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Tire service business plan. Tire fitting marketing Billboard tire fitting

A car has long ceased to be a luxury. Almost every family has transport. Therefore, any business related to car maintenance will bring good profits. Every small town or neighborhood must have a tire service. How to open it? Let's figure it out in order.

Types of tire fitting

Today even a person without certain knowledge and skills can do it. The main thing is to have patience and the desire to succeed. How to open a tire shop needs to be drawn up first. You should first decide which type of tire service will be most in demand in a particular region. The most common is a stationary workshop. This is a traditional type of activity that includes the entire range of services related to the functioning of wheels.

It will be much easier to draw up a business plan for mobile tire fitting. This is a mobile auto repair shop on wheels, which will require much less financial expenses to open. The range of services that will be provided to clients should be determined in advance. You can earn much more not only by installing tires, but also by selling them. In addition, you can offer used tires in good condition.

It is also worth considering that tire shops are divided according to the type of vehicles they service. The most common are workshops for You can also draw up an exclusive business plan. Tire fitting for specialized equipment (dump trucks, cranes and trucks) will be popular in the metropolis.


It is not enough to create a competent business plan. Tire fitting must be documented so that there are no problems with government agencies. Initially, you need to register with the tax authority. A small workshop can be opened self employed. In the future you will have to pay single tax. In addition, you must register with pension fund. The more employees work in the workshop, the larger sums will have to be paid to government agencies.

Additionally, you will have to sign a lease agreement with the premises in which the services will be provided. It will be easier for those who decide to open a mobile tire service. To provide services you will only have to find a suitable vehicle.

Workshop equipment

How to open a tire shop from scratch? A business plan will not be complete without selecting appropriate multifunctional equipment. All devices that can be used in the workshop are divided into automated, semi-automated and computerized. The last option is the most expensive, but it also greatly simplifies the work of the master.

First of all, you need to purchase diagnostic equipment. With its help, a specialist will quickly be able to identify any defects and damage to the tires. Further work in the auto repair shop depends on the quality of diagnostics. To paint wheels you will have to purchase a special painting machine. You also cannot do without welding and balancing equipment. To inflate tires with nitrogen, a special installation must be used. Nitrogen significantly slows down the aging process of tires and prevents wheel corrosion. To heat treat damaged tires, you will have to purchase special vulcanizers.

What else should a tire shop have?

The workshop must be provided with a certain supply of cutting tools, gloves, special glue and other materials necessary to provide the full range of services. It is worth remembering that all cars are different. The workshop should provide assistance to owners of both domestic cars and foreign cars. You will first have to stock up on all the materials necessary for the work.

The face of the workshop

What other points should a business plan include? Tire fitting is a popular establishment among car owners. It is necessary to ensure that clients return to the workshop again when necessary. For this, high-quality service provision is not always enough. The workshop should be clean and tidy. The clothing of employees also matters. Ideally, it should be the same uniform for everyone with the name of the company.

Before opening a workshop, you can contact a specialist to develop a logo. The designer will be able to create an original emblem that will become the face of the tire shop. The logo should be placed on the stand at the entrance to the workshop, and also on the uniform of the company's craftsmen. The tire shop logo should be easily recognizable and pleasant to read.


The profit from its work depends on the location in which the workshop will be located. It is most optimal to open a tire shop near highways and gas stations. You can also start working in close proximity to major highways, parking lots and a train station. The main indicator here is the large influx of cars. The more vehicles pass by the workshop, the more drivers will pay attention to it.

Is not the best option for those who decided to open a tire shop from scratch. The business plan must include a client audience. It is worth considering that in a confined space the number of regular visitors to the workshop will be limited.

When choosing a place for business, you need to pay attention to whether there are similar auto repair shops in the immediate vicinity. Unhealthy competition can become a serious obstacle to the development of your own business.

What costs will be required?

Possible financial expenses must include a business plan. Tire fitting can be expensive if you plan to provide high-quality services to a large audience. But the initial investment will quickly pay off. If we take into account all the costs at the initial stage, to open a large workshop you will need at least 8,000 USD. e.

What will a tire service business plan include? The sample will consist of basic costs. The purchase of basic equipment will require about 2500 USD. e. The purchase of tools and equipment will require about 500 USD. e. Rent will cost approximately 500-600 USD. e. monthly. Additionally, you will have to purchase cash register equipment. Its cost today is approximately 300 USD. e. You will have to spend about 200 USD on consumables. e. at the initial stage. An advertising campaign and furniture for the workshop will require another 2000 USD. e. In addition, you should take into account the costs of wages to employees.

If you don’t have a large amount of money, how can you open a tire shop? A business plan can also be drawn up at minimal cost. In this case, the services will have to be provided independently in your own garage. Such a workshop will require no more than 1000 USD. e. at the initial stage. But you shouldn’t count on big profits either.

What problems might arise?

In any case, both at the initial stage and during the work, problems may arise and professional difficulties. Tire fitting is no exception. First of all, it should be taken into account that this type of activity is to a greater extent seasonal. Car owners most often change tires in early autumn or spring, when weather conditions change. This should definitely be taken into account when considering a tire service business plan. Any specialist will say that it is better to start promoting a workshop in mid-autumn. When will drivers need to change the tires on their vehicles, tire fitting should already be known to many.

Competition can also be a big problem. This is especially true for those who decide to open a workshop in a small town. You will have to work hard to gain trust and popularity. At the initial stage it will be possible to attract clients low prices and various promotions. The more services the workshop offers, the faster it can grow.

Advantages of the tire business

Despite the difficulties, tire fitting can generate good income if organized correctly. This type of activity is quite profitable. As practice shows, even small workshops organized in garages pay for themselves very quickly. Provided that the services are provided by two masters, the approximate monthly income will be 1000-1500 USD. e. In the off-season, profits can increase several times.

To open a workshop, you will not need to obtain certificates and various licensing agreements. All you need is to register with tax office and pension fund. A minimum of official paperwork is another significant advantage. In just a month, if you wish, you can start a profitable business.

What should you keep in mind?

It is necessary to take into account all the nuances when considering a business plan (example). Tire fitting will be profitable if the work is done competently. To do this, only highly qualified mechanics should be invited to cooperate. On wages You can't save employees. Work done by bad craftsmen can lead to disastrous consequences. Often the cause of an accident is poorly installed tires. Just one incident can ruin the reputation of a workshop for many years.

Invest in tire service the better who understands this type of activity. Business should bring not only profit, but also pleasure.

Even an experienced mechanic who opens his own workshop may face a lack of clients. Let's look at how to “promote” a tire service, make advertising more effective, attract new customers and maintain the interest of regular ones.

How to attract customers to a tire shop?

  • Who is your client?
  • What are his needs?
  • Why should he turn to you?

The answers to these questions will be the starting point in determining the most effective methods marketing.

Let’s take a closer look at what needs to be taken into account to attract customers to a tire shop.

1. Increase loyalty

Nudge the client to take action. Offer him to take a free photo of the car immediately after the tire service. Best photos post on Instagram or others in social networks. Most likely, the car owner will repost the photo, which means your logo will be seen by potential clients.

2. How to deal with dissatisfied clients

Every business has unhappy customers. Arguments and excuses will not help here; they will only negatively affect the company’s reputation.

To improve the situation, you need to balance the negative with something positive. You can assign bonuses for minor bugs found. You can respond to a complaint with a promotional coupon, discount or special offer, for example, free storage of winter tires.

The main thing is not to ignore complaints, otherwise dissatisfaction will only grow. Let clients talk on the phone, enjoy bonuses, fast feedback. So, even if controversial situations, you won't lose customers.

3. Seize territory

  • Distance rule. Install outdoor advertising tire service not far from the workshop. With a serious breakdown, the driver will not get far, and with a minor breakdown, he will not go to the other end of the city.
  • Rule of attention. Be aware of the entrances to the city. Some of the orders are from non-resident drivers. When a driver gets a flat tire on a long journey, he will go to the first sign, where they will quickly fix it. So place your ads where people are looking for them.
  • Context rule. While standing at a traffic light, the driver will not have time to read a long text. Therefore, the boards contain directions, contacts and a list of services. Don't overload your ad with unnecessary elements.
  • Rule of reciprocity. Remember your partners. Spare parts stores, Insurance companies, gas stations - none of them mind your business card.

When will investments in tire service advertising pay off?

It is impossible to answer this question. For results advertising campaign influenced by many factors, including the age of the tire service and the qualifications of the employees. If you are planning to open your own business and are afraid that your investment will not be returned, the best solution is to buy a ready-made tire service.

When purchasing, the payback can be calculated. An existing tire service already has a certain base of regular customers, generating income immediately after purchase. You will have a foundation that will provide a return on investment. Based on it, you can build a new advertising strategy to increase the profitability of the tire service.

Tire fitting is a seasonal business and this is no secret to anyone. Typically, tire shops have two peaks of activity per year during the general “change of shoes”, when many switch to round-the-clock operation. The rest of the year there is a moderate lull in this business.

The first peak occurs at the end of autumn, when suddenly cold weather sets in and the roads freeze or snow falls and all car owners decide at once that they urgently need to change their tires. This decision is especially strongly influenced by the number of road accidents, the consequences of which people observe from the window of their car. Accordingly, long queues immediately form at almost all tire shops, and for several days or weeks the work is simply in full swing. The same thing happens in the spring, when the snow melts and asphalt appears, although more moderately, because you can drive quite tolerably on winter tires in the spring, it’s not like driving on summer tires on icy conditions.

Here, for example, is the statistics of queries for the word “tire service” in search engine Yandex.

Two seasonal bursts are visible very clearly. And it would seem that tire shops live and exist only for these few weeks. However, the standard approach to this business has significant disadvantages:

1) Due to long queues, potential customers are lost, whom competitors are happy to serve

2) Most often, the flow is such that there is no time to even offer the client any additional services, which means lost potential profit

You can compare this to a funnel through which water is poured into a bottle. The funnel has a limited throughput and if you try to pour out all the water at once, then in the bottle you will end up with only what the funnel was able to get. Everything else will splash around. If you squeeze 2 liters of water into a small funnel at once, then 200 grams will fall into the bottle - the funnel physically cannot contain more. How to make sure that all 2 liters get into the bottle? Pour more slowly, and not all at once - this is obvious.

What do water, funnel and bottle have to do with it?

In fact, this is a direct analogy for the tire business. The bottle is the cash register, it is the capacity of your “pocket”. Funnel is throughput production capacity. If you can serve 100 clients in a day, then even if you want to, you will not be able to let 130 through. Water is precisely the clients. And when all of them burst into your tire shop at once on the cherished day of the first ice storm, most of them “spill over” among competitors. And your first task is to stop this matter. How? You already know the answer - pour less, but longer.

You need to “stretch” the re-shoe period so that all your customers have time to change tires and so that none of them goes to competitors. And to do this, it is necessary in advance, 1-2 weeks before the general boom, to invite clients to come change their tires on a certain day and time, that is, by appointment.

In addition to convenience for your business, your clients will appreciate this approach to business. Most people always put everything off until last moment, and when you call them in advance and offer an appointment, this is regarded as a fact of caring for the client. So, instead of say 500 clients in a short burst, you can serve 2000 clients over a longer period of time. Without any queues, fuss and hassle.

Of course, for this you must have a customer base with telephone numbers so that you can call them. It is also highly advisable to collect e-mail addresses from them so that you can send reminders via email. If you don't already maintain a customer database, start as soon as possible. It is clear that not all clients will agree to come change tires “by appointment,” but most usually agree, and this will significantly simplify your work. Plus, you won’t lose potential customers who, when they see a long line, can easily go to another tire shop. It turns out that you made it convenient for your regular clients, and didn’t scare away new clients, and evenly loaded yourself with work.

How to increase profits?

In addition to “stretching out” the re-shoe period, you need to think about how to squeeze maximum profit out of each season. In marketing, there is the concept of customer lifetime value - this is a figure showing the average amount of money that one customer brings you for the entire time he comes to you. Let’s say that on average one client leaves you 1,500 rubles per visit. For a year, that is, for two seasons, it will be 3,000 rubles. Plus, let's assume that you are lucky and you are building a business on regular customers and on average each client uses your services for 4 years. This means that you can get at least 12,000 rubles from one client. But for this, of course, 2 conditions must be met - you need to retain the client all this time, and plus this will not allow competitors to “take away” part of your profit. If these conditions are met, then you receive your guaranteed “minimum” from each regular customer.

However, no one limits you to the amount of money you can earn from a client, and the “minimum” is far from the limit. If a client comes to you only 2 times a year, then you absolutely need to make every effort to ensure that he leaves you as much money as possible during these 2 visits. That is, you need to increase the size of the average check. There are two main ways to do this - selling additional services and selling products.

The product can be various small car accessories and various “small things”. At the same time, the sale of goods does not take away work time, since this can be done while the client is waiting for his car. Always remember that you must squeeze maximum profit from every meter of available space and from every minute of working time, and while the car is being re-shoeed, the client can easily leave some more money in your cash register. However, simply putting the product on display is not enough. Of course, there will be some sales, but you can increase them significantly if you tell customers about what you sell.

In this regard, you can learn a lot from the Moscow “LuxMolService”, in which the trade in car accessories is a little different from how it is done elsewhere. The standard range of auto products at service stations includes air fresheners, auto chemicals, document covers, wallets, and souvenirs. At LuxMolService, customers are offered more original items that are not sold in any store at every turn. For example, indicator caps that show tire pressure. Thanks to the fact that they specially hung an information poster at the tire service station and told all customers about the new product when changing tires, 8 out of 10 customers who came for re-shoes left with these caps. Plus, a keychain that measures tire tread depth is selling very well. During tire fitting, the client is shown his work and explained that the tread depth needs to be measured before each change of shoes or when purchasing used tires. This keychain is also bought quite often, sometimes in several pieces, to give to someone you know.

As for additional services, there are also many options.

For example, many consider a service such as inflating tires with nitrogen to be useless. However, your personal opinion about this is completely irrelevant if the client wants and is willing to pay for it. If you don't offer it to him, someone else will. In addition, you must understand that in addition to solving problems with the car, you must give emotions to your customers. People love the new and unusual, and they also love to share their experiences and tell their friends about themselves. Give clients the opportunity, in a conversation with a friend, to mention that “I recently went to a service center here and pumped up the tires with nitrogen.” And if you also screw colored caps onto the tires instead of the usual ones as a gift, as they do at the Moscow service station "Valentina", then the client will generally be in seventh heaven.

Another service that some of your clientele will be happy to purchase is finishing balancing. Well, and everything else like cleaning rims, washing wheels and repairing tires.

By increasing the average check, you can significantly increase the lifetime value of the client, and instead of the “minimum” you can get, say, 1.5 times more. The more services and products you can sell to a customer during that particular visit, the better. Because the next time you will see him no earlier than in six months. But there is another problem - how can you be sure to attract a client next season? One of the ways is to make a preliminary call so that your clients cannot be “intercepted” by someone else. However, there is another method that gives you concrete guarantees that the client will come to you for the next shoe change. I'm sure you guessed that I mean such a service as seasonal wheel storage. This is a very useful service not only in terms of making money, but also in terms of retaining clients. After all, if their wheels are stored with you, then during the re-shoe season they will come to you. In addition to storage, you can offer the service of treating tires with special preservative compounds, as is done, for example, at the General Auto service center.

Again, to successfully sell seasonal storage services, you need to actively offer it to customers, and not just put it in the price list. And here the best way sales is customer education. How many of them know that if wheels are stored improperly, the rubber will deform and this will reduce their service life and may affect safety? Explain to your customers why it is beneficial for them to store wheels with you, what the consequences of improper storage can be, and a third of those who have not even thought about storing tires will agree to buy such a service from you.

Of course, all of the above applies not only to single tire fitting, but also to car services with tire fitting stations, and to shops selling tires and wheels that provide related services.

For a car service center, tire fitting is not a very profitable business, but it makes it possible to guarantee that you will attract a client at least twice a year. Considering that the average frequency of visits to the service in Russia is 1.4 visits per year, this is a very significant advantage. Indeed, in addition to changing tires, selling additional tire services and accessories, you can also offer the most common services such as wheel alignment, for example. It is enough to simply explain to customers that this, first of all, prolongs the life of the suspension and improves the vehicle's handling on the road, and this in turn increases driving safety.

Business related to cars and their maintenance has its own specifics. So, for example, beginners should not expect instant profits, because such enterprises become profitable approximately a year after starting work, and this is normal, because they need time to create a solid client base. This can be done by paying due attention to tire service advertising. This article is intended to help entrepreneurs identify the most effective ways promotion and abandon obviously useless options.

Point design


Outdoor advertising


Billboards as a promotion tool can only be used if it does not put too much of a strain on your budget. Be creative and remember, billboards have long become boring to consumers, so slogans should not be hackneyed and promotions standard. Offer, for example, a discount to every person who takes a photo of a billboard - this is guaranteed to interest and attract customers.



Order a bright pillar and install it in a place that is clearly visible from the road. Make sure that the “tire service” sign is visible from afar - otherwise the driver may simply ignore the stand.

Advertising on transport

IN Lately Mobile tire fitting is gaining popularity. If you provide such a service, you must place appropriate advertising on the car. So, the car must have the name of the workshop, an emblem or a thematic image, as well as a contact phone number.


Remember, you need to make sure that not a single potential client passes by your tire shop. For this purpose, in addition to banners and pillars, you can also use special signs. You can use the standard options - an image of a tire on a blue or yellow background, the inscription “tire service” and the distance to it, or you can develop your own design. The main thing is that the index is visible and easy to read.

Internet advertising


Today, virtually any enterprise needs its own website, and tire fitting is no exception. Hire specialists who will make a good business card website and optimize it for search queries. Remember, the page should have a good interface and a clear menu - this will simplify the task for customers who will search necessary information. You should also not expect that the result will be instant - it will take some time to promote the site. You can also advertise your discount in a prominent place. Invite visitors to print this ad, present it at your tire shop and pay 5% less than the cost of a specific service.

If you decide to create a website on your own, be sure to read our articles:

Here we have laid out our experience and opinions on the use of various tools that you will simply need in your work. This will allow you to reduce the time it takes to select the necessary resources for its creation and get profit from the site as quickly as possible.

Advertisements on classifieds sites

Try to use all the possibilities of the Internet. Yes, you can post free advertisements on city websites, and also mention your tire shop on forums. This kind of advertising will not require any financial investments from you, but it can bring you clients who may well become permanent and bring relatives or friends with them.

Printable advertisement


You should distribute leaflets regularly, preferably once a month. Order the first batch from a printing company and distribute them in parking lots and other places where a lot of cars gather. It will be enough to simply leave a leaflet on the windshield of the car - this simple method will guarantee that the driver will definitely notice your small ad.

Business cards

Hand out business cards to every visitor to your tire shop. Don't try to save money; indicate that the bearer of the business card is given a discount - this will significantly increase customer loyalty. In addition, the business card must include the address, telephone number and website of the company.

Print advertisements

Explore everything printed publications cities, and select those in which advertisements for this kind of services are often posted. Provide information about yourself to such publications, but remember, such publications are responded to more often if the source is identified as an individual rather than as a business. This little trick will help you attract more clients.

TV ads

TV newspaper and/or ticker

TV promotion costs significantly more than many other types of advertising. However, if the tire service budget can accommodate such a load, you can place your ad on local channels. However, it is not at all necessary to choose a daily broadcast - in order to save money, you can advertise only on weekends.

Radio advertising

Audio clips

Radio is a good advertising resource, especially considering the fact that it is usually listened to by motorists on the road. So, you can record a bright and memorable audio clip and pay for its broadcast on local radio stations. Remember, such advertising also cannot be classified as cheap, but the benefits of its placement are also obvious.


Discount cards

In the same printing house where you order leaflets, business cards and booklets, also order a batch of discount cards. Such “club” cards will increase customer loyalty, help attract new and retain old customers.

Carrying out price promotions

Conduct current seasonal promotions and widely announce them through all available advertising channels. Remember, they must be relevant, thoughtful and beneficial for both the client and the business.

Word of mouth

Remember best advertising- this is the quality of the services provided. Car enthusiasts regularly communicate with each other, and if your client mentions your tire service and emphasizes that the service was provided at the highest level, drivers from his social circle will also be drawn to you.

Examples of tire shop slogans

  1. Competent and sincere tire fitting.
  2. Wheels must have their own master!
  3. Always have a spare tire at the ready.
  4. Change of shoes without a queue!
  5. Tire fitting is easy and simple!
  6. Fast, high quality, with a reputation.
  7. Service in a cube.
  8. Your personal tire service.
  9. Your peace of mind while driving is the quality of our work!
  10. Service you trust!
  11. We'll make you some candy!
  12. Professionals will help.
  13. Your car is in good hands.
  14. Professionals will help.
  15. We exist because you need us.

There are more and more cars on the streets every year, which means the need for secure parking lots, tire shops, car services, and gas stations will always grow along with the number of new cars.

Today we will look at the strategy for opening your own tire shop and list the main problems of this business that you may encounter at the start. We'll also give useful tips and recommendations for starting your own tire business, which will not only simplify the opening process, but also help make it profitable and well-known.

So, how to open a tire shop from scratch?

To open your own tire shop, you will need to perform a number of activities:

1. Go through the procedure registration of your activities. It is enough if the business starts to be built alone. The presence of a companion requires registration

Features of the tire business

Tire fitting can perform various jobs at the discretion of management and the capabilities of employees. However, there are a minimum of services that should be provided in such an establishment.

Your service specialists should be able to do the following types of work:

  • Removing wheels;
  • Tire repair (punctures, cuts);
  • Wheel balancing;
  • Tire change (seasonal);
  • Installation of new tires on wheels.

From the size of the list of services that the service can offer clients in many ways depends on his success and, accordingly, income.

If you initially plan to provide a narrow range of services, you can organize a mobile tire service that goes directly to the client. To do this, you will not need to look for a place, but only purchase or rent a car of suitable size.

Place to open a workshop

Most appropriate place to open a tire shop – an area with constant traffic.

Entrances to garage cooperatives, areas near gas stations, roadside cafes and hotels, shopping centers, near parking lots, on the outskirts of the city, are perfect for locating such a service.

When looking for a suitable location, it is important to take into account the presence of other similar establishments on this street, or if there are a large number of them and they have been working here for a long time, it will hardly make sense to open your installation next door to them.

But if you have information about any of their shortcomings - long lead times, high prices, poor quality of services provided, then you can and should open up next to them and work in contrast.

For tire fitting you will need about 30 sq. m of territory so that it is possible to carry out work comfortably and efficiently. In such a room everything can be freely accommodated necessary equipment and there will be room for cars.

May be considered open air option, but you should understand that there will be few people willing to repair cars on the street in bad weather and this will provoke a turnover of valuable personnel, who are already difficult to find.

Can serve as a building for tire repair garage, shed or any other suitable place for this.

Building a new premises is an expensive business; it is better to rent an existing one and carry out minor repairs on it. It is desirable to have heating, water supply and electricity in such a building.

The more conveniences there are in a tire shop, the more willing people will be to work there. The premises must fully satisfy the requirements of the fire inspection and SES; only after receiving their conclusions can work begin.

The room should have:

  • Place for eating;
  • Sink with toilet;
  • Locker room.

In the future it is possible to equip separate room for clients to relax so that they don’t stand on the street waiting for a car, but sit on a comfortable sofa with a cup of coffee.

Equipment for a tire workshop

To complete the service, you will first need to determine the range of services provided and, based on it, make a list of equipment necessary for purchase:

  • Rolling machine for rolling discs;
  • Car balancing stand;
  • Vulcanizer for repairing rubber products, tubeless tires, restoring tightness;
  • Jacking equipment;
  • Bathroom for checking wheels;
  • Compressor;
  • Machine for tire work;
  • Charging for batteries;
  • Tools.

In addition to the equipment listed, you will need to purchase consumables: patches, tourniquets, chemicals, etc.

You can start with the repair work of passenger vehicles, and having established yourself in this below, you can expand the range of services and include truck maintenance.

Workshop staff

Personnel selection must be approached responsibly: choose quality, not quantity. Let there be 1-2 specialists in the service at first, but they must know their job well and perform the assigned tasks efficiently.

Special education in this area is not required. What is important is knowledge of cars, a love of working with them and having hands that grow from the right place. Satisfied customers will definitely talk about your service if they got their car repaired quickly and efficiently.

Minimum staff:

  • Director (you can independently perform his functions);
  • 1 or 2 maintenance staff.

Appearance and behavior of employees play an important role because it is unlikely that anyone will want to return to a place where they swear, smoke constantly or are slightly intoxicated.

A work uniform for employees will give the establishment respectability, and politeness and attentiveness towards each car owner will inspire trust and gain respect.

Tire service advertising

To promote your tire shop, you will have to put in a lot of effort, given that there is no shortage of such establishments. It is necessary to attract attention and stand out from other services.

To do this you need:

  • come up with a name and make a sign on the building;
  • equip employee uniforms with emblems with the name of the service.

The name should be memorable, with meaning, maybe even humor.

Then you need to print it leaflets with the word: "ACTION" and insert them under the wipers on the windshield. Information about any discount will certainly interest car enthusiasts, and they will be happy to look into the showroom.

You can offer free wheel inflation or replacement of the spool and caps during seasonal wheel changes. You can also invite car owners to visit your tire shop without waiting in line by appointment. This opportunity will please those who like to save their time.

Tire fitting from scratch: business plan

After analyzing the necessary cost items, you can roughly calculate the costs:

  1. – 10,000 rubles.
  2. will cost 30,000–60,000 rubles. The final figure depends on the area; the busier the avenue, the higher the monthly fee. Electricity and water costs should be included in this price. If you have your own premises, this expense item is excluded.
  3. Equipment costs on average will be 400,000 rubles. You can save on it by purchasing the necessary equipment second-hand, which has already been used before. But to select used equipment, it is necessary to have a person who understands such equipment. This will help you avoid running into damaged or non-functional devices.

Required amount Money to open a tire shop - an average of 500,000 rubles.

Tire fitting as a business: payback

Everything related to cars, if properly organized, can generate high incomes, and tire fitting is no exception. There will always be a demand for such services, and especially in spring and autumn, when the need to replace tires arises.

With the correct location of the service, the presence of employees who understand cars, high-quality work constant flow clients will be provided. In this situation, the service will pay for itself within a few months.

considered highly profitable since it does not require large financial investments at the initial stage, and can bring good income from the first months.

Prices for services vary and depend on the complexity of the work. Thus, re-aligning four wheels costs from 1,300 to 3,100 rubles depending on the radius of the wheel, repairing a tire costs from 100 to 1,000 rubles.

Every day, with a good flow of clients, the service can bring revenue up to 20,000 rubles, but in the season even more.

Possible problems

The main problem in tire fitting is big competition. Car service centers and tire centers are located in literally every yard and it is very difficult to settle, maintain and develop your business.

When opening a tire shop, you should carefully study the area to identify the demand for the services you offer.

Opening such a service will be cost-effective in big city, even if there are competitors, than in a sparsely populated area where there are few cars.

The second problem in tire fitting can be called seasonality of this business. When opening your service, you should understand that your income may not be stable. The peak of profits will be in the fall and weight - the time to replace winter wheels with summer ones and vice versa.

The rest of the time, income may decrease significantly. To increase income during quiet times, you can offer additional service client – ​​storage of wheels, for example. But in this case, you need to have free space.

When opening your own tire business, you need to focus on the quality of the work performed, carrying it out in short time without compromising the final result. Affordable pricing and polite staff will attract customers; over time, some of them will become regulars and will tell their friends and relatives about your service.

At the initial stage, there may be difficulties with those wishing to use your services, hence the constant turnover of personnel, but with a little effort you can stabilize your activities and then the tire service will begin to generate consistently high income.

How to open a tire shop? Watch the following video for detailed instructions:
