Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Holiday script for teacher's day with a presentation. An interesting script for a teacher's day at school Ready-made script for a teacher's day

The lights and the stage are a blank slate,
Open like the soul of a child.
Why are we together again?
What are we going to talk about very loudly?

By what traction we are united,
That everyone in the hall, we call friends,
And what are all hearts full of today?
How than? We are very lucky to have teachers!


Today is teacher's day - elementary, middle, high school.
We congratulate you on behalf of all children!
Together: Good luck, happiness - be healthy!

scene "Prisoner of the Caucasus" (Appendix 1)

Poems of first graders ( application 2)

Leading: In aviation, they strictly consider

How many hours did the pilot fly.

Few people know about the teacher

How long did he stand at the board!

Leading: How many notebooks I checked at night

How many plans for life wrote.

How many times did you believe a person

And he punished himself for it.

Leading : For wisdom and knowledge,

For restless patience

For charm and beauty

For amazing optimism,

For principledness and exactingness,

For dignity, for faith...

Together : We praise you, teacher!

Leading: Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart

In these sounds that are dear to us!

Everything related to youth, childhood

Together : We owe teachers!

scene "New Russian grandmas" (Appendix 3)

Leading: Teacher's Heart...
Well, what can you compare it to?
With the cosmic galaxy,
Which has no boundaries?
Leading: Or maybe with the Sun bright, what gives people light?
With the abyss of the sea that dormant for hundreds of years?

Leading: No, we will not compare!

And we say: “Knock!
Teacher's Heart
Hope! Believe! Love!

Number: scene "SES called"

1C.: Did you call the sanitary station?

2C.: Not? How not? There was a call that there was a terrible epidemic of foot-and-mouth disease in school No. 8. Everyone should be vaccinated.

1C.: No, professor, it's not foot-and-mouth disease, look at their faces - a clear Laurence-Moon-Birde-Bill syndrome.

2C.: Yes, this disease develops in the body of teachers, weakened by lessons, school events, teachers' councils, comprehensive checks. All the symptoms are on the face: trembling in the hands, a confused look, a constant smile on the lips.

1C.: It is urgent to take measures to eliminate this disease.

2C.: Dropper?

1C.: Not enough for everyone!

2C.: Syringe?

1C.: Let's do it!

2C.: Potion?

1C.: No, it's useless! This won't help!

The only thing we can do so that today everyone leaves work in good health, with a bright mind and memory is to clear the head of bad thoughts.

2C.: Close your eyes. I drive away your bad thoughts: never put more twos - these are bad thoughts, do not conduct control and dictations, these are also bad thoughts. I ask everyone to raise your hands up, slowly lower your hands to your head and scratch it, and then throw everything that stuck to your hands to the ground - these were your evil thoughts. You are all healed now.

1C.: We wish you good health, good students and more vacation days! Happy holiday!

Number : scene "A life-long story" (Appendix 4)

What kind of trials does a restless life prepare for a teacher! Lack of money, excess work, joy from the success of students, tears from undeserved resentment, fatigue from endless fuss and a “second wind” from a kind word said in time. And today we want to tell you a lot of kind, sincere words of love, respect, gratitude, because most often we forget to do this every day.

Leading : As if everything stopped until dawn,

The door does not creak, no one screams,

Only the director in his office

He stays at school until midnight.

Leading : Then the RONO asks to write a report,

That tax report is needed.

He will not abandon his teachers

And he knows all the guys.

Leading: The floor is given to the director of the school Tanachova Iraida Anatolyevna. (Speech of the director with congratulations)

Leading: Young teachers come to schools every year. So a young teacher Zhuravleva Anastasia Alekseevna came to us this year. We invite you Anastasia Alekseevna to our stage to take an oath:

Zhuravleva A.A.:Young Teacher's Pledge

1. Courageously and resolutely endure all the joys and hardships of the teacher's share.
2. Follow the director's orders, because the director is always right.
3. Do not wipe grades in the journal until the next page.
4. Teach children kindness and educate worthy citizens of Russia.
5. Do not put more than two deuces per lesson.
6. C bad mood do not enter the class.
7. Loan to colleagues until payday.
8. Do not borrow from colleagues until payday.
9. Do not smoke on school grounds.
10. Take part in all corporate parties with the team.

Leading: And now the reciprocal oath of the headmaster:

Director's Oath

1. Support the teacher, with a word and a ruble.
2. Load teachers with work in accordance with job description.
3. Teach to enter the class only with good mood

Number umbrella dance (grade 1)

Our teachers are selfless people. I have the impression that they are constantly at school. You come in the morning - the teachers are already there, you leave the school - they are still there ...


But each of them has a family, children. And how do their husbands react to this?!(baby crying)

Room (boys)

Male teachers enter the stage in aprons with ladles.

Song to the melody of the Ukrainian folk song "Pidmanula"

    When we walked down the aisle,

You said salesperson.

And the teacher was:

Pidmanula, piddela!

Chorus (in chorus):

You pissed me off

Well you pissed me

Pushed the kitchen and the children.

Left for class.

    How do you come from school

So you scrape everything with your hand.

Write, write until the morning

Even though it's time to sleep.

Chorus (in chorus):

You pissed me off

Well you pissed me

Pushed the kitchen and the children.

Left for the meeting.

    My years are gone

My whole age is gone

Who got married with the teacher -

That lost man.

Chorus (in chorus):

You pissed me off

Well you pissed me

Even if I grind my teeth.

Anyway, I love you


Happy holiday

We congratulate you

never mourn for anything

And we wish you never to get sick,

Happy life, success in everything.

Nomination of teachers (Appendix 5)

Verka Serduchka (Appendix 6)


Today is Teacher's Day. There is still a whole month left until the end of the quarter.

I wonder what lies ahead for you, dear teachers?


There is an ancient belief among teachers that all predictions made on this day come true! Let's check?


Let's check!


And now we offer youholiday lottery with a prediction of your fate. We ask everyone to prepare their ticket!

(music background)


Who has No. 1-Button - This month they will give you something beautiful from clothes


2-Wheel - this month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.


3-Flower - this month you will become even nicer and more beautiful


4-Candy- A sweet, sweet life awaits you this month


5-10 kopecks - this month you will be a very money person


6-Bay leaf - Great success awaits you in your work.


7-Geographic map - this month you will travel


8-Pepper - be careful, you can quarrel with a friend.


9-Empty - this year you will have an addition to the family


10-Heart- A love interest awaits you this month


11-Ring - this year you will definitely attend a wedding.


12th Crown - we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!


Number: ditties performed by students of grades 2-4 (Appendix 7)


Dear our teachers!

On this holiday - Teachers' Day -

Forget all your worries

And look at the world more cheerfully.


You are always for us Light source,

And the guys are all, as if by agreement,

They bring you beautiful bouquets.

And for them the radiance of your eyes -


Best Award for the effort

Better than any of the accolades.

And they have one desire:

Just to bring joy to you.

Number: staging of the fairy tale "Teremok" the main characters of the teacher's fairy tale (Appendix 8)

Leading: May there be happiness and health

Let there be enough strength for everything

And every day of ordinary life

To bring only happiness!

Leading: Your experience, knowledge, generosity and participation

Leave a good mark in our souls!

Teacher's happiness builds up

Of our, student, victories.

Leading: And let the years fly by

Don't be afraid of age

May you have many years of experience

But in your heart - only 20!

Leading: What a huge heart you need to have, To day after day, year after year Generously distribute it piece by piece to us!

Leading : And what a kind, patient and ageless soul should be.

Leading : Yes, the school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood. An adult will never return to it.

Leading : Only teachers on this island have a permanent residence permit. After all, the school for them is their home, and all the students are their children, helpers, friends.

Number: Postman Pechkin with telegrams for teachers (Appendix 9)

Leading: Teacher! Faithful companion of childhood
He is like a mother to us, like an older brother!
And the kindness of a big heart
He warms all the guys!

Leading: We love you when pointing
You lead us across the seas
When you read fairy tales to us.
Your care, your kindness,
We need all our life.

Leading: Thank you for being inquisitive at work,
That we, fidgets, are always patient,
For the fact that you could not live without us (all participants of the concert leave)
Together : Thank you folks! Many thanks! (in chorus)

Application No. 1

Scene "Prisoner of the Caucasus".

1st. Bambarbiyakirgudu.

2nd. Dear our teachers!

3rd. Markavarakuse.

2nd. We have come to thank you for your hard work.

1st Mymsyn carat.

Song (Styopa and Vanya )

If I were a sultan.

If I were a sultan, I would go to school

And I became a teacher, I would read books,

But on the other hand, in such cases

So many troubles and worries - oh, save Allah

We want to wish everyone happiness from the bottom of our hearts

And for new victories to gain strength

A warm hello to all teachers

Let's just say: there is no better you in this world

Chorus: It's not bad to be a teacher

Much better to live in peace.

Application No. 2

1.Our dear teachers!
We want to congratulate you now.
Don't be strict with us today
We are on fire with excitement.

2. We, noisy schoolchildren gang,
We give you hearts and flowers.
It takes courage to teach us
Tasks oh how not easy!

3. You burn with a candle of knowledge,
Bringing us their deep light.
You only want one thing from us:
So that we become wiser in response.

4. You give us all a start in life,
Giving only affection and love,
You give yourself away
In the name of knowledge again and again.

5. Teachers are our relatives!
We wish you health
And let your souls not be touched,
Frosts of life winter.

Application №3

New Russian grandmothers. (8 cells)

1. Hello, dear!

2. I was instructed..

1.To spend today ...

2. Do not interrupt me! I was assigned..

1.To spend today ...

2. Do not interrupt me! I was instructed (look at 1 grandmother) to conduct ... (look again).

1. Hold today's concert ..


2. Why are you bothering me?

1. Because you don't know how to lead a concert. If, for example, a singer is performing now, how will you announce her?

2. I will say that I will speak now ...

1. I'll tell you! .. The singer must be declared singing. (sings.) Now the singer will perform, she will sing for you ...

2. Haha..! Interesting! And if acrobats perform, how will you announce them? Through the head? Somersault?

1. But you will announce the acrobats.

2. No, I will announce everything.

1. Why?

2. Because a savvy, decisive person should conduct a concert.

1. You speak as if you are going to lead not a concert, but a ship into a storm. Think Captain!

2. The captain is a man! And I am a woman!

1. Oh-oh, hold me ... Woman ... Look at yourself, yes, sand is pouring from you ...

2. Look at yourself scarecrow garden ...

1. No, you look at her old nag

(push each other)

2. Okay, that's enough, that's enough. People are looking at us.

1. Oh, it’s true, we’ve completely gone crazy old.

2. And now the song ……………….


In your big eyes - anxiety and sadness,

After all, we do not have enough paint for repairs again.

You want to send everything to the lilac distance!

In the lilac distance - whitewashing and painting,

In the lilac fog - a water tap,

In lilac fog - window putty.

And your vacation sailed into a lilac fog!

In the lilac distance - the Canary Islands and Hawaii.

Go away for a year, maybe two...

Or maybe you want to leave forever.

You dream, but you will hardly go there!

The lilac fog over our school is melting,

The director sits in it, and it is not easy for him -

He is in no hurry to go home, the director understands:

All questions must be answered by yourself!

2. Matryon, look, and your whole back is white.

1. Where (looks around)

(2nd laughs)

2. I was joking.

1. Fuck you! You are all hee hee, yes ha ha.

2. Today, and so it is necessary to laugh, to cheer up the respected. And then they laugh once a year.

1. Why 1?

2. The first of July, when they go on vacation.

1. Let's tell jokes.

2. I am the first.

1. Go ahead.

2. Little Johnny got a deuce in physical education.

Father asks:

Why did your teacher give you an A?

And he asked to impose mats on the goat.

Well, I covered...

1.Now I..

The teacher says to the student:

Let your grandfather come to school tomorrow!

Do you mean father?

No, grandfather. I want to show him what mistakes his son makes at homework.

2. You should only invite grandfathers ...

1. This is such an anecdote (offended)

2. Okay, okay, announce the musical number

1. (sings) I will sing to you ...

2. Yes, not you will sing, but the guys.

musical number

All students line up on stage and sing to the tune of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,
If someone is naughty in class,
It's not on purpose, it's not on purpose.
It's just that we have energy.

So let's get all excited
Let's forget this time.
And good mood
Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,
If we forget to learn formulas,
We, after all, also receive what we deserve,
But we know how to hide grief.


2. I’m going somehow in a minibus, I read the inscription “Whoever slams the door will become a beneficiary !!!”

1. You laugh at the old and sick ..

Listen to the story:

And for the third time the old man came to the blue sea, and the Golden Fish took pity on him and gave him the address of Raskolnikov ...

2. (dreamy)

And the sun shines brightly, and the landscape is beautiful when C2H5OH splashes in the stomach (ts 2ash 5 oash)

1. You, what the Flower has gone crazy, you are at school

Application No. 4

Scene "History of a lifetime"

Once in our noisy school
There was a strange incident
Boy Vova suddenly thought
Apparently there was a moment

Vova thought and laughed
Everyone didn't know why
Everyone tried to ask
What are you laughing at I don't understand?

We have been asking for a very long time.
Tell us everything
To you now, on stage
We were able to show

Vova! What is it, did you wash your hands or not!
What did you do in class and get smeared so where?

Vova (1 class)
I went to gym
There I climbed the pipe
And I also played there.
On a rock and a circle..

Teacher (after few years)
Vova! You're being hooligan again, I should call my parents

Vova (5kl) Say as much as you need
I hid the belt under the bed.

Teacher (several years later)
Vova! What is it
Why did you break the glass?

Vova (9kl) Behind the glass stood ....
And teased me through the window

Teacher (releases class)
Vova! Well time has flown by
So grown up, graduate!

Vova (11kl)
Yes, no longer at school,
Not an ordinary student

And where are you going?
Waiting for last call?

Vova (11kl)
Yes, I haven't thought about it yet.
There is still time.

Vova (as a teacher)Katya (first class only)Vova
Katya look at your hands? Where did you mess up.
Katia - I played snowballs in the yard,
Little snow, but a trifle ...

Once in our noisy school
There was a strange incident...

Application No. 5

A week before the holiday, we conducted a poll-voting in grades 5-9 in the following nominations:

one. " Kind heart"

2. "Cool teacher!"

3. "Modern teacher"

4. " A ray of light in a dark realm"
“He will stop a galloping horse, he will enter a burning hut”

6. "An inexhaustible source of energy"

7. "Lady style"

8. "Skillful fingers"

9. "Hero of our time"

10. "Beauty will save the world"

And today we are in a hurry to announce the results of the vote! Please join us on stage!


The teachers rise to the fanfare


In the nomination "Kind Heart" wins……………………, which scored…………votes

In the nomination "Cool teacher" wins ………………., for which the guys gave ……….votes.

The nomination "Modern teacher" is awarded to ……………………. For her, the children gave ……… votes

In the nomination« An inexhaustible source of energy” the guys agreed that it was……………. ….points!

Nomination« A Ray of Light in the Dark Realm” is awarded…………….. …………….. points!

In the nomination “He will stop a galloping horse, enter a burning hut” wins ……. ……. Voice

In the nomination "Lady style" wins……………………, which scored………… votes

The Golden Hands nomination is awarded to……………….. ………………. points!

In the nomination "Hero of Our Time" wins ……………, who collected ……….. votes!

And, finally, the nomination “Beauty will save the world” goes to …………….. The guys gave for it …. vote!


Here are our winners! Let's applaud them!

Application No. 6

Reworked song (to the motive "I'm like a May rose" by Verka Serduchka)
Why, why do tears fall
Bitterly dripping, bitterly dripping
Why am I crumpled, you ask?
I'm guilty, I'm guilty.

I'm just out of the way
My feet are cold
I hasten to congratulate you
Send you a kiss.

I ran into a pole
I wanted to congratulate you
I can't say
I'll just dance!

I'm just out of the way
My feet are cold
I hasten to congratulate you
Send you a kiss.

Application No. 7

Chastushki for Teacher's Day (for teachers from students)

Like - our cool mom

Is there a lot of things with us?

We promise a glorious holiday -

Let's listen all year long!

Let's sing to the director

we couplet separate.

To school this afternoon

Rule of fun!

Let the director be our favorite

Forgive us for pranks!

On Teacher's Day - let it pass

A stern look will fly off!

To light up a smile

Her Beautiful face!

Every day we repeat:

Our director is golden!

On Teacher's Day, all at once

Let's say to teachers:

We will be humble in the classroom,

don't be ashamed!

No - chatty students!

No - pugnacious boys!

We promise to learn!

Yes, five! No - call!

Ivanov is not at school again?

Where is Petya Ivanov?

He ran away from the lessons in the field -

Bring flowers to school!

Where is Sidorova Dasha? -

Here he runs without feeling his legs!

For our teacher

Made a pie!

On this holiday the most glorious

We'll sing another verse

And give a cool mom

The most fabulous bouquet!

We sang ditties to you

How could - from the heart.

To not hurt a bit

Now we hurry to wish!

Application No. 8

Theater-impromptu "Teremok"

Stands in the field teremok (Squeak-creak!).
A mouse runs past. (Wow!)
I saw a mouse. (Wow, you!) The tower (Squeak-creak), stopped, looked inside, and the mouse thought (Wow, you!) That if the tower (Squeak-creak) is empty, she will live there.
A frog frog galloped up to the tower (Squeak-creak) (Quanteresno!), began to look into the windows.
The little mouse saw her (Wow, you!) And invited her to live together. The frog agreed (Quantiresno!), And they began to live together.
A runaway bunny runs past (Wow!). He stopped, looked, and then a mouse-louse (Wow, you!) and a frog-frog (Quantiresno!) jumped out of the house (Squeak-squeak!) And dragged the runaway bunny (Wow!) into the house (Squeak-squeak! ).
A fox-sister is walking past (Tra-la-la!). He looks - there is a tower (Squeak-creak). I looked in the window and there a mouse-louse (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!) and a bunny-runaway (Wow!) live. The fox-sister asked so plaintively (Tra-la-la!), They accepted her into the company.
A top-gray barrel ran up (Tyts-tyts-tyts!), Looked in the door and asked who lives in the tower (Squeak-creak!) Lives. And from the teremka (Squeak-squeak!) a mouse-louse (Wow, you!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!), a runaway bunny (Wow!), a fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) And invited him over. With joy, a top-gray barrel ran into the tower (Squeak-creak) (Tyts-tyts-tyts!). The five of them began to live.
Here they are in the tower (Squeak-creak!) They live, they sing songs. Mouse-louse (Wow!), Frog Frog (Quantires!), Runaway Bunny (Wow!), Foxy Sister (Tra-la-la!) and Top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts !)
Suddenly there is a clumsy bear (Wow!). He saw the teremok (Squeak-creak!), Heard the songs, stopped and roared at the top of his lungs the clumsy bear (Wow!). The little mouse (Wow, you!), the frog frog (Quantiresno!), the runaway bunny (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts- tyts!) And called a clubfoot bear (Wow!) to live with them.
The bear (Wow!) climbed into the tower (Squeak-creak!). Lez-climb, climb-climb - he just couldn't get in and decided that it would be better to live on the roof.
A bear climbed onto the roof (Wow!) and just sat down - fuck! - the teremok collapsed (Squeak-creak!).
The tower crackled (Squeak-creak!), fell on its side and fell apart. Barely managed to jump out of it a mouse-louse (Wow!), a frog-frog (Quantiresno!), a runaway bunny (Wow!), a little fox-sister (Tra-la-la!), a spinning top-gray barrel (Tyts-tyts-tyts!) - everyone is safe and sound, but they began to grieve - where do they live then? They began to carry logs, cut boards - build a new tower (Squeak-creak!). Built better than before! And the little mouse (Wow, you!), the frog frog (Quantiresno!), the runaway bunny (Wow!), the fox-sister (Tra-la-la!) and the top-gray barrel (Tyts -tyts-tyts!) a clubfoot bear (Wow!) and two-from-a casket (We'll do everything!) In a new tower (Squeak-creak!).

Application No. 10

Funny telegrams congratulations to teachers

Russian language teachers
Could you teach children like that,
What, how many will be alive,
Fatherland will be able to dedicate
Souls are wonderful impulses.
Your work is like our golden age!
Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy.

History teachers
You taught without boredom
History, science.
I'm not the only one convinced
The historian Karamzin himself.

English and Spanish teachers
Children could be taught
So that they can read
Not only comics in a magazine,
But also us in the original
Without difficulties and problems.
Cervantes, Burns, O. Henry, Twain.

Math teachers
So the children taught your subject,
What TV forgot!
Everything is still being calculated.
I am delighted!

Physics teachers
Children love physics
My laws have been studied.
I am simply amazed by you!
Isaac Newton.

Biology teachers
You told the children about
That people are created by work.
For them to study your subject,
A wagon of labor had to be invested.
There are three carriages, to be more precise.
Vavilov, Darwin and Linnaeus.

Geography teachers
You taught geography
Visited in absentia with children
Many cities and countries.
I am delighted!

Chemistry teachers
Subject well studied
My table is not forgotten.
Loved chemistry-science,
So, the dream was in hand!
I have no regrets about him.
table father,

Physical education teachers
There is no better lesson
What is our favorite subject.
You, dear physical education teachers,
All graduates love it!

Everyone knows: the glory of our school
Created by your efforts.
Ushinsky himself congratulates you,
Janusz Korczak and Sukhomlinsky.

dated October 2, 2015 order No. 1

"Joke order of students"

Secret order of the headquarters of the school government.

    By mutual agreement with the school management, appoint October 5 as the Day of Self-Government of Students.

    In the morning, the director and teachers transfer their powers to us and leave the school until the next day - from this moment this order officially comes into force, and pass on to the students.

    On self-government day are canceled:

    • School uniform

      Calls to the lesson (from the lesson - remain)

      Punishment for being late

    On this day it is allowed:

    • Come to class with a girlfriend (friend)

      Do not do homework - no one will check it anyway

      Play silently in class mobile phone etc., if everything else has been done

    Lessons are 15 minutes long.

    Every 30 minutes that is freed up, everyone works for the good of the school - we must show teachers that we can be trusted with the school:

    Junior classes water the flowers in all classrooms

    Fifth grades quietly follow them: eliminate traces of watering and prevent the likelihood of a flood

    The sixth grades put things in order in the teacher's room, in the offices of the head teachers and the director - everything superfluous and doubtful is immediately taken out to the dump. Class magazines - first of all, notebooks with and control work- in the second.

    Eighth grades streamline reagents, instruments and visual material in the classrooms of physics, chemistry and biology. Reagents are poured into kitchen jars for cereals and spices - this way they will be more compact and look better. The main thing to remember is that copper sulfate is in a jar labeled "Salt", dry fuel for burners is in a jar of "Pasta", and alcohol is poured into a bottle labeled "Birch Juice".

    They are helped by the seventh graders - they wipe the dust off the skeleton, cover it with varnish and assemble it again. If extra parts remain during assembly, give them to the girls. They will make a decoration out of them for the skeleton, as well as apply light makeup and painted nails (or whatever he has instead of them).

    We work until we get what we want.

    We report the completion of work personally.

    In the evening we go home, except for those on duty.

    In the morning we return the reins to the teachers and accept compliments.

School government headquarters

municipal budgetary education institution Zamytskaya municipal basic comprehensive school municipality"Temkinsky district" of the Smolensk region

dated October 2, 2015 order No. 2

"Secret order of the school principal on the day of student self-government"

I order:

    On the day of October 5, all employees should come to work in comfortable clothes and shoes without heels.

    Pretending to go home, actually spread out and lie down in the shelters around the school. Distribution scheme is attached. Get binoculars and helmets in advance from the supply manager.

    Whatever you see, do not take any action without my command, do not declassify yourself.

    Keep calm and calm until the most valuable things start to be thrown out of the school - notebooks with control, class magazines and my game console. Take away and save at any cost!

    On Self-Government Day, the following safety measures will be taken at the school:

    Near the school, 2 fire trucks disguised as donut booths will be on duty.

    The duty service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, at my request, will be on high alert all day. In case of establishing suspicious sounds and flashes from the chemistry and physics classrooms, the rescue team will arrive in a minute.

    There is no reason for biology teachers to worry: the supply manager, Uncle Misha, connected all the bones of the skeleton with bolts and covered it with paraffin - the students will not be able to unwind it, paint it too - the paint will slip.

    All cabinets, tables, chairs, and also pots screwed to floors and window sills. Additional garage locks are also hung on the cabinets.

    To prevent a flood, all the taps in the school are blocked by a plumber and wrapped in anchor chains.

P.S. Oil, paraffin and drying oil were no longer praised on the walls of classrooms and corridors. If they are painted with graffiti - dear colleagues, get ready for the subbotnik.

Label the order "Top Secret". Announce to all school staff against signature individually.

School director: I.A. Tanachova

Teacher's Day Scenario- this is the definition of the plot scheme of the holiday. Only he establishes how the action will unfold on stage, how many participants should be involved in the concert program, and in what order the artists will appear before the audience. Imagine what could happen if the script for the Teacher's Day holiday at school suddenly disappeared just before the holiday. Sheer confusion and chaos, confusion and complete failure of the event. Of course, it would be possible for all the artists to line up and go on stage in turn, but this will not be a festive concert, but something like a rehearsal. When the facilitator has a script for the Teacher's Day in his hands, he has a starting point and manages the whole process, which the audience sees in a beautiful frame.

Do I need to write my own script for the Teacher's Day 2018-2019? There is no single answer: whoever likes it, he does it. Knowing that the teacher-organizer or head teacher for educational work, who is preparing this celebration, is constantly busy, we offer a more acceptable option - download the script for Teacher's Day and make your own adjustments to it. It is advisable to download not one development at once, but several events in order to read them at your leisure and decide what your own holiday scenario will be: cool, funny, humorous, cheerful or comic.

When choosing the development of an event for Teacher's Day, one should also take into account the age of the participants who will prepare the concert program. What's good in primary school, will be inappropriate for high school students or a teacher's corporate party. Do you need a funny or unusual script for Teacher's Day, strict or new, solemn or original? Go to our piggy bank and choose for yourself the development of an event that will ensure an impeccable celebration of Teacher's Day.

Teacher's Day 2018-2019 - scenario for congratulating teachers at school

This development is for a festive concert at which teachers will be honored. One leader is the main character. The script is filled with poems for readers, there are ditties, funny questions for the knowledge tournament, contests and games. Insert numbers into this script amateur performances that the guys will prepare for the holiday and congratulate the teachers.

Concert script for Teacher's Day for elementary school

Do you want to spend an unusual holiday for your favorite teachers in elementary school? We propose to formalize it in the idea of ​​the work of the Uchitelsky TV channel, which is just starting its broadcast and will present a number of wonderful TV shows:

  • Weather forecast for school teachers
  • The program "Play, accordion!"
  • Program "By your letters"
  • game show

The script did not forget to congratulate not only teaching staff who today work in the school, but veterans.

Scenario of the evening "Thank you, teachers"

Teachers can be thanked endlessly: for the top five and help in the lesson, for an interesting Classroom hour and a magnificent excursion with the whole class to the museum, for a trip to the forest and for the hope that he instilled in a timid student. That is why the script for the evening “Thank you, teachers” has such a poetic name. Everything is provided in this development: from words of congratulations to teachers to a vivid presentation of each number of the concert.

Cool, funny script for the holiday Teacher's Day

Do you want to laugh heartily with the teachers? We offer to move away from the strict framework of the holiday and plunge into the world of humor and fun. A cool, comic, funny holiday scenario for your favorite teachers will dispel the notes of sadness on an autumn day with your songs, some of them are alteration songs, skits. In the proposed humorous scenario, there is a performance of new Russian grandmothers, numbers from parents.

The script for the corporate party on Teacher's Day

It's nice for the teachers' brethren to gather in a circle of colleagues on a professional holiday and sit, relaxing at a beautifully laid table. So that the event does not seem boring, we offer a script for a teacher's corporate party for Teacher's Day. The event takes place in the form of the program "Zucchini 13 chairs". Why did the corporate party get such an unusual name? Yes, everything is simple: a chair in the life of a teacher is a special, ritual thing. The script is full of toasts, competitions, skits. Have fun teachers, such a corporate party happens only in October.

Explanatory note

Over the long years of its existence, our traditional holiday has "accumulated" a lot of poetic and prose congratulations and "leads" to concert numbers. From year to year they "roam" from script to script. And it's hard to come up with something new, original.

In my opinion, a traditional holiday in a particular school is valuable precisely for its “local” flavor: in each educational institution there are "stars" - talents (readers, vocalists, dancers, etc.), whose performances uniquely color any event.

However, you can prepare several surprise details that will make the traditional event bright and memorable.

I bring to your attention the scenario of the holiday with surprises for educators.

Holiday script for Teacher's Day

Surprise 1

Pupils write targeted congratulations to their teachers in advance on sticky notes. Stickers are attached to the stand, which is located at the entrance to the school.

Meeting the teachers at the entrance, the attendants offer the teachers to remove the congratulations addressed to them from the stand.

Holding a holiday

Surprise 2

The hall is decorated with bouquets of "living" (of course, fallen, but not yet dried) autumn maple leaves and rowan branches. They are everywhere: on the walls, in vases on the windowsills, on the stage - yellow, red, crimson. The hall looks bright and festive. Smells like autumn.

Sounds "School waltz"

Ved.1: Hello, school.

Ved.2: Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Ved.1: Dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day.


Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,
Today it suddenly blew in the spring,
Flowers bloom today in every heart:
Teacher - today is your holiday!


The path of the teacher is not a mistake,
After all, this is not a job, but fate,
Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,
Today, everything in the world is for you!

Ved.2: The floor is given to the director of the school ...

(Word of the director, rewarding teachers)

Ved.1: There is no teacher without students. And this means that today is a holiday not only for them, but for everyone who studied and is studying. Everyone studied at school: our grandfathers and grandmothers, mothers and fathers, and even you, our respected teachers. It turns out that Teacher's Day is a national holiday.


Excellent routes of knowledge
We're on the journey of life
From the primer to the mystery of the universe,
From school desks to sunny heights.


And in this ceaseless ascent,
As a conductor, attentive and strict,
Leads through work and inspiration
Comrade and mentor - TEACHER.


Congratulations 1st class:

1. Our teacher!
Nothing can be measured
All that you have given to us.

2. You taught us to love and believe,
With all my heart now
We are grateful to you!

3. Who teaches us?

4. Who torments us?

5. Who gives us knowledge?

6. This is our school teacher -

Amazing people.

7. It is clear and light with you,

The heart is always warm.

8. And sorry if it's on time

The lesson was not learned.

9. From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate

All of our teachers

And we wish you all good health



Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Today, every person celebrates it, because no matter who he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all he is someone's former student. The school teaches us all the ABC of life.


We taught in childhood, friends,
Our alphabet from A to Z...
There is great power in letters,
when we can read them.


Let's play: name some letters of the alphabet and remember the qualities that school teaches us. For example, A - accuracy ... What is the next letter? What quality of a person can you name with the letter "B"?

Surprise 3

Hall game. The presentation is on the screen. The slides open gradually after the response from the audience.


The background music is "What they teach at school"


You give us your power
Open far and wide!
We could say many words
But in one big "Thank you"
They all merged today.


But today we congratulate not only teachers, but also our dear educators.

The teacher knows everything, everything can,

Though affection from life does not expect.

Children will stop at a gallop,

He will enter the thundering hall.

Poetry composes, draws,

She cooks and knits and sews

Playing on stage, dancing

And even, imagine singing!

This song is for you.

(to the motive of the song "Smile" from the movie "Carnival Night")

If you are sometimes sad and sad,

If someone in your group is naughty,

It's not on purpose, it's not on purpose.

It's just that we have energy.


So let's get all excited

Let's forget this time.

And good mood

Will not leave you anymore.

If we don't answer well in class,

If we forget to learn the rules,

We also get what we deserve,

But we know how to hide grief.


Surprise 4

Festive comic fortune-telling lottery (it is necessary to prepare tickets and predictions for each teacher present)

Ved.1 .:

There is an ancient belief among teachers that all predictions made on this day come true! Let's check?


Let's check! And now we offer you a festive lottery with a prediction of your fate. We ask teachers to pull out a ticket! (the presenter walks around the hall, approaching each teacher)

(music background)

№1 - Button- You will be given something beautiful of clothes this month

№2 - Wheel- This month you will win a car if you buy a lottery ticket.

№3 - Flower- this month you will become even nicer and more beautiful

№4 - Candy- Sweet, sweet life awaits you this month

№5 - 10 kopecks- You are expecting a salary increase

№6 - Bay leaf- Great success awaits you at work

№7 - Geographic map- travel this month

№8 - pepper- be careful, you can quarrel with a friend

№9 - Dummy- this year you will have an addition to the family

№10 - heart- A romantic adventure awaits you this month

№11- ringlet- this year you will definitely attend the wedding

№12 - Crown- we congratulate you, today you are the queen of our holiday!

№13 - Snow (on head)- surprise check

№14 - Pasta - be careful, there are many false promises waiting for you

№15 - Umbrella- only good weather awaits you in your family

№16 - A spoon- wait for guests

№17 - Fur coat- expect a cold winter

№18 - Lips- Alas! Your hopes will not come true

№19 - Shovel- this year you will definitely find a treasure!


In the lesson, the teacher is with us,

And calm down for you and me:

Lots of useful knowledge

Will be given to children.


Without a teacher - we know for sure -

We can't live in this world

And so your work is important

We will appreciate everything from childhood.

A scene is being performed for you.


The music of G.V. Sviridov "Time, forward". A cameraman appears (somewhere off to the side) and a reporter with a microphone.

The reporter: Hello dear friends! Welcome to the TV news program "Vremya". We are reporting from the walls of the boarding school №5. Everyone understands what school means to each of us, what an important place it occupies in the minds of our government. One can feel the daily care of the president, the Duma, the governor about the school and its students...

The reporter: We are talking to the principal of the school. (The parodic role of the director with a somewhat caricature appearance is played by children.)

Meet... What is special about your school?

Director. Mmmm... I need to think about it.

The reporter: Think. Do you have favorite students?
Director:(shrugs). Who will tell you the truth!
The reporter: What about your favorite class?

Director: Well-u-u-u-u, you are my dear ...

The reporter: Thank you very much for an interesting interview. Let's go along the corridors of the school to the classes. (A student runs out with a huge briefcase). Here is the student! Just look how hard it is for him, he bends under the weight of textbooks, notebooks! Poor thing! We will immediately send a request to the deputies of the Duma about the overload of children.

(The director helps the child put the satchel on the table and starts (so that everyone can see it) pull out a huge bottle of Fanta, magazines, a large bag of chips, a player, CDs, headphones ...)
Director: Where are the books and notebooks?

Student: But! (In the hands of a small notebook.)

Director: Well done! I see that you are ready to go.

The reporter: As you can see, this is a school of joy and happy childhood! And we say goodbye to you. See you on the air!

Ved.1: Thanks guys for the congratulations. And we continue.

Ved.2: A comic poem “It is possible and impossible” will be read to you by ...


Explain to me friends:

Why can't I do everything?

You can’t sing in physical education,

Jump on literature

I can't eat at work

You can't sleep anywhere.

Lena told me:

- Stupid you, as if from a log!

You can eat and you can sing

Jump, sleep, look out the window,

And you can chat with a friend,

Just be very careful

Imperceptibly, silently…

I exclaimed: “You are a coward!

I'm not stupid, I'm brave!

That's why I can't do anything!"

Elena Duke


Let's remember teachers - veterans of our school. This poem is dedicated to them.


You are a Teacher with a very large letter,

With a young and beautiful soul!

How many long years, how many winters

Do you give your soul to the young?

And so the soul for many years

Remains young

Will be full of happiness and health!

Bouquets of flowers are presented to teachers-veterans.



Everyone chooses for himself
woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil or the prophet -
everyone chooses for himself.

Everyone chooses for themselves
a word for love and for prayer.
Dueling sword, battle sword
everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for themselves.
Shield and armor. Staff and patches.
The measure of final retribution.
Everyone chooses for themselves.

Everyone chooses for himself.
I choose as well as I can.
I have no complaints against anyone.
Everyone chooses for himself.

Yuri Levitansky


So you once chose the path for yourself. This road led you to school. Some have walked this road for a lifetime, while others have just stepped onto it. We have prepared a slide show for you, which we called "The Road of Life". Let's watch it together...

Surprise 5

Slideshow for teachers about teachers.

Invitation to the stage and congratulations to teachers-"anniversaries" (according to teaching experience)


We meet today at school

Bright holiday of teachers.

You accept, dear ones,

Congratulations from all children!


For affection, kindness, care,

We want to thank everyone.

Collect all the flowers in the world

And give you today!

Surprise 6

Gifts are given to all teachers (“Children are the flowers of life” - a hand-made craft)


And at the end of our holiday, a congratulatory video for you.

Surprise 7

Congratulatory video


Thank you all for your attention. Our holiday concert is over.

A wonderful script for Teacher's Day

As usual, first compiled overall plan holiday. It would be useful to include a number of questions.
1. Issue of wall newspapers dedicated to Teacher's Day (there may be poems, friendly cartoons, information about teachers, their photographs).
2. Colorful congratulations on Teacher's Day, festive decoration of the school, lyceum.
3. If there is a radio center in the educational institution, select the material and organize the program “From the bottom of my heart”. The program may include conversations with teachers, their favorite pieces of music and poetry.
4. Competition for the best essay, story, poem dedicated to Teacher's Day.
5. Festive concert.

Additional recommendations:
1. The holiday must be made fun, bright, memorable (do not be afraid to fantasize!).
2. It is advisable to keep the preparation of the holiday secret, the surprise of congratulations will bring more joy.
3. Do not leave a single worker-teacher unattended.
4. You can arrange a tea table.

Auditorium. In the background of the stage is a colorful congratulation on Teacher's Day. Before the beginning of the evening, the melody of D. Kabalevsky's song "School Years" sounds. The light is slowly going out. If there is such an opportunity, a group of fanfarists and drummers enters the stage. They perform the signal "Listen everyone!". To the sound of the signal, the presenters enter the stage.

We can't contain our excitement and joy
Listen to us, Motherland! Listen Earth!
Our greeting! Hello!
Hello dear teachers!

Each of us is ready to give you
A thousand kind and affectionate words
From your yesterdays
From your current

Today we are on behalf of every heart

Leaders (together).
We say thank you! Thanks! Thanks!

Strict and affectionate
Wise and sensitive
Those who have gray hair at the temples,
For those who have recently left the walls of the institute,
To those who, having told us the secrets of discoveries,
Teaches in work to achieve victories,
To everyone whose proud name is "Teacher",
Our huge warm hello!

Everyone has your name in sight - Teacher,

And your burden in the world is not light.
How do you keep your name in holiness,
How good you do on Earth
How do you celebrate the holiday
How do you love your family?
Everything is entered into your bright book.
Your work cannot be measured by the usual measure,
And all this suffer teachers' nerves.
How the light shines in your house,
When you woke up, what time did you go to bed
And how interesting was your lesson,
How kind are you
You are so strict.
How did you walk home?
Nothing escapes the gaze of people
And this is understandable - you are the conscience of children!
You are the best of the best,
Our glorious teacher
And the demand from you is strict, and the honor is high,
You go through life unbroken path
And your burden in the world is not light.

We know many professions, yet the teacher is the most important of all.

Teacher's Day is a special holiday. Every person celebrates today, because no matter who he is - a president, a sailor, a driver, a doctor, a musician - first of all he is someone's former student.

Teacher, before your name We bow our heads and knees. All his life the teacher burns with a bright flame, Wishing to light the way for generations.

The burden of a teacher is not easy. Most often, this burden on their fragile shoulders is carried by beautiful women - masters of their craft. These are people who brought up more than one generation.

Many wonderful people are present at our evening, our beloved teachers. "Teacher-mentor", so they say about the director of our school (full name).

During the last words of the presenter, a group of students enters the stage. They sing a song to the tune "If it wasn't for you..."

If I did not have you,
It wouldn't be such a pedagogical team,
And only thanks to you
He's so famous and handsome
Famous and handsome.
You have been in office for many years - a serious period,
To the last days from the basics.
And if you sum up all the cases,
The monument is ready for you!
There are thousands of students!
Your work will remain for centuries,
And everyone who is ready to study here,
In your caring hands
In busy hands.
You are a woman (man) - there is no more beautiful,
Director - better not to find
Such (wow) - go around the whole wide world,
You will not meet on your way.
If I did not have you,
Guess we couldn't wait
Unravel the secret of life
Just to create you
For director...

Students give flowers to the director. The director goes on stage and makes a short congratulatory speech to all the teachers. The director invites those who wish to speak.

The school of knowledge and wisdom is our abode.
And now the story about you will go -
Kind and wise wonderful teacher,
Glory to you and honor!

In a wonderful life, on the road of discovery
A kind and strict teacher prepares us.
The teacher is not only our patron,
Concurrently, he is a tamer.
We are stubborn, impudent, playful,
We do not learn lessons - it happens sometimes.
Thank you,
Thanks for being so patient
Thank you for loving us!

The melody of the song “Oh, the viburnum is blooming” sounds.

The students are singing.
Oh, viburnum blooms,
Stronger these days, oh
Today the school is celebrating Teacher's Day, oh,
We sincerely wish that for many years
Your smiles bloomed like viburnum,
Teachers' smiles bloomed like poppies.

1st student.
Oh, you (full name of the teacher, for example, Sofyushka Ivanovna),
Good as clear as the sun
Without white - the face is white,
Without blush - scarlet cheeks,
Without antimony - eyebrows are black,
If the braids were not cut,
Would have been below the waist.

The student gives the teacher flowers. The melody of the song "And the battle continues again" sounds.

The students are singing.
Make a review - we are not the first time,
Again we are torn, as if into battle,
And victory is ahead when there is someone to follow.
And the hall is open again.
All views are in first place.
Our creativity
U (full name, deputy director for educational work) is in good hands!

Students present flowers to the Deputy Director for Educational Work.

5th student.
Do you have rheumatism? Sclerosis?
Bad press?
Maybe frail hands?
So get up quickly!
Ease your pain!
There in the gym
The master of sports sciences is waiting for you (full name of the teacher of physical education),
Our fizruk.

The student gives flowers to the teacher. An old graduate of the school enters the stage. He talks about his teachers, about what years of study at the Lyceum gave him.

Once, on Cosmonautics Day, Alexei Arkhipovich Leonov was asked whom else, in addition to his colleagues, he would like to congratulate. “The one without whom this holiday would not be possible, those whom we love, remember, honor,” the astronaut answered. And, above all, our teachers. Each person has his own teacher, without whom all further could not have taken place ... "

We love you very much for everything:
For knowledge, for skill, subtle humor,
for strictness and kindness,
For your selfless burning!

Where to find worthy words
Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,
We are grateful to all of you
That we love you very much!

We wish you creative growth,
So that the head does not sit.
So that the face is not noticed
We have appeared wrinkles.
To warm the world with your smile,
And there are thousands of reasons for this.

You will always stay by our side.
Because we always need.
So you'll never grow old
Never! Never! Never!

And now we invite you to take a short trip to the country of television.
Host (looks at his watch).
Its time to begin. 18-00.

On the TV screen, the program "I myself."

A television worker comes out, he loudly slams the film box, says: "Frame 38, take one." Leaves. There are two chairs on the stage, draped with cloth. On one sits a TV presenter, disguised as Yulia Menshova.

TV presenter.
Good evening, dear friends! On our screen is the TV program “I myself”. And I am her host, Yulia Menshova. Today we have an interesting meeting. I want to invite the director of the school to our studio.

school principal before last minute knows nothing. He enters the stage in complete bewilderment, sits down on the second chair.

TV presenter.
Please introduce yourself.

The director introduces himself. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
Everyone has a motto when achieving their goal. Name yours.

TV presenter.
Do you consider yourself a daredevil who decided to take on this difficult burden - the position of director?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
Tell me, please, do you enjoy going to work?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
How do you encourage diligent students?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
How do you deal with delinquent students?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
How do you manage to stay in such great physical shape?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
If a magician appeared now, what cherished desire related to the lyceum would you ask him to fulfill?

The director answers. Audience applause.

TV presenter.
This is the kind of director raised by the staff and students of school No. ... Especially for the Professional channel. See you. Yulia Menshova was with you.

Everyone leaves. Cheerful music sounds. On the stage, the scenery is set for the next program - "First Date". The leader of the festive evening comes out.

Our beloved second mothers, now for you a fragment of TV advertising!

Two teachers enter the stage, they bend under the weight of the bags, from which the students' notebooks look out. And then a teacher in high heels comes out to meet her with a light fluttering gait. She has a small notebook in her hand. Stopping and looking at her colleagues in bewilderment, she asks: “Is it hard? .. Learn to work in a new way! Due to the reduction in funding, the course of study is reduced, and, as a result, the abilities of students are reduced. Documents of the teacher and notebooks of students are placed in one notebook. She turns to the audience and shows the audience a notebook in her outstretched hand. “Three in one: meager salary! Decaying learning process! Defective knowledge of students! Three in one!"

Cheerful music sounds. Everyone leaves the stage. The leader of the holiday again takes the stage.

Host (looks at his watch).
18-30. For lovers of melodrama, the TV show "Regular Date" is on the screen.

Cheerful music sounds. Lead 1 leaves. The TV presenter takes the stage.

TV presenter.
Hello dear ladies and gentlemen! The program “Regular Date”, which you know well, is on the air. Now you have the opportunity to laugh, relax, be happy for people who, even if they meet every day, get to know each other better only here, on our program. Now our participant (full name of teacher) will enter the stage - a naturalist, handsome man and tempter of women's hearts,

The teacher takes the stage - a participant in the program. A piece of cheerful music sounds. Applause. The guest of the program welcomes the hall.

TV presenter.
Three beauties claim the right to own his heart. Meet! Our members!

On the stage, as they are announced, the participants - teachers come out.

TV presenter.
The first participant comes from Moscow. In secret, she admitted that the language of dance is closer and more understandable to her. Her dances captivate everyone.

The participant, dancing to cheerful music, enters the stage. The hall supports her with applause.

TV presenter.
The second participant is from Nizhny Novgorod, funny funny things happen to her all the time. I don't think you'll get bored with her.

Cheerful music sounds. The second participant enters the stage. She stumbles and almost falls. Hall laughs. She smiles shyly and spreads her arms.

TV presenter.
What did I tell you!
TV presenter.
The third member is a sweet woman, she loves sweets. This sweet tooth assures that she is capable of tasting a rather strong cake for the first, a bowl of ice cream for the second, and a bite of dozens of sweets for the third.

Music sounds. The participant enters the stage with a "chupa-chups" in her mouth, behaves and grimaces.

TV presenter (addressing the participant).
You say you are lucky. Yes, it certainly is. Now let's check. Few people manage to choose the best from the best. You have a difficult task ahead of you. And now we move on to questions that will help our participant make right choice ladies of the heart.

First, let's say hello. Hello members. Number 1.

1st participant.
Bon jur!

Number 2.

2nd participant.

Number 3.

3rd participant.

The hall supports the participants with applause.

Promising start! You have already intrigued me. In what ways will you try to achieve your goal?

That was great! I even imagined it myself, and I liked it. Thank you.
I love to sleep in the morning and it is almost impossible to wake me up. How will you wake me up?

The participants respond. Applause.

Now I like it, but in the morning I am not responsible for myself! How are you going to surprise me?

The participants respond. Applause.

I am surprised! Do not take it for indiscretion, but try to let me know that you are in love with me.

The participants respond. Applause.

Not bad. What do you think a man should do at home?

The participants respond. Applause.

Well, you were dreaming! Okay, how do you feel about humor? Say something funny. I think that the task number 2 will not be difficult for the participant number 2.

The participants respond. Applause. FOR EXAMPLE:
2nd participant: I was invited to the beach. There was no bathing suit. I went to the market, bought a bathing suit, and, without going home, went to the beach. There, when I first emerged from the sea, all eyes were on me: my swimsuit had lost its color and was completely translucent. So I lay under the towel, hiding from curious and, I hope, admiring eyes.

TV presenter.
The questions are over. And now we move on to the main thing, to the choice. So, your choice!

The task, of course, is not an easy one! .. And yet - number 2!

Hall applause.

TV presenter.
And now you will see who you rejected. Number 1.

Cheerful music sounds. Dancing, participant number 1 comes out. The participant groans, sighs. The hall cheers with applause.

TV presenter.
Number 3!

The contestant exits, grimacing and licking the lollipop. The contestant grabs his heart, showing that separation from the contestant could take his life. The song sounds: “For four seas, for four suns, it turned out you were throwing words into the wind” ... Applause from the audience.

TV presenter.
And here is your choice!

The participant number 2 comes out. The participant is satisfied, hugs, kisses his chosen one.

TV presenter.
Goodbye! See you soon! We invite new members of our fun TV show! Who else is looking for his beloved? We are waiting for you!

All participants in the TV show leave the stage. A cheerful song about happy love sounds.
Change of scenery on stage. They take out 2 tables (as many as possible), chairs according to the number of participants in the team (2 or 3), flags with the team emblem are placed on each table. A "television worker" runs out onto the stage. He slams the film box, says, "Frame 138, take 1." The TV presenter of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby” appears on the stage. In the background, the scenes are strengthened by posters on which the inscription: "Through the mouth of a baby."

TV presenter.
Good evening! We are glad to welcome you to the festive edition of the program “Through the Mouth of a Baby”! Today we are visiting two (three) teams - participants of the program. Meet! The first team... is represented by (full names of teachers): As part of the second team... (full names of teachers).

Teams go on stage, sit down.

TV presenter.
You all know our funny show. Each competition is evaluated on a three-point system. You are given three explanations for each thought word. If you guess after the first clarification, you get 3 points, after the second - already 2 points and after the third - you have 1 point. The team with the most points in the final wins! So, the first psychological puzzles!

Three students take the stage. They have balloons in their hands.

1st participant.
The salary depends on it.

3rd participant.
This is the more the better.

The answer is "discharge". Whoever wins first gets tokens according to the number of points. Hall applause. The TV presenter announces in turn the following puzzles, which are voiced.
Suggested puzzles for the further progress of the transfer.
"Hobby" (hobby)

Many people simply cannot do without it.

This takes a lot of time and money.

But they get a lot of fun.

Hint: It's different for every person.

This is when you can luxuriate in bed for a long time.
This is usually what money is spent on.
It's when you do what you want

Hint: When you don't want it to end.

It's designed to get our attention.
And it happens very often, and nowhere can you get away from it.
There is always something so insistently offered that it is impossible to refuse.

Hint: Often you look and even more often you don’t understand anything, what’s the matter?

Interested people come here.
Some people stay there for a long time.
And many people often take with them what is there.

Hint: Our school has it too.

After that, they raise the salary.
This is when a group of people evaluates one.
This is when you tremble with fear.

Hint: Prepare carefully for this.

"Summer camp"
This is when it's warm, there are a lot of friends around and everyone has fun.
This is when they eat and sleep together at the same time.
This is an expensive pleasure these days.

Hint: This is where they swim and sunbathe together.

It brings a lot of joy.
At the same time, they often scream and jump with happiness.
Many rejoice with you.

Hint: It's waiting for someone here soon.

Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony. Applause. The TV presenter says goodbye to the team members and the audience, thanks everyone: the participants for their ingenuity; spectators - for active support of the players. Everyone leaves the stage. The leaders of the festival take the stage.

Our holiday is coming to an end.
We congratulate you on your holiday,
Never mourn for anything.
We wish you never get sick.
Always be happy, loved.
Good luck to you all! And in everything!
And let them settle in your family forever
Fun, luck, love for each other,
We wish you happiness,
Health, of course
And smart and kind students!
May this holiday concert
Everything will tell you for us
That so many years
We love you very much
For honesty, wisdom, intelligence, talent,
For the clarity of your eyes
For your kindness
So rare now.


Don't you dare forget the teachers
They care about us and remember
And in the silence of thoughtful rooms
Waiting for our return and news.
They miss these infrequent meetings,
And no matter how many years have passed
Teacher's happiness builds up
From our student victories.
And sometimes we are so indifferent to them:
Under New Year do not send them congratulations,
And in the bustle or simply out of laziness
We don't write, we don't visit, we don't call.
They are waiting for us. They are watching us
And rejoice every time for those
Who will pass the exam somewhere again
For courage, for honesty, for success.
Don't you dare forget the teachers
May life be worthy of their efforts.
Russia is famous for its teachers,
The disciples bring glory to her.
Don't you dare forget the teachers!
A. Dementiev

Honorable and complex
teacher work,
calling, heart
They are called to the road.
But knowledge is wealth
You give again
And with them - hope,
Good and love!
holy patience
And genuine laughter
perseverance, joy
And faith in success.
Live with dignity
Giving us strength
Always tense
So, not in vain!
