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What is the price list called? How to make a price list - step-by-step instructions. Information about the company itself in the price list

Price list- an indispensable tool for a consultant, because it indicates distributor prices for products (those for which the consultant buys the product), for samples, catalogs and printed literature, Bonus Points have been calculated. The price list is published every 3 weeks, the price list number corresponds to the catalog number. The price list number can be seen in the header. Each consultant receives a free price list upon ordering.

The columns in the Oriflame price list mean:
CODE- each Oriflame product has its own code. It can be found in the catalog or on the product packaging.
DISCOUNT- Current discount on this product in the current catalogue. The discount is calculated on the full cost of the product.
NAME- the product's name
BB- Bonus points are points that Oriflame awards you for purchasing this product. Based on the Bonus Points you have collected, you can take part in company promotions and receive valuable gifts and bonuses. Read more about the company's shares
OP- sales volume, i.e. product price excluding VAT. Based on sales volume, group turnover is calculated and a volume discount is paid.
DC- distribution price, i.e. the price at which the consultant buys the product from the company.
PC- consumer price is the price indicated in the catalogue.
NP- immediate profit, the difference between PC and DC, i.e. how much money a consultant will earn from selling this product.

The Oriflame price list has several sections:
. New items in the catalog - codes and names of products that first appeared on sale are indicated;
. All products presented in the catalog;
. Special catalog offers - catalog promotions. For example, buy 1 product for 99 rubles, and 2 products for 149 rubles, etc.;
. Mini-catalogue - sometimes the catalog is accompanied by an insert - a mini-catalogue, in which you can order products with big discounts;
. Products not presented in the catalog - Oriflame products not presented in the catalog can also be ordered at the Distributor price;
. Testers - codes and prices of product samples. IMPORTANT! The last 2 digits of the lipstick sampler code correspond to the 2nd digits glued to the base of the sampler;
. Exclusively for BC - price list for a special offer, which is valid only for Business Class participants (Business Class participants - a consultant who placed an order for 150 BB in the previous catalog period).
. Wellness - price list for Wellness products;
. Oriflame corporate materials;
. Catalogs - prices for catalogs and discounts when ordering 5 catalogs or more.

This article will not have long introductions, which are typical for me. I will tell you how to create a selling price list using the example of one of our cases.

There will be specific steps that allowed us to increase the conversion after sending the price list by 12.7%. Therefore, quickly study and begin implementing or even completely reworking your price list.

Similarities and differences of prices

When you contact different companies to find a solution to your need, you ask them to send you price lists for the final solution.

Usually, Commercial offer It's different for everyone. What can’t be said about the price lists, which are all similar to each other, like two drops of water from the same ocean. Although I’m lying, there are 3 differences that you can find in them:

  1. Company details;
  2. Number of positions;
  3. Price difference.

And here’s an example for you: standard sample price list Standard upload from 1C to Excel. Usually 20-30 sheets if printed. The more titles, the more sheets.

Standard price

And that's bad! Once in our lives we saw a catalog that was not only “scary”, but also consisted of 212 pages. Excuse me, but this is something special, such a document not only takes a long time to read, but also takes a long time to download.

If it turns out that there are a large number of items in your catalog, then you need to find out the client’s needs and send only what he really needs.


Our conclusions on the revision of the price list

Based on the information above, we could already draw conclusions about the modifications of this tool. But we went further, conducted a survey among our customer’s clients and drew conclusions, which I will now tell you about.

Conclusion 1. A potential buyer requested 3-5 price lists from different companies and compared prices. The main criterion for selection was price. Conditions such as delivery, guarantee, payment were already in second place.

Conclusion 2. Most often, the client looked at the first 2-3 pages of the price list, no more. This was quite enough to understand pricing and make a decision to work with this company.

Conclusion 3. Since our client was engaged wholesale clothes, then the decisive factor for making a purchase decision was the availability of photographs of the items. On the website, in in social networks or in the price list itself, it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that the buyer can see everything with his own eyes and choose a product to suit his taste, which in his opinion will sell best.

Conclusion 4. Everyone asked for discounts, even though the price list already indicated the most low price. And they believed that it did not yet include a discount. Therefore, they bargained during the conversation until the first blood was drawn.

There were dozens more different thoughts, but they were all one-time in nature. This means that you could rely on them only at your own peril and risk. We chose not to do this, since a decrease in conversion means a decrease in profits.

How we changed the price

The main thing in this matter is not to get bogged down in introspection. Therefore, it was decided to take what we have and build on it.

After all, we clearly understood that if we continued to call and find out more information, we would rather get confused than get a positive effect from a large amount of input data. We started to act.

1. They raised prices a little

As stupid as it may sound, we have raised prices by 5% on most products, except. This was done on purpose, since without it we would not have been able to implement point 2.

And besides, this allowed us, because for the product for which we raised the price, our competitors have no analogues. This means there is no way to compare.

2. Added discounts

Discount 5% and 8%. To receive goods at this price, it was necessary to make a purchase for a certain amount. For 10,000 rubles to get 5%, and for 25,000 to get 8%, but we didn’t tell new clients about the conditions for receiving a discount before sending it, so that they would want to find out about it on their own.

And in order for these discounts not to work against us, that is, not to the minus, we made point number one.

3. Hired a photographer on staff

He began to photograph new positions and insert them into 1C. We gave approximately the same task to sales managers - to look for photos of products on manufacturers’ websites and also insert them into 1C.

In just a month, with the painstaking work of 3 people, 10-15 thousand photos can be inserted into the price list. Naturally, first of all you need to insert photos of the most popular products.

4. Made special marks

"Bestseller", " Special offer” and “New”. And they highlighted them in large letters and red so that they would catch the eye.

Perhaps not very fair to customers, but often these were not “New Products” at all, but simply what we needed to sell first. That is, in fact, managers inserted warehouse balances, auction goods, etc. into these categories.

This move also allowed us to visually design the price list and split it into sections so that the client would not fall asleep when scrolling the mouse wheel due to the uniformity of all the lines. Therefore, we also implemented gray highlighting in two shades.

5. Gave a task to the programmer

Naturally, it’s not enough to come up with innovations; you need everything to be automatically uploaded from 1C to Excel. To be honest, we had less trouble with the first four points than with this one.

It really took a lot of nerves, effort and time. The main problem was with importing not text, but photographs from 1C into Excel, but we solved that too :-).

This is what the price list looked like after our changes. Agree, it differs from the first picture for the better. And as I wrote above, the average conversion, after sending such a price list, to a transaction increased by 12.7%.

Selling price

Now (6 months have passed since the implementation) I can already see what could have been done even better. For example, change the vibrant red color to a pleasant blue, which is more conducive to purchasing.

You could also write the cost based on ours. For example, make a column with additional benefits ours.

I am not ashamed to admit this, as we are constantly learning. And those who order the development of advertising materials from us now receive more professional developments, but again at a higher price. I say this so that you understand that this is not a perfectly designed option, but a good basis for an example.

What to do with a high price

Naturally, we had a problem that the photos took up a lot of space on the hard drive (about 300 megabytes), and sending it via e-mail completely became impossible, but we found a solution for this:

  1. Do not send all items in one document, but find out the client’s needs and send according to certain brands;
  2. Post a price list for the service, where you can scroll through it online without downloading it to your computer and do it from any device.

In addition, we prepared and created a special and commercial offer, in which we described in detail all the advantages of our client.

Together with the selling price list, we got it good selection.

Briefly about the main thing

As I wrote above, this case could have been made even better; it was possible to develop a title cover, highlight individual items and put stickers on them, name the products with your own article numbers so that no one could compare them.

But this is all an improvement to the ideal. For the basis to understand how to create a selling price list, these steps will be enough for you. Now let’s summarize how to act correctly if you want a selling price list:

  1. Beautifully decorated;
  2. Break down into categories;
  3. Have stickers and photos.

And here are a few more parting words for the “path”.

1. Use the “Discount” columns or columns. This has a magical effect on purchasing decisions, especially in the wholesale industry.

2. Always call your clients back after sending the price list. As a rule, all sales managers are guilty of this.

3. Avoid excuses. “I feel like he’s a competitor,” “He won’t buy anything,” “He’ll call back.” Common inventions of sales managers to protect themselves from calls.

4. Don’t spare money on price changes. Especially in 1C, this can cost tens or even hundreds of thousands of rubles, depending on the complexity of the system, but even if it increases conversion by 1%, it will pay off many times over in the future.

When communicating with representatives of service businesses in various areas, we are often faced with the need to maintain a price list of services or work. For some, this is a document with hundreds of items, for others, it is a catalog in which several key lines are recorded. The price list for most companies is, of course, in rubles. Some bill in standard hours or points. In preparing this article, we analyzed about 30 organizations - representatives of medium and small service businesses:

  • maintenance of gas distribution systems;
  • IT outsourcing;
  • video equipment maintenance;
  • repair of office equipment;
  • maintenance of retail facilities;
  • Housing departments, homeowners associations, management companies, etc.

And now we can say exactly why a service company needs a price list, whether it is possible to do without it and what it should be like. Let's find out!

Price list of services. What are the features?

In everyday life, we often come across the cost of certain services: beauty salons, taxis, repair work, etc. In service companies working with legal entities according to agreements and contracts, price lists are the same necessity. Firstly, they allow us to formalize interaction on a wide range of issues. Secondly, the presence of a price list increases the transparency of the contractual and financial relations of the customer with the service company. In fact, the presence of such a cost directory in an organization is a set of rules that allow regulating specific conditions for the provision of services or performance of work as part of interaction with clients. Note that the lack of value or its uncertainty may be due to the following factors:

  • VIP service / one-time job. Practiced within the framework of relationships with specific customers. Often upon request.
  • Made to order. By the way, this is exactly the wording that can be used in the price list.
  • Unique offer for the market.

Hierarchical price list

In most companies, the catalog of billable work or services is hierarchical.
Here is an example of a multi-level price list for scanner repair from the website of one of our clients:

Standard hours and specifics when developing a price list

In cases where some services can be provided at different costs depending on different parameters, some service companies create a price list based on man/hours. That is, the conditional “Expansion and installation of batteries” “costs” 4 people/hour, and “Consultation on the system. Basic” - 0.5 person/hour.
Payment amount according to various types and price list items may depend on the model of the asset being serviced, the capacity of the equipment, the remoteness of the facility, etc. In such cases, it is often more convenient to charge per hour of working time. Standard hours for payment for services provided are used to simplify the relationship between the client and the performing company. This practice is quite common in other countries.

Depending on the specifics of the activity, the position in the price list and its cost can be for 1 meter, for 1 circuit, for every 100 Watts (as when servicing climate control equipment), etc.

Our practice and research show that price lists very often contain coefficients relative to the base cost. They are also listed in the price list. The coefficient may be increasing, for example, due to the involvement of a more highly qualified specialist, work performed at night or outside the work schedule, the remoteness of the site, etc. and downward, for example, in cases of batch execution or for specialized organizations.

The price may include costs for auxiliary materials, delivery, etc. However, often the price of spare parts and used parts is not indicated in the price list, since it may depend on the supplier and other external factors. In such cases, this must be specified additionally.

Many companies try to minimize their risks and costs by introducing separate lines for penalties in the item catalog.

Tariff and package plans. Subscriber service.

There are a large number of companies operating without a price list. Service support and the provision of services is provided as part of the subscription service. In fact, such service includes a certain set and quantity of services, that is, a package. The price is set for the package. Often, packages differ in the scope of included capabilities and quality parameters: response time to requests, turnaround time, the possibility of emergency departure, service delivery schedule, etc. Sometimes packages or tariff plans are associated with a certain amount of allocated time or the number of jobs served (in the case of IT outsourcing or support centers for software solutions).
Service support and provision of services within the framework of a subscription fee or according to tariffs are more profitable for the company, as they allow:

  • plan employee workload;
  • scale your business;
  • increase profitability.

An example screenshot of the support section of another client of ours:

It is important that if there are package offers and tariff plans, a service company can also offer one-time work, for which there must be a price list.

Price list of services and legislation. Cost regulation and price limits.

There is a statutory obligation for different types of services and industries. So,
in the HOA or management company There must be a price list for the types of services provided. Tariffs for municipal houses are approved by a mayor's decree. However, private companies have the right to determine the cost of services independently.

According to clause 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 1997 N 1025 “On approval of the Rules consumer services population in Russian Federation", the contractor is subject to obligations to provide reliable information about the services. At the same time, he is obliged to indicate a list of services provided, prices, including materials used, etc. That is, sometimes a company’s price list is regulated by law.

Some services and their prices may be subject to or may be subject to restrictions. limit level prices:

Why does a service company need a price list for services?

Ufff... Let's sum it up! :)

The presence of a formed price list is an indicator of the company’s maturity and serious attitude towards the customer. Agree, providing services in the “on the market” format, when the cost is determined depending on the weather, mood, impudence of the buyer or the company itself, should finally become a thing of the past. Having a price list is, first of all, transparency in the relationship between the customer and the contractor. And taking into account the fact that the formation of the cost of services in each specific company is not the simplest process (you need to take into account costs, prices of competitors, set a profit margin, etc.) - this is a kind of guarantee of the quality of the entire service business. Well, and finally, the price list can be yours competitive advantage, both in terms of the price component and the uniqueness of some positions, including additional features that increase ease of interaction and customer loyalty.
And, on the contrary, the absence of such a catalog of the cost of typical work indicates, among other things, the lack of efficiency of internal processes and the unpreparedness of the company itself.

Are you a service company that works with legal entities? Then be sure to create your price list of services or describe in detail the possibilities of subscription fees and proposed tariffs. Let the relationship with your company be transparent for customers, and let your business be profitable! :)

By the way, our Okdesk support service automation system has a special module for maintaining a price list and using it to generate a specification for a completed request.

A well-written and beautifully designed price list is no less powerful a marketing tool than. The benefits of using price lists are underestimated by many entrepreneurs, which leads to the loss of customers.

What is a price list?

Business dictionaries define a price list as a list of prices for goods or services offered by an organization. This term is borrowed from in English and comes from the words “price” (price) and “list” (list). The price list has replaced the previously common word “price list” from use, although the meaning of both words is identical.

Price lists are used by both large suppliers and small entrepreneurs focused, for example, on. Price simplifies the management of the company's assortment, increases the transparency of the company's relationships with clients and increases its profitability.

Price list - how to spell it?

The correct spelling of the word “price list” is hyphenated. This option is used, for example, in the academic spelling dictionary compiled by the Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, as well as in the Bolshoi explanatory dictionary Russian language (2014 edition). As a synonym with a simpler spelling, you can find the word “price book”. In addition, often the “price list” is shortened to “price list”, and the interlocutors understand that we're talking about about the price list.

Price list structure

To make a price list, you need to understand the order in which information should be presented in it. The price is, in fact, the company’s offer; its purpose is to push the client to purchase. Therefore, the following price list structure is recommended:

  1. goods or services for which discounts and promotions apply - promotional products, as they attract with the opportunity to benefit from the purchase;
  2. main offer - we are talking about products that are mainly of interest to customers, about what there is the greatest demand for;
  3. additional assortment - this category includes items that support sales of the main assortment;
  4. related products or services - complement the main offer, forming a single complete set with it;
  5. spare parts, components, etc.

This order of supplying the assortment is considered the most convenient and helps to increase sales after the client familiarizes himself with the price list. Speaking about what can be included in the price list, in addition to the list of goods and prices itself, it should be noted:

  • Company name;
  • logo;
  • reference information about the company;
  • additional information about goods and services.

How to make a price list?

Creating a price list can be divided into several stages:

  1. Drawing up a document in Microsoft Excel. Excel makes it easy to make adjustments to the document, and the tabular format is optimal for a price list.
  2. Creation of names of goods and services. Each company assigns its own product names. The clearer the names are and the better they allow you to group products, the more convenient it will be for the client to navigate the price list.
  3. Maximum product disclosure. It is recommended to provide the client with as much as possible useful information about goods and services, sorting it into separate columns. For example, if we are talking about goods, it is advisable to indicate not only the price, but also color, length, width, weight, etc. - everything that matters when choosing.
  4. Adding pictures. Small images can be inserted into the cells of the column following or preceding the product names - this will simplify the search for the right products when reading the price list.
  5. Dividing the price list into working and client. The working document indicates, among other things, contact details of suppliers and the cost of purchased products. This price list will make the work of employees easier so that they can find the supplier’s phone number for a particular product. Information about suppliers and product costs is removed from the price list for clients. In this case, it is not necessary to maintain two documents separately - you can only fill out the working price list, and before sending the file to clients, simply delete the necessary columns and cells and save the document under a different name.
  6. Definition of markup. If the company is engaged in commodity business and cooperates with both retail and wholesale clients, several prices should be indicated in the price list at once - for retail, for wholesale and large wholesale. When determining the markup, you need to rely on the prices of competitors in the niche and your desired earnings.
  7. Refusal of “round” prices. This is not a mandatory requirement, but advice that is worth heeding. According to research by psychologists, people trust round price values ​​(14,000, 800, 1,300) less, believing that these numbers were taken at random. Customers respond best to numbers 5, 7 and 9, so it is recommended to indicate a price, for example, not 5000, but 4970.
  8. Removing identical products. You need to make sure that there are no identical items in the price list - this can mislead the client.
  9. Sorting. If you have a large assortment, you can divide it into several sheets. At the same time, it is advisable to highlight the sheets themselves in Excel with some catchy colors so that the client will notice them when working with the price list. You can do this by right-clicking on the sheet tab and selecting the “Tab Color” command.
  10. Point of contact with the client. It is important to remember that the price list is a marketing tool and helps. In order for the price list to fully perform this function, it needs to be beautifully laid out, checked for errors and indicate the company’s contact information. Also on the first sheet you can include a description of the company and a list of advantages over competitors.

The design of the price list plays an important role. The following rules must be observed:

  • elements related to each other must be located nearby;
  • all parts of the text must be visually related to each other, this can be achieved using alignment;
  • if some elements are repeated, their design must match;
  • the information in the price list should be organized so that it can be quickly read and found the desired item; for this, different colors, outlines, lines, fonts, etc. are used.

How to create a price list online?

You can find many proposals for creating price lists on the Internet. Design and sales specialists offer their services in this area. If your budget allows you to use these services, then it makes sense to turn to professionals.

If you don't want to spend money, you can create a price list online for free and with pictures using the Google Sheets service. It is a spreadsheet editor similar in functionality to Excel. At the same time, Google Sheets makes it possible to make changes online and provide access to viewing or editing documents to an unlimited number of people. Access rights are determined by the document creator.

Beautiful price list - sample

The best way to understand what a price list can and should look like is to use a visual example:

This is an example of a working price list - it shows the purchase price of goods, the products are sorted in alphabetical order, and no additional design elements are used that would help navigate the assortment. But since this is a working price, in this form it is good for company employees.

Separate these two concepts and never “fill the price list with water” with justification for the need to buy your product, or with a long story about your company, its mission and history. There is such a thing as a sales funnel. At each of the turns (levels of the funnel) you must form correct communication with your counterpart. The correct one is laconic, specific. Based on this, the person to whom you send the price list should already be familiar with your company. If both the presentation of the company and the story about prices occurs at the same time, then first all information materials should be presented as a separate material (file), and only then the price list.

To the village to grandpa's

Most likely, this warning will be unnecessary for most site visitors, but I still occasionally see price lists without full indication: contact information and contact person in company price lists. Indicate the coordinates of your company - address, telephones, fax, e-mail for orders - good tone and proper communication. You need to provide bank details as needed (avoid too much information). The reason is clear: analysis of prices and ordering goods are usually separated in time. Payment details can be filled out on another sheet. You can also specify a list of your distributors. Believe me, no matter how beautiful the logo for your company is, it alone will not be enough.


My next warning applies to marketers involved in creating a price list. Inserting a company logo into Excel is good and necessary; inserting photographs of product samples is up to you and is determined by the business customs of your market segment. However... A price list that says 3 megabytes is not a tool, but a work of art. Try sending this “brick” by email, or try opening it quickly when you have a client on the phone asking for advice on prices. When the price list opens for 30-40 seconds, it doesn’t go through by email, or it’s difficult to download from the site when bad internet, this situation is an example of poor communication.

How does the price gain weight? The main devourer of resources and the reason for inflating the weight of a document is its design: stripes, frames, highlighting, embedding photographs - everything that makes the document beautiful in design. If all this cannot be ignored and it is precisely this “beauty” that is required from you and the price list, be sure to pay attention to the graphics posted: photographs, drawings, logos.

A typical mistake: insert pictures as they are without cropping, and simply make them smaller in the document by pulling a corner. The image in the price list has shrunk, but its “weight” remains the same. All graphics must be reduced in size to fit the required width and height BEFORE importing into the price list. Be sure to reduce the resolution to 72dpi. The graphics in this print will look quite tolerable, and will “weigh” little.

Product ID

Product ID, otherwise - product code - a unique short designation of a product item, an identifier that will be further used when creating and processing an order. More precisely, not even the one that will be used in all of your accounting policies (purchases, product movements, reporting). If you purchase goods, then use the article numbers, part numbers of the manufacturer or vendor.

If you yourself are the owner of the brand and co-developer of the product accounting system, you can use product model numbers and even line numbers in Excel. Here, decide for yourself, do not forget to first communicate about this with sales managers, logistics managers and IT specialists (if there is a need to automatically pull the order into the accounting system). In any case, do not use descriptions of goods/services by abbreviating them. Otherwise you will end up with something like .

Price list currency

The fact that the use of several currencies is unacceptable is probably unnecessary to remind. One currency will make life easier for everyone - you, clients, logisticians, accounting departments, etc. This currency must be identical to that accepted within the business etiquette of your segment. Do not follow the lead of the accounting department and do not necessarily use the currency of your accounting policy. The price list is made for clients, not for the accountant! It is ideal when the currency of accounting policy coincides with the currency of business etiquette of a market segment. What's happened Business Etiquette? If market leaders quote prices in Euros, your prices should also be in this currency, and it does not matter in what currency you then issue invoices.

And please, colleagues, do not drag this currency into every cell of the price list. It is enough to indicate somewhere at the top something like: “all prices listed are in rubles.”

Product characteristics

Colleagues, do not fit ALL product characteristics into the cells of the price list table. The price list is not a technical catalogue. Indicate additional product characteristics only those that help distinguish one product in a group from another.

If you deliver goods in large quantities (trucks, wagons), or if your goods have large dimensions and (or) weight, be sure to indicate in the price list information about the number of pieces of goods in the transport packaging (number of pieces in a box), the weight of the goods, the minimum lot for ordering, etc. If there are many brands in the price list, indicate the trademark in the spelling that is accepted on the market. If brands are well identified by logos, place logos - this will make it easier to find the right brand and product. Sometimes it will be useful to indicate the country of production, name of the manufacturer, etc.

Minimum creativity

If you are not a market leader, or are a distributor (or dealer), use information from the manufacturers' price lists. There is no need to invent your own system of classification and designation. If you are a manufacturer, vendor, make sure that information about your company, your products (services) is correctly indicated in the price lists of your distributors/dealers, and other open sources (for example, databases, catalogs on the Internet).

Order Form

A price list is like a list of prices and products and a form for placing an order - different documents. Have both this document and the other. Please note that this form is convenient and easy to fill out for the client, and also, which is not unimportant, convenient and practical for loading the order into your company’s accounting system from, say, 1C. This way you will simplify the work of your colleagues, those who serve orders - logisticians, sales managers.

Terms of delivery and payment

Be sure to indicate with a footnote that the prices indicated are valid only when certain conditions deliveries and payments. For example: “The price is set subject to pickup from the supplier’s warehouse, subject to 100% prepayment of the goods.” If the price currency differs from the national currency, indicate the payment terms in the price list. For example: “Payment is made in national currency at the exchange rate on the day of payment.” Be sure to indicate from what date and until what date the prices are valid.
