these unpretentious birds sometimes get sick, and it is important to know how to help them.

Conditions of detention

During seasonal rearing, birds are kept in plank sheds or under a canopy, provide free access to water and feed. With year-round maintenance, the room should be solid, protected from rodents, dampness and drafts. Straw or hay bedding should be changed every 2-3 days.

Important: before settling goslings, the dwelling must be disinfected.

Young animals in the first days are kept in a brooder or boxes, temperature regime- about +30 degrees. Within three weeks, the temperature is gradually reduced to 22 degrees. By the month the temperature should be natural.

Adult geese are hardy birds. Due to fat and warm plumage, they can withstand temperatures down to -15 degrees.

Goslings have white diarrhea: how to treat

Diarrhea in goslings is a common ailment, it requires immediate attention from a person. This may be a symptom of an infectious disease. Within three days, severe dehydration of the body occurs, which leads to the loss of livestock.

Possible reasons:

A common infectious disease - pullorosis (white diarrhea) affects internal organs. Goslings are susceptible to it, and if the disease is not detected in time, you can lose the entire herd.

Note: pullorosis is contagious and is transmitted through eggs, litter, droppings that enter food and water, as well as through contact with sick birds.

Causes of infection:

  • Inappropriate sanitary conditions;
  • long-term transportation of poultry;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • reduced air temperature.


  • lethargy;
  • sleepy state;
  • loss of appetite;
  • the wings are lowered;
  • dirty, glued fluff near the cloaca;
  • paws are widely spaced;
  • white slimy or frothy feces in goslings.

Revealing the cause white diarrhea in goslings, what to treat should be addressed as soon as possible. Sick birds are subject to destruction, conditionally healthy ones are treated. Antibiotics are used:

  • Biomycin;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Dibiomycin;
  • Biovit;
  • Terramycin;
  • Penicillin;
  • sulfanilamide, nitrofuran preparations.

Medication Sulfadimezin 0.05-1% is given to birds, mixed into the feed for 14 days. Three days later, the course is repeated: the drug 0.1-0.2% is added to the water.

After the birds are cured of pullorosis, the eggs from them are subject to disinfection, and the geese are periodically checked in special laboratories.

The immunity of small goslings cannot resist various bacteria and infections. Preventive medicine sometimes does not work.

Important: determining the cause of diarrhea will allow you to quickly and effectively help the bird.

The causes of the disease are different: infectious (caused by bacteria) and non-contagious (from exposure to environment). Infectious diseases are the most dangerous for birds.

To find out why the geese vilify and further treatment, it is worth:

  • inspect feeders and drinkers;
  • the room and territory where it lives, grass in the pasture;
  • evaluate the quality of food and water.

It depends on the purposeful actions of the poultry breeder whether the livestock will survive. During the identification of the source of the disease, the bird should be fed with high-quality food with vitamin supplements and watered with clean water. At the first symptoms of diarrhea, boiled potatoes are fed to the bird. The starch contained in it will alleviate the condition of the kids. You can give chopped cabbage with bran. Finely chopped bird cherry leaves are effective. Such a diet can be given no more than two days.

Important: if the diarrhea does not stop within two days, the bird is most likely infected.

Liquid droppings may be the result of poisoning. If the pathology passes in an acute form, the death of the bird may occur. This can be facilitated by low-quality, moldy feed, poisonous plants. In addition to the main symptom, additional symptoms may appear:

  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • suffocation;
  • convulsions;
  • increased salivation.

Additional Information: poisoning can be cured with herbal decoctions or vodka.

Folk remedies are a temporary relief for the bird. They do not eliminate the detected infectious disease; a full course of treatment with medicines is necessary. Strong antibiotics are used for no more than five days. The results of recovery should be visible on the first day of therapy.

How to give goslings penicillin

Antibiotic Penicillin is used for diseases:

  • viral enteritis;
  • streptococcosis;
  • pasteurellosis.

The drug is diluted with novocaine 0.5% or water for injection and administered to goslings intramuscularly 50,000 units. per 1 kg of body weight. In addition to treatment, the drug is used in small doses for goslings to stimulate growth, immunity, to exclude gastrointestinal diseases, while reducing the loss of livestock by 4 times. Give daily goslings 5-10 mg of the drug mixed with feed for five days.

Note: in order for the medicine to be excreted faster after an illness, the bird must be given plenty of water.


It is easier to prevent diarrhea in goslings than to treat it. Therefore, disease prevention requires special attention.

The following rules must be followed:

  • Goslings should be in a warm, dry room. Avoid drafts. Clean regularly. Dry bed required.
  • The content of adult birds and young birds should be separate.
  • Protect the bird from rodents by placing traps in places inaccessible to goslings.
  • At the entrance to the goose house, a rug soaked in a disinfectant solution is placed. This will prevent the transfer of infections on the shoes.
  • When transferring birds to a larger room, the old place of residence is treated with caustic soda.
  • If several goslings are affected by the disease, it is necessary to isolate them from healthy ones in another room.
  • Regularly examine the young for the first signs of the disease, if detected, take action.

To prevent food poisoning, starting from the 7th day of age, Biovit is added to the feed. From 14 days - Paraform. From 10 days of life to 40 - Sodium Selinite. Be sure to add potassium permanganate to the drink, the solution should be a pale pink color.

Adding potassium permanganate to water

Goslings are fed a variety of foods. It is imperative to control that sour and moldy does not come across, this can also cause liquid droppings.

What to do if the gosling has liquid from its beak

Pasteurellosis (cholera) is a dangerous infectious disease that affects immature young goslings. The carriers of the infection are rodents. Spreading rapidly, it is transmitted through the air, through food and water. In cold and wet weather, favorable conditions are created for the development of the disease.

The infection affects all types of birds, goslings are especially susceptible to it. The incubation period of the disease lasts from 2 to 5 days. When infected with pasteurellosis in a day, the first symptoms appear in the bird:

  • weakness;
  • oppression;
  • refusal to eat;
  • drinks a lot;
  • flows from the beak;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • drowsy and lethargic;
  • ruffled feathers;
  • liquid droppings of a gray, yellow or green hue with blood secretions.

At the last stage of the disease, weakening, fall.

Additional Information: with a hyperacute course, an outwardly healthy bird dies suddenly.

Sick individuals are slaughtered. Goslings with the first symptoms are given medical care sulfonamides, antibiotics. At the same time, the birds are given complete food and the premises, drinkers and feeders are disinfected. Prevention: regular cleaning, cleaning and treatment of the premises with disinfectants.

Having figured out why the goslings vilify and die with what to treat, you can take action in time and save the livestock from death.

In order to prevent this from happening, you need to know what types of diarrhea are and how to deal with it. So what are the types of diarrhea?

It is also worth learning to distinguish the manifestations of this disease.

If a liquid stool is found in a bird, which can sometimes even be accompanied by blood impurities and an unpleasant odor; if the bird loses its appetite, its temperature rises, and it becomes inactive, then diarrhea can be diagnosed with all confidence. When a bird is sick, it most often does not move, and sits in one place, it may even fall. In this case, the feces can be of a different color. What does it come from white liquid feces from geese?

As you can see, there are many factors that cause this disease, so to say exactly what causes diarrhea, and how to treat goslings Only a veterinarian can tell. Diagnosis must be carried out immediately, otherwise all birds are at risk of contracting this disease.

Diarrhea in geese: how to treat, types of diarrhea

First of all, you need to find out what kind of diarrhea the bird has. If diagnosed pullorosis in geese This type of diarrhea is caused by harmful bacteria. It is also called and can be transmitted from one individual to another. The symptoms are:

1. Sick goslings do not move

  1. Gather in small groups
  2. Feces are white.

The danger of this disease is that after some time the feces stick together in the anus, and the bird cannot empty itself, so death occurs already on the third day after being hit by this disease. How to treat this disease?

  1. Noticing goslings have white litter need to disinfect the room
  2. Give birds special drugs that will help in the treatment of the disease. Usually these are sulfadezemin and furazolidone, which are added to the feed for two weeks.

If there is, then this indicates that the bird is infected with colibacillosis. The bacterium that causes this disease lives permanently in the intestines of the bird, and if the external conditions are unfavorable (too cold room, insufficient quality food or water), then it becomes active, causing diarrhea. How to treat this disease?

  1. Birds that are already sick should be isolated and the room treated.
  2. Infected individuals should be given antibiotics for goose prescribed by the veterinarian. These drugs are usually added to water in the following ratio:

Cure for geese for diarrhea: do folk methods work?

When treating this disease, you need to understand that any drugs that are used must be agreed with the doctor, since a person will not be able to accurately diagnose the type of diarrhea on his own. Many practice treatment of goslings with vodka, however, this is not the most effective method, since the body of babies is still weak for such an effect. Therefore, in order to get rid of diarrhea in geese, it is better to choose proven drugs that will save the life and health of birds. During an illness, the only thing a person can help is to organize proper nutrition kids. Usually during this period, goslings are fed boiled potatoes. It helps to retain water in the body and saturates it with useful substances. In addition, it is important to comply with all conditions for keeping the bird so that it is not susceptible to this disease. Diarrhea in goslings is dangerous because the infection can remain in their body even in adulthood, so it is better to organize comfortable rooms for them in advance, clean water and fresh food, so as not to try to save the livestock from death later.

Goose diseases can occur for a number of reasons. These include poor-quality feed, drafts, low temperature, high humidity in the room, dirty bedding, and inadequate housing conditions.

Growing geese, you need to follow some mandatory requirements, which at the same time are preventive measures. Healthy livestock can only be raised by maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room, feeding high-quality and complete feed, keeping the poultry house clean, and having clean and fresh water in the required volumes.

Despite the fact that geese are unpretentious birds and they have a fairly high resistance to various diseases, problems in their health and development can be encountered at any time. In this article, we will talk in detail about the diseases of geese and their symptoms, you will learn what little goslings get sick and how to treat diseases, what antibiotics to use and what preventive measures to take.

Diseases of little goslings: symptoms and treatment

In the first days of life, goslings must carefully monitor their maintenance and diet. The body of the chicks is still weak and most susceptible to disease. Any attack can lead to the death of a large number of livestock.

There are quite a few diseases of young geese and it is the chicks that are susceptible to them. Modern poultry farming implies, among other things, the development of veterinary medicine - medicine does not stand still and some diseases can be successfully dealt with.

Diseases in goslings: signs and treatment

Viral enteritis

Chicks aged 5-12 days are mainly susceptible to such diseases. However, the virus can infect birds up to 3 weeks of age. The heart and intestines are most commonly affected, but more- liver. Mortality with this disease can be up to 95% of the livestock. Viral enteritis can be transmitted by airborne droplets or through a hatching egg.

The bird behaves sluggishly, often freezes, freezes in one place with its eyes closed. In later stages, liquid droppings with bloody discharge may appear. If goslings can be cured of the virus, then they will still lag behind healthy livestock in the future.

Prevention and treatment
To protect the chicks from this scourge, small goslings are vaccinated with special preparations when they are 20-38 days old. In addition, it is recommended to vaccinate and adult bird 1.5 months before the start of oviposition.


The disease, which is also called Paratyphoid, is very difficult. Goslings between the ages of 5 and 30 days are particularly susceptible to this disease. The main sources of the virus are rodents, poor-quality feed, sick birds.

Goslings are drowsy, inactive, drink a lot, vilify, their eyes are often closed. The disease after 2-4 days is fatal.

Prevention and treatment
The sick bird is isolated from the main livestock. The room where infected turkey poults were kept, as well as feeders, drinkers are completely disinfected. Goslings get sick with salmonellosis - how to treat? The main and most effective drug is furazolidone. Give it for 7-10 days, 5 mg once a day, adding to the feed.


The virus causes a large case among young animals. The main cause of this disease in geese is the litter (or feed) in which mold has formed.

Goslings fall to their feet, become drowsy and lethargic, begin to sneeze, in order to inhale air, they stretch their necks strongly.

Prevention and treatment
First of all, you should remove the bedding from the house and treat the floors and walls with fire using a blowtorch. Another preventive measure is the treatment of sick chicks with iodalluminum aerosol. The disease can be cured with the drug nystatin, which must be given with food at a dose of 20-30 mg per kilogram of body weight.


In the list of diseases of small goslings, this virus is the most common. It is most often transmitted through an infected bird. Geese are still sources of the disease for a long time even after complete recovery.

The main ones are diarrhea, drowsiness, lethargy, constant drinking. The chicks become so weak that they move with difficulty.

Prevention and treatment
The first step is to isolate the infected chicks from the main herd. For prevention, baytril is usually given (added to water).

Pasteurellosis (cholera)

A disease caused by the bacterium Pasteurella. It mainly affects fragile organisms of goslings. The carriers are rodents, the virus can be transmitted through the air, through food or water. Favorable conditions for the development of the disease are most often created in cold and damp weather.

Symptoms include depression, lack of appetite, wheezing, constant thirst. In goslings with such an ailment, mucus flows from the beak, feathers stick out, and litter comes out with blood secretions. In the later stages of the disease, the chicks begin to fall from lack of strength. Sulfonamides and antibiotics are used for treatment. The best prevention is regular cleaning, cleaning and disinfection of the house.

Important! The above diseases of geese are treated, but the infection may not leave the body for a very long time. Therefore, such a bird should not be allowed into the tribe. The best option- feed for meat.

Video: why do goslings die

We present to your attention a useful video from Igor Lunin, in which he talks about why goslings die and what to do, as well as how to treat them so that this does not happen.

What do geese get sick: symptoms and treatment of major diseases

Infectious diseases of geese, their symptoms, methods of prevention and treatment


Males are most often affected by this disease. Geese can become infected from dirty bedding, the causative agents of the disease are mainly staphylococci and streptococci. During the development of the infection (30-45 days), the bird noticeably reduces in weight, then the following symptoms appear: swelling of the affected areas, ulcers, redness in the anus. Sick individuals are usually removed, and the room and equipment are thoroughly disinfected.


Fever, feces with frothy discharge, lack of appetite and constant thirst are clear signs of the onset of this disease.

Causes: poor-quality food and drink, a room without ventilation, unacceptable conditions of detention. The disease is not treated and the infected bird will have to be removed. The poultry house and all inventory must be treated with formaldehyde or bleach.

For prevention, geese are given a solution of furacilin. The main antibiotics are neomycin (50 g per 1 kg of live weight). The drug is given with food for 7-10 days.

Non-communicable diseases of domestic geese


Paw diseases in geese can occur precisely because of a lack of vitamins and because of an unbalanced diet. For example, if the body of a bird lacks vitamin B2, then the quality of the hatching egg and egg production in general will most likely decrease. Lack of vitamin E can lead to problems with the nervous system, which manifests itself in an unnatural tilting of the head back and convulsive muscle contraction.

Yolk peritonitis

This disease affects females during oviposition. The main reason is the entry of the yolk mass into the intestines, as a result of which inflammation begins. In this case, the stomach increases significantly in size, the temperature rises.

The disease can also be caused by a lack of vitamins, excessive protein content, fright, physical damage. There are currently no treatments that could help. For prevention, females should not be allowed to crowd, constantly monitor the cleanliness in the house, and provide the geese with high-quality food.

Prolapse of the oviduct

Inflammation of the oviducts, anus, frequent constipation and diarrhea, as well as the laying of eggs that are too large can lead to the prolapse of this organ.

The prolapsed oviduct must be placed back. To do this, it is washed with water with the addition of potassium permanganate and set back into the anus. It is very difficult for geese with such an ailment to carry eggs, so they need to be helped - to get the whole eggs with clean hands or if this is not possible in parts.


A deficiency of choline and manganese in the body can cause perosis. With this disease, the development of young animals slows down, it becomes difficult for the bird to move - the paws give way, and walking can lead to dislocation of the paws.

Blockage of the esophagus

Feeding too much dry food, lack of water can lead to blockage of the esophagus. The bird becomes very restless, she has shortness of breath, weakness, staggering when walking, her beak is constantly ajar.

The most common are downy-eaters. With their spread, geese begin to develop poorly, egg production in geese decreases. For prevention, special ointments are used, for treatment - disinsection.


Stale food and dirty water are the main causes of worms. The bird begins to lose weight before our eyes, her immunity decreases. It is optimal to prevent the appearance of worms, since it is very difficult to treat geese from them. Preventive measures include regular house cleaning and disinfection.

Goose poisoning

The bird can get poisoned due to moldy, spoiled food, the use of poisonous plants, fertilizers and poisons. Poisoning can take a chronic form. Symptoms include: restless behavior, constant thirst, convulsions, liquid droppings.

A poisoned bird can die very quickly. To cure geese, a light solution of vinegar is added to the water, the eyes are washed with water. If food became the cause of poisoning, then vegetable decoctions, vodka, vegetable oil are used for treatment.

For prevention, you should constantly monitor the cleanliness of the room, feeders and drinkers. During treatment, do not give the geese potatoes and beets.


Every poultry farmer who raises poultry should know that large losses among the livestock can be avoided by taking measures at the initial stage of the disease. A clean house with ventilation and lighting, regular cleaning, and a well-balanced diet are the key to healthy bird growth.

Diarrhea in goslings is a dangerous disease, since their body does not yet have stable immunity and is too weak to independently withstand negative environmental factors. Diarrhea can manifest itself both as a separate specific reaction to irritants, and as a symptom of other serious diseases. Delayed treatment can lead to the death of the bird due to dehydration, as well as to the spread of the disease to the entire livestock of the farm.

Symptoms and causes of the disease

Diarrhea in goslings manifests itself in the form of loose stools (sometimes mixed with blood and a fetid odor), loss of appetite and high temperature. Birds become sleepy, lethargic, plumage looks disheveled. Sick birds most often sit in one place, sometimes fall, tipping over on their backs.

The cause of diarrhea in young geese is most often a violation of the conditions of detention, the use of poor-quality feed and dirty water. A weak body of a young bird can react with indigestion and intestinal upset to hypothermia due to being kept in a damp room with drafts.

Treatment of diarrhea in goslings

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after laboratory tests. He will advise how to treat the gosling and what to do to prevent the spread of the disease to other birds on the farm.

You should not try to treat goslings on your own without identifying the cause of the disease, since the wrong choice of drugs and their dosages can only worsen the condition of the birds. As a first aid, you can use folk recipes.

Sick goslings are fed warm boiled potatoes. The starch in the potato will help firm up the stool, which will prevent the gosling from dehydrating quickly. Also, a mixture of finely chopped cabbage with bran can help with diarrhea, which should be sprinkled with tobacco ash to improve the effect.

Diarrhea caused by hypothermia should be treated by drinking a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 days.

If the cause is an infection, you will have to resort to sulfanilamide drugs (sulfadimezin, norsulfazol) or broad-spectrum antibiotics (penicillin, biomycin, oxytetracycline). These drugs are most often used for 5 days, mixed into the birds' drinking water.

The prevention of diseases of goslings must be given great importance, since it is very difficult, and often impossible, to cure a weak young organism. First of all, it is necessary to provide the conditions necessary for growing healthy birds. To do this, you need to keep the goslings in a warm room without drafts, in which cleaning should be carried out regularly. It is also necessary to provide the birds with dry bedding and clean water.

One way to prevent infectious diseases is to separate the keeping of birds of different ages. It is also necessary to limit the access to the poultry house of such carriers of diseases as rats and mice. To do this, it is necessary to place traps and traps in places safe for goslings.

At the entrance to the room in which the goslings are kept, it is necessary to spread a rug made of porous material. As it dries, it must be soaked with a disinfectant solution, which will help to avoid the transfer of infection to the shoes.

When transferring birds to another room, wet cleaning should be carried out using a two percent solution of caustic soda.

In order to avoid the spread of the disease to the entire population, it is necessary to isolate diseased birds in time. In order to identify them in a timely manner, it is necessary to conduct regular inspections of the livestock for the presence of lethargic, disheveled goslings that do not have an appetite.

Particular attention should be paid to white diarrhea in goslings. It is often a symptom of a dangerous pullorosis disease with a high mortality rate, in which even cured individuals remain carriers of the infection for life. Therefore, it is important to identify the diseased bird in time and slaughter it.

How to treat diarrhea in goslings?

To date, such a type of activity as keeping and breeding goslings in agriculture and at home, is the most profitable and profitable in terms of productivity, since meat, fluff and fresh eggs can be obtained as a result.

It is important to know that diarrhea caused by infectious diseases is the most dangerous for goslings, as the body is weakened and dehydrated, which can lead to the death of goslings. Therefore, timely diagnosis and treatment is important.

In many cases, with the exception of infectious diseases, diarrhea in goslings can be treated with folk remedies. One example would be regular potatoes. It must be boiled and given to the goslings in a warm form. Thanks to starch, potatoes tend to strengthen the stool with diarrhea.

Thus, the article examined the main causes and symptoms of such a disease as diarrhea in goslings. In conclusion, we can add that timely preventive measures and compliance with the rules of sanitation and hygiene will help to avoid such problems.

Diarrhea in goslings: how to treat, causes

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To date, the breeding of domestic goslings in the conditions countryside is pretty profitable business. This is an excellent income, as well as a chance to provide relatives with high-quality natural meat products. Each animal, even with proper care, can pick up some kind of disease. For example, when pets vilify, we can talk about the development of the disease.

Diarrhea in goslings

Diarrhea in goslings is a dangerous condition, because an adult has a well-formed stable immunity, but in a gosling the body is only developing, it is unstable and weakened, so it cannot show full resistance to negative environmental factors.

Why goslings vilify

The question of why goslings have diarrhea is not particularly difficult, there are few reasons as such. The main thing is to determine what specifically in this case caused the reaction of the body, and this is quite problematic.

Infectious infection is the most common cause, this includes:

  1. the causative agent of salmonellosis;
  2. enteritis;
  3. causative agent of Paterellosis;
  4. colibacillosis.

Symptoms of diarrhea due to infection

The main symptoms of diarrhea:

  1. weakness;
  2. lethargy;
  3. loss of appetite;
  4. temperature jumps;
  5. diarrhea with impurities of blood, mucus;
  6. bloody diarrhea, in goslings - plentiful white.

Pullurosis is another name for white diarrhea, it is classified as an acute infectious disease that provokes disorders of the gastrointestinal tract of birds.

The virus infects the internal organs, mainly the intestines. The bird suffers from this when the pullorum pathogen enters its body, there is also such a name as the salnela galinarum stick. In the soil, the bacillus can exist without difficulty for about one year, in the litter - 3 months, on poultry farms - about 100 days, on the shell of an infected egg (laid by an infected bird) - 25 days. Newborn birds are most susceptible to this disease. At the age of 120 days from the birth of the chick, the risk of developing the disease is significantly reduced.

Where does disease come from

The main source of the spread of the disease is the droppings of infected birds, as well as birds that have suffered the disease earlier. The egg they lay will retain the remnants of the infection for another 24 months. White diarrhea occurs as a result of overheating or hypothermia, poor-quality or malnutrition. The incubation period averages 4-6 days. Doctors divide the condition of birds into three stages of infection:

  1. subacute;
  2. acute (the most dangerous condition);
  3. chronic (when the body has got used to it, but continues to experience stress);

The acute period has the following features:

  1. drowsy state of goslings;
  2. wings down;
  3. watery eyes;
  4. intermittent breathing with an open beak.

After 3-5 days, the birds begin to refuse food and the main symptom is white diarrhea with mucus and a pungent odor. As a result, difficulty in defecation begins, fluff sticks around the cloaca, and in one week the pet dies.

As soon as poultry an outbreak of this infectious disease is detected, radical measures are required: destroy all chicks with obvious signs of the disease, the only way to stop the spread, after which the bird must be tested for 12 days until the test shows a negative result.

But Pulluroz is no reason to throw away infected animal carcasses. After high-quality and complete processing, they can be used for food purposes.

For prevention, it is necessary to disinfect the litter with a solution of sodium, formaldehyde, hydroxide.

Varieties of infectious diseases in birds


Amidostomatosis is another infectious disease, the cause of which lies in the ingestion of pathogen larvae along with water or grass. Goslings are most susceptible to this disease. They have it in a more severe form and most often end in death within a week.


As in the previous case, geese become infected with this disease by swallowing infected shellfish or cyclops. This disease can be rapidly transmitted from bird to bird, but is usually observed at least 20 days after the release of geese into contaminated waters. Infected individuals begin to have diarrhea, the young are stunted, lose weight (skinny). You can also observe convulsions, unsteady gait and, at the initial stage, slight paralysis of the limbs.


Pasteurellosis is a disease also known as cholera. It is classified as a dangerous infectious disease. It is characterized by a rapid spread. Literally within one day, the first signs of infection appear. The bird is tormented by intense thirst, she refuses to eat, she has a violation of coordination of movements, and also flows from her beak. Goslings become lethargic and drowsy, and another sign is diarrhea with blood. Sick individuals are destroyed, their meat undergoes heat treatment to kill bacteria, but is no longer used for food.

How to treat small goslings for diarrhea

Treatment is a complex process that requires specific medicines. The main thing that is important to understand is that an accurate diagnosis is made on the basis of laboratory tests by a veterinarian. If little goslings are vilified in yellow or white, the first thing to do is to contact a specialist. He will advise what to do, how to treat young goslings for diarrhea if it is yellow or white, and what to apply to prevent the spread of infection.

Self-treatment is fraught: the wrong dosage or choice of drugs can have the opposite effect: worsen the health of the bird. As a first aid, it is recommended to use folk remedies. You can give warm boiled potatoes: this has a good effect on the body, the starch that is in the potato fixes the stool, which means it prevents rapid dehydration. Plus, you can give a mixture of bran and finely chopped cabbage, seasoning it with tobacco ash for the best effect. In the first days, they give a mixture in milk, adding a boiled egg, barley, bran, fresh herbs, millet, grated carrots and other natural ingredients.

Medicines for treatment

Treatment as a result of hypothermia has its own nuances. To do this, dilute potassium permanganate with water and water the bird with a pale pink solution for an average of 2 days.

If the cause is infection, then the question of how to treat small goslings for diarrhea has the following answer: treatment involves the use of sulfa drugs and antibiotics. Most often used:

  • Norsulfazol;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • Oxytetracycline;
  • Biomycin;
  • Penicillin.

Medicines should be given with water. They are added to the drinking water for small goslings. It is important that the drink is freshly prepared and well cooled; drugs cannot be added to hot liquid.

Diarrhea in goslings: preventive measures

Much has been said about the treatment of goslings for diarrhea, but, according to doctors, it is easier to prevent any disease than to treat and deal with its consequences later. Therefore, prevention must be given great importance if the farmer's plans include making a profit. The first thing to take care of is the conditions for growing healthy individuals, in this case birds. This requires a well-insulated room without a draft, in which cleaning is carried out regularly. Next, you need to provide the goslings with clean water and dry bedding.

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One of the methods of prevention, if diarrhea has begun in goslings, is the separate keeping of geese different ages. The manufacturer must limit access to the poultry house as much as possible for special pests, which are the reason for the spread of the disease, this is said about mice and rats. To do this, traps and traps are placed in places that are safe for birds.

Where the goslings are at the entrance, you need to spread a disinfecting mat made of porous material. Periodically, it must be soaked with a solution: this will help to avoid the transfer and further spread of infection. If the bird is transferred to another room, it is important to pre-moisten with caustic soda, because the cause of the disease can remain for a long time on the surfaces of objects and completely indoors.

Diarrhea in goslings

Today, breeding goslings in rural life is a profitable and profitable business. This is not only an income, but also an opportunity to provide your family with fresh natural products. This process is not simple, as goslings are prone to various diseases.

Why do goslings have diarrhea

Why do goslings have diarrhea, the question is generally not difficult - there are not so many reasons. Another thing is that it is rather problematic to determine the cause of diarrhea in each specific case.

Diarrhea, which is caused by an infection, is the most dangerous, as it leads to dehydration and death of goslings. It is important to correctly and timely diagnose the disease. The most common reasons include:

Symptoms of diarrhea are: loose stools with mucus, fetid odor and blood impurities, lethargy, weakness, fever and loss of appetite.

Goslings have white diarrhea (Bacillary white diarrhea)

White bacillary diarrhea or pullurosis is an acute infectious disease that affects the intestines and parenchymal organs. The causative agent is Salmonella galinarum and pullorum. They can survive in litter for up to three months, in soil for more than one year, on poultry farms for up to one hundred days, on the surface of eggs for up to twenty-five days. Goslings of the first days of life are most susceptible to the disease. After three months, the risk of the disease decreases. Morbidity is 60%, mortality is 80%.

The source of the disease is the droppings of ill and sick birds. They carry infected eggs for two years. The occurrence is promoted by hypothermia, overheating or inadequate feeding. The incubation period lasts from one to seven days. There are acute, chronic and subacute conditions. The acute period is characterized by a drowsy state of small goslings. They gather in groups and stand with their limbs wide apart, their heads drawn in. They breathe with their beaks open, their wings down and their eyes closed. After a while, they develop white diarrhea with mucus impurities. This leads to the fluff sticking around the cloaca, and this makes it difficult to defecate. Most goslings die within a week.

AT farming where an outbreak of infection occurred, destroy all diseased birds, as well as weak young. Adult birds are examined every twelve days until negative results are obtained. Destroyed carcasses and eggs after heat treatment can be used for food purposes. Litter is disinfected with a 2% solution of formaldehyde, sodium or hydroxide.

The caterpillar has diarrhea and flows from its beak (Pasteurellosis)

Pasteurellosis or cholera is a dangerous infectious disease. It is distinguished by a particularly rapid spread. Already a day after infection, the first signs of the disease are detected. Goslings refuse to eat, they are tormented by thirst, flowing from the beak, a violation of coordination of movements is visible. They become drowsy and lethargic. There is diarrhea with an admixture of blood. Sick goslings are slaughtered. The meat then undergoes a special heat treatment. It is advisable not to use it in the future.

Diarrhea in goslings, how to treat?

Diarrhea in goslings, what to feed?

  • grain crushed feed;
  • wheat bran;
  • fresh greens;
  • skim milk;
  • local feed animals;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • cake;
  • fresh greens;
  • shell.

In the first days of life, goslings are given a milk mixture of ground barley, boiled eggs, oats, millet with bran, boiled potatoes, finely chopped fresh herbs and grated carrots. Potatoes can be replaced with grain flour 60% concentrate. In the first month, goslings are fed seven times a day.


The goose is an unpretentious, hardy bird, able to use the pasture well with a minimum of concentrates. However, for this to happen, the goslings must grow up, get stronger. Like other chicks, the well-being and life of goslings depends on the formation of the body's immune defenses, which can be weakened due to hypothermia and overheating, dampness or dryness, drafts, poor nutrition and other factors. The poultry farmer must understand that all diseases of geese are divided into contagious and non-infectious.

This article will introduce beginner poultry farmers to the dangers that await when raising geese. What problems can they handle on their own, in what situations should they be called as soon as possible? veterinarian and also how to prevent future troubles.

contagious diseases

There are the following contagious diseases of geese:

  • parvovirus enteritis;
  • colibacillosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • pasteurellosis;
  • aspergillosis;
  • coccidiosis;
  • infectious cloacitis;
  • worms.

Parvovirus enteritis

Goslings 1–3 weeks old are susceptible. Recovered geese become lifelong virus carriers. Unfavorable zoohygienic conditions contribute to the development of the disease and its spread. The disease affects domestic geese in early spring. The disease is transmitted mainly from an infected mother, characterized by conjunctivitis, nasal discharge. There is diarrhea in goslings with films or blood. Every third patient dies. In those who have recovered, the stomach sags, their development slows down. Goslings cling to each other, they develop dermatitis, feathers fall out on their backs.

It is important in a timely manner, according to the symptoms, to recognize the cause of the disease of geese and prescribe treatment. A specific serum administered subcutaneously is used, nitrofurans and antibiotics are used to suppress secondary microflora, for example, Furazolidone, Baytril, Tetracyclines. For prophylactic purposes, goslings are immunized in the first days of life. Revaccination is carried out in 3-4 weeks.

Goslings of the first month of life are ill, mainly. This period is dangerous for chicks of other species by the threat of white diarrhea, which is caused by salmonella. The disease, if spread, is difficult to cure, it can destroy the entire goose population. There are the following factors that provoke the occurrence of salmonellosis:

  • overheating of goslings;
  • crowded content;
  • avitaminosis with unsatisfactory nutrition.

The causative agent is introduced by rodents, people who themselves suffer from salmonellosis, and can become infected from geese. Adults are almost lifelong bacteria carriers. The microbe is extremely resistant, and remains viable in frozen goose carcasses for years. register various forms the course of diseases in geese - from fulminant to chronic. The following symptoms are observed:

  • oppression;
  • drowsiness;
  • loss of appetite;
  • thirst;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • swelling of the joints;
  • paralysis;
  • geese develop cloacitis, yolk peritonitis.

It is possible to cure the disease with nitrofurans, or antibiotics, sulfonamides. The use of Tromexin is shown. Preventive methods of control include immunization of geese.


The causative agent is a bacterium that constantly lives in the intestines. The disease occurs as a result of a weakening of the body due to a violation of zoohygienic parameters. Grown up 2-3-month-old goslings get sick. They are depressed, sleep constantly, move with difficulty, try to drink all the time. Therefore, the treatment consists in replacing water with an antibiotic solution, mainly a preparation containing Enrofloxacin - Baytril, Enromag, etc. An exacerbation of the disease occurs in geese during the laying period. Fix peritonitis, prolapse of the oviduct, salpingitis.

  • lethargy, inactivity;
  • anemia;
  • goslings are cold;
  • mucous diarrhea occurs, often with blood;
  • the litter becomes sticky.


The disease is caused by a pathogenic fungus. Goslings suffer mainly in case of violation of the content parameters. Microbes actively multiply in the litter that has not been changed for a long time and infect the bird. Observed mainly damage to the respiratory organs of geese. All types of birds are affected. Geese and their chicks with clinical symptoms are destroyed, conditionally healthy are treated with antimycotics or aerosolized with iodine monochloride. The room is sealed, the drug is poured into a ceramic or glass dish with aluminum powder or chopped wire and left for 30–40 minutes. As a result of the reaction, a purple gas is released. Microbes do not have a mechanism for getting used to iodine, so they die. The disadvantage of this method is the high corrosivity of the halogen.

Infectious cloacitis

Another name is neisseria. They are called diplococci. The disease is aggravated by the addition of secondary microflora. It occurs in adult geese during the mating season. It is characterized by the following features:

  • hyperemia of the cloacal mucosa;
  • erosions, fibrinous scabs occur;
  • eggs are not fertilized;
  • in ganders, the penis is bent and falls out;
  • a sick bird loses weight, mortality can reach 12%.

Pathology should be distinguished from non-infectious cloacitis that occurs for other reasons. Goose disease can be treated according to the following scheme:

  1. Bicillin-5 is pierced intramuscularly, once.
  2. Five days in a row with concentrates give Levomycetin or Tetracycline with double feeding.

If the need arises, after a weekly interval, antibiotic therapy is repeated by changing the drug. With a preventive purpose, during the period of completing the reproductive herd, geese are examined. Sick and suspicious are rejected, the rest are given a course of antibiotic therapy. Disinfection of walks, inventory, premises.


Repeated deworming of goslings is carried out at four weeks, the next - six months later. In individuals of the reproductive herd, worms are expelled twice - in spring and autumn. Use Levamisose, Albendazole or Tetramisole with morning feed distribution. So that helminths do not develop immunity, drugs are recommended to be changed annually.

To prevent the spread of infections, it is necessary to practice separate keeping of geese of different ages.

Non-communicable diseases

The following non-infectious diseases of geese are distinguished:

  • avitaminosis D;
  • diarrhea;
  • cannibalism;
  • blockage of the esophagus;
  • non-contagious enteritis;
  • non-infectious cloacitis.

Avitaminosis D

Pathology develops as a result of vitamin deficiency and lack of ultraviolet radiation. The disease of goslings is called rickets. It is characterized by a violation of the growth of bones, their curvature, growth retardation. Avitaminosis D is a disease not only for goslings, but also for laying hens. In this case, the lack of calciferols is combined with an increase in the need for calcium in laying hens. The disease is manifested by softening of the beak, bones, thinning of the shell and the appearance of eggs without it.

If the poultry farmer uses compound feed, BVMK or premixes, his geese do not have beriberi and other problems. The situation can be partially corrected by the introduction of vitamin preparations into food, primarily fat-soluble ones - Trivitamin, Tetravit, etc.

For the treatment of avitaminosis D in geese, in addition to vitamins, it is required to add a source of Calcium. Its most acceptable sources are Shell or Tricalcium Phosphate.


It is important to find out what causes diarrhea in goslings - infection or inadequate hygiene conditions, as well as feeding errors. In both cases, treatment must begin with the correction of zoohygienic parameters. The main enemy of the caterpillar's body is dehydration, so you need to take urgent measures and call a veterinarian.

From folk recipes, you can seriously consider adding wheat bran to geese feed, as they absorb moisture well and thicken the droppings. This is if the goslings have retained their appetite. The recipe, with drinking a weak solution of potassium permanganate, is not bad, but there are problems with acquiring the drug. Therefore, it is better to use Furacilin, Baytril, Tromexin or another antimicrobial agent.


The bird begins to peck at each other due to excessive illumination, crowding, as well as a lack of vitamins, trace elements, and protein. Geese, with traces of pecking, are removed, violations are corrected.

Blockage of the esophagus

Observe with a lack of drinking when feeding dry mixes. Goslings have shortness of breath, the beak is constantly open, the gait is unsteady. They treat with a folk remedy - pour 40-60 ml of vegetable oil and try to squeeze the contents out of the beak.

Non-infectious cloacitis

It must be distinguished from neisseriasis. The cause of non-contagious cloacitis in geese is fights or gross violations of feeding - an imbalance of minerals and vitamins. Symptoms resemble the course of an infectious cloacitis. With the development of pathology in laying hens, the oviduct may fall out or yolk peritonitis may occur. Treatment consists in washing the goose's cloaca with antiseptics. The oviduct is adjusted, errors in feeding are eliminated.


A responsible poultry farmer who decides to start breeding geese must understand that this technological process, which is a list of techniques that are performed in a certain sequence. The success of the enterprise depends on the scrupulous execution of all points, the adoption of balanced, timely decisions in the event of unexpected situations.
